Control-D and Control-V Utilities

Some utilities prefixed by IOA replace corresponding utilities prefixed by CTD in previous versions. In such cases, the old utilities are supported for your convenience; however, you should use the IOA utilities.

BKPRESET – Reset the Backup Mission Status

The BKPRESET utility resets the pending backup or migration missions, and the backup and migration status of the related reports.

This utility affects backup or migration missions in IN PROCESS status, and resets them to ENDED status, but it does not affect the missions that have reached the stage of checking the results of their respective backup or migration jobs. It also resets the status of the reports affected by these missions to WAITING FOR BACKUP/MIGRATION. In addition, it resets the status of all the reports affected by those pending backup or migration missions that have already left the Active Mission File.

If the status of several pending missions, all which have the same name, require resetting, only one of these missions is reset. To reset the remaining missions with the same name, the utility must be invoked repeatedly, once for each mission.

This utility can be invoked in test mode. In this case, it does not change the Control-D repository, and only a simulation report is generated.

This utility does not reset the status of reports that have been successfully migrated or backed up.

BKPRESET Parameters

Table 198 BKPRESET Parameters




Specifies the utility’s execution mode. Valid values are:

  • TEST – The utility runs in test mode.

  • RESET – The utility resets the status of reports and missions. Default.


Specifies the name of the mission that must be reset, and it also has a special meaning. Valid values are:

  • NOMISSION – No pending backup or migration mission will be reset. The utility resets only the status of the reports affected by pending missions that have already left the Active Mission File.

  • ALL – The utility resets the status of all pending backup and migration missions, and of all reports pending within backup or migration.

  • name – the name of the mission. The utility resets the status of the specified pending mission, the status of the reports related to it, and the status of all reports affected by the pending missions that have left already the Active Mission File.


Specifies the mission’s timestamp. The utility resets the status of the specified pending mission, the status of the reports related to it, and status of the all reports affected by the pending missions that have already left the Active Mission File.

The value of this parameter must be represented in hhmmssth format, where hh is hours, mm is minutes, ss is seconds, t is tenths of a second, and h is hundredths of a second. This value must be extracted directly from the A.Z screen.


Specifies the originating date of the mission. The utility resets the status of the specified pending mission, the status of the reports related to it, and status of the all reports affected by the pending missions that have already left the Active Mission File.

The value of this parameter must be represented in ddmmyy, yymmdd, or mmddyy format, depending on the DATETYP parameter specification in the IOAPARM member. This value must be extracted directly from the A.Z screen.

Activating the BKPRESET Utility

The utility is activated by the BKPRESET JCL procedure. See the sample BKPRESET job in the Control-D JCL library.

Figure 74 BKPRESET Activation

//BKPRESET  EXEC  BKPRESET,                   
//          [ MODE={ RESET | TEST } ],                              
//          MISNAME={ ALL | NOMISSION | name },
//          [ MISTIME=time ],
//          [ MISODATE=date ]

Examples for BKPRESET

BKPRESET Example 1

//BKPRESET  EXEC  BKPRESET,                   
//          MODE=RESET,                                            
//          MISNAME=BKP0007Y,
//          MISTIME=12054417,
//          MISODATE=261106

In this example, the utility resets the status of the BKP0007Y mission that was ordered on November 26, 2006 and started at 12:05:44.17 to ENDED, and it also resets the status of the reports awaiting completion for this mission and of the missions that have already left the Active Mission File to WAITING FOR BACKUP/MIGRATION.

BKPRESET Example 2

//BKPRESET  EXEC  BKPRESET,                   
//          MODE=RESET,                                            
//          MISNAME=ALL

In this example, the utility resets the status of all pending backup or migration missions to ENDED, and it also resets the status of all reports awaiting completion of their respective backup or migration processes to WAITING FOR BACKUP/MIGRATION.

BKPRESET Example 3

//BKPRESET  EXEC  BKPRESET,                   
//                MODE=RESET,                                            
//                MISNAME=NOMISSION

In this example, the utility does not affect any backup or migration mission. It affects only those reports that failed in their backup or migration and whose respective backup or migration missions are no longer located in the Active Mission File. The utility resets the status of these reports to WAITING FOR BACKUP/MIGRATION.

BKPRESET Example 4

BKPRESET  EXEC  BKPRESET,                   
//              MODE=TEST,                                            
//              MISNAME=ALL

This is the same example as Example 2, but the utility is running in test mode and it does not make any changes in the repository or in the Active Mission File. It only generates a simulation report.

CTDAPRV – Analyze and update reports approval status

The CTDAPRV utility runs as a batch job and can perform the following actions:

  • Forcedly approve or reject the reports which have not been approved or rejected by the standard approval process using Control-D/WebAccess.

  • Send email messages to those assigned to approve. For example: to remind them that they have not approved or rejected needed reports or to inform about reports that are forcedly approved by the utility.

  • Print information about the reports involved in the approval process and that have not yet been approved or rejected or are being processed by the current utility running.

For more information on the report approval process, see the Control-D and Control-V User Guide.

CTDAPRV Parameters

The utility parameters are specified in the SYSIN DD input stream. They must be specified in the following order:

  1. General parameters - define the utility's working mode. Refer to Table 199.

  2. Command statements - commands that are specified in the input stream. Refer to Table 200.

Table 199 CTDAPRV general parameters




Determines whether the utility runs in Production mode or Simulation mode. It is recommended that you run the utility in Simulation mode before running it in Production mode.

Valid values:

  • PROD - The utility runs in Production mode, performing the actions specified in the input command statements.

  • TEST - The utility runs in Simulation mode, performing analysis and reporting, but does not change or delete any database entries or send emails.


Determines what date is used as the report creation date to calculate the report age and SLA date.

Valid values:

  • ODATE (default) - The utility calculates the report age and SLA date from the ODATE.

  • DECDATE - The utility calculates the report age and SLA date from the decollation date.

Command statements have the following syntax:

Command   DAYS=days
    [Command parameters]
    Selection parameters
    Selection parameters

One or more commands can be specified in the input stream.

The following commands are supported:

  • APPROVE - Approve reports satisfying the parameter DAYS and INCLUDE/EXCLUDE selection criteria. Changes the status of these reports to Forced Approved and sends an email message to those assigned to approve about the performed action (optional). The APPROVE status can be switched to the REJECT status.

  • REJECT - Rejects reports satisfying the parameter DAYS and INCLUDE/EXCLUDE selection criteria. Changes the status of these reports to Forced Rejected. Sends an email message to those assigned to approve about the performed action (optional). The REJECT status can be switched to the APPROVE status.

  • SHOUT - Sends Shout email messages to those assigned to approve regarding the reports satisfying the parameter DAYS and INCLUDE/EXCLUDE selection criteria.

  • PRINT - Lists all reports satisfying the parameter DAYS and INCLUDE/EXCLUDE selection criteria. No command parameters are supported.

  • CLEAN - Deletes orphan approval requests.

The parameter DAYS together with INCLUDE/EXCLUDE statements defines which reports should be selected for a command action. The command parameters specify the message text, urgency and email destination (optional). The email destination by default is taken from the corresponding Approval entry in the Approval Tree or optionally can be specified in the command parameters. See CTDCA2P Parameters in INCLUDE / EXCLUDE Statements for an explanation of these parameters.

Table 200 Parameter DAYS and command parameters




Main selection criteria.

Valid values:

  • n - Number of days passed from ODATE/decollation date (age of report). Reports with the age n days and more are selected for the command action.

  • SLA (default) - Reports, which have an SLA date of today or those with a date which has passed, are selected for the command action.

  • SLA+n - Reports which have an SLA date which has passed by n or more days are selected for the command action.

  • SLA-n - Reports which have an SLA date with n or less days remaining until the SLA date are selected for the command action.

  • DATE - A date can be specified for the APPROVE and REJECT commands. Reports, which have dates passed the specified date are selected for the command action.


The message urgency. Optional.

Valid values:

  • R - Send email with normal importance. Default.

  • U - Send email with high importance.




The email destination to which the message (or copy of message) should be sent. Optional. If it is not specified, the email destination is taken from the corresponding Approval entry in the Approval Tree.

Valid values:

  • Full email address

  • the e-mail prefix
    If you use the prefix, the full e-mail address is supplied by the IOAPARM member in the IOA PARM library. The IOAPARM member also includes the value of the DFLTSFFX field, which specifies the e-mail address suffix (such as MAIL.DOMAIN.COM), the SMTP STC name, and the HOST name.

    The @ character is taken from the ATSIGN parameter in the IOAPARM member.

  • Nick name or group name defined in MAILDEST member. For more information regarding MAILDEST member, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

A combination of EMAIL parameters can be specified in the command.


Text of the message to be sent to those assigned to approve. This parameter is mandatory for the SHOUT command and optional for the APPROVE/REJECT commands. A separate email message is sent for each selected report entry.

The message text should be between apostrophes. If the text includes apostrophes, the internal apostrophes should be doubled.

The message can be continued in several input cards as long as it is divided between the cards on the word boundary. The utility replaces the blanks at the end of the first card and at the start of the continuation card by one blank in the output message.

The message can include AutoEdit variables which are resolved from the Report entry.

The following variables can be specified:

  • %%USER - Report recipient name

  • %%JOBNAME - Job name

  • %%REPNAME - Report name

  • %%CATEGORY - Report category

  • %%ODATE - Report ordering date

  • %%DECDATE - Report decollation date

  • %%DECTIME - Report decollation time

  • %%SLADATE - Report approving SLA date

Maximum message length of 240 characters.


The INCLUDE statement defines the selection criteria for reports to be processed. The EXCLUDE statement defines the selection criteria for reports which are not to be processed.

The selection parameters which can be specified in the INCLUDE/EXCLUDE statements are described in Table 201.

The following rules apply to INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements:

  • Several INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements can be specified.

  • All selection parameters are optional. Each selection parameter can be specified several times in the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statement. In an INCLUDE or EXCLUDE statement, similar selection parameters are related by logical OR, while different selection parameters are related by logical AND.

  • CTDAPRV selects all reports that satisfy the parameter DAYS and selection parameters in the INCLUDE statements, except those that satisfy the selection parameters in the EXCLUDE statements.

  • If the EXCLUDE statements are missing, all reports that satisfy the parameter DAYS and selection parameters in the INCLUDE statements are selected.

  • If the INCLUDE statements are missing, all reports that satisfy the parameter DAYS, except those which satisfy the selection parameters in the EXCLUDE statements, are selected.

  • If both the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements are missing, all Control-D reports that satisfy the parameter DAYS are selected.

  • If DAYS=DATE the following parameters are mandatory in the selection stream: USER, REPNAME, DATE.

Table 201 CTDAPRV INCLUDE/EXCLUDE selection parameters




The approval name. Complete value or mask. Maximum length of 8 characters.


The report recipient. Complete value or mask. Maximum length of 8 characters.


The report name. Complete value or mask. If blanks or apostrophes are included in the report name, the report name must be specified between apostrophes and any apostrophes included in the report name must be doubled. Maximum length of 50 characters.


The name of the job that created the report. Complete value or mask. Maximum length of 8 characters.


The report category. Complete value or mask. Maximum length of 8 characters.


Date of report. Maximum length of 8 characters.


ID of the job that created the report. Maximum length of 8 characters.


The CTDAPRV utility produces an output report to the file referred to by the DAREPORT DD statement.

The output report is issued for each command specified in the input stream. For the PRINT command, only the list of entries selected for the command is issued. For other commands, the list processed by the command report entries is issued.

Activating the CTDAPRV utility

    [MSG=message text]
    [EMAIL=email destination]
    [EMAILCC=email destination]
    <selection parameters>]
    <selection parameters>]]
    [MSG=message text]
    [EMAIL=email destination]
    [EMAILCC=email destination]
    <selection parameters>]
    <selection parameters>]]
[SHOUT [DAYS=days]
    MSG=message text
    [EMAIL=email destination]
    [EMAILCC=email destination]
<selection parameters>]
<selection parameters>]
[PRINT [DAYS=days]
<selection parameters>]
<selection parameters>]]              

CTDAPRV Return codes

Table 202 provides a description of the return codes of the CTDAPRV utility.

Table 202 Return codes for the CTDAPRV utility




The utility ended successfully.


The utility ended with warnings.


The utility ended with errors.


An error was detected in the input parameter.

Examples for CTDAPRV

CTDAPRV Example 1

The following examples illustrate the use of the CTDAPRV utility:

                 forcedly approved'
        MSG='Report %%REPNAME FROM %%ODATE should be approved till %%SLADATE'

In this example.

  • All reports for recipient USER1 that have passed the SLA date by 3 days or more are forcedly approved. The email messages regarding these reports are sent to Address1 and a copy is sent to Address2.

  • All reports for other recipients (besides USER1) that have passed the SLA date by 7 days or more are forcedly rejected.

  • Messages about the reports that need to be approved within 2 days are sent to those assigned to approve with high importance. The email addresses to send the messages to are taken from the Approval Tree according to the Approval names specified in the reports.

CTDAPRV Example 2


In this example.

The list of all reports involved in the approval process are issued.

CTDAUTR – Create list of recipients and reports authorized for a specific User ID

The CTDAUTR utility enables Control-D administrators to get a list of recipients and available reports which are authorized for a specific User ID.

The authorization is checked in the user and security exits based on the Control-D Recipient tree and security environment (such as RACF, TOP-Secret, or ASF2) definitions. Depending on the input parameters, the utility uses the exits invoked in the online environment for accessing via 3270 interface (CTDX004, CTDSE04) or exits invoked under the IOA Application Server for users working via Control-D WebAccess (CTDX024, CTDSE24).

The following reports are available from the CTDAUTR utility:

  • list of recipients authorized for a specific User ID

  • list of available Control-D reports authorized for viewing or printing by specific User ID. The reports can be selected from the Active, Migrated or/and History User files depending on the input parameters. By default, all authorized reports from the specified User file are printed to the list. Optionally, it is possible to specify INCLUDE/EXCLUDE parameters to select reports.

CTDAUTR Parameters

The input parameters for the utility are specified in the stream referred by the SYSIN DD statement. They must be specified in the following order:

  1. General parameters


  3. Selection parameters

  4. Repeat INCLUDE with other Selection parameters, if needed.


  6. Selection parameters

  7. Repeat EXCLUDE with other Selection parameters, if needed.

The general parameters are described in Table 203.

Table 203 CTDAUTR general parameters




Specifies which report the utility is to produce. Valid values are:

  • RECIPIENTS - list of recipients authorized for a specific user. Default.

  • REPORTS - list of available Control-D reports authorized for a specific user.


Specifies whether to use the online or web exits to check recipients and Control-D reports authorization. Valid values are:

  • ONLINE - the online exits CTDX004 and CTDSE04 are used. Default.

  • WEB - the IOA Application server exits CTDX024 and CTDSE024 are used.


Specifies which Control-D user files (active, migrated and history) the utility should scan to get the list of authorized reports. To use this parameter the ACTION parameter must be set to REPORTS. Valid values are:

  • ACT - active. Default.

  • MIG - migrated

  • HST - history

Combinations for more then one value are allowed. If more then one file is specified, the values should be separated by comma.


Indicates User ID for which the report should be issued.

This parameter can be specified several times. In this case different report for each specified User ID is issued.

At least one USERID parameter should be specified obligatory.

Table 204 describes selection parameters that can be specified in the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements.

The following rules apply to the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements:

  • Several INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements can be specified.

  • All selection parameters are optional. Each selection parameter can be specified several times in the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements. In an INCLUDE or EXCLUDE statement, similar selection parameters are related by logical OR, while different selection parameters are related by logical AND.

  • CTDAUTR selects all reports that satisfy the selection parameters in the INCLUDE statements, except those that satisfy the selection parameters in the EXCLUDE statements.

  • If the EXCLUDE statements are missing, all reports that satisfy the selection parameters in the INCLUDE statements are selected.

  • If the INCLUDE statements are missing, all reports, except those which satisfy the selection parameters in the EXCLUDE statements, are selected.

  • If both the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements are missing, all Control-D reports from the specified User file are selected.

Table 204 CTDAUTR selection parameters




It specifies the name of the report recipient. Complete value or mask. The maximum length is 8 characters.


It specifies the name of the report. Complete value or mask.

If blanks or apostrophes are included in the Report name, the Report name must be specified between apostrophes and any apostrophes included in the Report name must be doubled.

The maximum length is 50 characters.


It specifies the name of the job created the report. Complete value or mask.

The maximum length is 8 characters.

CTDAUTR Report output

The utility writes the report data to the file referred to by the DAREPORT DD statement.

List of Recipients


List of Reports


Report Name






Jobname 1

Category 1




Jobname 2

Category 2




Jobname 1

Category 1






Jobname n

Category n


Activating the CTDAUTR Utility

Figure 75 shows a template for the JCL to run the CTDAUTR utility.

Figure 75 CTDAUTR activation

    [JOBNAME=job name]
    [JOBNAME=job name]

CTDAUTR Return codes

Table 205 shows an explanation for the return codes for the CTDAUTR utility.

Table 205 CTDAUTR Return Codes




The utility ended successfully


The utility ended with errors


An error was detected in the input parameters

Examples for CTDAUTR

CTDAUTR Example 1

Produce list of recipients authorized for the user USER1. Use online exits to check authorization.

Figure 76 Example JCL for list of recipients

//SYSIN  DD   *

CTDAUTR Example 2

Produce two lists of active and migrated reports. The first allowed for viewing by the user USER1 and the second allowed for viewing by the user USER2. Use Control-D Application Server exits to check authorization.

Figure 77 Example JCL for list of reports

//SYSIN   DD   *

CTDAUTR Example 3

Produce lists of migrated reports allowed for viewing by the user USER1. Only reports with the job name ARCHIVE, except for the reports sent to the recipients RECIP1 and RECIP2, will be included in the list. Use Online exits to check authorization.

Figure 78 Example JCL for list of migrated reports

//SYSIN   DD   *

CTDBLXRP – Rebuild Print Control Records in the Active User File

Print control records are used by printing missions to create print plans.

The CTDBLXRP utility deletes all existing print control records in the Active User Reports file and rebuilds them. These records are rebuilt by scanning the Active and Migrated User Reports file, creating new print control records and inserting pointers to reports in WAIT PRINT status.

Use this utility if

  • Reports that have WAIT PRINT status are not selected for printing.

  • Many CTD908S error messages with a return code of 16 are issued when a printing mission is building a print plan.

This utility can be run in parallel with other Control-D activities (decollation, printing, online viewing, and so on.)

CTDBLXRP Parameter

The following parameter, described in Table 206, can be specified in the EXEC statement for the utility:

Table 206 CTDBLXRP input parameter




Specifies which Control-D user files are scanned to rebuild print control records. Valid values are:

  • ACT - Only the Active User file is scanned. Default.

  • MIG - Active and Migrated User files are scanned

Activating the CTDBLXRP Utility

The CTDBLXRP utility is activated by the following EXEC statement:


CTDBLXRP Return Codes

Table 207 CTDBLXRP Return Codes




Operation performed successfully


Execution error

CTDCAMF – Compress or Copy Active Missions File

The CTDCAMF utility can compress or copy the Active Missions file (AMF), or change its size.

Message CTDF63W is issued if the AMF is about to become full. Message CTD533S is issued if the AMF does become full. There are two solutions: increase the size of the file or compress the file.

The CTDCAMF utility receives control parameters using DD statement DACOPPRM (or SYSIN). The parameters designate the required function (compress or copy).

This utility cannot run simultaneously with the Control-D monitor. Results are unpredictable if the monitor is not shut down. Online users can remain logged on.

Compressing the Active Missions File

The AMF contains entries for jobs that are no longer required, such as missions whose status is DELETED or ENDED OK. By removing the unneeded entries from the file, the CTDCAMF utility provides space for new entries.


Copying the Active Missions File

The AMF can be copied

  • to another system

  • to another user

  • to create a backup


For an example of how to implement this utility, see sample job CTDCAMF in the Control-D JCL library.

Changing the Size of the Active Missions File

Online users must not access the Online facility while the size of the Active Missions file is being changed. You should stop all access to the AMF until the process is complete.


Perform the following steps to change the size of the AMF:

  1. Rename the current AMF—which is the input file for the copy operation and its backup file—using, for example ISPF 3.2 or 3.4.

    The backup Active Missions file suffix is AMB.

  2. Perform the following steps:

    1. Enter ICE and select Customization.

    2. In the Customization screen, set Product ID to CTD.

    3. Select major step 6, "Customize Control-D Data Set Parameters."

    4. Select minor step 2, "Control-D Data Set Parameters."

    5. Change the size of the new AMF by modifying the value of the AMFSIZE parameter from, for example, 1100 blocks to 1200 blocks.

    6. Select minor step 3, "Save Parameters into Product Libraries."

    7. Select minor step 4, "Format the Active Missions File."

    8. Set the TYPE parameter to NEWAMF/NEWAMB.

    9. Submit the job and create a new Active Missions file (with the suffix NEWAMF).

  3. Edit the CTDCAMF member in the Control-D JCL library. Change the OLDAMF parameter to match the name specified in Step 1, as follows:

    //CAMF EXEC CTDAMF,OLDNAME=’old-dsname’,NEW AMF=’new-dsname’


    • old-dsname is the name specified in Step 1.

    • new-dsname is the new DSN with the suffix NEWAMF.

  4. Run the CTDCAMF utility to copy the current AMF to the new AMF. You must terminate the utility with a return code of 0.

  5. Restart the Control-D monitor and resume operations.

CTDCATF – Compress or Copy Active Transfer File

The CTDCATF utility can compress or copy the Active Transfer file (ATF), or change its size.

If the ATF becomes full, there are two solutions: increase the size of the file or compress the file.

The CTDCATF utility receives control parameters using the EXEC statement. The parameters designate the required function (compress or copy).

This utility cannot run simultaneously with the Control-D monitor. Results are unpredictable if the monitor is not shut down. Online users can remain logged on.

Compressing the Active Transfer File

The ATF often contains entries for packets that are no longer required (for example, packets whose status is DELETED or TRANSFERRED OK). By removing the unneeded entries from the file, the CTDCATF utility provides space for new entries.


Copying the Active Transfer File

The ATF can be copied

  • to another system

  • to another user

  • to create a backup

//             INATF='CTDP.V310.ATF'

Changing the Size of the Active Transfer File

Online users must not access the Online facility while the size of the ATF is being changed.


Perform the following steps to change the size of the ATF:

  1. Rename the current ATF—which is the input file for the copy operation and its backup file—using, for example, ISPF 3.2 or 3.4.

    The backup Active Transfer file suffix is ATB.

  2. Perform the following steps:

    1. Enter ICE and select Customization.

    2. In the Customization screen, set Product ID to CTD.

    3. Select major step 6, "Customize Control-D Data Set Parameters."

    4. Select minor step 2, "Control-D Data Set Parameters."

    5. Change the size of the new ATF by modifying the value of the ATFBLK parameter from, for example, 300 blocks to 400 blocks.

    6. Select minor step 3, "Save Parameters into Product Libraries."

    7. Select minor step 6, "Format the A.T.F. File."

  3. Edit the CTDCATF member in the Control-D JCL library. Change DD statement INATF to match the name specified in Step 1, as follows:

    // OUTATF='new-dsname'


    • old-dsname is the name specified in Step 1.

    • new-dsname is the new DSN.

  4. Run the CTDCATF utility to copy the current ATF to the new ATF. You must terminate the utility with a return code of 0.

  5. Restart the Control-D monitor and resume operations.

CTDCA2P – Copy Active User Report File to Permanent

The CTDCA2P utility copies new user, report, job or category entries from the Active User Report List file to the Permanent User Report List file. The Permanent User Report List file contains a list of all the reports that each user can receive at any point in time. When a new report is defined, or when a user becomes a report recipient (because of new data from the application), this information is placed in the Active User Report List file after decollation.

This utility copies new entries from the Active User Report List file to the Permanent User Report List file. In this way, the list of reports that the user can receive is maintained automatically.

Records already existing in the Permanent User Report List file with the same JOBNAME, REPORT NAME, RECIPIENT NAME, CATEGORY, FROM USER are not updated.

It is recommended that you run the CTDCA2P utility on a daily basis. For more information, see the Control-D and Control-V chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.


The scope of the copy can be limited by one or more INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements. Each INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statement contains parameters that limit the user or report list entries that are copied. For information about prefixing, masking and the INCLUDE / EXCLUDE logic used to determine record selection, see Record Selection Logic (INCLUDE / EXCLUDE Statements) (CTM)).

CTDCA2P Parameters in INCLUDE / EXCLUDE Statements

The parameters that can be specified in INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements:

Table 208 CTDCA2P Parameters




Job name


User name


Report name


Category name

Activating the CTDCA2P Utility

    [INCLUDE {parameters}]
    [EXCLUDE {parameters}]

The new report entries are assigned the current Control-D working date (not the computer system date).

This utility can be run simultaneously with the Control-D monitor.

CTDCA2P Return Codes

Table 209 CTDCA2P Return Codes




Operation performed successfully


I/O error, execution stopped

Example for CTDCA2P


The following is the status of the files before the utility is run:

Figure 79 Active User Report List File

--USER--  ------REPORT-------  ---JOB--  ----CATEGORY----

Figure 80 Permanent User Report List File

--USER--  -------REPORT-------  ---JOB--  ----CATEGORY---

Figure 81 shows the status of the Permanent User Report List file after the utility is run.

Figure 81 Permanent User Report List File After Utility Run

--USER--  -------REPORT-------  --JOB--   ----CATEGORY--

In Figure 81, note the following:

  • User ACCTSRCV, Category QUARTERLY – This entry was copied from the Active User Report List file, because it did not exist on the Permanent User Report List file.

  • User BRANCH01, Categories DAILY and MONTHLY – These entries were not copied from the Active User Report List file, because they already existed in the Permanent User Report List file.

  • User BRANCH03, Category DAILY – This entry was not modified.

CTDCCFRS – Create or Update Resource File from XEROX Resource Tape

Create and/or update a CCF Resource file according to resources extracted from a XEROX printer tape.

The CTDCCFRS utility receives control parameters using the CCIFRES DD statement. The corresponding output file must be created with the following characteristics: logical record length 8192, block size 8192, record format FB.

CCIFRES Output File

The CCIFRES output file can contain any valid resources. If some input resources are already located in the Resource file, the new resources replace the ones currently in the Resource file.

Resources can be added to the Resource file using the CCF Manager. Note that any resources added by this method are also deleted if this utility is run afterwards using the NEW parameter. For information, see CTDCCFRS Parameters.

The resource FONTS.TXT must be added to the Resource file by one of the following methods:

  • Using this utility

    FONTS MAPPING must be defined in the FONTS DD statement

  • Using the CCF Manager in RECORD-ORIENTED mode.

    If the utility is run in New mode, or in Update mode while adding or replacing FONTS.TXT, *.JSL or *.JSI members, the Resource file must be transferred to the PC without translation and without CRLF.

    Member FONTS.TXT must be defined according to the DVS ruler. If there is no input DD statement under the FONTS DD statement, no changes are made in the existing FONTS.TXT member. This DD statement is optional.

    In the PC, the CCF Resource file must be processed by the CCF Manager to add required resources and to be recompiled (PDL, PDI and PDF compiler). Once this has been done, it must be returned to the mainframe where it is ready for use.

    If the Resource file was processed in update mode and no FONTS.TXT, *.JSL or *.JSI members were added or replaced, the Resource file is ready to be used as is, without processing by the CCF Manager.

XERRES Input Tape

The tape is created using the following XEROX commands:

Figure 82 CTDCCFRS XEROX Commands


Activating the CTDCCFRS Utility

The CTDCCFRS utility is activated by the following EXEC statement:


CTDCCFRS Parameters

Table 210 CTDCCFRS EXEC Parameters




A new Resource file is created and any existing members in the existing Resource file (if any) are deleted.


If new resources exist on the tape, they are added to the Resource file. Resources that appear with the same name in both the Resource file and the tape are updated in the Resource file according to the member on the tape.

Parameters are also passed to the utility using the SYSIN DD statement.

Table 211 CTDCCFRS SYSIN Parameters




The resources can be filtered by one or more INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements. For more information on using INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements, see Record Selection Logic (INCLUDE / EXCLUDE Statements) (CTM)).

Mask characters (for example, * wildcard) can be used when specifying INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements.


CTDCCU – Delete Unneeded CDAM Files

The CTDCCU utility identifies CDAM files that are not referenced by the Active User Report List file (as SYSDATA entries) and optionally deletes them.

CDAM files created using the JCL parameter SUBSYS are not always decollated. Since they are not referenced by the Active User Report List file (ACTUSR), CTDDELRP does not delete these CDAM files. This utility identifies or deletes these CDAM files.

This utility also identifies, and optionally deletes, Control-V index files that are not referenced (as INDEX entries) by the Active User Report List file or the Migrate User Report List file. Since they are not referenced by a Control-V database, they cannot be deleted by the CTDDELRP, CTVCLMIG, or CTVDELI utilities.

CTDCCU Parameters

Table 212 CTDCCU Parameters




Specifies the date range for selecting CDAM and Control-V index files


fromdate - todate

where fromdate is mandatory; todate is optional.

Date is in format mmddyy, ddmmyy, or yymmdd, depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in IOAPARM. todate must not exceed the run date minus one (the day before the run date), unless the SIMULATION parameter’s value is set to YES.

If todate is not specified, it defaults to the specified fromdate.


Specifies the CDAM or Control-V index file prefix. At least one PREFIX command is required. Multiple PREFIX commands are supported. Maximum length: 23 characters.

PREFIX is treated as an exact high-level qualifier of data set names that are processed with the utility.


An optional sub-parameter of the PREFIX parameter. CAT can be coded after the PREFIX parameter, separated by a comma.

CAT specifies the system or user catalog data set that is used to locate CDAM or Control-V index data sets that should be included in the utility process.

If CAT is not coded, all system and connected user catalog data sets are used by the utility to locate either CDAM or Control-V index files that have the specified prefix in the data set names.

AT can be used when there are many CDAM or Control-V index data sets in catalogs and when the message


is issued while running the utility.


Creates a report on non-referenced CDAM or Control-V index files, and specifies whether to delete those files during the run of the utility. Valid values are:

  • YES – Create report. Do not delete the files. Default.

  • NO – Create report. Delete all non-referenced CDAM and Control-V files.

  • Run the CTDCCU utility first in Simulation mode to ensure that only the correct files are deleted.


    Search the History User Report file for references to CDAM files that are not referenced from the Active User Report List file. Search the History User Report file for references to Control-V index files that are not referenced from neither the Active User Report List file nor the Migrate User Report List file. Valid values are:

    • YES – Perform search. Either CDAM or Control-V index files that are referenced by the History User Report List file are not deleted.

    • NO – Do not search the History User Report List file. Default.


    Deletes SYSDATA records from the Active User Report List file when the corresponding CDAM files are not found. Valid values are:

    • YES – Delete the SYSDATA records when the corresponding CDAM files are not found.

    • NO – Do not delete the SYSDATA records when the CDAM files are not found. Default.

    Activating the CTDCCU Utility

    Figure 83 CTDCCU Activation

    //    EXEC CTDCCU
        DATE=fromdate [- todate]

    CTDCLHST – Clean History User Report List File

    The CTDCLHST utility cleans entries from the History User Report List file. The History User Report List file contains entries describing backed up user reports. Each report has a retention period. The utility scans the History User Report List file for all the reports whose retention period has passed (meaning, the backup is no longer needed), and then deletes them.

    The utility also produces a list of all tapes that are no longer needed and can therefore be returned to the global tape pool.

    CTDCLHST MODE parameter

    This optional parameter in the EXEC statement determines whether the CTDCLHST utility is run in production mode (PROD) or simulation mode (TEST). If the parameter is not specified, the default is production mode. You should run this utility in simulation mode before running it in production mode.

    Table 213 CTDCLHST – MODE parameter values




    The utility runs in production mode, deleting records that meet the conditions defined by other parameters. Default


    The utility runs in simulation mode, performing analysis and reporting but not changing or deleting any record or file.

    CTDCLHST NOSYS parameter

    This optional parameter in the EXEC statement determines whether the CTDCLHST utility checks for USER or INDEX records with missing SYSDATA records, or for SYSDATA records with missing USER records.

    Table 214 CTDCLHST – NOSYS parameter values



    Y (Yes)

    The utility checks for orphan USER or INDEX records (that is, those with missing SYSDATA records), issues a message for each one found, and deletes it.

    N (No)

    The utility does not check for orphan USER or INDEX records. Because this process is not run, the performance of the utility is substantially improved.


    The utility checks for orphan USER, INDEX, or SYSDATA records, issues a message for each one found and deletes it. (The deletion may be delayed until the next utility run.)

    Activating the CTDCLHST utility


    CTDCLHST Return codes

    Table 215 CTDCLHST return codes




    Operation performed successfully


    Operation performed successfully (for HSM backup utility)


    Execution error


    Operation performed successfully (in TEST mode)


    Invalid input parameters

    Resolving insufficient memory problems (CTDCLHST)

    The CTDCLHST utility processes History User Report List entries by JOBNAME. The utility allocates memory to read all SYSDATA records for each of these JOBNAMEs. If there are too many SYSDATA records and not enough memory to read them, the DSH948E message is issued. To resolve this problem, run the utility with the NOSYS parameter set to N, and only then run it with the NOSYS parameter set to Y or S.

    For further information about regulating the processing of SYSDATA records, see optional wish WD2403.

