Enterprise Resource Planning Jobs

The following topics describe job attributes for jobs that integrate enterprise resource planning (ERP) platforms and services:

Oracle E-Business Suite Job

Control-M for Oracle E-Business Suite is an Oracle-based application that incorporates a number of ERP, supply chain management (SCM), and customer relationship management platforms. To create a Oracle E-Business Suite job, see Creating a Job. For more information about this plug-in, see Control-M for Oracle E-Business Suite.

The following table describes the Oracle E-Business Suite job parameters.



Connection Profile

Determines the authorization credentials that are used to connect Control-M to Oracle E-Business Suite, as described in Oracle E-Business Suite Connection Profile Parameters.


  • Characters: 1−30

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters: Blank spaces

Variable Name: %%-OAP-INSTANCE

For more information about creating a local connection profile for this job, see Creating a connection profile.

User Name

Defines an authorized Oracle E-Business Suite user who has at least one responsibility.

Rule: 1−100 characters

Variable Name: %%OAP-USERNAME


Determines the authorization to access data and execute programs or requests, or both, as follows:

  • Security Group: Indicates the Security group associated with the Responsibility name.


  • Application: Indicates the Application short name associated with the Responsibility name.

    Variable Name: %%OAP-RESPAPP


Determines whether the request is a Request Set or Single Request, as follows:

  • Request Set: Enables you to submit a predefined set of requests.

    Variable Name: %%OAP-SETPROG-P<n>-PROGDESP

  • Single Request: Enables you to submit an individual request.

    Variable Name: %%OAP-TASKTYPE

More Options

Click to open the More Options attributes.

Post Process Actions: Output Handling


Append Request Log to Job Output

Determines whether the Control-M for Oracle E-Business Suite request log is copied to the Control-M Job output.

Default: Selected


Append Request Output to Job Output

Determines whether the Control-M for Oracle E Business Suite request output is copied to the Control-M Job output.

Default: Not Selected


Post Process Actions: Completion Status


Complete Successfully even if OEBS Warning Occurred

Determines whether the job completes even when Control-M for Oracle E-Business Suite request ends with a Warning status.

Default: Not selected


Monitor all Child Requests (Wait Child)

Determines whether to track the status of child jobs. If not selected, only the status of the parent job is tracked.

Default: Selected

Variable Name: %%OAP_WAITCHILD

Job Completion Status will Depend on Child Requests Status

Determines whether the ending status of the job is set according to the worst completion status of all the child requests. If not selected, the job status is determined by the ending status of the parent job.

Default: Not selected

Variable Name: %%OAP-SUBSTATUS


Defines the profile internal Name and Value.

Name and Value Rules:

  • Characters: 1−214
  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Variable Names:

  • Profile name Single Request: %%OAP-PROFILES-P<n>-USER_NAME

  • Profile name Request Set: %%OAP-PROFILES-P<n>NAME

  • Profile value: %%OAP-PROFILES-P<n>VALUE

Increment Date Parameters each Run

Determines whether the date parameters of the job increase on each execution, starting from the First Run Date.

Variable Name: %%-OAP-INCREMENT_DATE

Single Request Attributes

The following table describes the Single Request job parameters.



Use Menu Function

Determines whether to restrict application functionality to authorized users.


Program Name

Defines the concurrent program name that causes the Oracle E-Business Suite server to generate a list in real time that satisfies relevant criteria.


  • Characters: 1−30
  • Case: Uppercase only.
  • Invalid Characters: Blank spaces.

Variable Names:

  • Single Request: %%OAP-PROGNAME

  • Request Set: %%OAP-SETPROG-P<n>-PROGDESP

Operating Unit

Determines the Operating Unit field.


  • Characters: 1−100
  • Case Sensitive: Yes
  • Invalid Characters: Blank spaces.

Variable Names:

  • Single Request: %%OAP-OPERATING_UNIT



Determines the parameter values for the specified concurrent program.

Variable Names:

  • Single Request:

    • %%OAP-PARMS-P<n>NAME


  • Request Set:



Parameter Validation

Determines whether parameter values are validated.



Defines the Job output language.

Variable Name: %%OAP-LANGUAGE


Defines the text description of a request.


  • Characters: 1−214
  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Variable Name: %%OAP-DESCRIPTION

Upon Completion

Defines various tasks performed after completion of the job.


Determines the template options for your job.

Variable Names:

  • Template name

    • Single Request: %%OAP-LOUT-P<n>-NAME

    • Request Set: %%OAP-SETPROG-P<n>-LOUT-P<n>-NAME

  • Language

    • Single Request: %%OAP-LOUT-P<n>-LANG

    • Request Set: %%OAP-SETPROG-P<n>-LOUT-P<n>-LANG

  • Type

    • Single Request: %%OAP-LOUT-P<n>-TYPE

    • Request Set: %%OAP-SETPROG-P<n>-LOUT-P<n>-TYPE


Defines the workflow role names that Control-M notifies, in a text string.

Print to

Determines print output options.

Variable Names:

  • Single Request: %%OAP-PRINTERS-P<n>NAME


Delivery Options


Request Set Attributes

The following table describes the Request Set job parameters.



