Configuring Control-M/Server System Parameters

This procedure describes how to define self-hosted Control-M/Server system parameters.


  1. From the icon, select Configuration.

    The Configuration domain opens.

  2. From the drop-down list, select Control-M/Servers.

    The Control-M/Servers tab opens.

  3. From the Control-M/Servers toolbar, toggle on Self-Hosted.

  4. From the Control-M/Servers tab, select the host where the Control-M/Server is installed.

  5. From the icon, select System Parameters.

  6. Double-click the required parameter.

    The Update System Parameter dialog box appears.

  7. In the Value field, change the value of the parameter, as required.

  8. Do one of the following:

    • For the Manual refresh type, right-click and select Save and Activate.

    • For the Recycle refresh type, click Save and Recycle.

    • For the Automatic refresh type, no action is required.

  9. The Control-M/Server system parameter is defined.

Control-M/Server General Parameters

The following table lists the self-hosted Control-M/Server general system parameters, which are assigned default values during installation. You can use the ctmsys utility to change some parameter values.




Determines the number of days to wait before sending a warning that Workload Archiving is not enabled on a PostgreSQL database.

Valid Values: 0–365, where 0 is unlimited.

Default: 7

Refresh Type: Manual

Executable Path

Defines the directory where the Control-M/Server expects to find all of its executable programs.


Maximum Number of Tracker Worker Threads (TRACKER_MAX_WORKERS_NUM)

Determines the maximum number of worker threads that the tracker can create.

Valid Values:


  • Maximum: 100

Default: 20

Refresh Type: Recycle (shuts the Control-M/Server down and then restarts it).


Determines the number of days before a warning is sent for not activating a HOT backup on a PostgreSQL database.

Valid Values: 0–365, where 0 is unlimited.

Default: 4

Refresh Type: Manual

Number of Tracker Worker Threads (TRACKER_WORKERS_NUM)

This parameter determines the number of worker threads available for the tracker process at startup.

Valid Values: 1–100

Default: 5

Refresh Type: Recycle (shuts the Control-M/Server down and then restarts it).

Secure Sockets Layer

Determines the handshake protocol for communication between Control-M/Server and Control-M/EM, and between the Control-M/Server and the Agent.

Valid Values:

  • INACTIVE: Control-M/Server works in non-SSL mode. If the Agent is in SSL mode, the Control-M/Server attempts to switch that Agent to non-SSL mode.

  • DISABLED: Control-M/Server works in non-SSL mode. If the Agent is in SSL mode, the Control-M/Server attempts to switch that Agent to non-SSL mode.

  • ENABLED: Control-M/Server works in SSL mode.

Default: Disabled

How / Where to Set: From the Control-M Main Menu, select Parameter Customization > System Parameters and Shout Destination Tables > System Parameters > Next Page > Secure Sockets Layer. The parameter that is updated is the CTM_CONFIG_AGENT_SSL_ENBL parameter.

Refresh Type: Manual

Start Day of the Week (SWEEK)

Determines the first day of the work week.

This parameter affects the Weekdays job processing parameter.

Valid Values: 0–6 (Saturday–Friday)

Default: 2 (Monday)

How / Where to Set: Use the ctmsys utility to change the parameter value.

Refresh Type: Automatic



Determines whether job statistics should be written to the Control-M/Server database.

  • Y: Control-M records job statistics.

  • N: Control-M does not record job statistics.

Default: Y

How / Where to Set: Use the ctmsys utility to change the parameter value.

Refresh Type: Automatic



Determines which email addresses receive notifications about events.

Emails are sent using the SMTP parameters, as described in SMTP Parameters.

Refresh Type: Manual



Determines which email addresses receive notifications about events.

Emails are sent using the SMTP parameters, as described in SMTP Parameters.

Refresh Type: Manual

Deployment Parameters

The following table describes the self-hosted Control-M/Server deployment system parameters.




Determines the number of seconds for the upgrade or downgrade to complete before a timeout.

Default: 3,600

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines the number of seconds to wait to retrieve output information from the Agent to display in the Agent upgrade/downgrade log before a timeout.

Default: 60

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines the number of seconds to wait for jobs to complete prior to deployment before a timeout occurs. NOTE: This parameter is only relevant for Agents that do not support upgrade with no downtime.

Default: 600

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines the maximum bandwidth (KB/second) limit to transfer the installation packages from the Control-M/Server to the Agent.

Default: 1,024

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines the maximum number of upgrade or downgrade processes that can run simultaneously.

Default: 5

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines the minimum number of MB required in the Control-M/Server computer to perform an upgrade.

Default: 2,048

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines the number of days that the installation package is saved in the Control-M/Server cache.

Valid Values:

  • 0: Never remove

  • 1–365

Default: 30

Refresh Type: Manual


Defines the network location where the Control-M/Agent installation packages are stored on Windows.

You must define this parameter if you want to upgrade the Agents from a network location, as described in Upgrading Control-M/Agent on UNIX and Upgrading the Agent on Windows.

Refresh Type: Manual


Defines the network location where the Control-M/Agent installation packages are stored on UNIX.

You must define this parameter if you want to upgrade Agents from a network location, as described in Upgrading Control-M/Agent on UNIX and Upgrading the Agent on Windows.

Refresh Type: Manual

High Availability Parameters

The following table describes the self-hosted Control-M/Server high availability system parameters.




Determines the maximum time to wait for a response from the database server. If the maximum time has passed, and there is no response, it is considered a failure.

Default: 5

Refresh Type: Automatic


Determines the number of consecutive life check requests to the database server without getting a response.

Default: 3

Refresh Type: Automatic


(PostgreSQL only) Determines the number of unsuccessful attempts that Configuration Agent tries to start up the database server.

Default: 20

Refresh Type: Automatic


Determines the number of seconds to wait between sending life check requests to the database server.

Default: 5

Refresh Type: Automatic


(PostgreSQL only) Determines the number of seconds to wait after the Configuration Agent started up the database server.

Default: 10

Refresh Type: Automatic


Determines the maximum number of seconds to wait for a life check response before a timeout.

Default: 5

Refresh Type: Automatic


Determines the number of consecutive failed life check requests between the Configuration Agent and Control-M/Server before the Configuration Agent tries to start it up.

Default: 3

Refresh Type: Automatic


Determines the number of unsuccessful attempts that SU process tries to start up a process and then crashes before shutting down Control-M/Server.

Default: 20

Refresh Type: Automatic


Determines the number of seconds to wait between sending life check requests to the primary Configuration Agent.


Refresh Type: Automatic


Determines the number of seconds to wait after the Configuration Agent started up a component.

Default: 10

Refresh Type: Automatic


Determines when to send a warning that the shared directory disk space is lower than the value defined here in MB.

