OS/400 Jobs

The following topics describe job attributes that work with the IBM i (AS/400) operating system. You can run these job types on Agents that are connected to self-hosted Control-M for z/OS environments.

OS/400 Full Job

OS/400 Full jobs enable you to define any type of IBM i (AS/400) job: Program, Command, Multiple commands, Subsystem, External job, External subsystem, Virtual Terminal or Restricted state. When a job is submitted, it enables you to monitor the job, view and change operating system attributes, control the job execution, and respond to OS events related to the job. You can run this job type on Agents that are connected to self-hosted Control-M for z/OS environments.

To create an OS/400 Full job, see Creating a Job.

The following table describes the OS/400 Full Job attributes.



Script File

Enables the job to execute the Script file specified in Script file that resides in Library or Path in the Special environment. CTMCL (the Control-M Script interpreter) processes the commands in the script. To view the script file parameters, see Script File.


Enables the job to start a subsystem specified in Subsystem that resides in Library and monitors the active subsystem until the subsystem ends. Subsystem ending code is always OK, regardless of the method used to end it. To view the subsystem parameters, see Subsystem.

Job Description

Enables the job to start a Job description specified in Job Description that resides in Library and monitors the job until the job ends. This action is similar to Autostart Job Entry (AJE) in a subsystem description. To view the job description, see Job Description

Restricted State Action

Enables you to execute the job while setting the system into restricted state.

Special Environment

Defines the environment where the job executes as follows:

  • Native: Enables the job to execute on the native OS/400 environment.
  • QShell: Enables the job to execute on the QShell environment.
  • S/38: Enables the job to execute on the System/38 environment.


Defines the library name where the program resides.

  • Characters: 1–10

  • Characters: 1–8 S/38 Environment


Defines the program name to be executed in the specified special environment.

Overriding Library

Defines the name of an alternate library or directory for the program specified in the program parameter.

Program's Parameters

Defines a Program, Script file or VT script file, which may expect to receive parameters as input for the execution.

Each parameter must match its type as expected by the Program, Script file or VT script.

The following types are available:

  • String: Defines any string up to 4000 characters.
  • Decimal: Defines a decimal number with or without decimal point. The value is passed to the program as packed decimal with a length of (15 5), where the value is 15 digits long, of which 5 digits are decimal positions.
  • Hex: Defines any even number of hexadecimal characters (the numbers 09, the letters AF, and the letters af). The value is passed to the program as X'<value>'.
  • The String is the only valid type to be passed to Script file or VT script file and also to a QShell program.

  • A maximum of 99 parameters can be set per job.

  • If you need to include an ' (apostrophe), you must type two '' (apostrophes).

  • A value of *BLANKn will be resolved to n blank spaces.

Resolve Special Values

Indicates whether special values, such as *PGM, *DTAARA, and *FILE, defined in the program's parameters value will be resolved by the script interpreter or prior to submitting a program.

  • Default value: Selected (Yes)

Submission Attributes

Enables you to define the submission attribute parameters for an OS/Job type.

Job Description

Defines the name of the OS/400 Job description (*JOBD) used to submit the job. You can select a job description name from the generated list.


Defines the name of the library where the job description resides. You can select a library name from the generated list.

Job Queue

Defines the name of the Job queue to submit the job to. You can select a job queue name from the generated list.

Job Queue Priority

Specifies the Job queue scheduling priority.

Highest Priority: 1

Lowest Priority: 9

When System default is set, the job is submitted with the system default JOBPTY value.

Hold on Job Queue

Determines whether this job is held at the time defined in the job queue. When System default is set, the job is submitted with the system default HOLD value.

Run Priority

Specifies the run priority for the job.

Highest Priority: 1

Lowest Priority: 9

The Agent only attempts to set the Run priority after the job is submitted. If a job is not available or ends before the priority is set, the job is not updated and no error message is sent. If the OS/400 configuration parameter CHGRUNPTY is set to N, the RUNPTY of the job is not set.

Submit with ASAP Option

Enables you to submit the Job to a NOMAX Job queue. If selected, Job Queue, Library, Job queue priority and Hold on Job queue are disabled.

Bypass Job

The job does not run and the following message is generated in the job output:

Job was bypassed

Skip Validity Checks for this Job

Enables you to skip validity checks for all fields.

Script File

The following table describes the Script File attributes.



Script File Location

Indicates where the following script file is located:

  • Native (QSYS File System): The script file belongs to a physical file that resides in a QSYS library.
  • IFS (Integrated File System): The file resides in the integrated file system. The path must start with a ~ (tilda), / (forward slash), \ (backslash), or . (period).
  • Embedded Script: The script content is embedded in the Control-M Job definition, which is in the Script text box. The "Script file name" becomes informational only and does not have to exist on the target system.


(Script file location Native only) Defines the library name. Up to 10 characters, valid OS/400 Object name, or one of the special values from the drop-down list.


(Embedded script only) Enables you to type the embedded script.

Script File

Specifies the name of the script file which is executed. When the Script file location is Native (QSYS File System), the value of this field must be specified in one of the following formats:

  • <File>/<Member>
  • <File>/
  • /<Member>

Where File and Member are valid OS/400 object names.


(Script File Location IFS only) Defines the path in which the script file resides in. The path must start with a ~ (tilda), / (forward slash), \ (backslash), or . (period).

Overriding Path

(Script File Location IFS only) Defines the name of an alternate path or directory for the file specified with the Script File attribute.

Overriding Library

(Native only) Defines the name of an alternate library or directory for the file specified with the Script File attribute.


The following table describes the Subsystem attributes.




Defines the library name. Up to 10 characters, valid OS/400 Object name, or one of the special values from the drop-down list.


Specifies the name of a subsystem description that defines the operational environment (subsystem) being started.

Overriding Library

Defines the name of an alternate library for the specified subsystem.

Bypass Job

The job does not execute and the following message is generated in the job output:

Job was bypassed

Skip Validity Check for this Job

Enables you to skip validity checks for all fields.

Job Description

The following table describes the Job Description attributes.




Defines the library name. Up to 10 characters, valid OS/400 Object name, or one of the special values from the drop-down list.

Job Description

Defines the name of the OS/400 Job description used to submit the job. You can select a job description name from the generated list.

Overriding Library

Defines the name of an alternate library for the file specified with the file name parameter.

Bypass Job

Enables the job not to execute. The following message is generated:

Job was bypassed

Skip Validity Checks for this Job

Enables you to skip validity checks for all fields.

