IOA Administration


This chapter describes the customization facilities available within IOA, including:

  • IOA Online Environment

  • Destination Tables

  • Expanding IOA Files

  • Problem Determination


IOA Online Environment

The Online facility can be activated under, and supply services to, the following environments:

  • TSO (native)

  • VTAM


  • IMS/DC



  • CICS


Options for cross‑memory interfaces to the Online monitor address space are available under native TSO and ROSCOE/ETSO.

There are slight differences in the operation of the Online facility under different environments.

The following topics describe how the IOA Online monitor facility provides support for various environments using CICS as a model scenario. The description also applies to the following environments:

  • IMS/DC

  • VTAM



  • ROSCOE CrossMemory Interface

  • TSO CrossMemory Interface

Entering the IOA Online Facility

In TSO and ISPF, the IOA Online facility is entered by running a CLIST (located in the IOA CLIST library). The CLIST calls IOAONL, which is the main CLIST that activates the Online facility in the specified environment.

The following CLISTs are provided for activating the IOA Online facility in the indicated environment:

Table 8 CLISTs for Activating the IOA Online Facility




TSO environment.


ISPF environment.


TSO through Cross‑Memory services.

The CLIST format used to activate the IOA Online environment under ISPF or TSO is:

IOAONL APPLTYPE(atype) [TRANID(transmem)]
  • atype is the type of environment under which IOA is run. Valid values are I (ISPF), S (TSO) and X (Online monitor).

  • transmem is the name of the relevant transaction member in the IOA PARM library. Maximum length: four characters. Optional.

If no transaction member is specified, a full list of all options for the installed products is displayed.

For more information see Transaction Members.

At a site where Control‑M and Control‑D are installed, the following CLIST enables all options for Control‑M and Control‑D under TSO:


Dataset allocation for the IOA Online environment can be customized using specification of overriding or alternative Allocation members in the CLIST used to activate the IOA Online environment. For more information, see Allocation Members.

You can pass a transaction ID directly as a keyword parameter to either the IOATSO or IOAISPF CLISTs. For example, IOATSO TRANID(DMAN)activates the IOA environment under TSO, setting up only the IOA and Control‑D options regardless of other products installed at the site (where transaction member DMAN contains the appropriate statements).

The following CLIST and transaction member combination enables only option U of Control‑D under ISPF (where transaction member DOLV contains the appropriate statements). In the CLIST library:


IOA Online Monitor

The IOA Online monitor interacts with different environments (for example, CICS) to provide an online interface for the various IOA applications. The IOA Online monitor generates the INCONTROL product screens, which are available to users signed on to the monitor, and handles all IOA online functions.

Each IOA Online monitor usually operates 24 hours a day as a started task. The IOA Online monitor is usually activated automatically as part of the IPL process.

Principles of Operation

To enable the same user interface to be activated by users under different environments, a virtual environment is built for each user. This virtual environment handles all actions a user requests to perform in the IOA environment. Therefore, any environment being used at a site can be supported by adding a customized routine to convert the virtual environment to the site’s environment.

A special started task, named the IOA Online monitor (IOAOMON), provides an environment for executing IOA applications. One or more IOA Online monitors can be started and each monitor can support several virtual environments (signed‑on users).

Each monitor can customize INCONTROL product screens, constants, messages, colors, commands and PFKey definitions to adapt them to the site’s requirements. It is recommended that the same prefix be used for each group of monitors that are customized for specific functions. For more information, see the description of member IOAXPRM in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

In addition to site‑wide Global profile customization, each INCONTROL product can be customized to respond differently to individual users signed on to the IOA Online monitor through variables specified in User profiles.

In the CICS environment, a small conversational transaction communicates with the IOA Online monitor using cross‑memory services. The CICS transaction receives a screen from the user terminal and passes the screen to the IOA Online monitor for processing. The IOA Online monitor returns a screen (to be displayed) to the CICS transaction that in turn sends this screen to the CICS user at the terminal. Using this method, the IOA application is performed outside CICS and the normal CICS function is uninterrupted. The memory requirement of each user in the CICS region is approximately the size of the screen (that is, 2x24x80=3840 bytes).

The IOA Online monitor activates each user as a subtask. Therefore, in the event of an error or abend of a user application, other users working under the IOA Online monitor are not affected.

IOA applications work above and below the 16MB line. Therefore, region size limits may restrict the number of users who can work concurrently under the same online monitor. However, it is possible to open any number of additional IOA Online monitors. Each online monitor must have a different name. The general naming convention that is supplied is


x can be any valid job name character, a different one for each online monitor.

When a user enters the IOA CICS transaction code, the IOA CICS application searches for a free space in one of the currently active IOA Online monitors. The process of choosing a monitor is transparent to the CICS user. Using this method, there is no limitation on the number of users signing on to IOA.

It is possible to balance the workload of two or more IOA Online monitors. For more information see the BALANCE parameter in the IOA installation chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

The actual number of users under one monitor varies according to their memory requirements (influenced by how many screens they use concurrently, what type of IOA options they are using, and so on). Many options exist in the IOA Primary Option menu. However, there is no reason for every user to access all options of each product. It may be desirable to limit access to certain options to only a selected group of users. This is done by passing a transaction code to the Online monitor. For more information, see Transaction Members. It is also possible to determine that certain monitors allow users to sign on only with specific transactions thus enabling monitors to be specialized for different groups and numbers of users.

The Control‑D Online Viewing facility runs mostly above the 16MB line. Therefore, it is possible to activate about 70 Online Viewing users under one monitor. However, these users are limited to Online Viewing transactions only. This can be done by forcing users to sign on with the transaction ID DOLV.

A data center can run more than one CICS in the same computer. From the IOA point of view, this is transparent to the user. The IOA Online monitor always returns the screen to the CICS that issued the request. It is possible to define additional transaction IDs for local use (for example, a transaction ID offering all options of the menu except for the IOA Conditions/Resources screen). For more information, see Customizing the IOA Online Environment.

Activating the IOA Online Monitor (IOAOMON)

Each IOA Online monitor usually operates 24 hours a day as a started task. Usually the IOA Online monitor is automatically activated as part of the IPL process by the following operator command:


where x is the monitor ID.

The names of the online monitors available in a site are defined in member IOAXPRM in the IOA PARM library. For details, see Customizing the IOA Online Environment.

If the IOA Online monitor is successfully activated, the following message is displayed on the operator console:


After a few seconds the following message is displayed:


If you try to activate more than one IOA Online monitor with the same monitor ID in the same computer, the newly‑activated monitor immediately shuts down and a relevant message is issued.

The IOA Online monitor uses cross‑memory services to communicate with other address spaces requesting services. Like other address spaces using cross‑memory services, whenever the IOA Online monitor is shut down, the address space entry in the MVS Address Space Vector Table (ASVT) remains non‑reusable until the next IPL, and the message IEF352I is issued (in some MVS versions). If the IOA Online monitor is brought up and down many times, the ASVT may become full. New address spaces do not start, and an immediate IPL may be required.

To prevent this problem, specify a large enough value in MVS initialization parameters MAXUSER, RSVSTRT and RSVNONR in member IEASYSXX in the SYS1.PARMLIB library.

For information about these parameters, see the MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference Manual.

Controlling the Online Monitors

The IOA Online monitor supplies online services to many users. Therefore, it is necessary to control "what is happening inside" each monitor. The following sections describe a series of operator commands that enable such control.

Displaying a List of All Active Users

Enter operator command:


where x is the monitor ID.

The following list is displayed on the operator console from which the modify command was issued:

CTM646I  monitor user pgm tranid terminal start last status

Message CTM646I is displayed for every user in the IOA Online monitor, and contains the following data for each user:

Table 9 Data in Message CTM646I




Name of the IOA Online monitor.


User ID.


Name of the program that is active.


Transaction ID. For details, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.


Terminal ID under the IOA Online monitor.


Start time (the hour and minute the user entered the Online facility).


The last time the user performed an action with the Online facility (Format: hour.minute.second).



  • W (Waiting) - Waiting for input (from the terminal).

  • A (Active) - Active. Working.

  • T (Terminating) – User session is terminating.

Displaying a List of All Active Datasets and DD Statements

To display a list of all active datasets and DD statements, specify the following operator command:

F monitor_name,LISTDD

The following information is displayed on the operator console from which the modify command was issued:

Table 10 Information Displayed on Operator Console




DD statement names for all datasets currently allocated to the monitor.


Names of all datasets currently allocated to the monitor.

Displaying a Detailed Storage Map

To display a detailed storage map by TCB storage key and subpool, specify the following operator command:

F monitor_name,LISTVDET

Every allocated block is listed by TCB and subpool number. The following information is displayed on the operator console from which the modify command was issued:

Table 11 Detailed Storage Map Information






Subpool number.


Address from which the dataset is allocated.


Size of the dataset (both above and below the line).

Displaying a Summary Storage Map

To display a summary storage map, specify the following operator command:

F monitor_name,LISTVSUM

Totals for all allocated blocks are listed.

Canceling an IOA Online Monitor User

To cancel a specific user who is currently active under the IOA Online monitor, enter operator command:


where x is the monitor ID.

As a result, the user application is terminated and the following message is displayed on the operator console from which the modify command was issued:

CTM795I  monitor-name USER userid CANCELED

Deactivating the IOA Online Monitor

To deactivate the IOA Online monitor, use operator command:


where x is the monitor ID.

Using the zIIP processor by the IOA Online Monitor

The ZIIPXBMO parameter is provided in the IOAPARM member for offloading IOA Online Monitor I/O workloads to zIIP with XBM (Extended Buffer Manager). The default is N, that the I/O workloads are not offloaded to zIIP with XBM.

The XBM modify command allows the IOA Online Monitor to activate the offloading of eligible I/O workloads from general purpose processors to zIIP processors with XBM. This way XBM address space can be started after INCONTROL address spaces, without requiring the INCONTROL address spaces to be restarted.

For the IOA Online Monitor, the XBM modify operator command syntax is as follows:


where x is the monitor ID.

Problem Determination

Control‑O is supplied with internal debugging (trace) facilities that provide the ability to print an internal debugging trace and to print the contents of Control‑O internal data areas. Under normal circumstances, the trace facilities are dormant. However, if required (that is, if BMC Customer Support has requested debugging information), you can activate the trace facilities by performing the following steps:

Do one of the following:

  1. Start a new Control O monitor with the following operator command:

    The ControlO monitor passes control to the new ControlO monitor and shuts down.

  2. Issue the following operator command:


    The required trace level is supplied by BMC Customer Support. It can be any value from 000 to 255 (000 specifies no debugging).

    You should not regularly activate ControlO with the TRACE parameter, because a JES problem may cause ControlO to become suspended while waiting for JES.

    Debugging information is printed to files referenced by DD statements DATRACE and DADUMP of the ControlO procedure.

  3. When you finish your problem determination procedures, start a new ControlO using operator command


    or specify operator command



The VTAM monitor (IOAVMON) enables access to the IOA Online monitor for VTAM users without passing though any TP monitors (for example, CICS, IMS/DC). Only one VTAM monitor can be activated at a time.

Activating the VTAM Monitor (IOAVMON)

The VTAM monitor usually operates 24 hours a day as a started task. The monitor is usually automatically activated as part of the IPL process by operator command:


The VTAM application is active before starting the VTAM monitor. To activate the VTAM application manually, use VTAM command:

V NET,ACT,ID=ioaappl

where ioaappl is the VTAM major node containing the IOAVMON acbname.

If the VTAM monitor is successfully activated, the following message ia displayed on the operator console:


After a few seconds, the following messages are displayed:

CTM7ACI monitor-name ACCEPTING LOGONS TO acbname

Deactivating the VTAM Monitor

To deactivate the VTAM monitor, use operator command:


Displaying a List of All Active VTAM Users

To display the list of users logged on to IOAVMON, enter operator command:


The following list is displayed on the console from which the operator command was issued:

CTM7B1I monitor - LUname transid

Customizing the IOA Online Environment

All INCONTROL products are accessed using the IOA Online environment. This environment can be customized to meet your site’s needs. Using the methods described in this section, you can, for example, modify menus and allocation tables, and control users’ access to the various features of the INCONTROL products installed at your site.

The members described in this section reside in the libraries pointed to by DD statement DAPARM. The standard concatenation is the IOA PARM and IOAENV libraries. The IOA PARM library can be customized to meet the site’s needs.

Transaction Members

Transaction members are line‑oriented of a transaction member. Each line contains customization information for one of the INCONTROL products installed at the site.

Transaction members can be used to determine

  • which products are available to the user.

  • which options of each product are available to the user.

  • which program member is to be used by the transaction.

The format for each line in a transaction member is:

product [optiona, optionb,...optionx] [PGM=pgmlist]


  • product is the INCONTROL product described in the line. Valid values are: IOA, CTM, CTR, CTD, CTV, CTT, CTO, CTL and CTB.
    Products do not need to be listed in any specific order. Only products listed in the transaction member are made available to the user.

  • optiona through optionx are the option codes of options to be displayed, or ALL. The option codes are the one or two character codes that are entered in the command line to indicate choice of a specific option. If ALL is specified, all options of the product described in the line are displayed.

  • pgmlist is the name of the Program List member used to activate the INCONTROL product described in this line. For more information, see Program List Members.

Certain transaction names cannot be used for user‑defined transaction members. Reserved transaction names are: IOAX, DOLV, KOA, VK, IALL and ECS.

Member DOLV in the IOAENV library specifies option U of Control‑D:


Member DMAN in the IOAENV library specifies all options of IOA and Control‑D:


A transaction member that contains only option 3 of Control‑M and options 4 and 5 of IOA looks like this:

IOA 4,5

If a transaction member specifies only one option, once activated, the option is accessed directly without displaying a menu panel. If more than one option is specified, the following options are automatically added to the menu: 0, 1 (in some menus) and X. Therefore, the minimum number of options in a menu member is 4 or 5. Options 0,1, and X do not need to be specified in transaction members and is not specified in PGM members.

Program List Members

A Program list specifies a member containing a list of programs to be activated for the options of an INCONTROL product. A Program List member exists for each INCONTROL product (including IOA).

The naming convention for Program List members is PGMxxx, where xxx is the product suffix (for example, PGMCTM is the Program List member for Control‑M).

Each product has its own program list member that contains all the options of the product. Unless specified otherwise in a transaction member, the product’s program list member is used to specify which options of the product are available for users. The PGM list member is used only if the product is installed as specified in member IOAPARM in the IOA PARM library.

Program List members are line‑oriented. Each line describes a program in the relevant product.

The format for each line in a Program List member is:

program DELETE envir [=]optioncode

Table 12 Format for Program List Member Lines




Program described in the line. If the program has been modified, the name of the new (modified) program is specified here.


A one‑character designation of the environments in which the program option is to be available. Valid values:

  • I - ISPF

  • R - KSL

  • S - TSO

  • X - Online monitor

* - All environments

blank - No environments


If specified, the equal sign indicates that this option is accessible from all screens in the IOA environment using the transfer command (for example, =5 transfers the user to the IOA Log screen). If no equal sign is specified, the option is only available from the IOA Primary Option menu.


A one or two‑character option code used to activate the specified program. To specify a different option code for a program, specify the new option code here. More than one option code can be specified for each program. No two programs can have the same option code.

Changing the option code listed in the Program List member affects only the operation of the program. To ensure that the display shows the new option code, it is necessary to update member MENU in the MSGENG library. For details, see Customizing the Menu.

Option codes for options 0, 1, and X are reserved and cannot be changed.

The following default Program List members are located in the IOAENV library:










The following is the Sample Program List member for Control‑O (member PGMCTO):


An alternate Program List member can be used to specify a modified version of a specific program (or programs) to be activated for a specific options.

Alternate program lists must contain programs for all available options of the relevant product available to the user.

Allocation Members

Allocation of files and datasets for each INCONTROL product is specified in Allocation members. The naming convention for Allocation members is ALCxxx, where xxx is the product suffix. Each product has its own Allocation member that contains the allocations that need to be made to access the product using the Online facility.

Two sets of Allocation members are provided in the following IOA libraries:

Table 13 IOA Libraries Containing Sets of Allocation Members




When INCONTROL products are first installed, files and datasets are allocated according to the Allocation members in the IOAENV library. This library contains the default Allocation member settings, and can be potentially overridden by periodic maintenance.


You can also customize allocations at your site by making changes to the set of Allocation members in the PARM library. Modifications to the PARM library enable localization of your INCONTROL product settings.

The IOAENV and PARM libraries contain Allocation members, including










Allocation members consist of blocks of KEY parameters that function as identifiers. These KEY parameters reference DD statement entries in a DSN member (either member IOADSN in the IOAENV library or member IOADSNL in the PARM library) where the actual DD statements and corresponding information are contained.

When allocating, member IOADSNL in the PARM library is searched for the corresponding key. If the key is not located in this member, member IOADSN in the IOAENV library is searched. Therefore, localized corrections override default allocations.

Allocation specifications are contained in both Allocation members and DSN members. This facilitates the maintenance of DD statements in one location, minimizing the risks inherent to maintaining multiple occurrences of the same DD statement.

Allocation members contain conditional statements that are evaluated according to parameters in the PARM members (for example, IOAPARM, CTMPARM) in the PARM library. The datasets specified in a product's Allocation member are only allocated if its conditional statement evaluates to true.

Allocation Member Format

The format of a key in an Allocation member is:


where keyname is the name of the key that points to a DD statement entry by the same name in a DSN member (member IOADSN or IOADSNL). keyname usually matches the DD statement to which it points. Mandatory.

Conditional blocks of execution can be specified using the )SEL and )ENDSEL parameters: If no )SEL parameters are specified, the subsequent allocations (that is, KEY=parameters) apply to all products.

)SEL ppp=value

Table 14 Fields for Conditional Blocks of Execution




Indication that the subsequent keys are only used for allocation if the subsequent expression, ppp=value, is true. )SEL must begin in column 1. Optional.


An installation parameter.


Indication of completion of this block of key parameters. Mandatory, if )SEL is specified.


In column 1, represents a comment line. Optional.

Format of a Dataset Entry in a DSN Member

The format of a dataset entry in a DSN member (either IOADSN or IOADSNL) is as follows:

        VOL=volume serial number
        RETRY=retry number

Table 15 Fields for the Format of a Dataset Entry in a DSN Member




Name of the identifying key. Mandatory.


Sequence number for concatenating libraries and members. To concatenate, specify the same DD statement name with a different sequence number. The concatenation is according to SEQ in ascending order. Optional.


DD statement (typically the same as the name of the key). Mandatory.


DSN name. Optional.

%variable%s can be specified. These variables are resolved at allocation time according to values in member DEFPARM in the PARM library. The user can change the values in DEFPARM, preferably using the INCONTROL Installation and Customization Engine (ICE).


Member name. Optional.


Determines whether allocation is performed using the MVS catalog information, or from other sources. Valid values are:

YES – Allocation is performed using the MVS catalog information.

NO – Information is taken from the UNIT and VOL parameters when allocating the dataset.


Unit name


Volume serial number


Number of attempts that should be made to allocate the dataset when it is in use by another user. Retries occur at half-second intervals. Valid values are: 1-999. Default: 1

Format of a Sysout Entry in a DSN Member

The format of a sysout entry in a DSN member (either IOADSN or IOADSNL) is:

SYSOUT  key,

Table 16 Fields for the Format of a SYSOUT Entry in a DSN Member




Name of the identifying key. Mandatory.


