The Monitoring domain enables you to monitor and control the job processing and execution in your active environment The workflows of jobs and SMART folders that are scheduled to execute on the current Control-M day.. You can find, analyze, identify, and troubleshoot job workflow issues in the Log, Output, or Waiting Info tabs, as described in Job Details and Analyzing and Troubleshooting a Workflow.
You can implement changes in your jobs and re-execute them in the Monitoring domain, as follows:
Viewpoints: View jobs that might impact the job workflow, or jobs you are currently defining and testing.
Service Management: Identify critical workflows and notify when jobs designated as critical are expected to finish executing.
SLA Management: Monitor critical job workflows and determine the impact of a potential delay or failure.
Job Management: Find, analyze, edit, and manipulate job workflows to fix or bypass a problem.
Alerts: Generate alerts in circumstances that are relevant to your job workflow.
The following video describes the Monitoring domain:
Job Status
The following table lists the statuses that a job and folder can attain from the time it enters the Run Queue until completion.
Symbol and Color |
Description |
Ended OK. |
Ended Not OK. If all jobs in a folder have ended and one job Ended Not OK, the folder has a Not OK status. |
Executing A folder remains with an Executing status until all jobs have completed execution. |
Waiting for host (Agent). |
Waiting for event. |
Waiting for resource. |
Waiting for user confirmation. |
Unknown status. |
New Day Time
Every day at midnight (New Day time), each Server removes all folders from the Monitoring domain unless the following conditions are met:
If all jobs Ended OK, the folder is removed.
If at least one job Ended Not OK, the folder remains until the next New Day time.
If at least one job did not start executing, the folder remains until the next New Day time. The folder can remain for a longer duration if Keep Active has been defined, as described in SMART Folder Scheduling Attributes.
If at least one job continues executing or is held, the folder remains in the Monitoring domain until the job completes execution.
The following rules apply for jobs that remain in the Monitoring domain after New Day time:
Jobs that ended can execute again.
Jobs that did not start executing on their run date cannot execute. They can start executing if Keep Active has been defined, as described in SMART Folder Scheduling Attributes.
Jobs that executed at least once, such as cyclic jobs, change to OK.
You can set the New Day time according to your actual business processing working day.
If New Day time is set to 6:00 am, then the working day starts at 6:00 am on 4 August and ends at 6:00 am on 5 August.
Each Control-M/Server has a limit of up to 100,000 executions per day. For each Control-M/Server, you can order 20,000 job definitions during New Day. The other job definitions must be ordered with User Dailies. Each user daily must not exceed 20,000 job definitions.
To efficiently run your workflows and avoid performance issues, BMC recommends that you space out the order of each user daily, as follows:
New day at midnight orders 20,000 job definitions.
User daily at 1:00 am with up to 20,000 job definitions.
User daily at 7:00 am with up to 20,000 job definitions.
User daily at 12:00 pm with up to 20,000 job definitions.
User daily at 3:00 pm with up to 20,000 job definitions.