    CTDCP2A – Copy Permanent User Report File to Active

    The CTDCP2A utility copies job, user, report, or category entries from the Permanent User Report List file to the Active User Report List file. This process is performed once a day to create new empty entries (in WAIT DECOLLATION status) for each job, user, report, category, odate (original scheduling date).

    Any job, user, report, category, or ODATE entries that are already present in the Active User Report List file are not copied (meaning, are not duplicated).

    INCLUDE / EXCLUDE Statements (CTDCP2A)

    The scope of the copy can be limited by one or more INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements. Each INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statement contains parameters that limit the user or report list entries that are copied. For information about prefixing, masking and the INCLUDE / EXCLUDE logic used to determine record selection, see Record Selection Logic (INCLUDE / EXCLUDE Statements) (CTM).

    CTDCP2A Parameters in INCLUDE / EXCLUDE Statements

    The parameters that can be specified in INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements:

    Table 216 CTDCP2A Parameters




    Job name


    User name


    Report name


    Category name

    Activating the CTDCP2A Utility

    //     EXEC CTDCP2A

    The new report entries are assigned the current Control-D working date (not the computer system date). It is possible to specify a specific date by setting parameter PARM to date (format mmddyy, ddmmyy, or yymmdd, depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter).

    The utility can be run simultaneously with the Control-D monitor.

    CTDCP2A Return Codes

    Table 217a CTDCP2A Return Codes




    Operation performed successfully


    I/O error, execution stopped

    Example for CTDCP2A

    // EXEC CTDCP2A,PARM=date

    The following is the status of the files before the utility is run:

    Figure 86 Permanent User Report List File

    --USER--  -------REPORT-------  ---JOB--  ----CATEGORY---

    Figure 87 Active User Report List File

    -USER--  ------REPORT------ --JOB--      --CATEGORY-        -ODATE-

    The following is the status of the Active User Report List file after the utility is run on the 7 July:

    --USER--  -------REPORT-------   ---JOB--  ----CATEGORY----  -ODATE-

    CTDDELRD – Delete Reports that are not needed

    The CTDDELRD utility performs the same operations and it is managed in the same manner as the CTDDELRP utility. The difference is that the CTDDELRD utility invokes the system service IDCAMS, instead of Control-D program CTDDCD, to remove unneeded CDAM and index data sets from DASD.

    Refer the delivered IOA PROCLIB library for the exact difference between the JCL procedures.

    CTDDELRP – Delete Reports that are not needed

    The CTDDELRP utility cleans unneeded user, report, and job entries from the Active User Report List file and erases from the disk the compressed (CDAM) data sets that have no entries in the Active User Report List file. The utility can also move a report entry from the Active User Report List file to either the History User Report List file or the Migrated User Report List file. To do this, the following must be true:

    • The DASD retention period for that report has expired or the number of report generation that can be kept on DASD is exceeded.

    • The report has been backed up or migrated successfully.

    The utility determines which reports are no longer needed for backup, migration, Online viewing, or printing, by means of user-specified selection groups. A selection group consists of a DAYS or GENERATIONS statement and optional INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements. The DAYS statement contains a retention period that specifies the number of days that the reports remain online, after which they are deleted by the utility. The GENERATIONS statement specifies the number of the latest report generations to keep in the Active User file. All other report generations will be deleted by the utility. The optional INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements further qualify which reports belong to the selection group. Several DAYS and GENERATIONS selection groups can be specified in the input stream for the utility. At least one DAYS or GENERATIONS statement must be specified.

    By specifying multiple selection groups, each with its own retention period and INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements, groups of entries with differing retention periods can be deleted by a single execution of the CTDDELRP utility. Selection groups are scanned sequentially. The processing of a report is determined by the selection groups whose INCLUDE / EXCLUDE criteria match the report.

    The CTDDELRP utility performs the following steps:

    1. Records to be deleted from the Active User Report List file are selected according to the parameters specified for the utility, and written to a temporary file.

      Records for reports that have been backed up are written to the History User Report List file. CDAM files to be deleted are written to an intermediate file.

    2. The temporary file is read and the records it contains are deleted from the Active User Report List file.

    3. CDAM files stored in the intermediate file, in Step 1, are deleted.

    CTDDELRP Parameters

    Table 218 CTDDELRP Parameters




    This optional parameter in the EXEC statement determines if the CTDDELRP utility is run in Production mode or Simulation mode. If the parameter is not specified, the default is Production mode. You should run this utility in Simulation mode before running it in Production mode. Valid values are:

    • PROD – The utility runs in Production mode, changing and deleting report entries and CDAM files that satisfy the requirements specified by other parameters. Default.

    • TEST – The utility runs in Simulation mode, performing analysis and reporting but not changing or deleting any files.

      When running the CTDDELRP or CTDDELRD utiliies in Simulation mode, a return code of 0011 is generated and the following messages are issued:



    This optional parameter specifies if the list of deleted report keys should be produced. Valid values are:

    • NO - List of deleted reports keys is not produced. Default.

    • YES - List of deleted report keys is produced. If this value is applied, the following DD statement should be added to the step DELACT:


    The deleted report key is added to this file if this report was added to the Global Index database and is not migrated. The record for this file is 25 bytes long and is made up of a 24-byte VSA key of the report and one blank space.

    CTDDELRP DAYS Statement

    The DAYS statement can contain the following parameters:

    Table 219 CTDDELRP DAYS Parameters




    Mandatory report selection parameter.

    Retention period, in days, after which the report expires and is selected for deletion from the Active User Report List file. This parameter must be the first parameter in the statement.

    By default, the report expires n days from the original scheduling date (ODATE) of the report decollating mission. The INCONTROL administrator can change the default so that n is calculated from the decollation date. For details, see the description of Optional Wish WD1377.

    To delete reports created on future ODATEs, n can be a negative number, but it cannot exceed 9999.

    The expiration date for restored reports is calculated from the restoration date and not from the ODAT.


    Optional report selection parameter.

    NOTUSED means that only reports that have not been viewed or printed during the last m days will be deleted.


    Optional report selection parameter.

    STORED means that only reports created by a print mission with a value of Y (Yes) in the field STORE are selected. NOTSTOR excludes from the selection group reports created by a print mission with a value of Y (Yes) in the field STORE.

    If neither parameter is specified, reports are selected regardless of whether or not they are created by a print mission. Both parameters cannot be specified in the same selection group.


    Optional report selection parameter.

    WAITDEC means that only reports in the Wait Decollation status are selected. NOTWD excludes from the selection group reports in the Wait Decollation status.

    If neither parameter is specified, the Wait Decollation status does not affect the report selection. Both parameters cannot be specified in the same selection group.


    Optional report selection parameter.

    RESTORED means that only reports in the Restored status are selected. NOTRST excludes from the selection group the reports in Restored status.

    If neither parameter is specified, the Restored status does not affect the report selection. Both parameters cannot be specified in the same selection group.


    Optional report processing parameter.

    When not specified, reports in the WAIT BACKUP or WAIT MIGRATION status are not deleted. If specified, reports awaiting backup or migration are also deleted.


    Optional report processing parameter.

    When specified, reports in the WAIT PRINT status are not deleted. If not specified, reports waiting to be printed are also deleted.


    Optional report processing parameter.

    NOREPORT causes the utility to delete any SYSDATA entry and its related CDAM data set (original report data) if the SYSDATA is not pointed to by any user entry (for example, the user entry has been deleted manually).


    Optional report processing parameter.

    When specified, prevents the CDAM data sets from deletion. Those CDAM data sets can then be re-decollated.


    Optional report processing parameter.

    Prevents migrated indexes from being deleted from DASD by the CTDDELRP utility (when a report is deleted and its control records are moved to the Migrated User file), even if the indexes are defined as nonresident. This parameter is valid only for Control-V.

    This parameter is designed to retain nonresident indexes on DASD for an indefinite period of time after the report has migrated. These indexes can be deleted by the CTVDELI utility at any time.

    The NOREPORT, KEEPDSN and NOINDEX parameters apply to all selection groups regardless of the criteria specified for them.


    Optional report processing parameter.

    When specified, the reports waiting for approval are processed by the utility in the usual way (deleted from Active User file and moved to the History/Migrated file).

    By default, if this parameter is not specified, the reports that are waiting for approval are not processed by the utility.


    Optional report processing parameter.

    When specified, the rejected reports are processed by the utility in the usual way (deleted from Active User file and moved to History/Migrated User file).

    By default, if this parameter is not specified, the rejected reports are not processed by the utility.


    The first obligatory parameter, n, in the GENERATIONS statement specifies the number of the latest report generations that will be kept in the Active User Report List file. All other report generations will be deleted by the utility. The maximum value is 9999. If 0 is specified, all report generations of the reports selected according to other parameters are deleted. The other parameters in the GENERATIONS statement are the same as in the DAYS statement (see Table 219 in CTDDELRP DAYS Statement).


    Each INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statement must be specified on a separate line.

    Multiple INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements can be specified with a DAYS statement. They make up an INCLUDE / EXCLUDE block. Each statement can contain any or all of the parameters listed in Table 220, separated by a space. Each parameter can appear no more than once in each statement.

    A report complies with an INCLUDE/EXCLUDE statement when it complies with all parameters specified in the statement. A report complies with an INCLUDE/EXCLUDE block if it complies any INCLUDE statement in the block and does not comply with any EXCLUDE statement in the block. If no INCLUDE statement is coded in an INCLUDE/EXCLUDE block, a report complies with such a block when it does not comply with any EXCLUDE statement in the block. A report always complies with an empty INCLUDE/EXCLUDE block.

    A report complies with a selection group when it complies with all parameters specified in the DAYS statement and also complies with the related INCLUDE/EXCLUDE block.

    A report is deleted from the Active User Reports List file by the CTDDELRP utility if the report matches the search criteria of any selection group in the utility input stream.

    CTDDELRP Parameters in INCLUDE / EXCLUDE Statements

    Each INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statement must contain at least one of the following parameters:

    Table 220 CTDDELRP Parameters




    Job name (or prefix)


    Job ID (format depends on JES definitions; either JOBn..n, where n..n is the job number containing 5 digits or Jn..n, where n..n is the job number containing 7 digits)


    User name (or prefix)


    Output class


    Report name (or prefix). If the report name contains embedded spaces, replace each embedded space with the @ character.


    Category of report decollation mission


    Job step name that created the report


    Procedure step name that created the report


    DD name that created the report


    Name of the migration mission assigned to the report


    Name of any of the backup missions assigned to the report

    By default, the values specified for JOBNAME, USER, and REPNAME are treated as prefixes. To prevent a value from being considered a prefix, place the special character < after the value.

    Wildcards, ?, and * characters are allowed in values specified for USER, REPNAME, CATEGORY, JOBNAME, JOBID, PGMSTEP, PROCSTEP and DDNAME.

    PGMSTEP refers to the job step, and PROCSTEP refers to the procedure step name.

    CTDDELRP Deletion Rules

    Control-D and Control-V reports are identified by user entries, SYSDATA entries, and CDAM compressed data sets. Each user entry can point to one or more SYSDATA entries. Each SYSDATA entry points to one CDAM data set. Each CDAM data set is pointed to by one or more SYSDATA entries.

    When deleting reports, CTDDELRP maintains the integrity of this data structure according to the following rules:

    • A CDAM compressed data set is deleted when all SYSDATA entries pointing to it are deleted.

    • A SYSDATA entry is deleted when all user entries pointing to it are selected for deletion.

    • A user entry is deleted:

    • when all SYSDATA entries to which it points are selected for deletion, or

    • when every SYSDATA entry to which it points no longer exists, meaning, the SYSDATA entries were deleted using the Control-D or Control-V Online facility

    The CTDDELRP utility issues a message if it finds a SYSDATA entry that is not pointed to by any user entry, meaning, the user entries were deleted using the Control-D or Control-V Online facility. If parameter NOREPORT was specified, this SYSDATA entry is automatically deleted.

    Activating the CTDDELRP Utility

    Figure 88 CTDDELRP Activation

    //SYSIN DD *
      [INCLUDE  [JOBNAME=Job name] [JOBID=jobid] [USER=user] [CLASS=class]
                [REPNAME=repname]  [PGMSTEP=pgmstep] [PROCSTEP=procstep]
     [EXCLUDE   [JOBNAME=Job name] [JOBID=jobid] [USER=user] [CLASS=class]
                [REPNAME=repname]  [PGMSTEP=pgmstep] [PROCSTEP=procstep]
      |DAYS|GENERATIONS| statement
      [INCLUDE statement]
      [EXCLUDE statement]

    To concatenate data sets to a data set defined with a DDNAME parameter, the unnamed DD statements must follow the DD statement that contains the DDNAME parameter, not the referenced DD statement that defines the data set. For further information, see chapters "12.17.5, Location in the JCL" and "12.17.6, Referenced DD Statement" in IBM publication OS/390 MVS JCL Reference. Document Number GC28-1757-09. Program Number 5647-A01."

    Examples for CTDDELRP

    CTDDELRP Example 1

    DAYS 3

    The utility deletes reports that are older than three days if they have been backed up and have either WAIT PRINT or PRINTED status.

    CTDDELRP Example 2


    The utility deletes reports that were backed up and printed. Reports waiting for migration, print and/or backup are not deleted.

    CTDDELRP Example 3

    DAYS 5

    The utility deletes reports with name prefix PROD-JCL that are more than five days old, unless they have not yet been backed up.

    CTDDELRP Example 4


    The utility deletes reports of the specified job name and job ID, regardless of WAIT BACKUP or WAIT PRINT status.

    Assume the following report names exist: ACCT, ACCT-REC, ACCT-PAY.

    CTDDELRP Example 5

    DAYS 0

    The utility deletes all the above reports.

    CTDDELRP Example 5A

    DAYS 0

    The utility deletes only report ACCT.

    CTDDELRP Example 6


    The utility deletes from DASD all reports that have already been migrated, printed, and backed up, if backup was requested, except the following:

    • production JCL reports

    • reports produced on output class X

    • reports produced by jobs with names beginning P00

    CTDDELRP Example 7


    The utility deletes reports older than seven days and created by jobs with names beginning PROD, except reports waiting for print. Reports older than three days and created by jobs with names beginning TEST are deleted, regardless of WAIT BACKUP or WAIT PRINT status.

    CTDDELRP Example 8

    DAYS 0

    The utility deletes reports that were restored at least three days ago, except reports still waiting for print.

    The utility deletes report entries with a status of WAIT DECOLLATION that were created using the CTDCP2A utility, and that are older than one day.

    The utility deletes reports older than ten days, with neither RESTORE nor WAIT DECOLLATION status, and which have already printed.

    The utility deletes report entries belonging to user name SCRAP.

    CTDDELRP Example 9


    The utility deletes reports older than four days.

    The utility deletes reports that have only a SYSDATA record (no user record points to them), even if the SYSDATA record is one day old.

    CTDDELRP Example 10

    DAYS 30

    The utility deletes reports older than 30 days and created by jobs with names beginning PROD or FIRST, unless they have not yet been backed up. The utility deletes reports that have been printed, backed up and migrated, that are older than 15 days, and that were created by jobs with names that begin with "TEST." The utility deletes all other reports more than five days old.

    CTDDELRP Example 11


    The utility deletes reports that are more than seven days old and have not been used for viewing or printing during the last three days.

    CTDDELRP Example 12


    The utility deletes the active report entries with the name REPORT1 that are more then 5 generations old and are not waiting for print. The last 5 generations of these reports are kept in the Active User file.

    This utility is fully recoverable. If an abend occurs at any step of the utility, fix the problem and rerun the utility from the first step.

    CTDDIB – Rebuild Index Component of a User Report List File

    The CTDDIB utility is used to rebuild a Control-D User Report List file's index component. The new index component corresponds to information currently contained in the IOA Access Method file's data component. Previous contents of the index component are erased. The main index and alternative index components are rebuilt together or separately.

    The index component that is to be rebuilt must be allocated and formatted prior to activating the utility.

    This utility is used when integrity problem is detected in an IOA Access Method file's index component or when an alternative index component is created.

    In case of an integrity problem:

    • Delete and reallocate the index component.

    • Format the index component with the IOADBF utility.

    • Rebuild the index component with the CTDDIB utility with parameter ALT=blank/ALL

    In case of an alternative index creation:

    • Format the index component with the IOADBF utility.

    • Activate the alternative index component with the CTDUFANX utility.

    • Build the alternative index component with the CTDDIB utility with parameter ALT=ONLY.

    This utility marks an alternative index component as ready to use. It causes the alternative index to be used during report search.

    CTDDIB Parameters

    The following parameters can be specified to the utility in the EXEC statement that invokes the CTDDIB JCL procedure:

    Table 221 CTDDIB Parameters




    Control-D IOA Access Method file’s data set name suffix. Valid values are:

    • ACT – Active User Report List file

    • PRM – Permanent User Report List file

    • HST – History User Report List file

    • MIG – Migrated User Report List file (Control-V only)

    • MG1-MG9 – MUF partition of Migrated User file (Control-V only)


    Third qualifier of Data file. Optional, Default is DBFILE


    Third qualifier of index file. Optional, Default is DBFILE+I


    Alternative index rebuild mode. Valid values are:

    • blank – main index component but no alternative indexes components are rebuilt. Default.

    • ALL – main and all alternative index components are rebuilt

    • ONLY – all alternative index components only but not main index component are rebuilt

    • alt_letter_list - the specified alternative index components only are rebuilt

    The DD statement named DAWRKalt_letter should be added for each alternative index.

    Activating the CTDDIB Utility


    Example for CTDDIB


    For an example of how to rebuild a IOA Access Method file index component, see sample job CTDUFDIB in the Control-D JCL library.

    CTDDIG – User Report List File Integrity Check

    The CTDDIG utility checks the integrity of the User Report List files (that is, Active, Permanent, History, and Migration Report List files) by comparing the data and index components of these files. Optionally, detected errors can be corrected. The utility checks data, main, and all alternative index components. This utility can detect and correct the following types of errors:

    • More than one data record exists with the same key.

    • A data record exists without a corresponding index record.

    • An index record exists without a corresponding data record.

    • A data record and its corresponding index record do not have the same update timestamp.

    This utility can mark an alternative index component as available for reading. It causes the alternative index to be used during report searching.

    The CTDDIG utility is executed in two sequential stages, as follows:

    Table 222 CTDDIG Stages



    Stage 1

    Information is read from the specified User Report List file.

    Stage 2

    Integrity is checked and (optionally) corrupted records are repaired.

    This utility can be run while Control-D and the Online monitors are active. However, it locks the specified User Report List file so other applications cannot modify it.

    • If MODE is set to TEST or TESTMRK, the specified file is locked during only Stage 1.

    • If MODE is set to CHANGE, the specified file is locked during both Stage 1 and Stage 2.

    You should run this utility in TEST or TESTMRK mode before running it in CHANGE mode.

    CTDDIG Parameters

    The following parameters can be specified in the EXEC statement that invokes the CTDDIG JCL procedure:

    Table 223 CTDDIG Parameters




    File to be checked. Mandatory. Valid values are:

    • ACT – Active User Report List file

    • PRM – Permanent User Report List file

    • HST – History User Report List file

    • MIG – Migration User Report List file (Control-V only)

    • MG1-MG9 – MUF partition of Migrated User file (Control-V only)


    Mode in that the utility is run. Optional. Valid values are:

    • TEST – Messages are issued about detected problems, but errors are not fixed. Default.

    • TESTMRK – Messages are issued about detected problems, but errors are not fixed. If no errors are detected for a specific alternative index component, it is marked as ready for read.

    • CHANGE – Messages are issued and errors are fixed. If no errors are detected for a specific alternative index component, it is marked as ready for read.

    Activating the CTDDIG Utility


    JCL for executing this utility is in member CTDUFDIG in the Control-D JCL library.

    CTDDIP – Delete Pages from CDAM Files and Delete Index Values from Index Files and DB2 Global Indexes Database

    The CTDDIP utility enables you to delete pages in CDAM files that are associated with specific Control-D reports. If the pages are deleted by an index, the corresponding index values can be removed from the index file and the global index database as well. The utility determines which report pages and index values should be deleted, based on the selection criteria in the input stream data. Only page level main indexes are supported.

    The CTDDIP utility can be used to irreversibly delete confidential data in all copies of a report, and from its index files. The utility uses special characters to override the data to be deleted.

    The CTDDIP utility works on Control-D reports that are located in the Active and Migrated User files.

    The utility handles

    • active CDAM files

    • active index files

    • CDAM files that were migrated to DASD

    • index files that were migrated to DASD

    • resident index files for migrated reports

    • index files that were copied from migrated index files

    • DB2 Global Index Database

    The CTDDIP utility processes migrated files when the last migration stage has produced DASD media. It processes migrated files regardless of whether the CTDDELRP utility has already executed. The CTDDIP utility does not process the files created during previous migration stages, but these files can be deleted by the CTVCLMIG utility.

    Regardless of whether the CDAM pages will be deleted by reference from specified report entries and indexes, you should expect that the pages will not be available by reference from

    • other page level indexes of specified report entries

    • the index values contained in the record level indexes of specified report entries, if these values refer to deleting CDAM pages

    • other report entries that refer to deleting CDAM pages

    WARNING: The results of the utility are irreversible. For this reason, BMC recommends that you first run the CTDDIP utility in TEST mode before running it in PROD mode.

    CTDDIP Parameters

    The CTDDIP utility uses

    • EXEC statement parameters

    • Input Data Stream parameters

    CTDDIP EXEC Statement Parameters

    The CTDDIP utility EXEC statement includes the parameters shown in Table 224.

    Table 224 CTDDIP EXEC Statement Parameters




    Determines whether the CTDDIP utility will run in Production mode or Simulation mode. Optional. Valid values are:

    • PROD – The utility runs in Production mode, deleting index values and pages matching the parameters supplied by the input stream data.

    • TEST – The utility runs in Simulation mode, performing analysis and reporting, without deleting any indexes or pages. Default.


    Determines the character-filler for CDAM. The parameter can be in one of the following formats:

    • one character

    • two hexadecimal characters

    • blank (default)


    Determines, for unique report entry selection, the type of time stamp used in the TIME STAMP parameter in the input stream data set. Optional. Valid values are:

    • REC – Record time stamp (Record ID). Default.

    • DEC – Decollation time stamp


    Determines whether the CTDDIP utility will produce an input statement and selected report lists. Valid values are:

    • YES or Y – Produce input statement and report lists and put them into the output file defined in the REPLIST DD statement. Default.

    • NO or N – Do not produce input statement and selected report lists.


    Determines the number of DB2 global index entries that can be deleted before COMMIT is forced. Valid values are: 0 through 2147483647. Default: 10000.

    To store the results of each phase, the CTDDIP utility uses two work data sets, DAWRK and DAWRKD. The utility creates these data sets during first its execution.

    If execution of the utility is interrupted, it should be attempted once again. In each case the process will be continued from the beginning of the interrupted phase. To force continuation from the very outset, you must delete all records from the DAWRKD work data set.

    CTDDIP Input Stream Data Parameters

    Place the input stream data in a special data set. This data set should be created with following parameters:

    DCB=(RECFM=F or FB, LRECL=190)

    The special data set should be specified in the DAINP DD statement. Each record of the input data set contains one input or comment statement. Comment statements begin with an asterisk (*). Input statements contain positional parameters separated by a single blank.

    The input stream data should be created using a text editor, according to the structure described in Table 225 below. You can create input stream data with a user program according to the structure described in the CTDDIP (for Assembler) or CTDDIPC (for Cobol) members of the IOA MAC library.

    Use the CTDDIP utility under either of the following circumstances to create the template of the input stream data set that contains comment statements that describe the input stream data structure:

    • when there is no DAINP DD statement

    • when the DAINP DD statement specifies an empty data set

    To select needed report entries, set the following parameters to the same values as those set for them in Screen U, or in Control-D/Web Access Server:






    You can optionally use the prefix for all parameters except ORIGINAL SCHEDULING DATE.

    To select a unique report entry you can use the STAMP EXEC parameter to specify the decollation time stamp or record time stamp (Record ID) in the TIME STAMP parameter. You can see the record time stamp (Record ID) in the RECORD ID field of Screen U, displayed in A-mode, and described in CTDDIP Example 3. You can see the decollation time stamp in offset 000164 of the DATA RECORD field of the DATRACE output of the CTDUFDPT utility, as described in CTDDIP Example 4.

    The CTDDIP utility Input Stream Data statement includes the parameters shown in Table 225.

    Table 225 CTDDIP Input Stream Data Parameters








    Determines which files are processed.Valid values are:

    • blank – Process indexes data sets, CDAMs, and DB2 tables. Default.

    • I – Process indexes data sets and DB2 tables only.

    • * (asterisk) – Denotes a comment statement.




    Determines if a value can be deleted from one or more than one report where the value appears.Valid values are:

    • blank – Delete can be from one report only. Default.

    • M – Delete from multiple reports.




    User name or its prefix. Optional.




    Job name or its prefix. Optional.




    Report name or its prefix. Optional.




    Category name or its prefix. Optional.




    Original scheduling date. Optional.




    Time stamp from the VSA user entry based on the STAMP EXEC parameter. Optional. The value should be entered in the following format:

    • First half, 8 hexadecimal characters

    • blank

    • Second half, 8 hexadecimal characters.




    Index name. Optional.

    The page level main index name should be specified.




    Index value. Mandatory if index name is specified.

    The value length is based on the COL parameter of the INDEX statement of the decollation mission definition.

    If an INDEX NAME parameter is not specified, all the pages belonging to the selected reports will be deleted from the active and migrated CDAM files (see CTDDIP Example 4.).

    Input Statement and Selected Report Lists (CTDDIP)

    If the REPLIST parameter is specified two lists are produced into an output file, as defined by the REPLIST DD statement.

    • The input statement list contains the following:

      • DIP93PI message

      • field titles

      • sequential statement number

      • input statement, in two lines

    • The selected report list contains the following:

      • DIP93QI message

      • field titles

      • sequential statement number

      • FLAGS field (which describes the types of deleted objects)

      • identification fields of selected report

      • DIP93RI message

    • The values that may be shown in the FLAGS field are defined below:

    FLAGS field values




    active CDAM pages


    migrated CDAM pages


    active or migrated index file values


    resident or restored index file values for migrated CDAM


    Global index DB2 Table values

    Activating the CTDDIP Utility

    Use the following syntax to activate the CTDDIP utility:

    //           [,REPLIST=Y|N][,PORTION=n]
    //DAINP DD DSN=input_stream_data_set_name

    Examples for CTDDIP

    The following examples illustrate some uses of the CTDDIP utility:

    CTDDIP Example 1

    This example illustrates the use of the CTDDIP utility in production mode, with an AAA.INPUT input stream data set. In the example, a blank is used as a character-filler for CDAM pages.

    //            EXEC CTDDIP,MODE=PROD

    CTDDIP Example 2

    This example applies to all SEQURITY REPORT reports created by the job with a name beginning with Q23, and directed to any recipients. It illustrates the input stream data set to delete the JONSON index value of the FIRST_NAME index in the index data set and in the related pages in CDAM.

    The input file for this example is shown below:

    *M:User    :Job     :Report name         :|   |Decoll.time stamp:Index name          :Index value
    *  12345678 12345678 12345678901234567890 |   |12345678 12345678 12345678901234567890 1234567890..
     M          Q23*     SEQURITY REPORT      |   |                  FIRST_NAME           JONSON

    CTDDIP Example 3

    This example applies to all SEQURITY REPORT reports that are

    • created with a unique recordtime stamp (Record ID) by the Q23ACDAM job, and

    • directed to the MKT recipient

    It illustrates the input stream data set to delete the JONSON index value of the FIRST_NAME index in the index data set and in the related pages in CDAM.

    The following report entry is displayed in Screen U:

    O USER     REPORT NAME                                        JOB      JOBNUMB
      MKT      SEQURITY REPORT                                    Q23ACDAM J0024615
      Category: VJOBDSN1               Fromuser:
      Ordered: 06/11/02  Run:          00:00 To: 00:00 Decollated: 06/11/02 14:19 
      Status : Decollated                                          View: V        
      Remarks :
      Copies : 001 Form : STD           Class: T        P-     1264 L-    13224   
      Dest:                             WTR:               Note:                  
      Record  ID        : B87D514E 0DB67A40 RBA: 01003810 UPDT: B87D51AC 061739C0 
      Print   Missions  :                                                         
      Restore Mission   :                                                         
      Pagedef:         Formdef:         Output:           Chars: ****             
      Additional Users  :                                                         

    The EXEC statement for this report is


    The input file for this example is shown below:

    *M:User    :Job     :Report name         :|   |Decoll.time stamp:Index name          :Index value
    * 12345678 12345678 12345678901234567890  |   |12345678 12345678 12345678901234567890 1234567890..
      MKT      Q23ACDAM SEQURITY REPORT       |   |B87D514E 0DB67A40 FIRST_NAME           JONSON     

    CTDDIP Example 4

    This example applies to all SEQURITY REPORT reports that are

    • created with a unique decollation time stamp by the Q23ACDME job, and

    • directed to the MKT recipient

    It illustrates the input stream data set to delete the JONSON index value of the FIRST_NAME index in the index data set, and in the related pages in CDAM

    The DATRACE output of the CTDUFDPT utility is shown below:

        00000000  E5C5D5C1 40404040 D8F2F3C1 C3C4D4C5  *MKT     Q23ACDME*
        00000010  B8A97123 DE1CA700 001EB8A9 7123DE1C  * z    x    z    *
        00000020  A7001007 000E13D9 E200D8F2 F3C1C3C4  *x      RS Q23ACD*
        00000030  D4C5C3C4 D4C50000 00000000 00000000  *MECDME          *
    DATA RECORD                                                      
        00000000  02700013 00000000 E5C5D5C1 40404040  *        MKT     *
        00000010  D8F2F3C1 C3C4D4C5 B8A97123 DE1CA700  *Q23ACDME z    x *

        00000160  00009AF8 B8A97122 9911FB80 00000000  *   8 z  r       * 

    The EXEC statement used to produce this output is


    The input file for this example is shown below:

    *M:User    :Job     :Report name         :|   |Decoll.time stamp:Index name          :Index value
    *  12345678 12345678 12345678901234567890 |   |12345678 12345678 12345678901234567890 1234567890..
      MKT      Q23ACDME SEQURITY REPORT       |   |B8A97122 9911FB80 FIRST_NAME           JONSON

    CTDDIP Example 5

    This example illustrates the input stream data set to delete all pages in CDAM for all reports with names

    • beginning with SEQURITY

    • that were created by the Q23AAAA job, and

    • directed to the MKT recipient

    The input file for this example is shown below:

    *M:User    :Job     :Report name         :|   |Decoll.time stamp:Index name        :Index value
    *  12345678 12345678 12345678901234567890 |   |12345678 12345678 12345678901234567890 1234567890..
    M MKT      Q23AAAA  SEQURITY*             |   |                 

    CTDFRESL – CTD RESLIB library allocation

    Control-D uses the CTD RESLIB library to store resources used for Control-D Transformer. The name of the CTD RESLIB library is saved in the User file, which causes a limitation during upgrade (you need to use a constant data set name in all releases). To prevent incorrect use of different CTD RESLIB library names, Control-D installs RESLIB with an incorrect RECFM parameter.

    Following installation, adding new members to the CTD RESLIB library generates error message CTDE12E, due to incorrect allocation of the CTD RESLIB library.

    If you did not previously work with transformers, you need to create a new CTD RESLIB file for resource management, as follows:

    1. Delete the CTD RESLIB allocated during installation.

    2. Run CTDFRESL, which allocates the CTD RESLIB with correct RECFM and LRECL.

    Activating the CTDFRESL utility

    The job for executing this utility is in member CTDFRESL in the Control-D JCL library.

    CTDFRPGC – Format Page Counter File

    The CTDFRPGC utility is available for formatting the Page Counter file (PGC).

    Before you run CTDFRPGC, shut down Control-D monitor, as the results of running this utility are unpredictable if the monitor is running. There is no need for online Control-D users to log off.

    Running CTDFRPGC is recommended when one of the following messages is issued in the decollation monitor log:


      This message is issued if issued if the PGC file is almost full.


      This message is issued if the PGC file does become full or corrupted. If the PGC is corrupted, run CTDFRPCG for reallocation (with no need to increase file size). If the PGC is full, run CTDFRPCG for reallocation, increasing the size.

    Activating the CTDFRPGC utility

    The job for executing this utility is in member CTDFRPGC in the Control-D JCL library.

    CTDFRPGC Parameters

    Most of the parameters used by this utility are documented in the JCL.

    The PGCSIZE parameter determines the number of tracks in the PGC file. Default 1.

    In this example, the previous value of PGCSIZE was changed to 3.

    //   DISP1=NEW,     1. DISP PARAMETER
    //   PGCSIZE=3      SIZE PARAMETER --> PGCSIZE parameter is changed.

    CTDNRC – Propagate category to note and ruler records

    The CTDNRC utility propagates the category field from user records to the corresponding note and ruler records in Active, Migrated, and History User databases. The utility prepares the User files for using the category field as the key instead of JOBNAME this is in accordance with optional wish WD1164 set to APPLY=YES, DATAC=CAT.

    The CTDNRC utility processes a sequential file unloaded from the User files and creates a new sequential file containing corrected records, which are loaded to the User files. In addition, the utility creates a sequential User List file that contains a list of user records.

    The notes and rulers, which are created when WD1164 is applied include the category field. For this reason, the CTDNRC utility should be performed once.

