Control-D Delivery Server Configuration
Control-D Delivery Server streamlines the process of distributing reports directly from Control-D to end-users. The Control-D Delivery Server stores distribution jobs within the file system and loads the delivery information into a dedicated repository queue. The Distribution Monitor is an application embedded and configured within Control-D Delivery Server. The Distribution Monitor uses Queues to oversee and regulate the delivery process, such as check and modify distribution job priority and status, look for errors, and re-send a failed job. The Control-D Delivery Server can also transform reports, such as Excel to PDF, before distributing reports.
You must configure the following modules on the Control-D Delivery Server before you can use the Control-D Distribution Monitor Application:
Active Environment: Starts and runs the Distribution Monitor, as described in Control-D Delivery Server Distribution Monitor Configuration.
Audit: Issues system messages for each active action, and saves them in the in the Audit log files, as discussed in Running the bmc-ctd-audit-reporting Utility.
Configurations: Define system-specific attributes, such as Transformers and Queues, and Alerts.
The following procedures describe how to configure Control-D Delivery Server:
(Optional) Control-D Delivery Server Desktop Settings Migration: Migrates Control-D Delivery Server data settings from an existing installation and import when you upgrade Control-D Delivery Server.
You do not need to do to migrate Control-D Delivery Server Desktop settings when you install Control-D Delivery Server for the first time.
Configuring the Control-D Delivery Server: Enables you to view all current running processes in the Control-D Delivery Server.
Control-D Delivery Server Distribution Process: Manages report distribution to multiple recipients and destinations.
Configuring the Recipient List with Control-D: Defines which user can receive emails from the Distribution Monitor.
Creating a Logical View: Enables you to alter the appearance of reports without altering the source report.
Definitions: Instructs the Control-D Delivery Server how to relate to the site-specific items that they manage, such as how to distribute reports.
The following procedures describe how to define the Control-D Delivery Server:
Connecting Control-D Delivery Server to the Control-D Mainframe: Connects Control-D Delivery Server to the Control-D mainframe repository.
Configuring Control-D Delivery Server Queues: Determines the distribution location, such as email or local files.
Log: Enables you to define logging criteria for the Control-D Delivery Server, as described in Control-D Delivery Server Log Files