Use Menu Function

Determines whether to restrict application functionality to authorized users.


Request Set

Determines the concurrent programs in the request set as follows:

  • Program Display Name: Indicates the Program long name associated with the concurrent program.

    Variable Names:

    • Single Request: %%OAP-PROGDESP

    • Request Set: %%OAP-SETDESP

  • Program Name: Indicates the Program short name associated with the concurrent program.

    Variable Names:

    • Single Request: %%OAP-PROGNAME

    • Request Set: %%OAP-SETNAME

  • Application Name: Indicates the Application short name associated with the concurrent program.

    Variable Name: %%OAP-APPNAME

  • Application Display Name: Indicates the Application long name associated with the concurrent program.

    Variable Name: %%OAP-APPDESP

Parameter Validation

Determines whether parameter values are validated.






Program Name

Defines the concurrent program name that causes the Oracle E-Business Suite server to generate a list in real time that satisfies relevant criteria.


  • Characters: 1−30
  • Case: Uppercase only
  • Invalid Characters: Blank spaces.

Variable Names:

  • Single Request: %%OAP-PROGNAME

  • Request Set: %%OAP-SETPROG-P<n>-PROGDESP

Operating Unit

Defines the Operating Unit field.


  • Characters: 1−100
  • Case Sensitive: Yes
  • Invalid Characters: Blank spaces.

Variable Names:

  • Single Request: %%OAP-OPERATING_UNIT



Defines the Values and Descriptions for the parameters of the concurrent program.

Variable Names:

  • Single Request:

    • %%OAP-PARMS-P<n>NAME


  • Request Set:



Parameter Validation

Determines whether parameter values are validated.



Defines the Job output language.

Variable Name: %%OAP-LANGUAGE

Upon Completion

Defines various tasks performed after completion of the job.


Determines the template options for your job.

Variable Names:

  • Template name

    • Single Request: %%OAP-LOUT-P<n>-NAME

    • Request Set: %%OAP-SETPROG-P<n>-LOUT-P<n>-NAME

  • Language

    • Single Request: %%OAP-LOUT-P<n>-LANG

    • Request Set: %%OAP-SETPROG-P<n>-LOUT-P<n>-LANG

  • Type

    • Single Request: %%OAP-LOUT-P<n>-TYPE

    • Request Set: %%OAP-SETPROG-P<n>-LOUT-P<n>-TYPE


Defines the workflow role names that Control-M notifies, in a text string.

Variable Names:

  • Single Request: %%OAP-NOTIFCATIONS-Nn-NAME

  • Request Set: %%OAP-SETPROG-P<n>-NOTIFY-N001-DISP_NAME

Print to

Determines print output options.

Variable Names:

  • Single Request: %%OAP-PRINTERS-P<n>NAME


Delivery Options

Determines the email delivery options.

Variable Names:

  • From

    • Single Request: %%OAP-DE_OP_EMAIL_FROM

    • Request Set: %%OAP-SETPROG-P<n>-DE_OP_EMAIL_FROM

  • Subject

    • Single Request: %%OAP-DE_OP_EMAIL_SUBJECT


  • To

    • Single Request: %%OAP-DE_OP_EMAIL-P<n>-TO

    • Request Set: %%OAP-SETPROG-P<n>-DE_OP_EMAIL-P<n>-TO

  • CC

    • Single Request: %%OAP-DE_OP_EMAIL-P<n>-CC

    • Request Set: %%OAP-SETPROG-P<n>-DE_OP_EMAIL-P<n>-CC

  • For Language

    • Single Request: %%OAP-DE_OP_EMAIL-P<n>-LANG

    • Request Set: %%OAP-SETPROG-P<n>-DE_OP_EMAIL-P<n>-LANG

PeopleSoft Job

Control-M for PeopleSoft is an Oracle-based application that enables you to develop, test, and run large-data batch processes, as well as execute common human resources tasks, such as approving promotions, viewing pay slips, or editing employee information.

To create a PeopleSoft job, see Creating a Job. For more information about this plug-in, see Control-M for PeopleSoft.

The following table describes the PeopleSoft job parameters.



Connection Profile

Determines the authorization credentials that are used to connect Control-M to PeopleSoft, as described in PeopleSoft Connection Profile Parameters.


  • Characters: 1−50
  • Case Sensitive: Yes
  • Valid Characters: Blank spaces, the numbers 09, the letters AZ, _ (underscores), - (hyphens), and . (periods).

Variable Name: %%PS8-CON_PROFILE

For more information about creating a local connection profile for this job, see Creating a connection profile.

Email Subject

Defines an email message subject line that is sent by the Job.

Rule: 1−50 characters

Variable Name: %%PS8-EMAIL_SUBJECT

Email Text

Defines the message text displayed in the body of an email message.

Rule: 1–250 characters

Variable Name: %%PS8-EMAIL_TEXT

Email Web Report

Determines whether to attach the web report to the email sent at the completion of this Job. This parameter is set only when the Type parameter for the request is Web.

