Running the File Transfer Server Utility

The File Transfer Server utility enables you receive files on a distributed systems computer, such as Control-D Mainframe, which stores the directory defined by the WorkingDir parameter in the ft_server.config configuration file.

This procedure describes how to run the File Transfer Server Utility


  1. Do one of the following:

    • UNIX: Start the file server utility by running the following command:


    • Windows: From the Services Window, right-click BMC Control-D/Agent file transfer server and select Start.

  2. Configure the Control-D file transfer server using the using the configuration ft_server.config file, located in the following directory:

    <Installation Path>\config

  3. For each field, define the required parameters, as described in Control-D File Transfer Server Configuration Parameters.

  4. Do the following to enable SSL encryption.

    1. From the ft_server.config, <INSTALLATION PATH>/config configuration file, set SSL to Yes.

    2. For each field, define the required parameters, as described in Control-D File Transfer Server Configuration Parameters.

Control-D File Transfer Server Configuration Parameters

The following table describes the File Transfer Server utility parameters.




Defines the location for incoming files with a full path name.


You can change WorkingDir default parameter or add multiple client names, in the ft_server_security.txt file, which is located in the config folder. You must define new security definitions for each client and then restart the ft_server.


Defines the port on the remote computer.

Default: 1948


Determines whether to overwrite processed files.

Valid values:

  • Yes: overwrites existing files with identical names.

  • No: adds a suffix to files with identical names to create a unique filename.

Default: Yes

A new version of banking.txt is stored as banking_#xxx...#.txt where #xxx...# is a system generated addition to the existing filename


Determines the number of minutes before the configuration file reruns.


Determines whether to use SSL encryption, as discussed in Enabling SSL.