
The ctmpsm utility performs functions that affect jobs or events in the Active Jobs database of the data center. It provides an alternative to using Helix Control-M and enables you to perform many of the GUI functions directly in the data center.

The functions in the ctmpsm Production Support Menu are divided into the following sub-menus:

  • Active Jobs File: Enables you to inspect the Active Jobs database and perform the following job and SMART folder functions:

    • Hold

    • Free

    • Delete

    • Rerun

    • Discover why a job has not been submitted.

    • Grant user confirmation.

    • View and edit job definitions.

    • View the job log.

    For more information, see ctmpsm Active Jobs File Database Options and ctmpsm Active Jobs File Database Actions.

  • Resource Map: Enables you to view and modify Lock Resources (formerly Control Resources), Resource Pools (formerly Quantitative Resources), and prerequisites. The first three of category options activate the ecactltb, ecaqrtab, and ctmcontb utilities, respectively. For more information, see Resource Map Options.

  • Scheduling Functions: Enables you to run or force SMART folders or specific jobs in SMART folders. For more information, see Scheduling Functions Options.

    • If long names have been used for the In condition, jobname, override path, file_name, and doclib parameters, the ctmpsm utility truncates these names when they appear in the output. To view the complete values for these parameters, use Helix Control-M.

    • The following special characters are disabled when they occur in prerequisite names: (, ), |, and whitespace.

All Active Jobs database options display the following menu at the bottom of the screen, as described in ctmpsm Active Jobs File Database Actions:

H) Hold, F) Free, D) Delete, U) Undelete, R) Rerun, W) Why, Z) Details
LO) LogOrd, LJ) LogJob, Cn) Confirm, Sx) Sort[x: 1.ORDERNO 2.JOBNAME]
J) Output A) Statistic V) View Script/JCL K) Force OK I) Dependencies 
Jobs Gx) Global action x [x:, H (Hold), F (Free), D (Delete), 
U (Undelete), R (Rerun)]
Q) Quit
Enter Option:

Running the ctmpsm Utility

This procedure describes how to run the ctmpsm utility, which enables you to make selections from the Control-M Production Support Menu or run command line commands.


ctmpsm Active Jobs File Database Options

The following table lists the Active Jobs File sub-menu options, which enable you to perform various tasks in the Active Jobs database.





List All

Lists all jobs in the Active Jobs database and shows if they are associated with a SMART folder (TBL) or Sub Folder (STB).


List All
(Show Started/Ended)

Lists all jobs in the Active Jobs database and shows which jobs have started or ended execution.


List All
(Show Application)

Lists all jobs in the Active Jobs database and shows the job Application.


List All
(Show File Name)

Lists all jobs in the Active Jobs database and shows the job name.


List Jobs That
Ended OK

Lists all jobs in the Active Jobs database with an Ended OK status.


List Jobs That

Lists all jobs in the Active Jobs database with an Ended Not OK status.


List Submitted/
Executing Jobs

Lists all jobs in the Active Jobs database that are currently executing.


List Cyclic Jobs

Lists all cyclic jobs in the Active Jobs database.


List Jobs Waiting for Time Window

Lists all jobs in the Active Jobs database that are waiting to begin execution based on their Time From parameter.


List Jobs Waiting for Confirmation

Lists all jobs in the Active Jobs database with a Waiting for User Confirmation status.


List Application/Sub-application Tree

Lists a summary of all job Applications and Sub-applications in the Active Jobs database.


List SMART folders

Lists all SMART folders in the Active Jobs database.


List Ordered SMART folders

Lists all ordered SMART folders in the Active Jobs database.

ctmpsm Active Jobs File Database Actions

The following table lists the actions that you can perform in the Active Jobs File sub-menu options.






Holds a job.



Frees a previously held job.



Deletes a job.

Jobs with Executing or Submitted status cannot be deleted.



Undeletes a job marked for deletion.



Reruns a job.

You cannot rerun a Sub-application.



