File Transfer Job

File Transfer jobs enable you to watch and transfer files to and from local hosts, remote hosts, and Cloud storage buckets and containers. Jobs can contain up to five different file transfer definitions, which are executed sequentially. Each definition can transfer one or more files, subdirectories, or directories.

File Transfer jobs are integrated with other Control-M jobs into a single scheduling environment.

A File Transfer job enables you to do the following:

Defining a File Transfer Job

This procedure describes how to define a File Transfer job, which enables you to watch and transfer files from a local host to a remote host, a remote to a local host, or a remote host to another remote host.

Control-M for AFT jobs on Agent and Control-M MFT jobs on another Agent cannot belong to the same Host group.

Before You Begin


  1. From the General tab, in the Profile Type field, select one of the following:

    • Two Single Endpoints: Shows connection profiles that are defined with one host. Select this option if the source and destination locations are defined in separate connection profiles.

    • Endpoint1 <-> Endpoint2: Shows connection profiles that are defined with two hosts. Select this option if the source and destination locations are defined in the same connection profile.

  2. In the Connection Profile field, click .

    The Select Connection Profile dialog box appears.

  3. Select the connection profiles that you want to use to transfer files, and click OK.

    If you are transferring a file to or from S3, Azure Blob, Oracle Cloud Storage, or Google Cloud Storage, in the Bucket or Container fields, click and select the required bucket or container.

    If you are transferring a file to or from SharePoint Online, in the Site Name and Document Library Name fields, click and select the required Site or Document Library.

  4. In the File Transfers area, do the following:

    1. In the left field, browse for the file, directory, or library to transfer, or type the pathname.

    2. In the right field, browse for the file, directory, or library to transfer, or type the pathname. To transfer a file to multiple hosts, select one of the following:

      • Home Directory: Transfers the file to the home directory on each host.

      • Common Destination Path: Transfers the file to the same location on each host defined here.

      • Different Destination Paths: Transfers the file to different destinations on each host. Click and define each path by browsing to each file in File Selection or modify the locations in one view in Paths List.

      You can use variables in the left or right transfer fields, as described in File Transfer Advanced General Attributes.

    3. Select the transfer option, as described in Transfer Options.

      You can transfer up to five files at a time. File transfers within a job are sequential, therefore, if a file transfer fails subsequent file transfer definitions are not performed unless you select the Continue on failure checkbox, as described in File Transfer Advanced General Attributes.

  5. Click Advanced.

    The File Transfers dialog box appears.

  6. Select the required options, as described in File Transfer Advanced General Attributes, and click OK.

  7. Select Binary or ASCII from the drop-down list.

    Extended binary-coded decimal interchange code (EBCDIC) format is supported only when transferring files between two MVS FTP hosts.

  8. Select optional parameters if required, as described in File Transfer Job.

  9. Click the Advanced drop-down list.

    The Pre-execution Command and Post-execution Command fields are used to define specific commands to execute at the beginning or at the end of a job. These commands can only be executed on a computer where the Agent is installed, and the output of the commands (pre or post) appears in the job output.

Transfer Options

If you have successfully watched a file using a variable, you can share that variable to an additional transfer in the Source path within the same job using the following variables.

The following table lists the transfer options.



Transfers the file from <Host_1> to <Host_2>.

Transfers the file from <Host_2> to <Host_1>.

Watches the file until it reaches a certain size or passes a time limit, and then transfers the file from <Host_1> to <Host_2>.

For more information on file watching, see File Transfer File Watcher Attributes.

Watches the file until it reaches a certain size or passes a time limit, and then transfers the file from <Host_1> to <Host_2>.

Watches the file until it reaches a certain size or passes a time limit.

For more information on file watching, see File Transfer File Watcher Attributes.

You can use a wildcard to watch files in a directory but the wildcard cannot be used for a directory path itself. For more information, see Pattern-Matching Strings.

  • File Watcher path /directory/testfiles/* finds any files that reside in the directory.

  • File Watcher path /directory/*/testfile.txt cannot find files.

Lists all the files and directories from either the source or destination hosts or both in the job output. This option enables you to get a snapshot of a directory listing to save, archive, mail it, or automate a subsequent process that requires all files in that content.

Directory of C:\Users\vagrant\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\ServerManager

05/17/2014 06:47 AM 341 ServerList.xml

  • If the Recursive option is selected, all subdirectories and files are included in the job output.