Valid Values: 0-1,000,000

Default: 1,048

Refresh Type: Manual

Communication Parameters

The following table describes the self-hosted Control-M/Server communication system parameters.




Determines the hostname used by the Agent to communicate with the Control-M/Server.

Control-M/Server can be connected to the Control-M/EM through an IP/specific network and to the Agents through a different segment of network using a different IPs to have more secure communication: <Administration IP> to connect to Control-M/EM and <Services IP> to connect to Agents.

This parameter is used to separate the listening interface from Control-M/EM and Agents.

If you define this parameter on a non-active high availability environment, the changes take effect within 10 minutes from the time they were saved.

How / Where to Set:

In the config.dat file of the Control-M/Server and the CONFIG.dat file of the Agent, set the IPV_MODE parameter to DUAL and then restart the Control-M/Server and Agent.

Refresh Type: Recycle

Agent-to-Server Port Number (CTMS_PORT_NUM)

Defines the listening port number of the NS process (not to be used for any other purpose in the server computer). Control-M/Server communicates with the Agent via two TCP/IP ports. CTMS_PORT_NUM specifies the port for data flowing from the Control-M/Server to the Agent. The other port is specified using Server-to-Agent Port Number parameter.

This number must match the value assigned to the Agent-to-Server Port Number parameter on the Agent computer.

Valid Values: 1,024–65,534

Default: N/A (On UNIX, the default value is overridden, using the value given during installation.)

How: ctm_menu > Parameter Customization > Basic Communication and Operational Parameters > Agent to Server Port.

Refresh Type: Recycle


Determines the number of seconds for the Control-M/Server to wait for an Agent to respond to a request (all requests excluding submit, ping and save script requests).

Valid Values: 1–7,200

Default: 3,600

Refresh Type: Manual

Allow Agent Disconnection (ALLOW_AG_DISCONNECTION)

Determines if the current connection to this AGT can be disconnected when MAX_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS is reached.

Valid Values: Y and N

Default: Y

Refresh Type: Recycle


Determines the communication port number between the Control-M/Server Configuration Agents on the primary and secondary host in a High availability environment.

Default: 2,368

How: ctm_menu > Parameter Customization > Basic Communication and Operational Parameters > High Availability Port Number.

Check Interval (AVPOLTIM)

Determines the interval (in seconds) between status checks for each Agent that communicates with Control-M/Server.

Valid Values: 30–65,534

Default: 7,200 (2 hours)

Refresh Type: Automatic

Communication Protocol

Determines the protocol used to communicate with the Agent computers. (The protocol specified here must be the same as that specified on the Agent computer).

Valid Values: TCP

Default: TCP It is recommended that you use TCP when there are many jobs running simultaneously reporting to Control-M/Server.

Refresh Type: Recycle

Communication trace (COMM_TRACE)

Determines whether communication packets that an Agent sends to and receives from Control-M/Server are written to a file. If set to 1, separate files are created for each session (job, ping, and so forth). This parameter can only be changed after completing the installation.

Valid Values: 1 (on), 0 (off)

Default: 0 (off)

Refresh Type: Recycle


Determines whether communication packets that an Agent sends to and receives from Control-M/Server are written to a file with a parsed value (the packets information).

This parameter can only be changed after completing the installation.

You can only set this parameter to 1 if the COMM_TRACE parameter is enabled.

Valid Values: 1 (on), 0 (off)

Default: 0 (off)

Configuration Agent Port Number (CTM_CONFIG_AGENT_PORT_NUMBER)

Defines the Control-M/Server Configuration Agent listening port number.

Valid Values:

  • Distributed Control-M/Server: 1,025–32,767

  • MVS Control-M/Server: 1,024–65,534

Default: 2,369

How / Where to Set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter Customization > Basic Communication and Operational Parameters > Configuration Agent Port.

Refresh Type: Recycle

CONTROL-M/Configuration Agent operation mode


Determines the mode of the Control-M/Server Configuration Agent.

Valid Values:

  • 0: (OFF_MODE): Disable Configuration Agent process, no communication with CMS is allowed.

  • 1: (READ_MODE): Only life check and information requests are honored, any modifying request is rejected.

  • 2: (ALL_MODE) Any CMS request is honored.

Default: 2

Refresh Type: Recycle


Determines the Control-M/Server Configuration Agent unavailability threshold. The Control-M/Server Configuration Agent issues the following message when the number of unavailable Agents is equal to or greater than the threshold:

Some of the Agents are unavailable.

Valid Values: 1–2^31

Default: 1

Refresh Type: Manual


For Agents and Agentless Hosts for which Control-M/Server has not previously identified the operating system and Agent version, defines the frequency, in seconds, with which Control-M/Server will try to retrieve that information so that it is available to the end user via CCM.

Default: 24

Refresh Type: Recycle


Refresh Type: Recycle


Defines the port number that Control-M/Server uses to listen for communication from Control-M/EM. Verify that the port number is not used for any other purpose on the server computer.

Valid Values: 1,025–32,767 inclusive.

Default: N/A

Refresh Type: Recycle

Inter Process Communication (IPC) Port Number (CTM_RT_PORT_NUMBER)

Defines the listening port number of the RT process.

Valid Values: 1,025–32,767

Default: N/A

How / Where to Set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter Customization > Basic Communication and Operational Parameters > IPC Port.

Refresh Type: Recycle


Refresh Type: Automatic


Determines the number of bytes of the receive buffer of the TCP/IP socket connected to the Control-M/EM gateway.

Valid Values:

  • -1

  • 1,024–10,000,000

-1 indicates using the machine's configured default.

Default: -1

Refresh Type: Recycle


Determines the number of bytes of the send buffer of the TCP/IP socket connected to the Control-M/EM gateway.

Valid Values:

  • -1

  • 1,024–10,000,000

-1 indicates using the machine's configured default.

Default: -1

Refresh Type: Recycle

Local IP Host Interface Name

Defines the host interface name of the TCP/IP network interface card on the server computer to use for communication with Control-M/EM.

This name is typically the host name of the server computer. You should modify this parameter only if the server computer contains more than one network interface card (for example, Ethernet and Token-Ring) or use another name for external communication (AWS public name).

If you define this parameter on a non-active high availability environment, the changes take effect within 10 minutes from the time they were saved.

Valid Values: host name, or host IP address (for example,

Default: the default host interface name defined in the server computer operating environment.

Configuration Agent Port (CTM_CONFIG_AGENT_PORT_NUMBER)

Defines the port number for the Control-M/Server Configuration Agent.

Valid Values:

  • Distributed Control-M/Server: 1,025–32,767

  • MVS Control-M/Server: 1,024–65,534

Default: N/A 2,369

Refresh Type: Recycle

Maximum Concurrent Sessions (CTM_MAX_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS)

Defines the maximum number of concurrent sessions that the NS process will hold.