Explains why a job has not yet been submitted.



View or modify (zoom and save) the job definitions.

When a job is being viewed, it is automatically held. The job is freed after it is modified and saved.

If prerequisites are added to or deleted from a job in the Active Jobs database using the Z option, changes are automatically saved when you quit.

If a cyclic job is terminated by a Do Stop Cyclic (-dostopcyclic), or DO ACTION="SPCYC" parameter, the following appears:


where the T means Terminated.



Lists job log entries for a user-defined Run IDClosed The identification code for a SMART folder, sub-folder, or job execution..



List job log entries for a user-defined job name.



Grants user confirmation to a job.


Sort (by Order No.)

Lists jobs in order of their Run ID.


Sort (by Job Name)

Lists jobs in order of their job name.



Shows the job output.



Shows the Control-M Statistics for the job.


View Script/JCL

Shows the job script or JCL.


Set to OK

Sets the job status to OK.


Dependencies Jobs

Shows all jobs that depend on a user-defined job.


Global Hold

Holds all jobs in the list that appears.


Global Free

Frees all jobs in the list that appears.


Global Delete

Marks all jobs in the list that appears for deletion.


Global Undelete

Undeletes all jobs marked for deletion.


Global Rerun

Reruns all jobs in the list that appears.

Rerun actions cannot be performed on a group entity.

The R (Rerun) option and the Global options (GH, GF, GD, GU, and GR) only affect jobs, and not SMART folders.

Resource Map Options

The following table lists ctmpsm utility Resource Map options.





Lock Resources

Lists the Lock Resources that are currently used in the Active jobs database.

This option activates the ecactltb utility.


Resource Pools

Enables you to list, add, modify, or delete Resource Pools in the Active jobs database.

This option activates the ecaqrtab utility.


Prerequisite Conditions

Allows you to view, add or delete prerequisite conditions in the Active jobs database.

This option activates the ctmcontb utility.


Lock Resources Usage

Shows the current job Lock Resource utilization n the Active Jobs database.


Resource Pool Usage

Shows the current job Resource Pool utilization in the Active Jobs database.

Scheduling Functions Options

The following table lists ctmpsm utility Scheduling Functions.






Lists SMART folders and jobs that are defined in the Control-M/Server database.

Enables you to force SMART folders or jobs, add or delete SMART folders, and generate scheduling reports.


Order Folders/Jobs

Enables you to run SMART folders or jobs, after you define the following:

For more information, see ctmorder.

When the option 71 (Folders) is selected, output similar to the following appears:

    Folder name                Daily name    Folder type     Rmove at once    Days keep in NOTOK
1)  Accounting                 SYSTEM        SMART FOLDER
2)  R&D                        SYSTEM        SMART FOLDER
3)  Sales                      SYSTEM        REGULAR
4)  SampleService              SYSTEM        REGULAR  
5)  SampleServiceBIM                         REGULAR
6)  Samples                                  REGULAR

D#) Delete UserDaily Folder  #       U#) Update folder  #
F#) Force folder             #       J#) List jobs      #
A)  Add.          R) Remove Folder   Q)  Quit.

Option []:

Scheduling Functions Actions

The following table lists the actions that you can perform in the Scheduling Functions sub-menu options.






Adds a run method to an existing folder, based on the following definitions:

  • Folder name.

  • Run method name.


Delete UserDaily Folder #

Deletes a folder instance from the Control-M/Server database.

If the specified instance is the only instance of that folder, because that folder is run by only one method, the folder and all of its associated jobs are deleted.

If the specified instance is not the only instance of that folder, only the specified instance is deleted.


Force Folder #

Forces a specific folder to run.

F2 forces the R&D folder, the second instance listed, to run.


List Jobs #

Lists folder content and provides options to force run a specific job or Sub-folder, or generate a report.

J1 lists the jobs in the Accounting folder.


Remove Folder

Deletes a specific folder and all of its jobs.

R Sales deletes the Sales folder and all of its jobs.