  • For each directory or pattern matching string, the job output includes the exact output from the local, FTP, SFTP, or S3 response for the LIST, DIR, or ls command.

(Windows/Linux only) Synchronizes all files from <Host_1> to <Host_2> by comparing all files in the source and destination folders based on the last modification and does the following:

  • Transfers all files that appear in the source directory and do not appear in the destination.

  • Transfers files only if the source file timestamp is more recent than the destination file timestamp.

  • Deletes all files in the destination folder that do not appear in the source.

    To synchronize subdirectories, use the Recursive option.

    You can use file pattern in the source path to synchronize specific files. For example: /src_path/*.pdf

(Windows/Linux only) Synchronizes all files from <Host_1> to <Host_2> by comparing all files in the source and destination folders based on the last modification and does the following:

  • Transfers all files that appear in the source directory and do not appear in the destination.

  • Transfers files only if the source file timestamp is more recent than the destination file timestamp.

  • Deletes all files in the destination folder that do not appear in the source.

  • To synchronize subdirectories, use the Recursive option.

  • You can use file pattern in the source path to synchronize specific files, for example:


  • $$WATCH_ALLn$$: Determines the full filename including the extension of the successfully watched file

  • $$WATCH_NAMEn$$: Determines the filename only without the extension of the successfully watched file

  • $$WATCH_EXTn$$: Determines the extension of the successfully watched file

    n represents the number of the watch/transfer of the possible 5 in the job.

If you selected the Rerun from Point of Failure checkbox, you cannot use the above variables.

File Transfer Optional Attributes

Attribute Description

End Job Not OK When Continue on Failure Option is Selected

If the file transfer job fails and the Continue on Failure checkbox is selected, the job status changes to Not OK.

Rerun from Point of Failure

Resumes the file transfer from the point that it failed. You must select this checkbox and the Restart from failure checkbox, as described in Creating a Centralized Connection Profile.

  • (FTP only)The transfer can only be resumed from the exact position where the failure occurred if the FTP server supports REST commands.

  • If you HOLD a job and then rerun it, the job automatically re-executes from the beginning.

  • If the Append option is selected in the General tab, the Rerun from Point of Failure option is ignored.

If you are transferring a file from one host to a group of hosts, you cannot use this option.

Number of Retries

Uses the default or a custom number of retries to re-establish a failed connection.

If you are using a z/OS platform, this checkbox is disabled.

File Transfer Advanced General Attributes

The File name field in the Source File Action after Successful Completion, Destination File Action after Successful Completion and Create Empty File fields parameters can contain variables, constants, and the following variables:

  • $$AFTFILE$$: Contains the name of the original file without file extension. (If there was an extension, it is always added to the name of the file.)

  • $$AFTFILE_ALL$$: Contains the full filename including the extension

  • $$AFTFILE_NAME$$: Contains only the name of the file until the last dot (without the extension)

  • $$AFTFILE_EXT$$: Contains only the extension of the filename

If you want to rename a transferred file old_cmd_060101.exe, when it was originally named cmd.exe, the pattern you must specify is old_$$AFTFILE$$_%%DATE.

The following table lists the File Transfer Advanced general attributes.



Source File Action After Successful Completion

Determines how a source file is handled after a successful transfer, as follows:

  • Leave As Is: Retains the source file with the original name.

  • Delete File: Deletes the source file.

  • Rename File: Renames the source file with a valid name for the operating system of the host computer (256 characters).

  • Move File: Moves the file to a specified location (full path only) (Not available for z/OS).

  • Change Permission: Changes the UNIX permission level of the file, such as 755.

  • Run Command on File: Executes a specific command on the file on File System connection profile only.

    (Windows) The format must be as follows:
    cmd /c <command>

    If you are executing a script or executable file you need one of the following:

    • The full path to the file.

    • The folder of the file must be in the PATH environment variable.

    • The file must be located in the <Agent>\cm\AFT folder.

If the action fails, Control-M for MFT attempts a retry according to the number of retries.

Variable Name: %%FTP-SRCOPTx

File Name

Determines the path and name of the file.


  • Characters: 1–256
  • Case Sensitive: Yes
  • Variable Name: %%FTP-NEWNAMEx

Fail Transfer when Action on Source File Failed

Determines whether to fail the transfer when a post-action on the source file fails after a successful transfer.