    To apply optional wish WD1164, perform the following steps:

    1. Unload Active, Migrated, and History databases to sequential files using the IOADUL utility (job CTDUFDUL).

    2. Propagate the category to note and ruler in all of the files generated in step 1 using the CTDNRC utility (job CTDNRC).

    3. Set optional wish WD1164 to APPLY=YES,DATAC=CAT.

    4. Restore Active, Migrated, and History databases from sequential files using the CTDUFRST job.

    If there are rulers in the Active User file whose reports are already migrated (backed up) it is necessary to propagate the category from the Migrated (History) User database to the appropriate rulers in the Active User database. The CTDNRCM job creates a Migrated User List file using the CTDNRC utility with special DAUSR DD statements in the first step, and then propagates the category from the created file to rulers of the Active User database, using the CTDNRC utility with the SORTIN DD statement in the second step (see CTDNRC Example 2).

    CTDNRC Parameters

    The following parameters are specified in the EXEC statement that invokes the CTDNRC JCL procedure:

    Table 226 CTDNRC Parameters




    The high level qualifier of the sequential file names. The default is the &DBPREFD variable.


    The input sequential file's data set name suffix


    The output sequential file's data set name suffix


    The allocation disposition for the output sequential file. The value of the DISPO parameter is assigned to the JCL DISP parameter of the output sequential file. The default is (,CATLG).


    The name of the DASD unit to be used for allocation to the output sequential file.


    The DASD volume serial number on which the output sequential file is allocated. The volume must be defined in MVS as being associated with the unit name specified in the UNITO parameter. If VOLO is not specified, the files are allocated using only the UNITO parameter.

    CTDNRC Data sets

    The following data sets are used in the CTDNRC utility and are described in the CTDNRC JCL procedure:

    Table 227 CTDNRC data sets

    Data set name



    The input data unloaded from the User database


    The output data to load into the User database


    The output user list (the default is DUMMY)


    The input user list concatenated to the internal data for the SORT program


    The internal data for the SORT program


    The output messages

    Activating the CTDNRC utility

    // EXEC CTDNRC,SEQI=seqfilenameI,SEQO=seqfilenameO[
    //             [,DBPREFD=prefix_filename][,DISPO=jcl_disp_val]
    //             [,UNITO=unit_name][,VOLO=vol_name]

    Examples for CTDNRC

    CTDNRC Example 1

    This example illustrates the using of the CTDNRC utility to propagate category to notes and rulers in the Active User Database.


    CTDNRC Example 2

    This example illustrates the use of the CTDNRC utility to propagate category from user records of the Active and Migrated User databases to notes and rulers in the Active User database.

    //NRCMIG     EXEC CTDNRC,SEQI=BKPMIG            
    //DAOUT      DD DUMMY                                              
    //DAUSR      DD DSN=&USER                                          
    //SORTIN     DD DUMMY                                              

    CTDNREOR – Translate Notepad records to new format

    A new format of Notepad records in Control-D User files is supported from Control-D release 8.0.00. It improves performance of accessing reports containing notes and decreases the space on DASD occupied by the Notepad records. The new Control-D reports created in Control-D release 8.0.00 and later have the new format for the Notepad records.

    The CTDNREOR utility translates the old Notepad records, which were created in the Control-D releases earlier than 8.0.00, to the new format. The utility scans the specified User file, finds the reports containing old Notepad records and creates corresponding Notepad records in the new format. The old Notepad records are deleted.

    This utility can be submitted once (or several times if the MAXREPNUM parameter is specified) for each User file after upgrading to Control-D release 8.0.00 or later. It is not neceassary to run this utility, since the new programs can access both the old and the new Notepad record formats and the difference in the formats is entirely transparent to the end users. However, it is recommended that customers who are actively working with reports containing Notepad records with the old format, run CTDNREOR to improve performance and resources usage.

    CTDNREOR Parameters

    The following input parameters are specified in the SYSIN DD input stream and define the User file and number of report entries to be processed by the utility:

    Table 228 CTDNREOR utility input parameters




    Determines which Control-D User file is being processed. Valid values are:

    • ACT - Active User file

    • HST - History User file

    • MIG - Migration User file



    Determines whether the CTDNREOR utility runs in Production mode or Simulation mode. Valid values are:

    • PROD - The utility runs in Production mode, writing the created Notepad records in the new format to the User file and deleting the Notepad records in the old format. Default.

    • TEST - The utility runs in Simulation mode, performing analysis and reporting, but not changing or deleting any records in the User file.


    Determines maximum number of report entries to be processed in one run of CTDNREOR.

    The utility stops after processing the specified number of reports. The remaining reports with the old format Notepad records can be processed in the next run of the utility.

    Maximum available value is 99999999.

    This parameter is optional. If it is not specified, all reports from the specified User file are processed in one utility run. This parameter is provided for convenience, since there might be situations where the user does not want to schedule the time required for processing all the reports in one utility run.

    Activating the CTDNREOR utility

    //SYSIN DD *

    Example for CTDNREOR

    This example illustrates using of the CTDNREOR utility to translate the old Notepad records to the new format for all the records in the Active User Database.

    //SYSIN    DD   *

    CTDNREOR Return codes

    Table 229 shows an explanation for the return codes for the CTDNREOR utility.

    Table 229 CTDNREOR Return Codes




    The utility ended successfully


    The utility ended with warnings


    The utility ended with errors


    An error was detected in the input parameter

    CTDREPUS – Control-D report usage analysis

    The CTDREPUS utility provides customers with information about Control-D report usage. This information can help find those Control-D reports, which are no longer required by customers, but which continue to be automatically decollated, backed up, or migrated, utilizing expensive resources.

    The utility prints the results of the analysis in a usage output report. Using the report, the customer can decide to discontinue decollating, archiving, or migrating reports. Similarly, by deleting obsolete reports from the repository and discontinuing job runs that produce these reports, the customer can reduce unnecessary expenses.

    The utility scans the User Report List files and analyzes the report usage parameters (last update date, view, print, and restore indicators) for each report entry. For purposes of this analysis, all Control-D report entries created by the same decollation mission and having the same report name, job name, category, and user attributes are considered as being the same Control-D report. The entries of the same Control-D report can be created periodically (daily, weekly, or monthly). As long as the end user views or prints a report or restores it from the History or Migrated User file, the report is considered in use.

    The utility can either analyze all Control-D report entries from all Control-D User files (Active, Migrated, and History files) or report entries selected according to specified selection criterion. The selection criterion and other parameters for the utility are specified in the SYSIN DD input stream and described in the Table 230.

    The usage output report is printed to the file referred by the DAREPORT DD statement. Each record of the output report contains usage information about one Control-D report. The format of the usage output report is described CTDREPUS Output.

    • The utility only generates a usage output report for Control-D version 7.0.02, and later, since only from this version are end user actions collected in the User Report List files.

    • To receive relevant information about viewing reports by the 3270 online users, the SUSRVEW profile parameter must be set as SUSRVEW=A (For more information regarding the SUSRVEW parameter, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.)

    CTDREPUS Parameters

    The utility input parameters specified in the SYSIN DD input stream define which report entries will be selected for analysis. All parameters are optional. If no selection parameters are specified, the utility selects for analysis all Control-D reports from all Control-D User files (Active, Migrated, and History). The parameters are described in Table 230.

    Table 230 CTDREPUS utility input parameters




    Determines the list of Control-D User files to be processed.

    The valid values are:

    • ACT - Active User file

    • HST - History User file

    • MIG - Migration User file

    If more than one file is specified, the list must be enclosed in brackets and the values in the list separated by commas.


    Report Name to be selected for processing. Complete value or mask. If blanks or apostrophes are included in the Report name, the Report name must be specified between apostrophes and the apostrophes included in the Report name must be doubled.

    Maximum length is 50 characters.


    Job name to be selected for processing. Complete value or mask.

    Maximum length is 8 characters.


    Report Category to be selected for processing. Complete value or mask.

    Maximum length is 20 characters.


    User name to be selected for processing. Complete value or mask.

    Maximum length is 8 characters.


    Earliest decollation date to be selected for processing.

    Date format is mm/dd/yy, dd/mm/yy or yy/mm/dd (depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in the IOAPARM installation member).


    Latest decollation date to be selected for processing.

    Date format is mm/dd/yy, dd/mm/yy or yy/mm/dd (depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in the IOAPARM installation member).


    Number of days the report have not been used. Only reports which have not been accessed for viewing, printing or restore the specified number of days or more will be selected for processing.

    Maximum available value of parameter is 99999.


    Backup mission name to be selected for processing. Complete value or mask.

    Maximum length is 8 characters.

    This parameter is checked by processing Active and History User File.


    Migration mission name to be selected for processing. Complete value or mask.

    Maximum length is 8 characters.

    This parameter is checked by processing Active and Migration User File.


    Migration media where the migrated CDAM files reside. Complete value or mask.

    Maximum length is 8 characters.

    This parameter is checked by processing Migration User File.


    Name of the CDAM dataset containing the report to be selected for processing. Complete value or mask.

    The maximum length is 44 characters.

    By Active and History User file processing, the original CDAM name is searched.

    By Migrated User file processing, the original and the primary and secondary migrated CDAM dataset names are searched. If at least one of names: original CDAM name/primary migrated CDAM name/secondary migrated CDAM name satisfies to the specified parameter, the report is selected for processing.


    The tape volume serial number where the backed up or migrated CDAM file containing the report to be selected resides. Complete value or mask.

    Maximum length is 6 characters.

    This parameter is checked by processing History or Migrated User files.


    Specifies the column number and the column values sequence into which the output report will be sorted.

    The format of the parameter is (n,A) or (n,D) where:

    • n - specifies the column number. The valid value is from 1 to 16 according to number of columns in the output report. You can see the columns description and their numbers in CTDREPUS Output.

    • A - specifies sort of the column values in Ascending sequence.

    • D - specifies sort of the column values in Descending sequence.

    CTDREPUS Output

    The output report produced by the CTDREPUS utility has the following header:

    CTDREPUS output report header (columns 1 to 10)

    Control-D Report Usage Information

    Report name

    Job name




    Last Decol. Date

    Last Access Date

    Not Used Days

    Max. Life Days

    Retention Days











    CTDREPUS output report header (columns 11 to 16)

    Page 00n

    dd/mm/yy hh:mm

    Number of Report entries


    Not Used


    Immed. printed

    Deferr. printed








    Each output report line that follows the header contains usage information about one Control-D Report. The meaning of each output report column is described in Table 231.

    Table 231 CTDREPUS output report column description

    Column #

    Column name



    Report name

    Control-D report name specified in the decollation mission definition.

    Columns 1 to 4 identify the Control-D Report.


    Job name

    The name of the job that created the report.



    The report category specified in the decollation mission definition.



    The user (recipient) name for which the report is created.



    Control-D user file where the report is kept.

    The following values can be printed:

    • ACT - Active User file

    • MIG - Migrated User file

    • HST - History User file

    If entries of the same report reside in two or three user files, two or three rows are printed for this report. The first row contains data in all the columns, but the following rows start from the column 5 since the first 4 columns contain the same values as the first row.


    Last Decoll. date

    The date when the last report entry was decollated.


    Last Access date

    The last date when a report entry was accessed. If no report entries were accessed after decollation, this column is blank.


    Not used days

    The number of days the report has not been accessed. It is calculated as the period from the Last Access Date to the current date.


    Max. life days

    Maximal period from decollation of the report entry until the last access of this report entry. The period between the decollation date and last access date is calculated for each report entry and the maximal period is printed. This parameter shows how long a report is in use after it is created.


    Retention days

    Retention days of the migrated or backup report. It is printed only in rows where MIG or HST is specified for the File column.



    The total number of report entries for the current report.


    Not Used

    The number of report entries that have not been used (either viewed, printed, or restored) since the time they were created by the decollation mission.



    The number of report entries that have been viewed by the end users.



    The number of report entries that have been immediate printed by the end users.


    Deferr. printed

    The number of report entries that have been deferred printed by the print mission.



    The number of report entries that have been restored from the History or Migrated User file by the restore mission.

    Activating the CTDREPUS Utility

    Figure 89 CTDREPUS Activation

    //SYSIN DD *
    [JOBNAME=job name]
    [BKPMIS=backup mission name]
    [MIGMIS=migration mission name]
    [MIGMEDIA=migration media name]
    [CDAM=CDAM file name]
    [VOLSER=volume serial number]

    CTDREPUS Return codes

    Table 232 shows an explanation for the return codes for the CTDREPUS utility.

    Table 232 CTDREPUS return codes




    The utility ended successfully.


    The utility ended with warnings.


    The utility ended with errors.


    An error was detected in the input parameter.

    Example for CTDREPUS

    The following example illustrates the use of the utility:

    //SYSIN DD *

    This job generates information about the report usage for reports with report names beginning with the following string: REPORT.

    The output report of this job is shown in the two following figures.

    CTDREPUS output report (columns 1 to 10)

    Control-D Report Usage

    Report name

    Job name




    Last Decol. Date

    Last Access Date

    Not Used Days

    Max. Life Days

    Retention Days

































































    CTDREPUS output report (columns 11 to 16)

    Page 001

    26/12/10 12:24

    Number of Report entries


    Not Used


    Immed. printed

    Deferr. printed













































    We see that only reports with names starting with "REPORT" are processed.

    • REPORT1 is daily decollated for two recipients, USER10 and USER11.

    • USER10 actively works with this report. The last access date from the Active file was the previous day. From a total of 30 entries in the Active file, 29 entries were viewed. The report entries are in the migrated file during 365 days. Almost all report entries from the migrated file were accessed by USER10.

    • USER11 works with this report very rarely. The last 30 entries from Active file were not used at all. The last access date of migrated reports was 26/04/10 and the last 240 days USER11 did not work with this report. It is reasonable to check if we need to continue decollating this report for USER11.

    • REPORT2 is monthly decollated for USER20, then it is migrated and kept in the Migration User file for 10 years. All entries of this report are viewed and deferred printed.

    • REPORT3 is monthly decollated for USER30, then it is migrated and kept in the Migration User file for 10 Years. But the last access date to this report was 05/12/04 and it was not used 1480 days (about 6 Years). From 120 created report entries the last 72 entries have not been used. It is reasonable to check if we can remove the decollation mission that creates this report.

    CTDRETC – Control-D report retention

    The CTDRETC utility provides retention control of Control-D reports. For example, a customer can preserve Control-D reports, exempting them from being deleted from the Control-D for z/OS repository, even though their retention period has expired.

    Retention control is useful for customers in special situations, such as if a company is obliged to keep all data that is relevant to a case that is under debate in court,   although it is passed the expiration dates of the relevant reports.

    Currently the report retention period is defined in the migration and backup mission definitions. The clean-up utilities (CTVCLMIG and CTDCLHST) delete the reports whose retention period is expired. The CTDRETC utility enables retention control of migrated or backed-up Control-D reports.

    The CTDRETC utility enables the customers to

    • preserve migrated and backed-up reports selected according to various selection criteria

    • free preserved reports selected according to selection criteria

    • delete selected report entries even though their retention period is not yet expired

    • change the retention period of selected reports

    • print information about the retention of selected reports and datasets

    CTDRETC Parameters

    Parameters are specified in statements in the SYSIN DD input stream. They must be specified in the following order:

    1. General parameters

    2. INCLUDE

    3. Selection parameters

    4. Repeat INCLUDE with other Selection parameters if needed.

    5. EXCLUDE

    6. Selection parameters

    7. Repeat EXCLUDE with other Selection parameters if needed.

    General parameters are specified in the beginning of the input stream. They define the utility's action, working mode and list of printed reports. The general parameters are described in the Table 233:

    Table 233 CTDRETC general parameters




    One of these parameters must be specified in the first statement in the input stream. It defines the action of the utility:

    • PRESERVE - The RETENTION PRESERVE flag is turned on in the USER and SYSDATA records related to the selected reports. All reports related to the preserved SYSDATA record are not deleted by the CTVCLMIG and CTDCLHST utilities, even though the retention period is expired.

    • FREE -The RETENTION PRESERVE flag is turned off in the USER records related to the selected reports. The selected SYSDATA record is freed if all USER records related to this SYSDATA are freed. After the SYSDATA record is freed, the reports are deleted by the CTVCLMIG and CTDCLHST utilities according to their original retention period.

    • DELREP -The USER records related to the selected reports are deleted from the Migrated and History User files, even if their retention period is not expired. If all the USER records related to the migrated and backed-up CDAM datasets are deleted, the next CTVCLMIG and CTDCLHST runs (with the NOSYS parameter set to S) delete the other User file records (such as SYSDATA and Index) and the datasets related to the deleted reports.

    • CHANGE - The retention period of the selected reports is changed to the new one specified in the input parameter. The retention period is located in the SYSDATA record and so only fields located in SYSDATA records can be specified as selection criteria for this action. You can see which selection parameters are not available for this action.

    • PRINT - The output reports specified in the LIST parameter are printed.


    Determines if the list of deleted Report keys will be produced. This optional parameter can only be specified for the DELREP action.

    Valid values are:

    • NO - List of deleted Report keys is not produced. Default.

    • YES - List of deleted Report keys is produced.

    If YES is specified, add the following DD statement to the CTDRETC job:


    The VSA keys of the deleted reports will be added to the dataset specified in DAREPLM DD statement if these reports were added to the Global Index database. The record of this dataset is 25 bytes long and includes a 24-byte VSA key of the report and a blank in the last position.


    Specifies the new retention period for the selected reports. Numeric value. Maximum length is 5 digits.

    This parameter can be specified and is mandatory only for the CHANGE action.


    Determines the file type to be processed.

    The valid values are:

    • HST - History User file

    • MIG - Migration User file



    Determines whether the CTDRETC utility runs in Production mode or Simulation mode. It is recommended that you run the utility in Simulation mode before running it in Production mode. Valid values are:

    • PROD – The utility runs in Production mode, changing and deleting report entries and CDAM files that satisfy the requirements specified by other parameters. Default.

    • TEST – The utility runs in Simulation mode, performing analysis and reporting, but not changing or deleting any files.



    Determines which output reports are printed by the utility.

    The valid values are

    • ALL - all output reports available for the performed action and processed User file type are printed.

    One or several of the following output report names can be specified. If several names are specified, they must be separated by commas and the list enclosed in parenthesis.

    • RECORDS - list of all User file records related to the processed reports.

      Since specifying RECORDS includes the reports also, do not specify both REPORTS and RECORDS.

    • REPORTS - list of all reports processed by the utility. Default.

    • FILES - list of CDAM and Index files related to the selected reports.

      LIST=FILES is not available for the DELREP action.

    • VOLS - list of Volume Serial numbers related to the selected reports.

      LIST=VOLS is not available for the DELREP action.

    Table 234 describes selection parameters that can be specified in the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements.

    The following rules apply to the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements:

    • Several INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements can be specified.

    • All selection parameters are option. Each selection parameter can be specified several times in the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements. In an INCLUDE or EXCLUDE statement, similar selection parameters are related by logical OR, while different selection parameters are related by logical AND.

    • CTDRETC selects all reports that satisfy the selection parameters in the INCLUDE statements, except those that satisfy the selection parameters in the EXCLUDE statements.

    • If the EXCLUDE statements are missing, all reports that satisfy the selection parameters in the INCLUDE statements are selected.

    • If the INCLUDE statements are missing, all reports, except those which satisfy the selection parameters in the EXCLUDE statements, are selected.

    • If both the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements are missing, all Control-D reports are selected.

    Table 234 CTDRETC selection parameters




    It specifies the status of the report involved in the approval process.

    Valid values:

    • WAITAPRV - report waiting for approval

    • REJECTED - rejected report

    • APPROVED - approved report


    It specifies the name (or the template name) of the backup mission used to back-up of the reports. The maximum length is 8 characters.

    It is available for all actions with the HST file type only.


    It specifies the type of the backup utility as it is specified in the CTDPARM parameters member. The maximum length is 8 characters.

    It is available for all actions with HST file type only.


    It specifies the name (or the template name) of the report category. Maximum length is 20 characters.

    It is available for all actions and file types.


    It specifies the name (or the template name) of the CDAM dsname (data set name) containing the report. The maximum length is 44 characters.

    It is available for all actions and file types. For the MIG file type, the original CDAM or the migrated CDAM dataset name can be specified.

    If FILE=HST, the original CDAM dsname is searched. If FILE=MIG, the original and the primary and secondary migrated CDAM dsnames are searched.


    Report decollation date. A date or range of dates in the form of date1-date2 can be specified. The date format is MM/DD/YY, DD/MM/YY, or YY/MM/DD, depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in the IOAPARM installation member.

    It is available for all actions and file types.


    It specifies the expiration date or range of dates for the migrated or backed-up reports. One date or range of dates (in the form of date1-date2) can be specified. The dates can be specified in one of the following formats, DD/MM/YY, MM/DD/YY, or YY/MM/DD, depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in the IOAPARM installation member.

    It is available for all actions and file types.


    It specifies the number of the latest report generations to keep in the Migrated (History) User file. All other report generations will be deleted by the utility.

    The maximum value is 99999.

    It is only available in the INCLUDE statement for the DELREP action.


    It specifies the name (or the template name) of the Control-V Index dsname (data set name) related to the report. The maximum length is 44 characters.

    If FILE=HST, the original Index dsname is searched. If FILE=MIG, the original and the migrated Index dsname is searched. For the MIG file type, the original or the migrated Index dataset name can be specified.

    It is not available for the CHANGE action.


    It specifies the name (or the template name) of the Main Control-V Index name related to the report. The maximum length is 20 characters.

    It is not available for the CHANGE action.


    It specifies the system job identification number. Numeric value. The maximum length is 7 digits.

    It is available for all actions and file types.


    It specifies the name (or the template name) of the job created the report. The maximum length is 8 characters.

    It is available for all actions and file types.


    It specifies the name (or the template name) of the media to where the report content is migrated. The maximum length is 8 characters.

    It is available for all actions with the MIG file type only.


    It specifies the name (or the template name) of the migration mission with which the reports have been migrated. The maximum length is 8 characters.

    It is available for all actions with the MIG file type only.


    It specifies the ordering date or range of dates (in the format of date1-date2) of the report. The dates can be specified in one of the following formats, DD/MM/YY, MM/DD/YY, or YY/MM/DD, depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in the IOAPARM installation member.

    It is available for all actions and file types.


    The valid values are

    • YES – select preserved reports

    • NO – select not preserved reports


    It specifies the name (or the template name) of the Report. If blanks or apostrophes are included in the Report name, the Report name must be specified between apostrophes and any apostrophes included in the Report name must be doubled. The maximum length is 50 characters.

    It is not available for the CHANGE action.


    It specifies the retention period of the backed-up or migrated report. Numeric value. The maximum length is 5 digits.

    It is available for all actions and file types.


    It specifies the name (or the template name) of the report recipient. The maximum length is 8 characters.

    It is not available for the CHANGE action.


    It specifies the tape volume serial number (or the template) where the backup or migrated content of the report resides. The maximum length 6 characters.

    It is available for all actions and file types.

    CTDRETC Output

    The CTDRETC utility produces output reports specified by the LIST parameter for the file referred to in the DAREPORT DD statement. The following reports can be printed:

    List of selected records (LIST=RECORDS)

    This report lists the selected VSA records related to the selected Control-D reports. The records are grouped in blocks for their associated report. The records that can be included with the report are represented in Table 235.

    Table 235 LIST=RECORDS record representations

    Record type name



    Record type (R)

    Record ID


    Job name

    Job ID

    Decollation date


    Report name

    Mig/bkp date

    Retention days

    Expiration date

    Preserved Y/N

    History SYSDATA

    Record type (S)

    Record ID

    Original CDAM dataset name

    Backup mission

    Backup utility

    Migrated SYSDATA

    Record type (S)

    Record ID

    Original CDAM dataset name

    Migration mission

    Migration media



    Migrated dataset name or Centera ID




    Record type (I)

    Record ID

    Original CDAM dataset name

    Main Index name



    Migrated dataset name or Centera ID



    Available record types for User records: R = primary

    The second line is printed for Migrated User file only.

    List of selected reports (LIST=REPORTS)

    This report lists the selected Control-D reports.

    Only the User record is printed for each selected report with the same representation as for LIST=RECORDS, as shown in Table 235.

    List of selected datasets (LIST=FILES)

    This report lists the CDAM and the Index datasets related to the selected reports. The records are represented in Table 236.

    Table 236 LIST=FILES record representations

    DBFILE type



    Backup utility

    CDAM/INDEX dataset name


    Backup date and time

    Expiration Date


    Migration media

    Migrated CDAM/INDEX dataset name or Centera clip ID


    Expiration Date


    If the report has resident Indexes, the original Index file name also is included to the list.

    List of history and migrated files selected volumes (LIST=VOLS)

    This report lists the volumes where the selected reports reside. It is issued for the action EXPORT REPORTS from the History or Migrated User files only. The records are represented in Table 237.

    Table 237 LIST=VOLS record representations

    DBFILE type



    Backup utility

    Volume serial number



    Migration media

    Volume serial number

    Number of dataset on the volume

    Activating the CTDRETC Utility

    Figure 90 CTDRETC Activation

    //SYSIN DD *
        [JOBNAME=job name]
        [JOBID=job number]
        [CDAMDSN=CDAM file name]
        [INDEXDSN=index file name]
        [INDEXNAME=main index name]
        [BKPMIS=backup mission name]
        [BKPUTIL=backup utility type]
        [MIGMIS=migration mission name]
        [MIGMEDIA=migration media name]
        [VOLSER=volume serial number]
        [JOBNAME=job name]
        [JOBID=job number]
        [CDAMDSN=CDAM file name]
        [INDEXDSN=index file name]
        [INDEXNAME=main index name]
        [BKPMIS=backup mission name]
        [BKPUTIL=backup utility type]
        [MIGMIS=migration mission name]
        [MIGMEDIA=migration media name]
        [VOLSER=volume serial number]

    CTDRETC Return codes

    Table 238 shows an explanation for the return codes for the CTDRETC utility.

    Table 238 CTDRETC return codes




    The utility ended successfully


    The utility ended with warnings


    The utility ended with errors


    An error was detected in the input parameter

    Examples for CTDRETC

    The following examples illustrate the use of the utility's control statements:

    CTDRETC Example 1

    //SYSIN DD *

    In this example, the migrated reports, with category names starting with CAT1, decollated on January 10, 2009 and January 25, 2009, and the reports with category names starting with CAT2* decollated in February 2009 are preserved from being deleted by the CTVCLMIG utility.

    In addition, the following reports are produced: the list of preserved reports including all data base records, the list of CDAM and index files related to the preserved reports, and the list of volumes where the preserved reports reside.

    CTDRETC Example 2

    //SYSIN DD *
    FREE           DBFILE=MIG
                CATEGORY= CAT2*

    In this example, the preserved reports with category names starting with CAT1* or CAT2* (except of reports migrated by the migration mission MIG0365) are freed. The SYSDATA records are freed if all reports related to these SYSDATAs are freed. In additional, the list of freed reports is issued.

    CTDRETC Example 3

    //SYSIN DD *

    In this example, all reports belonging to the recipient USER1 are selected for deletion from the History User File. Since CTDRETC is running in TEST mode, the reports are not actually deleted, but only the list of deleted reports is issued.

    CTDRETC Example 4

    //SYSIN DD *
    EXCLUDE     VOLSER=T00852

    In this example, the retention period of the reports migrated to the CART media and residing on volumes with VOLSER names starting with the letter T, is changed to 3650. The retention period, however, is not changed for volume T00852. In addition, the list of datasets and volumes with the changed retention period is issued.

    CTDRETC Example 5

    //SYSIN DD *

    In this example, a list of all the preserved reports and files belonging to the recipient USER1 is printed.

    CTDRETC Example 6

    //SYSIN DD *

    The CTDRETC utility deletes the migrated report entries (user records from the Migrated User file) with the name REPORT1 that are more than 20 generations old. The last 20 generations of these reports are kept in the Migrated User file.

    CTDRSD – Delete orphan resource records

    During report decollation using the transformation option (ON TRNDSN/TRNCLASS decollation), Resource Set records and Resource records associated with the report are created in the Permanent User File. The key to Resource Set records is stored in associated SYSDATA records. The Resource Set record references all Resources used by the decollated report. The Resources themselves are stored in the corresponding member of the Control-D RESLIB library. The utility identifies

    • Resource Set records that are not referenced by SYSDATA records

    • Resource records that are not referenced by Resource Set records

    • members of the Control-D RESLIB library that are not referenced by Resource records

    If the MODE parameter is set to PROD, the utility deletes the orphan records and members.

    If the MODE parameter is set to TEST and orphan records or members are found, the utility issues error messages indicating that there are orphan Resource Set records, Resource records, or Control-D RESLIB library members.

    CTDRSD Parameter

    Table 239 CTDRSD Parameter




    This parameter determines whether the utility runs in Production mode or Simulation mode. BMC recommends that you run the utility in Simulation mode before running it in Production mode. Valid values are:

    • PROD – The utility runs in Production mode and deletes orphan

    Resource Set records from the Permanent User File

    Resource records from the Permanent User File

    members from Control-D RESLIB library

    TEST – The utility runs in Simulation mode, performing analysis and reporting, but not deleting any orphan records or members. Default.

    Activating the CTDRSD utility


    CTDRSD Return codes

    Table 240 CTDRSD Return Codes




    No orphans were found


    There are several possible reasons for this return code:

    • Invalid parameters are specified for the utility

    • At least one orphan Resource Set record, Resource record, or Control-D RESLIB library member was found.


    Opening at least one of the IOA Access Method files failed.

    CTDRSTMS – Massive Restore Request

    The CTDRSTMS utility performs a restore request for a large number of previously backed up or migrated reports. The utility selects reports that must be restored according to selection criteria specified in the input parameters. The status of the selected reports changes to WAIT RESTORE.

    To perform the restore after this utility is run, a restore mission should be activated. The restore mission is specified as one of the CTDRSTMS utility input parameters.

    You can specify a restore mission, with the option of specifying a print mission name, as input parameters for the CTDRSTMS utility. After running the utility you can then print the restored reports by activating the print mission whose name you specified in the PRTMIS input parameter.

    CTDRSTMS Parameters

    The input parameters for the CTDRSTMS utility are supplied in the file referred to by the SYSIN DD statement. Input parameters are keyword formatted. They can be specified in random order, but each parameter can be specified only once.

    There are two groups of input parameters:

    • Parameters that define actions for the utility, as described in Table 241.

    • Parameters that define report selection criteria, as described in Table 242.

    Table 241 CTDRSTMS action definition parameters




    Determines whether the utility runs in Production mode or in Simulation (Test) mode. Optional.

    Valid values are:

    • PROD – The utility runs in Production mode, setting the restore requests for the history or migrated reports according to selection criteria. Default.

    • TEST – The utility runs in Simulation mode, performing selection and reporting functions but not setting the restore requests


    User file type to be acted upon. Mandatory.

    Valid values are:

    • HST – History User file

    • MIG – Migration User file


    Indicates whether to print a list of selected reports.

    Valid values are:

    • YES – Print the list of selected reports. Default.

    • NO – Do not print the list of selected reports.


    Name of the restore mission that will be used to restore the selected reports. Mandatory.

    Maximum length is eight characters.


    Name of the print mission that will be used to print the restored reports. Optional.

    Maximum length is eight characters.

    Table 242 CTDRSTMS report selection criteria parameters




    Earliest decollation mission ordering date (ODATE). Date format is dd/mm/yy, mm/dd/yy, or yy/mm/dd (depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in the IOAPARM installation member).

    If TODATE is omitted when FROMDATE is specified, all reports with an ODATE that is equal to or later than FROMDATE are selected.


    Latest decollation mission ordering date (ODATE). Date format is dd/mm/yy, mm/dd/yy, or yy/mm/dd (depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in the IOAPARM installation member).

    If FROMDATE is omitted when TODATE is specified, all reports with an ODATE that is equal to or earlier than TODATE are selected.


    User name. This can be a specific value or a mask. Maximum length is eight characters.


    Job name. This can be a specific value or a mask. Maximum length is eight characters.


    Report name. This can be a specific value or a mask. If blank spaces or apostrophes are included in the report name, the report name must be written between apostrophes and any apostrophes that are included as part of the report name must be doubled. Maximum length is 50 characters.


    Job number. This is a numeric value. Maximum length is seven digits.


    Backup mission name. This can be a specific value or a mask. Maximum length is eight characters.


    Earliest backup date of selected reports. Date format is dd/mm/yy, mm/dd/yy, or yy/mm/dd (depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in the IOAPARM installation member).

    If BKPTO is omitted when BKPFROM is specified, all reports with a backup date that is equal to or later than BKPFROM are selected.


    Latest backup date of selected reports. Date format is dd/mm/yy, mm/dd/yy, or yy/mm/dd (depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in IOAPARM installation member).

    If BKPFROM is omitted when BKPTO is specified, all reports with a backup date that is equal to or earlier than BKPTO are selected.


    Migration mission name. This can be a specific value or a mask. Maximum length is eight characters


    Earliest migration date of selected reports. Date format is dd/mm/yy, mm/dd/yy, or yy/mm/dd (depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in the IOAPARM installation member).

    If MIGTO is omitted when MIGFROM is specified, all reports with migration date that is equal to or later than MIGFROM are selected.


    Latest migration date of selected reports. Date format is dd/mm/yy, mm/dd/yy, or yy/mm/dd (depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in IOAPARM installation member).

