Control-D Delivery Server Distribution Process

The Distribution process manages report distribution to multiple recipients and destinations. The Control-D Delivery Server waits for reports from the Control-D mainframe. The file system stores each arriving distribution job, and the system loads its delivery information into a repository queue when sends the job for delivery based on the queue type and the associated delivery information. Delivery Server can also transform reports to various formats such as PDF before sending them to their destinations.

The Distribution process manages report distribution to multiple recipients and destinations and emails reports, or sends reports to printers or files.

You must restart the Distribution process each time you configure the distribution process.

The following table describes the Control-D Delivery Server components you can configure:



Report Manager (repmgr)

Defines the Report Manager parameters, which creates and manages the Distribution Repository.

Queue Types

Organizes distribution jobs distribution into queues for each destination type.

Valid values:

  • Email

  • Local Files.

  • LPR

  • Remote Files.


Sends an alert when a distribution job fails.

Clean Up

Determines whether to remove distribution jobs from distribution queues.

DAL Properties (Document Access Layer)

Defines the location to temporarily store reports during the transformation process.


Transfer files from a local host to a remote host.


Monitors one or more directories on a server or network location to detect new files


Defines the general parameters for the distribution process.


Defines the number of times a failed distribution job can resubmit.

Transformer Configuration

Defines Transformer Configuration attributes, as described in Control-D Delivery Server Transformers and Transformations.

Configuring the Distribution Process

This procedure describes how to configure and define the Control-D Delivery distribution process attributes through the Control-D Delivery Server, which enables you to view, transform, and audit reports.


  1. From the Root directory, navigate to the following location:

    Configurations > Distribution Server > Distribution_CTD_Directory > Distribution Process

  2. Do the following:

    1. From the Directories folder, double-click repmgr.

      The repmgr window appears.

    2. From the Queues folder, double-click one of the following options:

      • Email

      • Local Files.

      • LPR

      • Remote Files.

      For each field, define the required parameters, as described in Queues Type Parameters.

    3. From the Distribution Process folder, double-click Alert.

      • For each field, define the required parameters, as described in Alert Parameters.

    4. From the Distribution Process folder, double-click Clean Up.

    5. From the Distribution Process folder, double-click DAL Properties.

      • In the Temporary DAL Path field, type the temporary file path name to store reports.

    6. From the Distribution Process folder, double-click FileTransfer.

    7. From the Distribution Process folder, double-click FileWatcher.

    8. From the Distribution Process folder, double-click General.

    9. From the Distribution Process folder, double-click Retry.

      • For each field, define the required parameters, as described in Retry Parameters.

You can also configure the Distribution Process, in Control-D Mainframe, as described in Distributing Control-D Mainframe Reports with the Control-D Delivery Server and Distributing Control-D Mainframe Reports.

Report Manager Parameters (repmgr)

The following table describes the Report manager parameters (repmgr), which enables you to manage the Distribution Repository.



Command Line


Determines the command to process a matched file.

This command includes the processing program name and its input parameters, such as %%FILE_PATH.

The following variables replaces items in the command:

  • %%FILE replaces the watched filename.

  • %%FILE_PATH replaces the watched file path and filename.

  • %%INSTALLATION_PATH replaces the installation path.

Delete After Execution


Determines whether to delete processed files after distribution.

The system moves processed files to a subdirectory within the polling directory, which it creates automatically to store the removed files.

Default: No

Directory Path

Defines the Polling directory, which enables you to poll for new files, such as programs/pollfiles.



Defines the mask specification for file search, such as, Mask=*.txt).

A mask specification can consist of letters, numbers and symbols and the following wildcards:

Valid values:

  • ?

  • *

Default: *

Overwrite in done


Enables you to overwrite processed files with identical names in the done subdirectory.

Valid values:

  • Yes: Overwrites files.

  • No: Saves files with identical names and adds a random number to the filename.

Default: No

A new version of the file abc.txt is saved as abc_985352.txt.

Queues Type Parameters

The Distribution Process performs the delivery of distribution jobs using active distribution queues, which defines every destination queue type in the repository.

The following table describes the available queue types.

Queue Type



Sends reports to the user in an email.