Variable Name: %%FTP-SRC_ACT_FAILx

If a File with the Exact Same Name as Already Exists

Determines how to manage a file that has the same name as the destination file, as follows:

  • Overwrite: Replaces the existing file with the transferred file.

  • Append: Attaches the transferred file to the existing file and transfers multiple files into one combined file using a wildcard character.

    This option is not supported on S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Oracle Object Storage.

  • Abort: Cancels the file transfer.

  • Skip: Skips the file.

  • Add Counter: Adds a numerical value to the filename.

  • Add Timestamp: Adds a timestamp to the filename.

Variable Name: %%FTP-IF-EXISTx

Destination File Action after Successful Completion

Determines how a destination file is handled after a successful transfer, as follows:

  • Leave As Is: Retains the source file with the original name

  • Rename File: Renames the source file with a valid name for the operating system of the host computer (256 characters).

    To define the destination filename for each file that is transferred when the destination path is a directory, see Destination Filename parameters.

  • Move File: (Not available for MVS) Moves the file to a specified location. You must use the full pathname.

  • Change Permission: Changes the UNIX permission level of the file, such as 755.
  • Run Command on File: Executes a specific command on the file on the File System connection profile only.

    (Windows only) The format must be as follows:

    cmd /c <command>

    If you are executing a script or executable file you must provide one of the following:

    • The full pathname of the file.

    • The folder of the file must be in the PATH environment variable.

    • The file must be located in the <Agent>\cm\AFT folder.

  • Add Empty File: Adds an empty file in the destination to signal that the file transferred successfully.

Variable Name: %%FTP-DSTOPTx

Fail Transfer when the Action on the Destination File Failed

Determines whether to fail the transfer when a post action on the destination file fails after a successful transfer.

Use temporary file prefix

Prevents overwriting files by attaching a temporary file prefix or suffix, such as FTP_ to the destination file until the transfer completes successfully.

  • OS/400: The filename is limited to 10 characters. The temporary prefix or suffix can be up to 99 characters long on all other systems.

  • z/OS: The filename is limited to eight characters.

The temporary filename that is created by applying the prefix or suffix must be a valid filename for the operating system of the destination host computer.

  • Rule: 1–99 characters.

  • Variable Name: %%FTP-FILE_PFXx

Create Empty File in Destination

Creates an empty file after a transfer on the destination host, as follows:

  • Files: If you transfer one or more files, an empty file is created in the directory where the files are transferred.

  • Directories: If you transfer a directory, an empty file is created in the directory where the directory is transferred.

This feature does not work in Recursive mode.


Continue on Failure

Allows successive transfers to execute when this specific transfer fails.

Variable Name: %%FTP-CONT_EXEx

Do post AFT Command on Failure

Activates the defined post-commands when the job fails.


Delete Destination File on Failure

Deletes the destination file when the transfer fails. If you transfer multiple files, the last file that fails to transfer is deleted.



Transfers a file directory with all its subdirectories and all files that match the wildcard pattern in the source file path field under all subdirectories.

Files are transferred in the destination with the same directory structure as the source directory structure.

Exclude Files

Determines whether to exclude all the files that match the transfer pattern when you define a transfer with a wildcard.

Do not Delete Destination Directory Files During Directory Synchronization

Determines whether to delete destination directory files during directory synchronization.

Variable Name: %%FTP-SYNC_DIR_NO_DELn

Incremental Transfer (Transfer Files based on Modified Timestamp since the Last Successful Job Execution)

Determines whether to transfer files that were added or modified in the source directory since the last successful job execution. You might want to use this option in a cyclic job to transfer the changes from the source directory.


  • This parameter is not available for Watch or Watch & Transfer options.

  • To synchronize subdirectories, use the Recursive option.

  • You can use file pattern in the source path to transfer specific files, for example:


  • If the FTP server resides in a different time zone than the Agent, you must add the ftp.timezone.offset additional parameter to the connection profile with the FTP server host timezone, as described in Connection Profile Manual Additional Parameters.

Transfer Files based on Modified Timestamp in the Last ___ Hours on the First Job Execution

Determines whether to transfer files that were modified in the specified interval or to transfer all files that match the pattern on the first job execution.

