About This Guide
This guide contains the information necessary for INCONTROL™ administrators who are responsible for customizing and maintaining the INCONTROL family of products.
Basic information about how INCONTROL products operate is provided in user guides for each product.
Overview of ContentsLink copied to clipboard
The guide is divided into the following chapters and appendices:
IOA Concepts and Components: Overview of the IOA environment and a description of key IOA concepts and components.
IOA Administration: How to customize and maintain the IOA environment.
Customizing and Administering Each of the INCONTROL ProductsLink copied to clipboard
Information about administrative tasks for each INCONTROL product. Each chapter includes information on the product’s New Day processing and workflow, as well as information about how the relevant product can be used to perform specific tasks. These chapters also include information about the structure of relevant files, operator commands, and so on.
Control-M: Describes Control-M and Control‑M/Restart.
Control-D and Control-V: Describes Control‑D and Control‑V.
Exits: Information on exits available with each INCONTROL product that can be used to modify operations.
INCONTROL Application Program Names: Describes the application program names that are contained in INCONTROL product tapes.
Dataset Formatting Jobs for INCONTROL Products: Describes members that are ISPF skeletons, which can be used to create, allocate, and/or format INCONTROL product datasets.
Modifying IOA Online Facility Commands: Describes how to change the names of the IOA Online facility commands.
Logical Field Names for the Control-M/Tape Repository: The tables in this section list fields that can be:
Specified in utility INCLUDE/EXCLUDE statements to determine which records are processed when the utility runs.
Manually updated in the Media Database with the CTTMUP utility.
Included in utility-generated reports.
IOA Online Options Cross-Reference: Cross-reference between IOA Online Options and screen titles, modules, CSETs, and format, PFKey, command, and help members.
General Use Assembler Macros and Modules: Describes the assembler macros and modules provided with INCONTROL products.
Customizing the Control-M Active Environment Screen: Describes methods for customizing Control-M Active Environment screens for local language, local site terminology, and ease of use.
Control-O Monitor and CMEM Modify Commands: Contains a table of descriptions and parameters for the Control-O Monitor and CMEM Modify commands.
Control-D/V Diagnostic Trace Levels: Contains a partial listing of diagnostic trace levels available for Control-D and Control-V components.
Control-M Diagnostic Trace Levels: Contains a partial listing of diagnostic trace levels available for Control-M.
Control-D Audit Service: Describes how to prepare and run Control-D audit services for tracking IT processes and their related business information. This auditing option enables tracking user actions and changes to reports, providing the audit information to designated users for analysis.
Conventions Used in This GuideLink copied to clipboard
Notational conventions that might be used in this guide are explained below.
Standard Keyboard KeysLink copied to clipboard
Keys that appear on the standard keyboard are identified in boldface, for example, Enter, Shift, Ctrl+S (a key combination), or Ctrl S (a key sequence).
The commands, instructions, procedures, and syntax illustrated in this guide presume that the keyboards at your site are mapped in accordance with the EBCDIC character set. Certain special characters are referred to in this documentation, and you must ensure that your keyboard enables you to generate accurate EBCDIC hex codes. This is particularly true on keyboards that have been adapted to show local or national symbols. You should verify that
$ is mapped to x'5B'.
# is mapped to x'7B'.
@ is mapped to x'7C'.
If you have any questions about whether your keyboard is properly mapped, contact your system administrator.
Preconfigured PFKeysLink copied to clipboard
Many commands are preconfigured to specific keys or key combinations. This is particularly true with regard to numbered PF keys, or pairs of numbered PF Keys. For example, the END command is preconfigured to, and indicated as, PF03/PF15. To execute the END command, press either the PF03 key or the PF15 key.
Instructions to enter commands may include:
Only the name of the command, such as, enter the END command.
Only the PF keys, such as, press PF03/PF15.
Or both, such as, press PF03/PF15, or enter the END command.
Command Lines and Option FieldsLink copied to clipboard
Most screens contain a command line, which is primarily used to identify a single field where commands, or options, or both, are to be entered. These fields are usually designated COMMAND, but they are occasionally identified as COMMAND/OPT or COMMAND/OPTION.