Variable Name: %%PS8-EMAIL_WEB_REPORT

Email with Log

Determines whether to attach the log file to the email sent at the completion of this Job.

Variable Name: %%PS8-EMAIL_ATTACH_LOG


Defines the output format for all job processes

Variable Name: %%PS8-OUTDESTFORMAT

Process Name (I)

Defines the name of the scheduled process.


  • Characters: 1−12
  • Case: Uppercase only.
  • Invalid Characters: Blank spaces.

Variable Name: %%PS8-PRCSNAME

Process Name (II)

Defines the name of the scheduled Job.


  • Characters: 1−12
  • Case: Uppercase only.
  • Invalid Characters: Blank spaces.

Variable Name: %%PS8-PRCSTYPE

Process Type

Defines the type of process for the process or Job definition.


  • Characters: 1−30
  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Variable Name: %%PS8-PRCSTYPE

Rerun from Step

Defines when a Job re-executes from a specific process number, which has previously failed

Variable Name: %%PS8-FAILEDSTEP

Run Control ID

Defines run control attributes, which are associated with a process or Job.


  • Characters: 1−30
  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Variable Name: %%PS8-RUNCONTROLID

Server Name

Defines the name of the PeopleSoft server used to execute the process or Job.


  • Characters: 1−8
  • Case Sensitive: Yes
  • Invalid Characters: Blank spaces.

Variable Name: %%PS8-SERVERNAME


Defines the output destination type of a process or a Job

Variable Name: %%PS8-OUTDESTTYPE

User ID

Defines the PeopleSoft user ID name used for the process or Job.


  • Characters: 1−30
  • Case Sensitive: Yes
  • Invalid Characters: Blank spaces.

Variable Name: %%PS8-USERID


Refers to user defined parameters that are available for the PeopleSoft process or Jobs.

Rule: 1−214 characters

Variable Name: %%PS8-USERDEF1-20

Append to Output

Define to include the PeopleSoft process in the Control-M Job output.

SAP Business Warehouse Job

The SAP Business Warehouse job lets you execute predefined SAP Process Chains or SAP Info Packages and monitor their completion status. This job connects to the SAP Application Server or SAP Message Server, according to the Connection Profile settings.

To create an SAP Business Warehouse job, see Creating a Job. For more information about this plug-in, see Control-M for SAP.

The following table describes the SAP Business Warehouse job parameters.


Process Type


Connection Profile


Determines the authorization credentials that are used to connect Control-M to SAP Business Warehouse, as described in SAP Connection Profile Parameters.


  • Characters: 1−30

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters: Blank spaces.

Process Type


Determines one of the following tasks that the job performs:

  • Process Chain

  • Info Package

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-JOB_MODE


Process Chain

Defines a unique BW-generated ID of a Process Chain.

Rule: 1−30 characters

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-ProcessChain_ID


  • Process Chain

  • Info Package

Defines a description of a Process Chain or Info Package.

Rule: 1−60 characters

Variable Names:

  • %%SAPR3-ProcessChain_Desc

  • %%SAPR3-InfoPackage_Desc

Rerun Options (on job failure)

Process Chain

Determines how the Process Chain re-executes if the job fails, as follows:

  • Restart from Point of Failure: Re-executes the job from its point of failure.

  • Rerun from Start: Re-executes the job from the start of the job.

More Options

Process Chain

Click to open the More options attributes.

Enable Periodic Job

Process Chain

Determines whether the first execution of the Process Chain prepares for the next execution.

This is useful for re-executions when large Process Chains are scheduled.

Consider Only the Overall Chain Status

Process Chain

Determines whether to consider the status of the overall Process Chain.

Retrieve Log

Process Chain

Determines whether to add the Process Chain logs to the job outputClosed A tab in the job properties pane of the Monitoring domain where the job output appears that indicates whether a job ended OK, and is used, for example, with jobs that check file location..

Detect Spawned Job

Process Chain

Determines whether to detect and monitor jobs that were spawned by the current SAP job.

Detect and Create By

Process Chain

Determines the properties of the detected job for one of the following jobs definitions:

  • Parent [Current] Job Definition

  • A Specific Job Definition

Job Name

Process Chain

Detected spawned jobs of the current job are extracted to Control-M with identical properties to the specified job.

Start Spawned Job

Process Chain

Determines whether to start any spawned job with a Scheduled status.

Job Ends Only after All Child Jobs Complete on SAP

Process Chain

Determines whether a job completes its execution only after all child jobs complete.

Job Completion Status Depends on Child Job Status

Process Chain

Determines whether to wait for all child jobs to complete.

The parent job does not end OK if any child job fails.

Tech. Name

Info Package

Defines a unique BW-generated Info Package ID.

Rule: 1−30 characters

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-InfoPackage_TechName

Background Job Name

Info Package

Defines the Info Package background job name.

Rule: 1−25 characters

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-BACKJOBNAME

SAP Data Archiving Job

An SAP Data Archiving job enables you to manage, schedule, and monitor individual archiving jobs, automate all phases of data archiving, and schedule archiving jobs according to business requirements and available resources.

