Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application Report Management
Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application enables you to manage and view reports, which maintains order, compliance, security, and efficiency in the Report List window. The Report List window shows all reports from the Control-D Mainframe repository, as described in Report Properties Parameters.
A financial services provider distributes quarterly reports to clients. The financial manager uses the functions on the Report List window to do the following actions before distributing the reports:
Locate, review, add general notes, tag notes to the report.
Transform the original report into PDF and Excel formats, in accordance with the corporate style guide.
Send the report as an email attachment.
Add new subscribers to the email list.
Access historical information and identifies which user made corrections to the report.
Approve reports for distribution.
The following table describes the Report Management features you can use in the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application.
Feature |
Description |
Copy Report |
Copies reports to an existing folder, as described in Copying reports. |
Move Report |
Moves reports to an existing folder, as described in Moving reports. |
Delete Report |
Deletes reports, as described in Deleting reports. |
Notes |
Adds annotations and contextual information to reports, as described in Adding General Notes and Adding Tag Notes. |
Emails reports to designated recipients or groups, as described in Emailing reports. |
Configures the print settings, which enables you to print reports on different systems, as described in Configuring the Host Print and Printing Reports. |
Save |
Saves reports on your local computer, as described in Saving reports. |
View Report Properties |
Configures settings for to view report properties, which provides insights into report details and metadata, as described in Viewing Report Properties. |
Subscribe |
Enables you to receive reports automatically, as described in Subscribing to Reports. |
Approve |
Enables you to approve reports for distribution, as described in Approving Reports. |
Copying reports
This procedure describes how to copy report to an existing folder in the Report Viewing Tree.
From the Report List window, select a report.
From the
drop-down list, select Copy Report.
The Copy Report window appears.
In the To field, type the new location, or select the new location from the Folders tree.
Click Apply.
A copy of the report appears in the selected folder.
Moving reports
This procedure describes how move a report to an existing folder in the Report Viewing Tree.
From the Report List window, select a report.
From the
drop-down list, select Move Report.
The Move Report window appears.
In the To field, type the new location, or select the new location from the Folders tree.
Click Apply.
The report now appears in the selected folder.
Deleting reports
This procedure describes how delete a report from the Report List window.
From the Report List window, select a report.
From the
drop-down list, select Delete Report.
The Delete Report notification window appears.
Click Apply.
The report is deleted.
Report Notes
Report notes enable you to annotate general comments for the entire document or add tag notes to specific sections within a report. The Notes icon shows that the report has notes in the Report List window. You can view or add one of the following note types:
General Notes: Attaches to the whole report, as described in Adding General Notes. You can only have one General Note for each report.
Tag Notes: Attaches to specific areas of text reports only, as described in Adding Tag Notes. You can add a maximum of 1000 Tag Notes in each report.
Adding General Notes
This procedure describes how to add a general note to a report, which enables you to add extra information about a report.
From the Report List window, select a report.
The selected report appears.
From the toolbar, select Notes.
The Notes window appears.
In the Note Text field, type the note text as required.
The new note appears in the Notes window.
Adding Tag Notes
This procedure describes how to add a tag note to a report, which enables you to add extra information in a specific area of a report.
From the Report List window.
The report appears.
The report appears in Notes Mode.
Click Add Tag Note.
Select the text where you want to attach the tag note.
The New Tag Note window appears.
In the Note Name field, define a tag name.
In the Note Text field, type the note text as required.
Click Add Note.
The Tag Note appears in the Notes window.
Emailing reports
This procedure describes how to email reports to users, which enables external recipients to receive and view reports as a URL or as an attachment. You can also email a report that uses a logical view or has indexes.
From the Report List window, select a report.
Click Email.
The Email window appears.
From the Properties tab, do the following:
In the Send Options area, select the URL or Attachment checkbox.
(Optional) From the Logical View drop-down list, select a logical view to apply to the report.
(Optional) From the Send As drop-down list, select one of the following:
Use default transformer.
(Optional) From the Index tab, do the following:
From the Available Indexes area, select a folder.
From the Select Index Values drop-down list, select the required value.
Click Send.
The report is emailed to the recipient.
