Agent Token Management
An Agent token is required to perform an Agent installation and connect the Agent to the Control-M environment. The token is based on the Agent tag and can be reused for additional installations with the same tag.
A tag is a logical name that is used to label specific Agents into a group with a specific authorization level. You can only define one tag per Agent. You can apply a specific tag to an Agent or you can define your own tag with the asterisk character if you have the correct authorizations.
If users have been assigned the Agent tag with the value Fin*, they can define their own tag names when they install Agents, such as FinDev or FinOps.
You can generate a new token in the Agent Token Management pane and use it to install an Agent at a later date or you can generate a new token during the installation procedure. All Agent tokens are saved in the Agent Token Management pane.
You can also share this token with other members of your organization who require the same tag authorization to install an Agent.
In the Agent Token Management pane, you can generate a new token, copy existing tokens and use them in an installation, or delete Agent tokens.
Generating an Agent Token
This procedure describes how to generate a token in the Agent Token Management pane for use in an Agent installation.
From the
icon, select Configuration.
The Configuration domain opens.
From the
drop-down list, select Agents.
The Agents pane appears.
From the Manage drop-down list, select Agent Tokens.
The Agent Token Managementt pane appears.
Select an Agent tag pattern to generate a token.
Enter a tag that matches the selected pattern.
From the Server drop-down list, select the Control-M/Server that is associated with this Agent.
Click Generate Token.
- Do one of the following:
To use the token in an installation now, click
to copy it to the clipboard.
To use it at a later date, click Close.
The new token appears in the Agent Tokens table.