Library List Attributes

The following table describes the Library List attributes in the More Options area for an OS/400 job type.



Name Space

Defines the Name space or ASP group.

System Library List

Determines the system portion of the library list to use.

Current Library

Defines the current library for the job.

Library List Option

Determines which library name to include in the job library list. If a special value is specified, it must be the only entry in the list.

Special Values:

  • *JOBD
  • *NONE

Environment Attributes

The following table describes the Environment attributes in the More Options area for an OS/400 job type.



Accounting Code

Determines the accounting code used by the submitted job when logging the system resources usage. 15-character string (use any characters) or a special value from the drop-down list.

If a value contains spaces or non-alphanumeric characters, enclose the value with an ' (apostrophe).

Routing Data

Defines the routing data used to start the next routing step in the job. 80-character string (any characters) or one of the special values from the drop-down list.

If a value contains spaces or non-alphanumeric characters, enclose the value with an ' (apostrophe).

Request Data

Determines the request data that is placed as the last entry in the Job's message queue. 3000-character string (any characters) or one of the special values from the drop-down list.

Submitted For

Defines the parent job name for the job.

A qualified Job name in <number>/<user>/<name> format, or the special value from the drop-down list.

Scheduling Date

Determines the date when the job is submitted to the job queue and is eligible to execute. Specify a date in the job's date format, with or without the date separator, or one of the special values from the drop-down list.

Scheduling Time

Defines the time on the scheduled date when the Job becomes eligible to execute. Time in hhmmss format, or special value from the drop-down list.

Job Date

Determines the date that is assigned to the job when it starts. (Job date format). Type the date or a special value from the drop-down list.

Job Switches

Determines the first settings for a group of 8 Job switches used with the job. Any combination of 0s and 1s to form an 8-digit string, or the special value from the drop-down list.

Allow Multiple Threads

Defines whether or not the job is allowed to execute with multiple user threads. One of the special values from the drop-down list:

  • System Default
  • Job Description
  • Yes
  • No

Allow Display by WRKSBMJOB

Specifies whether the Job being submitted is allowed to be shown on the Work with Submitted Jobs panel.

Default: Selected (Yes)

Copy Environment Variables

Specifies whether the environment variables from the submitting job are copied to the new job.

When this property is set to Clear (No), LDA is not set for the job and environment variables are not passed

Default: Selected (Yes).


Defines the local data area. You can add, delete, modify, copy or move up or down by selecting the icon in the LDA field. The LDA field contains the following:

  • Start: Defines the starting location of the LDA (1 to 1024 inclusive with a default of 1).
  • Length: Defines the length of the string in the LDA (default = actual length).
  • [Decimal]: Defines the precision (number of digits after the decimal point).
  • Value: Defines the value of the LDA. When [Decimal] is specified, the value must be a numeric value with or without decimal point (examples: 167, 1997.15).

For all formats, <start> + <length> -1 must not exceed 1024.

%%LDA accepts Hex or Binary values and enables special values (*PGM, *DTAARA, *FILE, ...).

Usage notes:

  • To set the hex value to *LDA, use the following format in the Value: *HEX(<hex value>). Example: *HEX(a1b2C3D4)
  • The <hex value> must have an even number of characters. If not, the value is not set.
  • If the Length is specified, only the "Length" number of bytes is written to the *LDA. For example, if Length=3 and <hex value>=a1b2c3d4, only a1b2c3 will be written to *LDA.
  • <hex value> must have a valid hex value (only the numbers 09, the letters AF, and the letters af). If not, the value is not set.
  • When applying a special value to *LDA (*PGM, *FILE, *DTAARA, *HEX, ...) the "Resolve special values" checkbox must be checked.
  • If the Length was specified and the resolved length of the value is longer than the specified Length, only <Length> characters are written to the *LDA.
  • If the Length was not specified, the resolved length of the value, and all resolved value's characters are written to the *LDA.


The following table describes the Pre-submit and Pre-/Post-commands in the More Options area for an OS/400 job type.

Pre-submit Commands


Pre-submit Commands

(Program, Script File, and Command only) Enables you to define a command before you submit the job. A job can have any number of pre-submit commands but the total number of variables for a job is limited. All Pre-submit commands are executed before the job is submitted to the OS/400.

Pre-submit commands are processed in the order they are displayed in the OS/400 Pre-/Post-commands dialog box.

Pre-submit commands are executed "as is." There is no need for special ‘single quote’ handling.

If a Pre-submit command fails, the failure is ignored, logged in the Agent log file, and the next Pre-submit command is processed. When there are no more Pre-submit commands to process, the Job is submitted. You can add, delete, edit copy, or move up or down any pre-submit command.



(Program, Script File, and Command only) Determines the command line instruction to be executed before or after the specified command line. The following rules apply to Pre-and Post-commands:

  • A maximum of 19 Pre-and Post-commands can be defined for a single Job. If a Pre- or Post-command is defined for a job, the job is processed as a Script file object type, regardless of its defined object type.
  • If the defined Object type is CMDLINE, the Command line (in the OS400 tab) cannot exceed 256 characters.
  • The job processes all the Pre-commands in the order they are displayed in the OS/400 Pre-/Post-commands dialog box, then the command line or the program (depending on "What to run"), and then all the Post-commands in the order they are displayed in the OS/400 Pre-/Post-commands dialog box.
  • If a Pre-command, or the command line or program, or a Post-command fails, the job will fail, unless the next command to be processed is MONMSG.
  • As the job is treated as a “Script file”, a Pre- or Post-command can be any valid “Script file” extended feature.

PGM PARM(&name), RETURN, GOTO, MONMSG, continuation line, or remarks.

  • Default values for "Ignore Errors" (IGNERR keyword) and "Log informational messages" (LOGINFMSG keyword) of the "Script file" interpreter are used.
  • ' (Apostrophes) must be doubled ('') in Pre- or Post-commands.

EXAMPLE: SNDMSG MSG('I am using Control-M') TOUSR(*SYSOPR) should be entered as follows:

SNDMSG MSG(''I am using Control-M'') TOUSR(*SYSOPR).


(Program, Script File, and Command only) The following rules apply to pre-statistics programs:

  • A job can only have one pre-statistics program
  • The parameter pre-statistics program must refer to a qualified OS/400 program name in one of the following formats:
    • -<Program>

    • -<Library>/<Program>

The Pre-statistics field contains the following:

  • Pre-statistics program: Specifies the name of a program to process the Jobs statistic information.
  • Library: Defines the name of the library. 10 characters valid OS/400 object name.