    If MIGFROM is omitted when MIGTO is specified, all reports with a migration date that is equal to or earlier than MIGTO are selected.


    Migration media name. This can be a specific value or a mask. Maximum length is eight characters.


    Serial number of the volume to which the reports are migrated or backed up. This can be a specific value or a mask. Maximum length is six characters.

    The USER, JOBNAME, REPNAME, JOBID, MIGMIS, BKPMIS, MIGMEDIA, and VOLSER parameters can be set not only to include, but to exclude restoration of the corresponding reports. In order to use the EXCLUDE option, a minus sign (-) should precede the parameter value.

    Activating the CTDRSTMS Utility

    //SYSIN DD *
    [LIST= YES|NO]
    RSTMIS= restore mission name
    [PRTMIS= print mission name]
    [FROMDATE = dd/mm/yy]
    [TODATE = dd/mm/yy]
    [USER = [-]user name]
    [JOBNAME= [-]job name]
    [REPNAME= [-]report_name]
    [JOBID= [-]jobid]
    [BKPMIS= [-]backup_mission_name]
    [BKPFROM= dd/mm/yy]
    [BKPTO= dd/mm/yy]
    [MIGMIS= [-]migration_mission_name]
    [MIGFROM= dd/mm/yy]
    [MIGTO= dd/mm/yy]
    [MIGMEDIA= [-]migration_media_name}
    [VOLSER= [-]volser]

    Examples for CTDRSTMS

    CTDRSTMS Example 1

    In this example, the utility executes a request to restore from the History file all reports with an ODATE from 01/01/05 to 10/01/05 that were run by the RSTTODS restore mission. After the restore mission is run, the restored reports can be printed to a special destination by the PRTTODS print mission.

    //SYSIN  DD  *
    FROMDATE=01/01/05  TODATE=10/01/05

    CTDRSTMS Example 2

    In this example, the utility executes a request to restore from the History file all backed up reports for the USER01 user. The reports to be restored, using the RSTFDR restore mission, must have an ODATE from 01/01/06.

    //SYSIN  DD  *

    CTDRSTMS Example 3

    In this example, the utility executes a request to restore reports that were migrated on 01/01/06 by the MIG007D migration mission. The reports with the JOBARC job name are excluded from restoration.

    //SYSIN  DD  *
    MIGFROM=01/01/06 MIGTO=01/01/06

    CTDSMFRP – Paper Usage Report for Defined Users

    The CTDSMFRP utility creates a paper usage report by user (recipient). The report is available in detail format with page and line count data for each report, or in summary format with the same data summarized by user.

    CTDSMFRP Parameters

    Table 243 CTDSMFRP Parameters




    Report type. Valid values are:

    • D – Detail report. Page and line count data is provided for each report.

    • S – Summary report (by user)


    User ID


    Report name


    Category name


    Account number


    Earliest date of reports to be included


    Latest date of reports to be included

    Prefixes can be specified in the USER, REPNAME, CATEGORY and ACCOUNT parameters. In the event that a specific name is also a prefix, all reports with that prefix are included. To prevent the name from being considered a prefix, place the special character < after the specified name.

    It is possible to change the default number of lines per page (60) by setting parameter PARM to "LINECNT=nnn" in the EXEC statement of the job.

    Activating the CTDSMFRP Utility


    Example for CTDSMFRP

    // DASYSIN DD *
        REPTYPE D
        USER MGT

    CTDSMFRP Sample Reports

    Figure 91 Sample Report 1

    BMC SOFTWARE, INC.           CONTROL-D SMF REPORT (VER 6.3.01)    DATE 08/08/00          TIME 23.56        PAGE    6
                                       CONTROL-D: SMF RECORDS FOUND FOR USER - MGT
              PAGES- NO. OF PAGES         LINES- NO. OF LINES           COPY- NO. OF COPIES
                           FORM- FORM NUMBER             ACCOUNT- ACCOUNT INFO FROM JOBCARD
    -------- -------- -------- -------------------- -------------------- ------ ------------- ---- -------- ---- -------
    08/08/00 10:15:17 PBNKRPT2 BANKING REPORT       BI-WEEKLY                49          2542    3 08/08/00 STD
    08/08/00 10:15:20 PEMPRPT  EMPLOYEES REPORT-S   DAILY                     1            10    1 08/08/00 STD
    08/08/00 11:02:21 PBRNCHLS BRANCH LISTS         DAILY                  5631        269029    1 08/08/00 STD
    08/08/00 11:25:05 PMONUPDT MONTHLY UPDATE       MONTHLY                1086         52191    1 08/08/00 STD
    08/08/00 15:26:14 PBRNMGRS BRANCH MGRS REP      WEEKLY                   24          1002    1 08/08/00 STD
    08/08/00 15:28:47 MSURGRFS MKT SURVEY GRAFHS    WEEKLY                    8           401    5 08/08/00 SPL
    08/08/00 19:42:20 GLRPT17A GENERAL LEDGER       DAILY                   293         15866    1 08/08/00 STD
    08/08/00 19:30:23 PTBAL1A  TRIAL BALANCE        DAILY                    76          3764    1 08/08/00 STD
    08/08/00 21:01:58 PRINVRPT INVENTORY REPORT     DAILY                     9           427    1 08/08/00 STD
    08/08/00 21:19:14 ACCSUMRS SUMMARY ACC REPORT   DAILY                   236         11872    1 08/08/00 STD
    08/08/00 21:20:32 ACCEXCPR EXCEPTION ACC REPORT DAILY                    53          1697    1 08/08/00 STD
    08/08/00 23:06:02 ACCDAILY DAILY ACCOUNTS       DAILY                   468         20171    1 08/08/00 STD
    08/08/00 23:12:51 SLRRPTR1 SALARY REPORT RUN #1 WEEKLY                  107          5705    1 08/08/00 STD
    08/08/00 23:54:55 SLRRPTR2 SALARY REPORT RUN #2 WEEKLY                  108          5724    2 08/08/00 STD

    *****   TOTAL PAGES AND LINES PRINTED FOR USER - MGT                8149        390401

    Figure 92 Sample Report 2

      BMC SOFTWARE, INC.     CONTROL-D SMF REPORT (VER 6.3.01)     DATE 08/08/00 TIME 23.57      PAGE   29
       USERS         REPORTS         PAGES          LINES         D A T E S
    -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------------
    BR126                      7             63          3,184  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR126FC                    4            182          7,095  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR126LO                    2             49          2,553  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR126SA                    6          2,590        133,479  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR127                      7             51          2,336  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR127FC                    4            129          4,602  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR127LO                    2             35          1,614  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR127SA                    6          1,203         53,237  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR128                      7             62          3,293  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR128FC                    4            194          8,114  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR128LO                    2             48          1,683  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR128SA                    6          2,008         94,733  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR129                      7             41          1,498  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR129FC                    4            115          5,321  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR129LO                    2            138          5,632  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR129SA                    6          1,996         67,682  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR130                      7             67          3,663  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR130FC                    4            221         10,569  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR130LO                    2            196         10,930  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR130SA                    6          2,804        135,006  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR131                      7             62          1,988  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR131FC                    4            198          7,117  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR131LO                    2            245          9,285  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR131SA                    6          2,053         73,194  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR132                      8          1,012         38,449  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR132FC                    4            176          5,667  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR132LO                    2             98          4,214  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR132SA                    6          1,916         59,480  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR133                      7             59          1,672  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR133FC                    4            238          8,363  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR133LO                    2            172          5,118  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR133SA                    6          2,141         81,336  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR134                      7             66          2,757  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR134FC                    4            198          8,452  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR134LO                    2            206          6,220  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR134SA                    6          1,391         58,413  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR135                      7             65          2,352  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR135FC                    4            222          9,221  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR135LO                    2            201          7,264  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    BR135SA                    6          1,870         71,095  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    DEV                       12            392         13,659  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    GEN-MNGR                   4             48          2,447  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    MGT                       29            495         20,794  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    MKT                       16            125          6,998  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    PROD                       8            197         10,562  08/08/00 - 08/08/00
    PRODCNTL                  72            441          8,668  08/08/00 - 08/08/00

     T O T A L               1452        276,516     13,274,601

    Figure 93 Sample Report 3

    DATE 08/08/00 TIME 16.49 PAGE 000001
                  L I S T    O F   T H E   R E P O R T S
                       F O R  T H E   U S E R
      :        REPORT       :       STATUS       : COPIES : PAGES :  LINES :
      : EMPLOYEES REPORT-S  : PRINTED-WAIT BKP   :  001   :     1 :     10 :
      : BANKING REPORT      : DECOLLATED         :  000   :    49 :   2542 :
      : BRANCH LISTS        : DECOLLATED         :  000   :  5631 : 269029 :
      : MONTHLY UPDATE      : PRINTED-WAIT BKP   :  001   :  1086 :  52191 :
      : BRANCH MGRS REP     : WAIT PRINT         :  001   :    24 :   1002 :
      : GENERAL LEDGER      : PRINTED-WAIT BKP   :  001   :   293 :  15866 :
      : TRIAL BALANCE       : PRINTED            :  001   :    76 :   3764 :
      : INVENTORY REPORT    : PRINTED-WAIT BKP   :  001   :     9 :    427 :
      : SUMMARY ACC REPORT  : WAIT PRINT         :  002   :   236 :  11872 :
      : EXCEPTION ACC REPORT: DECOLLATED         :  000   :    53 :   1697 :
      : DAILY ACCOUNTS      : WAIT PRINT         :  001   :   468 :  20171 :
      : SALARY REPORT RUN #1: PRINTED            :  001   :   107 :   5706 :
      : SALARY REPORT RUN #2: PRINTED            :  003   :   108 :   5724 :

    Figure 94 Sample Report 4

    C O N T R O L   -   D   A C T I V E   E N V I R O N M E N T   -   M I S S I O N S   L E  F T
    PRDKPL03 080800 REP M18      WAIT SCHEDULE
    PRDKPL06 080800 REP M18      WAIT SCHEDULE
    GPLIR16B 080800 REP M22A     WAIT SCHEDULE
    BKP0031D 080800 BKP M22      WAIT PROCESS
    RST0060M 080800 CRS M22      WAIT PROCESS
    C O N T R O L   -   D   A C T I V E   E N V I R O N M E N T   -   M I S S I O N S   L E  F T

    CTDUFANX – Activate or Deactivate Alternative Index Components of a User Report List File

    The CTDUFANX utility is used to activate or deactivate a Control-D User file’s alternative index components and print the component’s definitions. To activate the new alternative index component, the CTDUFANX utility writes the component’s definition to the data component of the corresponding User Report List file. To delete the alternative index component, the utility deletes the component’s definition from the data component of the corresponding User file.

    All alternative components should be reactivated after the corresponding data component is formatted.

    Alternative Index Component Definition (CTDUFANX)

    To define an alternative index component, create the special DEFALTI member with alternative index identification and key structure. The list and order of the keys should be fit to the most frequently used fields in the filter for report list request in IOA online and Control-D Web Access sessions.

    The DEFALTI member should contain one ALT and one KEY statement for each alternative index.

    In the component definition:

    • The ALT statement defines the index letter.


      The specified index_letter is the alternative index identification. The letter used for the alternative index can be any letter A-Z, excluding I. The index letter is used in DDNAME field for Alternative Index Component.

    • The KEY statement defines key list of alternative index.

      KEY= key_letter,start_pos,length,seq,…
    • or

      KEY= (key_letter,start_pos,length[,seq]),…
    • The specified key_letter is defined the key field. The possible values of key_letter are shown in Table 244.

      • start_pos is defined as the start position of the key in the field.

      • length is defined as the length of the key.

      • seq is defined as the native sequence of values in report list (A for ascending, Dfor descending)

        Use descending sequence (D) for fields containing dates such as Order, Run, or Decollation date only.

    • The keys should be defined according to the following rules:

      • The recipient name (U-key: U,1,8,A) is mandatory.

      • The maximum number of keys is 20.

      • The maximum total of key lengths is 56.

    Table 244 Alternative Index Key Fields

    Key letter


    Field length


    Recipient name



    Extended report name



    Job name



    Job id



    Order date









    External writer






    Run date



    Decollation date









    User data


    Example 1

    ALT=J                  ALT INDEX LETTER                
    KEY=(C,1,20),(N,1,20,A),(U,1,8,A)             KEYLEN=56

    Implement one of the following:

    Example 2a

    ALT=J                  ALT INDEX LETTER               
    KEY=(C,1,20),(M,1,8),(D,1,6,D),(U,1,8,A)      KEYLEN=50

    Example 2b

    ALT=J                  ALT INDEX LETTER               
    KEY=(M,1,8),(C,1,20),(D,1,6,D),(U,1,8,A)      KEYLEN=50

    Example 3

    ALT=J                  ALT INDEX LETTER               
    KEY=(D,1,6,D),(N,1,20),(Y,1,14),(U,1,8,A)     KEYLEN=56


    CTDUFANX Parameters

    The following parameters can be specified for the CTDUFANX utility in the EXEC statement that invokes the CTDUFANX JCL procedure:

    //                         D=def_suffix,ALT={ALL|letter…letter}

    Table 245 CTDUFANX Parameters




    Requested function. Valid values are:

    • ADD – activate alternative index component for Active, History, and Migrated User files.

    • DELETE/DEL – deactivate alternative index component for Active, History, and Migrated User files

    • PRINT/PRT – print alternative index component properties


    Control-D IOA Access Method file’s data set name suffix. Valid values are:

    • ACT – Active User Report List file

    • PRM – Permanent User Report List file

    • HST – History User Report List file

    • MIG – Migrated User Report List file (Control-V only)

    • MG1-MG9 – MUF partition of Migrated User file (Control-V only)


    Alternative index component definition member name


    Alternative index component definition library suffix


    Alternative indexes. Valid values are:

    • ALL – all alternative indexes of definition

    • Letter…letter – alternative indexes list

    For an example of how to activate alternative index component, see sample job CTDUFANX in the Control-D JCL library.


    Creation of Alternative Index Component

    1. Define the alternative index in the DEFALTI member of the IOA INSTWORK library.

    2. Define the alternative index files in the DEF’s members for Active, History, and Migrated User files of the IOA INSTWORK library.

      The index key length defined in the KEYLEN field of the DEF’s members should be equal to the sum of the key’s length defined in DEFALTI member +8. If MUF partitions are used, the alternative index files should be created for all MUF partitions.

    3. Use the CTDUFDBF job in the Control-D JCL library with parameter FUNC=INIT to allocate and format new alternative index files for Active, History, Migrated User files, and Migrated User files partitions.

    4. Stop all Control-D monitors, Control-D Applications, IOA Archive Server monitors, and IOA online sessions.

    5. Update the IOADSNL, ALCCTDJB, ALCCTD, ALCCTVJB, ALCCTV, and ALCDOLV members in the IOA PARM library, in accordance with the new alternative index files.

      If the IOADSNL, ALCCTDJB, ALCCTD, ALCCTVJB, ALCDOLV, and ALCCTV members do not exist in the IOA PARM library, copy the ALCCTDJB, ALCCTD, ALCCTVJB, ALCCTV, ALCDOLV, and IOADSN members from the IOA IOAENV library to the IOA PARM library. Then rename the IOADSN member to IOADSNL.

      To change the IOADSNL, ALCCTDJB, ALCCTD, ALCCTVJB, ALCCTV, and ALCDOLV members in the IOA PARM library:

      1. Add the following lines in the IOADSNL member:


        In this step, &FILE is changed to a specifically used Data Component, &DBTYPE is changed to a specifically used qualifier, and &ALT is changed to an alternative index letter that is defined in the ALT statement of the DEFALTI member. Separate DATASET statements should be defined for each Active, History, and Migrated User files, and Migrated User file partitions.

      2. Add the following line to the ALCCTDJB, ALCCTD, ALCCTVJB, ALCCTV, and ALCDOLV members:


        In this step, &FILE is to be changed to a specifically used Data Component, and &ALT is to be changed to a alternative index letter that is defined in the ALT statement of the DEFALTI member, A separate KEY statement should be defined for each Active, History, and Migrated User files, and Migrated User file partitions.

    6. Build alternative indexes using the CTDDIB utility with parameter ALT=ONLY for each user file.

    7. Activate alternative index using CTDUFANX utility with parameter FUNC=ADD for each user file.

    8. Start all Control-D monitors, Control-D applications, IOA Archive Server monitors, and IOA online sessions.

    Deactivation of Alternative Index Component

    Use the CTDUFANX utility with parameter FUNC=DELETE to delete alternative indexes.


    Redefinition of key list in alternative index component

    1. Stop all Control-D monitors, Control-D applications, IOA Archive Server monitors, and IOA online sessions.

    2. Deactivate the alternative index component.

    3. Delete the alternative index component files.

    4. Edit the DEFALTI member.

    5. Create the alternative index component with a new key list.

    6. Start all Control-D monitors, Control-D applications, IOA Archive Server monitors, and IOA online sessions.

    CTDUFEXP – Transfer data between Control-D Repositories

    The CTDUFEXP utility enables the customer to transfer metadata and objects (such as viewing rulers and notes) associated with Control-D reports from one Control-D for z/OS repository to another Control-D for z/OS repository.

    This process is useful for customers

    • re-defining their Control-D repositories to reflect changes in their business or IT structure

    • merging their Control-D repositories to reduce their production cost

    • splitting their Control-D repositories to improve system performance

    CTDUFEXP is submitted separately for each exported Control-D User file (Permanent, Active, Migrated, or History). For each User file, the CTDUFEXP utility does the following:

    • exports metadata from a Control-D for z/OS repository to a sequential file.

    • The data is unloaded to the sequential file pointed by DAEXP DD statement. The name of the sequential file is %DBPREFD%.PACKAGE.DBFILE, where %DBPREFD% is the Control-D files prefix defined in the source repository. The PACKAGE and DBFILE values are taken from the input parameters described below. Using the CTDUFRST and CTDUFLD utilities, the customer can import the metadata from the sequential file to another Control-D for z/OS repository.

    • creates a list of the unloaded reports, rulers, CDAM and Index datasets, and tape volumes related to the extracted Control-D reports.

    • The lists are helpful for transferring the datasets or volumes to another Control-D repository.

    • deletes User and Notepad records from the exported Control-D User files.

    • Other objects associated with the exported files can be deleted later by the CTDDELRP, CTDCLHST, and CTVCLMIG utilities.

    CTDUFEXP Parameters

    The parameters specified in the EXEC statement are listed in the Table 246. These parameters are used in the procedure to create the unloaded dataset name.

    Table 246 CTDUFEXP EXEC parameters




    The package name. Maximum length is 8 characters. Mandatory.

    This name is added as next to last qualifier to the unloaded dataset name and is printed in the output reports. The user can specify any name to identify a group of unloaded files.


    File type to be acted upon:

    • ACT - Active User file

    • HST - History User file

    • MIG - Migration User file

    • PRM - Permanent User file


    Other statements are specified in the SYSIN DD input stream. They must be specified in the following order:

    1. General parameters

    2. INCLUDE

    3. Selection parameters

    4. Repeat INCLUDE with other Selection parameters if needed.

    5. EXCLUDE

    6. Selection parameters

    7. Repeat EXCLUDE with other Selection parameters if needed.

    General parameters are specified in the beginning of the input stream. They define the utility's action, working mode and list of printed reports. The general parameters are described in the Table 247:

    Table 247 CTDUFEXP general parameters




    One of these words should be specified as first statement in the input stream. It defines the utility's action:

    • EXPORT - unload records related to the reports and rulers specified by the statements INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements from the Control-D User file to the sequential dataset.

    • CLEANUP - delete the reports specified by the INCLUDE and EXCUDE statements from the Control-D User file. Only User and Notepad records related to the report are deleted by this utility. Other User file records and datasets related to the deleted reports will be deleted later as orphan records by the CTDDELRP, CTDCLHST, and CTVCLMIG utilities.

    The utility deletes only reports which have been unloaded in the previously utility's run with the function EXPORT.


    Specifies that the utility will include the selected Control-D reports metadata in the processing. Optional.


    Specifies that the utility will include one of the following:

    • the selected Control-D rulers and Logical Views in the processing (when specified for the EXPORT action from the ACTIVE User file)

    • the selected Control-D mask rulers (when specified for the EXPORT action from the PERMANENT User file)


    At least one, or both, of the parameters REPORTS or RULERS must be specified in the statement.


    This mandatory parameter determines if the CTDUFEXP utility is run in Production mode or Simulation mode. If the parameter is not specified, the default is Production mode. You should run this utility in Simulation mode before running it in Production mode. Valid values are:

    • PROD – The utility runs in Production mode, changing and deleting report entries and CDAM files that satisfy the requirements specified by other parameters. Default.

    • TEST – The utility runs in Simulation mode, performing analysis and reporting but not changing or deleting any files.


    Determines which output reports are printed by the utility.

    The valid values are

    • ALL - all output reports available for the performed action and processed User file type are printed.

    One or several of the following output report names can be specified. If several names are specified, they must be separated by commas and the list enclosed in parenthesis.

    • RECORDS - list of all exported or deleted Control-D reports including all the records related to them. This report is available for the EXPORT REPORTS and CLEANUP REPORTS actions.

      Since specifying RECORDS includes the reports also, do not specify both REPORTS and RECORDS.

    • REPORTS - list of all exported or deleted Control-D reports, without their associated records. This report available for the EXPORT REPORTS and CLEANUP REPORTS actions.

    • FILES - list of CDAM and Index files related to the selected reports. This report is available for the action EXPORT REPORTS from the ACT, MIG, and HST User files.

    • VOLS - list of the volumes (volume serial numbers) where the CDAM and Index files related to the selected reports reside. This report is available for the EXPORT REPORTS action from the MIG and HST User files.

    • RULERS - list of all exported Rulers and Logical Views. This report is available for the action EXPORT RULERS.

    Table 248 describes selection parameters that can be specified in the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements.

    The following rules apply to the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements:

    • Several INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements can be specified.

    • All selection parameters are option. Each selection parameter can be specified several times in the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements. In an INCLUDE or EXCLUDE statement, similar selection parameters are related by logical OR, while different selection parameters are related by logical AND.

    • CTDUFEXP selects all reports that satisfy the selection parameters in the INCLUDE statements, except those that satisfy the selection parameters in the EXCLUDE statements.

    • If the EXCLUDE statements are missing, all reports that satisfy the selection parameters in the INCLUDE statements are selected.

    • If the INCLUDE statements are missing, all reports, except those which satisfy the selection parameters in the EXCLUDE statements, are selected.

    • If both the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements are missing, all Control-D reports are selected.

    Table 248 CTDUFEXP selection parameters




    It specifies the name (or the template name) of the backup mission used to back-up of the reports. The maximum length is 8 characters.

    It is available for all actions with the HST file type only.


    It specifies the type of the backup utility as it is specified in the CTDPARM parameters member. The maximum length is 8 characters.

    It is available for all actions with HST file type only.


    It specifies the name (or the template name) of the report category. The maximum length is 20 characters.

    Is available for EXPORT REPORTS and CLEANUP REPORTS for all file types.


    It specifies the name (or the template name) of the CDAM dsname (data set name) containing the report. The maximum length is 44 characters.

    It is available for all actions and file types. For the MIG file type, the original CDAM or the migrated CDAM dataset name can be specified.

    If FILE=ACT or FILE=HST, the original CDAM dsname is searched. If FILE=MIG, the original and the primary and secondary migrated CDAM dsnames are searched.


    It specifies the expiration date or range of dates for the migrated or backed-up reports. One date or range of dates (in the form of date1-date2) can be specified. The dates can be specified in one of the following formats, DD/MM/YY, MM/DD/YY, or YY/MM/DD, depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in the IOAPARM installation member.

    It is available for all actions and file types.


    It specifies the name (or the template name) of the Control-V Index dsname (data set name) related to the report. The maximum length is 44 characters.

    Is available for EXPORT REPORTS and CLEANUP REPORTS for the ACT, MIG, and HST file types.

    If FILE=ACT or FILE=HST, the original Index dsname is searched. If FILE=MIG, the original and the migrated Index dsname is searched.


    It specifies the name (or the template name) of the Main Control-V Index name related to the report. The maximum length is 20 characters.

    Is available for EXPORT REPORTS and CLEANUP REPORTS for the ACT, MIG, HST file types.


    It specifies the system job identification number. Numeric value. The maximum length is 7 digits.

    It is available for all actions and file types.


    It specifies the name (or the template name) of the job created the report. The maximum length is 8 characters.

    It is available for all actions and file types.


    It specifies the name (or the template name) of the media to where the report content is migrated. The maximum length is 8 characters.

    It is available for all actions with the MIG file type only.


    It specifies the name (or the template name) of the migration mission with which the reports have been migrated. The maximum length is 8 characters.

    It is available for all actions with the MIG file type only.


    It specifies the ordering date or range of dates (in the format of date1-date2) of the report. The dates can be specified in one of the following formats, DD/MM/YY, MM/DD/YY, or YY/MM/DD, depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in the IOAPARM installation member.

    It is available for all actions and file types.


    It specifies the name (or the template name) of the Report. If blanks or apostrophes are included in the Report name, the Report name must be specified between apostrophes and any apostrophes included in the Report name must be doubled. The maximum length is 50 characters.

    It is not available for CHANGE action.


    It specifies the retention period of the backed-up or migrated report. Numeric value. The maximum length is 5 digits.

    It is available for all actions and file types.


    It specifies the name (or the template name) of the ruler or of the Logical View. The maximum length is 8 characters.


    It specifies the type of the ruler or of the Logical View. The available values are:

    • VIEW - view ruler

    • PRINT - print ruler

    • LOGVIEW - logical view


    It specifies the name (or the template name) of the report recipient. The maximum length is 8 characters.

    Is available for all actions and file types.


    It specifies the tape volume serial number (or the template) where the backup or migrated content of the report resides. The maximum length 6 characters.

    Is available for EXPORT REPORTS and CLEANUP REPORTS for the MIG, HST file types.

    CTDUFEXP Output

    The CTDUFEXP utility produces output reports specified by the LIST parameter for the file referred to in the DAREPORT DD statement. The following reports can be printed:

    List of exported or deleted records (LIST=RECORDS)

    This report lists the exported or deleted VSA records related to the selected Control-D reports. The records are grouped in blocks for their associated report. The records that can be included with the report are represented in Table 249.

    Table 249 LIST=RECORDS record representations

    Record type name










    Record type (R|C|U)

    Record ID


    Job name

    Job ID

    Order date


    Report name

    Active SYSDATA

    Record type (S)

    Record ID

    Original CDAM dataset name




    History SYSDATA

    Record type (S)

    Record ID

    Original CDAM dataset name

    Backup mission

    Backup utility


    Migrated SYSDATA

    Record type (S)

    Record ID

    Original CDAM dataset name

    Migration mission

    Migration media





    Migrated dataset name or Centera ID





    Record type (I)

    Record ID

    Original CDAM dataset name



    Main Index name








    Migrated dataset name or Centera ID




    Record type (N|P)

    Record ID




    Note type (G|T)



    Available record types for User records: R = primary; C = continuation; U = default.

    Available record types for Notepad records: N = primary; C = continuation.

    Available note types for Notepad records: G = general note; T = tag note.

    The second line is printed for Migrated User file only.

    List of exported or deleted reports (LIST=REPORTS)

    This report lists the exported or deleted Control-D reports.

    Only the primary or default User record is printed for each selected report with the same representation as for LIST=RECORDS, as shown in Table 249.

    List of exported datasets (LIST=FILES)

    This report lists the CDAM and the Index datasets related to the selected for export reports. It is issued for the action EXPORT REPORTS only. The records are represented in Table 250.

    Table 250 LIST=FILES record representations

    DBFILE type



    CDAM/INDEX dataset name





    Backup utility

    CDAM/INDEX dataset name




    Migration media

    Migrated CDAM/INDEX dataset name or Centera clip



    For the ACT and MIG DBFILE types, the size of the total space on DASD and CENTERA which occupied by the selected datasets is printed at the end of report.

    To obtain a space utilization report, submit CTDUFEXP in TEST mode with LIST=FILES.

    If the report has resident Indexes, the original Index file name also is included in the list.

    List of exported volumes (LIST=VOLS)

    This report lists the volumes where the selected reports reside. It is issued for the action EXPORT REPORTS from the History or Migrated User files only. The records are represented in Table 251.

    Table 251 LIST=VOLS record representations

    DBFILE type



    Backup utility

    Volume serial number



    Migration media

    Volume serial number

    Number of dataset on the   volume

    List of exported rulers and logical views (LIST=RULERS)

    This report lists the exported ruler records. It is issued for the action EXPORT RULERS from the Active User file only. The records are represented in Table 252.

    Table 252 LIST=RULERS record representations

    Record type name


    Ruler or Logical view

    Record ID

    Ruler/Logical view type (View|Print|Logical view )

    Ruler/Logical view name


    Job name

    Report name

    Activating the CTDUFEXP Utility

    Figure 95 CTDUFEXP Activation

    //SYSIN DD *
        [JOBNAME=job name]
        [JOBID=job number]
        [CDAMDSN=CDAM file name]
        [INDEXDSN=index file name]
        [INDEXNAME=main index name]
        [BKPMIS=backup mission name]
        [BKPUTIL=backup utility type]
        [MIGMIS=migration mission name]
        [MIGMEDIA=migration media name]
        [VOLSER=volume serial number]
        [RULNAME=ruler/logical_view name]
        [JOBNAME=job name]
        [JOBID=job number]
        [CDAMDSN=CDAM file name]
        [INDEXDSN=index file name]
        [INDEXNAME=main index name]
        [BKPMIS=backup mission name]
        [BKPUTIL=backup utility type]
        [MIGMIS=migration mission name]
        [MIGMEDIA=migration media name]
        [VOLSER=volume serial number]
        [RULNAME=ruler/logical_view name]

    CTDUFEXP Return codes

    Table 253 shows an explanation for the return codes for the CTDUFEXP utility.

    Table 253 CTDUFEXP return codes




    The utility ended successfully


    The utility ended with warnings


    The utility ended with errors


    An error was detected in the input parameter

    Examples for CTDUFEXP

    The following examples illustrate the use of the utility's control statements.

    CTDUFEXP Example 1

    //SYSIN DD *

    In this example, all reports, and rulers related to the reports, produced by jobs JOB#1 or JOB#2 from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2005, except for the ones pertaining to recipient USER#1, are exported to the PACK1 package. All metadata records related to these reports and rulers are unloaded from the Active User file to the %DBPREFD%.PACK1.ACT sequential file.

    In addition the following output reports will be printed: the list of selected reports, including all data base records, the list of CDAM and Index files related to the selected reports, and the list of selected ruler and logical view records.

    CTDUFEXP Example 2

    //SYSIN DD *

    In this example, all reports produced with report name prefix ‘MY REPORT’ backed- up by the backup mission BKPMIS1, except for ones residing on the volume VOL111, are selected from the History Used file.

    No data is unloaded. The following output reports will be printed: list of selected reports, list of dataset names related to the selected reports, and list of backup volumes where the selected reports reside.

    CTDUFEXP Example 3

    //SYSIN DD *

    In this example, the reports migrated to the media CART1, which will expire from the year 2010 to the year 2050, are exported to the PACK3 package. All metadata records related to these reports are unloaded from the Migration User file to the %DBPREFD%.PACK1.MIG sequential file.

    In additional the following output reports will be printed: the list of migrated datasets related to the selected reports and the list of volumes where the exported reports reside.

    CTDUFEXP Example 4

    //SYSIN DD *

    In this example, the User and Notepad records related to the reports exported in the Example 1 are deleted from the Active User file of the source Control-D repository.

    CTDUFEXP Example 5

    //SYSIN DD *

    In this example, the mask rulers records related to the USER#1 (excluding the GLOBAL mask rulers) will be exported.

    CTDUFEXP Example 6

    //SYSIN DD *

    In this example, the mask rulers records related to the USER#1 (including the GLOBAL mask rulers) will be exported.

    CTDUFMDV - Separate Migrated User Report List file to different partitions

    This utility physically separates the Migrated User Report List file to different partitions, based on the CDAM creation date.

    If, for any reason, the CTDUFMDV utility was submitted with the PART parameter failed, the old MUF cannot be updated, and neither a migration mission nor the CTDDELRP utility can work with the old MUF.

    To restore full accessibility of the old MUF, submit the CTDUFMDV utility with the RESET parameter.

    If the IOADSNL, ALCCTDJB, ALCCTV, and ALCDOLV members in the IOA PARM library were already changed according to this guide, restore their previous conditions.

    CTDUFMDV Parameters

    Table 254 CTDUFMDV EXEC statement parameters




    Update VSA records in the Active User Report List file


    Update VSA records in the History User Report List file


    Update VSA records in the Migration User Report List file


    Separate old Migrated User Report List file to different partitions


    Copy VSA records from the Migrated User Report List file referred to by the DATMx and DATMxI DD statements to the current Migrated User Report List file.


    Restore full accessibly of MUF.

    To separate the existing Migrated User Report List file to different partitions

    1. Allocate and format new Migrated User Report List file partitions

      1. Create DEFMIGx and DEFMIGxI members in the IOA INSTWORK library for all Migrated User Report List file partitions.

      2. Run the IOADBF utility (the CTDUFDBF job in the Control-D JCL library) with the FUNC parameter set to INIT, which will allocate and format the new partitions.

      3. Run the IOADBF utility twice for each new Migrated User Report List file partition, once for the Data component and a second time for the Index component.