Update Folder #

Updates the run method for a specific folder

U6 updates the Samples folder run method.

When option J1 (List Jobs in Folder <#>) is selected, output similar to the following appears:

Folder Accounting Jobs and Sub Folders
Job_no  Seq_no   Type
38.     1        SMART FOLDER   Jobname:Accounting       , FileName:
39.     2        SUBFOLDER      Jobname:Payroll_Daily    , FileName:
40.     1        JOB            Jobname:Aaron            , FileName:
41.     2        JOB            Jobname:Alex             , FileName:
42.     3        JOB            Jobname:Alfred           , FileName:
43.     4        JOB            Jobname:Barb             , FileName:
46.     5        JOB            Jobname:Ben              , FileName:
48.     6        JOB            Jobname:Carol            , FileName:
50.     7        JOB            Jobname:Darnay           , FileName:
53.     3        SUBFOLDER      Jobname:Payroll_Monthly  , FileName:
55.     1        JOB            Jobname:Ben-Hadad        , FileName:
57.     2        JOB            Jobname:Buzi             , FileName:
59.     3        JOB            Jobname:Coriolanus       , FileName:
61.     4        JOB            Jobname:Elise            , FileName:
63.     5        JOB            Jobname:Francisco        , FileName:
65.     6        JOB            Jobname:Hortense         , FileName:
67.     7        JOB            Jobname:Kwon             , FileName:

Q) Quit.   F#) Force job #
M#) Month Schedule plan  #   Y#) Year Schedule Plan for job #

List Jobs Sub-sub-menu (J<#>) Actions

The following table lists the actions that you can perform in the List Jobs sub-sub-menu after you type J<#> in the Scheduling Functions Actions sub-menu, as described in Scheduling Functions Actions.





Force Job #

Forces a specific job run.

F63 forces the Francisco job to run.


Month Schedule Plan

Generates a monthly job run folder report, based on the year and month that you define, in YYYYMM format.


Year Schedule Plan for job #

Generates a yearly job run folder report, based on the year that you define, in YYYY format.

Values in the STATE and STATUS ctmpsm Fields

The following table displays the values that are listed in the STATE and STATUS fields when you run the ctmpsm utility.





The job completed successfully.


The job did not complete successfully.


Wait Sche

The job is waiting to be scheduled.

Wait Conf

The job is waiting for a user confirmation.

Wait Reru

The job is waiting to be rerun.

Wait Time

The job is waiting for its scheduled time frame.

Wait Cond

The job is waiting for an event.

Wait Reso

The job is waiting for a resource.

Wait Host

The host or hosts that the job is being submitted to are unavailable because of host restrictions or network availability.

Wait Workload

One or more of the workloads that the job is associated with has reached its maximum jobs limit policy.


The job was submitted to the Agent to execute.

Retry Sub

The job is waiting for a submission retry.


The job is executing.


The job has ended.


The job is being analyzed.


The job has disappeared from the Agent.

Post proc

The job has finished its post-processing activities.


The job is waiting for the appropriate ODATClosed The date that a job joins the Run Queue..


The appropriate job ODAT has already passed.


The job status is unknown.

Command Line Parameters

The following table lists the valid values for each parameter of the ctmpsm utility command line interface.




List-dependent jobs with events that are created by the job whose order ID is specified in this command.

ctmpsm -CHILD <order_ID> [<tasktype>]

order_ID: Identifies the parent job.


  • B: Batch job.

  • D: Detached

  • C: Command

  • U: Dummy

  • X: External job.


Lists available calendars. You can restrict this list by calendar name and year.

ctmpsm -LISTCAL [<Calendar_Name>][<Calendar_Year>]

  • <Calendar_Name>: Restricts the list to calendars with the specified name or prefix, indicated by * at the end.

  • <Calendar_Year>: Restricts the list to calendars for the specified year.


Lists jobs in the Active Jobs database. You can filter this list by time, Application, and member name, and you can sort it by the order ID or job name.