DD statement (typically the same as the name of the key). Mandatory.


Class name. Mandatory.


Indication of whether the class is held.

YES - Class is held.

NO - Class is not held.


Indication of whether MVS frees the resource allocation to this DD statement.

CLOSE - Closed when the dataset is closed. For more information, see the MVS JCL Reference Manual.

CTMHELP is allocated if any INCONTROL product is installed:

Table 17 Example of CTMHELP allocation in DSN member

In Allocation Member

In DSN Member


To customize allocation at your site, specify one of the following DD statements in the CLIST (or the Online monitor procedure or the KSL) used to activate the IOA Online facility:

Table 18 DD Statements for Customizing Allocation

DD Statement



Specifies a member containing allocations that override corresponding allocations in the Allocation member list for the relevant product.

The datasets specified in the appropriate products in the Allocation member are all allocated. However, any allocations for datasets specified in the overriding member are also allocated and they override the corresponding allocations.

CLIST with an overriding Allocation member:



Specifies an alternate Allocation member for replacing Allocation members for all products at the site.

The alternate list must contain a complete set of all necessary allocations to the environment (that is, not just modified ones) because none of the default Allocation members is used.

CLIST with an alternate Allocation member:


If neither an overriding Allocation member nor an alternate Allocation member is specified, the default Allocation members are used. Overriding and alternate Allocation members can be stored in the IOA PARM library.

Only one overriding or alternate Allocation member can be specified in a procedure (for example, a CLIST). However, multiple overriding and alternate Allocation members can be created at a site for use with different CLISTs and Online monitor procedures.

Sample ALC Member (ALCCTM)

 )SEL CTM=Y        
 )SEL HIST=Y       

Modifying IOA Online Facility Commands

Every screen of the IOA Online facility supports a set of commands. It is possible to change the names of these commands or to create synonyms. The commands reside in the IOAENV library in members with the following naming convention:



  • xxx is the screen identifier.

  • y is the commands member number, where 1 is the active commands member, and other numbers are alternative members.

When changing the names of these commands or to create synonyms, make sure to make the changes in a member in the PARM library, and not in a member in the IOAENV library.

IOA Online Options Cross-Reference contains a list of all options, screens and their corresponding command members.

A command member is composed of one header line and any number of command lines. The number at the left of the header line is the total number of command lines in the member. It must be updated when lines are added to or deleted from the command member.

The structure of the command line is:

Table 19 Command Line Structure




Command name.


Reserved hexadecimal (unprintable) value. Do not modify.


Description of the command.


Reserved hexadecimal (unprintable) value representing the internal command number. Do not modify.

It is possible to change the command name and/or description by typing in the change. To add a synonym (a command that is to have the same effect as an existing command), duplicate the command line, modify the command name on the duplicated line, and add one to the command line counter at the left side of the header line. To delete a command, delete the command line in the member and decrease the counter by one.

Modifying IOA Online Facility PFKey Definitions

Every screen of the IOA Online facility is associated with a set of PFKeys with preassigned commands. It is possible to change these PFKey definitions. The PFKey assignments reside in the IOAENV library in members with the following naming convention:



  • xxx is the screen identifier. IOA Online Options Cross-Reference contains a detailed list of all screens and their corresponding PFKey members.

  • y is the PFKey definition member number, where 1 is the active PFKey definition member, and all other numbers are alternative members.

When changing PFKey definitions, make sure to make the changes in a member in the PARM library, and not in a member in the IOAENV library.

A PFKey member is composed of one header line and any number of PFKey definition lines.

The structure of the PFKey definition line is:

Table 20 PFKey Definition Line Structure




The PFKey or Enter.


The command assigned to the PFKey.

At least one PFKey or Enter key must be defined as the ENTER command.

IOA Primary Option Menu

The IOA Primary Option menu displays INCONTROL product options and facilities available to the user. Customizing the menu is usually not required since the menu is dynamically generated according to the options available to the user.

The IOA Primary Option menu is displayed in one of the following formats:

  • When less than a threshold number of options is available, options are displayed in Line format. Options are listed one per line on the screen. An option code, the name of the option, and a brief description is listed for each option Information about the INCONTROL products installed at the site is displayed in the upper right corner of the screen.

  • When more than the threshold number of options is available, options are grouped according to product in Box format. In Box format only option codes and option names are displayed. This format enables displaying all INCONTROL products and their options on one screen. Information about INCONTROL products installed at the site is available using the INFO command.

Reducing or increasing the number of available options might change the format in which the Primary Option menu is displayed.

Line Format Display

---------------------       IOA PRIMARY OPTION MENU       ------------------(1)
OPTION ===>                                               USER N06     
                                                          DATE        10.02.00
2   JOB SCHEDULE DEF     CTM Job Scheduling Definition      
3   ACTIVE ENV.          TM Active Environment Display      
4   COND/RES             IOA Conditions or Resources Display 
5   LOG                  IOA Log Display                      
6   TSO                  Enter TSO Command                                 
7   MANUAL COND          IOA Manual Conditions Display                     
8   CALENDAR DEF         IOA Calendar Definition                           
IV  VARIABLE DATABASE    IOA Variable Database Definition Facility         
C   CMEM DEFINITION      CTM Event Manager Rule Definition                 
W   WORKLOAD MANAGEMENT  CTM Workload Management

Box Format Display

---------------------       IOA PRIMARY OPTION MENU       ------------------(1)
OPTION ===>                                               USER        N06  
IOA                        Control-D/V                Control-O            
  4  COND-RES                A  MISSION STATUS         OR  RULE DEFINITION 
  5  LOG                     M  MISSION DEF            OM  MSG STATISTICS  
  6  TSO                     R  REPORT DEF             OS  RULE STATUS     
                            DO  OBJECTS                OK  KOA RECORDER    
Control-M & CTM/Restart    Control-M/Analyzer         Control-M/Tape       
  3  ACTIVE ENV.            BM  MISSION DEF            TP  POOL DEFINITION 
                            BA  RULE ACTIVITY          TC  CHECK IN EXT VOL

The menu is displayed according to the order of each product in the menu table, as described in Customizing the Menu. The IOA menu is always displayed, only in Box format, on the left side of the screen. However, changes to other menus affect the arrangement of the options of other products in the menu.

Customizing the Menu

Options for the IOA Primary Option menu are listed in member MENU in the IOA MSGENG library. This member can be used to modify the information in the menu display. The lines in this member might look like the following:

*      CommentT*    IOA                    
T*X   IOA                    
TM    Control-M              
TMR   Control-M & CTM/Restart
TD    Control-D              
TDV   Control-D/V            
TO    Control-O              
TB    Control-M/Analyzer     
TB2   Control-M/Analyzer     
TT    Control-M/Tape         

Table 21 Customizing the Menu with Member MENU




Lines that begin with the letter T indicate titles that appear at the top of each box in the Box Display Type for the IOA Primary Option menu. Following the letter T is the one letter codes of the products whose options are to be displayed in the box with this title.

The line shown below indicates the title to be displayed at the top of the box containing Control‑M options.

TM    Control‑M


Lines beginning with the letter L indicate menu options. The format for an option line in the menu member is as follows:

Lproduct   environment optcode optname       opt‑description


  • product - INCONTROL product that must be installed for this option to be displayed in the menu. For example, M indicates that the option is displayed when ControlM is installed at the site. I is for IOA.

  • environment - Environment that IOA must operate under for this option to be displayed. Valid environment specifications are:

    • T: TSO

    • I: ISPF

    • 0: no environment

    • *: all environments

  • optcode - Option code used to activate (choose) the option. The option code can be one or two characters in length and must be the same as the option code for this option in the Program List member in use at your site.

  • optname - Option name. Displayed to the right of to the option code in Box format, and between the option code and the description in Line format.

  • opt-description - Option description. Displayed only in Line format. The description can be modified to aid option identification at your site (for example, it can be translated).

For more information, see the description in member MENU in the IOA MSGENG library.

Customizing IOA Screens

Customization of IOA screens can be accomplished in a number of different ways. This section describes the following topics:

  • modifying IOA screens and constants

  • supporting multiple languages

  • customizing IOA display format members

  • customizing extended color support

You should back up members before modifying them for customization of IOA screens, and use these backups for KSL scripts.

Modifying IOA Screens and Constants

IOA screens and constants can be adapted by the user for local language, local site terminology, ease of use, and so on.

IOA screen and constant members are stored in the IOA MSGxxx library, where xxx is a three-character language identifier (for example, ENG for English, GER for German). According to this naming convention, at English speaking sites the library is the IOA MSGENG library.

Throughout this guide, the English version of this library, MSGENG, is referenced. Substitute the appropriate library name where applicable if English is not the language at your site.

The naming convention for these members is:


Table 22 Naming Convention for Language Members




Single character indicating the product (for example, M for a Control‑M screen)


Three‑character screen identifier


Single character indicating the language of the screen (for example, E for English, G for German)

Each member contains definitions for either a screen and its constants, or a set of constants. Definitions are specified as Assembler macro instructions. Each member must be assembled and link edited to create a CSECT and module with a name identical to the screen member name.

A screen is defined by the following macros in the IOA library:

Table 23 Macros that Define a Screen




Start screen and constants definition (one IOASACT macro for each screen definition).


Start a block of fields and constants.


Define a field in the screen and constant.


End screen and constant definition (one IOASEND macro for each screen definition).

Each unit of data in an IOA screen is called a block. A block can contain one or more fields.

The header block is composed of two or more lines that contain the header line, the command field, the scroll field, and so on.

The following line at the top of the Control‑M Job List screen is a block:

'====>>>>>> TOP OF ACTIVE JOBS LIST <<<<<<===='

Within each block, the location of the fields can be changed. It is possible to change the length of fields that are defined as skip protected and contain constants. Do not change the length of unprotected data fields unless specifically permitted in the member. The length of a field does not include the attribute byte. The total accumulated length of the fields within a block that describes screen lines remains the same after modifications have been made. This restriction does not apply to blocks used for defining constants.

Each block is line‑oriented. The total length of each block must be the number of lines in the block multiplied by the length of the line.

Do not change the location and contents of macros IOASACT, IOASBLK, and IOASEND. Changes can be applied only in the contents (parameters) of macro IOASFLD.

Macro IOASFLD defines a field in the screen. The format is


If a name has been specified, do not change it.

Table 24 Fields for Defining Screen Fields Using Macro IOASFLD




Field attributes. Refer to macro CTMSATT in the IOA MAC library.


Length without attribute byte. If not specified, the length of the DATA text is used. The real length of the field is always one more than that specified in the LTH field to account for the attribute byte.


The data in the field (if any) in quotes.


Indicates whether the value of the field (when exiting the Online environment) is saved in the user’s profile member and used at the next invocation of the environment. Optional.

Valid values:

  • Y (Yes)

  • N (No). Default

Not all fields can use profiled values.


Color of the field.



Highlight technique for the field.

Valid values: BLINK, REVERSE, USCORE and NO.

Constant Blocks

Blocks used to define constants in SYSIN input DD statements, as part of a message, or as statuses on screens, are different from screen field blocks. You can change the length of the fields, disregarding the "total block length rule." An example is member CTMSAESE, which is used to define parameter syntax of the Control‑M AutoEdit Simulation facility.


The following terms are used in describing these topics:

Table 25 Definition of Terms




Function Modification ID. This is the ID of the base function that ‘owns’ a particular element (usually source elements of type ++PNLENP).


Replacement Modification ID. This is the ID of the last SYSMOD (function, PTF, USERMOD, and so on) that replaced this element.

Recommended Steps for Screen Modification

Sources (screen members) of INCONTROL products are modified using an SMP/E USERMOD. Use the following steps to perform this task:

  1. Choose a name for a new USERMOD (to be built in the following steps). The name of the USERMOD must be 7 characters in length, must begin with an alphabetic character (that is, not a number or symbol), and must be unique.

  2. Create a new member in the IOA CUSTEXIT library with the same name as the USERMOD created in Step 1.

  3. Copy the contents of member UMODSRC in the IOA JCL library to the newlycreated member. This member contains a skeleton sample for the USERMOD (to be customized in the following steps).

  4. Specify the name of the new USERMOD in the ++USERMOD statement.

  5. Determine the FMID and the RMID of the screen source using SMP/E Online option 3.2. Specify SRC as the entrytype, and the name of the screen source as the entryname.

    Specify the FMID in the ++VER statement.

    If the RMID value is not the same as the FMID value, add the RMID value to the ++VER statement using the PRE(rmidvalue) parameter.

  6. Specify the screen sourcename in the ++SRC statement.

  7. Copy the contents of the source member to the line immediately after the ++SRC statement. Update the copy to meet your needs.

  8. Specify the name of the USERMOD in job UMODRACK in the IOA JCL library. Run the job. This job RECEIVEs and APPLYCHECKs the USERMOD.

    Job UMODRACK must end with a completion code of 0.

  9. Specify the name of the USERMOD in job UMODAPP in the IOA JCL library. Run the job. This job applies the USERMOD.

    Job UMODAPP must end with a completion code of 0.

This example illustrates how to unprotect MEMNAME and MEMLIB fields in the Zoom Screen (3.Z).

  1. Locate member CTMSSZME in the IOA MSGENG library.

  2. Find the line in which field SSZMMEM is defined. In this line, change ATTR=SPH (skip, protect high) to ATTR=UH (unprotect-high).

  3. Find the line in which field SSZMLIB is defined. Make the same change as in step 2 above.

  4. Recompile and link-edit this USERMOD into load module CTMTSZM.

Supporting Multiple Languages

Individual users can display the IOA and INCONTROL product interfaces (screens, help, and so on) in a language other than the primary language defined for the site. The primary language for the site is defined during IOA installation.

To set a language for a specific user, that user issues operator command:


Table 26 Fields for Supporting Multiple Languages




Language code for this user’s interface. Valid values:

  • ENG - English

  • FRA - French

  • GER - German

  • JPN - Japanese

This setting takes effect at the next IOA session and remains in effect for all subsequent IOA sessions (until a new SET LANG command is issued).

When a user selects a language that is not the primary language, a new DD statement is dynamically allocated called DALANGxxx (where xxx is the selected language). The dataset that is associated with this DD statement is prefixed DAMSGxxx. All format screens ($$xxx) and the online help text screens are read from this DD statement. Messages are read from DD statement DAMSG, which contains all necessary message libraries. The typical, compiled screens are loaded from DD statement STEPLIB.

If you also want the setting to apply to messages, so that the LOG file contains messages in several different languages, you should concatenate the MSGxxx library to the DAMSG key in the IOADSNL member in the IOA PARM library.

Supporting an Additional Language

In addition to the languages supplied on the installation tape, other languages can also be supported. To support another language, perform the following steps. Assume that the three-character code for the new language to support is lng).

  1. Create a new library named MSGlng, which contains the translated message and screen members.

  2. Concatenate the new message library (MSGlng) to the DAMSG key in member IOADSNL in the IOA PARM library.

    In member IOADSNL in the IOA PARM library, add the following entry:

    DATASET LANGlng,      

Customizing IOA Display Format Members

In certain INCONTROL product screens, it is possible to specify the display type (or format) of the screen. A wide selection of predefined display types is provided. For example, in the Control‑D User Report list, display type S is similar to IBM’s SDSF, while display type J can be used for production control and by programmers. For details, see the appropriate user guide.

If the predefined display types are not adequate, users can define their own display types using the Display Type Editing facility. This section describes parameters that define new display types or modify existing display types.

Another method for customizing display types is described in Concept.

All display formats are defined in members in the IOA MSGENG library. For a list of these members, see Concept, which contains a list of all the options of IOA, and the screen member and/or format members that are used to build the IOA panels. For example, in Control‑D, the display formats of option U are defined in members $$FRM and $$USR in the IOA MSGENG library. These members contain sets of predefined display formats. When a display type is activated, it first checks for any errors, which are displayed in an appropriate screen.

When the user needs to add new formats or modify existing formats, it is highly recommended that the corrections be made in the $Lfrm member (instead of the $$frm member), where frm is the member name. The $Lfrm members are for localization purposes, and are not overwritten during product maintenance.

Each line in a format member is one of the line types listed below. The line type must be written in positions 1 through 10 of the line. The permitted line types are

A line starting with an asterisk (*) is a comment line.

The parameters on the line characterize the line’s attributes. Parameters can be written in positions 11 through 72 of the line. A continuation line is created by leaving the "line type" area blank and using positions 11 through 72 for parameters that describe the line’s attributes.

In order to modify or replace an existing display type the following line must exist in the $Lfrm member before defining the replacement display type:

@DELETE ID=id; LTH=n; TYPE=type; CLASS=class;

where id, n , type, and class are defined as they appear in the @STYLE statement in the original $$frm member which is to be modified or replaced. If this is not done, the following messages are displayed:


The preceding message may also be displayed as

The following sections describe each line type and its parameters.


@STYLE is a line type used to start a new display format or a replacement display format. The format for an @STYLE line is:

 @STYLE ID=id; TYPE=type; CLASS=class; 
 [IDLIKE=idlike; TYPELIKE=typelike; CLASSLIKE=classlike;] 

Table 27 Format of Fields for @STYLE Line




Name of the display type. This value can be used to identify the DISPLAY TYPE field in an option’s entry panel (if one exists) or when changing the Display Type by specifying the command DISPLAY x (where x is the display type) from the command line. This field must be one character in length only. The value can be any printable character. A blank is not valid. The character ‘1’ is reserved for internal use and is not used for a new display format.


Logical type of the display type (second level qualifier). Valid values depend on the screen in which the display type is used. For example, display types of the Control‑D User Report List screen use this field for the following file types:

P - Permanent file

A - Active file

H - History file

* - All file types


Class of record for which this display type is used. Valid values depend on the screen in which the display type is used. For example, display types of the Control‑D User Report List screen have the following record classes:

U - User records

S - Sysdata records

R - Ruler records

* - All record classes


Name of the display type to which the current ID is identical. TYPELIKE and CLASSLIKE must also be specified. The definition of the display type specified using parameter IDLIKE must precede the current line. When this parameter is specified the current display format has only an @STYLE line, and takes its definition from the specified display format. This field must be one character in length only.


Type of the display type to which the current ID is identical. Valid values are the same as in the TYPE parameter.


Class of record for which this display type is used. Valid values are the same as in the CLASS parameter.


Length of the line to be displayed. Valid values are 80 or 132.


Descriptive text to display next to the display type in the display resulting from command DI ?. Maximum length: 22 characters. Default: Blank.

Only the first description for each @STYLE ID is used.

Color, highlight and intensity parameters can also be modified. For more information, see Color, Highlight and Intensity Parameters.


@HEADER is a line type used to describe the header line of the current display format. The format for an @HEADER line is

@HEADER       DATA=data;

where data is the actual header data to be displayed as the header line of the screen in which the display type is shown. The header data can be a maximum of 80 (or 132) characters in length. If less data is specified, it is padded with blanks to fill the physical line.

Color parameters can also be modified. For more information, see Color, Highlight and Intensity Parameters.


@LINE is a line type used to start a new line in the current display format. The format for an @LINE line is


Table 28 Format for Fields in the @LINE Line Type




Whether the line is displayed in regular screen format (that is, when Additional Information is not requested on the line).

Y (Yes) - Display the line only when ADDITIONAL INFO is selected on the displayed line. (ADDITIONAL INFO is requested by entering A in the line’s option field.)