Before you run an SAP Data Archiving Job, verify that you have configured your environment to Work with Data Archiving Sessions.

To create an SAP Data Archiving job, see Creating a Job. For more information about this plug-in, see Control-M for SAP.

The following table describes the SAP Data Archiving job parameters.




Connection Profile


Determines the authorization credentials that are used to connect Control-M to SAP Data Archiving, as described in SAP Connection Profile Parameters.


  • Characters: 1−30

  • Invalid Characters: Whitespace

  • Case: Uppercase only.

  • Case Sensitive: Yes



Determines which of the following job tasks are performed:

  • Write Job.

  • Detect Delete Job.

  • Detect Store Job.

SAP Job Name

  • Write Job

  • Detect Delete Job

  • Detect Store Job

Defines the job name that is monitored or submitted.

Rule: 1−32 characters.


Related Variable: %%SAPR3-GROUP-ORDID

Archiving Object

  • Write Job

  • Detect Delete Job

Defines the archiving object name.


  • Characters: 1−10

  • Case: Uppercase only.

  • Invalid Characters: Whitespace

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-DA_ARC_OBJ


Write Job

Defines the variant parameters. From the right of the field, click to see the attributes.


Write Job

Determines the user.


Write Job

Defines the job output language.

Variable Name: %%OAP-LANGUAGE

Variant Name

Write Job

Defines the variant for the specified Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP)-based program or archiving object.


  • Characters: 1−10

  • Case: Uppercase only.

Variant Values

Write Job

Determines the variant value for the specified ABAP-based program or archiving object.

Variable Names:

  • %%SAPR3-STEP-S<xx>-VAR-P<yyy>-MODIFY

    Valid Values:

    • X: The parameter value is modified in the next job execution.

    • N: The parameter value is not modified in the next job execution.

  • %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-TYPE

    Valid Values:

    • Simple

    • Range

    • Selection

  • %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-VALUE

    • Defines the variant parameter value.

    • This is only available when %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-TYPE is set to one of the following:

      • Simple

      • Selection

  • %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-LOW

    • Defines the variant parameter low value.

    • This is only available when %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-TYPE is set to Range.

  • %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-HIGH

    • Defines the variant parameter high value.

    • This is only available when %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-TYPE is set to Range.

  • %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-OPTION

    • This is only available when %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-TYPE is set to one of the following:

      • Range

      • Selection

    Valid Values:

    • If %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-TYPE is set to Range:

      • BT: Interval

      • NB: Outside range.

    • If %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-TYPE is set to Selection:

      • EQ: Single value.

      • NE: Not equal to.

      • GT: Greater than.

      • LT: Less than.

      • GE: Greater than or equal to.

      • LE: Less than or equal to.

      • CP: Include pattern.

      • NP: Exclude pattern.

  • %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-SIGN

    • This is only available when %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-TYPE is set to one of the following:

      • Range

      • Selection

    Valid Values:

    • I: Include

    • E: Exclude


Write Job

Click Advanced to define the following advanced attributes.

Output Device

Write Job

Determines which printer to use.


  • Characters: 1−4

  • Case: Uppercase only.

  • Invalid Characters: Whitespace

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-PRINT_DEST


Write Job

Determines the number of copies to print.


  • Characters: 1−3

  • Valid Values: 001–255.

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-PRINT_COPIES

Print / Archive Mode

Write Job

Determines one of the following spool printing options:

  • Archive: Prints the spool to an archive.

  • Print: Prints the spool to the output device.

  • Print & Archive: Prints the spool to the output device and to an archive.

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-PRINT_ARCHMODE

Time of Print

Write Job

Determines when the job prints, as follows:

  • Print out immediately.

  • Print later.

  • Send to SAP spooler.

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-PRINT_IMMED

Print Expiration

Write Job

Determines the number of days until a print job expires.


  • Number of days: 1−8

  • Do Not Delete: Last option.


New Spool Request

Write Job

Determines whether to request a new spool.

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-NEW_LIST_ID

Delete after Print

Write Job

Determines whether to delete the report after printing.

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-PRINT_RELEASE


Write Job

Determines the print layout format. From the right of the field, click to see available options.


  • Characters: 1−16
  • Case: Uppercase only
  • Invalid Characters: Spaces

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-PRINT_LAYOUT


Write Job

Determines the maximum number of rows per page, as follows:

  • Use ABAP program default: Uses the program default.

  • Custom rows number: Determines the maximum number of rows.

    Rule: A number between 1 and 90

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-PRINT_NUMLINES


Write Job

Determines the maximum number of characters in an output line, as follows:

  • Use ABAP program default: Uses the program default.

  • Custom columns number: Determines the maximum number of columns.

    Rule: A number between 1 and 255



Write Job

Defines the recipient name of the job output.


  • Characters: 1−12
  • Case Sensitive: Yes



Write Job

Defines the spool department.


  • Characters: 1−12
  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-DEPT

SAP Cover Page

Write Job

Determines whether to print the SAP cover page, as follows:

  • Default Setting

  • Print

  • Do Not Print

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-PRINT_BANNER

OS Cover Sheet

Write Job

Determines whether to print the OS cover sheet, as follows:

  • Default Setting

  • Print

  • Do Not Print


Selection Cover Page

Write Job

Determines whether each selection has a cover page.