You can configure the email recipient list, and the email body text in Control-D, as discussed in Configuring the Recipient List with Control-D

Local Files

Stores report on the local file system.

LPR (Line Printer Protocol)

Enables the user to send reports to the printer of a remote host.

The remote host runs on an LPD (Line Print Daemon), which is a standard Windows/UNIX utility that runs under TCP/IP (Transmission Protocol/Internet Protocol).

Remote Files

Sends reports to a remote file system.

The following table describes the same parameters for each queue type.



Maximum Parallel Executions

Determines the maximum collective parallel executions of distribution jobs in a specific queue.

Valid values: 1−100

Default: 10

Queue Capacity

Determines the maximum number of distribution jobs in a queue Size of queue measured by the number of distribution jobs it can contain. Minimum size: 10. Maximum: 3000 Default: 100

Queue Type

Determines the queue type destination.

Alert Parameters

The following table describes the Alert parameters, which sends alerts when a distribution job fails, such as the originator of distribution job, or the intended recipient.



Alert Only On Fail

(Optional) Determines whether a message sends when a distribution job fails, the job is in status Ended_Not_OK.

Default: Yes.

E-mail Host

Defines the email server host that sends alert messages.


Defines the server name that sends alert messages.

Send Alerts To

Defines the devices and recipients that receive alerts.


Defines the alert message subject.

Clean Up Parameters

Clean Up removes distribution jobs from the queues and occurs according to predefined values as described in the following table.



Clean Up Interval

Defines the interval between Clean Up runs, which is expressed as a number of days, weeks, or months between Cleanup implementations followed by a number.

Valid values:

  • D: Day.

  • W: Week.

  • M: Month.

Default: D1

W4 runs a cleanup every four weeks.

Clear Reports Older Than

Defines the number of days, weeks, or months when the Distribution repository removes distribution jobs followed by a number.

Valid values:

  • D: Day.

  • W: Week.

  • M: Month.

Default: M3

FileTransfer Parameters

The following table describes the File transfer parameters, which defines what files to transfer from a local host to a remote host, as discussed in, Running the File Transfer Server Utility.



IP Address

Determines the network cards to use when the host has multiple network cards.


Enables you to overwrite existing files with newly received files, which have identical names.

Valid values:

  • Yes: Overwrites files.

  • No: Saves files with identical names and adds a random number to the filename.

Default: Yes

A new version of banking.txt is saved as banking_#xxx...#.txt


Determines whether to use SSL or TLS.

Working Directory

Determines the file path name to receive reports.



Defines the Control-D Delivery Server host port number.

Default: 1948

Receive Buffer Size

Determines the maximum number of bytes of internal TCP/IP buffer to received data at one time.

Valid values: −1−32768

Default: −1

FileWatcher Parameters

The following table describes the File watcher parameters, which monitors one or more directories on a server or network location to detect new files, as discussed in File Watcher Utility.



Maximum of Parallel Executions

Determines the maximum number of destinations or command line parallel executions on the Control-D Delivery Server.

Valid values: 1−2000

Default: 10

Polling Interval

Defines the number of seconds to wait before the FileWatcher checks for new files.

Valid values: 1−600

Default: 10

Ready Count

Defines the number of times to check that a matched file is complete.

Valid values: 1−100

Default: 3

General Parameters

The following table describes the general parameters for the distribution process.



Delete After Successful Delivery

(Optional) Determines whether to delete delivered distribution jobs.

Valid values:

  • Yes: Deletes delivered files.

  • No: Delivered files remain in the Distribution repository.

Default: No.

Spool Read Interval

(Optional) Defines the number of seconds to wait before the distribution repository synchronizes.

Valid values: 5−600

Default: 10

LPR Timeout

Defines the number of seconds to wait before the distribution server activates a session timeout.

Valid values: 5−600

Default: 30

Reports Path

Determines the file path to distribute reports

Retry Parameters

The following table describes the number of times you can retry to distribute a failed job.



Maximum Retries

Defines the number of attempts to resend distribution jobs.

Valid values: −1−9999

Default: 10

Retry Interval

Defines the number of seconds to wait before the distribution server resends jobs.

Valid values: −1−5000

Default: 60