In addition to the order ID and the job name, you must include one of the following fields in the LISTALL output:

  • ODATClosed The date that a job joins the Run Queue.: Run date.

  • TIME: Time execution started and ended.

  • APPLICATION: Job Application name.

  • FILENAME: Job filenames.

  • ALL: Includes ODAT, FROMTIME, and UNTIL fields.


  • ALLFIELDS_FULL: Includes ODAT,FILENAME, APPLICATION fields, and full size for the JOBNAME column.

  • –SORT: Indicates the order in which the jobs should be listed. Valid values: ORDERID and JOBNAME.

    The following additional job statuses are visible only when using the LISTALL option:

    • WAIT_ODAT: The job ODATE is later than the Control-M/Server working date for the relevant timezone. The job is waiting for the relevant day (ODATE) to begin.

    • POST_ODAT: The job ODATE is earlier than the Control-M/Server working date for the relevant time zone. The job will be deleted during the next run of the New Day procedure.

    These job statuses are used in the Active Jobs database. However,jobs with these statuses will appear with Wait Condition status. In non-interactive mode, WAIT_Condition and WAIT_CONFIRM both appear as Wait Con.


Lists jobs that are cyclic, as well as jobs in the Active Jobs database with a specified status. Jobs can be filtered by status, as described in Job Status.

ctmpsm -LISTJOB

  • OK: Jobs with a completion Ended OK status.

  • NOTOK: Jobs with a completion Ended NOTOK status.

  • EXECUTING: Jobs that are currently executing.

  • CYCLIC: Jobs that are cyclic.

  • WAITTIME: Jobs waiting to begin executing based on the time specified in their Time From parameter.

  • WAITCONFIRM: Jobs waiting for confirmation.

  • –SORT: Indicates the order in which the jobs should be listed. Valid values: ORDERID and JOBNAME.


Lists jobs in the specified Sub Application that are associated with a Specified Application.

ctmpsm -LISTSUBAPPLICATION <application> <sub application>> [<scheduling date>]

Wildcard characters can be used as part of the specified application or sub-application names, as follows:

  • *: Represents any number of characters.

  • ?: Represents any single character.

You must use " (quotation marks) before and after a string that uses wildcards, such as "ctmpsm -LISTSUBAPPLICATION *".


Lists jobs in the Active Jobs database that were ordered from the specified SMART folder.

ctmpsm -LISTAJFFLD <folder name>

Wildcard characters can be used as part of the specified application or sub-application names, as follows:

  • *: Represents any number of characters.

  • ?: Represents any single character.

You must use " (quotation marks) before and after a string that uses wildcards, such as "ctmpsm -LISTAJFFLD *".


Lists SMART folders and jobs defined in the Server database, and allows you to add or delete SMART folders.

ctmpsm -FOLDER

<LISTFOLDER <folder name>|-UPDATE <row number> <udaily name>|

-ADD <folder name> <udaily name>|-DUDAILY <row number>|

-REMOVE <folder name>|-LISTJOBS <row number> [FULL]

  • -LISTFOLDER: Lists all instances of SMART folders that match the specified name or mask.

    If a SMART folder is ordered by two different user dailies, that folder will appear twice in the output of this option.

    Wildcards can be used as part of the folder name for this option.

    • *: represents any number of characters.
    • ?: represents any single character.

  • -UPDATE: Updates the User Daily name for a specific SMART folder.

  • -ADD: Adds a User Daily to an existing folder. The Folder name and Order method name must be specified when this option is used.

  • -UDAILY_NAME: Removes an instance of a SMART folder from the Server database.

    If the specified instance is the only instance of the folder (that is, that folder is ordered by only one order method), the SMART folder and all its associated jobs are deleted.

    If the specified instance is not the only instance of the folder, then only the specified instance is removed from the Server database.

  • -REMOVE: Deletes a specific SMART folder and its associated jobs.

  • -LISTJOBS: Lists jobs in a SMART folder.