Write Job

Defines the spool list name.


  • Characters: 1−12
  • Case: Uppercase only

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-LIST_NAME


Write Job

Defines the spool list titles.


  • Characters: 1−68
  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-LIST_TEXT


Write Job

Defines the user with print authorization.


  • Characters: 1−12
  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-PRINT_AUTH

Check Sessions

Write Job

Determines whether to check for an incomplete archiving session for a specific archiving object.

An incomplete archiving session is one for which not all Delete Jobs ended successfully.


Check Variants

Write Job

Determines whether to check for a Write Job that exists with the specific variant for the archiving object defined for this job.


Target Server

  • Write Job

  • Detect Delete Job

  • Detect Store Job

Defines the application server where the external program executes.


  • Characters: 1–20
    The full format must be used: hostname_SYSID_sysnumber.
  • Case: Uppercase only
  • Case Sensitive: Yes
  • Invalid Characters: Spaces

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-TARGET_SERVER

Related Variable: %%SAPR3-SERVER_OR_GROUP_TYPE

Job Class

Write Job

Determines one of the following job submission priorities in SAP:

  • A: High Priority

  • B: Medium Priority

  • C: Low Priority

Start Condition

  • Write Job

  • Detect Delete Job

  • Detect Store Job

Determines when the job should execute, as follows:

  • ASAP

  • Immediate

Detect Spawned Job

Write Job

Determines whether to detect and monitor jobs that were spawned by the current SAP job.

Detect and Create By

Write Job

Determines the properties of the detected job for one of the following jobs definitions:

  • Parent [Current] Job Definition

  • A Specific Job Definition

Job Name

Write Job

Defines the template for new created detected SAP type jobs.

The selected job must exist in the same folder as the current job.

Rule: 1−32 characters


Related Variable: %%SAPR3-GROUP-ORDID

Copy Spool File To

  • Write Job

  • Detect Delete Job

  • Detect Store Job

Defines the name and path of the file the spool should be copied to.


  • Characters: 1-214
  • Case Sensitive: Yes
  • Invalid Characters: Spaces

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-SPOOL

Session Number

  • Detect Delete Job

  • Detect Store Job

Defines the archiving session number in SAP.

Rule: 6 digits


SAP R/3 Job

An SAP R/3 job lets you create and execute a new SAP job, copy an existing job, execute a predefined job, monitor a scheduled job, execute a batch input session, activate or deactivate an SAP profile, and trigger or watch for an SAP event. This job connects to the SAP Application Server or SAP Message Server, depending on the Connection Profile settings.

To create an SAP R/3 job, see Creating a Job. For more information about this plug-in, see Control-M for SAP.

The following table describes the SAP R/3 job parameters.




Connection Profile


Determines the authorization credentials that are used to connect Control-M to SAP R/3, as described in SAP Connection Profile Parameters.


  • Characters: 1−30

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters: Spaces

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-ACCOUNT



Determines one of the following tasks that the job performs:

  • Create a New Job: Creates and execute a new SAP job.

  • Copy an Existing Job: Copies an existing SAP job for multiple executions of identical jobs.

  • Run a Predefined SAP Job: Executes a job that was previously defined in the SAP server.

  • Monitor a Scheduled SAP job: Monitors a job that is scheduled to execute on the SAP server.

  • Run Batch Input Session: Executes a batch input session.

  • Activate/Deactivate SAP Profile: Activates or deactivates an event or Interception SAP profile.

  • Trigger an SAP Event: Causes a specific SAP background event to occur.

  • Watch for an SAP Event: Executes a job that waits for an event to occur on the SAP server.

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-JOB_MODE

Related Variable: %%SAPR3-DA_JOB_TYPE

SAP Job Name

  • Create a New Job

  • Copy an Existing Job

  • Run a Predefined SAP Job

  • Monitor a Scheduled SAP Job

Defines the name of the job to be created, copied, executed, or monitored.

Rule: 1−32 characters

To find the SAP job name, from the right of the field, click to see when you copy, execute, or monitor the job. In the dialog box, you can filter for the following attributes.

  • User Name

  • Job Status

  • Job Name

Execution Target

  • Create a New Job

  • Copy an Existing Job

  • Run a Predefined SAP Job

Determines one of the following execution targets the job executes on:

  • Server

  • Group


  • Characters: 1−20

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters: Spaces


  • Create a New Job

  • Copy an Existing Job

  • Run a Predefined SAP Job

Defines the name of the execution target.

Job Class

Create a New Job

Determines one of the following job submission priorities in SAP:

  • A: High Priority

  • B: Medium Priority

  • C: Low Priority

Start Condition

  • Create a New Job

  • Copy an Existing Job

Determines when the job should execute, as follows:

  • ASAP

  • Immediate


Create a New Job

Defines the type and number of job steps the new SAP job performs.

To add and define each step, click .