        An alternative index can be built, activated, and created for a new Migrated User Report List file only after the separation of the original Migrated User Report List file into partitions, using CTDUFMDV. If you create alternative indexes for new empty MIG User files and afterwards submit CTDUFMDV, the utility will take a very long processing time. If you use an alternative index for the new Migrated User Report List file, a corresponding alternative index must be created separately for each Migrated User Report List file partitions data set. After creating the new Migrated User Report List file partitions data set, activate the alternative index with CTDUFANX and rebuild it with CTDUFDIB.

    2. Modify the CTDUFMDV job in the CTD JCL library

      1. Remove unneeded DATMx and DATMxI DD statements.

        The DATMP DD statement is used to allocate the data component of the main MIG partition. The DATMPI DD statement is used to allocate the index component of the main MIG partition.

        The DATM# and DATM#I DD statements are used to allocate the data and index components of the corresponding MIG partitions.

      2. Change the &DBTYPE parameter of the remaining DATMx and DATMxI DDstatements, to conform with policies of your site.

    3. Propagate a real CDAM creation date to all VSA records that were created in versions prior to 6.3.xx. If you do not have data created in earlier versions, skip to step 4.

      Tomodify VSA records from versions earlier than 6.3.xx

      1. First run the CTDUFMDV utility with the Active User Report list data parameter (ACT). This will update VSA records in the Active User Report List file.

      2. Next run the CTDUFMDV utility with either of the following parameters (the order does not matter), followed by the other:

        • Migrated User Report list data parameter (MIG)
          This will update VSA records in the Migrated User Report List file.

        • >History User Report list data parameter (HST)
          This will update VSA records in the History User Report List file.

      A large amount of memory is required when you run the CTDUFMDV utility with any of the ACT, MIG, or HST parameters. If the utility fails with a memory limitation problem, a VSA record processed by one cycle limit can be supplied in the SYSIN stream, as follows:

      //SYSIN    DD 
      *      #########

      ######### is the maximum number of VSA records processed by one cycle, and allocated memory is ######### x 16. The maximum value of ######### is nine digits, with a default value of 100,000,000.

      When you provide a memory limitation the required amount of storage is decreased but the running time can be increased. However, when you run the CTDUFMDV utility with any of the ACT, MIG, or HST parameters, it does not influence regular Control-D work.

    4. Separate the old Migrated User Report List file to different partitions, by submitting the CTDUFMDV utility with the PART parameter.

      When CTDUFMDV is running with the PART parameter, any other application that can update the Migrated User Report List file, such as migrations missions or the CTDDELRP or CTVCLMIG utilities, cannot work.

      Depending on the size of the Migrated User Report List file, when CTDUFMDV is running with the PART parameter a considerable amount of time (days or even weeks) can be used. Since neither a migration mission nor the CTDDELRP utility can work at the same time, you should ensure that you have enough disk space to enable decollations to continue during this period.

      Input for the PART parameter is shown below:

      //SYSIN    DD *

      Each YYYYMMDD line is the last current partition date, and 99999999 means the end of parameters.

      Assume that the PART parameter used the following input:

      Under this example, all reports for CDAMs created

      //SYSIN    DD *

      before January 1, 2001 will be directed to the Migrated User Report List file partition 1

      between January 1, 2001 and June 30, 2004 will be directed to Migrated User Report List file partition 2

      between June 30, 2004 and December 31, 2006 will be directed to Migrated User Report List file partition 3

      after December 31, 2006 will be directed to the main partition

    5. If you intend to use alternative indexes for the new Migrated User Report List file partitions data set, format, activate, and rebuild them at this stage.

    6. After separation to the new Migrated User Report List file partitions, change the IOADSNL, ALCCTDJB, ALCCTV, and ALCDOLV members in the IOAPARM library.

      If the IOADSNL, ALCCTDJB, ALCCTV, and ALCDOLV members do not exist in the IOAPARM library, copy the ALCCTDJB, ALCCTV, ALCDOLV, and IOADSN members from the IOAIOAENV library to the IOAPARM library. Then rename the IOADSN member to IOADSNL.

      To change the IOADSNL, ALCCTDJB, ALCCTV and ALCDOLV members in IOA PARM library

      1. Remove the following lines in the IOADSNL member:

      2. Add the following lines in the IOADSNL member:

        DATASET DAMIG,                 
        DATASET DAMIGI,                
        DATASET DAMG1,                 
        DATASET DAMG1I,                
        DATASET DAMG#,                 
        DATASET DAMG#I,                

        In this step, where &DBTYPE is to be changed to a specifically used qualifier, # represents the maximum number of used Migrated User Report List file partitions. A separate DATASET statement should be defined for every Migrated User Report List file partition. If you intend to use an alternative index for the new Migrated User Report List file, define a separate DATASET statement for each alternative index of each Migrated User Report List file partition.

      3. Add the following lines to the ALCCTDJB, ALCCTV, and ALCDOLV members:


        In this step, # represents the maximum number of used Migrated User Report List file partitions. Separate pairs of DAMGx and DAMGxI statements should be defined for every Migrated User Report List file partition. If you intend to use an alternative index for the new Migrated User Report List file, define a separate DAMGx&ALT statement for each Migrated User Report List file partition (&ALT – alternative Index letter).

    7. Change the DATM# and DATM#I DD statements in CTDUFMDV job – they should refer old Migrated User Report List file. Submit the CTDUFMDV utility with the COPYNEW parameter. It will copy to the new Migrated User Report List file all VSA records created or updated by end-users via on-line environment (for example NOTEs) after CTDUFMDV was submitted with PART parameter.

      If it is required to define specific date instead of last CTDUFMDV run date, define COPYNEW parameter as MODE=(COPYNEW,DATE). In this case date for compare will be taken from SYSIN stream as the following:

       //SYSIN      DD *
    8. If for any reason you need to fall back, it can be done if neither CTDDELRP nor Migration Mission worked with new separated Migrated User file (MUF).

      To fall back

      1. Restore the IOADSNL, ALCCTDJB, ALCCTV, and ALCDOLV members in the IOA PARM library to their previous conditions.

      2. Submit the CTDUFMDV job with the RESET parameter. It will restore full accessibly to the original MUF.

      3. Restore the DATM# and DATM#I DD statements in CTDUFMDV job to their previous conditions – they must refer to the new partitioned Migrated User Report List file.

      4. Submit the CTDUFMDV job with the COPYNEW parameter. It will copy all the VSA records, which were created or updated by end-users via the on-line environment (for example, NOTE records) in the new partitioned MUF, to the current (original) Migrated User Report List file.

    CTDUFMPR - Repartition of the Migrated User Report List File in place

    This utility reorganizes Migrated User Report List file (MUF) partitions in place according to the new partition date ranges specified in the input parameters.

    The MUF can be separated into several partitions based on the CDAM creation date by using the CTDUFMDV utility (described in CTDUFMDV - Separate Migrated User Report List file to different partitions). For example, the last (main) partition contains data for the last year, one partition before it contains data for the two previous years, and so on. The date ranges of the MUF partitions are kept in the special MIGPART record, which is located in the main partition of the MUF. Using partitions improves performance of the report list request from the MUF, because most of requests are performed from the last partition, which is a relatively small part of the entire MUF.

    When Control-V works with a partitioned MUF, the new reports are usually migrated to the last (main) partition. As the main partition grows, periodically it is necessary to reorganize the MUF partitions according to the new partition date ranges. It can be done using this utility. The MUF records, which are located in the partitions that do not match the new partition date ranges, are moved to the appropriate partitions. The remaining MUF records are not moved. CTDUFMPR does not change the number of partitions.

    To repartition the Migrated User Report List file (MUF)

    1. Run CTDUFMPR with the COPY function. The MUF records, which are located in the partitions that do not match the new date ranges specified in the SYSIN input parameters, are copied to the corresponding partitions. The copied records are not deleted from the original partitions in this step. The Control-D end users continue working with the original copies of the records during this step. At the end of this step, the MIGPART record is updated with the new partition date ranges.

    2. To enable end users to work with the new partitions distribution, perform the steps described in the Utility CTDUFMPR section, in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

    3. Run CTDUFMPR with the DELETE function. The MUF records, which were copied to other partitions in the step 1, are now deleted from the original partitions.

    If the MUF is very large (perhaps containing many dozens of millions of records) and many records must be moved to other partitions, the utility might be required to run for an extended period of time, perhaps even days, to process all the required records. It is possible to limit the utility’s working time using the TIMELIM parameter, which specifies the maximum time per run. This parameter can be specified for both the COPY and the DELETE functions. When TIMELIM is specified, if the utility did not have time to process all the required records during the specified time, the utility ends with RC=4 and the CTDMRFW warning message is displayed. In this situation, the utility can be restarted with the same function to process the remaining records. It can be restarted several times, if necessary, until the utility ends with RC=0, indicating that all the required records have been processed.

    The Control-D/WebAccess and 3270 terminal end users can continue working with MUF during the entire repartition process. If any records, which were copied during repartition, are updated by end users in the old location, these records are copied to the new partitions by the COPY NEW process. The COPY NEW process automatically starts at the end of the COPY step and, again, immediately at the beginning of the DELETE step.

    The Control-V components that perform massive updating of the MUF (such as migration missions, CTDDELRP, CTVCLMIG, and several others) cannot work in parallel with the CTDUFMPR utility, while it is performing the COPY process until CTDUFMPR ends with RC=0. If any of these components are activated when the COPY is in progress, or if CTDUFMPR is started when one of these components is working with the MUF, an error message is issued and the job is not started.

    All Control-D components can be started in parallel with CTUFMPR DELETE step.

    For more information about synchronization of the repartition process with other Control-D and Control-V components, see the section about synchronization of Control-V components with the repartition process in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

    CTDUFMPR Parameters

    The general input parameters are specified in the EXEC statement of the CTDUFMPR job. These parameters are described in the following table:

    Table 255 CTDUFMPR EXEC statement parameters




    This parameter specifies the utility's action. Obligatory.

    Valid values are:

    COPY - The utility copies the MUF records to the corresponding partitions where they should be located according to the new partition periods specified in the SYSIN stream. The utility with this function should be submitted before it is submitted with the function DELETE.

    DELETE - The utility deletes records which have been copied to the new partitions in the step COPY. Utility with this function can be submitted only after it is successfully ended with the function COPY.


    Determines whether the CTDUFMPR utility runs in Production mode or Simulation mode. Obligatory.

    Valid values are:

    • PROD - MUF is actually updated during the utility run.

    • TEST - The utility runs in Simulation mode. The MUF partitions are not actually updated. Only information and error messages are issued.

    The utility with function DELETE in TEST mode will issue correct information only after the utility with function COPY is ended in PROD mode.


    The maximum time period the CTDUFMPR utility will run. Optional.

    The time format is HHMM, where HH - hours and MM - minutes.

    The available values are from 0001 (1 minute) to 9959 (99 hours, 59 minutes).

    The utility stops after it runs for HHMM time, even if not all of the needed records have been processed. The remaining records will be processed in the next utility run with the same function.

    If this parameter is not specified, all the needed records will be processed during one utility run.

    The new partition periods must be specified in the SYSIN DD stream for the function COPY.

    The number of statements must be equal to the number of existing MUF partitions.

    Each statement can be specified as YYYYMMDD or as -N, where:

    •    YYYYMMDD    - the new last date of the corresponding partition,

    •    -N                 - number of days back from today of the last partition date.

    The first statement must specify the last date of partition 1. The second statement must specify the last date of partition 2. And so on. The last statement always must be 99999999 instead of the last date of the main partition M.

    Activating the CTDUFMPR Utility

    Figure 96 CTDUFMPR Activation

    //SYSIN DD *
        YYYYMMDD or  -NNN
        YYYYMMDD or  -NNN

    CTDUFMPR Return codes

    The following table shows an explanation for the return codes for the CTDUFMPR utility:

    Table 256 CTDUFMPR return codes




    The utility ended successfully. All needed MUF records have been processed.


    The utility ended since the time limit is over. Submit CTDUFMPR with the same function again to process remaining records.


    The utility ended with errors


    An error was detected in the input parameter

    Example for CTDUFMPR

    MUF consists of the following three partitions:

    • The first partition contains reports related to CDAMs created until 31/12/2008.

    • The second partition contains reports related to CDAMs created from 01/01/2009 to 31/12/2011.

    • The last main partition contains reports related to CDAMs created from 01/01/2012 until the present date.

    If today is 31/12/2013, it means that the reports from the last 2 years are in the main partition, the reports from the previous 3 years are in partition 2, and older reports are in partition 1.

    We want to reorganize the MUF, so that the main partition only contains the reports from the last year, partition 2 contains the reports from the previous 3 years, and partition 1 contains older reports.

    The first partition will contain reports related to CDAMs created until 31/12/2009.

    The second partition will contain reports related to CDAMs created from 01/01/2010 to 31/12/2012.

    The last main partition will contain reports related to CDAMs created from 01/01/2013 until today.

    In the first step, CTDUFMPR is submitted with the following parameters:

    //SYSIN DD *

    or the same with SYSIN DD parameters:

    //SYSIN DD *

    The utility will copy the reports for the year 2012 from the main partition to partition 2. The reports for the year 2009 will be copied from partition 2 to partition 1. TIMELIM=1600 means that we allow the utility to work a maximum of 16 hours in one run.

    If all the required records are copied in 16 hours, the utility ends with RC=0 and the X'FE'MIGPART record with the new partition distribution is stored in the MUF. If the utility does not have time to copy all the required records during 16 hours, it will end with RC=4 and the following warning message:


    In this case we must submit the utility with the COPY function again, even several times, until all the required records have been copied.

    After the utility with the COPY function ends with RC=0, we must perform the actions described in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide to enable end users to work with the new partition distribution.

    The final step is to submit the utility with the DELETE function to remove the old records, which were copied to the other partitions, from MUF. Use the following command:


    If all the required records are deleted in 16 hours, the utility will end with RC=0 and the repartition process is completed. If the utility ends with RC=4 and the CTDMRFW warning message, it must be submitted again, even several times, until all the required records are deleted.

    CTDUFPRT – Print data from Control-D user files

    Using the CTDUFPRT utility you can print records from the Control-D Active, Migrated, History or Permanent User files. The utility selects records for printing according to selection criteria you specify in the input parameters.

    The utility prints the selected records either in a SNAP dump format or in a report format based on input parameters. Depending on the format specified, the utility uses one of the following statements to determine the output file:

    • DATRACE DD - specifies the output file for SNAP dump format

    • DAREPORT DD - specifies the output file for the report format

    CTDUFPRT Parameters

    The CTDUFPRT utility uses two levels of parameters for input. Basic parameters, (described in Table 257) indicate the file to be used, the type of records to be selected, and how the records are processed. The second level (described in Table 258) are parameters specific to the selected record type. These parameters, sub-parameters of the RECORD parameter, narrow the selection of records to be processed.

    Table 257 Basic CTDUFPRT Parameters




    File type. Valid values are:

    • ACT – Active User file

    • HST - History User file

    • MIG - Migration User file

    • PRM - Permanent User file


    Indicates whether to print selected records. Valid values are:

    • Yes - Print selected records to the file specified by the DATRACE DD statement. Default.

    • No - Do not print selected records. The number of selected records is printed to SYSPRINT.

    • Stat- Do not print selected records. The number of selected records is printed to SYSPRINT. If USER or SYSDATA records are selected, the total number of pages and lines in the selected reports are printed to SYSPRINT.


    Type of records to be selected. Valid values are:

    • B – backup control record

    • C – Centera clip record

    • D – CTDS record

    • E – INP record

    • G – MIGPART record

    • H – SYNCHRO record

    • I – index record

    • J – GENJLST record

    • K – RPS record

    • L – ruler record

    • M – migration control record

    • N – notepad record

    • O – object record

    • P – print control record

    • R – restore control record

    • S – SYSDATA record

    • T – RESTART record

    • U – user record

    • V – INV record

    If this parameter is not used

    • all record types are selected

    • other selection criteria are disabled

    • the number of records of each record type is printed

    • if PRINT=STAT, the total number of pages and lines is printed

    For printing MASK RULERS, select L (ruler record) for the RECORD parameter and PRM (Permanent User file) for the FILE parameter.


    Printing format. Valid values are:

    • DUMP     - Print the selected records in a SNAP dump format. Default.

    • REPORT - Print the selected record in a report format. PRINTFORM=REPORT can be specified for the User, SYSDATA or Index record types only. This parameter should be followed by several (at least one) FIELD parameters


    Record field name to be printed as a column in the output report. For more information on the fields available for printing, see the following tables:

    • For User record fields, see Table 259 below

    • For SYSDATA record fields, see Table 260 below

    • For Index record fields, see Table 261 below

    • For INP record fields, see Table 262 below

    • For NOTE record fields, see Table 262a below

    Table 258 Record-Type-Specific CTDUFPRT Selection Parameters



    Record Types


    Earliest backup date of selected reports. Date format is mm/dd/yy, dd/mm/yy, or yy/mm/dd (depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in the IOAPARM installation member).



    Backup mission name. This can be a specific value or a mask. Maximum length is eight characters.

    B, S


    Latest backup date of selected reports. Date format is mm/dd/yy, dd/mm/yy, or yy/mm/dd (depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in the IOAPARM installation member).

    If BKPTO is omitted and BKPFROM is specified, all reports with backup date from BKPFROM are selected.



    Category of the report. This can be a specific value or a mask. Maximum length is 20 characters.



    CDAM data set name. This can be a specific value or a mask. Maximum length is eight characters.

    I, S


    Earliest decollation date and time of selected reports. Format is date,time. Only date can be specified. Date format is mm/dd/yy, dd/mm/yy, or yy/mm/dd (depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in IOAPARM installation member). Time format is hh:mm:ss.

    I, N, S, U


    Latest decollation date and time of selected reports. Format is date,time. Only date can be specified. Date format is mm/dd/yy, dd/mm/yy, or yy/mm/dd (depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in IOAPARM installation member). Time format is hh:mm:ss.

    If DECTO is omitted and DECFROM is specified, all reports with decollation date from DECFROM are selected.

    I, N, S, U


    CTDS destination name. This can be a specific value or a mask. Maximum length is eight characters.



    Index data set name. This can be a specific value or a mask. Maximum length is 44 characters.



    Main index name. This can be a specific value or a mask. Maximum length is 20 characters.

    E, I, V


    Job name.This can be a specific value or a mask. Maximum length is eight characters.

    C, E, I, L, N, S, U, V


    Job number. This is a numeric value. Maximum length is seven digits.

    I, N, S, U


    Earliest migration date of selected reports. Date format is mm/dd/yy, dd/mm/yy, or yy/mm/dd (depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in IOAPARM installation member).

    I, S


    Migration media name. This can be a specific value or a mask. Maximum length is eight characters.

    I, S


    Migration mission name. This can be a specific value or a mask. Maximum length is eight characters.

    M, S


    Latest migration date of selected reports. Date format is mm/dd/yy, dd/mm/yy, or yy/mm/dd (depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in IOAPARM installation member).

    If MIGTO is omitted and MIGFROM is specified, all reports with migration date from MIGFROM are selected.

    I, S


    Print mission name. This can be a specific value or a mask. Maximum length is eight characters.

    E, P, U


    Report name. This can be a specific value or a mask. If blank spaces or apostrophes are included in the report name, the report name must be written between apostrophes and the apostrophes included in the report name must be doubled. Maximum length is 50 characters.

    I, L, N, U, V


    User name. This can be a specific value or a mask. Maximum length is eight characters.

    E, L, N, U, V


    Serial number of the volume to which the report is migrated or backed up. This can be a specific value or a mask. Maximum length is six characters.

    I, S

    Table 259 User Record fields available for printing

    Field name


    Column Width


    Recipient name



    Report name



    Job name



    Job ID



    Report category



    Decollation date



    Decollation time



    First two print mission names



    Copies count to be used when the report is printed



    Form to use when printing a report



    Output printing class



    Remote printer destination (node and User ID)



    External writer name



    Number of pages in a report



    Number of lines in a report






    First additional remark



    Second additional remark



    Record ID (counter of the record)



    Report order date



    Number of views by an online user



    Status of the report


    Table 260 SYSDATA Record fields available for printing

    Field name


    Column Width


    Job name



    Job ID



    Decollation date



    Decollation time



    Original CDAM name



    Migration mission name



    Migrated CDAM file name or Centera Clip ID



    Migration Date



    Migration media name



    First two backup mission names



    Backup date



    Expiration date



    First volume of migrated or backup file



    Record ID (counter of the record)



    Number of pages in report



    Number of lines in report



    File extension in report


    Table 261 Index Record fields available for printing

    Field name


    Column Width


    Report name



    Job name



    Job ID



    Decollation date



    Decollation time



    Main Index name



    Original Index file name



    Original CDAM name



    Migrated Index file name or Centera Clip ID



    Migration Date



    Migration media name



    First volume of migrated or backup file



    Record ID (counter of the record)


    Table 262 INP Record fields available for printing

    Field name


    Column Width


    Print mission name



    Job name



    INP Record creation date



    INP Record ID in hex format (Index record-id + INP record counter)



    Status flags in hex format (VSAPIFLG field in macro CTDVSA)



    Printed report User file type (A-Active, M-Migrated)



    Recipient name



    User record ID in hex format



    Second part of User record key (JOBNAME, REPNAME or CATEGORY depending on the optional wish WD1164)



    Report decollation date



    Main Index name



    Main Index value


    Table 262a NOTE Record fields available for printing

    Field name


    Column Width


    Type of note



    User who created the note



    Recipient name



    Date when the note was created



    Time when the note was created



    Report order date



    Textual content of the note



    Job name



    Record ID



    Report name


    Activating the CTDUFPRT Utility

    //SYSIN DD *
    REPNAME=report name]
    [PRTMIS=print mission name]
    [BKPMIS=backup mission name]
    [MIGMIS=migration mission name]
    [MIGMEDIA=migartion media name]
    [INDNAME=index name]
    [CDAM=CDAM file name]
    [INDFIEL=index file name]
    [DEST=CTDS destination]
    [FIELD=field name]

    Examples for CTDUFPRT

    CTDUFPRT Example 1

    In this example, the utility prints User records with the following details from the Active User file:

    • User Name = DEFUSER

    • Report Name starts with "TEST NEW".

    • Decollation was between 01/06/04 and 31/07/04.

    //SYSIN  DD  *
    DECFROM=01/06/04 DECTO=31/07/04

    CTDUFPRT Example 2

    In this example, the utility prints SYSDATA records with the following details from the History User file:

    • Job Name starts with "K06"

    • The records were backed up by the BKP007D backup mission.

    //SYSIN  DD  *

    CTDUFPRT Example 3

    In this example, the utility prints Index records with the following details from a Migrated User file:

    • The files were migrated to the volume with serial number "VVVVVV".

    • Migration occurred on or after 01/05/04.

    //SYSIN  DD  *

    CTDUFPRT Example 4

    In this example, the utility prints SYSDATA records for the specified CDAM file from a migrated user file.

    //SYSIN  DD  *

    CTDUFPRT Example 5

    In this example, the utility prints Notepad records with job number 11111 from the Active User file.

    //SYSIN DD  *

    CTDUFPRT Example 6

    In this example, the utility prints the total number of records, and the totals of each record type in the Permanent User file. The records themselves are not printed.

    //SYSIN  DD  *

    CTDUFPRT Example 7

    In this example, the utility prints selected records in a report format.

    //SYSIN  DD  *

    CTDUFUPD – Global Scan or Change of User Files

    The CTDUFUPD utility is primarily used to update History, Migration, Active, or Permanent User files. Selection parameters are used as criteria for selecting records to be changed. Change parameters specify the fields to be updated and the values for those fields.

    This utility can also be used to print and/or delete User file records that meet the selection criteria.

    The utility receives SELECT control statements followed by either CHANGE TO statements or a DELETE statement.

    The utility scans the files that are specified using FILE parameters, selects the records that match the selection criteria, and either modifies those records according to the parameters specified after the CHANGE TO statement, or deletes the selected records if a DELETE statement is present.

    Selection Criteria Processing (CTDUFUPD)

    There are 31 fields that you can use to specify selection criteria. Of these fields, 26 fields can be modified by CHANGE TO processing, as described in the following material.

    There is no predefined order in which selection criteria must be listed. Values specified for different fields are connected by a logical AND. Different values specified for the same field are connected by a logical OR.

    Examples for CTDUFUPD

    CTDUFUPD Example 1


    means that Active User file records containing USER=ANDY and REPORT=MYREPORT are selected.

    CTDUFUPD Example 2


    means that Active User File records containing ((USER=ANDY or USER=MARY) and REPORT=MYREPORT) are selected.

    The * and ? masking characters can be used when specifying selection criteria. For example, if USER=A* is specified, records whose USER field starts with A is selected. If USER=B?D?F is specified, records whose USER field contains B as the first letter, D as the third letter and F as the fifth letter are selected.

    At least one selection field value must be specified.

    "Change To" Processing (CTDUFUPD)

    All values specified after a CHANGE TO statement, until the end of the JCL stream or until the next SELECT statement, replace the existing values in the selected records. The ? wild-character can be used when specifying "change to" values.

    For example


    means that the first character in the USER field is replaced with ‘a’ and the remaining 7 characters are not changed


    means that the first character in the USER field is replaced with ‘a’, the third character is replaced with ‘b’, and the other 6 characters are not changed.

    Activating the CTDUFUPD Utility

    Figure 97 CTDUFUPD Activation

    //UFCH EXEC  CTDUFUPD //SYSIN  DD *        
    [USER     = user    ]
    [DEC_TIME = ddmmyy[,hhmm][ - ddmmyy[,hhmm]]]
    [TYPE     = type    ]
    [JOBNAME  = jobname ]
    [JOBID    = jobid   ]
    [ODATE    = odate   ]
    CHANGE TO           
    [USER     = user    ]
    [REPORT   = report  ]
    [CATEGORY = category]
    [REMARK   = remark  ]
    [MASKRUL  = maskrul ]
    [CLASS    = class   ]
    [DEST     = dest    ]
    [UDEST    = udest   ]
    [EXTWTR   = extwtr  ]
    [FORM     = form    ]
    [OUTPUT   = output  ]
    [PAGEDEF  = pagedef ]
    [FORMDEF  = formdef ]
    [FROMUSER = fromuser]
    [CHARS    = chars   ]
    [COPY     = copies  ]
    [MAXCOPY  = maximum copies ]
    [OVERCLAS = overriding class]
    [OVERFORM = overriding form]
    [USER     = user    ]
    [REPORT   = report  ]
    [DEC_TIME = ddmmyy[,hhmm][ - ddmmyy[,hhmm]]]
    [TYPE     = type    ]
    [JOBNAME  = jobname ]
    [JOBID    = jobid   ]
    [ODATE    = odate   ]

    CTDUFUPD Parameters

    CTDUFUPD Selection Parameters

    The following parameters can be specified after the SELECT statement:

    Table 263 CTDUFUPD SELECT Parameters




    Type of file to be acted upon. Specify at least one of the following files:

    • ACT – Active User Report List file

    • HST – History User Report List file

    • MIG – Migration User Report List file

    • PRM – Permanent User Report List file. Mandatory


    Indicates whether the search and update specifications are written to the file referenced by DD statement PRINTDET.

    Valid values:

    • DETAILS – These protocols are written.

    • SHORT – These protocols are not written.

    Optional. Default: SHORT.


    Maximum number of lines that can be written to DD statement PRINTDET. This parameter enables you to limit the number of lines written when large User files are used. Optional. Default: no limit.


    Files are not changed. However, a report of all records to be updated or deleted is produced. Default.

    Records are actually updated or deleted.


    When used, this parameter causes all selectable fields of either the selected primary or default USER records to be written to the file referenced by DD statement WR2FILE. All fields are written without delimiters, and both the full source record key and the letter designating the source User Report List file are added at the end of each record.


    Enables you to specify a DD statement that references a data set containing the list of single USER field values or pairs of USER field values.

    When the referenced data set contains single USER values, the values are used to select matching source records.

    When the referenced data set contains pairs of USER values, the first value of each pair is used to select the source record, which is then replaced by the second value. Replacements take place only after all changes are performed according to a CHANGE TO statement.

    Fields for After a CTDUFUPD SELECT Statement

    Table 264 CTDUFUPD SELECT Fields




    Earliest (and latest) decollation date and time of reports to be selected. Optional.


    date, time( - date,time)

    Latest decollation date or time is optional even when the earliest decollation date or time is specified. Decollation time cannot be specified unless decollation date is also specified. Records whose decollation date or time is within the specified range are selected.

    Date format is mmddyy, ddmmyy or yymmdd (depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in installation member IOAPARM). Time format is hhmm.


    Type of user record. Optional. Valid values are:

    • U – Default user record

    • R – Primary user record for report

    • C – Continuation record


    Name of the job that produces the reports. Optional.


    Job ID (maximum: 7 digits) of the job that produces the reports. Optional.


    Order date of reports to be selected.


    date[ - date]

    Date format is mmddyy, ddmmyy or yymmdd (depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in installation member IOAPARM). Optional.

    Fields for After CTDUFUPD SELECT and CHANGE TO Statements

    The following table lists the statements that can be specified after either the SELECT or the CHANGE TO statement or after only the CHANGE TO statement.

    Table 265 CTDUFUPD SELECT and CHANGE TO Statements






    Name of the user. Alphabetic characters. Maximum length: 8 characters without blanks. Optional.




    Name of the report. Alphabetic characters. Maximum length: 50 characters. Single (‘) or double (") quotes can be used if it is necessary to include blanks. Optional.

    "My report name" or ‘report name’ with quotes.




    Name of the category. Alphabetic characters. Maximum length: 20 characters. Single (‘) or double (") quotes can be used if it is necessary to include blanks. Optional.

    "My category name" or ‘category name’ with quotes.




    Name of "exec remark". Alphabetic characters. Maximum length: 16 characters. Single (‘) or double (") quotes can be used if it is necessary to include blanks. Optional.

    "This is a remark" or ‘this is a remark’ with quotes.




    Name of "exec remark2". Alphabetic characters. Maximum length: 20 characters. Single (‘) or double (") quotes can be used if it is necessary to include blanks. Optional.




    Name of "exec remark3". Alphabetic characters. Maximum length: 20 characters. Single (‘) or double (") quotes can be used if it is necessary to include blanks. Optional.




    Name of "MASK RULER". Alphabetic characters. Maximum length: 8 characters. Optional.




    Original SYSOUT class. Single character. Optional.




    Destination of the report. Alphabetic characters. Maximum length: 8 characters without blanks. Optional.




    TSO or CMS user ID. Second part of parameter DEST=(node,userid). Alphabetic characters. Maximum length: 8 characters length without blanks. Optional.




    External writer name. Alphabetic characters. Maximum length: 8 characters without blanks. Optional.




    Full form ID. Alphanumeric characters. Maximum length: 4 characters without blanks. Optional.




    Output DD statement name. Alphabetic characters. Maximum length: 8 characters without blanks. Optional.




    PAGEDEF name. Alphanumeric characters. Maximum length: 6 characters without blanks. Optional.




    FORMDEF name. Alphanumeric characters. Maximum length: 6 characters without blanks. Optional.




    User ID of the user from whom the record was received. Alphanumeric characters. Maximum length: 8 characters without blanks. Optional.




    Name of character arrangement tables. Alphanumeric characters. Maximum length: 4 characters without blanks.




    Number of report copies to be printed with a print mission. Numerical. Maximum length: 4 digits.




    Maximum number of report copies to be printed with a print mission. Numerical. Maximum length: 4 digits.




    Overriding SYSOUT class. Single character. Optional.




    Overriding form ID. Alphanumeric characters. Maximum length: 4 characters without blanks. Optional




    Maximum number of copies of the report that each user may receive. Valid values: 00 through 99. A leading zero is required.




    Determines whether Approval is required.

    Valid values:

    • Y – Approval is required

    • N – Approval is not required

    Optional (only when TYPE=U).




    Approval name. Alphabetic characters. Maximum length: 8 characters without blanks.

    Optional (only when TYPE=U).




    Determines to whom the report is visible before approval. After it is approved or rejected, the report is visible.

    Valid values:

    • Y- visible before approval only to the permitted users defined in the Approval Name.

    • N - visible before approval to all permitted users.

    Optional (only when TYPE=U).




    Determines whether the Approval is defined for the original report or the stored report.

    Valid values:

    • Y- the approval process is activated for the report created by the Print mission with STORE = Y and not for the decollated report.

    • N- the approval process is activated on the decollated report.

    Optional (only when TYPE=U).




    Service Level Agreement. The number of days after the report is generated until the report must be approved. Numerical, 0 to 999.

    Optional (only when TYPE=U).



    Work Flow of the CTDUFUPD Utility

    The utility reads the SELECT and CHANGE TO or DELETE control statements. For each file name defined in the FILE statement, the utility finds the records that meet the selection criteria and updates or deletes each selected record based on the CHANGE TO or DELETE control statement.

    If the PRINT parameter is set to DETAILS, each selected record is written to the file referenced by DD statement PRINTDET. If CHANGE TO is specified, updated records are written to the same file so that changes to the records can be seen.

