Installing Control-M/Agent on UNIX

This procedure describes how to install Control-M/Agent on UNIX in a Control-M/Server self-hosted environment. This installation includes Application Integrator and Automation API CLI. If you want to install multiple instances of Control-M/Agent on several computers using the same configuration, use the automatic installation, as described in this procedure.

  • If a previous version of Control-M/Agent is detected, an upgrade is automatically performed and the parameters values from the previous version are used.

  • The default installation is interactive and uses a GUI display. XServer must be running and configured using the DISPLAY environment variable. If you do not have XServer available, BMC recommends that you continue with the console installation or perform an automatic installation.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have met the following requirements:

  • Verify that your operating system is compatible with the current version of Control-M/Agent, as described in Agent System Requirements for UNIX.

  • Verify that you have successfully completed the Agent Pre-installation Procedures for UNIX.

  • Verify that you have met the Java requirements, as described in Control-M External Java Installation.

  • Verify that the Internal Process Communication (IPC) subsystem is enabled.

  • Verify that your locale is set to English before beginning the installation.

  • (Red Hat Linux) BMC recommends that you define the maxproc parameter to at least 4,096 before you install.

  • (AIX only) You must set the tcp_nodelayack to 1 as a root user, as follows:

    /usr/sbin/no -o tcp_nodelayack=1

  • (Solaris only) You must configure /etc/project as root user, by adding the following line to the file:



  1. Log in as a Control-M/Agent user.

  2. Download the installation files, as described in Obtaining Control-M Installation Files, and move them to the home directory.

  3. Set your DISPLAY environment variable, as described in Setting Environment Variables in UNIX.

  4. From the home directory, type the following command:


  5. Do one of the following:

    • Interactive Installation: Continue with the on-screen instructions until the installation is complete.

    • Automatic Installation: Create a parameter file and then run the automatic install in a non-interactive mode, as follows:

      1. Continue with the on-screen instructions until the Summary window.

      2. Click Generate and select the location to create the XML parameter file.

      3. Click Yes to quit the installation.

        A confirmation message appears.

      4. Click Yes.

      5. Copy the automatic installation parameters file to a network location that is accessible to all computers where you want to perform an automatic installation.

      6. To run the installation script, type the following command:

        <Source_Path>/ -silent <xml_path>/<Filename.xml>

      If you want to encrypt a password in the installation, run the following command:

      <Source_Path>/ -encrypt <Password>

      The installation log is available in the following location:


      The backup file is available in the following location:


  6. After Agent installation, jobs can run under the Agent user account only. To allow jobs to run under other Run As users, you must change the Agent mode, as described in set_agent_mode.

By default, Control-M/Agent is configured to work with TCP. To secure your environment, BMC recommends to change your configuration to SSL, as described in Zone 2 and 3 SSL Configuration.