Once the maximum of the MAX_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS parameter is reached, the session with the maximum idle time will be terminated in order to open a new connection. If this Agent connection is marked as not allowed to be disconnected (see the ALLOW_ AG_DISCONNECTION parameter) then the next one in line will be disconnected.

Valid Values: All integers in the range of 16 to the maximum available according to the operating system.

Default: 256

Refresh Type: Automatic


Defines maximum number of requests (originating from CONTROL-M/EM gateways) that Control-M/Server can queue.

Valid Values: 60–32,000

Default: 60

How / Where to Set:


Enables alerts to be sent when variables have not been resolved during job submission. You can set this parameter in the config.dat file, in the following format:


Valid Values:

  • N: Do not send alert.

  • R: Regular

  • U: Urgent

  • V: Very urgent

Default: R

For changes to take effect, you must restart Control-M/Server or run the following command:

ctmipc -dest ALL -msgid CFG


Defines the communication timeout in seconds.

Valid Values: 10–2^31

Default: 120

How / Where to Set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter Customization > Default Parameters for Communicating with Agent Platforms > Communication Timeout.

Refresh Type: Recycle


Defines the communication retry value.

Valid Values: 1–2^31 (seconds)

Default: 12

How / Where to Set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter Customization > Default Parameters for Communicating with Agent Platforms > Maximum Retries.

Refresh Type: Recycle

Communication Protocol Version (COMVERSION)

Determines the version of the protocol for communication between Control-M/Server and the Agent.

Valid Values: 12–14, where 14 is the most recent protocol version

Default: 11

Refresh Type: Automatic


Determines the number of bytes of the receive buffer of the TCP/IP socket used by the CE process for internal communication.

Valid Values:

  • -1

  • 1,024–10,000,000

-1 indicates using the machine's configured default.

Default: -1

Refresh Type: Recycle


Determines the number of bytes of the send buffer of the TCP/IP socket used by the CE process for internal communication.

Valid Values:

  • -1

  • 1,024–10,000,000

-1 indicates using the machine's configured default.

Default: -1

Refresh Type: Recycle


Determines whether to enable IPV6.

Valid Values:

  • IPV4

  • DUAL (Enables IPV6)

Default: IPV4

How / Where to Set: In the config.dat file on the Control-M/Server and the CONFIG.dat file on the Agent, set the IPV_MODE parameter to DUAL and then restart the Control-M/Server and Agent.

If Control-M/Server or the Agent are installed on AIX, verify that the fix for APAR IV23320 is installed.

If you want to enable IPV6 before installation, see Setting environment variables in UNIX.

Refresh Type: Recycle

Maximum Disconnect Time (MAX_DISCONNECT_TIME)

Defines the maximum time in which the NS allows an Agent to be disconnected before it will initiate a session with it (although there's nothing to submit to it). The MAX_DISCONNECT_TIME parameter is relevant only if the ALLOW_COMM_INIT parameter on the Agent is set to NO.

Valid Values: integers in the range 30–86,400 (in seconds)

Default: 300

Refresh Type: Automatic


Used in various ways, for example, the name of the server to be sent to the Agent, for later comparison with the Agent's permitted server list.

Valid Values: 85 characters

Contact your system administrator to learn about the DNS restrictions and limitations relevant to your environment.

Default: dba-tlv-whbdwi

How / Where to Set:

(UNIX) In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter Customization > Basic Communication and Operational Parameters > Local IP host interface name.

Refresh Type: Recycle


Defines an IP address for Server to Agent connections. Update this parameter in the local_config.dat file.

Valid Values: IP address or hostname

Default: hostname

Refresh Type: Recycle

Persistent Connection (PERSISTENT_CONNECTION)

Determines the persistent connection setting. Set the PERSISTENT_CONNECTION parameter to connect to a specific Agent with either a persistent or transient connection.

When Persistent Connection is set to Y (for example, with an Agent version 6.2.01), the NS process creates a persistent connection with the Agent and manages the session with this Agent. If the connection is broken with an Agent or NS is unable to connect with an Agent, the Agent is marked as Unavailable. When the connection with the Agent is resumed, the NS recreates a persistent connection with the Agent and marks the Agent as Available.

Valid Values:

  • Y

  • N

Default: N for a new Agent installation and N for an Agent that is known to Control-M/Server before upgrading to version 6.2.01 and above.

Refresh Type: Recycle

Polling Interval (POLLTIME)

Defines the time interval (in seconds) between requests from Control-M/Server for status updates from Agent computers that are executing jobs.

Valid Values: 60-65,534

Default: 900

Refresh Type: Automatic


Determines the Server to Agent port number.

Valid Values: N/A 1,024 to 65,534

Refresh Type: Automatic

Retry Interval (UNAVPOLTIM)

Defines the length of time to wait (in seconds) between attempts to communicate with an Agent computer whose status is Unavailable.

Valid Values: 30-65,534

Default: 90

Refresh Type: Automatic

Session Idle Timeout (SESSION_IDLE_TIMEOUT)

Defines the maximum time a session can be in idle before NS terminates it.

Valid Values: integers in the range 30–86,400 (in seconds)

Default: 900

Refresh Type: Automatic


Determines the number of bytes of the send buffer of TCP/IP sockets created by the C processes of Control-M/Server.

Valid Values:

  • 0

  • 1,024-10,000,000

0 indicates using the machine's configured default.

Default: 0

Refresh Type: Recycle


Determines the number of seconds for the Control-M/Server to wait for an Agent to respond to a submit request before a timeout.

Valid Values: 1–3,600

Default: 600

Refresh Type: Manual

Unavailability Shout Urgency (UNAV_URGENCY)

Determines messages with a high priority sent from an Agent assigned Unavailable status. Urgent message are sent with a special indication so that the recipient of the message is aware of the urgency.

Valid Values:

  • R

  • U

  • V

Default: R

Refresh Type: Automatic


Refresh Type: Manual

Scheduling and Execution Parameters

The following table describes the self-hosted Control-M/Server scheduling and execution system parameters.




Determines which Hosts that are not defined in the Control-M/Server are allowed to initiate communication with it.

Valid Values:

  • N

  • Y

Default: Y

Refresh Type: Manual


Defines a space-separated list of error message numbers that, when written to the IOALOG, is echoed as alerts to Control-M/EM.

Use the following format for message ID entries:


Urgency values:

  • R: Regular

  • U: Urgent

  • V: Very Urgent

Default: R

ALERT_ON_MESSAGES 5141:U 5211 5745:V 5273:R 5274:V 5275


ALERT_ON_MESSAGES 5141 5211 5745 5273 5274 5275 5217 5135 5220 0008 0012 0014 0016 0018 5126 5127 5128 5129 5172 5173 5762 5763


How/where to set: Set this parameter through the config.dat file of Control-M/Server. For changes to take effect, restart Control-M/Server or run the following command:

ctmipc -dest ALL -msgid CFG


Determines whether to send Control-M/EM alerts when shouts that are issued by background activities fail.