Transfer Multiple Files Simultaneously

Determines whether to transfer a folder or multiple files using a wildcard, at the same time or one at a time.

  • This option is supported only when you transfer a folder or multiple files using a wildcard.

  • To avoid a high number of used resources, use this option if you have large files and you need to meet an SLA.

  • The maximum number of concurrent jobs that can execute simultaneous transfers is limited. For more information, see File Parameters.

  • This option is not supported on AS2 transfers.

Maximum Concurrent Transfers

Determines the number of file transfers that can execute concurrently.

If you select Auto, Control-M MFT decides the optimized number of concurrent transfers based on system resources and concurrent jobs.

Control-M MFT executes more transfers for a machine with eight CPUs, compared to a machine with four CPUs.

File Transfer OS400 Attributes

The following table lists the File Transfer OS400 job attributes.



Trailing Blanks Options for OS/400 Database Record

Determines how trailing blanks are managed:

  • Send Trailing Blanks: The server sends trailing blanks for all database records. This option is relevant only for files that are transferred in ASCII mode.

  • Do Not Send Trailing Blanks for Database Files with File Structure: The server does not send trailing blanks of database records when transferring files that use a file structure and stream mode.

  • Do Not Send Trailing Blanks for All Database Files: The server does not send trailing blanks for any database records.

Variable Name: %%FTP-TRIMx

Allow Transfer of Files with NULL Fields

Transfers files to an OS400 platform with NULL fields.

Variable Name: %%FTP-NULLFLDSx

Allow OS400 IFS Case Sensitive Mode

Supports the transfer of case sensitive file systems.

Variable Name: %%FTP-CASEIFSx

File Transfer z/OS Attributes

The following table lists the File Transfer z/OS attributes in the z/OS tab:



Template Name

Defines the name of the z/OS template that is defined in z/OS Template Parameters.


  • Characters: 1–64

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Variable Name: %%FTP-TEMPLATEx

  • Record Format

    Determines the value for the record format.

    Variable Name: %%FTP-TEMPLATEx

    Logical Record Length

    Determines the logical record length values between 0-32760.

    Variable Name: %%FTP-LRECLx

    Block Size

    Determines the block size values between 0-32760.

    Variable Name: %%FTP-BLKSIZEx

    Translate Table

    Determines what table is used by the FTP server during transfer for translation (8 characters maximum or select from list).

    If you want to add or delete values to and from the list, you need to add them as comma-separated values, to the com.bmc.aft.configurable.mvs.templates.xlt parameter in the file.

    Variable Name: %%FTP-TRANSTABx

    DBCS Encoding

    Determines which DBCS data sets is used for the transfer.

    Variable Name: %%FTP-DBCSx

    Additional Options

    Defines the z/OS FTP Server SITE command sub-parameters and values (214 characters maximum).

    To work with generation data group (GDG) data sets, type the following text command:


    Variable Name: %%FTP-ADDOPTxy

    Allocation Units

    Determines which allocation unit type is used for the transfer.

    Variable Name: %%FTP-ALLOCUNITSx


    Defines the volume value (6 characters maximum).

    Variable Name: %%FTP-VOLUMEx


    Defines unit value (8 characters maximum)

    Variable Name: %%FTP-UNITx


    Defines the primary allocation amount between 1-16777215.

    Variable Name: %%FTP-PRIMARYx


    Defines the secondary allocation amount between 0-16777215.
    Variable Name: %%FTP-SECONDARYx

    Transfer Mode

    Determines the mode used to transfer files.

    • Block: Transfers the file as a series of data blocks preceded by one or more header bytes.

    • Stream: Transfers the file as a stream of bytes.

    Variable Name: %%FTP-TRANSMODEx

    SMS Management Class

    Determines which SMS Management Class is assigned to a new data set.

    Characters: 1–8

    Variable Name: %%FTP-MGMTCLASS

    SMS Data Class

    Defines the SMS Data Class provided by your organization for the FTP server.

    Characters: 1–8

    Variable Name: %%FTP-DATACLASS

    Transfer to Unique File

    Creates a file with a unique name on the remote system instead of overwriting an existing file. The FTP server on the remote system sends the name of the created file back to the File Transfer client.