N (No) - Always display the line. Default.


Whether the line is displayed when all fields in it are blank.

Y (Yes) - Show the line. Default.

N (No) - Do not show the line.

Color parameters can also be modified. For more information, see Color, Highlight and Intensity Parameters.


@FIELD is a line type used to start a new field in the current line in the current display format. The format for an @FIELD line is

@FIELD NAME=name; DATA=data; LTH=ln; PREF=pref; KANJI={Y|N};


  • name is the field to be displayed. Valid names are listed in the description of the display types of each product.

  • data indicates that constant data to be displayed. This is useful, for example, for displaying a field descriptor. Either NAME or DATA must be present, but not both.

  • ln displays the length of the information of the field specified in the NAME parameter, or the display length of the constant information in the DATA parameter. If the actual information provided by NAME or DATA is too short, it is padded with blanks on the right. If the information is too long, it is truncated on the right.

  • pref is the prefix to be added to the left of the displayed data specified by NAME or DATA.

  • KANJI specifies if Kanji (Japanese writing using Chinese characters) input is allowed. Valid values: Y (Yes) and N (No). N is the default.

  • ofst is the offset in the data field from which data is taken for screen display purposes. This mechanism allows the user to split a long data field between several display fields (possibly on several different lines). ofst is the offset from which to start.

  • EDIT indicates whether the user can change the displayed field. Valid only if NAME is specified. If Y (Yes), the user can change the displayed field. If N (No), the field is displayed in a protected form. It cannot be modified. N is the default.

  • DEFAULTEDIT indicates whether the user is able to edit an insert record. Valid only if NAME is specified. If Y (Yes), for an Insert record, the field is displayed so that the user can enter initial information for it. If N (No), the field is displayed in a protected (cannot be modified) form. N is the default.

  • dflt is the default value for the field in an insert line. Valid only if NAME is specified. The data specified is displayed in the field. If DFLT is omitted, the initial value of the field is blank.

  • PROFILE=Y/N indicates whether the value of the field (when exiting the Online environment) is saved in the user's profile member and used at the next invocation of the environment. The field name is used as the Profile Variable name. Optional. Valid values: Y (Yes), N (No). Default: N

    PROFILE=name indicates what the value of the field (when exiting the Online environment) is saved in the user's profile member and used at the next invocation of the environment.The name is used as the Profile Variable name. Optional

  • AFORCE forces an attribute character before the field. If Y (Yes), forces the character. If N (No), does not force the character. N is the default.

  • EXPAND=YES enables a field to expand to its largest possible width based on a 132-column (Type 5) terminal.

Color parameters can also be modified. For more information, see Color, Highlight and Intensity Parameters.


@VAL is a line type used to set the color of the current field according to the value of the field. More than one @VAL line type can be specified for different values of the current field. The first match found between the field’s value and the value specified in the @VAL line determines the color of the field. The format for an @VAL line is

@VAL       DATA=data

where data specifies a data string that is be compared to the current value of the field. The data string can contain * and ? mask characters.

Color parameters must also be specified in the line. In case of a match between the field’s current value and data in the @VAL line, the colors specified in the @VAL line override the colors specified in the @FIELD line.


The @END line type is used to end the definition of the current display format.


The @DLM line type is used to change the currently used delimiter in this member to a new one. The default delimiter is; This line can be inserted anywhere in the member. The format for an @DLM line is


where new is the new delimiter and old is the old delimiter.

In the @DLM line the new delimiter is specified as the value for the DLM keyword but it is delimited by the old delimiter.

@DLM=,;      <<‑‑‑‑‑ delimiter first set to ,
@DLM=&,      <<‑‑‑‑‑ delimiter then set to &
@DLM=;&      <<‑‑‑‑‑ delimiter set back to ;


The @INCLUDE line type is used to insert the text of a member into the current member (essentially, performing a copy). This line can be inserted anywhere in the member. The format for an @INCLUDE line is


where member is the name of the member to include within the current member.

Color, Highlight and Intensity Parameters

The @STYLE, @LINE, @FIELD and @HEADER line types support COLOR, HILITE and INTENS parameters. Color takes effect on color monitors only. Highlight takes effect on both color and monochrome monitors. Intensity takes effect on monochrome monitors only.

Valid colors:

  • NONE (Default)


  • BLUE


  • TURQ

  • RED

  • PINK


Valid highlights:

  • NONE (Default)



  • DARK

For of monochrome monitors, users can add the INTENS parameter to the @FIELD line type.

Valid intensities:

  • LOW (Default)

  • HIGH

Users can create a combination of color and highlight or highlight and intensity for each field by specifying COLOR, HILITE and INTENS parameters on the same @FIELD line. The COLOR, HILITE, and INTENS parameters can all be specified on a line. Each takes effect when appropriate.

  • If the above parameters are omitted on the @FIELD line, the field inherits those parameters from the @LINE preceding it.

  • If these parameters are omitted on the @LINE line, the line inherits those parameters from the @STYLE preceding it.

  • If these parameters are omitted on the @STYLE line, they are set to their default values.

@STYLE, @LINE and @FIELD also accept COLORA and HILITEA parameters that have the same values as COLOR and HILITE, respectively. These parameters can be used to specify a set of alternate colors when displaying records: the first record on the screen is displayed with COLOR and HILITE; the second record is displayed with COLORA and HILITEA; the third record with COLOR and HILITE, and so on. This causes an alternating color effect. If COLORA and HILITEA are omitted, the alternate colors are set to the standard color values.


The @DELETE line type is used to remove or redefine existing styles (after they have been deleted). Whether you simply delete a style, or delete and then modify it, the changes are made in the $Lxxx member and not in the $$xxx member. The format for an @DELETE line is

@DELETE ID=id; LTH=n; TYPE=type; CLASS=class;

where id, n, type, and class are defined as they appear in @STYLE to be deleted or modified.

For example, you can use @DELETE ID=D; LTH=80; TYPE=L; CLASS=L; to prevent users from using the D display type. Once the style is deleted, you can then redefine it for later use.

Extended Color Support

The following is considered when using the extended color feature of the IOA Online facility:


IOA does not automatically recognize an IMS/DC or IDMS/DC terminal as supporting extended color attributes. If the IMS/DC or IDMS/DC terminal supports extended color attributes, the ICOLOR=YES parameter must be added to the user’s profile. For details on modifying the user’s profile, see Profile Variables

It is important not to use parameter ICOLOR=YES for non‑color terminals. Doing so causes an error and the terminal is inhibited.

IRMA PC Terminal Emulator Users

Early versions of IRMA‘ (from DCA‚) might not interpret the 3270 color stream correctly. Therefore, IOA screens may not appear in the proper colors. If this problem occurs, call your local IRMA representative and request a later version of IRMA that corrects this problem.

Customizing Extended Color Support

The IOA environment uses extended color support if the terminal is capable of supporting it. Various defaults are set so that if no changes are made, extended color is used wherever possible.

Two VTAM commands can be used to help determine whether a particular terminal supports color:

Table 29 VTAM Commands for Determining Color Support




When this VTAM command is issued to a terminal, the terminal responds with an indication whether it supports extended color.

RPQ is a physical command, which is not supported by some older control units.


LOGMODE is an entry in a VTAM table that logically defines the capabilities of a terminal. The following table indicates whether the capability of the terminal to support extended color is determined by the contents of the VTAM LOGMODE entry:

Table 30 Color Support by Environment


RPQ Default

Suppress Issued By

Force Issuing RPQ

No Extended Color

Native TSO and ROSCOE





TSO and ROSCOE (Cross‑Memory)
















ICOLOR not issued









In this table, TCOLOR and ICOLOR are IOA Profile variables. For more information about these variables, see IOA Profiles.

For TSO/ROSCOE Cross‑Memory and CICS, the appropriate change must be applied before the ICOLOR variable is activated.

Language support in IOA screens

INCONTROL products are shipped with the default version of IOAX037 (IOA user Exit 37), which is used to translate specific hexadecimal values. The default version of this exit translates certain hexadecimal values to X'40' (blanks). This could result in incorrect display of some screen characters under certain circumstances, in which case this exit may require local tailoring.

For further information on modifying this exit, refer to the description of the IOAX037 Exit inIOA Exits.

IOA Access Method

Several INCONTROL products include files that are processed using an internal component called the IOA Access Method.

The IOA Access Method is used to create indexed (keyed) file structures that offer enhanced data integrity. IOA Access Method files are physical sets of sequential datasets that are allocated, formatted and accessed by INCONTROL products using IOA Access Method utilities.

Most IOA Access Method files consist of two separate sequential datasets:

  • a data component, where the actual record information resides

  • an index component, which provides keyed access to records in the data component

Some IOA Access Method files may contain only an index or data component.

The IOA Access Method provides dual mirror image file support. This mechanism enables a quick recovery of IOA Access Method files if a disk crash occurs on a disk that contains IOA Access Method primary files.

File Structure

IOA Access Method index component records are fixed length. IOA Access Method file data component records can be fixed or variable length. Each record is represented by the relative byte address of the record (RBA), which consists of four bytes. As shown in the table, the first byte represents the extent number of the record; the next two bytes represent the block number within the extent; the last byte represents the record number within the block.

Table 31 Relative Byte Address Components

Relative Byte Address Components


First Byte

Second Byte

Third Byte

Fourth Byte





Both index file and variable data file information are stored in compressed format, resulting in reduced I/O processing overhead and optimum disk space utilization.

The first block in each IOA Access Method file extent consists of a control record. For data file components with fixed length records, the control record contains an RBA of the first free record in the database; each free record contains an RBA of the next free record. For data file components with variable length records, the control record contains a bit table indicating the blocks within the extent that contain free space for additional records. The IOADIG utility can be used to check the integrity of the list of free records. For details of the IOADIG utility, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

IOA Access Method index files function as balanced tree index structures.

In addition to index (key) and data record pointer fields, IOA Access Method file index component records can contain non‑key data, enabling non‑key selection criteria to be used without accessing the associated IOA Access Method file data component. Non‑key data fields in index records can be stored in compressed format, providing maximum space utilization benefits.

Examples of file structure

  • ControlD User Report List files are indexed by recipient name, job name and record creation timestamp.

  • ControlM/Analyzer Group Definition files are indexed by group name.

Data and index components may extend beyond one physical dataset. Initially, however, a component is allocated as a single physical dataset called the primary extent.

To increase an IOA Access Method file component’s capacity, a maximum of 255 secondary extent datasets can be allocated and formatted. Using an IOA Access Method definition option, secondary extent allocation and formatting can automatically be performed when an out‑of‑space condition occurs.

Secondary extents are supported only in Control‑D, Control‑V, and Control‑M/Tape.

Deleting Records in IOA Access Method Files

If a record is deleted from an IOA Access Method file, the space previously required for that record is reusable for other records. The block that contained the deleted record is reorganized during the deletion process to consolidate all free space of the block in one piece.

IOA Access Method Naming Conventions

IOA Access Method files that are allocated during IOA, Control‑D, Control‑V, Control‑M/Analyzer, and Control-M/Tape installation are listed in Files Supported by the IOA Access Method, and use the following naming convention:



  • prefix is the IOA Access Method file name prefix. The prefix is specified during product installation by setting relevant installation variables (for example,DBPREFB for ControlM/Analyzer, and DBPREFD for ControlD and ControlV). The prefix can contain more than one qualifier.

  • dbname is the IOA Access Method file identifier name. The identifier name is specified during product installation as part of the name assigned by parameter DSN in the IOA Access Method file’s definition statements. For example, identifier name ACT is assigned to the ControlD Active User Report list data component while ACTI is assigned to the ControlD Active User Report list index component. The identifier name of an IOA Access Method file is never modified.

  • Ennn is the extent sequence number suffix generated internally by IOA Access Method management routines whenever an IOA Access Method file component is allocated. The suffix consists of the letter E followed by nnn, a number from 000 to 255, indicating an IOA Access Method file’s extent sequence number. A maximum of 255 additional file extents can be associated with each IOA Access Method file.

Files Supported by the IOA Access Method

Table 32 IOA Files




IOA Variable Database facility: Definition file data component.


IOA Variable Database facility: Definition file index component.


IOA Variable Database facility: Column file data component.


IOA Variable Database facility: Column file index component.


IOA Variable Database facility: Variable file data component.


IOA Variable Database facility: Variable file index component.


IOA Log file index component

Table 33 Control‑D Files




History User Report list data component.


History User Report list index component.


Active User Report list data component.


Active User Report list index component.


Permanent User Report list data component.


Permanent User Report list index component.


Control‑V Global Index data component.


Control‑V Global Index index component.

Table 34 Control‑V Files




Control‑V Migrated User Report list data component.


Control‑V Migrated User Report list index component.

Table 35 Control‑M/Analyzer Files




Group Definition file data component.


Group Definition file index component.


Rule Activity file data component.


Rule Activity file index component.


Basic Parameters file data component.


Basic Parameters file index component.


Report file data component.


Report file index component.


Variables Generation file data component.


Variables Generation file index component.


Active Balancing file data component.


Backup Active Balancing file data component.

Table 36 Control‑M/Tape Files




Control‑M/Tape Media Database data component.


Control‑M/Tape Media Database index component.


Control‑M/Tape Stacking Database data component.


Control‑M/Tape Stacking Database index component.

Jobs or procedures using IOA Access Method files contain a DD statement only for the first extent of the primary file. All other extents are dynamically allocated when the IOA Access Method file is opened.

Building Index Utilities

A building index utility is provided for each INCONTROL product that uses IOA Access Method files.

Table 37 Building Index Utilities for INCONTROL Products


Building Index Utility

Core IOA


For the IOALOG Index file, use IOALOGI.

Control-D and Control-V


For the Control-V Global Index file, use CTDGBIB.




CTTBIX for the Media Database, and CTTDBIB for the Stacking Database.

File Utilities

A comprehensive set of utilities is provided for INCONTROL products that use IOA Access Method files. These utilities are used to create and maintain IOA Access Method files.

Table 38 Utilities for IOA Access Method Files




Allocates and formats an IOA Access Method file’s index or data component.


Verifies the integrity of an IOA Access Method file’s data component.


Verifies the integrity of an IOA Access Method file’s index component.


Prints an IOA Access Method file’s data and index component records in SNAP dump format.


Copies an IOA Access Method file from the dual mirror image file to the primary, as well as from the primary file to the dual mirror image file.


Loads an IOA Access Method file’s contents from a sequential file.


Unloads an IOA Access Method file’s contents to a sequential file.


Builds IOA Log Index file according to the IOA Log file.


Activates and deactivates the IOA Log Index file.

Products that use the IOA Access Method contain additional utilities that are specific to the product. For more details about additional IOA Access Method utilities, see the summary list of utilities in the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

File Definition Statements

When allocating and formatting an IOA Access Method file (that is, using utility IOADBF), a library member containing IOA Access Method File Definition statements is read.

These statements define an IOA Access Method file’s physical and logical attributes, such as dataset name, unit, volume parameters, space parameters, record key length (for IOA Access Method file index components), and whether additional file extents are allocated automatically or manually when the current file extent is full. The members reside in the IOA INSTWORK library.

The IOA Access Method File Definition statement for Control‑D’s History User Report list components can be found in the DEFHST and DEFHSTI members in the IOA INSTWORK library.

The IOA Access Method File Definition statement for Control‑M/Analyzer’s Group Definition components are the DEFGRPD and DEFGRPI members in the IOA INSTWORK library.

The attributes of the IOA Access Method file are kept in the file control block. If you need to change these parameters after the file is created, you can first modify the Definition Statements member and then run the IOADBF utility with FUNC=CHANGE.

BMC highly recommends that you make the modifications to the Definition Statements member using the ICE Customization activity, in order to take advantage of its space calculation and job formatting steps. Using ICE, specify the product code (for example, IOA, CTM) in the Customization screen, select Product Customization, and then select major step 2, "Customize Dataset Parameters." Perform the minor steps in order for each file you want to modify.

For more information on IOA Access Method File Definition statements, see the IOADBF utility in the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

Dual Mirror Image File Support

Each IOA Access Method file can be created with dual mirror image file support. For each logical extent of the file, the IOA Access Method automatically allocates a dual extent of the same size. The name of the dual extent is identical to that of the corresponding primary extent, except for the first character of the last qualifier that is set to D instead of E (for example, prefix.dbname.Dnnn).

The dual mirror image file is not supported by Control-M/Tape.

The dual mirror image file is created if parameter DUAL in the IOA Access Method definition member is set to Y (Yes). (For more information, see the IOADBF utility in the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.) The definition member also specifies the unit and volume names for the dual file allocation.

The IOA Access Method synchronizes the primary and dual files. All read operations are performed only from the primary file, and all write operations are performed in parallel to both files. The dual file is allocated dynamically.

For improved performance and recovery capability, different volumes must be used for the primary and dual files.

You should activate dual mirror image support for only the data component and not the index component of the IOA Access Method files.

Dual Mirror Image File Parameters

The following parameters are used to manage the dual mirror image file:


    If parameter DUALM is set to Y (Yes) and an error occurs in the dual mirror image file, the current operation fails for the primary file as well. Make any manual corrections before any further processing is done. If parameter DUALM is set to N (No), processing continues for the primary file only, without dual mirror image file support.


    An additional dual mirror image option is an internal timestamp checkpoint to ensure that the primary and dual copies are fully synchronized. This ensures greater data integrity but increases I/O processing overhead.

    This option is activated if parameter DUALST in the IOA Access Method definition member is set to Y (Yes) during file creation. If the timestamp values are not synchronized between the primary and dual files, the dual file is rebuilt. For additional information, see the IOADBF utility in the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

Recovering From a Damaged IOA Access Method File

If the IOA Access Method is used with dual file support and one of the two copies corrupt, the damaged file can be restored by using utility IOADCPY. This utility copies all the extents of the working copy to the corresponding extents of the corrupted copy. For more information, see the IOADCPY utility in the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

IOA Profiles

A profile is a set of values to be used as default values for certain fields in IOA screens during sessions of a specific user or group of users (for example, the library name field in the Job Scheduling Definition entry panel, or a show screen filter).

The IOA Online environment provides the following types of profiles:

  • the Global profile, which can only be customized by the system administrator

    This profile serves as the default setting for all users in the Online environment. If the user profile does not indicate a setting for a specific field, or does not provide a value for a specific variable, the value specified in the Global profile is used.

    The Global Profile also contains screen filter definitions that can be used by any user in addition to the filter definitions defined in the user’s User profile.

    The Global profile is a combination of the default values in member $PROFILE and the overriding specifications in member $PROFMOD, as explained in Profile Members.

  • user profiles, which are defined for users or specific groups of users.

    These profiles, explained in Profile Members, can include menu definitions and userdefined filters. Settings in the User profile override the settings in the Global profile.

Profile Members

The table describes the profile members and the global profile information they contain.

Table 39 Members Containing Global Profile Information




This member, located in the IOAENV library, contains:

The default settings for the IOA Online environment. These default settings are not changed.

A line that indicates the location of the User Profile members.

The values specified for profile variables (runtime parameters). The values of all profile variables are resolved and maintained dynamically (when needed) according to their values in member DEFPARM in the IOA PARM library. For more information about the variables in this member, see Profile Variables.


Contains global customization information. This member is located in the IOA PARM library. The member can contain the following types of information.

  • Global filter definitions.

  • User profile locations. If specified, these override the User profile location specified in member $PROFILE.