International Attributes

The following table describes the International attributes in the More Options area for an OS/400 job type.



Sort Sequence

Determines the sort sequence that is used for the job.

Valid Values:

  • 1–10 characters.

  • OS/400 object name, or a special value from the drop-down list.


Determines the library name.

Valid Values:

  • 1–10 characters.

  • OS/400 object name, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Language ID

Determines the language identifier to be associated with the Job.

Valid Values:

  • 3 ID characters.

  • Valid OS/400 language ID, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Country ID

Determines the country or region identifier (ID) used by the job.

Valid Values: 2 country or region ID characters, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Coded Character Set ID

Determines the coded character set identifier (CCSID) used for the submitted job. Up to 5 digits coded character set ID in the range of 1–65,535 or one of the following special values from the drop-down list.

Messaging Attributes

The following table describes the Messaging attributes in the More Options area for an OS/400 job type.




Defines the messaging logging level used for the job messages.

Valid Values: 0–4 characters, or a special value from the drop-down list.


Defines the message severity used to determine which error messages are logged in the job log.

If the string contains spaces or non-alphanumeric characters, enclose it with an ' (apostrophe).

Valid Values: 0–99 characters, or a special value from the drop-down list.


Determines the messaging logging text.

Valid Values: System default, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Log CL Program Commands

Determines whether the commands, which execute in a CL program, are logged into the job log through the CL program message queue.

Valid Values: System default, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Inquiry Message Reply

Determines how predefined messages are answered, which are sent when executing the job.

Valid Values: System default, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Job Message Queue Maximum

Determines the maximum size of the job message queue (02–64) or one of the special values from the drop-down list.

Job Message Queue Full Action

Determines the action that needs to be taken when the job message queue is full.

Valid Values: System default, or a special value from the drop-down list.

MSGW Auto Reply Profile

Defines the name of the MSGW auto reply profile file that is processed when the job's status is set to MSGW.

Message Queue

Defines where the completion message is sent when the submitted job has completed executing.

Valid Values: 1–10 characters. OS/400 name, or a special value from the drop-down list.

BMC recommends that you do not change this value. Otherwise, when the job ends, it is not detected until the next Tracker loop. If the OS400 configuration parameter OVRMSGQ is not set to Y, this value is ignored.


Determines the name of the library.

Valid Values: 1–10 characters. OS/400 name, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Output Attributes

The following table describes the Output attributes in the More Options area for an OS/400 job type.



Output Queue

Defines the default queue for the spooled files of the job.

Valid Values: 1–10 characters. OS/400 name, or a special value from the drop-down list.


Defines the library name.

Valid Values: 1–10 characters. OS/400 name, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Print Device

Defines the default printer name for the job.

Valid Values: 1–10 characters. OS/400 name, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Output Priority

Defines the output priority for spooled output files that are produced by the job.

Valid Values: System default, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Highest Priority: 1

Lowest Priority: 9

Spooled File Action

Decides whether the spooled files are accessed through the job interfaces after the job ends.

Valid Values: System default, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Print Text

Defines the printed text at the end of each page or on separate pages.

Valid Values: 1–30 characters. String or special value.

If the string contains spaces or non-alphanumeric characters, enclose it with ' (apostrophes).

Spooled Files Handling

Defines the spooled file handling profile name supplied when the job ends. Must be the name of an existing spooled files handling profile that is located in the Agent Data directory.

When no value is set for this parameter, the default Spooled files handling profile value from the Agent configuration is used.

The following special values can be used:

  • *ALLTOOUTPUT: All spooled files of the job are appended to the job output.
  • *NONE: No spooled file action is taken.

OS/400 Program Job

OS/400 Program jobs are a subset of the OS/400 Full job, which enables you to define and execute an IBM i (AS/400) native program in a library, S/38 program or QShell program. You can run this job type on Agents that are connected to self-hosted Control-M for z/OS environments.

To create an OS/400 Program job, see Creating a Job.

The following table describes the OS/400 Program Job attributes.



Special Environment

Defines the environment where the Job executes as follows:

  • Native: Enables the Job to execute on the native OS/400 environment.
  • QShell: Enables the Job to execute on the QShell environment.
  • S/38: Enables the Job to execute on the System/38 environment.


Defines the library name where the program resides.

Characters: 1–10

Characters: 1–8 S/38 Environment


(Qshell only) Defines the path where the QShell program resides. The path must start with a ~ (tilda), / (forward slash), \ (backslash), or . (period).


Defines the program name to be executed in the specified special environment.

Overriding Path

(Qshell only) Defines the name of an alternate path or directory for the program specified in the Program parameter.

Variable Name: %%OVERLIB

Overriding Library

Defines the name of an alternate library or directory for the program specified in the program parameter.

Program's Parameters

Defines a Program, Script file or VT script file, which may expect to receive parameters as input for the execution.

Each parameter must match its type as expected by the Program, Script file or VT script. To modify the parameters, see Parameter display options.

The following types are available:

  • String: Defines any string up to 4,000 characters.
  • Decimal: Defines a decimal number with or without decimal point. The value is passed to the program as packed decimal with a length of (15 5), where the value is 15 digits long, of which 5 digits are decimal positions.
  • Hex: Defines any even number of hexadecimal characters (the numbers 09, the letters AF, and the letters af). The value is passed to the program as X'<value>'.
  • The String is the only valid type to be passed to Script file or VT script file and also to a QShell program.

  • A maximum of 99 parameters can be set per job.

  • If you need to include an ' (apostrophe), you must type two '' (apostrophes).

  • A value of *BLANKn will be resolved to n blanks.

Resolve Special Values

Indicates whether special values, such as *PGM, *DTAARA, and *FILE, defined in the program's parameters value will be resolved by the script interpreter or prior to submitting a program.

  • Default value: Checked

Submission Attributes

Enables you to define the submission attributes for an OS/400 Job type.

Job Description

Defines the name of the OS/400 Job description (*JOBD) used to submit the job. You can select a job description name from the generated list.


Defines the name of the library where the job description resides. You can select a library name from the generated list.

Job Queue

Defines the name of the Job queue to submit the job to. You can select a job queue name from the generated list.

Job Queue Priority

Specifies the Job queue scheduling priority.

Highest Priority: 1

Lowest Priority: 9

When System default is set, the job is submitted with the system default JOBPTY value.

