Running Agent Utilities as Other Users on UNIX

This procedure describes how to run Control-M/Agent utilities as other users on UNIX. Agent utilities that run on a Windows computer by a user other than the administrator may not have access to certain data or functions. Agent utilities that run on a UNIX computer can be run by users other than the agent account owner, after the user has loaded the agent account environment.

Use this procedure for all Agent utilities other than Agent configuration utilities, as BMC recommends that only the Control-M/Agent user be enabled to change the Agent configuration.


  1. Add one of the following environment variables:

    • Add to .cshrc, as follows:

      set path = ( ${path} <agent Home>/ctm/scripts <agent Home>/ctm/exe )
      setenv CONTROLM "<agent Home>/ctm"
      if ( ${?LD_LIBRARY_PATH} ) then
      setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:<agent Home>/ctm/exe
      setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "<agent Home>/ctm/exe"
    • Add to .profile, as follows:

      CONTROLM=<agent Home>/ctm
      export CONTROLM
      PATH=$PATH:<agent Home>/ctm/exe:<agent Home>/ctm/scripts
      export PATH
      LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<agent Home>/ctm/exe
      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    • <agent Home> stands for the ControlM/Agent account home directory.

    • On an AIX computer, the Shared Library variable name is LIBPATH, instead of LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

  2. Give group <controlm> read permission to all folders, subfolders, and files under the following path:

    <control-m directory>/ctm_agent/ctm/data/SSL

  3. Make sure that the group <controlm> has read and execution permission to the files in <control-m directory>/ctm_agent/ctm/exe

    All users that require access to Control-M utilities must belong to the same primary group <controlm> as the Control-M/Agent.