  • Values to override the default values for fields specified in member $PROFILE.

This member can be copied so that customization need not be redefined when upgrading from a previous version.

$PROFFLD and $PROFVAR combined as $PROFILE and are found in the IOAENV library.

User profile members are located in libraries specified in member $PROFILE and, optionally, in $PROFMOD. These libraries are listed in the lines beginning with a dollar sign ($) in the $PROFILE member. For example, the following lines indicate that the user profile for user M89 is in library IOAP.OPRM.PROF and that all other user profiles are in library IOAP.OPR.PROF.

000059 *        POINTERS TO USER'S PROFILE LIBRARIES.     *    
000060 *--------------------------------------------------*
000061 $M89             =IOAP.OPRM.PROF                       
000062 $*               =IOAP.OPR.PROF
By default, the following line is included in member $PROFILE:
$*               =%OLPREFA%.PROF

This line indicates that all user profiles are found in the PROF library with the prefix of the dataset in which IOA was installed.

User profiles can be divided into more than one library. For example,

$M*               =%OLPREFA%.PROFM
$N*               =%OLPREFA%.PROFN

can be used to direct all User profiles beginning with M to be stored in the PROFM library and User profiles beginning with N to be stored in the PROFN library.

Mask characters (* and ?) can be used in the specification of the user names (profiles) to be stored in a specific library.

Profile Contents

The following types of lines can appear in a profile member:

  • lines that contain an asterisk (*) in column one are remark lines

  • lines that contain a dollar sign ($) in column one indicate user profile libraries

  • lines describing either variables, fields or filter fields. These are called Profile Symbol lines

The table describes the format of the Profile Symbol lines.

Table 40 Profile Symbol Lines Format



Columns 1–8

Profile symbol (field) name. Mandatory.

Column 9

Period. (Mandatory only if a Filter name follows.)

Columns 10–17

Filter name. Optional. Default: blank.

Column 18

Equal sign (=). Mandatory.

Columns 19–72

Profile symbol value. Blank is a valid value.

The line shown below is a regular field line (not a filter).


The following lines describe global filter ENDNOTOK that, when activated, displays all ended NOTOK jobs from the Control‑M Active Environment screen (Screen 3):


Considerations for Profile Symbol Lines

  • Values for Profile variables are specified in ICE (using the Customization option in the main ICE screen, entering IOA in the Product field, and then selecting Product Customization). The values are stored in member $PROFILE in the IOAENV library. For details on what values to specify for the Profile variables using ICE, see Profile Variables.

  • Field lines contain values to be used for fields in IOA that are not part of a SHOW window (for example, a library name in a rule, job and mission definition entry panel). Field lines can be located in any of the following members:

Table 41 Members that Can Contain Field Lines




The field line indicates the default value supplied with the IOA installation.


The field line indicates a value specified as part of on‑site customization of the Global profile. Field line specifications in $PROFMOD override specifications in $PROFILE.


The field line indicates a value specified as part of a user profile.

  • Filter field lines specify values for selection criteria fields in Show Window filters (For example, Y (Yes) or N (No) for field UTILITIES in the IOA Log Show Screen Filter window indicates whether messages from ControlM/Tape utilities are displayed).

SHOW Window Filters

A filter is a set of values for fields in a show window. The user can name a set of values and activate a filter at a later time by specifying the following command in the command line of the relevant screen:

SHOW filtername

Filters that are saved by a specific user are stored in that user’s User Profile member. To add a filter to the Global profile, perform the following steps:

  1. Create and save the filter in your User Profile member.

  2. Copy the lines containing the name of the filter from your User Profile member to the Global Profile member ($PROFMOD).

    Some default filters are provided in member $PROFILE.

Filters are provided for the Active Environment screen (option 5 from the IOA Primary Option menu) and the IOA Log Display (option 5 from the IOA Primary Option menu). For more information about IOA filters, see the descriptions of these options in the relevant INCONTROL product user guides.

Profile Attribute in the Screen Definition

IOA is installed with default profile attributes assigned to various fields. You can change these defaults as follows:

A field can be defined with a profile attribute by adding parameter PROF=YES to the field macro definition in the screen definition member in the MSGENG library. For example:


For instructions on how to change the screen format, see Recommended Steps for Screen Modification.

Under certain screens, parameter PROF designates the name of the profile variable. When YES is specified, the field name is used as the Profile Variable name. If you want to change the profile attributes of these screens, contact BMC Customer Support.

IOA profile capability can be applied to fields in the header, footer, and windows of each screen, but not to fields that are part of a scrollable area on the screen. If you want to apply the profile capability to a field in a scrollable area, contact BMC Customer Support.

Saving a Profile

A profile is saved by writing it to the user profile library in a member whose name is identical to the user ID (the Online environment session ID, for example, TSO user ID). However, a profile is saved only when the user exits the IOA Online facility, and only in case of normal termination.

If the profile library is full, the attempt to save a User profile fails with a D37 abend. It is recommended that the profile library be compressed regularly.

Profile Variables

Follow the major and minor steps in ICE to specify values for the Profile variables. If you are not familiar with the ICE application, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

To change the value of a Profile variable, perform the following steps in ICE:

  1. Select Customization.

  2. Enter IOA in the Product field.

  3. Select Product Customization.

  4. Select major step 3, "Profile Variables."

  5. Select the type of variable.

  6. Locate the desired variable and specify the required value.

    Online help is available for each variable specified using ICE. The following sections describe each variable.

  7. Save the values you entered by selecting "Step 6.7 Save Values in $PROFMOD."

    ICE allows referencing of previous settings of Profile variables specified in other (previous or current) environments of IOA. When installing a new IOA environment, it is possible to automatically retrieve the predefined settings at your site. A default value is provided for any new profile variables that are not retrieved.

    To retain predefined settings (for example, from previous INCONTROL versions), copy the version of member $PROFMOD from your previous version to the PARM library after completing the ICE installation.

Window Display Variables

Table 42 Window Display Variables




Controls whether to display the Save confirmation window when a request is made to update a backup mission from the Control‑D Active Mission Zoom screen (Screen A.Z).

  • Y (Yes) – The confirmation window is displayed.

  • N (No) – The backup mission is updated without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Controls whether Screen 3.N is affected by the Show filter in use in Screen 3. (Screen 3.N is displayed when the N command is entered in Screen 3.)

  • Y (Yes) – The Show filter in use in Screen 3 governs what is displayed in Screen 3.N. Default.

  • N (No) – Screen 3.N is unaffected by the Show filter in use in Screen 3, and includes all jobs linked with the job selected.


Controls whether a confirmation window is opened when a request is made to rerun a job in the Active Jobs file (Screen 3) with the status WAIT CONFIRMATION (Control‑M without Control‑M/Restart).

  • Y (Yes) – A confirmation window is displayed. Default.

  • N (No) – An attempt is made to rerun the job without prompting the user for confirmation.


Controls whether a confirmation window is opened when a request is made to delete an entry from the Control‑M Active Environment screen (Screen 3).

  • Y (Yes) – A confirmation window is displayed.

  • N (No) – The delete request is processed without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Defines the default value that will appear in the CTB STEP statements field in the FORCE OK confirmation window. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes). Default.

  • N (No)


Controls whether a confirmation window is displayed when the O (Force OK) option is specified in the Control‑M Active Environment screen (Screen 3). Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – A confirmation window is displayed.

  • N (No) – The delete request is processed without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Defines the default value that will appear in the OUT statements field in the FORCE OK confirmation window. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes). Default.

  • N (No).


Defines the default value that will appear in the ON PGMSTEP statements field in the FORCE OK confirmation window. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)

  • N (No)

If no value is specified, the value set in the FRCOKOPT parameter will be the default value for that field.


Defines the default value that will appear in the SHOUT statements field in the FORCE OK confirmation window. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes). Default.

  • N (No)


Determines which IOA Log messages are displayed when L is typed next to a job on the Control-M Screen 3.

  • Y (Yes) – only log messages that match the orderid of the specified job. Default.

  • N (No) – all log messages for the specified job


Specifies how to treat character search criteria in versions prior to 6.2.xx, which do not use masking characters.

  • Y (Yes) – Treat all character search criteria as if a masking character was entered. For example, if AB was entered as a member name to be searched, the SACTMSK variable causes that entry to be treated as AB*. Default.

  • N (No) – Do not add a masking character.


Controls whether a confirmation window is opened when a request is made to rerun a job (Control‑M without Control‑M/Restart).

  • Y (Yes) – A confirmation window is displayed. Default.

  • N (No) – An attempt is made to rerun the job without prompting the user for confirmation.


Controls whether a confirmation window is displayed when a request is made to rerun a mission from the Control‑D Active Missions screen (screen A).

  • Y (Yes) – A confirmation window is displayed. Default.

  • N (No) – The request to rerun a mission is processed without prompting the user for confirmation.


Controls whether a confirmation window is opened when a request is made to delete an entry from the Control‑D Active Missions screen (Screen A).

  • Y (Yes) - A confirmation window is displayed.

  • N (No) - The request to delete an entry from the Active Missions screen is processed without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Controls whether to display the Save confirmation window when a request is made to update a printing mission from the Control‑D Active Mission Zoom screen (Screen A.Z).

  • Y (Yes) – The confirmation window is displayed.

  • N (No) – The printing mission is updated without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Controls whether to display the Save confirmation window when a request is made to update a restore mission from the Control‑D Active Mission zoom screen (screen A.Z).

  • Y (Yes) – The confirmation window is displayed.

  • N (No) – The restore mission is updated without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Controls whether to display the Save confirmation window when a request is made to update a decollation mission from the Control-D Active Missions zoom screen (screen A.Z).

  • Y (Yes) - The confirmation window is displayed.

  • N (No) - The decollation mission is updated without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Controls whether to display the Save confirmation window when a request is made to update a decollation mission from the Control‑D Active Missions zoom screen (Screen A.Z).

  • Y (Yes) - The confirmation window is displayed.

  • N (No) - The decollation mission is updated without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Controls whether a confirmation window is displayed when a request is made to add a prerequisite condition using the Control‑D Why screen (Screen A.?).

  • Y (Yes) - A confirmation window is displayed.

  • N (No) - The add request is processed without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Controls whether the Reset confirmation window is displayed in the Control‑O Message Statistics screen (Screen OM).

  • Y (Yes) - The confirmation window is displayed. Default.

  • N (No) - The Reset is processed without prompting the user for confirmation.


Controls whether a confirmation window is displayed when a request is made to erase a condition from the IOA Manual Conditions list (Screen 7).

  • Y (Yes) - A confirmation window is displayed.

  • N (No) - The erase request is processed without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Controls whether a confirmation window is displayed when a request is made to delete a condition or resource using the IOA Conditions/Resources screen (screen 4).

  • Y (Yes) - A confirmation window is displayed.

  • N (No) - The delete request is processed without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Controls whether a confirmation window is displayed when a request is made to delete a job in screen 2.

  • Y (Yes) - A confirmation window is displayed. In this confirmation panel, it is also possible to invoke the Control-M Condition Inheritance feature.

  • N (No) - The delete request is processed without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Controls the value of the AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION parameter in the entry panel of the Control-M Scheduling Facility.

  • Y (Yes) – AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION is set to Y. Changes made to documentation are automatically saved when updating the job scheduling definition.

  • N (No) – AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION is set to N. No changes made to documentation are automatically saved. Default.


Controls the value of the SHOW JOB DOCUMENTATION parameter in the entry panel of the Control-M Scheduling Facility.

  • Y (Yes) – SHOW JOB DOCUMENTATION is set to Y. Job documentation lines appear when the Job Scheduling Definition screen is displayed.

  • N (No) – SHOW JOB DOCUMENTATION is set to N. No job documentation lines appear. Default.


Controls the method of exiting the Control‑M Zoom screen (Screen 3.Z) when the user has made changes.

  • Y (Yes) -- The PF03/PF15 key (END command) is interpreted as a SAVE request and a SAVE confirmation window is displayed to prompt the user for confirmation.
    If SAVE is specified in the command line, changes to the job entry are made without displaying the SAVE confirmation window.

  • N (No) -- SAVE must be specified in the command line to request that changes be kept. No SAVE confirmation window is displayed. Default.


Controls whether a confirmation window is displayed when a request is made to delete a report in the User Report List screen (screen U) of Control‑D.

  • Y (Yes) - A confirmation window is displayed.

  • N (No) - The delete request is processed without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Controls whether a confirmation window is displayed when a request is made to update a report in the User Report List screen (screen U) of Control‑D.

  • Y (Yes) - A confirmation window is displayed.

  • N (No) - The update request is processed without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Controls whether a confirmation window is displayed when a request is made to add a prerequisite condition using the Control‑M Why screen (Screen 3.?).

  • Y (Yes) - A confirmation window is displayed. Default.

  • N (No) - The add request is processed without prompting the user for confirmation.


Determines the condition display mode that will be used upon entry to the Control-M Why screen.

  • M (Missing) – The Missing Conditions display mode will be used upon entry to the Why screen. Default.

  • A (All) – The All Conditions display mode will be used upon entry to the Why screen.

Color Variables

A color and highlight value can be specified for each of the profile variables described in this section. Each profile variable has its own default color and highlight value. The format for specification of color and highlight is



  • profilevariable is the name of the profile variable for which color and highlight values are being specified. Profile variables used to specify color for elements in the IOA environment are listed below.

  • color is the color of the relevant element. Valid values are BLUE, RED, PINK, GREEN, TURQ, YELLOW, and WHITE.

  • highlight is the type of display for the element. Valid values are BLINK, USCORE, and REVERSE.

The table describes the profile variables that are used to determine the color and highlight attributes of specific elements in the IOA environment.

Table 43 Profile Variables for Color and Highlights




Attribute for the sample lines when editing a report to create a ruler in the Control‑D Online Viewing screen (screen U.E).



Attribute for ERROR messages (whose codes end with E).



Attribute for INFORMATION messages (whose codes end with I).



Attribute for SEVERE error messages (whose codes end with S).



Attribute for WARNING messages (whose codes end with W).



Attribute for the Notepad Window in screen U when a note is being browsed.

Default: BLUE


Attribute for the Notepad Window in screen U when a note is being edited or created.

Default: YELLOW

On color terminals, the lines of the record‑level index value are displayed in the color specified in the first parameter.

On monochrome terminals, the record level index lines are highlighted (in either REVERSE, BLINK, or USCORE) as specified in the second parameter.

Table 44 Highlight on Monochrome Terminals




Attribute for the header area in Online Viewing screens (screens U.V and 3.V).



Attribute for lines containing record level index values when viewing a Control‑V report using the U.S.X screen.



Controls report display using a record level index.

  • Y (Yes) - When viewing a report using a record level index, the first line containing the record level index value is displayed at the top of the screen.

  • N (No) - The report is viewed from the beginning of the first page that contains the record level index values. Default.


Attribute for the overlay line in Online Viewing screens (screens U.V and 3.V).



Attribute for the scrollable area in Online Viewing screens (screens U.V and 3.V).



Attribute for the Sysout viewed from screens U.V and 3.V.

This parameter is effective only for sites with Control‑M/Restart installed.


Work Mode Variables

Table 45 Work Mode Variables




Controls whether a confirmation panel is displayed when the JOB parameter in a DO FORCEJOB request on screen 2 or 2.G is blank.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) - The confirmation panel is displayed.

  • N (No) - The confirmation panel is not. Default.


Determines whether the user can add additional job details to pass to CTMX008, when the exit is called with the X line command in screen 3.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) - A window is opened for the user to specify additional information to pass to CTMX008.

  • N (No) - Only the exit is called, no window is opened, no info is passed to CTMX008. Default.


Specifies the name of an optional initial filter when entering the Control‑M Job Active Environment screen (Screen 3). If a valid filter name is specified, it becomes the default of the initial SHOW filter of Screen 3.

  • EXEC Filter - EXEC is displayed as the initial SHOW filter, until the user changes it using the SHOW xxx command, regardless of the last filter that was used.

  • blank - No initial filter is used. The filter that was used the last time screen 3 was entered is displayed. Otherwise, the default filter is used as the initial filter. Default.


Date format length (does not affect all IOA date references).

This variable affects only MDY and DMY date formats.

Valid values are:

  • 6 digits - The format is ddmmyy. Default.

  • 8 digits -- The format is ddmmyyyy.


Permits the user to save SMART Tables that contain only a SMART Table Entity (with no job definitions) via screen 2. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Empty SMART Tables with no job definitions can be saved.

  • N (No) – Only SMART Tables with job definitions can be saved. Default.


Defines the default value of the date field in the window opened as a result of adding a new manual condition (ADD NEW command) in the IOA Manual Conditions file (screen 7). Valid values are:

  • DATE - The current MVS system date is inserted in the window. Default.

  • ODAT - The ODAT (the original scheduling date) is inserted in the window.


Defines the default value of the date field in the confirmation window opened as a result of ordering or forcing a job, rule or mission from a Definition List screen (screens 2, R, M, OR, TR, and BM). Valid values are:

  • DATE - Current system date is inserted in the window. Default.

  • ODAT - The original scheduling date is inserted in the window.


Controls whether the user is required to enter a value in the APPLICATION field in the Job Scheduling Definition screen (screen 2).

  • Y (Yes) - The user is required to enter a value in the APPLICATION field.

  • N (No) - The user is not required to enter a value in the APPLICATION field. Default.


Controls whether the user is required to enter a value in the GROUP field in the Job Scheduling Definition screen (screen 2).

  • Y (Yes) - The user is required to enter a value in the GROUP field.

  • N (No) - The user is not required to enter a value in the GROUP field. Default.


Specifies whether the PF03/PF15 key is used in addition to the PF04/PF16 key in the Show window and the Control-M/Restart Step List window of the Active Environment screen (Screen 3) to reset (that is, exit the window with no action). Valid values:

  • Y (Yes) - The PF03/PF15 key resets the window.

  • N (No) - The PF03/PF15 key does not reset the window. Default.


Limits the lines to be read in the Control‑M/Tape Media Database list (screen TI).

The search limit is a number from 1 to 999,999. Default: 100,000.


Determines the DATE range for the IOA Manual Conditions file (screen 7). Valid values are:

  • ALL

  • YEAR


  • -nnn - Sets FROM to -nnn days from today and UNTIL to the current date. Default: -3


Specifies the search limit for the IOA Log file and the Automation Log file (screens 5 and OL). Default: 010000.

A value of 999999 specifies an unlimited search. Two pop-up windows will be displayed (for SRCHLMT and SROLFDL) when both variables do not specify an unlimited search.


Determines date range for the IOA Conditions or Resources screen (screen 4). Valid values are:

  • ALL

  • YEAR


  • -nnn - Sets FROM to -nnn days from today and UNTIL to the current date. Default: -3


Limits the number of lines searched using the FIND command in the IOA Online facility screens and in the Control‑D User Reports facility. This parameter must contain five valid digits (including leading zeroes if necessary). Default: 05000 (that is, 5000 lines).

A value of 99999 specifies an unlimited search. Two pop-up windows will be displayed (for SRCHLMT and SROLFDL) when both variables do not specify an unlimited search.


Controls whether a user is forced into BROWSE mode when a job, mission or rule definition selected from an IOA definition screen is in use by another user. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) - Force the user into BROWSE mode.

  • N (No) - Display message IOAE32E and reject the option. Default.