Hold on Job Queue

Determines whether this job is held at the time defined in the job queue. When System default is set, the job is submitted with the system default HOLD value.

Run Priority

Specifies the run priority for the job.

Highest Priority: 1

Lowest Priority: 9

The Agent only attempts to set the Run priority after the job is submitted. If a job is not available or ends before the priority is set, the job is not updated and no error message is sent. If the OS/400 configuration parameter CHGRUNPTY is set to N, the RUNPTY of the job is not set.

Submit with ASAP Option

Enables you to submit the Job to a NOMAX Job queue. If selected, Job Queue, Library, Job queue priority and Hold on Job queue are disabled.

Bypass Job

The job does not run and the following message is generated in the job output:

Job was bypassed

Skip Validity Checks for this Job

Enables you to skip validity checks for all fields.

Library List Attributes

The following table describes the Library List attributes in the More Options area for an OS/400 job type.



Name Space

Defines the Name space or ASP group.

System Library List

Determines the system portion of the library list to use.

Current Library

Defines the current library for the job.

Library List Option

Determines which library name to include in the job library list. If a special value is specified, it must be the only entry in the list.

Special Values:

  • *JOBD
  • *NONE

Environment Attributes

The following table describes the Environment attributes in the More Options area for an OS/400 job type.



Accounting Code

Determines the accounting code used by the submitted job when logging the system resources usage. 15-character string (use any characters) or a special value from the drop-down list.

If a value contains spaces or non-alphanumeric characters, enclose the value with an ' (apostrophe).

Routing Data

Defines the routing data used to start the next routing step in the job. 80-character string (any characters) or one of the special values from the drop-down list.

If a value contains spaces or non-alphanumeric characters, enclose the value with an ' (apostrophe).

Request Data

Determines the request data that is placed as the last entry in the Job's message queue. 3000-character string (any characters) or one of the special values from the drop-down list.

Submitted For

Defines the parent job name for the job.

A qualified Job name in <number>/<user>/<name> format, or the special value from the drop-down list.

Scheduling Date

Determines the date when the job is submitted to the job queue and is eligible to execute. Specify a date in the job's date format, with or without the date separator, or one of the special values from the drop-down list.

Scheduling Time

Defines the time on the scheduled date when the Job becomes eligible to execute. Time in hhmmss format, or special value from the drop-down list.

Job Date

Determines the date that is assigned to the job when it starts. (Job date format). Type the date or a special value from the drop-down list.

Job Switches

Determines the first settings for a group of 8 Job switches used with the job. Any combination of 0s and 1s to form an 8-digit string, or the special value from the drop-down list.

Allow Multiple Threads

Defines whether or not the job is allowed to execute with multiple user threads. One of the special values from the drop-down list:

  • System Default
  • Job Description
  • Yes
  • No

Allow Display by WRKSBMJOB

Specifies whether the Job being submitted is allowed to be shown on the Work with Submitted Jobs panel.

Default: Selected (Yes)

Copy Environment Variables

Specifies whether the environment variables from the submitting job are copied to the new job.

When this property is set to Clear (No), LDA is not set for the job and environment variables are not passed

Default: Selected (Yes).


Defines the local data area. You can add, delete, modify, copy or move up or down by selecting the icon in the LDA field. The LDA field contains the following:

  • Start: Defines the starting location of the LDA (1 to 1024 inclusive with a default of 1).
  • Length: Defines the length of the string in the LDA (default = actual length).
  • [Decimal]: Defines the precision (number of digits after the decimal point).
  • Value: Defines the value of the LDA. When [Decimal] is specified, the value must be a numeric value with or without decimal point (examples: 167, 1997.15).

For all formats, <start> + <length> -1 must not exceed 1024.

%%LDA accepts Hex or Binary values and enables special values (*PGM, *DTAARA, *FILE, ...).

Usage notes:

  • To set the hex value to *LDA, use the following format in the Value: *HEX(<hex value>). Example: *HEX(a1b2C3D4)
  • The <hex value> must have an even number of characters. If not, the value is not set.
  • If the Length is specified, only the "Length" number of bytes is written to the *LDA. For example, if Length=3 and <hex value>=a1b2c3d4, only a1b2c3 will be written to *LDA.
  • <hex value> must have a valid hex value (only the numbers 09, the letters AF, and the letters af). If not, the value is not set.
  • When applying a special value to *LDA (*PGM, *FILE, *DTAARA, *HEX, ...) the "Resolve special values" checkbox must be checked.
  • If the Length was specified and the resolved length of the value is longer than the specified Length, only <Length> characters are written to the *LDA.
  • If the Length was not specified, the resolved length of the value, and all resolved value's characters are written to the *LDA.


The following table describes the Pre-submit and Pre-/Post-commands in the More Options area for an OS/400 job type.

Pre-submit Commands


Pre-submit Commands

(Program, Script File, and Command only) Enables you to define a command before you submit the job. A job can have any number of pre-submit commands but the total number of variables for a job is limited. All Pre-submit commands are executed before the job is submitted to the OS/400.

Pre-submit commands are processed in the order they are displayed in the OS/400 Pre-/Post-commands dialog box.

Pre-submit commands are executed "as is." There is no need for special ‘single quote’ handling.

If a Pre-submit command fails, the failure is ignored, logged in the Agent log file, and the next Pre-submit command is processed. When there are no more Pre-submit commands to process, the Job is submitted. You can add, delete, edit copy, or move up or down any pre-submit command.



(Program, Script File, and Command only) Determines the command line instruction to be executed before or after the specified command line. The following rules apply to Pre-and Post-commands:

  • A maximum of 19 Pre-and Post-commands can be defined for a single Job. If a Pre- or Post-command is defined for a job, the job is processed as a Script file object type, regardless of its defined object type.
  • If the defined Object type is CMDLINE, the Command line (in the OS400 tab) cannot exceed 256 characters.
  • The job processes all the Pre-commands in the order they are displayed in the OS/400 Pre-/Post-commands dialog box, then the command line or the program (depending on "What to run"), and then all the Post-commands in the order they are displayed in the OS/400 Pre-/Post-commands dialog box.
  • If a Pre-command, or the command line or program, or a Post-command fails, the job will fail, unless the next command to be processed is MONMSG.
  • As the job is treated as a “Script file”, a Pre- or Post-command can be any valid “Script file” extended feature.

PGM PARM(&name), RETURN, GOTO, MONMSG, continuation line, or remarks.