Rule: 1−99 steps

Program Type

Create a New Job

Determines one of the following step program types:

Rerun from Point of Failure

  • Create a New Job

  • Copy an Existing Job

  • Run a Predefined SAP Job

  • Monitor a Scheduled SAP Job

Determines whether an SAP R/3 job re-executes from its point of failure.

If this is not selected, the next field—Rerun from Step—must be defined.

Rerun from Step

  • Create a New Job

  • Copy an Existing Job

  • Run a Predefined SAP Job

  • Monitor a Scheduled SAP Job

Determines which step to re-execute the SAP R/3 job from when Rerun from Point of Failure is not selected.

Rule: 1−99 steps

More Options

  • Create a New Job

  • Copy an Existing Job

  • Run a Predefined SAP Job

  • Monitor a Scheduled SAP Job

Click to open the More Options attributes.


  • Create a New Job

  • Copy an Existing Job

  • Run a Predefined SAP Job

Determines one of the following actions for the SAP job spool:

After selecting one of the above copy options, you have the option to save the spool in PDF format.


  • Create a New Job

  • Copy an Existing Job

  • Run a Predefined SAP Job

Defines the file name for the copied SAP job spool when Copy to File is selected in the Spool attribute, above.

Save spool in PDF Format

  • Create a New Job

  • Copy an Existing Job

  • Run a Predefined SAP Job

Determines whether the SAP job spool is copied to a PDF file.

Job Log

  • Create a New Job

  • Copy an Existing Job

  • Run a Predefined SAP Job

Determines one of the following actions for the SAP job log:


  • Create a New Job

  • Copy an Existing Job

  • Run a Predefined SAP Job

Defines the text file name for the copied SAP job log when Copy to File is selected in the Job Log attribute, above.

Job Completion Status ill Depend on Application Status

  • Create a New Job

  • Copy an Existing Job

  • Run a Predefined SAP Job

Determines whether the completion of the job depends on the SAP application status.

Detect Spawned Job

  • Create a New Job

  • Copy an Existing Job

  • Run a Predefined SAP Job

  • Monitor a Scheduled SAP Job

Determines whether to detect and monitor jobs that were spawned by the current SAP job.

Detect and Create By

  • Create a New Job

  • Copy an Existing Job

  • Run a Predefined SAP Job

  • Monitor a Scheduled SAP Job

Determines which of the following templates are used to create spawned jobs:

  • Parent [Current] Job Definition: Uses the current job as the template.
  • A specific Job Definition: Uses the job defined in the next field—Job Name—as the template.

Job Name

  • Create a New Job

  • Copy an Existing Job

  • Run a Predefined SAP Job

  • Monitor a Scheduled SAP Job

Defines the job whose properties must be identical to the properties of the detected spawned jobs of the current job.

Variable Name: %%JOBNAME

Start Spawned Job

  • Create a New Job

  • Copy an Existing Job

  • Run a Predefined SAP Job

  • Monitor a Scheduled SAP Job

Determines whether to check the status of each spawned job and to start any spawned jobs that have a Scheduled status.

Job Ends Only after All Child Jobs Complete on SAP

  • Create a New Job

  • Copy an Existing Job

  • Run a Predefined SAP Job

  • Monitor a Scheduled SAP Job

Determines whether a job completes its execution only after all child jobs complete.

Job Completion Status Depends on Child Job Status

  • Create a New Job

  • Copy an Existing Job

  • Run a Predefined SAP Job

  • Monitor a Scheduled SAP Job

Determines whether to wait for all child jobs to complete.

The parent job does not end OK if any child job fails.

Recipient Type

Create a New Job

Determines one of the following recipient types for the print job:

  • External Address

  • Shared Distribution List

  • Private Distribution List

  • Fax Number

  • Telex Number

  • Internet Address

  • X.400 Address

  • Remote Mail Address

Variable Name: %%SAPR3_RECIP_TYPE

Related Variables:






You can use either %%SAPR3_RECIP_COPY or %%SAPR3_RECIP_BLIND_COPY at any one time.

Recipient Name

Create a New Job

Defines the recipient of the print job.

Rule: 1−214 characters

Variable Name: %%SAPR3_RECIPIENT

Related Variables:






General Attributes

Create a New Job

Determines one of the following attributes for the spool list recipient delivery:

  • No Copy

  • Copy

  • Blind Copy


Create a New Job

Determines whether the delivery is made immediately.


Create a New Job

Determines whether the delivery is forwarded.

Job Count

  • Copy an Existing Job

  • Run a Predefined SAP Job

  • Monitor a Scheduled SAP Job

Determines one of the following unique SAP jobs:

  • First Scheduled

  • Last scheduled

  • First: Only available in the Copy an Existing Job action.

  • Last: Only available in the Copy an Existing Job action.

  • Specific Job: Only available in the Monitor a Scheduled SAP Job action.


  • Copy an Existing Job

  • Run a Predefined SAP Job

  • Monitor a Scheduled SAP Job

Defines the unique SAP job ID number when Specific Job is selected in the Job Count attribute.

New Job Name

Copy an Existing Job

Defines the name of the newly created job.