Valid Values:

  • Y: An alert is sent to Control-M/EM in the event of shout failure. The alert message is SHOUT TO <shout destination> FAILED.

  • N: No alert is sent to Control-M/EM in the event of shout failure.

Default: Y

How/where to set: Set this parameter through the config.dat file of Control-M/Server. For changes to take effect, restart Control-M/Server or run the following command:

ctmipc -dest ALL -msgid CFG


When there is no current Control-M/EM session, Control-M accumulates database updates before downloading them to Control-M/EM. CD_MAX_DBU determines the maximum number of updates to accumulate before requesting a download.

Valid Values: 100–2^31

Default: 1,000

How/where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter Customization > Advanced Communication and Operational Parameters > Maximum Job State Changes.

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines whether to ignore the prerequisite conditions of a SMART folder entity, when the predecessor jobs that normally set these conditions are not scheduled.

Valid Values:

  • Y: Ignore relevant prerequisite conditions.

  • N: Do not ignore relevant prerequisite conditions.

Default: N

Refresh Type: Recycle

This parameter is relevant only when ADJUST_COND is set to Y and the parameter CTM_ADJUST_COND_SCOPE is set to AJF. For more information, see Adjust Condition.


For jobs in the SMART Folder, determines conditions of which unscheduled predecessor jobs to ignore.

Valid Values:

  • AJF: Ignore predecessor jobs in the Active Jobs level. When selected, jobs in the SMART Folder ignore conditions set by jobs in Active Jobs that are not scheduled.

  • GROUP: Ignore predecessor jobs in the group level. When selected, jobs in the SMART Folder ignore conditions set by jobs in the SMART Folder that are not scheduled.

Default: GROUP

This parameter is relevant only when ADJUST_COND is set to Y. For more information, see ADJUST_COND in Control-M Parameter.

Refresh Type: Manual


Refresh Type: Recycle


Enables user-defined variables to contain the - (hyphen) character.

Valid Values:

  • N

  • Y

Default: N

Refresh Type: Manual

If a job has an variable that includes a hyphen in the variable name, it will fail when submitted to an Agent that is running on UNIX.


Determines if AutoEdit variable %%MEMLIB overrides the MEMLIB value for all jobs in a folder with a command such as:

ctmorder -schedtab test2...-jobname "*" -autoedit %%MEMLIB d:/testdir

If you use the same command for a specific jobname, this parameter is ignored.

Valid Values:

  • Y

  • N

Default: N

Refresh Type: Manual


Controls creation of dummy jobs that run in place of unscheduled prerequisite jobs.

Valid Values:

  • Y: A dummy job waits for the prerequisite conditions expected by the job it is replacing, and performs the post processing of the job. When a SMART Folder is ordered, jobs in the folder that should not be ordered at this time are ordered as DUMMY jobs. This functionality is useful for data centers that require identical job flow regardless of whether certain jobs in a folder are ordered for a specific instance of the folder.

  • N: Out conditions of the jobs that were not ordered are ignored by the ordered jobs in the SMART Folder.

This parameter is relevant only when ADJUST_COND is set to Y. For more information, see ADJUST_COND in Control-M Parameters.

Default: N

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines if SMART Folder or Sub-folder conditions should be checked for each job in a SMART Folder or Sub-folder after the SMART Folder or Sub-folder conditions have been satisfied.

Valid Values:

  • N: SMART folder or sub-folder conditions are ignored when ordering specific jobs in a folder.

  • Y: SMART folder or sub-folder conditions are checked for each job in the folder (in addition to conditions specified for the job).

If N is specified for this parameter, SMART Folders or Sub-folders are activated when the necessary conditions exist, and remain active regardless of whether or not any of those conditions are deleted.

Default: N

Refresh Type: Manual


The default action of the utility is to order, not force, jobs in Active Jobs. This action can be modified by adding keyword Force to the command that invokes the utility. To change the default to force, set this parameter to Y.

Valid Values:

  • Y

  • N

Default: N

Refresh Type: Automatic


Determines the number of seconds to wait before releasing a lock on all folders in a user daily.

Default: 900

Refresh Type: Manual (ctmipc -dest all -msgid CFG)

If the user daily duration is eight (8) minutes, change the CTM_UDAILY_LOCK_TIMEOUT parameter to 480 or more.


Determines when Cyclic jobs or SMART folders that have previously executed are removed from the Active Jobs database by the New Day procedure.

Valid Values:

  • KEEP: Each job is removed when MAXWAIT days have passed, even if the job endesd OK.

  • NOT_KEEP: Each job (cyclic and non-cyclic) is removed from Active Jobs at the next run of the New Day procedure. Cyclic jobs or SMART folders are not removed if they are executing when the New Day procedure begins. Instead, they are removed during the following New Day procedure.

Default: KEEP

Refresh Type: Recycle


Determines whether to rerun a Cyclic job or SMART folder when it ends Not OK, as follows:

  • OK: Cyclic jobs and SMART folders rerun when they end Not OK.

  • Not OK: Cyclic jobs and SMART folders do not rerun when they end Not OK.

Default: OK

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines whether an Agent or Agentless Host is automatically discovered when an unfamiliar host is defined in the Host/Host Group job attribute, as follows:

  • Y

  • N

Default: Y

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines the maximum number of jobs that can execute concurrently.

Default: 20,000

The default amount of application memory is 1 GB. If you increase this parameter value, you must also increase the amount of available application memory located in the following path:

<Control-M/Server Home>ctm_server/services/config/ctms-order-service-application.yml


Determines the type of Alert message that is sent to Control-M/EM when a job does not run because it does not meet its scheduling criteria, as follows:

  • 0: Sends one general alert per User Daily, as follows:


  • 1: Sends one alert per job, as follows:

    DAILY <Daily_Name> FAILED TO RUN JOBNAME <Job_Name>.

  • 2: Does not send alerts.

Default: 0

Refresh Type: Recycle


Determines whether negative values take precedence over positive values in Week or Day parameters when you define a job schedule, as follows:

  • 0

  • 1

Default: 1

Refresh Type: Manual


When DAYS is >n, or <n, should we order the job on the next (>n), or previous (<n) working day, if n is a non-existing day for the specific month? If the parameter is set to Y, then we should order the job.

Valid Values:

  • N

  • Y

Default: N

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines the maximum number of seconds to wait for a shout to program to complete before continuing to process the job.

Valid Values: 0–2,147,483,648

where 0 is unlimited.

Default: 20

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines the error code returned by ctmudly utility if one or more jobs in a folder are not ordered by a User Daily job (due to scheduling criteria or security settings).