    If the WRITE_TO_FILE parameter is used, all the selectable fields of either the selected primary or default USER records are written to the file referenced by DD statement WR2FILE. These fields are written without delimiters. The full source record key (that is, the concatenation of the VSAUSER, VSAXKEY, and VSACOUNT fields) and the letter designating the corresponding User Report List file are appended to the file referenced by WR2FILE. Table 266 describes the VSAUSER, VSAXKEY, and VSACOUNT fields:

    Table 266 CTDUFUPD Control Statement Fields

    Field Name





    Name of the user                    



    Job or beginning of report name or beginning of category



    Timestamp of record creation        

    Instead of specifying selection criteria, you can optionally use the USERFILE parameter to specify a file that contains the USER values of source records to be changed or deleted.

    Other selection criteria used in conjunction with parameter USERFILE are processed together with the set of USER values contained in the file referenced by DD statement specified in parameter USERFILE.

    For example:


    In this case, only records whose USER field starts with N52 and belong to the set of records identified in the file referenced by DD statement USFILEDD are selected.

    The USERFILE parameter enables you to select a set of records that cannot be easily selected using selection criteria. For example, using the WRITE_TO_FILE parameter, you can create one list of users from the Permanent User file and a second list of users from the Active User file. You can then combine these two lists, using system tools, to prepare a file of USER values that exist in the Permanent User file, but not in the Active User file. This file of USER values can then be used with the USERFILE parameter to delete unneeded records from the Permanent User file.

    You can also use the USERFILE parameter to switch the first specified USER values with the second specified values in the specified User Report files. The corresponding pairs of USER values must be specified consecutively, without delimiters, for each record in the data set referenced by the USERFILE parameter. These pairs must be located at the beginning of each record.

    Figure 98 CTDUFUPD – Example 1

    //SYSIN  DD *  
        DEC_TIME = 0725

    In this example, the utility selects Active User file records whose USER field starts with USER1 and whose decollation date is 25 July 2000. All the selected records are written to the file referenced by DD statement PRINTDET.

    Figure 99 CTDUFUPD – Example 2

    //SYSIN  DD *  
        FILE = ACT     
        USER = USER1*  
        USER = USER3*  
        DEC_TIME = 0717 - 0816
        SIMULATE = NO
        USER = BMCU????

    In this example, the utility selects Active User file records where the USER field value begins with USER1 or USER3 and the decollation date is between 17 July 2000 and 16 August 2000. In the selected records, field USER is updated by changing the first 4 characters to BMCU and not changing the remaining characters.

    Because SIMULATE is set to NO, records are actually updated.

    Figure 100 CTDUFUPD – Example 3

    //SYSIN  DD *  
        FILE = ACT     
        USER = USER5*  
        DEC_TIME = 071700 – 081600
        ODATE =
        SIMULATE = NO

    In this example, the utility selects Active User file records where the value of field USER begins with USER5, the decollation date is between 17 July 2000 and 16 August 2000, and the ODATE field is blank. All the selected records are deleted from the Active User file.

    CTDULD – User File Report List Load

    The CTDULD utility copies records from a sequential file to the current User Report List file (meaning, an Active, Permanent, History or Migrated User Report List file). This utility can be run simultaneously with other applications (for example, the Control-D or Control-V Online facility) that use the specified file. It is not necessary to close the Control-D or Online monitors when this utility runs.

    Utilities IOADLD (Load IOA Access Method File Contents) and CTDDIB (Rebuild Index Component of a User Report List File) can be used for the same purpose but cannot be run simultaneously with other applications that use the specified file.

    CTDULD Parameters

    The following parameters are specified in the EXEC statement that invokes the CTDULD JCL procedure:

    Table 267 CTDULD Parameters




    File to be updated. Mandatory. Valid values are:

    • ACT – Active User Report file

    • PRM – Permanent User Report file

    • HST – History User Report file

    • MIG – Migration file


    Name of the sequential input file. Mandatory.


    Indicates whether existing records with the same key are replaced. Optional. Valid values are:

    • Y (Yes) – Replace existing records that have the same key.

    • N (No) – Do not replace existing records. Input records with the same key are rejected. Default.

    Activating the CTDULD Utility


    Member CTDUFLD of the Control-D JCL library contains a sample job for using this utility.

    CTDUPBKP – Update Backup and Migration Details

    The CTDUPBKP utility is primarily used to update retention period and backup volume serial numbers in History, Migration, or Active User Report List files.

    This utility can also be used

    The utility receives the following groups of parameters:

    • Selection parameters

    • CHANGETO parameters

    • Report parameters

    The utility scans the files that are specified using the Selection parameters and modifies the specified records in those files according to the CHANGETO parameters. Report parameters specify characteristics of the report to be produced.

    Converting from CA-DISPATCH (CTDUPBKP)

    When converting from CA-DISPATCH, this utility enables you to change the archive volume name and the number of files that were backed up by CA-DISPATCH. This functionality is provided using parameter RECVOL (described under "Selection Parameters" below) and DD Statement RECVOL (described here).

    DD Statement RECVOL (CTDUPBKP)

    If the value of selection parameter RECVOL is set to YES, the CTDUPBKP utility retrieves the volume name from the RECVOL DD statement.

    The format of the RECVOL DD statement is



    Table 268 CTDUPBKP Parameters




    The volser of the old archive (specified at column 1)


    The number of the old file. Optional. For converting from CA-DISPATCH only


    The volser of the new archive (specified at column 15)


    The new file number. Optional. For converting from CA-DISPATCH only

    If parameters OFLE the NFLE are specified in one of the DD statements, they must be specified in all other DD statements.

    If parameters OLDVOL and OFILE match a report entry, the corresponding fields in the report's SYSDATA records are changed to the NEWVOL and NFLE values in the input flow.

    Figure 101 RECVOL DD Statement Examples

       //RECVOL DD *   
        VOLO01(0012)  VOLN01(0005)
        //RECVOL DD *
        VOLO03        VOLN03

    Activating the CTDUPBKP Utility

    Figure 102 CTDUPBKP Activation

    //DAUIN    DD *
        [BKPMIS=backup mission name]
        [MIGMIS=migration mission name]
        [MIGMEDIA=migrated report name]
        [SECMEDIA=secondary migrated report name]
        [PLATTER=platter name]
        [VOLSER=old volser]
        [GENER=number of generation|NONE]
        [RETPD=retention period]
        [VOLSER=new volser]
    //DAULST   DD *

    CTDUPBKP Selection Parameters

    The following parameters can be specified in the SELECT statement:

    Table 269 CTDUPBKP SELECT Parameters




    Type of file to be acted upon. Mandatory. Specify at least one of the following files:

    • ACT – Active User Report List file

    • HST – History User Report List file

    • MIG – Migration User Report List file


    Name of the job that produced the reports. Optional.


    Job ID (maximum: 7 digits) of the job that produced the report. Optional.


    Earliest decollation date and time of reports to be selected for update.

    Format: date, time

    Both parameters are optional, but time cannot be specified without specifying date.

    Date format is mmddyy, ddmmyy or yymmdd (depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in installation member IOAPARM).

    Time format is hhmmss.


    Latest decollation date and time of reports to be selected for update.

    Format: date, time

    Both parameters are optional, but time cannot be specified without specifying date.

    Date format is mmddyy, ddmmyy or yymmdd (depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in installation member IOAPARM).

    Time format is hhmmss.


    Earliest backup date and time of reports to be selected for update.

    Format: date, time

    Both parameters are optional, but time cannot be specified without specifying date.

    Date format is mmddyy, ddmmyy or yymmdd (depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in installation member IOAPARM).

    Time format is hhmmss.


    Latest backup date and time of reports to be selected for update. Format: date, time. Both parameters are optional, but time cannot be specified without specifying date.

    Date format is mmddyy, ddmmyy or yymmdd (depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in installation member IOAPARM).

    Time format is hhmmss.


    Backup mission name. Validity checks are identical to those of DO BACKUP in the decollation mission definition. Optional.


    Migration mission name. Validity checks are identical to those of DO MIGRATE in the decollation mission definition. If MIGMIS=ALL is specified, all records that do not have an empty migration mission name field are selected. Optional.


    Name of the media where the migrated report is located. Optional.


    Name of the media where the secondary copy of the migrated report is located. Optional.


    Volume serial number (maximum 6 characters) to be updated. A maximum of 10 volume serial numbers can be specified. Optional. Example: 444444, 555555, 666666.

    Parameter VOLSER cannot be used with parameter RECVOL.


    The volume to be updated is retrieved from DD statement RECVOL (instead of from parameter VOLSER). This parameter enables users who converted from CA-DISPATCH to Control-D to change the archive volume name and the number of files that were backed up in CA-DISPATCH. Valid values are:

    • NO – The volume to be updated is retrieved from parameter VOLSER. Default.

    • YES – Both the volume to be updated, and the value to use when updating, are retrieved from DD statement RECVOL.

    Parameter RECVOL cannot be used with parameter VOLSER.


    Platter name.(maximum: 9 characters.) This parameter is used as a selection parameter for migration files and can be specified for Kodak OptiStar Storage System (OSS) only.


    Valid values are:

    • YES – Files are not updated. Only a report of all records to be updated is produced. Default.

    • NO – Files are actually updated.


    Specifies the report file type (for example, DOC, PDF, AFP).


    The following parameters can be specified in the CHANGETO area:

    Table 270 CTDUPBKP CHANGETO Parameters




    Number of generations. Valid values are:

    • nnnn – Valid numeric value greater than zero. Only the FILE=HST and BKPMIS parameters can be defined in the SELECT area.
      The RETPD parameter, described in this table, must not be defined in the CHANGETO area. Reports belonging to the Backup mission are switched from "DAYS TO KEEP" method to the "GENERATIONS TO KEEP" method. The value of "DAYS TO KEEP" is automatically set to 0000. If there is no corresponding Backup control record in the History file, this utility creates it.

    • NONE – The RETPD parameter must be defined in the CHANGETO area. Reports belonging to the Backup mission are switched from "GENERATIONS TO KEEP" method to the "DAYS TO KEEP" method.


    Five-digit value ranging from 00001 through 65535, identical to the # DAYS TO KEEP value in the Backup mission.

    If this parameter is specified without specifying parameter GENER, the value of parameter GENERATIONS TO KEEP must be 0 in the corresponding Backup control record in the History Report List file. Otherwise, the CTDUPBKP utility produces an error message.

    The value that you specify is compared with the current value in the corresponding migration mission. If the new value differs from the value currently specified in the corresponding migration mission, a warning message is issued, alerting you to the difference.


    A new volume serial number (maximum 6 characters) for the volume be updated. A maximum of 10 volsers can be specified (for example, 111111, 222222, 333333). The number of volsers specified must be identical to the number of volsers specified in the SELECT area (described above).

    If the RECVOL parameter, described in Table 269, is specified in the Selection group of parameters, the new volume serial number is based on the specifications in DD statement RECVOL.


    If the CTDUPBKP utility was previously run with parameter SECONDARY specified, running this utility again with parameter PRIMARY causes the primary migrated copy of CDAM and index files to be used when accessing the migrated report. Parameter FILE must be set to MIG in the SELECT area.


    If the CTDUPBKP utility is run with parameter SECONDARY specified, the secondary migrated copy of CDAM and index files are used when accessing the migrated report. Parameter FILE must be set to MIG in the SELECT area. If there is no secondary migration information, in SYSDATA or the index record, this parameter is ignored.

    Parameters PRIMARY and SECONDARY are relevant if a value was specified for parameter SECONDARY was specified in the Migration Mission Definition screen.


    Name for the new backup mission. This parameter is relevant only for reports that have yet to be backed up (meaning, not for reports that have already been backed up, even if the corresponding User and SYSDATA records are located in the Active User file).


    Name for the new migration mission. This parameter is relevant only for reports located in the Migration file and for reports located in the Active user file — not for reports that have already been migrated, even if the corresponding User and SYSDATA records are located in the Active User file.


    When specified, the parameter forces the CTDUPBKP utility to change a migration mission name for already migrated reports and reset the 'Migrated' status to again allow migration of selected reports. The parameter can only be used when the NEWMIG parameter is specified for reports located in the Active User file.



    One or both of these parameters may be specified:

    • SCRATCHVOL – forces a scratch primary tape volume during Stage 1 of the next migration mission run.

    • SCRATCHSECVOL – forces a scratch secondary tape volume during Stage 1 of the next migration mission run.

    These parameters use the scratch tape volume only once. The next migration job will continue with the same tape.

    If one of these parameters is specified, the last tape VOLSER kept in the X'FE'MIGRATE record of the Migrated User file is cleared, and so the next migration mission run will request a scratch tape volume independent of optional wish WV0241. The following migration mission run will request tape volumes according to the status of optional wish WV0241.

    These parameters are valid only when FILE=MIG and the MIGMIS selection parameters are specified. Other selection criteria are ignored for this function. The action is performed for the migration mission specified in the MIGMIS selection parameter, or for all migration missions if MIGMIS=ALL is specified.

    If any other parameter is not specified in the CHANGETO group, the SYSDATA records are not searched and no reports are issued to the file referred to by the DAREPORT DD statement. The performed changes are reported in the UBK9F2I messages sending to SYSPRINT.


    Deletes existing report association defined with the ASSOC decollation parameter.

    NOASSOC and NEWASSOC parameters are mutual exclusive.

    NEWASSOC parameter is ignored when NOASSOC parameter is present.


    Sets or changes the report association defined with the ASSOC decollation parameter.

    NOASSOC and NEWASSOC parameters are mutual exclusive.

    NEWASSOC parameter is ignored when NOASSOC parameter is present.

    CTDUPBKP Report Parameters

    By default the utility produces a report for all the SYSDATA records that were selected according to the SELECT parameters. The report contains the most up-to-date backup information in these SYSDATA records. Additional reports are available by specifying the following parameters in DD statement DAULST:

    Table 271 CTDUPBKP Report Parameters




    Produces a report listing all volsers in the files that did not match any of the old volsers defined in the input file referenced by DD statement DAUIN


    Produces this report in any case


    Produces a report only if volser update was requested


    Produces a report detailing all SYSDATA records

    If parameter VOLSER is specified in the CHANGETO area, a report can be produced containing a list of old and new VOLSERs. This report is produced if parameter DETAIL is specified in the Report parameters.

    Table 272 CTDUPBKP Detail Parameter




    Print a detailed report for all volsers found in the files, including the backup job name, date and time. This report is available only when a new volser is requested. This report replaces the default report.

    If parameter DETAIL is specified without specifying parameter VOLSER in the CHANGETO area, the default report is also not produced.

    Figure 103 CTDUPBKP – Example 1

    //DAUIN    DD *
    //DAULST   DD *

    The utility creates a report for the History file. Every SYSDATA that was created from 25/06/00 at 10 a.m. until 27/06/00 at 3 p.m. and was backed up from 26/06/00 at 10 a.m. until 28/06/00 at 3 p.m. by backup mission BKP001 is printed in this report.

    Figure 104 CTDUPBKP – Example 2

    //DAUIN    DD *
    //DAULST   DD *

    If a CDAM was backed up to volser VOL001 from 26/06/00 at 10 a.m. until 28/06/00 at 3 p.m. by backup mission BKP001, the corresponding SYSDATA from the Active User Report List file and History User Report List file are changed. The new value of RETPD is 100 and the new value of VOLSER is VOL002. A report about every SYDATA from the Active User Report List file and the History User Report List file and a detailed report about every changed SYSDATA is produced.

    Figure 105 CTDUPBKP – Example 3

    //DAUIN    DD *
    //DAULST   DD *

    In this example, a simulation is performed for switching SYSDATA and INDEX records of the Migrated User Report List file to use the secondary migrated CDAM files. Only the SYSDATA and INDEX records for CDAM files that migrated to platter PLATTER01 by migration mission MIG001 are selected. The result of this simulation is a report of the selected SYSDATA records. No change is made to the records themselves.

    Figure 106 CTDUPBKP – Example 4

    //DAUIN    DD *
    //DAULST   DD *

    SYSDATA records referring to backup mission BKP001 are set to use the "# of GENERATIONS TO KEEP" method. (In this example, 5 generations are used.) A report for the modified SYSDATA records is produced.

    For an example of how to update backup information in Control-D User Report List files, see sample job CTDUBKPJ in the Control-D JCL library.

    CTDUPMIS – Massive update of decollation mission definitions

    The CTDUPMIS utility enables the Control-D administrator to generate a list of decollation mission definitions according to the specified selection criterion and to update fields in the selected decollation missions.

    The utility receives the input parameters from the input stream referred by the SYSIN DD statement. The list of decollation mission definitions selected according to input selection parameters is printed to the file specified by the DAREPORT DD statement. If parameters to be updated are specified in the input stream, the selected decollation mission definition members are updated according to these parameters.

    Certain fields cannot be updated with the utility, but you can still use the utility to provide a list of the missions that must be updated, and you can update those fields using the online screen R.

    CTDUPMIS Parameters

    The following groups of input parameters can be specified in the input stream:

    CTDUPMIS general parameters

    General parameters are specified in the beginning of the parameter stream. They define the utility’s working mode and location of the decollation mission definition members, and are listed in Table 273 below.

    Table 273 CTDUPMIS general parameters




    Indicates whether the utility will actually update the decollation mission definitions or only issue the report without actual updating. Mandatory.

    Valid values are:

    • PROD – The selected decollation mission definitions are updated and the report is issued.

    • TEST – The utility works in simulation mode. The decollation mission definitions are not actually updated. Only report and updating messages are issued.


    The name of the library where the input decollation mission definition members are located. Maximum 44 characters. Mandatory.


    The name of the library where the selected decollation mission definition members are stored. Maximum 44 characters. If it is specified, the OUTLIB value must be different from the REPLIB value. If this parameter is not specified, the decollation mission definition members are updated in the REPLIB library.


    This parameter indicates how the selected decollation mission definition members are stored to the output library.

    Valid values are:

    • CAT – only selected categories are stored to the output member. STORE=CAT can be specified only when OUTLIB parameter is specified (the updated members are then stored to another REPLIB library).

    • MEM – the selected members are completely stored to the output library. Default.

    CTDUPMIS selection parameters

    The decollation mission definitions selected according to selection parameters are updated with the values specified by the update parameters. Depending on the general input parameters the utility can update the decollation mission members in the original library or store the selected members to another library.

    A decollation mission definition member can contain several decollation missions (categories). Each decollation category definition has the following blocks:

    1. The general block specifies common decollation mission characteristics.

    2. The ON block provides instructions for decollating a particular set of jobs or sysouts. Several ON blocks can be included in the decollation mission definition.

    3. The WHEN block selects certain report pages and defines the decollation actions (DO statements) for these report pages. Several WHEN blocks can be included in each ON block.

    The following selection parameters correspond to the decollation category definition blocks:

    • General selection parameters, specifying general block values, are listed in Table 274 below.

    • ON selection parameters, specifying common ON block values, are listed in Table 275 below.

    • WHEN selection parameters, specifying WHEN and DO statement values, are listed in Table 276 below.

    The following rules apply to the selection parameters:

    • No particular selection parameter is mandatory, but at least one selection parameter must be specified in the SELECT statement.

    • The SELECT statement can contain different selection parameters and the same parameter can be specified several times with different values. Similar selection parameters are related by logical OR, while different selection parameters are related by logical AND.

    • Selection parameter values can be specified as a mask (contain wildcard characters ‘*’ and ‘?’).

    • If blank spaces or apostrophes are included in the specified parameter, the value must be surrounded by apostrophes and the embedded apostrophes must be doubled.

    • Several SELECT … CHANGE TO … groups can be specified in the input stream.

    • In additional to the valid values described in Table 274, Table 275, and Table 276, every selection parameter can be specified as * or $NONE. If * is specified, any decollation mission definition that includes a non-blank value for the parameter is selected. If $NONE is specified, any decollation mission definition that does not have a value for the parameter is selected.

    • If a CHANGE TO statement is missing, the list of selected decollation mission definitions is issued to the output report without changing any of the decollation mission definitions.

    Table 274 CTDUPMIS general selection parameters




    Decollation member name. Maximum length: 8 characters.


    Decollation mission category. Maximum length: 20 characters.


    Any valid non-held output class. If CLS is specified, a decollating mission does not start unless some output from the job is currently in the specified class.


    Job name. Maximum length: 8 characters.


    GENERIC decollation parameter. Valid values are Y or N.


    Monitor number. Valid value is a number from 1 through 9.


    User that created the decollation mission definition. Maximum length: 8 characters.


    Decollation mission's group name. Maximum length: 20 characters.


    Job ID. Maximum length: 7 characters.


    Decollation description first line. Maximum length: 50 characters.


    Input condition text. Maximum length: 20 characters.


    Output condition text. Maximum length: 20 characters.


    Default recipient name. Maximum length: 20 characters.


    Default destination. Maximum length: 8 characters.


    Default number of copies of the job's reports to be printed for each recipient, if not specified elsewhere. Valid values: 00 through 99. The default is 01. A leading zero is required.


    Decollation task type. Valid values are REP, CRP, and ERP.


    Determines whether the output queue is searched for the job to be decollated.

    Valid values are:

    • Y - Search for the job in the output queue. Default.

    • E - Search for the job in the output queue. Include currently executing jobs in the search.

    • N - Do not search for the job in output queue.

    • S - Search for the job in the output queue, using as selection criteria parameters defined in all ON CLASS or ON TRNCLASS statements (CLASS, EXTWTR, DEST, FORM).

    Table 275 CTDUPMIS ON block selection parameters




    Valid values are:

    One letter of output class specified in ON CLASS decollation parameter. It can be followed by the list of subparameters EXTWRT, DEST, FORM enclosed in parentheses. For example:


    The valid subparameter values are described in the Control-D and Control-V User Guide.


    Valid values are:

    One letter of output classes specified in ON TRNCLASS decollation parameter. It can be followed by the list of subparameters EXTWRT, DEST, FORM, CLIQUE in parentheses. For example:


    The valid subparameter values are described in the Control-D and Control-V User Guide.


    Valid values are:

    List of subparameters enclosed in parentheses. One or several CDAM selection criterions as they are specified in the decollation mission definition should be specified in subparameters. For example:


    The valid subparameter values are described in the Control-D and Control-V User Guide.


    Valid values are:

    List of subparameters enclosed in parentheses. One or several CDAM selection criterions as they are specified in the decollation mission definition should be specified in subparameters. For example:


    The valid subparameter values are described in the Control-D and Control-V User Guide.


    Valid values are:

    List of subparameters PGMSTEP, PROCSTEP, DDNAME, CLASS enclosed in parentheses. For example:


    The valid subparameter values are described in the Control-D and Control-V User Guide.


    Valid values are only * and $NONE.


    Valid values are only * and $NONE.


    Valid values are only * and $NONE.


    ON block default recipient name. Maximum length is 20 characters.


    ON block default destination. Maximum length is 8 characters.


    One or several PRINT/CDAM-PARMS parameters. The list of parameters must be enclosed in parentheses.

    For example:


    The valid parameter values are described in the Control-D and Control-V User Guide.

    Table 276 CTDUPMIS WHEN block selection parameters




    Search string specified in the WHEN decollation mission definition parameter. Maximum length: 60 characters.


    Recipient name. Maximum length: 20 characters.


    Report name. Maximum length: 50 characters.


    Backup mission name. Maximum length: 8 characters.


    Migration mission name. Maximum length: 8 characters.


    Print mission name. Maximum length: 8 characters.


    Main Index name or Index path. If Index path is specified, the Index and subindex names in path should be separated by '/'. Maximum length of each path level is 20 characters.


    REMARK value. Maximum length is 20 characters.


    REMARK2 value. Maximum length is 20 characters.


    REMARK3 value. Maximum length is 20 characters.


    Approval name. Maximum length is 8 characters.

    This parameter can be followed by a list of subparameters enclosed in parentheses, including HIDDEN, MULTI, STORE, or SLA.


    For more information about the available subparameters, see DO APPROV Parameter Descriptions in the Control-D and Control-V User Guide.

    CTDUPMIS update parameters

    At least one update parameter must be specified in the CHANGE TO statement if this statement is specified. Similar to the selection parameters, the update parameters correspond to the decollation category definition blocks:

    • General update parameters, specifying general block values to be updated, are listed in Table 277

    • The ON update parameters, specifying ON block values to be updated, are listed in Table 278.

    • The WHEN update parameters, specifying DO statements in WHEN block to be updated, are listed in Table 279.

    The following rules apply to the update parameters:

    • Only parameters that have been explicitly specified as selection parameters can be specified as update parameters for changing.

    • The update parameter values can contain the '?' wild-characters. It means that the character in this position is taken from the corresponding position of the input value. For example: if update parameter DO-USER =NEW????? is specified and the selected DO USER statement value is ABC45678, the newly created member name is NEW45678.

    Table 277 CTDUPMIS general update parameters




    New decollation member name. This parameter can be specified only in case the general parameter OUTLIB is specified (the updated members are stored to another then REPLIB library)


    Decollation mission category. Maximum length: 20 characters.


    Any valid non-held output class. If CLS is specified, a decollating mission does not start unless some output from the job is currently in the specified class.


    Job name. Maximum length: 8 characters.


    {+/-)n -monitor number. Valid value of n is a number from 1 through 9.

    If '+' is specified, the monitor n is added to the existing list of monitor numbers.

    If '-' is specified, the monitor n is deleted from the existing list of monitor numbers.

    If MONITOR is specified without +/- sign in front of it, the monitor number specified in the selection parameter MONITOR is updated.


    User that created the decollation mission definition. Maximum length: 8 characters.


    Job ID. can be changed to either asterisk (*) or $NONE. If $NONE is specified, the JOBID value will be changed to blank.


    (+/-)input condition text. Maximum length: 20 characters.

    If '+' is specified, the specified input condition is added to the decollation mission definition.

    If '-' is specified, the specified input condition is deleted from the decollation mission definition.

    If input condition is specified without +/- sign in front of it, the input condition specified in the selection parameter IN is updated.


    (+/-)output condition text. Maximum length: 20 characters.

    If '+' is specified, the specified output condition is added to the decollation mission definition.

    If '-' is specified, the specified output condition is deleted from the decollation mission definition.

    If output condition is specified without +/- sign in front of it, the output condition specified in the selection parameter OUT is updated.


    Default recipient name. Maximum length: 20 characters.


    Default destination. Maximum length: 8 characters.


    Default number of copies of the job's reports to be printed for each recipient, if not specified elsewhere. Valid values: 00 through 99. The default is 01. A leading zero is required.


    Determines whether the output queue are searched for the job to be decollated.

    Valid values are:

    • Y - Search for the job in the output queue. Default.

    • E - Search for the job in the output queue. Include currently executing jobs in the search.

    • N - Do not search for the job in output queue.

    • S - Search for the job in the output queue, using as selection criteria parameters defined in all ON CLASS or ON TRNCLASS statements (CLASS, EXTWTR, DEST, FORM).

    Table 278 CTDUPMIS ON block update parameters




    {+/-}Class, where Class is one output class letter.

    If '+' is specified, the Class is added to the ON-CLASS decollation parameter in the selected ON blocks.

    If '-' is specified, the Class is deleted from the ON-CLASS decollation parameter in the selected ON blocks.

    If Class is specified without +/- sign in front of it, the class specified in the ON-CLASS selection parameter is updated by the specified value.


    {+/-}Class, where Class is one output class letter.

    If '+' is specified, the Class is added to the ON-TRNCLASS decollation parameter in the selected ON blocks.

    If '-' is specified, the Class is deleted from the ON-TRNCLASS decollation parameter in the selected ON blocks.

    If Class is specified without +/- sign in front of it, the class specified in the ON-TRNCLASS selection parameter is updated by the specified value.


    Default recipient name. Maximum length is 20 characters.

    Table 279 CTDUPMIS WHEN block update parameters




    Search string specified in the WHEN decollation mission definition parameter. Maximum length: 60 characters.


    Report name. Maximum length: 50 characters.


    {+/-}Recipient name or synonym. Maximum length: 20 characters.

    If '+' is specified, the DO USER statement is added to the selected WHEN blocks.

    If '-' is specified, the DO USER statement is deleted from the selected WHEN blocks.

    If recipient name is without +/- sign in front of it, the recipient name specified in the DO-USER selection parameter is updated by the specified value.


    {+/-}Backup mission name. Maximum length: 8 characters.

    If '+' is specified, the DO BACKUP statement is added to the selected WHEN blocks.

    If '-' is specified, the DO BACKUP statement is deleted from the selected WHEN blocks.

    If backup mission is specified without +/- sign in front of it, the backup mission specified in the DO-BACKUP selection parameter will be updated.


    {+/-}Migration mission name. Maximum length: 8 characters.

    If '+' is specified, the DO MIGRATE statement is added to the selected WHEN blocks.

    If '-' is specified, the DO MIGRATE statement is deleted from the selected WHEN blocks.

    If migration mission is specified without +/- sign in front of it, the migration mission specified in the   DO-MIGRATE selection parameter will be updated


    {+/-}Print mission name. Maximum length: 8 characters.

    If '+' is specified, the DO PRINT statement is added to the selected WHEN blocks.

    If '-' is specified, the DO PRINT statement is deleted from the selected WHEN blocks.

    If print mission is specified without +/- sign in front of it, the print mission specified in the DO-PRINT selection parameter will be updated.


    {+/-} Approval name. Maximum length: 8 characters.

    If '+' is specified, the DO APPROV statement is added to the selected WHEN blocks.

    If '-' is specified, the DO APPROV statement is deleted from the selected WHEN blocks.

    If approval name is specified without +/- sign in front of it, the approval name specified in the DO-APPROV selection parameter will be updated.

    CTDUPMIS Output

    The CTDUPMIS utility produces an output report to the file referred to in the DAREPORT DD statement.

    List of decollation mission categories selected and updated during the utility run is issued to this report. At least one line is printed for each selected decollation mission category. If several reports are created in this category and/or the reports are sent to several recipients, additional lines containing report name and recipient name are printed. Below is a sample of the output report:

    Sample CTDUPMIS Output








    Report name


























    The operation code appears in the first column. Valid values are:

    • S – the decollation mission is selected but not updated

    • U – decollation mission definition is updated

    When OC=U, the messages showing the updated values are issued after the lines related to one category.

    For example:


    Activating the CTDUPMIS utility

    //SYSIN DD *
        MODE= PROD | TEST
        REPLIB= input library name
        [OUTLIB= output library name]
        [STORE=MEM | CAT]
        [general selection parameters]
        [ON block selection parameters]
        [WHEN block selection parameters]
      [CHANGE TO
        [general update parameters]
        [ON block update parameters]
        [WHEN block selection parameters]]

    CTDUPMIS Return codes

    Table 280 CTDUPMIS return codes




    The utility ended successfully.


    The utility ended with warnings.


    The utility ended with errors.


    An error is detected in an input parameter.

    Examples for CTDUPMIS

    CTDUPMIS Example 1

    Receive the list of all decollation missions that decollate reports from CDAM files with the prefix CTD.D63.


    CTDUPMIS Example 2

    Receive the list of all decollation missions where MONITOR is not specified and add the monitor 1 to the selected decollation missions. Store the updated members in the CTDP.REPORTS.NEW library, but do not change them in the source library.


    CTDUPMIS Example 3

    In all decollation missions with job names starting with "JOB", if the first letter of the recipient name is 'A', replace it with 'B'.


    CTDUPMIS Example 4

    Replace the backup mission BKP0100D by the migration mission MIG0100D in all decollation missions.


    CTDUPMIS Example 5

    Add the print mission PRTMIS2 to all decollation mission definitions that create reports with a name starting with "REP" and have the following Control-V index path: ACCOUNT/NAME.


    CTDUPMIS Example 6

    Change the recipient names, specified by the SELECT statements, in all decollation mission definitions containing these names, to the names specified by the CHANGE TO statements.


    CTDUPTR – Global update of Control-D recipient tree

    The CTDUPTR utility enables you to run a batch job that globally updates the Control-D recipient tree. This utility can:

    • update or delete recipient tree entries according to input selection criteria

    • insert new entries as specified in the job’s input parameters

    • copy a recipient entry to another node, and update the new recipient entry as specified in the job’s input parameters

    The selection criteria and the values of the fields to be added or replaced in the selected recipient entries are prepared in the input stream referred to in the SYSIN DD statement.

    The updated, deleted, added, and copied recipient entries are printed to the file referred to in the DAREPORT DD statement.

    The diagnostic messages are printed to the file referred to in the SYSPRINT DD statement.

    CTDUPTR Parameters

    The following groups of input parameters can be specified in the input stream:

    • General parameters

      General parameters are specified in the beginning of the parameters stream. They define the utility’s working and output report printing mode. For details, see Table 281 below.

    • Action parameters

      Selection parameters, described in Table 282 below, enable you to select recipient entries on which actions will be performed, and update parameters, described in Table 283 below, enable you to specify fields that will be updated.

      Each action may be specified several times with different selection and update parameters.

    • SELECT selection parameters
      CHANGE TO update parameters

      The recipient entries are selected according to selection parameters and are updated with the values specified by the update parameters. If the recipient name or level is updated in a recipient entry and this recipient is specified as a parent in other entries, the parent recipient name or level or both are updated in all child recipient entries.

    • DELETE [WITHCHILD] [NOREPORTS] selection parameters

      The recipient entries are selected according to specified selection parameters and are deleted from the recipient tree.

      If the WITHCHILD parameter is specified and a recipient to be deleted is defined as a parent to other recipients, all child elements of all generations are deleted together with the selected recipient entry.

      If the WITHCHILD parameter is not specified and a recipient to be deleted is defined as a parent to other recipients, the recipient entry is not deleted and a warning message is issued.

      If NOREPORTS is specified, the selected recipient entry is deleted only if this recipient, and all its children, do not have reports in any User file (Active, Migrated, or History).