Controls the order of jobs displayed in screen 3.V of the Control‑M/R Online interface (SYSOUT Viewing screen). This parameter is relevant only for sites with Control‑M/Restart installed. Valid values are:

  • FIFO - Sysouts are displayed in FIFO (first in, first out) order. The oldest job’s Sysout is displayed first. Default.

  • LIFO - Sysouts are displayed in LIFO (last in, first out) order. The most recent job’s Sysout is displayed first.


Limits the lines to be read in screen U.

The search limit is a number from 1 to 999,999. Default: 500.

A value of 999999 specifies an unlimited search.


Controls whether to activate the SORT command in screen U. (Control‑D or Control‑V User Report List).

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) - Automatically activate the SORT command upon accessing screen U.

  • N (No) - The SORT command is not activated when accessing screen U. Default.

For details about the SORT command in screen U, see the online facilities chapter in the Control‑D and Control V User Guide.


Controls whether to show reports created by a printing mission with parameter STORE set to YES.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)—Both stored and non-stored reports are displayed in the Active User Report List screen. Default for the command.

  • O (Only)—Only stored reports are displayed in the Active User Report List screen.

  • N (No)—Stored reports are not displayed in the Active User Report List screen.


Controls whether to check if a user name exists in the Control‑D Recipient Tree when using the GIVETO command and when adding an additional user using the ADD INFO option in the Control‑D and Control‑V User Report List screen.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) - Check if the user name exists in the ControlD Recipient Tree.

  • N (No) - Do not check if the user name exists in the Recipient Tree.


Controls whether to use a fast find algorithm when using the FIND command in Control‑D and Control‑V screen U.V and Control‑M screen 3.V. Valid values:

  • Y (Yes) - Activate a fast find algorithm that requires up to 50% less CPU time when searching forward. Supports only all uppercase and all lowercase search strings. Mixed case strings are not supported.

  • N (No) - The regular FIND command is activated when viewing reports or sysouts. Supports uppercase, lowercase, and mixed case search strings. Default.

The line where the string is found is always displayed as the first line on the screen. In Control‑D and Control‑V, the fast find algorithm is used only when viewing reports without rulers.


Controls whether Control-M Online users will be able to enter lowercase data in the text lines and subject lines of DO MAIL statements and in the textual parameters of DO REMFORCE statements.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) - allow lower case data in DO MAIL and DO REMFORCE statements

  • N (No) - translate lower case data in DO MAIL and DO REMFORCE statements to upper case. Default

Presentation Mode Variables

Table 46 Presentation Mode Variables




Controls the position of the last screen line when the IOA Online interface operates under ISPF. Valid values are:

  • L1 - The last IOA screen line is displayed on the bottom line of the physical screen. Default.

  • L2 - The last IOA screen line is displayed on the second line from the bottom of the physical screen.


Controls whether the Status field of jobs in the Control‑M Active Environment screen (Screen 3) contains a detailed list of all Bypass options specified for the job. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) - Show all the Bypass options of the job.

  • N (No) - Do not show all the Bypass options of the job.


Controls whether the elapsed time values for jobs in screen 3 (display types all and network) are displayed in minutes or in seconds. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) - Display elapsed time in seconds.

  • N (No) - Display elapsed time in minutes. Default.


Controls the starting point and direction of data flow in the Control‑M Active Environment screen (Screen 3). Valid values are:

  • BOT - On entering the Active Environment screen, jobs at the bottom of the Active Jobs file (that is, the newest jobs) are displayed. The user can use scrolling commands and PFKeys to scroll upward (to the oldest jobs). Default.

  • TOP - On entering the Active Environment screen, jobs at the top of the Active Jobs file (that is, the oldest jobs) are displayed. The user can use scrolling commands and PFKeys to scroll downward (to the newest jobs).


Controls whether a single or double confirmation window is opened when a mission is ordered or forced in the Control‑M/Analyzer Mission List screen (Screen BM). Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) - A single double confirmation window is opened when a mission is ordered or forced.

  • N (No) - A confirmation window is opened when a mission is ordered or forced. Default.


Controls whether a single or double confirmation window is opened when a mission is ordered or forced in the Control‑D Printing, Backup or Restore Mission list (Screen M).

  • Y (Yes) - A double confirmation window is opened when a mission is ordered or forced.

  • N (No) - A single confirmation window is opened when a mission is ordered or forced. Default.


Controls how the IOA Primary Option menu is displayed.

  • B - Always display the menu in box style.

  • Lxxxxxx - Display the menu in box style when the number of lines of the menu equal or exceed the number specified by xxxxxx. Default.

  • Txxxxxx - Display the menu in box style when the number of boxes of the menu equal or exceed the number specified by xxxxxx.


Controls whether a confirmation window or a double confirmation window is opened when an entire table is ordered or forced in the Control‑O Rule Table list (Screen OR).

  • Y (Yes) - A double confirmation window is opened when a table is ordered or forced.

  • N (No) - A confirmation window is opened when a table is ordered or forced. Default.


Controls whether a single or double confirmation window is opened when a rule is ordered or forced in the CMEM Rule list (Screen C).

  • Y (Yes) - A double confirmation window is opened when a mission is ordered or forced.

  • N (No) - A single confirmation window is opened when a mission is ordered or forced. Default.


Controls whether a single or double confirmation window is opened when a mission is ordered or forced in the Control‑D Mission list (Screen R).

  • Y (Yes) - A double confirmation window is opened when a job is ordered or forced.

  • N (No) - A single confirmation window is opened when a job is ordered or forced. Default.


Controls whether Rule Description or Rule Data is displayed by default in the Control‑M/Tape Rule list (Screen TR).

  • Y (Yes) - Display the Rule Description by default.

  • N (No) - Display the Rule Data by default.


Controls whether a single or double confirmation window is opened when a table is ordered or forced in the Control‑M Table list (Screen 2).

  • Y (Yes) - A double confirmation window is opened when a table is ordered or forced.

  • N (No) - A single confirmation window is opened when a table is ordered or forced. Default.


Controls the default display type of the footer of the User Report entry panel. Default: blank. When a blank is encountered, the following values are used:

  • Display type D: When only Control‑D is installed.

  • Display type V: When Control‑V is installed.


Controls the default display type of the header of the User Report entry panel. Default: blank. When a blank is encountered, the following values are used:

  • Display type D: When only Control‑D is installed.

  • Display type V: When Control‑V is installed.


Controls whether the view indicator in the Control‑D or Control‑V Report List screen (Screen U) is displayed, and if it is displayed, what the format is.

  • Y (Yes) - The view indicator is blank if the report has not yet been viewed and V if the report has been viewed.

  • N (No) - The view indicator is not displayed and not saved.

  • A - The view indicator indicates the number of times (maximum: 255) the report has been viewed. If the number is too large to fit into the display field, an asterisk (*) is displayed. Default.

By default, the view indicator is one column wide.

The following variables correspond to the primary line commands in the Control-M Active Environment screen, which can be used to toggle the display of information in the Status portion for each job. These commands are: CPUID, DESC, GROUP, NOTE, ORDERID, and TABLE, and are described in the section describing Active Environment Screen commands in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide:


Corresponds to the CPU command to show or hide a job's CPU ID. Valid values are:

  • Y – Show

  • N – Hide (default)


Corresponds to the DESC command to show or hide a job's description. Valid values are:

  • Y – Show

  • N – Hide (default)


Corresponds to the GROUP command to show or hide the SMART Table to which the job belongs. Valid values are:

  • Y – Show

  • N – Hide (default)


Corresponds to the NOTE command to show or hide any notes attached to the job. Valid values are:

  • Y – Show

  • N – Hide (default)


Corresponds to the ORDERID command to show or hide the job's order ID. Valid values are:

  • Y – Show

  • N – Hide (default)


Corresponds to the TABLE command to show or hide the name of the job scheduling library and the table from which the job was ordered. Valid values are:

  • Y – Show

  • N – Hide (default)

Miscellaneous Variables

Table 47 Miscellaneous Variables




Name of the optional ISPF EDIT IMACRO to be used when editing a job’s JCL in Control‑M Screens 2.J and 3.J.

  • macro name - The specified IMACRO is invoked at entry to ISPF EDIT.

  • blank - No IMACRO is invoked at entry to ISPF EDIT. Default.


Specifies whether extended color support is used for terminals accessing the IOA Online facility from IMS, IDMS, and other systems that do not allow determination of terminal characteristics.

  • Y (Yes) - Use extended color support for this terminal.

  • N (No) - Do not use extended color support for this terminal. Default.


Specifies whether Double Byte Character Set support is used for terminals accessing the IOA Online facility from IMS, IDMS, and other systems that do not allow determination of terminal characteristics.

  • Y (Yes) - Use Double Byte Character Set support for this terminal.

  • N (No) - Do not use Double Byte Character Set support for this terminal. Default.


Specifies the user-defined dollar-sign character representation. Default $.


Controls whether to enable the IF/ELSE/ENDIF leveling numbering display on the Rules Panel (JR) in Control-M JCL Verify.

  • Y (Yes) - Enable IF/ELSE/ENDIF leveling

  • N (No) - Disable IF/ELSE/ENDIF leveling numbering. The default.


Controls whether to display job status in red against a black background on the Active Environment screen (Screen 3) for a cyclic job with a current cycle in Wait Schedule status and a previous cycle (that is, not the last cycle) with Prior Run: Ended- Not "OK".

  • Y (Yes) - Display job status in red against a black background for the cyclic job.

  • N (No) - Display job status in the same color as other jobs. Default.


Controls whether a user is forced into BROWSE mode when a job selected from the Control‑M Active Environment screen is not held.

  • Y (Yes) - Force the user into BROWSE mode.

  • N (No) - Do not force the user into BROWSE mode. Default.


Sets the default value of the View Jobs in Flow field in the Rerun Confirm Window.

  • Y (Yes) - The default value of the View Jobs in Flow field should be Y.

  • N (No) - The default value of the View Jobs in Flow field should be N. Default.


Specifies whether extended color support is used for terminals accessing the IOA Online facility from TSO or ROSCOE.

Query the hardware to determine whether to use extended color support for this terminal. Default.

  • Y (Yes) - Use extended color support for this terminal.

  • N (No) - Do not use extended color support for this terminal.


Specifies whether Double Byte Character Set support is used for terminals accessing the IOA Online facility from TSO or ROSCOE.


Query the hardware to determine whether to use Double Byte Character Set support for this terminal. Default.

  • Y (Yes) - Use Double Byte Character Set support for this terminal.

  • N (No) - Do not use Double Byte Character Set support for this terminal.


Specifies whether or not to produce a SNAP dump when the IOA Online monitor terminates due to a timeout.

  • Y (Yes) - Produce a SNAP dump

  • N (No) - Do not produce a SNAP dump. Default.


Controls whether or the UNDERSCORE attribute for terminal fields are suppressed or honored. Some terminals and terminal emulator programs display underscored fields with incorrect colors and/or reverse video.

  • Y (Yes) - Honor the UNDERSCORE attribute.

  • N (No) - Suppress the UNDERSCORE attribute. Default.

Modifying INCONTROL Product Defaults

After one or more INCONTROL products are installed and running, certain defaults can be modified within the product. For example, you can increase the number of Control‑M attempts to read a job’s sysout.

To modify INCONTROL product defaults, it is recommended that you perform the process by means of ICE:

  1. Enter the main ICE screen.

  2. Select Customization.

  3. Select the Environment.

  4. Enter IOA in the Product field.

  5. Select Product Customization.

  6. Select major step 5, "Customize IOA Defaults."

  7. Select minor step 1, "IOA Defaults Description."

    The IOADFLTS documentation member, which resides in the IOA DOC library, is displayed. This member lists the defaults that can be modified.

  8. Review the IOADFLTS member, and then press PF03 to exit this minor step.

  9. Select minor step 2, "Modify IOA Defaults."

  10. Locate the relevant wish number (for example, enter L WI2239).

  11. Set the wish to APPLY=YES.

  12. Enter or modify the values of the Data and DataC fields, as necessary.

  13. Press Enter and then PF03.

    Member IOADFLTL in IOA PARM is updated with the modified wishes.

  14. In addition to member IOADFLTL in the PARM library, there may be user exits in the IOA SAMPEXIT library that can be applied to modify default processing within a specific product.

    Depending on the specific optional wish that you modify, you might need to restart the relevant started tasks for your changes to take effect.

Modifying IOA Messages

IOA messages can be adapted for local languages, site‑specific terminology, and so on.

IOA messages are stored in the IOA MSGnnn library, where nnn is a three-character language identifier (for example, ENG for English, GER for German). According to this naming convention, at English speaking sites the library is the IOA MSGENG library.

Throughout this guide, the English version of this library, IOAENG, is referenced. Substitute the appropriate library name where applicable if English is not the language at your site.

The messages are organized in members with the following naming convention:



  • XXXXX is the five-character message code prefix. All messages in this member begins with these characters.

  • N is the single character indicating the language of the screen (for example, E for English, G for German).

Each member contains definitions for one or more messages. Each message is defined by the following structure:

Table 48 Structure of Messages




Code of the message. Do not change this code because it connects the message to the application program.


Text of the message.


Position of the text inserted into the message by the IOA application. Optional. The format of this parameter is:


where each pos parameter is the position of the inserted text in the message.

Parameter PARM is optional, but must be used whenever it already exists in the message definition. When the contents of a message are modified, the position of the application generated area in the message may change, so the PARM field must be modified accordingly. The order of the fields in the PARM is not changed, but it is possible to change the order of appearance in the message by changing the positions.


Indication of how the message scrolls. Default=ASIS. For future use.


The following is the original message (from member IOAD8E):


The following is the modified message:


Redirecting IOA messages

Messages can be redirected by using the MSGROUT member, residing in the IOA PARM library. MSGROUT is provided as an empty member. A sample is shown below:


The MSGROUT parameters are described in the following table.

The values given to the ROUT, ROUTCDE, and DESC parameters must be enclosed in parentheses.

MSGROUT is provided with sample lines. Each line that starts with an asterisk (*) is specified as a comment line. Remember to remove the asterisks from the appropriate lines before saving the edited MSGROUT member.

When an IOA message is redirected, some of the fields, which appear in the IOA log, are suppressed in the message as it appears in the WTO, WTOR, and OUT destinations.

Changes to MSGROUT member definitions are not dynamically refreshed. For changes to take effect, refresh any affected monitor.

Table 49 MSGROUT Parameters




Up to 7 characters in length. If it is less than 7 characters, MSGCODE is treated as a generic code. For example, all messages beginning with XMM79 are routed to OUT.


May contain up to 3 ROUT codes. Note that this ROUT parameter overrides the ROUT parameter that is hard-coded in the application. Valid values are:

  • WTO

  • WTOR - WTOR will be ignored if it has not been hard-coded in the application.

  • OUT

  • LOG

  • NONE - Use ROUT=NONE to suppress a message


This is the DDNAME when ROUT=(OUT), or when the ROUT parameter that has been hard-coded in the application is OUT. Default: SYSPRINT


Up to 3 route codes can be specified. Valid values for ROUTCDE are in the range from 1 to 128. ROUTCDE is used when ROUT=(WTO) or ROUT=(WTOR).


Up to 3 descriptor codes can be specified. Valid values for DESC are in the range from 1 to 16. DESC is used when ROUT=(WTO) or ROUT=(WTOR).

Message Destination Tables

The IOA Shout facility enables the user to specify messages to be sent to specified destinations upon the occurrence of various events.

Destinations in a production environment are not necessarily fixed. For example, the TSO logon ID of the shift manager may be different for every shift. The Dynamic Destination table allows the user to specify a logical destination name for a group of destinations. When the logical destination name is specified as the destination of a Shouted message, the message is sent to each destination in the group.

The following types of destination tables are provided:

  • Dynamic Destination Table

  • Mail Destination Table

  • SNMP Destination Table

The Dynamic Destination Table

After completing installation, but before using the IOA Shout facility services, you must build and define the parameters in the IOADEST sample member in the IOA PARM library.

WARNING: If you do not define the global parameters in the IOADEST member, the IOA Shout facility will not function.

The destination parameters, contained in the IOADEST member, are described in the table. An example is shown in the figure that follows. For more information about Dynamic Destination tables, see Dynamic Destination Table.

Table 50 IOADEST Parameters




Specifies the group name for recipients of Shout messages. There can be any number of groups, and the same recipient parameters can appear in more than one group and can be repeated within a particular group. Each group name must begin with one of the following expressions:

  • TSO-

  • OPER-

  • OPER2-


  • U-

Each group can include all the recipient parameters described below in this table.


Specifies a TSO user-ID.


Specifies a ROUTCODE for the operator console - number from 1 to 15.


Specifies a ROUTCODE for an alternative console - number from 1 to 15.


Specifies a MAIL or SNMP destination.


Specifies an abbreviation of USERID. Optionally, the parameter can be set to one of the following:

  • M: <mail-destination>

    Where: <mail-destination> must be defined in the MAILDEST member as a NICK name or GROUP.

  • S: <snmp-destination>

    Where: <snmp-destination> must be defined in the SNMPDEST member as a NICK name or GROUP.

Figure 3 IOADEST Table Example

The following code shows an example of a IOADEST table:

*  TSO users-id                                                        
*  operators users-id                                                  
      U=M:OPER-MAIL             must be defined in MAILDEST             
      U=S:OPER-SNMP             must be defined in SNMPDEST             

The Mail Destination Table

After completing installation, but before using the MAIL services, you must specify several parameters in the MAIL section of the IOAPARM member in the IOA PARM library. For more information, see Message Destination Parameters in IOAPARM.

The MAILDEST member contains the default values, including the nicknames and group names, of intended recipients of e-mails generated by IOAMAIL. Initially these default values are sample values. The user is required to edit the MAILDEST member and specify actual values in place of the sample values.

The MAILDEST member contains the default values, including the nicknames and group names of intended recipients of e-mails generated by IOAMAIL.

If you do not define the global parameters in the MAILDEST member, the IOAMAIL facility will not function.

For more information about nicknames and group names and their use in the operation of IOAMAIL, see IOAMAIL.

The MAILDEST parameters are described in the table.

Table 51 MAILDEST Parameters




Nickname of an e-mail recipient. 1 through 8 characters. Used in combination with the ADDR parameter, which specifies the full e-mail address of the destination. Optional, except that if this parameter is used, the ADDR parameter must also be specified.


Full e-mail address of a destination identified by a nickname using the NICK parameter. 1 through 69 characters. Optional, but if the NICK parameter is used, the ADDR parameter must also be specified.


Name of group of recipients of e-mail. 1 or more characters. There can be any number of groups, and the same recipients can appear in more than one group. Optional.

The SNMP Destination Table

After completing installation, but before sending SNMP traps (messages), you must specify several parameters in the SNMP section of the IOAPARM member in the IOA PARM library. For more information, see Message Destination Parameters in IOAPARM.

In addition, you must define the appropriate parameters in the SNMPDEST member. The IOA IOAENV library contains a sample SNMPDEST member, with an example of how to define the SNMPDEST parameters. Copy the SNMPDEST member to the IOA PARM library and define the parameters appropriately.

SNMP destinations consist of host names, IP addresses, nicknames, group names, and port numbers to where an INCONTROL product can send SNMP traps (messages).

The SNMPDEST parameters are described in the following table.

Table 52 SNMPDEST Parameters




Host name (1–64 characters) or IP address for an SNMP destination.

IPv4 Addresses: Use the standard dotted decimal notation. Do not use IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses.