Valid Values:

  • 0: User Daily job ends with an exit code of 0 even if not all jobs are ordered.

  • 1: User Daily job ends with an exit code of 14 if not all jobs are ordered.

Default: 0

Refresh Type: Automatic


Determines which variables are sent to the Agent for each submitted job.

Valid Values:

  • SYSTEM: All the variables for each submitted job are sent to the Agent. These include System, Global, SMART Folder, and Local variables.

  • GLOBAL: Global, SMART Folder, and Local variables are sent to the Agent for each submitted job. System variables are not sent.

  • GROUP: SMART Folder and Local variables are sent to the Agent for each submitted job. System and Global variables are not sent.

  • LOCAL: Only Local variables are sent to the Agent.

Default: LOCAL

Refresh Type: Manual

Performance Parameters

The following table describes the self-hosted Control-M/Server performance system parameters.




Determines the number of milliseconds to wait before a warning is issued stating that that DNS is performing too slow.

Default: 3,000

To disable, set to 0.

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines the number of milliseconds to wait before a warning is issued stating that the disk is performing too slow.

Default: 180

This parameter is not generated when the debug level is set to 4.

To disable, set to 0.

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines the number of milliseconds to wait before a warning is sent which states that the connection between the Control-M/Server and Agent is too slow.

Default: 3,000

To disable, set to 0.

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines the number of milliseconds to wait before a warning is sent which states that the connection attempt after a failure between Control-M/Server and Agent is too slow.

Default: 30,000

To disable, set to 0.

Refresh Type: Manual

Input/Output Parameters

The following table describes the self-hosted Control-M/Server Input/Output system parameters.




Determines the logical name of the Shout destination for critical Alert messages.

Valid Values:

  • EM: Control-M/EM GUI

  • IOALOG: Control-M IOALOG files

  • CONSOLE: Server console

Default: EM

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines if job run time is adjusted to time zone.

Valid Values:

  • N – the Next Run time of a job is in local computer time, not adjusted to time zone.

  • Y – the Next Run time of a job is adjusted to the correct time zone.

Default: N

Refresh Type: Manual


If this parameter is set, critical alerts are sent to the console of the server in addition to being sent as Shout messages to Control-M/EM.

Valid Values:

  • YES

  • NO

Default: NO

Refresh Type: Recycle


Maximum OUTPUT size that can be viewed by the output command from Control-M/Server and Control-M/EM. The value is set in Kilobytes. If a OUTPUT file exceeds the value specified by the OUTPUT_LIMIT_SIZE configuration parameter, it cannot be viewed from Control-M/Server or Control-M/EM, and the following message is displayed:


Valid Values: 0–2^31

Default: 0 (unlimited)

Refresh Type: Manual


Defines the maximum number of characters for a OUTPUT file line.

Valid Values: 80–132 characters.

Default: 80

Refresh Type: Manual


Defines the number of generations of diagnostic log information to keep for a process or a thread.

Valid Values:

  • -1 (no limit to the number of files)

  • 1–2^31

Default: 20 (in the shipped config.dat, the default value is overridden by 10).

Refresh Type: Recycle


Defines the maximum size (MB) of diagnostic log files for a process or a thread.

Valid Values:

  • -1 (no filesize limit)

  • 1–2^31

Default: 15 (in the shipped config.dat, the default value is overridden by 10).

Refresh Type: Recycle


Refresh Type: Manual

Logging Parameters

The following table describes the self-hosted Control-M/Server logging system parameters.



Max. Days to Retain Output Files (OUTPUTRETN)

Defines the number of days that job OUTPUT files are retained for jobs executed by Agent computers.

After this period, the New Day procedure deletes all job OUTPUT files.

This parameter also affects the number of days that old nets are saved. To view OUTPUT files of jobs in old nets, in some cases OUTPUT files must be saved for an extra calendar day.

Valid Values: Any number greater than 0.

Default: 1

How / Where to Set: Use the ctmsys utility to change the parameter value.

Refresh Type: Automatic

Maximum Days Retained by Control-M Log (IOALOGLM)

Defines the maximum number of days that entries are retained in the Control-M log before the New Day cleanup procedure deletes them.

If this value exceeds 2, the syslogs might run out of space. Either delete the transaction log or use ALTER DATABASE to increase the size of the segment.

For example, if the data device size is 400 MB and you want to retain history for 10 days, enlarge the temporary database to 240 MB.

Valid Values: Any number greater than 0.

Default: 2

How / Where to Set: Use the ctmsys utility to change the parameter value.

Refresh Type: Automatic


When set to Y, the use of the ctmlog utility for delete operation to Control-M is restricted. Administrator only.

Valid Values:

  • Y

  • N

Default: N

Refresh Type: Automatic



New Day Parameters

The following table describes the self-hosted Control-M/Server New Day system parameters.

If you change the Ignore New Day Conditions to Y, edit or create a file in the home directory of the Control-M owner account: ~<controlm_owner>/ctm_server/data/dbs_ignrcond.dat.




Determines whether the New Day procedure sends a request to the Agents to remove OUTPUT files and exit status files that are no longer needed.

Valid Values:

  • Y: The New Day procedure sends a request to Agents to remove OUTPUT files and exit status files that are no longer needed.

  • N : The New Day procedure does not send a request to the Agents to remove OUTPUT files and exit status files that are no longer needed.

You can speed up the New Day procedure by specifying N for this parameter and running the ctmagcln utility.

Default: Y

Refresh Type: Recycle


Defines the timeout value for long New Day database transactions, in seconds.

Valid Values: 300–3,600

Default: 300

Refresh Type: Recycle

Day Time


Defines the start-of-day time that Control-M uses.

This time is when the Control-M date (ODATE) changes and the New Day procedure runs.

Valid Values: either of the following formats (where hh indicates hours and mm indicates minutes):

  • +hhmm: changes the Control-M date at the specified time after midnight.

  • -hhmm: changes the Control-M date at the specified time before midnight.

To avoid scheduling delays with time zone jobs, the minute value for New Day Time should be configured to hh00 or hh30.

These values reflect 24-hour time. For example, 22:00 is equivalent to 10 P.M.

If you use +0600, the hours between midnight and 6:00 am are considered part of the previous date’s work day. Thus, system date February 10, 5:59 am is considered part of the February 9 work day.

If you use -22:00, the hours between 10:00 pm and midnight are considered part of the next date’s work day. Thus, at 10:00 pm on system date February 10, the Control-M date changes to February 11.

Default: +0700

How / Where to Set: Use the ctmsys utility to change the parameter value.

Refresh Type: Automatic


Defines the number of threads that would handle the download process in case parallel download is enabled (NEWDAY_MODE = 1).