    • INSERT update parameters

      A new recipient entry is added to the recipient tree.

      The update parameters are the same as for the CHANGE TO function, but the RECIPIENT and LEVEL parameters are mandatory in this case.

    • COPY <recipient> TO update parameters

      The recipient entry with the recipient name <recipient> is copied to the new entry with the recipient name that is specified in the RECIPIENT update parameter. The RECIPIENT update parameter is mandatory and the specified recipient name should be different than the input recipient name. Other fields may be updated with the values specified in the update parameters or can be copied from the input recipient entry, if corresponding update parameters are not specified.

    Table 281 CTDUPTR general parameters




    Indicates whether the utility should save the updated recipient tree member, or only issue the update report without saving the updated recipient tree member. Optional. Valid values are:

    • PROD – The updated recipient tree is saved in the library and the report is issued. Default.

    • TEST – The updated recipient tree member is not saved. Only a report is issued.


    The dataset name of the library where the recipient tree member is located. Maximum 44 characters. Mandatory.


    The recipient tree member name. Maximum: 8 characters. Mandatory.

    Table 282 CTDUPTR selection parameters




    The recipient name. Complete value or mask. Maximum length: 8 characters.


    The level of the recipients to be updated. Maximum length: 2 characters.


    The name of the recipient’s parent. Complete value or mask. Maximum length: 8 characters.


    The level of the recipient’s parent. Maximum length: 2 characters.


    The synonym name. Complete value or mask. Maximum length: 20 characters.

    If the specified value includes blank spaces, the parameter value must be surrounded by apostrophes.


    The TSO user to which the recipient is authorized. Complete value or mask. Maximum length: 8 characters.


    Recipient description line or its substring. Maximum length: 59 characters.

    If blank spaces or apostrophes are included in the substring, the value must be written surrounded by apostrophes, and the apostrophes included in the substring must be doubled.


    Recipient address line or its substring. Maximum length: 52 characters.

    If blank spaces or apostrophes are included in the substring, the value must be written surrounded by apostrophes, and the apostrophes included in the substring must be doubled.

    Table 283 CTDUPTR update parameters




    Recipient name. Mandatory for the INSERT and COPY groups. Maximum length: 8 characters.


    Recipient level. Mandatory for the INSERT group. Maximum length: 2 characters.


    The name of the recipient’s parent. Maximum length: 8 characters.


    The level of the recipient’s parent. Mandatory for the INSERT group if PARENT is specified. Maximum length: 2 characters.


    Recipient description.

    One or more statements may be specified. The first statement can be started immediately after ‘=’ or from the next card. Each following statement should be started from the new card. The first non-blank character of each statement is a service code with one of the following meanings:

    • ‘+‘ – The following text will be added as a new line to the end of the description.

    • ‘-’ – The following text is a line that should be deleted from the description. If -*ALL* is specified, all description lines are deleted.

    • ‘>’ – The following text will be inserted as a new line after the current line. The current line is the line that was added or deleted with the previous statement. If it is the first statement, the line is inserted as the first description line.

    To replace a line, the old line should begin with ‘-’ and the new line should begin with ‘>’in the following statement. Maximum length of the description line: 59 characters.


    Recipient synonyms.

    One or more statements may be specified. The first statement can be started immediately after ‘=’ or from the next card. Each following statement should be started from the new card. The first non-blank character of each statement is a service code with one of the following meanings:

    • ‘+‘ – The following text will be added as a new synonym to the end of the list of synonyms.

    • ‘-’ – The following text is a synonym that should be deleted. If -*ALL* is specified, all synonyms are deleted from the recipient entry.

    • ‘>’ – The following text will be inserted as a new synonym after the current synonym. The current synonym is the synonym that was added or deleted with the previous statement. If it is the first statement, the synonym is inserted as the first synonym in the list.

    To replace a synonym, the old synonym should begin with ‘-’ and the new synonym should begin with ‘>’ in the following statement. Maximum length of the synonym line: 20 characters.


    TSO user names authorized to access the reports of the recipient and its children. The user name should be specified in the format n..n or n..n;S, where n..n is a user name or its prefix (maximum: 8 characters). If the letter S appears after the semi-colon (;), the specified online user is also authorized to access SYSDATA records and create global rulers.

    One or more statements may be specified. The first statement can be started immediately after ‘=’ or from the next card. Each following statement should be started from the new card. The first non-blank character of each statement is a service code with one of the following meanings:

    • ‘+‘ – The following text will be added as a new user name to the end of the list of users.

    • ‘-’ – The following text is a user name that should be deleted. If -*ALL* is specified, all authorized users are deleted from the recipient entry.

    • ‘>’ – The following text will be inserted as a new user name after the current name. The current user name is the user name that was added or deleted with the previous statement. If it is the first statement, the user is inserted as first TSO user in the list.

    To replace a TSO user name, the old user name should begin with ‘-’, and the new should begin with ‘>’ in the following statement.


    Location to which the user bundle is sent during distribution. The address will be printed in the user banner. If **P is specified, the address of the parent is used.

    One or more statements may be specified. The first statement can be started immediately after ‘=’ or from the next card. Each following statement should be started from the new card. The first non-blank character of each statement is a service code with one of the following meanings:

    • ‘+‘ – The following text will be added as a new line to the end of the address.

    • ‘-’ – The following text is a line that should be deleted from the address. If -*ALL* is specified, all address lines are deleted.

    • ‘>’ – The following text will be inserted as a new line after the current line. The current line is the line that was added or deleted with the previous statement. If it is the first statement, the line is inserted as first address line.

    To replace a line, the old line should begin with ‘-’, and the new line should appear in the following statement. Maximum length of the address line: 52 characters.


    Print a report index at the beginning of the user bundle. Valid values are:

    • Y – Yes. Default.

    • N – No.


    Print a user banner at the beginning and end of the user bundle. Valid values are:

    • Y – Yes. Default.

    • N – No.


    Print a report banner at the beginning and end of the user bundle. Valid values are:

    • Y – Yes. Default.

    • N – No.


    Default destination (node and user ID separated by ‘;’) of the printed reports. The length of each node and user ID can be 1–8 characters. If Control-D/Delivery Server is installed, reports can be distributed to a UNIX or Windows NT environment by setting the node value to CTDS.


    Indicates whether the user can receive reports using Control-D DPC. Since Control-D DPC is not currently supported, only the value N can be specified. This means that the recipient will not be authorized to receive reports using Control-D DPC. This is the default when inserting new recipients.

    CTDUPTR Output

    The CTDUPTR utility produces output report to the file referred to in the DAREPORT DD statement.

    All selected, updated, deleted, inserted, and copied recipient entries are printed to this report.

    Information about each recipient entry is printed in one or more rows in the following form















    The operation code appears in the first column. Valid values are:

    • I – the recipient entry is inserted

    • D – the recipient entry is deleted

    • U – the recipient entry is updated

    • C – the recipient entry is copied from another entry

    • S – the recipient entry is selected but not updated

    The AUTHORIZED TSO USERS, SYNONYMS, DESCRIPTION, and ADDRESS columns may contain more than one line of data.

    Activating the CTDUPTR utility

    //SYSIN DD *
        [MODE= PROD | TEST]
        LIBRARY= library dataset name
        MEMBER= member name
        [RECIPIENT=recipient name]
        [LEVEL=recipient level]
        [PARENT=parent name]
        [PARENT-LEVEL=parent level]
        [AUTHORIZE=TSO user]
        [DESC=description substring]
        [ADDRESS=address substring]
      [CHANGE TO
        [RECIPIENT=recipient name]
        [LEVEL=recipient level]
        [PARENT=parent name]
        [PARENT-LEVEL=parent level]
                synonyms update statements ]           
                TSO users update statements ]           
                description update statements ]      
                address update statements ] 
        [RECIPIENT=recipient name]
        [LEVEL=recipient level]
        [PARENT=parent name]
        [PARENT-LEVEL=parent level]
        [AUTHORIZE=TSO user]
        [DESC=description substring]
        [ADDRESS=address substring]]
        RECIPIENT=recipient name
        LEVEL=recipient level
        [PARENT=parent name]
        [PARENT-LEVEL=parent level]
                synonyms update lines]           
                TSO users update lines]           
                description update lines]      
                address update lines] 
      [COPY recipient name TO
        RECIPIENT=recipient name
        [LEVEL=recipient level]
        [PARENT=parent name]
        [PARENT-LEVEL=parent level]
                synonyms update lines]           
                TSO users update lines]           
                description update lines]      
                address update lines] 

    CTDUPTR Return codes

    Table 284 CTDUPTR return codes




    The utility ended successfully. The updated tree member is saved in the library if the utility is running in PROD mode.


    The utility ended with warnings. The updated tree member is saved in the library if the utility is running in PROD mode.


    The utility ended with errors. The updated tree member is not saved.


    An error is detected in an input parameter. The updated tree member is not saved.

    Example for CTDUPTR

    This sample job performs the following actions on the recipient tree member CTDTREE in the CTDP.V900.PARM library:

    • The authorized TSO user K06 will be replaced by TSO users M51 and N16 in all recipient tree entries where K06 is specified. TSO user M51 will be authorized to access SYSDATA records in additional to user report records.

    • The parent name will be changed to MGT and the parent level will be changed to 20 for all recipients of level 55 whose names begin with the letter A.

    • Recipient A0101 will be deleted from the tree, including all its child elements.

    • New recipient D0101 will be added to the tree at level 60. It will be child of the recipient DEV at level 20. It will have the description ‘NEW DEVELOPMENT EMPLOYEE’ and two synonyms: synonym1 and synonym2.

    • Recipient B0101 will be copied to recipient C0101. C0101 will have the same parameters as B0101, aside from its address. The address will be changed to

    //CTDUPTR   EXEC CTDUPTR                  
    //SYSIN    DD *                             
    CHANGE TO                                   
    CHANGE TO                                   
    DELETE WITHCHILD                            
    COPY B0101 to

    CTVACDB – Verify ACD data

    Control-V uses a special block, called the ACD block, for fast access to reports that are migrated to tape. This information is saved in the SYSDATA and INDEX records in the Migration User file during the migration process. If this information becomes corrupted, the corresponding reports become inaccessible.

    The CTVACDB utility scans the volume that is specified in its input stream and verifies the ACD data for all migrated CDAM and Index data sets on this volume. BMC recommends that you first run the utility in Simulation (Test) mode. If the ACD data is incorrect, the utility generates messages that the ACD data needs to be fixed or cleaned.

    If you then need to run the CTVACDB utility in Production mode, the utility functions according to the value that you specify for the FUNCTION parameter, as follows:

    • If FUNCTION=REPAIR, the utility corrects the ACD data.

    • If FUNCTION=CLEAN, the utility cleans the ACD block in SYSDATA and INDEX records.

    After the CTVACDB utility cleans ACD data, the data sets are still accessible. However, accessing data sets without ACD data can increase access time.

    CTVACDB Parameters

    The required and optional CTVACDB parameters are described in Table 285 and Table 286. Table 287 below describes how combinations of parameter values influence CTVACDB utility functionality.

    Table 285 CTVACDB EXEC-statement Parameters




    (optional) Determines whether the CTVACDB utility is run in Production mode or Simulation (Test) mode. BMC recommends that you run the utility in Simulation mode before running it in Production mode.

    • TEST—(default) the utility runs in Simulation mode, performing analysis and reporting, but not changing the ACD data.

    • PROD—the utility runs in Production mode, correcting or cleaning ACD data in the SYSDATA and Index records.


    REPAIR—(default) checks ACD data for the data sets specified by the DSN or the VOL parameter. In PROD mode, the utility also repairs incorrect ACD data in the SYSDATA and INDEX records for these data sets.

    CLEAN—in PROD mode, the utility cleans ACD data in the SYSDATA or INDEX records for the data sets specified by the DSN or the VOL parameter. In TEST mode, the utility lists the data sets that will be cleaned if run in PROD mode.

    The SYSIN DD steam parameters in Table 286 specify data sets or volume of the migrated CDAM or Index file. You must specify either DSN or VOL.

    Table 286 CTVACDB SYSIN DD Parameters




    The data set for which the utility checks, repairs, or cleans ACD data. If FUNCTION=REPAIR, all data sets on that volume are processed.


    The volume on which the utility checks, repairs, or cleans ACD data for all migrated CDAM/Index files.

    Table 287 describes how various combinations of parameter values influence CTVACDB functionality.

    Table 287 CTVACDB Parameter Combinations



    DSN / VOL





    The utility scans all data sets on the volume and checks the ACD data in the SYSDATA and Index records for all data sets on that volume.




    The utility scans all data sets on the volume on which DSN is located, and checks the ACD data in the SYSDATA and Index records for all data sets on that volume.




    The utility lists all of the data sets on the volume. These are the data sets that will be cleaned if run in MODE=PROD.




    The utility returns DSN. This is the data set that will be cleaned if run in MODE=PROD.




    The utility scans all data sets on the volume. It checks the ACD data in the SYSDATA and Index records for all data sets on that volume, and repairs all incorrect ACD data for those data sets.




    The utility scans all data sets on the volume on which DSN is located. It checks the ACD data in the SYSDATA and Index records for all data sets on that volume, and repairs all incorrect ACD data for those data sets.




    The utility cleans the ACD data stored in the SYSDATA and Index records for all data sets on the volume.




    The utility cleans the ACD data stored in the SYSDATA and Index records only for the data set specified by DSN.

    Activating the CTVACDB Utility

    Figure 107 CTVACDB Activation

    //SYSIN    DD    *

    CTVACDB Return Codes

    Table 288 CTVCLMIG Return Codes




    ACD data for all files is correct.


    There are several possible reasons for this return code:

    • Invalid parameters are specified for the utility

    • ACD data is incorrect for at least one of the migrated data sets on the volume.

    • A dynamic allocation error occurred for at least one migrated data set on the volume.


    Opening at least one of the migrated data sets on the volume failed.

    Examples for CTVACDB

    CTVACDB Example 1

    Check and repair incorrect ACD data in SYSDATA and INDEX records referring to the datasets located on the tape volume VL0001.

    //SYSIN    DD    *

    CTVACDB Example 2

    Clean ACD data in the SYSDATA records referring to the CDAM file CTD.D63.K06MIGFL.J29309.D1280833.S91.N000600.

    //SYSIN    DD    *

    CTVACDB Example 3

    Check ACD data in the SYSDATA and INDEX records referring to the CDAM file CTD.D63.K06MIGFL.J29309.D1280833.S91.N000600 and to all files located on the same tape volume.

    //SYSIN    DD    *

    CTVCLMIG – Clean migrated CDAM files

    The CTVCLMIG utility cleans the Migrated User file from the expired entries. The CDAM and Index files that belong to the expired entries, as well as the CDAM and Index files migrated to other media by multistage migration missions, are deleted and uncataloged depending on the media type, as described below:

    • For DASD media the CDAM and Index files are uncataloged and deleted from disk.

    • For CART media the CDAM and Index files are uncataloged and a list of cartridges that can be returned to the global tape pool is produced.

    • For OAM media the OAM objects are deleted from the OAM database.

    • For CENTERA media the Centera clips are deleted from the Centera repository.

    If the Migration User file is allocated to a number of partitions, the CTVCLMIG utility should be run against each partition separately. The partition number is specified in the MIGFILE parameter. The jobs that clean different partitions can all be run at the same time to decrease the total time needed to clean the Migration User file.

    CTVCLMIG Parameters

    Table 289 describes the EXEC statement parameters of the CTVCLMIG utility.

    Table 289 CTVCLMIG Parameters




    Expiration date. Optional.

    Format of the date can be DD/MM/YY, MM/DD/YY, or YY/MM/DD, depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in the IOAPARM parameters member.

    This parameter can be specified in TEST mode only. If EXPDATE is specified the utility works as though submitted at the value given in the parameter date. Using this parameter the user can receive a list of CDAM and Index files that expired on the given date.


    Determines whether the utility performs the LOCATE action for all migrated files. Optional.

    Valid values are:

    • LOCATE – The utility performs the LOCATE action for all migrated files. Default.

    • NOLOCATE – The utility performs the LOCATE action only for expired files that must be deleted. The volume serial numbers of the unexpired files are obtained from the Migrated User file. This option can significantly improve performance of the utility.

    If TAPELIST=YES, NOLOCATE can cause the issuing of an incorrect list of expired tapes, if there are migrated files that were moved from the original tapes outside of Control-V.

    This parameter is ignored for files migrated to OAM or CENTERA.


    When the Migration User file is allocated to multiple partitions, this parameter determines the partition number against which the utility runs.

    Valid values are:

    • M – The main partition. Default.

    • A single-digit, from 1 through 9, indicating a specific partition number.


    Determines whether the CTVCLMIG utility is run in Production mode or Simulation (Test) mode. Optional. You should run this utility in Simulation mode before running it in Production mode.

    • PROD – The utility runs in Production mode, changing and deleting report entries and CDAM files that satisfy the requirements specified by other parameters. Default.

    • TEST – The utility runs in Simulation mode, performing analysis and reporting but not changing or deleting any files.


    Determines whether the utility checks for orphan user and SYSDATA records, that is, user records that do not have corresponding SYSDATA records and SYSDATA records that do not corresponding user records. Optional.

    Valid values are:

    • Y – the utility checks for orphan user records and deletes them in PROD mode. Default.

    • N – the utility does not check for orphan records. However, the performance of the utility is substantially improved.

    • S – the utility checks for orphan SYSDATA and user records and deletes them in PROD mode.


    Determines if the list of deleted Report keys should be produced. Optional.

    Valid values are:

    • NO - List of deleted Report keys is not produced. Default.

    • YES - List of deleted Report keys is produced.

    If YES is specified, add the following DD statement to the DELACT step:


    The deleted Report key will be added to the DSN if this report was added to the Global Index database. The record of this file is 25 bytes long and includes a 24-byte VSA key of the report and a blank in the last position.


    Determines if the utility produces the list of expired cartridges. Optional.

    Valid values are:

    • YES – The utility produces the list of expired cartridges. Default.

    • NO – The utility does not produce the list of expired cartridges.

    Activating the CTVCLMIG Utility


    CTVCLMIG Return Codes

    Table 290 CTVCLMIG Return Codes




    Operation performed successfully


    Operation performed successfully with warning messages


    Execution error


    Operation performed successfully (in TEST mode)


    Invalid input parameters

    CTVDELI – Delete Index Files from DASD

    This CTVDELI utility scans the Migrated User Report List file and erases from the disk index files that are no longer needed on DASD. The utility determines which indexes to delete based on user-specified selection groups.

    Indexes deleted from DASD by the CTVDELI utility are retrieved from the migrated media when required.

    A selection group consists of a DAYS statement and optional INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements. The DAYS statement contains a retention period that specifies the number of days the indexes remain on DASD, after that they are deleted by the utility. The optional INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements further qualify which indexes belong to the selection group.

    By specifying multiple selection groups, each with its own retention period (and INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements), groups of entries with differing retention periods can be deleted by a single execution of the CTVDELI utility.

    Selection groups are scanned sequentially. The processing of a report is determined by the first selection group whose INCLUDE / EXCLUDE criteria match the index. INCLUDE / EXCLUDE criteria in other selection groups are ignored for that index.

    $INDEX records are not deleted from the Migrated User Report List file because they are needed for accessing the migrated index file.

    After an index file is deleted, a flag indicating INDEX DELETED FROM DASD is placed in the corresponding $INDEX record.

    CTVDELI EXEC Statement

    The EXEC statement can contain the following parameter:

    Table 291 CTVDELI Parameters




    Determines whether the CTVDELI utility is run in Production mode or Simulation mode. Optional. You should run this utility in Simulation mode before running it in Production mode.

    • PROD – The utility runs in Production mode, deleting index files that satisfy the requirements specified by other parameters. Default.

    • TEST – The utility runs in Simulation mode, performing analysis and reporting but not deleting any indexes.

    CTVDELI DAYS Statement

    Parameters in the CTVDELI DAYS Statement

    The DAYS statement can contain the following parameters:

    Table 292 CTVDELI DAYS Parameters




    Retention period (in days) after that the index expires and is selected for deletion from the Active User Report List file by the selection group. Mandatory. This parameter must be the first parameter in the statement.

    By default, the index expires n days from the Original Scheduling Date (ODATE) of the Report decollating mission. The INCONTROL administrator can change the default so that n is calculated from the decollation date.

    n can be a negative number (to delete reports created on future ODATEs) and cannot exceed 9999.


    If RESIDENT is specified, resident indexes are deleted. Otherwise, resident indexes are not deleted.

    Parameter RESIDENT only applies to the specific selection group in which it appears. It can be specified for as many selection groups as necessary.


    Each INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statement must be specified on a separate line.

    Multiple INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements can be specified with a DAYS statement. They make up an INCLUDE / EXCLUDE block. Each statement can contain any or all of the parameters listed in Table 293, separated by a space. Each parameter can appear no more than once in each statement.

    An index complies with an INCLUDE/EXCLUDE statement when it complies with all parameters specified in the statement. An index complies with an INCLUDE/EXCLUDE block if it complies any INCLUDE statement in the block and does not comply with any EXCLUDE statement in the block. If no INCLUDE statement is coded in an INCLUDE/EXCLUDE block, an index complies with such a block when it does not comply with any EXCLUDE statement in the block. An index always complies with an empty INCLUDE/EXCLUDE block.

    An index complies with a selection group when it complies with all parameters specified in the DAYS statement and also complies with the related INCLUDE/EXCLUDE block.

    An index file is deleted from DASD by the CTVDELI utility if the index matches the search criteria of any selection group in the utility input stream.

    CTVDELI Parameters in INCLUDE / EXCLUDE Statements

    Each INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statement must contain at least one of the following parameters:

    Table 293 CTVDELI INCLUDE / EXCLUDE Parameters




    Job name or prefix


    Job ID (format depends on JES definitions; either JOBn..n, where n..n is the job number containing 5 digits or Jn..n, where n..n is the job number containing 7 digits)


    Report name or prefix

    If the report name contains embedded spaces, replace each embedded space with the @ character.


    Index name or prefix

    By default, the values specified for JOBNAME, REPNAME and IXNAME are treated as prefixes. To prevent a value from being considered a prefix, place the special character < after the value.

    Activating the CTVDELI Utility

    Figure 108 CTVDELI Activation

        DAYS   n     [RESIDENT]
        [INCLUDE     [JOB NAME=Jobname] [JOBID=jobid]
                     [IXNAME=indexname] [REPNAME=repname]
        [EXCLUDE     [JOB NAME=Jobname] [JOBID=jobid]
                     [IXNAME=indexname] [REPNAME=repname]
        DAYS statement
        [INCLUDE statement]
        [EXCLUDE statement]

    Examples for CTVDELI

    CTVDELI Example 1

                DAYS 3

    All nonresident indexes that are older than three days are deleted.

    CTVDELI Example 2

                DAYS 0

    A disk space saver. All nonresident indexes are deleted.

    CTVDELI Example 3

    //S1    EXEC  CTVDELI
            DAYS 5

    All indexes of reports with name prefix PROD-JCL that are more than five days old are deleted.

    CTVDELI Example 4

          DAYS 0        RESIDENT
          INCLUDE  JOBNAME=Y99BUP01  JOBID=01923

    All indexes (including resident indexes) with the specified job name and job ID are deleted.

    CTVDELI Example 5

    Assume the following index names exist: ACCT, ACCT-REC, ACCT-PAY.

          DAYS 0

    All of the above indexes are deleted.

                          DAYS 0
                      INCLUDE  IXNAME=ACCT<

    Only index ACCT is deleted.

    CTVDELI Example 6

          DAYS 0

    All nonresident indexes are deleted from DASD except

    • Indexes whose name begins with PROD-NDX

    • Indexes for reports produced by jobs whose name begins with P01

    CTVGICL – Clean Global Indexes

    The CTVGICL utility removes from the Global Index database, report entries that belong to reports that no longer exist in Active or Migrated User Report files. Depending on the value of the REPLIST parameter, the utility can either determine on its own which reports should be deleted or use the list of deleted reports produced by the CTDDELRP and CTVCLMIG utilities.

    CTVGICL Parameters

    The following parameters can be specified to the utility in the SYSIN DD statement:

    Table 294 CTVGICL Parameters





    Valid value is:

    • DELRPT – Delete reports from the Global Index database.


    Determines whether the CTVGICL utility is run in Production mode or Simulation (Test) mode. Optional.

    BMC recommends running this utility in Simulation mode before running it in Production mode.

    Valid values are:

    • PROD – The utility runs in Production mode, performing the actual index deletions. Default.

    • TEST – The utility runs in Simulation mode, performing analysis and reporting, but not deleting any indexes.


    Specifies the name of the DB2 table where the entries are removed. This parameter can be specified several times or omitted. If this parameter is omitted all DB2 tables specified in the CTDGIDB2 member are checked for deletion


    Indicates whether to use the list of deleted reports produced by the CTDDELRP or CTVCLMIG utilities. Optional.

    Valid values are:

    • NO - The utility determines which reports no longer exist in active and migrated user files. Default.

    • YES - The utility uses the input list of deleted reports produced by the CTDDELRP or CTVCLMIG utilities. Only reports with VSA keys included in this list are deleted. All selection criteria are ignored.


    Indicates whether the reports to be deleted are grouped by issuing SQL requests.

    Valid values are:

    • NO - A separate SQL request is issued to delete each report from the DB2 table. Default.

    • YES -One SQL request is issued to delete a group of reports from the DB2 table. A maximum of 628 reports are grouped to one SQL request. If there are more reports for deletion, several SQL requests are issued.

    This option improves the utility's performance. However, the output messages do not include the number of deleted entries per deleted report.


    Indicates whether to perform a trace during utility execution. Optional.

    Valid values are:

    • NO   - Do not perform a trace. Default.

    • YES - Perform a trace.


    Specifies the number of deleted entries after which COMMIT is issue. Default: 10000

    If the value of PORTION is 0, COMMIT is issued after all entries from a report or group of reports are deleted.

    The following parameters can be used to select reports which are checked for deletion. Specifying these parameters decreases the running time of the utility. If you don’t specify these parameters and the utility runs too long, run it several times with different selection criteria. These parameters can be specified only if REPLIST=NO.


    Specifies the job name or mask.

    Only reports with these job names are checked for deletion.


    Specifies the report name or mask.

    Only reports with these report names are checked for deletion.

    Wish WD1164 determines whether the report key holds a job name or a report name. Specify the appropriate JOBNAME or REPNAME parameter to the utility. If both parameters are specified to the utility, only the relevant parameter is checked


    Specifies the list of recipient names or masks.

    Only reports with these recipient names are checked for deletion.

    Activating the CTVGICL Utility

    Figure 109 CTVGICL Activation

    [USER=(list of user prefixes)]}

    CTVGICL Return Codes

    Table 295 CTVGICL Return Codes




    All paths and reports were successfully deleted.


    The utility ended with a warning. For further information, see the specific warning message.


    An error occurred during the process. For details, see the error messages for each input file.


    A severe error occurred during the process. For details, see the error messages for each input file.

    Examples for CTVGICL

    CTVGICL Example 1


    In Production mode, delete all report entries that no longer exist in Active and Migrated User report files from all Global Index DB2 tables. Several reports are grouped into one SQL request. Commit is issued after every 10000 entries are deleted.

    CTVGICL Example 2

    In Production mode, delete all report entries that no longer exist in Active and Migrated User report files for job names beginning with the prefix K06 from the CTD.GIR DB2 table. Commit is issued after every 2000 entries are deleted.


    CTVGICL Example 3

    In production mode, delete all report entries according to the list of deleted reports produced by the CTDDELRP or CTVCLMIG utilities. Commit is issued after every 10000 entries are deleted.


    CTVGICHK – Global Index database integrity check

    The CTVGICHK utility checks whether the index values of the selected Control-V reports have been completely loaded into the Global Index database.

    The utility can run in two modes:

    • Base mode – recognizes reports in which index values have not been loaded into Global Index database at all. The utility checks whether the selected report appears in the corresponding Global Index DB2 table, without comparing the number of loaded index values with the number of values in the Control-V index file.

    • Extended mode – recognizes reports in which index values have not been loaded into the Global Index database at all, or are loaded not completely. The utility checks, in each selected report, whether the number of index values that have been loaded to the Global Index DB2 table is the same that the number of values in the Control-V Index file. The running time of the utility can be significantly longer in extended mode than in base mode.

    CTVGICHK Parameters

    Input parameters are supplied to the CTVGICHK utility using a SYSIN DD statement.

    All input parameters have a key format, and can be specified in random order. Each parameter (except for the PATH parameter) can be specified only once.

    There are two groups of input parameters:

    • parameters that define actions for the utility are listed in Table 296.

    • parameters that define the reports’ selection criteria are listed in Table 297.

    Table 296 CTVGICHK action definition parameters




    Indicates whether the utility should recognize only the reports that have not been loaded into the Global Index database at all, or in addition recognize the reports that have not been loaded completely. Optional.

    Valid values are:

    • BASE – The utility checks whether the selected reports appear in the Global Index database, without comparing number of loaded Index values with number of values in the Index file. Default.

    • EXTENDED – The utility checks whether the selected reports appear in the Global Index database and if the number of loaded values for each report is the same as the number of values for this report in the Control-V Index file.


    Indicates which information is included in the output report issued by the utility. Optional.

    Valid values are:

    • ERROR – Only problematic selected reports are included in the output list. Default.

    • ALL – All selected reports are included in the output list. The problematic reports are marked with an asterisk (*) on the right.

    A report is recognized as problematic in following cases:

    • It is marked as loaded but does not appear in the Global Index database.

    • It is not marked as loaded but appears in the Global Index database

    • In extended mode, the number of loaded Index values is not the same as number of values in the Index file.


    Indicates whether to issue trace messages to the DATRACE DD file. Optional.

    Valid values are:

    • NO – Do not issue trace messages. Default.

    • YES – Issue trace messages.

    Table 297 CTVGICHK selection parameters




    Indicates whether the Control-V migrated reports should be processed. Optional.

    Valid values are:

    • NO – Do not process reports from the Migration User file, but only from the Active User file. Default.

    • YES – Process reports from the Migration User file as well as from the Active User file.

    • ONLY – Process reports only from the Migration User file, and not from the Active User file.

    Reports can be processed from the Migrated User file in EXTENDED mode only if the Index files are resident (the original index files are located on DASD).


    Indicates whether the new reports which have not been loaded to Global Index database yet should be selected by the utility. Optional.

    Valid values are:

    • YES – select only the reports that are marked as loaded to the Global Index database. Default.

    • ALL – select the reports that are marked as loaded to the Global Index database as well as the new reports.

    • NO – Select only the new reports that are not marked as loaded to the Global Index database.


    The name of the recipients or mask patterns for which the indexes are checked. Mandatory.

    Up to 15 users or masks can be specified using the format USER=(USERA,M*,D??45).


    From ODATE of the report. This is the earliest order date from which indexes are checked. Optional.

    The date should be specified in the format dd/mm/yy, mm/dd/yy, or yy/mm/dd, depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in the IOAPARM member.

    This parameter can also be specified in the format -N, where N is number of days (0 -99999) preceding to the current date.


    To ODATE of the report. This is the latest order date until which indexes are checked. Optional.

    The date should be specified in the format dd/mm/yy, mm/dd/yy, or yy/mm/dd, depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in the IOAPARM member.

    This parameter can also be specified in the format -N, where N is number of days (0 -99999) preceding to the current date.


    The job name for which the reports are selected. This can be a specific value or a mask pattern. Optional.


    The report name for which the reports are selected. This can be a specific value or a mask pattern. Optional.

    If the report name contains embedded spaces, place the report name between apostrophes.


    The Job ID of the job producing the report. Format depends on JES definitions; either JOBn..n, where n..n is the job number containing 5 digits or Jn..n, where n..n is the job number containing 7 digits. Optional.


    The name of the index path that should be checked. optional.

    The index path should include all index levels loaded to the DB2 table. Locations should be separated by a slash, using the following syntax:


    This parameter can be specified several times in order to check the integrity of several index paths during a single utility run.

    If this parameter is omitted, all index paths that are described in the CTDGIDB2 member are checked for the selected reports.

    CTVGICHK Output

    The CTVGICHK utility produces a report containing the results of its checking to the file specified in the DAREPORT DD statement.

    The header containing the Index Path name and number of selected reports is issued for each processed Index Path. Each row of the following list contains information about one Control-V report and includes the following columns:

    • user

    • report name

    • job name

    • order date

    • user record ID

    • file (ACT/MIG)

    • marked as loaded (YES/NO)

    • number of loaded values

    • total number of values

    • difference

    The last two columns are issued in extended mode only.

    By default, the list contains only problematic Control-V reports whose indexes have not been completely loaded to the Global Index DB2 tables. If PRINT=ALL is specified, all selected reports are issued to the list and the rows of the problematic reports are marked by an asterisk (*) on the right.

    Activating the CTVGICHK utility

    //SYSIN DD *
    USER= (user1,..,userN)
    [FODATE= dd/mm/yy]
    [TODATE= dd/mm/yy]

    Examples for CTVGICHK

    CTVGICHK Example 1

    The utility runs in base mode.

    The reports indexed by Index paths ACCOUNT/NAME or DEPARTMENT are selected for the recipients PROD, DEV, and job name beginning with ABCIND. The output list contains all selected reports and the problematic rows are marked by the asterisk on the right.