IPv6 Addresses: Use the standard notation (39 characters) or the abbreviated form (for example, ::1). See message ECAP9UE for more details.


Nickname of an SNMP destination (1–8 characters).


Group name of a number of SNMP destinations (1– 8 characters).


SNMP port number (1 through 65535). If not specified, SNMP port number defaults to 162.

SNMPDEST Table Example

*                                      NICK=R5,                               
NICK=NAB,                         ,PORT=65533                          

SNMPDEST Destination Coding Rules

  • Columns 1–71 can contain statement code.

  • Any statement can be interrupted by a comma and can be continued on the next line.

  • An asterisk in column one makes the entire statement a comment.

  • Any number of empty lines are allowed.

  • The HOST statement can be a host name or IP address and can optionally have a PORT parameter appended to it.

  • The NICK statement serves as a synonym for a host name or IP address. It is provided for ease of use. If used, it must have a HOST parameter and optionally, a PORT parameter appended to it. The NICK parameter is treated as if it is specified in uppercase.

  • All NICK parameters must precede the first GROUP parameter.

  • The GROUP statement enables the user to send multiple SNMP traps (messages) to many users simultaneously. It is strictly provided for ease of use. If used, it must have any number of HOST and NICK parameters and optionally, PORT parameters appended to it. The GROUP parameter is treated as if it is specified in uppercase.

The following search order is used to determine the SNMP destination:

  1. If the target is specified as a standard dotted-decimal notation, it is treated as an IP address and the SNMP trap (message) is sent to it.

  2. The GROUP definitions are searched.

  3. If not found, the NICK definitions are searched.

  4. If not found, an attempt is made to treat the target as an immediate host name and the SNMP trap (message) is sent to it.       

Replacing the SNMP Destination Table (SNMPDEST)

When the respective INCONTROL product monitor is started, the SNMPDEST SNMP Destination table is loaded to memory. The table contains host names, IP addresses, nicknames, group names, and port numbers to which a product can send SNMP traps (messages). When any address or name is added, changed, or deleted, the changed table should be reloaded to memory by one of the following commands:


After a few seconds, a message describing the result of the operation is displayed on the operator console.

Understanding the SNMP Trap Fields Format

This topic explains the SNMP trap fields format generated by the DO SNMP and SHOUT to U-S commands, and is intended for the administrator setting up the SNMP listener.

The figure below shows an example SNMP trap message taken by a sniffer trace. In this example:

  • The Generic trap field is set to 6 (Enterprise specific)

  • The Enterprise field of the message is set to and is defined as follows:

    • The IANA-registered Private Enterprise

    • 954: The vendor (BMC)

    • 512: Application (ControlM or ControlO)

  • The Specific trap field is set to 3. BMC defines the values of the Specific trap field as follows:

    • 3: Regular

    • 2: Urgent

    • 1: Very Urgent

  • The three SNMP Value fields are defined as follows:

    • Control-O: The Application name (either ControlM or ControlO).

    • 061TROLO: The Monitor name.

    • CICSPROD ENDED S878 U000 RC08: The message text itself as it is coded in the MESSAGE field of the DO SNMP panel.

Figure 4 Example SNMP Trap Message

IOA MIB Definitions

Following is a MIB for the SNMP traps sent by the following statements:

  • DO SNMP statement of Control-O

  • DO SHOUT TO U-S:<snmp destination> statement of Control-M.

The MIB is provided in member IOAMIB in the SAMPLE library.

The MIB is used by the software on the trap recipient side to interpret the fields of the trap message.

IOA-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN                                                                                                                       
-- "This file contains the enterprise specific traps (SNMPv1) sent by 
--  Control-M and Control-O on the Mainframe."  
               FROM RFC-1215             
               FROM RFC1155-SMI        
               FROM RFC1213-MIB;
-- The OBJECT ID definitions of the enterprise:  
IOA            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 954 } 
IOAtraps       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { IOA 512 }                          
-- The three specific traps that can be sent:  
veryurgentTrap TRAP-TYPE 
       ENTERPRISE IOAtraps
       VARIABLES { product,monitor,text } 
       DESCRIPTION "very urgent trap"    
       ::= 1                       
urgentTrap TRAP-TYPE       
       ENTERPRISE IOAtraps                  
       VARIABLES { product,monitor,text }                                 
       DESCRIPTION "urgent trap"       
       ::= 2            
regularTrap TRAP-TYPE                       
       ENTERPRISE IOAtraps                                                
       VARIABLES { product,monitor,text }                                 
       DESCRIPTION "regular trap"                                         
       ::= 3                                                              
-- The three variables that are included in each trap:                    
product OBJECT-TYPE                                                       
        SYNTAX DisplayString                                              
        ACCESS read-only                                                  
        STATUS mandatory                                                  
        DESCRIPTION "This is the product name, CONTROL-M or CONTROL-O"    
        ::={IOAtraps 1}                                                   
monitor OBJECT-TYPE                                                       
        SYNTAX DisplayString                                              
        ACCESS read-only                                                  
        STATUS mandatory                                                  
        DESCRIPTION "This is the job name of the CONTROL-M/O monitor"     
        ::={IOAtraps 2}                                                   
text   OBJECT-TYPE                                                        
        SYNTAX DisplayString                                              
        ACCESS read-only                                                  
        STATUS mandatory                                                  
        DESCRIPTION "This is the actual text (message) of the trap"       
        ::={IOAtraps 3}                                                   

Support for SNMPv3 Traps

Control-O and Control-M support SNMPv3 traps by activating the SNMP SUBAGENT feature. When activated, SNMP messages that are generated by DO SNMP statements in Control-O rules or DO SHOUT to U-S statements in Control-M rules, are sent to an SNMP Master Agent.

The SNMP Master Agent is an SNMPD or OSNMPD Server on an OS/390 or z/OS computer, which usually runs on the same mainframe on which Control-O or Control-M resides. Once the messages are received by an SNMP Master Agent, they are forwarded to the SNMP TRAP listeners defined during setup of the SNMP Master Agent.

When the SUBAGENT feature is activated, Control-O and Control-M take on the role of an SNMP sub-agent. Control-O or Control-M send the SNMP traps to the Master Agent, and the Master Agent sends the traps to the SNMP listeners.

The communications between Control-O or Control-M, and the SNMP Master Agent, are carried out by UDP and TCP/IP. The protocol used to communicate with the SNMP Master Agent is the Distributed Protocol Interface (DPI) V1.1.

Activating the SNMPv3 Traps Feature

  1. Activate this feature by changing the MODE statement in the IOAPARM member to MODE=SUBAGENT. This can be performed through ICE in the following step:

    • IOA Customization

    • Major step: 1 IOAPARM Post-Installation

    • Minor Step: 3 Specify parameters for "Mail" options

  2. Additionally, specify valid values for the following SNMP parameters in IOAPARM:

    • host is the hostname or IP address of the host where the Master Agent runs
      Default: (the local host)

    • port is the SNMP port on which the Master Agent listens for SNMP requests Default: 161

    • community is the community name defined in the Master Agent setup
      Default: public

When a MODE=SUBAGENT statement is specified in the IOAPARM member then all other NICK and GROUP statements in the SNMPDEST member are ignored.

If MODE is not set to SUBAGENT then it must be set to any other non-blank value, such as MODE=ALONE.

You can switch between activating and deactivating SUBAGENT MODE by changing the MODE parameter and recycling the corresponding monitor(s). If Control-M is used for sending SNMP traps, stop Control-M monitor and then restart it. If Control-O is used for sending SNMP traps, start a new Control-O monitor without stopping the currently running Control-O monitor.

Replacing the Current Destination Tables

When you want to modify or replace either the Dynamic Destination table or the Mail Destination table, you must follow the procedures described in this section.

Replacing the Dynamic Destination Table (IOADEST)

The Dynamic Destination table is loaded when the respective INCONTROL product monitor is started. To replace the current Dynamic Destination table with a new one, use the appropriate operator command for each INCONTROL product installed at your site, as described in the following table:

Table 53 Operator Commands for Replacing the Dynamic Destination member

Command Syntax









The IOA Functional monitor used by Control‑M/Tape

The IOADEST table is reloaded and an accompanying message is displayed on the operator console from which the modify command was issued, when the monitor resumes job processing.

Mail Destination Table (MAILDEST)

The Mail Destination table is loaded when the INCONTROL product monitor is started. To replace the current Mail Destination table with a new one, use the appropriate operator command for each INCONTROL product installed at your site.

Table 54 Operator Commands for Loading a New Mail Destination Table

Command Syntax








After a few seconds, a message about the result of the operation is displayed on the operator console from which the modify command was issued.

Message Destination Parameters in IOAPARM

After completing installation, but before sending messages, you must define the appropriate parameters in the IOAPARM member in the IOA PARM library. For email messages, specify the parameters in the MAIL section of IOAPARM describe in the table. For SNMP messages, specify the parameters in the SNMP section of IOAPARM described in the second table. A sample MAIL section of the IOAPARM member is shown below.

Table 55 Parameters in the MAIL section of the IOAPARM member




Global parameter. 1 through 8 characters. Has the same value that the ExtWrtName parameter is set to in the CSSMTP configuration. If ExtWrtName is omitted, then by default, SMTPNAME is equal to the local SMTP STC name. Mandatory.


Global parameter. 1 through 50 characters. The default suffix of the local company e-mail address, in the format Mandatory.

Do not include the @ character.


This field can hold up to 60 characters. The default full Reply To email address.

On replying, this parameter overrides the From address and can be used where a possible reply to an actual address is needed.


This field can hold up to 25 characters.

This parameter enables the site to set a default sender name to be used in the FROM line of all emails sent by the INCONTROL monitors (for example, Control-M monitor) using the DO MAIL function.

If this parameter does not appear in the MAILDEST parameter member or if it is left empty, the rule or job owner is used as the sender's name.


Identifying information that is appended as a suffix to the name of the owner (the owner ID of the Control-M job). The value of this parameter will be appended to the name of the owner of the Control-M job definition. Up to 30 characters.


Global parameter. 1 through 8 characters. Name of the TCP host. Mandatory.


Class of sysout from IOAMAIL to SMTP. 1 character. This must be a JES non-held class.
Default: A


Destination for output of IOAMAIL. 1 through 8 characters.
Default: LOCAL


Location of SYSOUT. 1 through 4 characters. The SYSOUT file that is directed to the SMTP will include the value of the FORM parameter.


Determines how IOAMAIL envelopes the mail message and which skeleton members are used.

Valid values are:

  • IBM – Use IBM enveloping. Uses the IOASMTPI skeleton member.

  • CA – Use CA (Interlink or TCPAccess) enveloping. Uses the IOASMTPC skeleton member.

In both cases, the skeleton member IOASMTPA is used for attachment data.

For more information about the Skeleton members, see SMTP Skeleton Member.


Time zone used to set message transmission time. 5 characters can be used to identify a recognizable time zone. Default: LCL (local time zone)


The AT SIGN (@) value that will be used as separator between the name and its address. It is useful when a site uses a pagecode in which the @ character is not X'7C'.


Character set For example, ISO-8859-1.


Character encoding. For example, 8.


Specifies whether Control-M will write a message to the IOA Log whenever it sends a mail message. Email can be sent via the DO EMAIL, DO SHOUT, or SHOUT WHEN statements.


  • N – Control-M does not write a log message to accompany each mail message. Default.

  • Y – Each mail that Control-M sends is associated with an IOA log message.

Table 56 Parameters in the SNMP section of the IOAPARM member




Global parameter. 1 through 8 characters. Mode of SNMP. Mandatory.

For example, SUBAGENT.


Global parameter. IP address or the host name. Mandatory.

Host name (1 through 64 characters) or IP address (standard dotted-decimal notation) of an SNMP destination.


SNMP port number (1 through 65535). If not specified, SNMP port number defaults to 162.


This field can hold up to 32 characters.

Community in Master Agent setup.

If this parameter does not appear in the MAILDEST parameter member or if it is left empty, the rule or job owner is used as the sender's name.

Figure 5 Sample MAIL section in IOAPARM

 *        MAIL parameters                        
 MAIL     SMTPNAME=SMTP,           Name of SMTP STC       
 * The suffix of company's mail address:
 * Reply-To Email Address:          
          [email protected],   
          DFLTSNDR=bmc_sender,     The default 'From' name   
          OWNRSUFX=,               To be appended to DFLTSNDR   
          HOSTNAME=MVS3,           Host Name                       
          CLASS=A,                 Class of SMTP sysout  
          DEST=LOCAL,              Destination for mail            
          FORM=,                   FORM name for sysout    
          ENVELOPE=IBM,            EMAIL format: IBM or CA      
          TIMEZONE=,               Indicates the time zone       
          ATSIGN=@,                Separator the owner from domain 
          ATCHSET=ISO-8859-1,      Character set           
          ATCHENC=8                Character encoding    

SMTP Skeleton Member

This member is used for skeletons on the SMTP protocol.

Main skeleton members:

  • IOASMTPI is used if the system is set up to use the IBM format for SMTP.

  • IOASMTPC is used if the system is set up to use the CA format for SMTP.

Attachment skeleton member:

  • IOASMTPA is used in both cases (IBM format and CA format) only if attachment of the SYSOUT is required.

  • A single "*" at the start of a line in the skeleton members, not followed by "#", signifies a comment, and such a line is ignored by the program.

  • Lines that begin with "*#" in IOASMTPI or IOASMTPC are replaced by the corresponding lines from IOASMTPA if an attachment of the SYSOUT is required.

General IP parameters

The IP section in IOAPARM affects the following components:

  • SNMP

  • Immediate PC file transfers from online (Option U).

  • Delayed PC file transfers by Control-D File Transfer Monitor.

Table 56a Parameters in the IP section of the IOAPARM member




TCP/IP socket API type.

Valid values:

  • IBM (default)

  • SAS

When SAS is specified, SAS/C-written modules are used and TCP/IP support will be at the same level as in INCONTROL Version 8.0.00 (IPv6 not supported).

When IBM is specified or implied, SNMP and Control-D use IBM C-written modules and support IPv6 and dual TCP/IP stacks.


TCP/IP stack name. This is the started task name of a TCP/IP stack that is active on the z/OS system. If specified, stack affinity is established.

Default: The z/OS system's default TCP/IP stack is used.

If the z/OS system is not configured for dual stack mode, then the parameter is ignored. But if it is and the stack is not running, then the file or SNMP transmission will not be processed.

Warning: Specifying a stack might affect connectivity and hostname resolution. Consult your network administrator.


TCP/IP protocol implementation level.

Valid values:

  • DUAL (default)

  • IPV4

When IPV4 is specified, IPv6 is not supported.


IOAMAIL can be called by Control‑M and Control‑M/Analyzer, using appropriate subparameters under the DO MAIL or DO SHOUT parameters in a job scheduling definition.

IOAAPI can also be used as an entry point to the IOAMAIL facility. For more information on IOAAPI, see IOAAPI.

Specifying a MAIL Destination

The destinations for e-mail messages sent by IOAMAIL can be specified using several methods, enabling you to send a single e-mail message to several destinations. Different methods can be used for the destinations.

IOAMAIL e-mail destinations can be specified using:

  • a fully specified destination name

  • a user name, without specifying any more information

    • IOAMAIL uses the DFLTSFFX parameter in the IOAPARM member as the default suffix for the user name. The result is a fully specified destination name.

    • Example

    • If you specify joe_smith, and the default suffix in the DFLTSFFX parameter is, IOAMAIL completes the resulting e-mail address as [email protected]. (Note that the @ character is taken from the ATSIGN parameter in the IOAPARM member.)

  • a nickname, without specifying any more information

    • IOAMAIL searches for the nickname in the set of predefined nicknames in the MAILDEST member. Each nickname and full e-mail address are specified in separate lines in that member.

    • For example, if Joe Smith has the e-mail address [email protected], and is to be given the nickname JOE, the definition will appear in the MAILDEST member as

    • NICK=JOE
      [email protected]

    • If the destination of an IOAMAIL e-mail is then specified as joe, the e-mail address results in [email protected].

  • a GROUP name, without specifying any more information

    • Each IOAMAIL GROUP consists of a group of e-mail recipients. Such a group can comprise any number of e-mail destinations. Each such destination can be defined by reference to

  • a full e-mail address

  • a user name, where the DFLTSFFX parameter in the IOAPARM member is used as the suffix

  • an IOAMAIL nickname specified as described above

Each destination must be prefixed with the notation TO or CC. When prefixed TO, the e-mail is sent to that destination as an addressee. When prefixed CC, the e-mail is sent to that destination as a copy.

For more information on the MAILDEST member, see The Mail Destination Table

IOA support for DO REMEDY

The DO REMEDY option in Control-M for z/OS enables creation of a problem ticket in the Remedy Help Desk system by sending a formatted e-mail to a special mailbox that is defined for this purpose. For more information about the DO REMEDY option, see the Control-M for z/OS User Guide.

The Remedy Email Engine reads the incoming message sent to this mailbox and creates problem tickets in the Remedy system, according to the details in each message.

To set up IOA support for DO REMEDY

  1. Create an account on a POP3 mail server (for example, Microsoft Exchange Server) and record the following details:

    • Server name or IP address of the POP3 server (for incoming mail)

    • Server name or IP address of the SMTP server (for outgoing mail)

    • Server port number used for connecting to the POP3 server (for incoming mail)

    • Server port number used for connecting to the SMTP server (for outgoing mail)

    • Mailbox name and password

    • E-mail address of this new account

    BMC recommends that you ensure that the new mail account has been set up correctly by trying to access the account from Microsoft Outlook. In Outlook, select Tools=> E-mail Accounts=> Add a new E-mail account=> POP3. After you have filled in the details, press Test Account Settings.

  2. Install and configure the Remedy Email Engine.

    • Ensure that the Java SDK is already installed on the computer where the Remedy Email Engine will be installed.

    For detailed instructions about installing the Remedy Email Engine, see the Action Request System 6.3 Remedy Email Engine Guide.

    Remedy Email Engine configuration guidelines

    • Do not specify an RPC port during the first part of the Remedy Email Engine installation.

    • Define the same name for the incoming and outgoing mailboxes during the mailbox configuration part of the Remedy Email Engine installation.

    • When you configure the Remedy Email Engine, specify only the host name (without the domain name) as the SMTP server.

    • BMC recommends that until DO REMEDY has been tested to work successfully, instead of starting the Remedy Email Engine as a service, start it by running the following batch file. Set the debug flag so that debugging messages will go to the command window.

      Edit the emailstart.bat file and add the -Dmail.debug=true option after "%JavaPath%\java":

      "%JavaPath%\java" -Dmail.debug=true -cp

      The default location of the emailstart.bat file is C:\Program Files\AR System\AREmail.

    • There are additional parameters in the Remedy Email Engine mailbox configuration that cannot be set up in the initial prompt windows. You can access the setup values later by selecting Start=> Programs=> Action Request System=> ARSystem User. After logging on, perform the following steps:

      1. Select Open=> Find and specify AR System Email Mailbox Configuration.

      2. Select the entry that has type Form and click the Search icon. This process should find two mailboxes: Incoming and Outgoing.