Option field headings appear in many screens. These headings sometimes appear in the screen examples as OPTION, or OPT, or O.
Names of Commands, Fields, Files, Functions, Jobs, Libraries, Members, Missions, Options, Parameters, Reports, Subparameters, and UsersLink copied to clipboard
The names of commands, fields, functions, jobs, libraries, members, missions, options, parameters, reports, subparameters, users, and most files, are shown in standard UPPERCASE font.
Syntax StatementsLink copied to clipboard
In syntax, the following additional conventions apply:
A vertical bar ( | ) separating items indicates that you must choose one item. In the following example, you would choose a, b, or c:
CopyCopied to clipboarda | b | c
An ellipsis ( . . . ) indicates that you can repeat the preceding item or items as many times as necessary.
Square brackets ( [ ] ) around an item indicate that the item is optional. If square brackets ( [ ] ) are around a group of items, this indicates that the item is optional, and you may choose to implement any single item in the group. Square brackets can open ( [ ) and close ( ] ) on the same line of text, or may begin on one line of text and end, with the choices being stacked, one or more lines later.
Braces ({ }) around a group of items indicates that the item is mandatory, and you must choose to implement a single item in the group. Braces can open ( { ) and close ( } ) on the same line of text, or may begin on one line of text and end, with the choices being stacked, one or more lines later.
Screen CharactersLink copied to clipboard
All syntax, operating system terms, and literal examples are presented in this typeface.
This includes JCL calls, code examples, control statements, and system messages. Examples of this are:
Calls, such as:
CopyCopied to clipboardCALL 'CBLTDLI'
Code examples, such as:
CopyCopied to clipboardFOR TABLE owner.name USE option, . . . ;
Control statements, such as:
CopyCopied to clipboard//PRDSYSIN DD * USERLOAD PRD(2) PRINT
System messages are displayed on the screen, such as
Stand-alone messages:
CopyCopied to clipboardYou are not logged on to database database_name
Messages embedded in text:
CopyCopied to clipboardYou are not logged on to database database_name
VariablesLink copied to clipboard
Variables are identified with italic text. Examples of this are:
In syntax or message text, such as:
Specify database database_name
In regular text, such as:
replace database database_name1 with database database_name2 for the current session -
In a version number, such as:
Special ElementsLink copied to clipboard
This guide includes special elements called Notes and Warnings.
Notes provide additional information about the current subject.
Warnings alert you to situations that can cause problems, such as loss of data, if you do not follow instructions carefully.
Information New to This VersionLink copied to clipboard
Additional information that is new to this version is described in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Upgrading and the What’s New section of the INCONTROL for z/OS Release Notes.
Related PublicationsLink copied to clipboard
INCONTROL for z/OS Installation GuideLink copied to clipboard
A step-by-step guide to installing, customizing, maintaining, and upgrading INCONTROL products using the INCONTROL Customization and Installation Engine (ICE) application.
The guide is divided into the following volumes:
INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing
This guide describes the procedures and steps required for installing INCONTROL products.
The following installation tracks are available:
Express installation
Customized installation
INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Customizing
This guide describes the procedures and steps required for customizing INCONTROL products.
INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Upgrading
This guide contains instructions for upgrading to the current release from previous INCONTROL versions.
The Express Upgrade is the recommended approach for upgrading INCONTROL products to the most recent major version.
INCONTROL for z/OS Messages Manual Link copied to clipboard
A comprehensive listing and explanation of all IOA and INCONTROL messages.
INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide Link copied to clipboard
This guide provides information for system administrators about customizing and maintaining INCONTROL products.
INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide Link copied to clipboard
A detailed description of the utilities designed to perform specific administrative tasks that are available to INCONTROL products. The guide contains an alphabetized reference of all utilities for each INCONTROL product.
User GuidesLink copied to clipboard
Product-specific guides containing comprehensive information about the operation and implementation of each INCONTROL product.