    //SYSIN  DD  *

    The following report is generated by this example:

    :  NAME  :                    :        :        :                :    :DED :VALUES :
     DEV      INDEX TEST           ABCINDT1 06/05/07 C08DDB6F7CDCB642 ACT  YES        2
     DEV      RECORD LEVEL TEST3   ABCINGI3 08/06/07 C0B73F326D9CAEA6 ACT  YES       0*
     PROD     INDEX TEST BIG       ABCINDTB 26/05/07 C0A6B092A7C144A4 ACT  YES     6000
     PROD     INDEX TEST           ABCINDT1 06/05/07 C08DDB6F561AB300 ACT  YES        6
     PROD     INDEX TEST           ABCINDT2 13/05/07 C0965261A3252D42 ACT  NO         0
     PROD     INDEX TEST7          ABCINDT7 13/05/07 C096A1E2CA001042 ACT  YES        4
     PROD     RECORD LEVEL TEST1   ABCINGI1 08/06/07 C0B73F2F3912560E ACT  YES      600
     PROD     RECORD LEVEL TEST3   ABCINGI3 08/06/07 C0B73F326D9CAEA6 ACT  YES       0*
     PROD     RECORD LEVEL TEST4   ABCINGI4 08/06/07 C0B73F1AED210424 ACT  NO       10*
    : NAME  :                    :        :        :                :    :DED :VALUES:
    DEV      INDEX DEPARTMENT     ABCINDTD 06/05/07 C08DDB6F7CDCB642 ACT  YES        6
    DEV      RECORD LEVEL TEST3   ABCINGI3 08/06/07 C0B73F326D9CAEA6 ACT  YES       0*
    PROD     INDEX TEST BIG       ABCINDTB 26/05/07 C0A6B092A7C144A4 ACT  YES       13
    PROD     RECORD LEVEL TEST1   ABCINGI1 08/06/07 C0B73F2F3912560E ACT  YES       17
    PROD     RECORD LEVEL TEST3   ABCINGI3 08/06/07 C0B73F326D9CAEA6 ACT  YES        0*
    PROD     RECORD LEVEL TEST4   ABCINGI4 08/06/07 C0B73F1AED210424 ACT  NO         0

    CTVGICHK Example 2

    The reports indexed by Index Path ACCOUNT/NAME for the recipients beginning with DEV and marked as loaded to the Global Index database are selected from ACTIVE and MIGRATED user files for checking. The number of loaded index values is compared with the total number of index values for each report. The output list contains only problematic reports.

    //SYSIN  DD  *

    The following report is generated by this example:

        :  NAME  :                    :        :        :                :    :DED :VALUES :VALUES :       :
        DEV      RECORD LEVEL TEST3   ABCINGI3 08/06/07 C0B73F326D9CAEA6 ACT  YES        0     780     780*
        DEV      INDEX TEST BIG       ABCINDTB 26/05/07 C0A6B092A7C144A4 MIG  YES     9900   10000     100*
        DEV1     INDEX TEST           ABCINDT1 06/05/07 C08DDB6F561AB300 MIG  YES        0       6       6*
        DEV1     INDEX TEST           ABCINDT1 06/05/07 C08DDB6F561AB300 MIG  YES      100     120      20*

    CTVJAR – Job Archiving Utility

    The CTVJAR utility consolidates reports that are contained in the same CDAM file and creates a new report, JOBNAME, whose index points to each job’s data. This utility economizes by reducing the number of user $SYSDATA and $INDEX records in the database. This is especially important for migrated reports, since they are usually kept for a long period of time.

    CTVJAR Index Format

    Table 298 CTVJAR Index Formats




    Name of the job


    ID of the job


    SMF ID of the system in which the job ran


    Completion code of the job


    Date of the job


    Start time of the job


    End time of the job

    When the option to define a DDNAMES index for the reports in the initial decollation is selected, the CTVJAR utility creates an index as a subindex in the new report. For more information, see the discussion about job archiving in the Control-D and Control-V chapter in the INCONTROL z/OS Administrator Guide.)

    The utility determines which reports to consolidate based on input parameters specified in DD statement SYSIN. The utility also verifies that it is a JOBSDSN1 decollation.

    If reports from the current date are consolidated, the utility synchronizes its activity with the decollation process. For a further description, see CTDDELRP – Delete Reports that are not needed. This avoids a situation in which the CTVJAR utility attempts to collect reports that are still being created by the decollation process.

    Activating the CTVJAR Utility

    //SYSIN DD *

    CTVJAR EXEC Statement

    The EXEC statement can contain the following parameters:

    Table 299 CTVJAR EXEC Parameters




    Determines whether the CTVJAR utility is run in Production or Simulation mode. Optional. You should run this utility in Simulation mode before running it in Production mode.

    • PROD – The utility runs in Production mode, consolidating reports and creating the JOBNAME report. Default.

    • TEST – The utility runs in Simulation mode, producing a SYSOUT that indicates the operations that are performed in Production mode.

    The following parameters are passed to the utility using DD statement SYSIN:

    Table 300 CTVJAR SYSIN Parameters




    Prefix of the CDAMs that are to be consolidated.


    The earliest order date from when the reports are selected for consolidation. Optional.

    The date can be specified in the format DD/MM/YY, MM/DD/YY, or YY/MM/DD, depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in the IOAPARM member.

    The parameter can also be specified in the format -N, where N is the number of days (0 to 99999) preceding the current date.


    The latest order date until when the reports are selected for consolidation. Optional.

    The date can be specified in the format DD/MM/YY, MM/DD/YY, or YY/MM/DD, depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in the IOAPARM member.

    The parameter can also be specified in the format -N, where N is the number of days (0 to 99999) preceding the current date.

    If both FODATE and TODATE are not specified, all reports in the Active User Report List file that were created until yesterday are consolidated. If only one of these parameters is specified, reports with this ODATE are consolidated. If both FODATE and TODATE are specified, reports whose ODATE is within the specified range are consolidated.


    Name of the newly created report. If blanks or apostrophes are included in the report name, they must be specified between apostrophes and the apostrophes of the report name must be doubled.


    User name for the new reports to be created by the utility.

    Either an explicit user name, which appears in the recipient tree, or a variable %%USER can be specified in this field.

    If %%USER is specified, a new consolidated report is created for each user name that appears in the original reports picked up for consolidation.


    Migration mission name for the new report.


    Backup mission names for the new report. Up to 6 names can be specified within brackets separated by a comma.


    Print mission names for the new report. Up to 5 names can be specified within brackets separated by a comma.


    Indicates whether or not to synchronize with decollation. Optional. Valid values are:

    • YES – Synchronize with decollation. Accumulation of jobs into a currently open CDAM is stopped and a new CDAM is opened.

    • NO – Do not synchronize with decollation. Jobs of currently opened CDAM files are not consolidated. Default.

    Figure 110 CTVJAR – Example

    //CTVJAR   EXEC PGM=CTVJAR,PARM='PROD'            
    //DATRACE  DD SYSOUT=*,HOLD=YES                   
    //ERRLOG   DD SYSOUT=*,HOLD=YES                   
    //DALOG    DD DISP=SHR,DSN=IOAP.V600.LOG          
    //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*,HOLD=YES                   
    //SYSOUT   DD SYSOUT=*,HOLD=YES                   
    //DAACT    DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CTDP.V600.ACT.E000     
    //SYSIN    DD *                                   

    CTVSCTT – Create List of CDAM and Index Files Migrated to Tape

    This utility creates a list of all CDAM and Index files migrated to tape by Control-V migration.

    Each record of the output file referred by the SORTOUT DD statement contains information about one migrated data set.

    Table 301 Output record layout


    Field name



    Volume serial number



    Data Set sequential number on the volume



    Data Set name





    CTVSCTT Parameters

    This utility has no parameters.

    Activating the CTVSCTT Utility

    Activate the CTVSCTT utility using the following EXEC statement:


    CTVSCTT Return Codes

    Table 302 CTVSCTT Return Codes




    The output file was created successful without any errors.


    The output file was created, but errors were detected. For details see error messages.


    The utility stopped because of severe errors. For details see error messages.

    CTVUNMIG – Unmigrate Utility

    The CTVUNMIG utility reads a migrated CDAM file and recreates the original CDAM file on DASD.

    Activating the CTVUNMIG Utility

    Sample JCL for invoking the CTVUNMIG utility is contained in the CTVUNMIG member of the Control-D JCL library. CDAM file names are passed to the CTVUNMIG utility using the SYSIN DD statement. This sample JCL is reproduced here:

    Figure 111 CTVUNMIG Activation

    //%JOBNAME%UM JOB %JOBCARD%                                          
    //*              UNMIGRATE  UTILITY JOB                             *
    //*              ----------------------                             *
    //*                                                                 *
    //             JCLLIB ORDER=IOA.V610.PROCLIB
    //             INCLUDE MEMBER=IOASET
    //             PARM='CART,DASD'
    //             INCLUDE MEMBER=&IOAENV            
    //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*,HOLD=YES            
    //SYSABEND DD SYSOUT=*,HOLD=YES            
    //PRTDBG DD SYSOUT=*,HOLD=YES            
    //SYSIN DD *                            

    CTVUNMIG Parameters

    Specify the following parameter in the job that invokes the CTVUNMIG utility:



    • media-name specifies the media name as specified in member IOASPRM. Mandatory.

    • unit-name specifies a device type (such as 3380) or an esoteric name (such as DASD, SYSDA, or SYSALLDA) on which unmigrated data sets should be allocated.

    Include the migrated files names in the input stream after the SYSIN DD statement. Each file name must begin in the first column. If the media type is OAM and Optional Wish WV0390 is applied, the collection name and the first object name, separated by one or more blanks, instead of the migrated file name, should be specified.

    If the media type is CENTERA, specify the clip ID instead of the migrated file name.

    CTVUNMIG Return Codes

    Table 303 CTVUNMIG Return Codes




    All original CDAMs were recreated successfully.


    Error encountered during the process. For details, see specific error messages on each input file.


    Error opening file (input or output)

    CTVUPGDB – Update Global Index Database

    The CTVUPGDB utility unloads the Control-V index values with corresponding report keys to a flat file, which is then used to load the information into the Global Index DB2 tables. The layout of the records in this file are described in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

    CTVUPGDB Parameters

    The CTVUPGDB utility determines which indexes to add to the Global Index database, based on the following user-specified selection parameters. The parameters are specified in DD statement SYSIN.

    Table 304 CTVUPGDB Parameters




    Positional parameter. Mandatory.


    Determines whether the utility runs in Production mode or Simulation (Test) mode. Optional. Valid values are:

    • PROD - The utility runs in Production mode. The selected data are written to the file indicated by the DACTVLST DD statement. The selected reports are marked "loaded to Global Index" in the User file. These reports can be selected for loading again only if the FORCE parameter is set. Default.

    • TEST - The utility runs in simulation mode. The selected data are written into the file indicated by the DALSTEST DD statement. The selected reports are not marked "loaded to Global Index" in the User file.


    The name of the recipients or mask patterns for which the indexes are added. Mandatory.

    Up to 15 users or masks can be specified using the format


    The job name or mask of the reports for which indexes are added. Optional.


    The job ID of the report for which indexes are added. Optional.

    The format depends on JES definitions; either JOBn..n, where n..n is the job number containing 5 digits or Jn..n, where n..n is the job number containing 7 digits.


    The name of the reports or mask patterns for which the indexes are added to the Global Index database. Optional.

    If the report name contains embedded spaces, place the report name between apostrophes.


    The From ODATE of the report. This is the earliest order date from which indexes are selected. Optional.

    The date contains slashes, and is in the format dd/mm/yy, mm/dd/yy, or yy/mm/dd, depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in the IOAPARM member. The parameter can also be specified in the format -N, where N is number of days (0 -99999) preceding to the current date.


    The To ODATE of the report. This is the latest order date from which indexes are selected. Optional.

    The date contains slashes and is in the format dd/mm/yy, mm/dd/yy, or yy/mm/dd, depending on the site standard defined by the DATETYP parameter in the IOAPARM member. The parameter can also be specified in the format -N, where N is number of days (0 -99999) preceding to the current date.


    The action to perform on indexes that have already been added to the Global Index database. Use this parameter for utility runs that were abnormally terminated.

    Valid values are:

    • NO – Do not add indexes of reports that have already been added to the Global Index database. Default.

    • YES – Add indexes of reports that have been previously added to the Global Index database.


    The action to perform on trace messages. Optional.

    Valid values are:

    • NO – Do not issue trace messages. Default.

    • YES – Issue trace messages.

    • ALL – Issue trace messages and list all index values added to the Global Index database.


    The maximum number of reports to add to the Global Index database during one run of the utility. Optional. Default: 100.


    The action to perform on reports that are the result of a print mission with the STORE parameter set to YES. Optional.

    Valid values are:

    • NO – Do not add reports that are the result of print mission with the STORE parameter set to YES.

    • YES – Add only reports that are the result of a print mission with the STORE parameter set to YES, but do not add the original report.

    • ALL – Add both stored and not stored reports. Default.


    The action to perform on reports from the Migration User file. For Migrated reports, only resident indexes, which are indexes that reside on DASD, are processed.

    Valid values are:

    • NO – Do not process reports from the Migration User file, but only from the Active User files. Default.

    • YES – Process reports from the Migration User file, as well as from the Active User files.

    • ONLY – Process reports only from the Migration User only, not from the Active User files.


    Defines the format of the records of the generated flat file. Valid values are:

    • DB2 – Format of the records is described in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide. The Path number from the CTDGIDB2 member is included in each record. The DB2 value should be used when the created flat file is used to load the Global Index DB2 tables.

    • ONLY - Record format is the same as DB2 except for the Path number. The CTDGIDB2 member is not scanned when LIST is set to ONLY.


    The index path. Optional.

    Locations are separated by a slash, using the following syntax:


    If this parameter is specified, all index paths must be specified.

    If this parameter is not specified, add all index paths for all levels (that is, with all their sub-indexes). Default.


    The number of blocks for allocating SORTIN and SORTOUT files. Optional. Default: 3000.


    The action to perform on reports restored from the History User file. Optional.

    Valid values are:

    • YES – Reload reports restored from the History User file even if they had been loaded to Global Index Database before backup. Default.

    • NO – Do not process reports restored from the History User file if they had been loaded to Global Index Database before backup. This option is ignored if FORCE=YES is specified.

    Activating the CTVUPGDB Utility

    Figure 112 CTVUPGDB Activation

        LOAD USER=username [JOBNAME=jobname] [JOBID=jobid] [REPNAME=repname]
        [FODATE=dd/mm/yy] [TODATE=dd/mm/yy] [FORCE=YES|NO]

    CTVUPGDB Return Codes

    Table 305 CTVUPGDB Return Codes




    The utility ended successfully.


    The utility ended with a warning. For further information, see the specific warning message.


    An error was encountered during the process. For details, see the error messages for each input file.


    The utility ended successfully in TEST mode.


    An error was detected in the input parameters.

    Example for CTVUPGDB

    In this example, reports created by the k06test job, which are not marked "loaded to Global Index" in the Active User file, are processed. All index entries of the index paths defined in these reports that exist in the CTDGDB2 member are unloaded to the CTVP.V900.INDLST01 file. The processed reports are marked "loaded to Global Index".

    Figure 113 CTVUPGDB – Example 1

    //SYSIN DD *

    In this example, all reports not marked "loaded to Global Index" in the Migrated User file are processed. All index entries of the index paths ACCOUNT/DATE and ACCOUNT/NAME are unloaded to the CTVP.V900.INDLST01 file (if the paths exist in the CTDGDB2 member). The processed reports are marked "loaded to Global Index".

    Figure 114 CTVUPGDB – Example 2

    //Step01 EXEC CTVUPGDB
    //SYSIN DD *

    All reports in the Active and Migrated User file that belong to the TESTUSER recipient are processed. Al index entries of these reports are unloaded to the file indicated by the DALSTEST DD statement.

    Figure 115 CTVUPGDB – Example 3

    //SYSIN DD *

    CTVUPINV – Global update of subscription records in the Permanent User File

    The CTVUPINV utility enables you to run a batch job that globally updates the subscription records in the Permanent User File. The subscription records are created either automatically when an end-user subscribes to a report with Control-D/WebAccess or manually by an administrator using this utility. These records define distribution parameters for full or index Control-D reports to be processed by print missions. This utility can

    • insert new subscription records into the Permanent User File

    • delete subscription records from the Permanent User File

    • update existing subscription records

    • replicate subscription records by duplicating existing subscription records and then changing some attributes in the new subscription records

    • define a password that prevents unauthorized access to PDF reports and can be applied either to the whole PDF report or to specific sections within the report (based on report indexes that you specify)

    The input parameters for the utility are prepared in the input stream referred to in the SYSIN DD statement.

    The subscription records processed by the utility are printed to the output report referred to in the DAREPORT DD statement.

    The diagnostic messages are printed to the file referred to in the SYSPRINT DD statement.

    CTVUPINV Parameters

    The following groups of input parameters can be specified in the input stream:

    • General parameters

    • General parameters are specified in the beginning of the parameters stream. They define the working and output report printing modes for the utility. For details, see Table 306 below.

    • Action parameters

      All subscription record parameters are described in Table 307 below. These parameters can be used as selection parameters, for selecting subscription records to perform actions, or as update parameters, for setting parameters value in the records. The default values for the INSERT action are indicated in the table. The other actions do not have default values.

      The following action statements can be specified for the utility:

      • INSERT subscription record parameters

        A new subscription record with the specified parameters is added to the Permanent User File.

      • DELETE selection subscription record parameters

        The subscription records selected according specified parameters are deleted from the Permanent User File.

      • SELECT selection subscription record parameters
        CHANGE TO update subscription record parameters

        The subscription records selected according to specified selection parameters are updated with the values specified in the update parameters.

      • SELECT selection subscription record parameters
        REPLICATE update subscription record parameters

        Each subscription record selected according to specified selection parameters is replicated to a new record. The subscription record parameters specified in the update parameters are updated in the new record.

    At least one parameter must be specified for each action statement.

    Each action may be specified in the input stream several times with different record parameters.

    Table 306 CTVUPINV  general parameters




    Indicates whether the utility saves the updated subscription records, or only issues the report specified by the PRINT parameter. Valid values are:

    • PROD – The updated records are saved in the Permanent User File. Default.

    • TEST – The updated records are not saved. Only a output report is issued.


    This parameter indicates what is included in the output report. Valid values are:

    • NO - the output report is not printed.

    • YES - only processed subscription records are printed. The first report column contains the operation code. Default.

    • ALL - all subscription records located in the Permanent User File are printed. The first report column contains the operation code. It is empty for the records which are not processed by the utility run.

    Table 307 Subscription record parameters




    Subscription record type. Valid values are:

    • I - Individual record. Default. The record type I contains printing and distribution parameters for a specific Index value. The parameters INDNAME and INDVAL are obligatory for this record type.

    • G - Group record. The record type G contains printing and distribution parameters for a group of Index values related to the specified report name or it's mask. The parameter REPNAME is obligatory for this record type.

    • S - Index subscription record. This record, created for every end-user subscription, contains printing and distribution parameters for a specific Index value. The following parameters are obligatory for this record type: CTDS-EMAIL, RECIPIENT, REPNAME, JOBNAME, CATEGORY, INDNAMEx, INDVALx.

    • R - Report subscription record. This record, created for every end-user subscription, contains printing and distribution parameters for a full report. The following parameters are obligatory for this record type: CTDS-EMAIL, RECIPIENT, REPNAME, JOBNAME, CATEGORY.

    For password protection of PDF reports (that is, if you include the PDF-USER-PASS parameter), use TYPE values R (to protect the whole report) or S (and specify an index to protect).


    Index name of Index level x. x - is a number from 1 to 9. Complete value or mask. Maximum length is 20 characters. If the Index name for the level x is specified, it should also be specified for all previous levels of the Index path.

    This parameter is not available for R type records, but it is mandatory for I and S type records.


    Index value of Index level x. x – is a number from 1 to 9. Complete value or mask. Maximum length is 50 characters.

    If Index value for the level x is specified, it should be specified for all previous levels of the Index path too.

    For the I and S record type, the first 12 bytes of the last level value must not contain wildcard characters ‘*’,’?’.

    The level number specified by INDVAL must be the same as the level number specified by INDNAME.

    This parameter is not available for R type records, but it is mandatory for I and S type records.


    The minimal last level Index value. Maximum length is 50 characters.

    This parameter is not available for R type records.


    The maximal last level Index value. Maximum length is 50 characters.

    This parameter is not available for R type records.


    Job name. Complete value or mask. Maximum length is 8 character.

    This parameter is mandatory for R and S type records.


    Report recipient. Complete value or mask. Maximum length is 8 characters.

    This parameter is mandatory for R and S type records.


    Report name. Complete value or mask. Maximum length is 50 characters. For the G and R record types, the first 12 characters of the report name must not contain the following wildcard characters: ‘*’, ‘?’.

    This parameter is mandatory for G, R, and S type records.


    Report category. Complete value or mask. Maximum length is 20 characters.

    This parameter is mandatory for R and S type records.


    Subscription record description line. x –is the number of line and can be in the range from 1 to 2. Maximum length is 59 characters.


    Specifies the printing type to which the report is subscribed.

    For I and G record types, the valid values are:

    • Y – For a PRINT mission, where TYPE = E (Explicitly), the index corresponding to the subscription record is included in the print bundle and printed according the parameters in the record. For a PRINT mission, where TYPE = A (All), all the indexes are printed; the index corresponding to the subscription record is printed according the parameters in the record and the remaining indexes are printed according the common parameters. Default.

    • N – For a PRINT mission, where TYPE = E, the index corresponding to the subscription record with SUBSCRIBE=N is not included in the print bundle. For a PRINT mission, where TYPE = A, the parameters in the subscription record with SUBSCRIBE=N are not used for printing the indexes.

    For S and R record types, the valid values are:

    • I – PRINT mission only sends a notification to the specified e-mail address, but not the actual report.

    • E – PRINT mission sends report by e-mail.

    • P – PRINT mission sends report to SPOOL.


    Default printing destination. For SUBSCRIBE=I or E, the only valid value is CTDS. Maximum length is 8 characters.


    Default printing destination. Maximum length is 8 characters.

    For S and R record types, the default destination values are taken from the CTDSPARM member according to the SUBSCRIBE value, provided that the DEST1 and DEST2 parameters are not specified.


    Index banner requirement. Valid values are:

    • Y – report printed with the index banner. Default.

    • N – report printed without the index banner


    Control-D/Delivery Server destination folder. Maximum length is 60 characters.


    Control-D/Delivery Server destination email. Maximum length is 60 characters.

    This parameter is mandatory for R and S type records.


    Control-D/Delivery Server destination fax. Maximum length is 16 characters.


    User password for protecting PDF reports distributed through Control-D/Delivery Server or Control-D/WebAccess. Maximum length is 32 characters.

    This password is used both for reports converted to PDF format during distribution and for reports which were originally in PDF format.

    For more information, see Protecting access to PDF reports in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.


    Indicates whether corresponding PRINT mission will process original reports or reports created by print mission with the STORE=Y.

    Valid values are:

    • N - Process reports created by decollation mission. Default

    • Y - Process only reports created by print mission with STORE=Y.


    Recipient address line. x –is the number of line and can be in the range from 1 to 10. Maximum length is 52 characters.

    If blank spaces or apostrophes are included in a parameter specified for the utility, the parameter value must be written surrounded by apostrophes, and the apostrophes included in the value must be doubled.

    If a subscription record parameter is used as selection parameter for the utility, the wildcard characters '*', '?' are interpreted as mask for selection. If you want to interpret these characters as part of specified value, the parameter value must be written surrounded by apostrophes.

    Some parameters are included in a subscription record key, which is used to search the subscription records when printing Control-D reports. The list of parameters included in the key depends on the record type.

    For the I and G record types, the subscription record key includes the following parameters: TYPE, INDNAME, INDVAL, FROMINDVAL, TOINDVAL, RECIPIENT, JOBNAME, REPNAME, CATEGORY.

    For the S record type, the subscription record key includes the above parameters, in addition to the CTDS-EMAIL and STORED parameters.

    For the R record type, the subscription record key includes the following parameters: TYPE, RECIPIENT, JOBNAME, REPNAME, CATEGORY, CTDS-EMAIL, STORED.

    The record key value must be unique. The utility issues an error message and does not save the new record (whether it is inserted, replicated or updated) if an identical record key value is already used by an existing record.

    CTVUPINV Output report

    The CTVUPINV utility produces an output report file referred to in the DAREPORT DD statement.

    The report content depends on the input parameter PRINT. All selected, updated, deleted, inserted, and replicated subscription records are printed to this report by default, or if PRINT=YES is specified. If PRINT=ALL is specified, in additional to processed records, all subscription records located in the Permanent User File are printed to the report.

    Each subscription record is printed to one or several report lines. The first line has the following form:









    The operation code appears in the first column. Valid values are:

    • I – the record is inserted

    • D – the record is deleted

    • U – the record is updated

    • R – the record is replicated from another entry

    • S – the record is selected but not updated

    • Blank - the record is not processed by the job

    RECORD ID (record key) consists of two words. The first word contains the first 12 characters of the last level index value for the I and S record types or the first 12 characters of the report name for the G and R record types. The second word is the record counter printed in hexadecimal format.

    The main INDEX NAME and INDEX VALUE are printed in the first line of the I, G, and S record types. If more than one level Index path is specified in the record, the sub-index names and values are printed in the corresponding columns in the following lines.

    The record description is printed in the next line if it is specified.

    Other non-empty record parameters are printed in the following lines in the format PARAMETER NAME = parameter value.

    CTVUPINV Output report

    The CTVUPINV utility produces an output report file referred to in the DAREPORT DD statement.

    The report content depends on the input parameter PRINT. All selected, updated, deleted, inserted, and replicated subscription records are printed to this report by default, or if PRINT=YES is specified. If PRINT=ALL is specified, in additional to processed records, all subscription records located in the Permanent User File are printed to the report.

    Each subscription record is printed to one or several report lines. The first line has the following form:









    The operation code appears in the first column. Valid values are:

    • I – the record is inserted

    • D – the record is deleted

    • U – the record is updated

    • R – the record is replicated from another entry

    • S – the record is selected but not updated

    • Blank - the record is not processed by the job

    RECORD ID (record key) consists of two words. The first word contains the first 12 characters of the last level index value for the I and S record types or the first 12 characters of the report name for the G and R record types. The second word is the record counter printed in hexadecimal format.

    The main INDEX NAME and INDEX VALUE are printed in the first line of the I, G, and S record types. If more than one level Index path is specified in the record, the sub-index names and values are printed in the corresponding columns in the following lines.

    The record description is printed in the next line if it is specified.

    Other non-empty record parameters are printed in the following lines in the format PARAMETER NAME = parameter value.

    CTVUPINV Return codes

    Table 308 CTVUPINV return codes




    The utility ended successfully.


    The utility ended with warnings.


    The utility ended with errors.


    An error is detected in an input parameter.

    Examples for CTVUPINV

    This sample job performs the following actions:

    • Adds a new group subscription record to the Permanent User File.

    • This record is used when printing the Control-V report named "GROUP REPORT NAME" by the ACCOUNT index with values from 0000001 to 0000050. The reports will be printed to STD2 destination with Index banners (by default).

    • Adds a new individual subscription record to the Permanent User File.

    • This record is used when printing by the two level Index path DOC_ID/NAME when DOC_ID is started from 900 and NAME is DOE JOHN. The reports are printed to CTD/DS destination DSR50 without Index banners and distributed to e-mail address:

    • Deletes from the Permanent User File all the subscription records containing job names starting with "JOB9".

    • Changes the first address line in all the subscription records with the Index path DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT, the DEPARTMENT value 001 and ACCOUNT value starting from 20. The new address will be: P.O.Box 100, 12345 Anywhere, Earth.

    • Replicates all subscription records with the main Index name WAREHOUSE and recipient RECIP1 for the recipient RECIP2.

    //SYSIN    DD *                             
        REPNAME='GROUP REPORT NAME'                               
        INDVAL2= ‘DOE JOHN’
      CHANGE TO        
        ADDRESS1='P.O.Box 100, 12345 Anywhere, Earth'        

    The following sample job defines passwords to prevent unauthorized access to PDF reports from two jobs. For JOB1234, a password will be required to access a specific index in the report. For JOB2345, a password will be required to access the whole report.

    //SYSIN DD *

    MIGRESET – Reset the Migration Mission Status

    The MIGRESET utility resets the pending backup or migration missions, and the backup and migration status of the related reports.

    This utility affects backup or migration missions in IN PROCESS status, and resets them to ENDED status, but it does not affect the missions that have reached the stage of checking the results of their respective backup or migration jobs. It also resets the status of the reports affected by these missions to WAITING FOR BACKUP/MIGRATION. In addition, it resets the status of all the reports affected by those pending backup or migration missions that have already left the Active Mission File.

    This utility does not reset the status of reports that have been successfully migrated or backed up.

    This utility can be invoked in test mode. In this case, it does not change the Control-D repository, and only a simulation report is generated.

    MIGRESET Parameters

    Table 309 MIGRESET Parameters




    Specifies the utility’s execution mode. Valid values are:

    • TEST – The utility runs in test mode.

    • RESET – The utility resets the status of reports and missions. Default.


    Specifies the name of the mission that must be reset, and it also has a special meaning. Valid values are:

    • NOMISSION – No pending backup or migration mission will be reset. The utility resets only the status of the reports affected by pending missions that have already left the Active Mission File.

    • ALL – The utility resets the status of all pending backup and migration missions, and of all reports pending within backup or migration.

    • name – the name of the mission. The utility resets the status of the specified pending mission, the status of the reports related to it, and the status of all reports affected by the pending missions that have left already the Active Mission File. When name is specified, the MISTIME and MISODATE parameters are mandatory.


    Specifies the mission’s timestamp. The utility resets the status of the specified pending mission, the status of the reports related to it, and status of the all reports affected by the pending missions that have already left the Active Mission File.

    The value of this parameter must be represented in hhmmssth format, where hh is hours, mm is minutes, ss is seconds, t is tenths of a second, and h is hundredths of a second. This value may be extracted directly from the A.Z screen.

    This parameter is mandatory when MISNAME=name.


    Specifies the originating date of the mission. The utility resets the status of the specified pending mission, the status of the reports related to it, and status of the all reports affected by the pending missions that have already left the Active Mission File.

    The value of this parameter must be represented in ddmmyy, yymmdd, or mmddyy format, depending on the DATETYP parameter specification in the IOAPARM member. This value may be extracted directly from the A.Z screen.

    This parameter is mandatory when MISNAME=name.

    Activating the MIGRESET Utility

    The utility is activated by the BKPRESET JCL procedure. See the sample MIGRESET job in the Control-V JCL library.

    Figure 116 BKPRESET Activation

    //BKPRESET  EXEC  BKPRESET,                   
    //          MODE={ RESET | TEST },             
    //          MISNAME={ ALL | NOMISSION | name },
    //          [ MISTIME=time ],
    //          [ MISODATE=date ]

    Examples for MIGRESET

    MIGRESET Example 1

    //BKPRESET  EXEC  BKPRESET,                   
    //          MODE=RESET,                                            
    //          MISNAME=MIG0007Y,
    //          MISTIME=12054417,
    //          MISODATE=261106

    In this example, the utility resets the status of the MIG0007Y mission that was ordered on November 26, 2006 and started at 12:05:44.17 to ENDED, and it also resets the status of the reports awaiting completion for this mission and of the missions that have already left the Active Mission File to WAITING FOR BACKUP/MIGRATION.

    MIGRESET Example 2

    //BKPRESET  EXEC  BKPRESET,                   
    //          MODE=RESET,                                            
    //          MISNAME=ALL

    In this example, the utility resets the status of all pending backup or migration missions to ENDED, and it also resets the status of all reports awaiting completion of their respective backup or migration processes to WAITING FOR BACKUP/MIGRATION.

    MIGRESET Example 3

    //BKPRESET  EXEC  BKPRESET,                   
    //                MODE=RESET,                                            
    //                MISNAME=NOMISSION

    In this example, the utility resets the status only of those reports that failed in backup or migration within the missions that are no longer located in the Active Mission File. The status of these reports is changed to WAITING FOR BACKUP/MIGRATION.

    MIGRESET Example 4

    BKPRESET  EXEC  BKPRESET,                   
    //              MODE=TEST,                                            
    //              MISNAME=ALL

    This is the same example as Example 2, but the utility is running in test mode and it does not make any changes in the repository or in the Active Mission File. It only generates a simulation report.

    RSTRESET – Reset the Restore Mission Status

    If, for any reason, the analysis step of a restore job has not been executed or has abended during the execution, the status of the restore mission remains as RESTORE IN PROCESS, and the status of the reports it caught remain WAIT RESTORE. If this occurs, reset the restore mission status to ENDED and reset the status of the reports by using the RSTRESET job from the Control-D JCL library. This job sets the status of the mission to ENDED NOTOK and resets the status of the reports that failed during the restoration either to BACKED UP or to WAIT RESTORE status, depending on the value of the program parameter (B or W) that was used when the program was invoked from the job. The default value of the parameter is B.

    If the reports are reset to BACKED UP status, then they must again be requested to be restored, if necessary by using option R in screen U.

    To restore the reset reports, a restore mission can be requested for rerun by using the R option in the A screen. Alternatively, a new instance of the restore mission can be ordered.

    Within one execution, the RSTRESET job resets the status of all non-held restore missions currently in RESTORE IN PROCESS status in the Active Mission file, and the status of all related reports.