    If you select this option, you cannot do any of the following:

    • Use a Temporary Prefix for the Destination File

    • Rename the Destination File

    • Rerun from Point of Failure

    Variable Name: %%FTP-UNIQUEx

    File Transfer SFTP Attributes

    The following table lists the File Transfer SFTP attributes.




    Compresses the file before the transfer.

    Variable Name: %%FTP-COMPRESSIONxy

    • x: Either 1 or 2 and indicates the z/OS host, where

      • 1: Refers to the host defined on the left side of the Connection Profile Details dialog box.

      • 2: Refers to the host defined on the right side of the Connection Profile Details dialog box.

    • y: Indicates a value between one and five, according to the sequential transfer number.

    For example, when performing a file transfer from one z/OS host to another z/OS host, the variable %%FTP-COMPRESSION21 contains the compression value to set for the connection to the z/OS host defined on the right side of the Connection Profile Details dialog box, in the first file transfer.

    Preserve the File Attributes and Timestamps

    Preserves the source’s file permissions and timestamps on the destination host.

    Variable Name: %%FTP-PRESERVE_ATTRx

    File Transfer Commands Attributes

    The following table below lists the File Transfer Commands attributes.



    FTP Pre-command

    Determines the pre-command for each host, as follows:

    • chmod: Changes the file permissions. You can use a wildcard to define this parameter.

    • mkdir: Creates a directory.

    • rename:  Renames a file or a directory.

    • rm: Deletes a file. You can use a wildcard to define this parameter.

    • rmdir: Deletes a directory.

    Variable Names:

    • %%FTP-PRECOMM1x

    • %%FTP-PRECOMM2x

    Except for the local host, where the default path is the Agent home directory, you must define the full path when you execute the chmod, mkdir, rename, rm, and rmdir commands.

    For z/OS hosts you do not need to define the full path. You can use the home directory path that is defined in the connection profile definition.

    Fail Transfer when the Command on the Source Host Failed

    Determines whether to fail the transfer when the command on the source host fails before or after a successful transfer.

    FTP Post-command

    Determines the post command for each host, as follows:

    • chmod: Changes the file permissions. You can use a wildcard to define this parameter.

    • mkdir: Creates a directory.

    • rename:  Renames a file or a directory.

    • rm: Deletes a file. You can use a wildcard to define this parameter.

    • rmdir: Deletes a directory.

    Variable Names:

    • %%FTP-POSTCOMM1x

    • %%FTP-POSTCOMM2x

    Fail Transfer when the Command on the Destination Host Failed

    Determines whether to fail the transfer when the command on the destination host fails before or after a successful transfer.

    Enable PGP Encryption

    Enables PGP encryption commands for this transfer.

    Variable Name: %%FTP-PGP_ENABLEx

    PGP Operation

    Determines whether to encrypt or decrypt the transfer.

    Variable Name: %%FTP-PGP_OPERATIONn

    Keep Encrypted Files

    Saves the PGP encrypted file after encryption with the following name format:

    Variable Name: %%FTP-PGP_KEEP_FILESx

    Template Name

    Determines the name of the PGP template that is defined in Creating a PGP Template.

    Variable Name: %%FTP-PGP_TEMPLATE_NAMEx

    Destination Filename Attributes

    The following table describes attributes that enable you to change the destination filename for each file that is transferred when the destination path is a directory. The order of the changes to the destination filename is by Name Pattern, Find & Replace, and then Case Handling.




    Defines the rename pattern of the destination filenames based on the following attributes:

    • [N]: Filename — use [N#–],[N#–#] to include a substring.

    • [E]: File extension — use [E#–],[E#–#] to include a substring.

    • [C]: Counter — use [C#] to insert preceding zeros.

    • [D]Date — in [YYYYMMDD] format.

    • [T]: Time—in [hhmmss] format.

    You must define at least one parameter.

    Find & Replace

    Renames the destination file according to find and replace.

    Case Handling

    • Do Not Change Case: The destination filename remains with the same case.

    • Convert to Uppercase: The destination filename is changed to uppercase.

    • Convert to Lowercase: The destination filename is changed to lowercase.

    Destination Filename Examples

    The following table shows examples of typical Destination filename attributes usage.

    Source Name


    Find and Replace


    Destination Filename



    • Find: file

    • Replace: cool






    To uppercase



    [N] ([C3]).[E]

    • Find: mp

    • Replace: <empty>

    To lowercase

    sale-file (001).txt

    Only if it is the first file.