      3. Select the Incoming mailbox and change Polling Interval (Minutes) to 1.

      4. Press Advanced Configuration.

      5. Change Reply With Result to No and save your changes.

      6. Restart the Remedy Email Engine.

  3. Copy members REMCONFD and REMTMPL from the IOA.BASE.GENERAL library to the IOA.PARM library.

  4. Create a copy of REMCONFD in the IOA.PARM library, and name it REMCONF.

  5. Configure the parameters in member REMCONF, as described in REMCONF member.

  6. Create a copy of REMTMPL in the IOA.PARM library, and name it REMTMPLx, where x is the suffix specified in the REMTPLS parameter of the REMCONF member.

  7. Configure the email template in the REMTMPLx member, as described in REMTMPLx member.

  8. Define the nickname and email address defined in REMMAIL parameter of REMCONF member in the MAILDEST member (see note below).

  9. Recycle the Control-M Monitor.

The following MAILDEST parameters, which are related to the Remedy interface in version 6.3.01 and earlier, are no longer supported: RMxSRV, RMxUSR, RMxPSW, RMxSCM, RMxSRC, RMxSTS, RMxTYP. In this list, the value of x may be M, D, or O. If these parameters are set in the MAILDEST member, they will be ignored.

Understanding the DO REMEDY configuration members

The Remedy interface contains the following configuration members:

  • REMCONF member contains general customization parameters for Remedy. For details, see REMCONF member.

  • REMTMPLx member or members contain formatted email templates. For details, see REMTMPLx member.

REMCONF member

The REMCONF member contains general customization parameters for Remedy.

The REMCONF member contains separate sections for the different IOA products. Each section begins with the COMPID field, and all parameters that follow that field relate to the product specified in it.

A sample member named REMCONFD is provided in IOA.BASE.GENERAL library, which must be manually copied as REMCONF in order to use it. A default REMCONF member is not provided, to avoid overwriting. An asterisk in column 1 indicates a comment.

Table 57 REMCONF parameters




Begins a component section for an IOA product. Mandatory. The only valid value is M (Control-M).


Nickname of the Remedy email address. Mandatory.

Must be defined as a regular email address in the MAILDEST member in the IOA.PARM library.


Email subject, composed of free text. Default: null. Limited to 60 characters.


A single character used as a suffix for pointing to the email template to be used when tickets are opened in Remedy. Mandatory.

The email template member that will be used is REMTMPLx, where x is the specified suffix. The member will be used from the IOA.PARM library.


Translate value for URGENCY=L (low). Mandatory. Limited to 60 characters.

Composed of free text (not null). Text must be surrounded by single quotes.


Translate value for URGENCY=M (medium). Mandatory. Limited to 60 characters.

Composed of free text (not null). Text must be surrounded by single quotes.


Translate value for URGENCY=H (high). Mandatory. Limited to 60 characters.

Composed of free text (not null). Text must be surrounded by single quotes.


Translate value for URGENCY=U (urgent). Mandatory. Limited to 60 characters.

Composed of free text (not null). Text must be surrounded by single quotes.


Translate value for URGENCY=  (blank). Mandatory. Limited to 60 characters.

Composed of free text (not null). Text must be surrounded by single quotes.

Sample REMCONF member

The values specified in the REMTRNx parameter are used to replace the URGENCY value specified in the rule Control-M rule with the value that should be used in the Remedy ticket. Refer to "%%URGENCY%%" in REMTMPLx member.

** REMCONF - Remedy Interface Configuration                  **       
**                                                           **       
** The member should be copied as REMCONF and to reside in   **       
** the IOA.PARM library.                                     **       
**                                                           **       
** Please refer to the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator      **  
** Guide for more information.                               **       
**                                                           **       
** Notes:                                                    **       
** ------                                                    **       
**                                                           **      
** (1) A sample of the a Remedy Email template (pointed by   **       
**     the REMTMPLS= parameter) can be found in member       **       
**     REMTMPL.                                              **       
**                                                           **       
** (2) Use the following REMTRNx settings for                **       
**     Remedy release 6:                                     **       
**                                                           **       
**       REMTRNL='Low'                                       **       
**       REMTRNM='Medium'                                    **       
**       REMTRNH='High'                                      **       
**       REMTRNU='Urgent'                                    **       
**       REMTRNB='Medium'                                    **       
**                                                           **       
**     Use the following REMTRNx settings for                **       
**     Remedy release 7:                                     **       
**                                                           **       
**       REMTRNL='4-Low'                                     **       
**       REMTRNM='3-Medium'                                  **       
**       REMTRNH='2-High'                                    **       
**       REMTRNU='1-Urgent'                                  **       
**       REMTRNB='3-Medium'                                  **       
**                                                           **       
** (3) Email nick name defined by parameter REMMAIL= should  **       
**     be defined in member MAILDEST.                        **       
**                                                           **       
** Control-M Section                                                  

The sample REMCONFD member is similar.

REMTMPLx member

The REMTMPLx member holds the email template to be used for opening a ticket in Remedy. The REMTMPLS parameter in the REMCONF member points to the REMTMPLx email template member, where x is a free suffix pointing to the required member.

Basic configuration information (such as Remedy server name, schema name, user name, and password) is an integral part of the template.

The member supports mixed case characters (CAPS OFF).

Each line is limited to 70 alphanumeric characters.

A sample template named REMTMPL is provided, and includes separate samples to be used with Remedy 6 and Remedy 7. Instructions on how to configure the member, including the configuration parameters, are included as comments. The sample must be manually copied as REMTMPLx, where x is the suffix specified in the REMTPLS parameter.

The email will be sent to the address pointed by the nickname specified in the REMMAIL parameter, and the email subject is set as specified in the REMMSUB parameter (both of which are located in the REMCONF member).

When the email is built, the template strings are replaced with the values as described in the table.

Table 58 REMTMPL template variables

String in template

Replace by Value



The SUMM field as specified in the Control-M rule.

Mandatory. No default.


The DESC field as specified in the Control-M rule.

Mandatory. No default.


The URGENCY field as specified in the Control-M rule. This takes place after the appropriate translation using the REMTRNx parameters in the REMCONF member.

Default: the value specified in the REMTRNB parameter in the REMCONF member.


The user ID that created the Control-M rule that issued the Remedy ticket opening request.

Mandatory. No default.

Sample template
** REMTMPLx - Remedy Email Template                               **  
**                                                                **  
** This is a sample of a Remedy Email template to be used in      **  
** order to open a ticket in Remedy.                              **  
**                                                                **  
** The email template should reside in IOA.PARM library and to    **  
** be named as REMTMPLx where x is the charater specified in      **  
** parameter REMTMPLS= in member IOA.PARM(REMCONF).               **  
**                                                                **  
** This sample includes 2 separate sections:                      **  
**  - The first section should be used with Remedy release 6.     **  
**  - The second section should be used with Remedy release 7.    **  
**                                                                **  
** Steps needed to be done to customize the template:             **  
**                                                                **  
** a.  Select the sample appropriate to your Remedy               **  
**     level (6 or 7).                                            **  
**                                                                **  
** b.  Remove (or comment using an asterisk in column 1)          **  
**     the sample related to the Remedy level not used on         **  
**     your site.                                                 **  
**                                                                **  
** c.  Fill in the customization parameters as defined in         **  
**     your site:                                                 **  
**                                                                **  
**      - The Remedy schema name used for opening the ticket      **  
**      - The Remedy server name                                  **  
**      - The Remedy user name                                    **  
**      - The Remedy User password                                **  
**                                                                **  
** d. Add additional Remedy fields that are required on           **  
**    on your site as additional lines at the bottom of           **  
**    the template.                                               **  
**                                                                **  
** e. The member should be placed in the IOA.PARM library         **  
**    and to be named REMTMPLx where X is the suffix              **  
**    specified in parameter REMTMPLS in member REMCONF           **  
**    which resides in the same library.                          **  
**                                                                **  
** Please refer to the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator           **  
** Guide for more information.                                    **  
**                                                                **  
** Remedy 6 sample                                                **  
** ---------------                                                **  
** Use the following section for Remedy release 6.                **  
** Don't forget to remove the section for Remedy release 7 below. **  
Schema: HPD:HelpDesk                                                  
Server: remsrvr                                                       
Login: Demo                                                           
Action: Submit                                                        
Format: Short                                                         
Summary* !        8!: %%SUMM%%                                        
Description* !240000007!: %%DESC%%                                    
Category* !200000003!: Software                                       
Type* !200000004!: Other                                              
Item* !200000005!: Other                                              
Login*+ !240000005!: %%USER%%                                         
Name*+ !240000001!: %%USER%%                                          
Source* !260000128!: Email                                            
Solution Details !260000503!:                                         
Status* !        7!: New                                              
Case Type* !260000130!: Incident                                      
Urgency !240000009!: %%URGENCY%%                                      
** Remedy 7 sample                                                **  
** ---------------                                                **  
** Use the following section for Remedy release 7.                **  
** Don't forget to remove the section for Remedy release 6 above. **  
char-set: windows-1252                                                
Schema: HPD:IncidentInterface_Create                                  
Server: remsrvr                                                       
Login: Demo                                                           
Action: Submit                                                        
Description !1000000000!: %%SUMM%%                                    
Service Type !1000000099!: User Service Request                       
Status !         7!: New                                              
Details !1000000151!: %%DESC%%                                        
First Name* !1000000019!: App                                         
Last Name* !1000000018!: Admin                                        
First Name+ !1000005783!: %%USER%%                                    
Last Name+ !1000005782!: %%USER%%                                     
Impact* !1000000163!: 3-Moderate/Limited                              
Urgency* !1000000162!: %%URGENCY%%                                    
!1000000076!: CREATE                                                  
** Version 7.6.04                                                 **  
** If you want to specify values for the First Name+ and          **  
** Last Name+ parameters in the REMTMPLx member, you must define  **  
** these values as user with valid First and Last names in Remedy,**  
** then remove the asterisks from the First Name+ and Last Name+  **  
** fields, and then specify values of the defined First and Last  **  
** names.                                                         **  
char-set: windows-1252                                                
Schema: HPD:IncidentInterface_Create                                  
Server: remsrvr                                                       
Login: Demo                                                           
Action: Submit                                                        
Description !1000000000!: %%SUMM%%                                    
Status !         7!: New                                              
Details !1000000151!: %%DESC%%                                        
First Name* !1000000019!: App                                         
Last Name* !1000000018!: Admin                                        
*Uncomment the  First Name+ and Last Name+ if defined in Remedy       
*First Name+ !1000005783!: %%USER%%                                   
*Last Name+ !1000005782!: %%USER%%                                    
Service Type !1000000099!:1                                           
Impact* !1000000163!: %%URGENCY%%                                     
Urgency* !1000000162!: %%URGENCY%%                                    
!1000000076!: CREATE                                                  
RepSource !1000000215!:email                                          

The sample REMTMPL member is similar.

In the sample provided for Remedy version 7.6.04, the lines for the First Name+ and Last Name+ parameters are commented out with asterisks (*) so that by default a Remedy ticket is produced.

If you want to specify values for the First Name+ and Last Name+ parameters in the REMTMPLx member, you must define these values as a user with valid first and last names in Remedy, then remove the asterisks from the First Name+ and Last Name+ fields, and specify the values of the defined First and Last names.


IOAAPI, the IOA Application Program Interface, provides an interface to some IOA services.

Supported Services

IOAAPI currently supports the services described in the following table:

Table 59 Services Supported by IOAAPI




Processes a condition file


Sends messages by e-mail


Selects records from the log

Access to IOAAPI

IOAAPI can be accessed by the following means:

  • a batch program

  • a batch statement

  • use of the TSO command processor

  • a user application program

Service Types Syntax

A service call is made using the following syntax:

service_type service_parms


  • service_type is one of the supported services

  • service_parms are parameters sent along with the service_type

To write a comment in a call string, place an * (asterisk) before the first character. Use this technique if, for example, you want a call string to be omitted from one run of a job.

COND Service

The following is the syntax of a request for the COND service:

COND request_type condition_name date


  • request_type is one of the following types of request:

    • ADD

    • DELETE

    • CHECK

      • condition_name is the name of the condition, from 1 through 40 characters

      • date is the date in mmdd format

Return Codes

The ADD request returns condition code 0 when successfully executed and the condition code does not exist. If the condition_name already exists, the condition code is 8.

The DELETE request returns condition code 0 when successfully executed and the condition name exists, unless there was no condition_name, in which case the condition code is 8.

Details of all the COND return codes appear in the following table:

Table 60 IOAAPI COND Return Codes

Return Code




4 through 56

CTMURS error code

The CHECK request returns condition code 8 when the condition_name does not exist. If it does exist, the code returned is 0.


PARM string parsing error


Unable to get storage


Unable to load module


Unable to build MCT


Failed to open a file


Error in calling sequence for command processor


Unrecognized service type




Error in IF statement



MAIL Service

Before using this service, ensure that you are familiar with IOAMAIL.

The MAIL service can only be used in batch and API runs.

The following is the syntax of a request for the MAIL service:

MAIL request_type(content)


  • request_type is one of the types of request shown in the following table

  • content of the request type, as explained under "Description" in the following table

Table 61 MAIL Request Types

Request Type



Mandatory. Address of recipient of the e-mail, specified in one of the ways described in IOAMAIL. Many TO requests can be specified in successive lines in one MAIL request.


Optional. Address of recipient of a copy of the e-mail, specified in one of IOAMAIL ways described in IOAMAIL. Many CC requests can be specified in successive lines in one MAIL request.


Optional. Text for the subject field of the e-mail. If more than one SUBJ is specified, the last specified is used.


Mandatory. Text for the body of the e-mail message. Up to 10 TEXT lines can be specified.


Mandatory. This Request Type has no text field. It sends the prepared e-mail. The message subject and text lines of the e-mail are cleared after sending is complete.


This Request Type has no text field. It clears the recipient lists, both TO and CC.

Return Codes

Details of all the MAIL return codes appear in the table.

Table 62 IOAAPI MAIL Return Codes

Return Code









PARM string parsing error


Unable to get storage


Unable to load module


Attempting to request MAIL by means of a PARM or from TSO command processor


Too many text lines


Unrecognized MAIL parameter

The following is an example of a MAIL request:

MAIL TO [email protected] TO GEORGE
MAIL SUBJ subject-header-text
MAIL TEXT text-line1
MAIL TEXT text-line2
MAIL TEXT text-line3

LOG Service

The LOG service can only be used in batch and API runs. The syntax of a request for the LOG service is

LOG request_type [parm1] [parm2]


  • request_type is one of the types of request shown in the tablebelow

  • parm1 and parm2 depend on the type of request specified as request_type

Table 63 LOG Service Request Types

Request Type



Only records between the two dates specified are to be selected. If DATE is not specified, records of any date can be selected.

The syntax of the request is

DATE BETWEEN yymmdd AND yymmdd


Only records between the two times specified are to be selected.

If DATE is not specified, the TIME parameter is ignored.

If DATE is specified but TIME is not specified, all times can be selected.

The syntax of the request is


where hh follows the 24-hour clock format.


Provides a list of message codes. Depending on the syntax of the request, this request code may (using CODE IN) specify the message codes to be included in the list, or (using CODE NOT IN) those to be excluded from the list.

The syntax of the request is

CODE IN code1 code2 code3 ...


CODE NOT IN code4 code5 code6 ...

When many CODE requests are specified, the program joins them into one list containing a maximum of 100 codes. However, all CODE requests must be of the same type, that is, they must all be either IN or NOT IN.

If CODE is not specified, all codes can be selected.


All selected log records are written to a file. The user must supply a JCL DD statement specifying the file.

The syntax of the request is

FILE ddname

The default value of ddname is DAAPIOUT.

The DAAPIOUT default should not be used when the selected log records have to be written to a file.

The file should be allocated with LRECL=200 and RECFM=FB.


The records selected are passed to the calling API. This request type is ignored where there is no API.

FILE and RECORD are mutually exclusive. If neither is specified in an API environment, the default is RECORD.


Perform the selection of log records as specified by the other parameters (that is, DATE, TIME, CODE, FILE, and RECORD).

If FILE was specified, all records are written to file.

If RECORD was specified, the first record is pointed by the register R1. The following records are passed by the NEXT request.


Passes one log record to the calling program. This request type is valid only in an API environment. On return to the API, if the record was passed OK, the value in register R15 is zero, and R1 points to the next record. When the end of the LOG is reached, the value in register R15 is 4.

Return Codes

Details of all the LOG return codes appear in the table.

Table 64 IOAAPI LOG Return Codes

Return Code





In RECORD mode, end of log reached.


Error. This return code is accompanied by an explanatory message.


Parameter string error.


Unable to get storage.


Failed to open a file.


Calling sequence for a CP IN error


Request type unknown.


Too many codes in list.


The request includes both CODE IN and CODE NOT IN request types.


Error in the DATE or TIME request.


Either both FILE and RECORD request types requested, or neither was requested.


The request included a NEXT without a preceding FIND.


FIND was called twice.

The following is an example of a LOG request:

LOG DATE BETWEEN 010815 AND 010831

Using a Batch Program

Within a batch program, a service request is submitted as the PARM field specification in an EXEC statement.

//     PARM=’COND ADD COND1 0401’
//     DD DISP=SHR,DSN=dataset2


  • dataset1 and dataset2 are STEPLIB libraries, set on installation

  • dataset3 is the Parameters Dataset file, and is mandatory

  • dataset4 is the Conditions file used for COND requests

  • dataset5 is the Log file used for LOG requests

Only one request can be made in a batch program.

Using Batch Statements

Requests are passed as an input file. Each record is 80 bytes in length, but only the first 71 bytes are used.

The following example illustrates the use of a batch statement to issue a series of requests:

//     DD DISP=SHR,DSN=dataset2
     COND ADD COND3 0701
     COND CHECK COND4 1231
     MAIL CC [email protected]
     LOG DATE BETWEEN 010401 AND 010415


  • dataset1 and dataset2 are STEPLIB libraries, set on installation

  • dataset3 is the Parameters dataset file; this must be present

  • dataset4 is the Conditions file used for COND requests

  • dataset5 is the Log file used for LOG requests

Conditional Input

Requests passed from a batch statement can be conditional, using the following syntax:

IF LASTCC condition number THEN


  • LASTCC is the condition code returned by the last executed request

  • condition is either EQ (Equal) or NE (Not Equal)

  • number is a numeric value from 1 through 3 digits, for example 4, 04, or 004

Tokens in the IF statement must be separated by blanks. Nested IF statements are not supported. The whole IF statement must reside in the same input record.

ELSE and its group of statements are optional. If used, it must be the only token in a record.

ENDIF must be the only token in a record.


Using the TSO Command Processor

A request can be made using the TSO command processor. The command is passed as a PARM to the command processor.

The format of the command is

IOAAPI COND condition_request condition_name date

Using a User Application Program

Any number of requests can be made using a user application program.

In this guide, CLnn means a character field nn characters in length, padded with blanks to the right.

When the request is made, the following array of addresses is passed:

  • A(string1), where string1 is CL8'IOAAPI'


  • A(string2), where string2 is one of the following, as appropriate:

    • CL8'COND'

    • CL8'MAIL'

    • CL8'LOG'

In the case of each of the services to which these strings refer, that is, COND, MAIL, and LOG, additional addresses are passed. These additional addresses vary according to the service requested, as explained in the following sections.

COND Service Additional Addresses

For more information on the COND service, see COND Service.

The additional addresses that are passed when the COND service is requested are:

  • A(string3C), where string3C is CL8'request_type'

  • A(string4C), where string4C is CL39'condition_name'
    A(string5C), where string5C is CL4'date'

The request_type, condition_name, and date strings have the meanings explained in COND Service.

