
The ctmgetcm utility is can collect, store and display application server information from Agents, as follows:

  • If the ACTION parameter is set to GET, application server information is collected, stored in a folder on the Control-M/Server database, and displayed.

  • If the ACTION parameter is set to VIEW, previously stored application server information is displayed.

Control-M information is updated only after you run or reconfigure ctmgetcm.

You can also run this utility from ctm_menu.

Running the ctmgetcm Utility

This procedure describes how to run the ctmgetcm utility, which enables you to collect, store and display application server information from Agents.


  • Do one of the following:

    • To run the utility in interactive mode, run the following command:


      You are prompted for the required parameters as if you had selected the View Host ID Details option from the Control-M Main Menu.

    • To run the utility as a single command, run the following command:

      ctmgetcm -HOSTID Agent -APPLTYPE OS -ACTION <get|view>

ctmgetcm Parameters

The following table lists the ctmgetcm utility parameters.




Defines the host name of the Agent computer.


Defines the name of the application server, such as SAP.

You can use wildcards to define more than one application.

Specify * to retrieve information for all applications. On UNIX, enclose the * in " quotation marks: "*".

Type O* to retrieve information for all applications that begin with O, such as ORA or OS.

You can type OS can to return information about the application add-on for the current operating system.


Determines one of the following ctmgetcm actions:

Valid Values:

  • GET: Collects and displays updated application information from the specified Agent. The information collected is stored in the Control-M/Server database.

  • VIEW: Displays application server information that was previously collected from the specified Agent host.

    This action only displays information that was retrieved previously using a GET action.

ctmgetcm Examples

  • The following command enables you to view existing information for all applications on Agent sahara:

    ctmgetcm -hostid sahara -appltype "*" -action VIEW

    The following output appears:

    sahara            ORA        7          2.0.00
    sahara            SAP        4.5        2.0.01
    sahara            OS         SOLARIS    1.0.00
  • The following command enables you to view existing information for all applications with the prefix O on Agent sahara:

    ctmgetcm -hostid sahara -appltype O* -action VIEW

    The following output appears:

    sahara            ORA        7          2.0.00
    sahara            OS         SOLARIS    1.0.00
  • The following command enables you to update the Control-M/Server database with new information for all applications with the prefix O on Agent sahara:

    ctmgetcm -hostid sahara -appltype O* -action GET

    The Control-M/Server database is updated and the following output appears:

    sahara            ORA        7          2.0.00
    sahara            ORA        8          2.0.00
    sahara            OS         SOLARIS    1.0.00