    • Find: ple

    • Replace: on



    File Transfer File Watcher Attributes

    The following table below lists the File Transfer File Watcher attributes.



    Time Limit Type

    Determines whether the values defined in the Time Limit field are number of minutes to wait or an absolute time.

    Variable Name: %%FTP-ABSTIMEx

    Time Limit

    Determines the number of minutes to wait, in the Time Limit field, for a file to reach its minimum detected size and remains static, before the watch fails or determines the specific time, in the Time Limit field, that a file has to reach its minimum detected size and remains static, before the watch fails.

    Variable Name: %%FTP-TIMELIMITx

    Minimum Detected Size

    Defines the minimum number of bytes transferred before Control-M File Transfer checks if the file is static.

    File size information for remote file systems is not supported.

    This feature is not supported on OS400, Tandem, MVS, and OS2200 when the connection type is FTP.

    Variable Name: %%FTP-MINSIZEx

    Minimum File Age

    Defines the minimum number of years, hours, or days that must pass since the watched file was last modified.

    2y3d: Two years and three days must pass before the file can be watched.

    Variable Name: %%FTP-FILE_MIN_AGEx

    Maximum file Age

    Defines the maximum number of years, hours, or days that can pass since the watched file was last modified.

    2y3d: Two years and three days must pass, and then the file is no longer watched.

    Variable Name: %%FTP-FILE_MAX_AGEx

    If Age and Size Criteria Are Not Met, Continue Searching Matching Files

    Determines whether to continue searching the remaining files if the first file that matches the name pattern doesn't match the size and age criteria.

    Transfer All Matching the Name Pattern

    Determines whether to transfer all remaining static files that match the name pattern (regardless of the size and age) after a single file matches all criteria.

    Variable Name: %%FTP-TRANSFER_ALLx

    Transfer Files Matching Size and Age Criteria

    Determines whether to transfer all remaining static files that match the name, size, and age criteria after a single file matches all criteria.

    Variable Name: %%FTP-TRANSFER_ALLx

    Variable Containing Detected Filename

    Defines the variable name that contains the detected filename.

    Variable Name: %%FTP-WATCHNAMEx

    Variable Type

    Determines whether the variable is one of the following:

    • Global: Enables you to use the variable in other jobs that are utilized by the same Server.

    • Local: Enables you to use the variable in this job only.

    • Named Pool: Enables any job in the same Named Pool that you define to reference the variable in any subsequent jobs in the post-processing actions of the job, or in the script itself in the job execution.

    • The Maximum File Age and Minimum File Age features are supported if the user defined for the watch host has write permissions on the destination path.

    • In the job log, if the OSCOMPSTAT parameter is 7 it indicates that file watch failed.

    Transfer Formats

    The following table describes the different formats you can use to transfer files, directories or libraries.

    Transfer Format


    File to File

    Transfers a single file from a defined source to a defined destination.

    To transfer Readme.txt from its source location to a defined destination, renaming the file to Writeme.txt, define D:\Temp\Readme.txt in the source transfer field, and C:\Directory1\Writeme.txt in the destination transfer field.

    If no filename is specified in the destination transfer field, the file retains its original name. However, a destination filename must be specified when MVS is the transfer destination.

    Directory and Contents (OS/400, Microsoft Windows and UNIX only)

    Transfers a directory from a defined source to a defined destination.

    To transfer the /h/userb/ directory to /p/home2/, define /h/userb/ in the source transfer field, and /p/home2/ in the destination transfer field. The userb directory is created under /p/home2/.

    The Recursive transfer option is available. If this is selected, all subdirectories are also transferred.

    • If you use a wildcard, and no files match the defined pattern, the job ends successfully.

    • Transfer of file names with spaces are supported only for platforms that support a convention of file names that include blank spaces.

    Control-M for MFT Job Statuses

    The following table describes the different statuses in a Control-M for MFT job:

    Status Description


    Waiting for execution.

    In Progress

    File is transferring.

    Ended OK

    Transfer completed successfully.


    File failed to transfer.


    Transfer is canceled by request.


    File did not transfer due to a previous transfer that failed.


    File transferred successfully in a previous attempt, but it is part of a job that failed.

    File transfer is skipped when the job returns.

    File Watching

    File is watched until it reaches a certain size or has reached a maximum time limit.