Print Reports
Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application enables you to print hard copy reports. The following printing options are available:
Host Print: Prints report data with Control-D printing rulers at the Control-D repository site, as described in Configuring the Host Print.
Print: Prints report data with a logical view on a local printer.
Configuring the Host Print
This procedure describes how to print report data with Control-D printing rulers at the Control-D repository site. The host computer must support the report format that you want to print.
From the Report List window, select the report.
From the Print drop-down list, click Host Print.
The Host Print window appears.
For each field, define the required parameters, as described in Host Print Parameters.
Click Print.
The report is printed.
Host Print Parameters
The following table describes the Host Print parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
Print Pages |
Determines whether you want to print all the pages in a report or specific pages. Valid values:
Copies |
Determines the number of report copies to print. |
Destination |
(Optional) Defines destination printer name. |
User Dest. |
(Optional) Defines the username that prints a report. |
Ruler |
(Optional) Determines which Control-D ruler to use in the report. |
Writer |
(Optional) Defines the report owner. |
Class |
(Optional) Defines the printing class to use when you print reports. |
Form |
(Optional) Defines the form format to use when you print reports. |
Formdef |
(Optional) Defines the form definition or a template to printing reports. |
Pagedef |
Optional) Defines the template or configuration, which describes how the printed pages must appear. |
Print Time |
Determines whether you want to print the report immediately or at a deferred time. Valid values:
Defines the recipients email address. |
Special Delivery Instruction |
Defines additional delivery instructions. |
Delivery Address |
Defines the physical address to distribute a report. |
Index |
Enables you to select Index criteria. The Index tab only appears if the report has indexes when you open the Host Print window from the Report List window or from the Report Viewing window. |
Available Indexes |
Determines which indexes are available. |
Select Index Value |
Determines one of the following Index Values:
Printing Reports
This procedure describes how to print report data using the Web browser’s print function. You can also include logical views and indexes.
From the Report List window, select the report.
From the Print drop-down list, click Print.
The Print window appears.
From the Print Pages drop-down list, select one of the following:
If you select Pages, type the required page numbers to print.
(Optional) From the Logical View drop-down list, select a logical view.
Click Print.
The report is printed.
Saving reports
This procedure describes how to save a report on your local computer as a .txt or .pdf file, which enables you to review the report offline.
From the Report List window, select the report line.
Click Save.
The Save window appears.
From the Save Pages drop-down list, select one of the following:
If you select Pages, type the required page numbers to save.
(Optional) From the Logical View drop-down list, select a logical view.
(Optional) From the Index tab, do the following:
From the Available Indexes area, select a folder.
From the Select Index Values drop-down list, select the required value.
Click Save.
The saved report is saved to the local computer.
Viewing Report Properties
This procedure describes how to view the report properties of a report, which shows attributes and information associated with a specific report.
From the Report List window, select a report.
From the Properties column, click Properties.
The Report Properties appears.
Report Properties Parameters
The following table describes the parameters, which appears in the Report Properties window.
Default title |
Description |
Approval Name |
Defines the group name of the list of users who can approve reports. |
Approval Status |
Determines the report status in the approval process. |
Backup |
Determines whether you backed up the report. |
Category |
Defines the category name. DAILY or MONTHLY. |
Defines the report ASCII translation file, which uses four characters. ascii.cvt |
Checked Out By |
Determines which user checked out a report from a Control-D Mainframe repository. |
Check-Out Status |
Determines whether to check out a report from the Control-D Mainframe repository. |
Class |
Defines the Mainframe printing class. |
Copies |
Determines the preset number of copies to print. |
Decollation Date |
Defines the date to distribute reports. |
Decollation Time |
Determines the time to distribute reports. |
Dest |
Determines the required host printer JES destination to print the report. |
Shows the email icon, which enables you to open the Email window. |
Enable Text Search |
Determines whether Full Text Search capabilities are enabled for this report. |
Encoding |
Determines which encoding to use when you view a report. Legacy encoding encodes Latin1 or Hebrew and Unicode encodes UTF-8. Encoding maps specific byte values in the report to the letters they represent. You must use the appropriate encoding of a report to view the text correctly. Usually encoding also implies a specific language. However, some encoding, such as UTF-8, applies to multiple languages and therefore you must use the Language attribute to select the correct font. |
Expiration Date |
Defines the date from which Control-D Repository Server deletes the report from the Control-D repository. |
File Ext. |
Determines the report file extension. .doc, .pdf, and .txt |
Final |
Determines whether the report version is final. |
Form |
Determines which form to use when you print a report on a Control-D Mainframe printer. |
From User |
Determines which user sent a report. |
Generation |
Defines the generation number of a report, which is determined by the administrator. A report with the same name can have several generations stored in the Control-D Mainframe repository. |
Hidden |
Determines who can approve a report. Valid values:
Is Last Version |
Determines whether the document is final and that a user cannot check-out this report from a Control-D Mainframe repository. |
Job End Date |
Determines the ending date. |
Job End Time |
Determines the ending time. |
Job ID |
Defines the numeric job ID name, which creates reports. |
Job Name |
Defines the job name that creates reports. |
Job Start Date |
Determines the starting date. |
Job Start Time |
Determines the starting time. |
Language |
Determines the language of the report. |
Lines |
Determines the number of lines in the report. |
Location |
Determines the report status. Valid values:
Multi |
Determines the approval effects for more than one report. S (SYSOUT): Approves reports which relate to the SYSOUT $SYSDATA record. |
Order Date |
Determines the date to create a report or schedule it to run. |
Original Encoding |
Defines the encoding of the report as saved on the Control-D Mainframe Repository. Encoding maps specific byte values in the report to the letters they represent. You must use the appropriate encoding of a report to view the text correctly. Usually encoding also implies a specific language. However, some encoding, such as UTF-8, applies to multiple languages and therefore you must use the Language attribute to select the correct font. |
Page List Mode |
Determines whether to decollate a report in page mode or document mode. |
Pages |
Determines the number of pages in the report. |
Opens a pop-up menu, which enables you to select printing options. |
Properties |
Shows the report properties icon, which enables you to open the Report Properties window. |
Recfm |
Determines the record format for mainframe reports. |
Recipient |
Defines the owner of the report. |
Remark |
Defines a text remark about the report. You must select the Field Updateable in Report List checkbox in the Control-D/WebAccess Server Desktop to edit remarks in the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application, which appears in the following location: Application Features > Report List |
Remark 2 |
Defines an additional text remark about the report. |
Remark 3 |
Defines an additional text remark about the report. |
Remark CC |
Determines the condition code and remark. |
Report Icons (no title appears) |
Shows icons that identify the viewer or application associated with a report in the column at the left of the Report List window. |
Report Name |
Defines the report name. |
Resource Set ID |
Determines the time stamp, which identifies the set of resources a report uses when it decollates. |
Save |
Enables you to save all or part of a report locally. |
Determines the Service Level Agreement, which indicates the end date to approve reports. |
Status |
Defines the status of the report when you import the report. |
Text Search Ready |
Determines whether Full Text Search is enabled for this report. |
Transfer Date |
Shows the date when you transfer the report to the Control-D Mainframe repository. |
Transfer Time |
Shows the time the report transfers to the Control-D Mainframe repository. |
Type |
Determines whether the report is binary or text. |
Version |
Determines the report version number. The Control-D Mainframe repository reports might have several versions. A new version appears when you check-out and check-in a report. |
Subscribing to Reports
This procedure describes how to subscribe to a report, which enables you to receive automatic and immediate notification of new reports, and to receive delivery of the reports via email or hard copy.
From the Report List window, select a report, which includes the
The report appears.
, and then click Subscription.
The Subscription window appears.
In the Enter your E-mail field, type the email address.
In the Confirm your E-mail field, type the same email address.
Click Subscribe.
Approving Reports
This procedure describes how to approve reports, which enables you to distribute and finalize reports.
From the Report List window, select a report.
The report appears.
, and then click Approvals.
Do one of the following:
Click Approve.
The Approve window appears.
(Optional) In the Comments field, type a comment.
Click Apply.
The report is approved.
Click Reject.
The Reject window appears.
(Optional) In the Comments field, type a comment.
Click Apply.
The report is rejected.
Click History.
The History window appears with a list of the approval history.