  • Default values for "Ignore Errors" (IGNERR keyword) and "Log informational messages" (LOGINFMSG keyword) of the "Script file" interpreter are used.
  • ' (Apostrophes) must be doubled ('') in Pre- or Post-commands.

EXAMPLE: SNDMSG MSG('I am using Control-M') TOUSR(*SYSOPR) should be entered as follows:

SNDMSG MSG(''I am using Control-M'') TOUSR(*SYSOPR).


(Program, Script File, and Command only) The following rules apply to pre-statistics programs:

  • A job can only have one pre-statistics program
  • The parameter pre-statistics program must refer to a qualified OS/400 program name in one of the following formats:
    • -<Program>

    • -<Library>/<Program>

The Pre-statistics field contains the following:

  • Pre-statistics program: Specifies the name of a program to process the Jobs statistic information.
  • Library: Defines the name of the library. 10 characters valid OS/400 object name.

International Attributes

The following table describes the International attributes in the More Options area for an OS/400 job type.



Sort Sequence

Determines the sort sequence that is used for the job.

Valid Values:

  • 1–10 characters.

  • OS/400 object name, or a special value from the drop-down list.


Determines the library name.

Valid Values:

  • 1–10 characters.

  • OS/400 object name, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Language ID

Determines the language identifier to be associated with the Job.

Valid Values:

  • 3 ID characters.

  • Valid OS/400 language ID, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Country ID

Determines the country or region identifier (ID) used by the job.

Valid Values: 2 country or region ID characters, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Coded Character Set ID

Determines the coded character set identifier (CCSID) used for the submitted job. Up to 5 digits coded character set ID in the range of 1–65,535 or one of the following special values from the drop-down list.

Messaging Attributes

The following table describes the Messaging attributes in the More Options area for an OS/400 job type.




Defines the messaging logging level used for the job messages.

Valid Values: 0–4 characters, or a special value from the drop-down list.


Defines the message severity used to determine which error messages are logged in the job log.

If the string contains spaces or non-alphanumeric characters, enclose it with an ' (apostrophe).

Valid Values: 0–99 characters, or a special value from the drop-down list.


Determines the messaging logging text.

Valid Values: System default, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Log CL Program Commands

Determines whether the commands, which execute in a CL program, are logged into the job log through the CL program message queue.

Valid Values: System default, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Inquiry Message Reply

Determines how predefined messages are answered, which are sent when executing the job.

Valid Values: System default, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Job Message Queue Maximum

Determines the maximum size of the job message queue (02–64) or one of the special values from the drop-down list.

Job Message Queue Full Action

Determines the action that needs to be taken when the job message queue is full.

Valid Values: System default, or a special value from the drop-down list.

MSGW Auto Reply Profile

Defines the name of the MSGW auto reply profile file that is processed when the job's status is set to MSGW.

Message Queue

Defines where the completion message is sent when the submitted job has completed executing.

Valid Values: 1–10 characters. OS/400 name, or a special value from the drop-down list.

BMC recommends that you do not change this value. Otherwise, when the job ends, it is not detected until the next Tracker loop. If the OS400 configuration parameter OVRMSGQ is not set to Y, this value is ignored.


Determines the name of the library.

Valid Values: 1–10 characters. OS/400 name, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Output Attributes

The following table describes the Output attributes in the More Options area for an OS/400 job type.



Output Queue

Defines the default queue for the spooled files of the job.

Valid Values: 1–10 characters. OS/400 name, or a special value from the drop-down list.


Defines the library name.

Valid Values: 1–10 characters. OS/400 name, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Print Device

Defines the default printer name for the job.

Valid Values: 1–10 characters. OS/400 name, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Output Priority

Defines the output priority for spooled output files that are produced by the job.

Valid Values: System default, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Highest Priority: 1

Lowest Priority: 9

Spooled File Action

Decides whether the spooled files are accessed through the job interfaces after the job ends.

Valid Values: System default, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Print Text

Defines the printed text at the end of each page or on separate pages.

Valid Values: 1–30 characters. String or special value.

If the string contains spaces or non-alphanumeric characters, enclose it with ' (apostrophes).

Spooled Files Handling

Defines the spooled file handling profile name supplied when the job ends. Must be the name of an existing spooled files handling profile that is located in the Agent Data directory.

When no value is set for this parameter, the default Spooled files handling profile value from the Agent configuration is used.

The following special values can be used:

  • *ALLTOOUTPUT: All spooled files of the job are appended to the job output.
  • *NONE: No spooled file action is taken.

OS/400 Multiple Commands Job

OS/400 multiple commands enable you to execute multiple commands in a single Job using the Control-M Command line interpreter. You can create jobs with multiple commands eliminating the need to use pre and post commands and enables an easier conversion from the ROBOT Job schedulers. You can run this job type on Agents that are connected to self-hosted Control-M for z/OS environments.

To create an OS/400 Multiple Commands job, see Creating a Job.

The following table describes the OS/400 Commands and Multiple Commands Job attributes.




(Multiple Commands only) Specifies the Command Line to be executed.

A Variable or expression can be specified as all or part of the value for this parameter.

Ignore Errors

Enables you to ignore errors when executing jobs. If Yes is selected, errors encountered in this command at execution time are ignored. The error message is logged in the job log and the processing is resumed from the next command.

If No is selected, the Job ends in Not OK if errors are encountered in this command at execution time.

Submission Attributes

Enables you to define the submission attribute parameters for an OS/400 Job type.

Job Description

Defines the name of the OS/400 Job description (*JOBD) used to submit the job. You can select a job description name from the generated list.


Defines the name of the library where the job description resides. You can select a library name from the generated list.

Job Queue

Defines the name of the Job queue to submit the job to. You can select a job queue name from the generated list.

Job Queue Priority

Specifies the Job queue scheduling priority.

Highest Priority: 1

Lowest Priority: 9

When System default is set, the job is submitted with the system default JOBPTY value.

Hold on Job Queue

Determines whether this job is held at the time defined in the job queue. When System default is set, the job is submitted with the system default HOLD value.

Run Priority

Specifies the run priority for the job.

Highest Priority: 1

Lowest Priority: 9

The Agent only attempts to set the Run priority after the job is submitted. If a job is not available or ends before the priority is set, the job is not updated and no error message is sent. If the OS/400 configuration parameter CHGRUNPTY is set to N, the RUNPTY of the job is not set.

Submit with ASAP Option

Enables you to submit the Job to a NOMAX Job queue. If selected, Job Queue, Library, Job queue priority and Hold on Job queue are disabled.