Start Condition

  • Copy an Existing Job

  • Run a Predefined SAP Job

Determines when the job should execute, as follows:

  • ASAP

  • Intermediate

  • After Event: Selecting After Event displays two attributes, Event and Parameter, described below.

Event (ID)

  • Copy an Existing Job

  • Trigger an SAP event

  • Watch for an SAP Event

Determines which event the job should execute after, or which event should be triggered or watched for.


  • Copy an Existing Job

  • Trigger an SAP event

  • Watch for an SAP Event

Defines the event parameter.

View Job Steps

  • Copy an Existing Job

  • Run a Predefined SAP Job

Defines a read-only field that displays the job steps to be performed as part of a SAP job.

View SAP Job Documentation

  • Copy an Existing Job

  • Run a Predefined SAP Job

Retrieves SAP job documentation from the Solution Manager.

Target Server

Run Batch Input Session

Defines the application server where the external program executes.


  • Characters: 1–20
    The full format must be used: hostname_SYSID_sysnumber.
  • Case: Uppercase only
  • Case Sensitive: Yes
  • Invalid Characters: Spaces

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-TARGET_SERVER

Related Variable: %%SAPR3-SERVER_OR_GROUP_TYPE


Run Batch Input Session

Determines which of the following batch input types execute:

  • Session

  • Pattern

Session Name

Run Batch Input Session

Defines the batch input session name when Session is selected in the Type attribute, above.

Rule: 1−12 characters

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-JOBNAME


Run Batch Input Session

Defines the batch input session Queue Identification (QID) number when Session is selected in the Type attribute, above.


Digits: 20

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-QID

Pattern Name

Run Batch Input Session

Defines a filter for one or more sessions that you can execute for batch input mode when Use Batch Input Pattern is selected.

The following wildcards are used:

  • ?: Defines any single character.
  • *: Defines any character.

Variable Name: %%SAPR3- BI_PATTERN_NAME

Profile Type

Activate/Deactivate SAP profile

Determines one of the following profile types:

  • Interception

  • Event History

Selecting either of the above profile types lets you choose one of the following options:

  • Activate: Selecting Activate displays two attributes—Profile ID and Profile description—described below.

  • Deactivate

Profile ID

Activate/Deactivate SAP profile

Defines the profile ID.

Profile Description

Activate/Deactivate SAP profile

Defines the text description of a profile ID.

Time Limit

Watch for an SAP Event

Determines one of the following time periods that a job waits for an event to occur on the SAP server:

  • No Limit: The job waits indefinitely.

  • Stop After: The job waits for a set period of time.


    • Hours: 0−99

    • Minutes: 0−59

  • Stop At: The job waits for a set time and number of days.


    • Time: Any hour and minute in a 24-hour period.

    • In (Days): 0−30

Send Alert on Timeout

Watch for an SAP Event

Determines whether an alert should be sent when the job reaches its set time limit.

Alert Severity

Watch for an SAP Event

Determines one of the following severity levels for the timeout alert:

  • Regular

  • Urgent

  • Very urgent

Event ID

Watch for an SAP Event

Defines the event ID variable for a detected event.

Event Parameter

Watch for an SAP Event

Defines the event parameter variable for a detected event.

ABAP Attributes

The following table describes the ABAP step parameters.



ABAP Program

Defines the name of the ABAP program.

ABAP is a language used within the SAP system.


  • Characters: 1−40

  • Case: Uppercase only

  • Invalid Characters: Special characters

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-PROGRAM


Defines the authorized step owner.


  • Characters: 1−12

  • Case: Uppercase only

  • Invalid Characters: Spaces

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-OWNER


Determines the language of the ABAP step.


  • Characters (alphanumeric): 1

    D for German

    d for Serbo-Croatian

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters: Spaces and special characters

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-LANGU

Variant Type

Determines one of the following variant types used in the ABAP program:

  • Variant: Specify a preexisting variant that you select in the next attribute—Variant name.

  • Temporary Variant: Specify temporary variant values for the specified ABAP program.

Variant Name

Defines the variant for the specified ABAP program or archiving object.


  • Characters: 1−14

  • Case: Uppercase only

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-VAR-NAME

Variant Values

Determines the variant value for the specified ABAP program or archiving object.

Variable Names:

  • %%SAPR3-STEP-S<xx>-VAR-P<yyy>-MODIFY

    Valid Values:

    • X: Variant parameter value is modified on the next job execution.

    • N: Variant parameter value is not modified on the next job execution.

  • %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-TYPE

    Valid Values:

    • Simple

    • Range

    • Selection

  • %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-VALUE

    • Specifies the value of the variant parameter.

    • Only available when %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-TYPE is set to Simple or Selection.

  • %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-LOW

    • Specifies the low value of the variant parameter.

    • Only available when %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-TYPE is set to Range.

  • %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-HIGH

    • Specifies the high value of the variant parameter.

    • Only available when %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-TYPE is set to Range.

  • %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-OPTION

    • Only available when %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-TYPE is set to Range or Selection.