Valid Values: 1–100

Default: 3

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines the number of jobs that are cached in memory to speed up the download. Increasing this number causes the product to consume more memory.

Valid Values: 100-100,000

Default: 5000

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines whether to perform a Full backup when clean AJF is enabled.

Valid Values:

  • Y–Enabled.

  • N–Disabled.

Default: Y

Refresh Type: Manual

Ignore New Day Conditions (C2)

Determines whether the New Day procedure should ignore prerequisite conditions if their reference date (day and month) matches the Control-M date + 1.

How / Where to Set: Use the ctmsys utility to change the parameter value.

Refresh Type: Automatic

Valid Values: Y or N

Default: N

Refresh Type: Automatic


Determines whether New Day performance enhancements are enabled.

Valid Values:

  • 0: Disabled

  • 1:Enabled

Default: 1

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines whether the statistics cleanup action is executed during the New Day procedure.

Valid Values:

  • Y: The statistics cleanup action is executed during New Day procedure.

  • N: The statistics cleanup action is not executed during New Day procedure.

Note: You can speed up the New Day procedure by specifying N for this parameter and running ctmruninf -PURGE.

Default: Y

Refresh Type: Manual


Defines the number of seconds preceding launch of the NewDay procedure during which jobs are not submitted.

Valid Values: 0–3,600

Default: 2

Refresh Type: Manual


Defines the number of threads that would handle the SYSTEM user daily when parallel system daily is enabled (NEWDAY_MODE = 1).

Valid Values: 1–100

Default: 4

Refresh Type: Manual


Refresh Type: Recycle

Security Parameters

The following table describes the self-hosted Control-M/Server security system parameters.




Determines whether Control-M/EM users are authenticated against Control-M/Server Security definitions. When set to Y, EM users requests would not be checked against Control-M/Server Security definition. Only the Control-M/EM Authorization definition would be checked.

Valid Values:

Y: Not authenticated against Control-M/Server Security definitions.

N: Authenticated against Control-M/Server Security definitions.

Default: N

Refresh Type: Manual

Full Security (SECURE)

Determines whether Control-M operates with a restricted or unrestricted level of security.

A user for whom one or more authorizations have been assigned in the security database can perform only the actions for which the user is specifically authorized.

Valued Values:

  • Y (restricted) means a user who is not defined in the Control-M security database does not have any application authorizations.

  • N (unrestricted) means a user who is not defined in the Control-M security database is regarded as having all application authorizations.

Default: N

Refresh Type: Automatic


Determines whether to allow the following variables in order/force commands:


Valid Values:

Y: Not allowed

N: Allowed

Default: Y

Refresh Type: Manual

Statistics Parameters

The following table describes the self-hosted Control-M/Server statistics system parameters. You can also use the following various utilities to display, compile, and delete statistical data, as described in Statistics and reporting.




Determines whether to purge job statistics also during the day.

This parameter is not relevant if an MSSQL database is used.

Valid Values:

  • Y

  • N

Default: Y

Refresh Type: Manual


Affects the statistics cleanup algorithm that is performed during New Day when the RUNINF_PURGE_MODE is set to 0 (default). If the number of records to be deleted from the table is less than the value of this parameter, then records are deleted directly from the statistics table. Otherwise a temporary table is used to delete the records.

Valid Values: 0–65,000

Default: 2,000

Refresh Type: Recycle


Affects the statistics cleanup algorithm that is performed during New Day when the RUNINF_PURGE_MODE is set to 0. If the ratio between the number of records to be deleted and the number of records in the table is less than the value of this parameter, then records are deleted directly from the statistics table. Otherwise a temporary table is used to delete the records.

Valid Values: Decimal fraction between 0–1.

Default: 0.33

Refresh Type: Recycle


Defines the number of Run Information records to keep for a given MemName/MemLib/HostID. If RUNINF_PURGE_MODE is 0, the New Day Procedure deletes all Run Information records for each unique name except the last n records, where n is the value of this parameter.

Valid Values: 1–2^31

Default: 20

Refresh Type: Manual


Valid Values:

  • 0: Performs -PURGE cleanup. Statistics records per job are kept according to the specified Statistics Mode (either MEMNAME or JOBNAME). Default: 20 records of each MEMNAME or JOBNAME are kept. If the RUNINF_PURGE_LIMIT in the config.dat is specified, the number of records that are kept is determined by this parameter.

  • 1: Performs -DELETE cleanup. Only the amount of days that are specified are kept.

Default: 1. The number of days kept is specified by the How Many Days to Retain ioalog parameter.

If the RUNINF_PURGE_LIMIT in the config.dat is specified, the number of days that are kept is determined by this parameter.

Default: 0

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines whether Control-M/Server collects job statistics.

Valid Values:

  • Y

  • N

Default: Y

For more information, see the ctmruninf and ctmstats utilities.

Refresh Type: Automatic


Determines the mode used to collect summary statistics by the ctmjsa utility. In addition it is used for actions on statistics such as average and deletion.

Valid Values:

  • JOBNAME: compiles statistics for each Control-M Job Name/Table and Host ID where the job was submitted.

  • FILENAME: compiles statistics for each Control-M File Name/Mem Name/Mem Lib and Host ID.


Refresh Type: Recycle

For more information, see the ctmruninf and ctmstats utilities.

Refresh Type: Recycle


For statistics calculation, determines how the START TIME and END TIME for a job should be set.

Valid Values:

  • SERVER: START TIME and END TIME are set by Control-M/Server.

  • AGENT: START TIME and END TIME are set using information received from the Agent.

Default: SERVER

Refresh Type: Manual

SMTP Parameters

The following the self-hosted Control-M/Server SMTP system parameters that are applicable to DOMAIL, -DOSHOUT (when the notification destination is email), ctmshout, and –SHOUT (when the notification destination is email).

The job output can be attached to an email message only after the job has completed execution.

Parameters Description


Determines whether the OUTPUT of a job can be attached to e-mail messages.

Valid Values:

  • N: No. When specified, the OUTPUT of a job is not attached. This setting overrides any specification made elsewhere.

  • A: Attachment. When specified, the OUTPUT of a job is attached. This setting overrides any specification made elsewhere.

Default: N

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines the maximum size of the attachment OUTPUT file in kilobytes.

You can specify the value 0 for unlimited size.

If the OUTPUT file is larger than the specified maximum size, the OUTPUT will not be attached to the email message.

Valid Values: 0–2^31

Default: 5,120KB (5MB)

Refresh Type: Manual


When sending a mail request—with a OUTPUT file attached—to the SMTP server, determines the maximum time to wait.

Valid Values: 1–300 (seconds)

Default: 30 (seconds)

Refresh Type: Manual


Refresh Type: Manual


Determines if the Control-M/Server Shout by orderno prefix must be added to the subject of the e-mail message.