Ignore All Errors

(Script File, Multiple commands, and VT only) Enables you to ignore errors encountered in any of the commands specified by the Job. The error message is logged in the Job log and the processing is resumed from the next command.

Log Informational Messages

(Script File, Multiple commands, and VT only) Enables additional informational messages logged in the Job log when the Job is executing.

Delete File

(Script File, and VT only) Deletes the script file or VT script file when the Job execution ends.

This attribute is not valid when Script file location is set to Embedded script.

Bypass Jobs

The job does not run and the following message is generated in the job output:

Job was bypassed

Skip Validity Checks for this Job

Enables you to skip validity checks for all fields.

Library List Attributes

The following table describes the Library List attributes in the More Options area for an OS/400 job type.



Name Space

Defines the Name space or ASP group.

System Library List

Determines the system portion of the library list to use.

Current Library

Defines the current library for the job.

Library List Option

Determines which library name to include in the job library list. If a special value is specified, it must be the only entry in the list.

Special Values:

  • *JOBD
  • *NONE

Environment Attributes

The following table describes the Environment attributes in the More Options area for an OS/400 job type.



Accounting Code

Determines the accounting code used by the submitted job when logging the system resources usage. 15-character string (use any characters) or a special value from the drop-down list.

If a value contains spaces or non-alphanumeric characters, enclose the value with an ' (apostrophe).

Routing Data

Defines the routing data used to start the next routing step in the job. 80-character string (any characters) or one of the special values from the drop-down list.

If a value contains spaces or non-alphanumeric characters, enclose the value with an ' (apostrophe).

Request Data

Determines the request data that is placed as the last entry in the Job's message queue. 3000-character string (any characters) or one of the special values from the drop-down list.

Submitted For

Defines the parent job name for the job.

A qualified Job name in <number>/<user>/<name> format, or the special value from the drop-down list.

Scheduling Date

Determines the date when the job is submitted to the job queue and is eligible to execute. Specify a date in the job's date format, with or without the date separator, or one of the special values from the drop-down list.

Scheduling Time

Defines the time on the scheduled date when the Job becomes eligible to execute. Time in hhmmss format, or special value from the drop-down list.

Job Date

Determines the date that is assigned to the job when it starts. (Job date format). Type the date or a special value from the drop-down list.

Job Switches

Determines the first settings for a group of 8 Job switches used with the job. Any combination of 0s and 1s to form an 8-digit string, or the special value from the drop-down list.

Allow Multiple Threads

Defines whether or not the job is allowed to execute with multiple user threads. One of the special values from the drop-down list:

  • System Default
  • Job Description
  • Yes
  • No

Allow Display by WRKSBMJOB

Specifies whether the Job being submitted is allowed to be shown on the Work with Submitted Jobs panel.

Default: Selected (Yes)

Copy Environment Variables

Specifies whether the environment variables from the submitting job are copied to the new job.

When this property is set to Clear (No), LDA is not set for the job and environment variables are not passed

Default: Selected (Yes).


Defines the local data area. You can add, delete, modify, copy or move up or down by selecting the icon in the LDA field. The LDA field contains the following:

  • Start: Defines the starting location of the LDA (1 to 1024 inclusive with a default of 1).
  • Length: Defines the length of the string in the LDA (default = actual length).
  • [Decimal]: Defines the precision (number of digits after the decimal point).
  • Value: Defines the value of the LDA. When [Decimal] is specified, the value must be a numeric value with or without decimal point (examples: 167, 1997.15).

For all formats, <start> + <length> -1 must not exceed 1024.

%%LDA accepts Hex or Binary values and enables special values (*PGM, *DTAARA, *FILE, ...).

Usage notes:

  • To set the hex value to *LDA, use the following format in the Value: *HEX(<hex value>). Example: *HEX(a1b2C3D4)
  • The <hex value> must have an even number of characters. If not, the value is not set.
  • If the Length is specified, only the "Length" number of bytes is written to the *LDA. For example, if Length=3 and <hex value>=a1b2c3d4, only a1b2c3 will be written to *LDA.
  • <hex value> must have a valid hex value (only the numbers 09, the letters AF, and the letters af). If not, the value is not set.
  • When applying a special value to *LDA (*PGM, *FILE, *DTAARA, *HEX, ...) the "Resolve special values" checkbox must be checked.
  • If the Length was specified and the resolved length of the value is longer than the specified Length, only <Length> characters are written to the *LDA.
  • If the Length was not specified, the resolved length of the value, and all resolved value's characters are written to the *LDA.


The following table describes the Pre-submit and Pre-/Post-commands in the More Options area for an OS/400 job type.

Pre-submit Commands


Pre-submit Commands

(Program, Script File, and Command only) Enables you to define a command before you submit the job. A job can have any number of pre-submit commands but the total number of variables for a job is limited. All Pre-submit commands are executed before the job is submitted to the OS/400.

Pre-submit commands are processed in the order they are displayed in the OS/400 Pre-/Post-commands dialog box.

Pre-submit commands are executed "as is." There is no need for special ‘single quote’ handling.

If a Pre-submit command fails, the failure is ignored, logged in the Agent log file, and the next Pre-submit command is processed. When there are no more Pre-submit commands to process, the Job is submitted. You can add, delete, edit copy, or move up or down any pre-submit command.



(Program, Script File, and Command only) Determines the command line instruction to be executed before or after the specified command line. The following rules apply to Pre-and Post-commands:

  • A maximum of 19 Pre-and Post-commands can be defined for a single Job. If a Pre- or Post-command is defined for a job, the job is processed as a Script file object type, regardless of its defined object type.
  • If the defined Object type is CMDLINE, the Command line (in the OS400 tab) cannot exceed 256 characters.
  • The job processes all the Pre-commands in the order they are displayed in the OS/400 Pre-/Post-commands dialog box, then the command line or the program (depending on "What to run"), and then all the Post-commands in the order they are displayed in the OS/400 Pre-/Post-commands dialog box.
  • If a Pre-command, or the command line or program, or a Post-command fails, the job will fail, unless the next command to be processed is MONMSG.
  • As the job is treated as a “Script file”, a Pre- or Post-command can be any valid “Script file” extended feature.

PGM PARM(&name), RETURN, GOTO, MONMSG, continuation line, or remarks.

  • Default values for "Ignore Errors" (IGNERR keyword) and "Log informational messages" (LOGINFMSG keyword) of the "Script file" interpreter are used.
  • ' (Apostrophes) must be doubled ('') in Pre- or Post-commands.

