Monitoring Navigation
The following image shows the Monitoring domain interface:
The following table describes the functionality of the tabs in the Monitoring domain interface:
Key |
Name |
Description |
1 |
Viewpoints Tab |
Lists all the Viewpoints. |
2 |
Services Tab |
Shows all the Services active on the current day or active on the day that you select, as described in Services Navigation. |
3 |
All_Jobs Tab |
Shows an open Viewpoint, as described in Viewpoint Navigation. |
4 |
Enables you to:
5 |
Add Viewpoint |
Enables you to add a Viewpoint, as described in Creating a Private Viewpoint. |
6 |
History |
Enables you to create an historical Viewpoint, as described in Opening a Viewpoint on Historical Data. |
7 |
Edit |
Enables you to edit a Viewpoint. |
8 |
Delete |
Enables you to delete a Viewpoint. |
9 |
Job Search |
Enables you to search for jobs within the current day or the History, by job name, file name or Run ID. |
10 |
Alerts |
Shows the number of current alerts. The Alerts page enables you to manage and monitor Alerts. |
Viewpoint Navigation
The following image shows the different panes in a Viewpoint interface:
The following table describes the working environment in a Viewpoint:
Area |
Action |
Description |
Shortcut |
1 Workspace Toolbar
Save |
Enables you to save your Viewpoint. |
Ctrl + s |
Edit |
Enables you to edit a Viewpoint. |
Find |
Enables you to find a Viewpoint. |
Ctrl + f | |
Toggle |
Zoom | Zoom in / Zoom out | Ctrl +/- | |
Group | Enables you to see grouped jobs | ||
2 Left Pane |
Navigation |
Enables you to list all the folders and jobs in your open Viewpoint |
4 Viewpoint |
Viewpoint Center Pane with Jobs in tile view |
5 Right Pane
Summary |
Enables you to view a summary of the selected job or folder. |
Job Settings |
Enables you to edit the parameters of the selected job or folder. |
Job Settings> General |
Enables you to edit the parameters that are specific to the job type, as described in Creating a Folder, Creating a Sub-folder, and Creating a Job. |
Job Settings > Scheduling |
Enables you to edit the scheduling parameters, as described in Scheduling. |
Job Settings > Prerequisites |
Enables you to edit the prerequisite parameters required for the job to run, as described in Prerequisites. |
Job Settings > Actions |
Enables you to edit the post-processing parameters that Control-M must perform after a job runs, as described in Actions. |
Waiting Info |
Enables you to view the events, and resources that a job in the Run Queue is currently waiting for before it can execute. |
Log |
Enables you to view the activity log of the selected job. |
Output |
Enables you to view the output of the job, as described in Viewing Job Output. |
Statistics |
Enables you to view the statistics of the selected job, as described in Statistics Tab. |
Script |
Enables you to view the script of the selected job. In the Script tab, you can search for a specific word in the Find field. |
Documentation |
Enables you to view a description related to the job, and is saved in a defined location. The Documentation area includes information about where to find the Documentation. The Documentation depends on whether the type is File or URL, as follows:
Services |
Enables you to view the following:
Viewpoint Center Pane Toolbar
The following table describes the functionality in a Viewpoint center pane toolbar (3):
Button |
Description |
Shows the successors to the selected folder, sub-folder, or job, as described in Finding Neighborhood Jobs. |
Shows the predecessors to the selected folder, sub-folder, or job, as described in Finding Neighborhood Jobs. |
Prevents the Job from executing, as described in Holding a Job. |
Sets the job to end OK, as described in Setting a Job to OK. |
Runs the job immediately, as described in Executing a Job Now. |
Skip over a Job within the job flow, as described in Skipping a Job. |
Opens the Bypass Options pane, so that you can bypass or ignore job options when submitting a job, as described in Bypassing Options in a Job. |
![]() |
Finds the jobs that are in the neighborhood of the selected job, as described in Finding Neighborhood Jobs. |
Services Navigation
The following image shows the Services interface, which highlights all the Services active on the current day or active on the day that you select:
The following table describes the different panes in the Services interface:
Key |
Description |
1 |
The Services toolbar enables you to perform the following actions:
2 |
3 |
In the right pane you can view the following:
Services Center Pane
The following image shows the icons in the Services center pane:
The following table describes the functionality of the icons in the Services center pane:
Key |
Name |
Description |
1 |
Favorites |
Enables you to view only the services that you have selected as your favorites. |
2 |
Favorites - Rules |
Enables you to open the Favorites - Rules pane, where you can create a favorite based on the name of a service, or use * as a wild card, such as *EndofName. |
3 |
Filter |
Enables you to filter by status, as seen in the right pane. |
4 |
Tile view |
Enables you to view the job in aTile view. |
5 |
List view |
Enables you to view the job in a List view. |
6 |
Service tile |
Shows a service tile colored according to status, as seen in the right pane. |
7 |
Favorite |
Shows a service tile is a favorite. |
8 |
Start and End dates |
9 |
Jobs |
Enables you to view the number of jobs in the service, completed overall. |