List the OUTPUTs for an order ID. The list can be restricted by runcount number.

ctmpsm -LISTOUTPUT <orderID> [OUTPUTNUMBER {<number>|ALL}]

These parameters are described below.

  • order_ID: Identifies the job whose OUTPUTs are listed.

  • number: Restricts the list to the OUTPUT whose runcount is specified. If ALL is specified, the output will contain only a list of all OUTPUTs related to the specified order ID.

To display the most recent OUTPUT of the job whose order ID is 1234, specify the following command:

ctmpsm -listoutput 1234

To display the second OUTPUT of the job whose order ID is 1234, specify the following command:

ctmpsm -listoutput 1234 -outputnumber 2


Lists the details of the job associated with the specified order ID.



Lists the parameters of a specified job in the Active Jobs database. In addition to the data provided by LISTDETAILS (above), LISTFULLDETAILS provides data about In conditions, Out conditions, and Variable values. (LISTFULLDETAILS was added for use with the "Zoom and Save" option in WebAccess.)



Performs a specified command or updates conditions for a job in the Active Jobs database that is associated with a specified order ID.

ctmpsm -UPDATEAJF <orderID> <command>

The command is one of the following:

  • HOLD: Set the status of a job to HELD.

  • FREE: Free a previously held job.

  • DELETE: Mark a job for deletion.

    Jobs with Executing or Submitted status cannot be deleted.

  • UNDELETE: Undelete a job marked for deletion.

  • RERUN: Rerun a job.

  • CONFIRM: Confirm submission of a job.

  • SET TO OK: Set the status a job to be OK.

    SET TO OK can only be applied to inactive jobs (that is, jobs that are not running).

  • STATISTICS: Display a job’s statistics.

  • CONDADDIN <cond> <date> <AND|OR>: Add the specified IN condition with the specified date reference. You can include one or more additional IN conditions by using the AND or OR conjunctional parameter.

  • CONDADDOUT <cond> <date> <+|->: Add the specified OUT condition with the specified date reference. Use + to indicate that the condition must be present. Use - to indicate that the condition must not be present.

  • CONDDELIN <cond>: Delete the specified IN condition.

  • CONDDELOUT <cond>: Delete the specified OUT condition.

    Conditions specified using this mode apply only to the specified instance of the job in the Active Jobs database. Subsequent orders of that job are not affected.


Applies a specified command to jobs in the specified Sub Application that are associated with the specified Application.

ctmpsm -UPDATESUBAPPLICATION <application> <sub application> <command>

<command> is one of the following:

  • HOLD: Set the status of a job to HELD.

  • FREE: Free previously held jobs.

  • DELETE: Mark the jobs for deletion.

  • UNDELETE: Undelete the jobs marked for deletion.

  • CONFIRM: Confirm submission of the jobs.


Applies a specified command to jobs in the Active Jobs database that were ordered from the specified folder.

ctmpsm -UPDATEFOLDER <folder> <command>

<command> is one of the following:

  • HOLD: Set the status of a job to HELD.

  • FREE: Free previously held jobs.

  • DELETE: Mark the jobs for deletion.

  • UNDELETE: Undelete the jobs marked for deletion.

  • RERUN: Rerun the jobs.

  • CONFIRM: Confirm submission of the jobs.


Lists jobs in the Active Jobs database in XML format. The job output formats can be changed according to the specified parameter, such as order date, time, application, or member name can be added to the output.


To list jobs in the Active Jobs database in XML format, specify ctmpsm -XML plus at least one of the following fields:

  • ODAT: Order date.

  • TIME: Time execution started and ended.

  • APPLICATION: Application to which the job belongs.

  • FILENAME: File name for the job.

  • ALL: Includes ODAT and TIME fields.


In addition, you can specify the following:

  • –SORT: indicates the order in which the jobs should be listed.
    Valid values:



To change the output format in the Active Jobs database according to the file name of the job, specify the following:


To sort the list in Example 1 above according to job name, specify the following: