Business Intelligence and Analytics Jobs

The following topics describe job attributes that work with business intelligence and analytics platforms and services:

AWS QuickSight Job

AWS QuickSight is a cloud-based data analytics platform that enables you to visualize, analyze, and share large workloads of data.

To create an AWS QuickSight job, see Creating a Job. For more information about this plug-in, see Control-M for AWS QuickSight.

The following table describes the AWS QuickSight job attributes.



Connection Profile

Determines the authorization credentials that are used to connect Control-M to AWS QuickSight, as described in AWS QuickSight Connection Profile Parameters.


  • Characters: 1−30

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters: Blank spaces.

AWS Dataset ID

Determines the ID of the AWS QuickSight job that is created in an AWS QuickSight workspace.

Refresh Type

Determines which of the following refresh functions to perform:

  • Full Refresh: Updates the entire data set, which refreshes all the rows in the table.

  • Incremental Refresh: Adds the rows that have not been imported to the table.

Status Polling Frequency

(Optional) Determines the number of seconds to wait before checking the status of the job.

Default: 30

Failure Tolerance

Determines the number of times to check the job status before ending Not OK.

Default: 2

Microsoft Power BI Job

The Microsoft Power BI job enables you to integrate Power BI workflows with your existing Control-M workflows.

To create a Microsoft Power BI job, see Creating a Job. For more information about this plug-in, see Control-M for Microsoft Power BI.

The following table describes Microsoft Power BI job attributes.



Connection profile

Determines the authorization credentials that are used to connect Control-M to Microsoft Power BI, as described in Microsoft Power BI Connection Profile Parameters.

Dataset Refresh/

Pipeline Deployment

Determines one of the following options for execution in Power BI:

  • Dataset Refresh

  • Pipeline Deployment

Workspace Name

(Dataset) Defines a Power BI workspace where you want to refresh data.

Workspace ID

(Dataset) Defines the ID for the specified Power BI workspace (defined in the PowerBI Group Name).

Dataset ID

Defines a Power BI data set that you want to refresh under the specified workspace.


(Dataset) Defines specific parameters, in JSON format, to pass when the job executes.

For more information about available parameters, see Datasets - Refresh Dataset in the Microsoft Power BI documentation.

To specify parameters, the dataset must be in the Premium group.

Format: {"param1":"value1", "param2":"value2"}


For no parameters, type {}.

Connection Timeout

(Optional) Determines the maximum number of seconds to wait for REST API requests to respond, before disconnecting.

Default: 10

Status Polling Frequency

(Optional) Determines the number of seconds to wait before checking the status of the job.

Default: 10

Pipeline ID

Defines the ID of a Power BI pipeline that you want to deploy to test and then to production.

Microsoft Power BI SP Job

The Microsoft Power BI SP job enables you to utilize service principal authentication to integrate Power BI workflows with your existing Control-M workflows. Service principal authentication allows applications to access resources without exposing sensitive credentials.

To create a Microsoft Power BI SP job, see Creating a Job. For more information about this plug-in, see Control-M for Microsoft Power BI.

The following table describes Microsoft Power BI SP job attributes.




Connection profile

All actions

Determines the authorization credentials to connect Control-M to Microsoft Power BI, as described in Microsoft Power BI SP Connection Profile Parameters.



Determines one of the following execution options in Power BI:

  • Dataset Refresh

  • Dataflow Refresh

  • Pipeline Deployment

  • Dataset Refresh - Service Principal

  • Dataflow Refresh - Service Principal

  • Pipeline Deployment - Service Principal

Workspace ID

  • Dataset Refresh

  • Dataflow Refresh

Defines the ID for the specified Power BI Workspace (defined in the PowerBI Group Name).

Workspace ID - SP

  • Dataset Refresh - Service Principal

  • Dataflow Refresh - Service Principal

Defines the ID for the specified Power BI SP Workspace (defined in the PowerBI Group Name).

Dataset ID

Dataset Refresh

Defines a Power BI dataset to refresh in the specified Workspace.

This attribute is also known as the semantic model in Power BI.

Dataset ID - SP

Dataset Refresh - Service Principal

Defines a Power BI SP dataset to refresh in the specified Workspace.

This attribute is also known as the semantic model in Power BI.

Dataflow ID

Dataflow Refresh

Defines a unique identifier assigned to a dataflow within the Power BI service.

A dataflow is a collection of tables that are created and managed in Workspaces in the Power BI service.

Dataflow ID - SP

Dataflow Refresh - Service Principal

Defines a unique identifier assigned to a dataflow within the Power BI SP service.

A dataflow is a collection of tables that are created and managed in Workspaces in the Power BI SP service.

Pipeline ID

Pipeline Deployment

Defines the ID of a Power BI pipeline to deploy for test and production.

Pipeline ID - SP

Pipeline Deployment - Service Principal

Defines the ID of a Power BI SP pipeline to deploy for test and production.


  • Dataset Refresh

  • Dataset Refresh - Service Principal

Defines specific parameters, in JSON format, to pass when the job executes.

For more information about available parameters, see Datasets - Refresh Dataset in the Microsoft Power BI documentation.

To specify parameters, the dataset must be in the Premium group.

Format: {"param1":"value1", "param2":"value2"}


For no parameters, type {}.

Status Polling Frequency

All actions

(Optional) Determines the number of seconds to wait before checking the status of the job.

Default: 60

Failure Tolerance All actions

Determines the number of times to check the job status before the job ends Not Ok.

Default: 2

Qlik Cloud Job

Qlik Cloud supports a cloud-based extract, transform, load (ETL) service, called Qlik Cloud Data Services, and enables you to visualize your data using Qlik Sense.

To create a Qlik Cloud job, see Creating a Job. For more information about this plug-in, see Control-M for Qlik Cloud.

The following table describes the Qlik Cloud job attributes.

Field Description

Connection Profile

Determines the authorization credentials that are used to connect Control-M to Qlik Cloud, as described in Qlik Cloud Connection Profile Parameters.


  • Characters: 1−30

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters: Blank spaces.

Reload Type

Determines one of the following options to load data into the environment:

  • Full: Deletes all the tables in the current environment and reloads the data from the data sources.

  • Partial: Keeps the tables in the current environment and executes the Load and Select statements, preceded by an Add, Merge, or Replace prefix.

App Name

Defines the Qlik Sense app name, which contains one or more workspaces, called sheets.

Print Log to Output

Determines whether the job logs are included in the Control-M output.

Status Polling Frequency

Determines the number of seconds to wait before checking the status of the job.

Default: 10


Determines the number of times to check the job status before ending Not OK.

Default: 2

Tableau Job

Tableau is a cloud-based data analytics platform that enables you to visualize, analyze, and share large workloads of data.

To create a Tableau job, see Creating a Job. For more information about this plug-in, see Control-M for Tableau.

The following table describes the Tableau job attributes.



Connection Profile

Determines the authorization credentials that are used to connect Control-M to Tableau, as described in Tableau Connection Profile Parameters.


  • Characters: 1−30

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters: Blank spaces.


Determines one of the following Tableau actions to perform:

  • Refresh Data Source: Updates the Tableau workflow with the most recent version of a data source.

  • Run Flow: Executes the Tableau workflow.

Data Source Name

Defines the name of the data source that is refreshed.

Tableau can connect to the following types of data sources:

  • Files, including those in Excel, *.pdf, and *.csv format.

  • Databases, such as Oracle, SQL Server, and DB2.

  • Cloud storage, such as Azure, GCP, and AWS.

Status Polling Frequency

(Optional) Determines the number of seconds to wait before checking the status of the job.

Default: 30

Failure Tolerance

Determines the number of times to check the job status before ending Not OK.

Default: 1