Valid Values:

  • Y

  • N

Default: Y

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines the maximum time (in seconds) to send the mail request to the SMTP server when no OUTPUT is attached.

Valid Values: 1–30

Default: 10

Refresh Type: Manual


Defines the number of attempts to get an Agent's network information.

Valid Values: 1-2,048

Default: 5

Refresh Type: Manual


Refresh Type: Manual


Defines the name of the SMTP server relay.

Valid Values: 0–50 characters

Default: "" (During installation, this is overridden by a null value.)

How / Where to Set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter Customization > Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Parameters > SMTP Server (Relay) Name.

To disable, use a dummy value.


Refresh Type: Automatic


Defines the e-mail address used by Control-M/Server.

Valid Values: 0–99 characters.

Default: "" (During installation, this is overridden by Control@M.)

How / Where to Set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter Customization > Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Parameters > Sender Email.

Refresh Type: Automatic


Defines the port number to which the service is assigned.

Valid Values: 1–65536

Default: 25

How / Where to Set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter Customization > Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Parameters > Port Number.

Refresh Type: Automatic


Defines the regular text name used to identify the sender.

Valid Values: 0–99 characters.

Default: Control-M/Server (During installation, this is overridden by a null value).

How / Where to Set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter Customization > Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Parameters > Sender Friendly Name.

Refresh Type: Automatic


Defines the email address to which messages are returned if a return address is not otherwise specified. If this parameter is null, the sender’s email address becomes the default.

Valid Values: 0–99 characters

Default: "" (During installation, this is overridden by a null value.)

How / Where to Set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter Customization > Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Parameters > Reply–To Email.

Refresh Type: Manual

User Exit Parameters

The following table lists the self-hosted Control-M/Server user exit system parameters.




Determines whether Control-M user exits and Watchdog process exits are enabled.

Valid Values:

  • Y

  • N

Default: Y

Refresh Type: Manual

CTM_PRM_ENABLE_UExxx (101–106)

Determines whether the associated UExxx user exit is enabled.

Valid Values:

  • Y

  • N

Default: N

CTM_PRM_SCRIPT_UExxx (101–106)

Defines the name of the UExxx user exit script. These scripts must reside in the ~<controlm_owner>/ctm_server/ue_exit directory.

Valid Values: 1,024 characters


  • UE101 Job Ordering User Exit:

  • UE102 Job Submission User Exit:

  • UE103 Before New Day Procedure User Exit:

  • UE104 After New Day Procedure User Exit:

  • UE105 Before User Daily User Exit:

  • UE106 After User Daily User Exit :

Refresh Type:

  • UE101 Job Ordering User Exit: Manual

  • UE102 Job Submission User Exit: Manual

  • UE103 Before New Day Procedure User Exit: Recycle

  • UE104 After New Day Procedure User Exit: Recycle

  • UE105 Before User Daily User Exit: Manual

  • UE106 After User Daily User Exit: Manual

CTM_PRM_TIMEOUT_UExxx (101–106)

Defines the time to wait for a user exit script to run before it is terminated.

For UNIX: Time is measured in units of seconds.

For Windows: Time is measured in units of milliseconds.

Valid Values: 20–2^31

Default: 20

Refresh Type:

  • UE101 Job Ordering User Exit: Manual

  • UE102 Job Submission User Exit: Manual

  • UE103 Before New Day Procedure User Exit: Recycle

  • UE104 After New Day Procedure User Exit: Recycle

  • UE105 Before User Daily User Exit: Manual

  • UE106 After User Daily User Exit : Manual


Defines the total number of Control-M/Server system exits to run.

Valid Values: Any whole number.

Default: 3 (set to 2 during installation)

Refresh Type: Recycle

Do not change the initial value unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support.


Defines the total number of user exits to run.

Valid Values: 0–2^31

Default: 0

Refresh Type: Recycle

Utility Parameters

The following table describes the self-hosted Control-M/Server utility system parameters.




During New Day or Download of Active Jobs to Control-M/EM, the ctmcreate, ctmudly, ctmorder utilities and ctmac and CS processes are suspended (when trying to order). They stay suspended until the Download or New Day is completed. This parameter Determines the maximum number of times to wait, where each time is configured, in seconds, by the parameter CTM_SUS_SLEEP_TIME.

Valid Values: 1–120 (times)

Default: 30

Refresh Type: Manual


During New Day or Download of Active Jobs to Control-M/EM, the ctmcreate, ctmudly, and ctmorder utilities and the ctmac and CS processes are suspended (when trying to order). They stay suspended until the Download or New Day is complete. This parameter Determines the specified number of seconds to wait before initiating a download or the New Day procedure.


Valid Values: 1–180 (seconds)

Default: 60 (seconds)

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines the number of retries to run the ctmudchk utility if ctmudly is ordering the User Daily.

Default: 10


Determines the number of seconds to wait before attempting to run the ctmudchk utility.

Default: 20

Watchdog Process Parameters

To automatically monitor essential self-hosted Control-M/Server processes and resources, the self-hosted Control-M/Server contains a facility called Watchdog (WD).

The Watchdog facility uses a Heartbeat monitor to check that all the primary the self-hosted Control-M/Server processes are functioning. If any of these processes do not respond to the check, the Watchdog facility sends a message to an error handler. (The facility automatically logs messages to the Control-M IOALOG and PROCLOG files.

An error handler is an object that contains and performs instructions for handling errors about which it was notified. Generally, error handlers are scripts.

To monitor self-hosted Control-M/Server processes, the Watchdog facility can use the following built-in utilities:

  • ctmdiskspace: Checks the amount of free disk space on a specified device and sends an error message to the error handler if it is below the threshold.

  • ctmdbspace: Checks data and log usage in the Control-M/Server database and sends an error message to the error handler if it is above the threshold.

The following parameters are used for the Watchdog Process. The CTM_PRM_ENABLE_UE parameter must be set to Y to enable the WD process.

Watchdog and Lifecheck Parameters

The following table lists the self-hosted Control-M/Server general Watchdog process system parameters.




Determines whether the Heartbeat monitor operates in active or passive mode.

Valid Values:

  • Y (for active) or

  • N (for passive)

Default: Y

Refresh Type: Manual


Defines time (in seconds) between heartbeat checks.

Valid Values: 1–2^31 (integer)

Default: 60

Refresh Type: Manual


Defines time (in seconds) to wait for a confirmation from Control-M/EM. If confirmation does not arrive, a timeout is generated and the connection is severed.

Valid Values: any integer

Default: 1800

Refresh Type: Manual


Defines message to be sent in response to successful heartbeat checks.

Valid Values: 1,024 characters

Default: N/A

Refresh Type: Recycle


Defines the host name or IP address of the computer running CONTROL-O/Server. If this parameter is specified, the Watchdog process sends all error messages to the CONTROL-O/Server Central Message window.

Valid Values: Up to 255 characters.

Refresh Type: Recycle


Defines the maximum time (in second) to send messages to CONTROL-O/Server before terminating the communication.

Valid Values: 1–10

Default: 10 seconds

How / Where to Set:

Refresh Type: Recycle


Defines the full path name of a user defined script called by the Watchdog process as an error handler. The error messages are included as arguments to the script.

Valid Values: 1,024 characters

Default: N/A (In the shipped config.dat, the default is overridden by ./scripts/UE_handler).

Refresh Type: Recycle


Defines the maximum time for the Watchdog facility to wait for the user-defined script to run.

Valid Values: 5–2^31

Default: 10 (In the shipped config.dat, this is overridden by the value 10).

Refresh Type: Recycle


The Watchdog process checks Control-M/Server processes by sending a message. If this parameter is set to 5, the Watchdog process sends a message to each of the primary Control-M/Server processes every 5th interval and awaits a response.

Valid Values: 1–2^31

Default: 6 (In the shipped config.dat, this is overridden by the value 1).

Refresh Type: Recycle


Defines the maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a response from each of the Control-M/Server processes, after issuing a Heartbeat check, before sending a message to the error handlers.

Valid Values: 1–2^31

Default: 360

Refresh Type: Recycle


Defines the basic time unit interval, in minutes. When the value in either the WD_CTMEXIT_#_INTERVAL parameter or the WD_USEREXIT_#_INTERVAL parameter is multiplied by the value in this parameter, the resulting value is the number of minutes that must pass before reinvoking the exit script.

If the value of this parameter is 6 (minutes), and the value of the WD_CTMEXIT_1_INTERVAL parameter is 20, the script for system exit 1 will run once every 120 minutes (20 x 6 minutes).

Valid Values: 1–2^31

Default: 6 (In the shipped config.dat, this is overridden by the value 6.)

Refresh Type: Recycle

System Exit Parameters

The # used in each of the following self-hosted Control-M/Server system exit parameters represents the corresponding self-hosted Control-M/Server utility that can be included in the Control-M/Server Watchdog process: Disk Space Utility (1) and Database Usage Utility (2).

Parameter Description


Defines parameters to be passed to the exit script. Arguments must start with a ‘-’ sign. Values separated by either a space or a ‘-’ sign must be enclosed in double quotation. Mandatory.

Valid Values: 1,024 characters

Default: ""

In the shipped config.dat on UNIX, the default values are overridden as follows:

  • wd_ctmexit_1: -LIMIT "10 M" -PATH ctm_em

  • wd_ctmexit_2: -LIMIT "90 M"

In the shipped config.dat on Windows, the default values are overridden as follows:

  • wd_ctmexit_1: -LIMIT 10M -PATH C:\

  • wd_ctmexit_2: -LIMIT 90

Refresh Type: Recycle


Defines error message string to be passed to the error handler(s) if the utility returns a "failed" status. Optional.

Valid Values: 1,024 characters

Default: "" (In the shipped config.dat, for wd_ctmexit_1 and wd_ctmexit_2, the default is overridden by "Low on database space.")

Refresh Type: Recycle


Defines the number of basic time interval units that should pass before reinvoking the exit script. The basic time interval unit is defined in parameter WD_INTERVAL.

For example, if the value of this parameter is 20, and the basic time interval unit (as defined in parameter WD_INTERVAL) is 5 minutes, the exit script will be invoked every 100 minutes (20 x 5 minutes).

Valid Values: 1–2^31

Default: 5 (In the shipped config.dat, this is overridden by the value 20.)

Refresh Type: Recycle


Determines whether (Y) or not (N) to run the utility when Control-M/Server is running. A Y must be specified for either this parameter or for parameter WD_CTMEXIT_#_SUSPEND _STATE for the utility to be run.

Valid Values:

  • Y

  • N

Default: N (In the shipped config.dat, this is overridden by the value Y.)

Refresh Type: Recycle


Defines the relative path of the script or binary from the ~controlm\ctm_server\exe_<computer> directory.

Valid Values: 1,024 characters

Default: "" (In the shipped config.dat, for both wd_ctmexit_1 and wd_ctmexit_2, this is overridden by the value CTMDISKSPACE).

Refresh Type: Recycle


Determines whether (Y) or not (N) to run the utility in Suspend mode (that is, during New Day procedure or download, when the database inaccessible). A Y must be specified for either this parameter or for parameter WD_CTMEXIT_#_RUN _STATE for the utility to be run.

Valid Values:

  • Y

  • N

Default: N

Refresh Type: Recycle


Defines the time (milliseconds) allowed before the exit script is terminated.

Valid Values: 1–2^31 (ms)

Default: 5 ms (In the shipped config.dat, this is overridden by the value 30.)

Refresh Type: Recycle

Watchdog Parameters User Exit Parameters

The # used in the following self-hosted Control-M/Server user exit parameters represents a separate number for each user exit that can be included in the Control-M Watchdog process . A user exit can be either a user-supplied script, executable file, or Control-M utility.




Defines parameters to be passed to the exit script. Arguments must start with a ‘-’ sign. Values separated by either a space or a ‘-’ sign must be enclosed in double quotation. Mandatory.

Valid Values: 1024 characters

Default: ""

Refresh Type: Recycle


Defines the error message string to be passed to the error handler(s) if the check returns a "failed" status. Optional.

Valid Values: 1024 characters

Default: ""

Refresh Type: Recycle


Defines the umber of basic time interval units that should pass before reinvoking the exit script. The basic time interval unit is defined in parameter WD_INTERVAL.

For example, if the value of this parameter is 2, and the basic time interval unit (as defined in parameter WD_INTERVAL) is 5 minutes, the exit script will be invoked every 10 minutes (2 x 5 minutes).

Valid Values: 1–2^31

Default: 5

Refresh Type: Recycle


Determines whether (Y) or not (N) to run the utility when Control-M/Server is running. A Y must be specified for either this parameter or for parameter WD_USEREXIT_#_SUSPEND _STATE for the utility to be run.

Valid Values:

  • Y

  • N

Default: N

Refresh Type: Recycle


Defines the relative path of the script or binary from the ~controlm\ctm_server\exe_<computer> directory.

Valid Values: 1024 characters

Default: ""

Refresh Type: Recycle


Determines whether (Y) or not (N) to run the script in Suspend mode (that is, during New Day procedure or download, when the database inaccessible). This parameter or WD_CTMEXIT_#_RUN _STATE must be set to Y for the script to be run.

Valid Values:

  • Y

  • N

Default: N

Refresh Type: Recycle


Defines the time (milliseconds) allowed before the exit script is terminated.

Valid Values: 1–2^31 (ms)

Default: 5 ms

Refresh Type: Recycle