EXAMPLE: SNDMSG MSG('I am using Control-M') TOUSR(*SYSOPR) should be entered as follows:

SNDMSG MSG(''I am using Control-M'') TOUSR(*SYSOPR).


(Program, Script File, and Command only) The following rules apply to pre-statistics programs:

  • A job can only have one pre-statistics program
  • The parameter pre-statistics program must refer to a qualified OS/400 program name in one of the following formats:
    • -<Program>

    • -<Library>/<Program>

The Pre-statistics field contains the following:

  • Pre-statistics program: Specifies the name of a program to process the Jobs statistic information.
  • Library: Defines the name of the library. 10 characters valid OS/400 object name.

International Attributes

The following table describes the International attributes in the More Options area for an OS/400 job type.



Sort Sequence

Determines the sort sequence that is used for the job.

Valid Values:

  • 1–10 characters.

  • OS/400 object name, or a special value from the drop-down list.


Determines the library name.

Valid Values:

  • 1–10 characters.

  • OS/400 object name, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Language ID

Determines the language identifier to be associated with the Job.

Valid Values:

  • 3 ID characters.

  • Valid OS/400 language ID, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Country ID

Determines the country or region identifier (ID) used by the job.

Valid Values: 2 country or region ID characters, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Coded Character Set ID

Determines the coded character set identifier (CCSID) used for the submitted job. Up to 5 digits coded character set ID in the range of 1–65,535 or one of the following special values from the drop-down list.

Messaging Attributes

The following table describes the Messaging attributes in the More Options area for an OS/400 job type.




Defines the messaging logging level used for the job messages.

Valid Values: 0–4 characters, or a special value from the drop-down list.


Defines the message severity used to determine which error messages are logged in the job log.

If the string contains spaces or non-alphanumeric characters, enclose it with an ' (apostrophe).

Valid Values: 0–99 characters, or a special value from the drop-down list.


Determines the messaging logging text.

Valid Values: System default, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Log CL Program Commands

Determines whether the commands, which execute in a CL program, are logged into the job log through the CL program message queue.

Valid Values: System default, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Inquiry Message Reply

Determines how predefined messages are answered, which are sent when executing the job.

Valid Values: System default, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Job Message Queue Maximum

Determines the maximum size of the job message queue (02–64) or one of the special values from the drop-down list.

Job Message Queue Full Action

Determines the action that needs to be taken when the job message queue is full.

Valid Values: System default, or a special value from the drop-down list.

MSGW Auto Reply Profile

Defines the name of the MSGW auto reply profile file that is processed when the job's status is set to MSGW.

Message Queue

Defines where the completion message is sent when the submitted job has completed executing.

Valid Values: 1–10 characters. OS/400 name, or a special value from the drop-down list.

BMC recommends that you do not change this value. Otherwise, when the job ends, it is not detected until the next Tracker loop. If the OS400 configuration parameter OVRMSGQ is not set to Y, this value is ignored.


Determines the name of the library.

Valid Values: 1–10 characters. OS/400 name, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Output Attributes

The following table describes the Output attributes in the More Options area for an OS/400 job type.



Output Queue

Defines the default queue for the spooled files of the job.

Valid Values: 1–10 characters. OS/400 name, or a special value from the drop-down list.


Defines the library name.

Valid Values: 1–10 characters. OS/400 name, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Print Device

Defines the default printer name for the job.

Valid Values: 1–10 characters. OS/400 name, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Output Priority

Defines the output priority for spooled output files that are produced by the job.

Valid Values: System default, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Highest Priority: 1

Lowest Priority: 9

Spooled File Action

Decides whether the spooled files are accessed through the job interfaces after the job ends.

Valid Values: System default, or a special value from the drop-down list.

Print Text

Defines the printed text at the end of each page or on separate pages.

Valid Values: 1–30 characters. String or special value.

If the string contains spaces or non-alphanumeric characters, enclose it with ' (apostrophes).

Spooled Files Handling

Defines the spooled file handling profile name supplied when the job ends. Must be the name of an existing spooled files handling profile that is located in the Agent Data directory.

When no value is set for this parameter, the default Spooled files handling profile value from the Agent configuration is used.

The following special values can be used:

  • *ALLTOOUTPUT: All spooled files of the job are appended to the job output.
  • *NONE: No spooled file action is taken.

OS/400 VT Job

OS/400 VT jobs are a subset of the OS/400 Full job, which enables you to define and execute Virtual Terminal types of jobs. A Virtual Terminal job emulates an operator's activities on a physical terminal, while playing the recorded activity as a batch process, with the ability to inject input keystrokes onto the screens as well as validate the screen output. You can run this job type on Agents that are connected to self-hosted Control-M for z/OS environments.

To create an OS/400 VT job, see Creating a Job.

The following table describes the OS/400 Virtual Terminal Job type attributes.



Script file location

Indicates where the script files are located as follows:

  • Native (QSYS file system): The script file belongs to a physical file that resides in a QSYS library.
  • IFS (Integrated file system): The script file resides in the integrated file system. The file path must start with a ~ (tilda), / (forward slash), \ (backslash), or . (period).
  • Embedded script: The script content is embedded in the Control-M Job definition, which is in the Script text box. The script file name is for informational purposes only and does not have to exist on the target system.


(Native only) Defines the library name. Up to 10 characters, valid OS/400 Object name, or one of the special values from the drop down list.


(Embedded script only) Enables you to type the embedded type script.

VT Script File

Specifies the name of a script file containing the virtual terminal instructions to be executed.


(Native only) Specifies the member name that contains the script file. Up to 10 characters, valid OS/400 Object name, or one of the special values: *FIRST

Virtual Terminal's Parameters

Defines a Program, Script file or VT script file, which may expect to receive parameters as input for the execution.

Each parameter must match its type as expected by the Program, Script file or VT script. To modify the parameters, see Parameter display options.

The following types are available:

  • String: Defines any string up to 4,000 characters.
  • Decimal: Defines a decimal number with or without decimal point. The value is passed to the program as packed decimal with a length of (15 5), where the value is 15 digits long, of which 5 digits are decimal positions.
  • Hex: Specifies any even number of hexadecimal characters (the numbers 09, the letters AF, and the letters af). The value is passed to the program as X'<value>'.
  • The String is the only valid type to be passed to a Script file or VT script file, and to a QShell program.
  • A maximum of 99 parameters can be set per job.
  • If you need to include an ' (apostrophe), you must type two '' (apostrophes).

Resolve Special Values

Indicates whether special values, such as *PGM, *DTAARA, and *FILE, defined in the program's parameters value will be resolved by the script interpreter or prior to submitting a program.

Default value: Yes (checked).

Submission Attributes

Enables you to define the submission attribute parameters for an OS/400 type Job.

Job Description

Defines the name of the OS/400 Job description (*JOBD) used to submit the job. You can select a job description name from the generated list.


Defines the name of the library where the job description resides. You can select a library name from the generated list.

Job Queue

Defines the name of the Job queue to submit the job to. You can select a job queue name from the generated list.

Job Queue Priority

Specifies the Job queue scheduling priority.

Highest Priority: 1

Lowest Priority: 9

When System default is set, the job is submitted with the system default JOBPTY value.

Hold on Job Queue

Determines whether this job is held at the time defined in the job queue. When System default is set, the job is submitted with the system default HOLD value.

Submit with ASAP Option

Enables you to submit the Job to a NOMAX Job queue. If selected, Job Queue, Library, Job queue priority and Hold on Job queue are disabled.

Ignore All Errors

(Script File, Multiple commands, and VT only) Enables you to ignore errors encountered in any of the commands specified by the Job. The error message is logged in the Job log and the processing is resumed from the next command.

Log Informational Messages

(Script File, Multiple commands, and VT only) Enables additional informational messages logged in the Job log when the Job is executing.

Delete File

(Script File, and VT only) Deletes the script file or VT script file when the Job execution ends.

This attribute is not valid when Script file location is set to Embedded script.

Print Screen Images

Choose which screen images are printed into the Job's output.

Values: System Default, No, Yes, Input only, Output only, PRTKEYFMT.

Spooled Files Handling

Specifies the name of the spooled file handling profile to be processed when the Job ends.

Terminal Attributes

Defines the Virtual Terminal Attribute parameters.

Workstation Type

Defines the type of workstation to use.

Default: *BASE

Keyboard Language

Defines the keyboard language type for the virtual terminal. Specify 3 characters valid keyboard language type or *SYSVAL to use the default system value.

For more information about supported languages, see IBM i (AS/400) globalization documentation.

Character Set

Defines the graphic character set for the virtual terminal.

For more information about supported graphic character set, see the IBM i (AS/400) globalization documentation

Valid Values:

  • Numbers: 1–32,767

  • *SYSVAL: Use the graphic character set obtained from the QCHRID system value.

  • *KBDTYPE: Enables you to use the keyboard language type.

Code Page

Defines the code page for the virtual terminal. Specifies a valid code page number.

For more information about code page, see the IBM i (AS/400) globalization documentation

Valid Values

  • Numbers: 1–32,767
  • Default: *DFT - Use the Code page obtained from the QCHRID system value

Initiation Information

Defines the initiation information for the VT terminal.

User Profile

Defines the user profile that is used to log in to the terminal. Up to 10 characters, valid OS/400 Object name, or one of the special values from the drop down list.


Specify the log in password, use the owner's authentication repository or set to use the password program.

Device Name

Name of display device. Up to 10 characters, valid OS/400 Object name, or one of the special values from the drop down list.

Current Library

The current library of the sign on process. Up to 10 characters, valid OS/400 Object name, or one of the special values from the drop down list.


Defines the sign in program name. Up to 10 characters, valid OS/400 Object name, or one of the special values from the drop down list.


Defines the sign on menu. Up to 10 characters, valid OS/400 Object name, or one of the special values from the drop down list.

Display Program Messages Defaults

Defines the default behavior when the VT Job encounters Display Program Messages screen. For more information, see Display Program Messages handling.

Bypass Jobs

The job does not run and the following message is generated in the job output:

Job was bypassed

Skip Validity Checks for This Job

Enables you to skip validity checks for all fields.

OS/400 External Job

OS/400 External jobs are a subset of the OS/400 Full job, which enables you to define and execute external jobs. External jobs are submitted to the operating system externally by another job scheduler or process, while Control-M attaches to that job and monitors it until completion. This job type enables attaching to an external job or an active subsystem.

To create an OS/400 External job, see Creating a Job. You can run this job type on Agents that are connected to self-hosted Control-M for z/OS environments.

The following table describes the OS/400 External Job and External Subsystem attributes.



External Job or External Subsystem

Defines the name of the job to execute as External Job or External Subsystem.

  • When selecting External subsystem, the Run as field is set to QSYS and all other attributes are disabled for input.

  • All attributes listed below apply to an External Job type only.

Job Status

Enables you to select the job status as follows:

Valid Values:

  • The status of any job

  • Active

  • Job queue

  • Output queue

Duplicate Job Option

Enables you to select an option if more than one External Job matches the External Job attributes (job name, owner, and job status):

  • Error: Do not attach the External Job. The Control-M job ends Not OK with an appropriate error message.

  • First Job: Take the first job (time based) that matches the External Job attributes.

  • Last Job: Take the last job (time based) that matches the External Job attributes.

Default: Error

Release Job

Enables you to release the job from JOBQ when the job is attached to Control-M.

If the job could not be released, a message is logged in the Control-M/Agent log. However, the job is attached to Control-M.

Move to Job Queue

Defines the name of a job queue to move a job to, when a job is attached to Control-M.

If a job cannot be moved, a message is logged in the Control-M/Agent log. However, the job is attached to Control-M.


Defines the name of the library where the job queue resides.

Change Job Command

Specifies any OS/400 CHGJOB command keyword and value to set the job when the job is attached to Control-M.

The following format is used:

Keyword1(value1) ... Keywordn(Valuen)


If the job could not be changed, a message is logged in the Control-M/Agent log. However, the job is attached to Control-M.

Set Accounting Code

Specifies the accounting code to set the job, when the job is attached to Control-M.

A 15-character-maximum accounting code can be specified.

If the accounting code is not set for a job, a message is logged in the Control-M/Agent log. However, the job is attached to Control-M.

MSGW Auto Reply Profile (MSGWPRF)

Must be the name of an existing MSGW auto reply profile file that is located in the Agent Data directory

Spooled Files Handling Profile (RPTDSTPRF)

Must be the name of an existing Spooled files handling profile file that is located in the Agent Data directory.

Bypass Job

The job does not execute and the following message is generated in the job output:

Job was bypassed

Skip Validity Checks for this Job

Enables you to skip validity checks for all fields.