    Valid Values:

    • When %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-TYPE is set to Range:

      • BT: Interval

      • NB: Outside range

    • When %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-TYPE is set to Selection:

      • EQ: Single value

      • NE: Not equal to

      • GT: Greater than

      • LT: Less than

      • GE: Greater than or equal to

      • LE: Less than or equal to

      • CP: Include pattern

      • NP: Exclude pattern

  • %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-SIGN

    • Only available when %%SAPR3-STEP-S<yy>-VAR-P<xxx>-TYPE is set to Range or Selection.

    Valid Values:

    • I: Include

    • E: Exclude


Defines a free text description of the ABAP step program.


Click to open the Advanced attributes.

Output Device

Determines which printer to use.


  • Characters: 1−4

  • Case: Uppercase only

  • Invalid Characters: Spaces

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-PRINT_DEST


Determines the number of copies to print.

Rule: A 3-digit number between 001 and 255

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-PRINT_COPIES

Print / Archive Mode

Determines one of the following spool printing options:

  • Archive: Prints the spool to an archive.
  • Print: Prints the spool to the output device.

  • Print & Archive: Prints the spool to the output device and to an archive.

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-PRINT_ARCHMODE

Time of Print

Determines when to print the job output, as follows:

  • Print out immediately

  • Print later

  • Send to SAP spooler

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-PRINT_IMMED

Print Expiration

Determines the number of days until a print job expires.


  • Number of Days: 1−8
  • Do Not Delete: Last option


New Spool Request

Determines whether to request a new spool.

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-NEW_LIST_ID

Delete after Print

Determines whether to delete the report after printing.

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-PRINT_RELEASE


Determines the print layout format. Click , to the right of the field, to see available options.


  • Characters: 1−16
  • Case: Uppercase only
  • Invalid Characters: Spaces

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-PRINT_LAYOUT


Determines the maximum number of rows per page, as follows:

  • Use ABAP Program Default: Uses the program default.

  • Custom Rows Number: Determines the maximum number of rows.

    Rule: A number between 1 and 90

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-PRINT_NUMLINES


Determines the maximum number of characters in an output line, as follows:

  • Use ABAP Program Default: Uses the program default.

  • Custom Columns Number: Determines the maximum number of columns.

    Rule: A number between 1 and 255



Defines the recipient name of the job output.


  • Characters: 1−12
  • Case Sensitive: Yes



Defines the spool department.


  • Characters: 1−12
  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-DEPT

SAP Cover Page

Determines whether to print the SAP cover page, as follows:

  • Default Setting

  • Print

  • Do Not Print

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-PRINT_BANNER

OS Cover Sheet

Determines whether to print the OS cover sheet, as follows:

  • Default Setting

  • Print

  • Do Not Print


Selection Cover Page

Determines whether each selection has a cover page.



Defines the spool list name.


  • Characters: 1−12
  • Case: Uppercase only

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-LIST_NAME


Defines the spool list titles.


  • Characters: 1−68
  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-LIST_TEXT


Defines the user with print authorization.


  • Characters: 1−12
  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-PRINT_AUTH

External Program Attributes

The following table describes the External program step parameters.




Defines the name of the external program.


  • Characters: 1−128
  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-PROGRAM


Defines the authorized step owner.


  • Characters, uppercase only: 1−12

  • Invalid Characters: Spaces


Defines the parameters for the external program.


  • Characters: 1−214
  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-VAR-NAME

Target server

Defines the server where the external program executes.


  • Characters: 1−32
  • Case Sensitive: Yes
  • Invalid Characters: Spaces

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-TARGET_HOST

Job Waiting for External Termination

Determines whether SAP waits for the external program to end before starting the next step or exiting.

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-WAIT_FOR_TERM

Log External Output to Job Log

Determines whether SAP logs external output in the job log.

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-LOG_STDOUT

Log External Errors in Job Log

Determines whether SAP logs external errors in the job log.

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-LOG_STDERR

Active Trace

Determines whether SAP activates traces.

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-ACTIVATE_TRACE


Defines a free text description of the external program.

External Command Attributes

The following table describes the External command step parameters.




Defines the name of the external command.


  • Characters: 1−128
  • Case Sensitive: Yes


Defines the authorized step owner.


  • Characters: 1−12

  • Case: Uppercase only
  • Invalid Characters: Spaces


Defines the parameters for the external command.


  • Characters: 1−214
  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Target Server

Defines the server where the external command executes.


  • Characters: 1−20
  • Case Sensitive: Yes
  • Invalid Characters: Spaces

Operating System

Defines the operating system.


  • Characters: 1−10
  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-OPERSYS

Job Waiting for External Termination

Determines whether SAP waits for the external command to end before starting the next step or exiting.

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-WAIT_FOR_TERM

Log External Output to Job Log

Determines whether SAP logs external output in the job log.

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-LOG_STDOUT

Log External Errors in Job Log

Determines whether SAP logs external errors in the job log.

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-LOG_STDERR

Active Trace

Determines whether SAP activates traces.

Variable Name: %%SAPR3-STEP-S<nn>-ACTIVATE_TRACE


Defines a free text description of the external program.