Running the bmc-ctd-audit-reporting Utility

The bmc-ctd-audit-reporting utility enables you to collect auditing information for all user actions in the Control-D Delivery Server and export the information to a CSV file. The bmc-ctd-audit-reporting utility provides user feedback and enables you to analyze performance capacity and trouble shoot problems.

This procedure describes how to run the bmc-ctd-audit-reporting utility.


  1. Log in to a host where Control-D Delivery Server is installed.

  2. Type the following command:

    bmc-ctd-audit-reporting -u=user -p=password [-c=command] [option=value]

  3. For each field, define the required parameters, as described in bmc-ctd-audit-reporting parameters.

bmc-ctd-audit-reporting parameters

The following table describes bmc-ctd-audit-reporting parameters, which enables you to generate different types of auditing reports.




Defines the username.


Defines the user password.


Event type

Valid values:

  • user_change_password

  • configuration_change

  • configuration_add

  • configuration_delete

  • repmgr_add

  • repmgr_delete

  • repmgr_list

  • repmgr_clean

  • repmgr_resend

  • distr_mon_resend

  • distr_mon_delete

  • distr_mon_refresh

  • all (all of the above)

Default: all

-from: dateFrom

Defines the start date to collect auditing information.

Format: mmddyyyy

The time for the specified date begins at 00:00.

-to: dateTo

Defines the end date to collect auditing information.

Format: mmddyyyy

The time for the specified date begins at 00:00.

-au: activeUser

Determines which username performs an action.

Default: All

-o: path/name

Determines the output filename and file path.

Default: <Installation directory>/audit/reports/audit_<report_name_timestamp>.csv