MAIL Service Additional Addresses

For more information on the MAIL service, see MAIL Service.

Additional addresses that are passed when the MAIL service is requested are:

  • A(string3M) where string3M is CL8'request_type'

  • A(string4M) where string4M is CL70' content'

The request_type and content strings have the meanings explained in MAIL Service.

LOG Service Additional Addresses

For more information on the LOG service, see LOG Service.

The additional addresses that are passed when the LOG service is requested depend on the request type, as follows:

  • A(string3L) where string3L is CL8'request_type'

  • A(string4L) and A(string5L)


  • request_type is one of the LOG request types described in LOG Service.

  • the contents of string4L and string5L depend on the type of request specified in string3L as the request_type, as explained in LOG Service.

DATE Request Type Additional Addresses

In the case of the DATE request type, the additional addresses are as follows:

  • A(string3LD), where string3LD is CL8'DATE'

  • A(string4LD), where string4LD is the DATE BETWEEN ("from") date in the format CL8'yymmdd'

  • A(string5LD), where string5LD is the DATE AND ("until") date in the format CL8'yymmdd'

For more information on DATE, DATE BETWEEN, and DATE AND, see LOG Service.

TIME Request Type Additional Addresses

In the case of request type TIME, the additional addresses are as follows:

  • A(string3LT), where string3LT is CL8'TIME'

  • A(string4LT), where string4LT is the TIME BETWEEN ("from") time in the format CL8'hhmm'

  • A(string5LT), where string5LT is the TIME AND ("until") time in the format CL8'hhmm'

For more information on TIME, TIME BETWEEN, and TIME AND, see LOG Service

CODE Request Type Additional Addresses

In the case of request type CODE, the additional addresses are as follows:

  • A(string3LC), where string3LC is CL8'CODE'

  • A(string4LC), where string4LC is either CL8'IN' or CL8'NOT IN'

  • A(string5LC), where string5LC is CL70'code1 code2 code3 ...'

For more information on CODE, IN, and NOT IN, see LOG Service.

FILE Request Type Additional Addresses

In the case of request type FILE, the additional addresses are as follows:

  • A(string3LFL), where string3LFL is CL8'FILE'

  • A(string4LFL), where string4LFL is CL8'ddname'
    The string ddname is a DDname of up to 8 characters, and is fully explained, together with its default value of PRINT, in LOG Service.

RECORD Request Type Additional Addresses

In the case of request type RECORD, there is a single additional address, namely, A(string3LR), where string3LR is CL8'RECORD'.

For more information, see LOG Service.

FIND Request Type Additional Addresses

In the case of request type FIND, there is a single additional address, namely, A(string3LFN), where string3LFN is CL8'FIND'.

For more information, see LOG Service.

NEXT Request Type Additional Addresses

In the case of request type NEXT, there is a single additional address, namely, A(string3LN), where string3LN is CL8'NEXT'.

For more information, see LOG Service

IOA Variable Database Facility

The IOA Variable Database facility is comprised of a series of screens and a set of files that enable you to view, create and modify AutoEdit variables that are made available globally to INCONTROL products.

The IOA Variable Database facility is available to Control‑M only with the CMEM monitor active, or when the Control‑O monitor is active.

IOA variable databases are stored in a common storage area on a computer, and are organized into databases. Changes to the value of an AutoEdit variable in an IOA variable database can be accessed by all Control‑M jobs or Control‑O rules on that computer, or, if desired, in the Sysplex if that computer is part of a Sysplex.

When an INCONTROL product starts, the product reads the databases defined in the IOA Variable Database facility and loads the databases’ AutoEdit variables into memory.

Control‑O users can create and access an unlimited number of AutoEdit databases. Other INCONTROL products, such as Control‑M, can only access one AutoEdit database, named IOAVAR.

IOA Variable Database facility databases are specified in the global member list, which is the list of members referenced by DD statement DAGLBLST of the INCONTROL product monitor procedure (currently, either CONTROLO or CTMCMEM). For more information about the global member list, see Defining a New Database.

The IOA Variable Database facility consists of the following files, which are allocated during IOA installation. These files are used to copy information into memory on each computer in which an INCONTROL product is working.

Table 65 IOA Variable Database Facility Files



Database file (DBS)

Contains information about each AutoEdit database, listed in the Definition file. This information is displayed in the List of Databases screen.

Column file (COL)

Contains information about columns in all databases listed in the Columns file. Columns represent the attributes (fields) stored in each database. The columns for a specific database are displayed in the List of Columns screen for that database.

The IOAVAR database file, which is the only database Control‑M (and other INCONTROL products) can access, has two fixed columns: VARNAME and VALUE.

The columns of other databases, accessible by Control‑O only, can be defined as you need.

Variables file (VAR)

This file stores the actual values for each AutoEdit variable in the database. This information is displayed in the Display screen.

The IOA Variable Database facility files are IOA Access Method files. Each file consists of two operating system files: a data component and an index component. For more information about the IOA Access Method, see IOA Concepts and Components.

Updates and additions made to the AutoEdit variables directly in memory (such as by rules or KOA scripts) are kept in memory by the INCONTROL product and are available to all other jobs, rules, and so on. While the INCONTROL product is active, a specific database (or all databases) can be reloaded from or written to the IOA Variable Database facility files using operator commands LOADGLOBAL and WRITEGLOBAL. When the INCONTROL product is stopped, command WRITEGLOBAL is automatically performed to update all databases with the latest information.

If Control‑O is installed, the CMEM facility is executed by the Control‑O monitor instead of the CMEM monitor. In this case, references in this section to the CMEM monitor apply to the Control‑O monitor, and operator commands contain the string CONTROLO instead of CTMCMEM.

Also, AutoEdit databases are not stored as partitioned datasets. Therefore, the AutoEdit variables stored in these databases cannot be accessed by Control‑M %%LIBSYM and %%MEMSYM control statements. For Control‑M to access these variables, you must explicitly state its path name and variable name in job definition statements such as SET VAR and DO SET.

The complete format for accessing an AutoEdit variable stored in a database is


When specifying the name of an AutoEdit variable, you can use shortcuts. For example, if the variable is in the current directory, you do not need to specify the entire path name (the variable name alone suffices). For more detailed information on the path name, see Displaying the Values of Databases Screen.

Availability and Implementation Across INCONTROL Products

The IOA Variable Database facility is available for the following INCONTROL products:

Table 66 Availability of the IOA Variable Database Facility


Implementation Notes

Control‑M with CMEM

The only database that Control‑M can access is the IOAVAR database.


Control‑O can access any number of databases. These databases are structured in row and column format (the typical database structure) and can be of standard type, XAE Type 1, or XAE Type 2.

When both Control‑O and Control‑M (CMEM) are installed, Control‑M can still only access the IOAVAR database.

In addition to variables stored in databases, Control‑O can also access variables stored in global members. For more information, see Control-O.

IOAVAR Database

The IOAVAR database, which is loaded into memory because it is specified in member IOAGLBVL in the IOAENV library, is unlike other databases in the IOA Variable Database facility.

  • It is the only database that ControlM can access.

  • It is the only database that CMEM or Control-O automatically issues the WRITEGLOBAL command, after changes are made to the database in-memory, to ensure that the disk version is up-to-date.

  • It consists of a series of variable names and corresponding variable values, instead of user-defined rows and columns (fields).

The IOAVAR can be defined as either DBINOUT (standard database) or S2INOUT (XAE Type 2 database) in member IOAGLBVL in the global member list (the concatenation of files specified in DD statement DAGLBLST).

When using IOAVAR in a Sysplex environment consisting of multiple LPARs, define IOAVAR as S2INOUT. XAE allows for resolution of variables on a Sysplex-wide level by utilizing Coupling Facility structures.

When using IOAVAR on a single LPAR it should be defined as DBINOUT.

WARNING: Loading IOAVAR defined as DBINOUT in multiple LPARs in a Sysplex creates a serious integrity exposure. It may result in each LPAR having a different image of the database (different variables names, different variable values) and in one LPAR overwriting the other LPAR’s database when issuing WRITEGLOBAL (automatically or manually).

For more information about the global member list and XAE databases, see Defining a New Database and Using XAE Type Databases Instead of Standard Type Databases, respectively.

Sharing the Global Variables database

The IOA and Control-O Global Variables database can be shared between Control-M, Control-O, online users, the Control-M application server, IOA APIs, and Control-O XAM. The Control-O or CMEM monitors using shared disks in non‑SYSPLEX environments and in the Coupling Facility in SYSPLEX, can share the Global Variables database. The global variables are loaded and held in memory, which is separate on each LPAR where Control-O or CMEM is being run.

Navigating and Using the IOA Variable Database Facility

To enter the IOA Variable Database facility, select option IV in the IOA Primary Option menu. The IOA Variables entry panel is displayed.

Figure 6 IOA Variables Entry Panel

 ----------------------- IOA Variables - ENTRY PANEL  ---------------------
(IVCOMMAND ===>                                                               
SPECIFY DATABASE NAME                                                      
DATABASE ===>                 (Blank for Database selection list)          
MODE     ===>                 (Blank or ADMIN for Administration mode)     
USE THE COMMAND "SHPF" TO SEE PFK ASSIGNMENT                         16.21.43
  • To display the list of all databases: Press Enter. The List of Databases screen is displayed. For more information, see List of Databases Screen.

  • ControlO installations can access an unlimited number of databases. ControlM and other INCONTROL product installations can access the IOAVAR database only (even if other databases are displayed).

  • To display the Values of Database screen of a specific database: Type the database name in the DATABASE field on the Entry Panel and press Enter.

  • An asterisk (*) can be used as a mask character in the DATABASE field of this screen.

When entering either the List of Databases screen or the Values of Database screen, you can either enter as a regular user or an administrator, as follows:

  • To enter the IOA Variables Database facility as a regular user, leave the MODE field blank. This enables you to view and update variables in the databases, but you cannot perform administrative functions (add or delete variables).

  • To enter the IOA Variables Database facility with full administrator functionality, type ADMIN in the MODE field.

    • Security module IOASE42 prevents regular users from accessing the IOA Variables Database facility as an administrator. For more information on this security module, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Security Guide.

    • In ADMIN mode, only those variables actually written to the IOA Global Variable database are displayed. For example, if using the SET command of the Control-M CTMAPI utility, you prepare a global variable to be written to the database, without subsequently issuing the CKP command, such a variable is not displayed in ADMIN mode.

List of Databases Screen

Figure 7 List of Databases Screen

LIST OF DATABASES -----  IOA VARIABLES IN USE  -----------------------------(IV)
COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
OPT NAME                  DESCRIPTION                             
    COSALLMT              COSMOS - DEMO - METHODS DATABASE        
    IOAVAR                IOA GLOBAL VARIABLE DATABASE            
    PRDALLMT              COSMOS - PROD - METHODS DATABASE        
    TUTORIAL              AUTOEDIT DATABASES - TUTORIAL           
    XAES1D01              XESXAE - DEMO - S1 - TEMP               
    XAES1D02              XESXAE - DEMO - S1 - INPUT              
    XAES1D03              XESXAE - DEMO - S1 - PROT (S1PROT SAME A
    XAES1D04              XESXAE - DEMO - S1 - INOUT (S1INOUT SAME
    XAES2D01              XESXAE - DEMO - S2 - TEMP               
    XAES2D02              XESXAE - DEMO - S2 - INPUT              
    XAES2D03              XESXAE - DEMO - S2 - PROT (S2PROT SAME A
    XAES2D04              XESXAE - DEMO - S2 - INOUT              
===== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  NO MORE DATABASES  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =====
OPTIONS:  S SELECT   I INSERT   U UPDATE   V VIEW VARS                08.15.55u

The List of Databases screen displays a list of the databases currently defined. This screen can be entered using the IOA Variables entry panel or when returning from the List of Columns screen. For more information, see List of Columns Screen.

A short description is displayed for each database. This description is specified either when creating a new database, or through Option U. For more information, see Options of the Values of Database Screen.

For a database to be loaded into memory, the database name must be specified in one of the members referenced and concatenated by the DAGLBLST DD statement of the product’s monitor.

Options of the List of Databases Screen

The following options, listed at the bottom of the screen, can be applied to any row in the List of Databases screen. Specify the desired option in the OPT field next to the database name, and press Enter.

Table 67 Options of the List of Databases Screen




Display and edit the list of the columns in the database. For more information, see List of Columns Screen.


Insert a new database in the list. The New Database window is displayed, prompting you to specify database name, description, and the maximum number of rows.

The new database is added after the database that was marked with an "I". When the List of Databases screen is redisplayed, the databases are sorted in alphabetical order. To redisplay the List of Databases screen, exit and then reenter it.

For more information on inserting a new database, see Inserting a New Variable Database.


Update the description of the current database. For more information, see Updating Database Descriptions, and Updating Contents of a Database in Memory.


Display the variables of the database. This option displays the Values of Database screen. For more information, see Displaying the Values of Databases Screen

List of Columns Screen

Figure 8 List of Columns Screen

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
     OPT NAME ----------------------------------------------------------------------
===== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   NO MORE COLUMNS IN DATABASE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =====
OPTIONS:  S SELECT   I INSERT                                          16.44.27

The List of Columns screen displays the list of columns in a database. This screen can be entered by specifying a database name in the IOA Database Facility entry panel, or by specifying option S (SELECT) next to a database name in the List of Databases screen. This screen is also displayed when returning from the Column Definition screen. For a description of this screen, see Column Definition Screen.

The column names listed on this screen represent variable names (also known as database attributes) used in the variable database. The variables listed in the Values of Database screen represent actual variable values. For a of this screen see Displaying the Values of Databases Screen.

This screen supports up and down scrolling conventions.

Options of the List of Columns Screen

The following options, listed at the bottom of the screen, can be applied to any row in the List of Columns screen:

Table 68 Options of the List of Columns Screen




Display and edit information about the selected column in the Variable Database screen. For more information, see Column Definition Screen .


Insert a new column in this variable database. For more information, ssee Inserting a New Variable Database.

Column Definition Screen

The Column Definition screen allows you to define and order columns. This screen can be entered by selecting either option S (SELECT) in order to edit or option I (INSERT) from the List of Columns screen.

For information on displaying and editing an existing column definition, see Displaying and Editing a Column Definition.

For information on defining a new Variable Database column, see Defining a New Variable Database Column.

Because the column names VARNAME and VALUE in the IOAVAR database are fixed, this screen is only useful for INCONTROL products that can access multiple databases, such as Control‑O.

Displaying and Editing a Column Definition

To display and edit information for a selected column, specify option S (SELECT) next to the preceding column name in the Column Definition screen, and press Enter. The IOA Column Definition screen is displayed:

Figure 9 Displaying Information in the IOA Column Definition Screen

---------------------------  IOA COLUMN DEFINITION  ---------------------(IV.S)
COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
| NAME     TSOUSER                DATABASE TUTORIAL                           |
| CREATED    /  /   -   :  :      BY    M86                                   |
| COLUMN ORDER 2645134                                                        |
| DESC     TSO USERID                                                         |
============= >>>>>>>>>> BOTTOM OF COLUMN DEFINITION <<<<<<<<<<<< =============
 PLEASE FILL IN COLUMN DEFINITION                                      16.44.38

Edit any of the following fields in the Column Definition screen:

Table 69 Fields in the Column Definition Screen




Column name. For display purposes only.


Name of database in which the column exists. For display purposes only.


Date and time this column was created. For display purposes only.


User ID that created the column. For display purposes only.


Number representing the column’s order in the database.


Description of the column.

To exit the Column Definition screen without implementing any changes, type CAN (CANCEL) in the COMMAND line and press Enter, or press PF04/PF16.

Inserting a New Variable Database

In the OPT field on the List of Databases Screen, enter I to insert a new variable database. The New Database window is displayed.

Figure 10 New Database Window

LIST OF DATABASES --  IOA DATABASE FACILITY   -----------------------------(IV)
COMMAND ===>    +-----------------------------------------------------------+  SR
   I  COSALLMT  |                                                           |   
      COSALLPR  |   NEW DATABASE NAME                     CREATE    (Y/N)   |   
      COSIMGOB  |                                                           |   
      COSIMGSD  |   DESCRIPTION                                             |   
      COSSTCOB  |                                                           |   
      COSSTCSD  |   NUMBER OF ROWS 00000100                                 |   
      COSVTMOB  |                                                           |   
      COSVTMSD  +-----------------------------------------------------------+   
===== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  NO MORE DATABASES  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =====
OPTIONS:  S SELECT   I INSERT   U UPDATE   V VIEW VARS                  12.04.36

The following fields are displayed in this window:

Table 70 Fields of the IOA Variable Database New Database Window




Name of the new variable database. Up to eight characters can be specified. Mandatory.


Whether to create the new variable database. Mandatory. Valid values are:

Y (Yes) – Create the new variable database.

N (No) – Exit the New Database window without creating the new variable database.


Free text description of the new database. This description is displayed in the List of Databases screen. Up to 40 characters can be specified. Optional.


Maximum number of rows for the database. Mandatory. The value specified in this field is used to determine the amount of storage space allocated for the variable database.

The new database is inserted after the database for which the I (INSERT) option was specified. The list of databases is alphabetized the next time the List of Databases screen is displayed.

New Variable Databases are added to the files on disk. To make variables in a new database immediately available to Control‑O rules, add the name of the new database to the DAGLBLST DD statement in the Control‑O Monitor procedure, and specify the following command:


where dbname is the name of the new database.

For more information, see Chapter Control-O.

To populate the new database with database columns, see Defining a New Variable Database Column.

Defining a New Variable Database Column

To define a new column for a variable database, specify option I (INSERT) next to the preceding column name in the List of Columns screen, and press Enter.

If you are defining a new column for a variable database that has not yet been populated, specify option I next to the blank column name in the List of Columns screen.

The IOA Column Definition screen is displayed. This screen enables you to define a new column to be added to the current variable database.

The IOA Column Definition screen is displayed. This screen enables you to define a new column to be added to the current variable database.

-----------------------  IOA   COLUMN DEFINITION  -----------------------(IV.S)
COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
       NAME     OBJECT                 DATABASE COSSTCSD                           
       CREATED  08/08/00 - 16:51:51    BY    N25                                   
       COLUMN ORDER 0000000                                                        
============= >>>>>>>>>> BOTTOM OF COLUMN DEFINITION <<<<<<<<<<<< =============
PLEASE FILL IN COLUMN DEFINITION                                      16.51.51

The following fields are displayed in the Column Definition screen.

When defining a new column, values for fields CREATED, DATABASE and BY are automatically inserted and cannot be modified in this screen.

Table 71 Fields of the Column Definition Screen




Name of the column. Up to eight characters can be specified. Mandatory.


Name of the variable database containing the new column.


Date and time of column creation.


Free text description of the column. Up to 40 characters can be specified. Optional.


User ID of the user who added the column.


Column position in the database.

To add the column, specify the necessary information and press Enter.

To exit this screen without adding a column to the variable database, specify CAN (Cancel) in the COMMAND field of this screen and press Enter.

Updating Database Descriptions

In the OPT field on the List of Databases Screen, specify U to update the description of a variable database. The Update Database Description Window is displayed.

Figure 12 IOA Variable Database Update Database Description Window

LIST OF DATABASES -----  IOA DATABASE FACILITY ------------------------------(IV)
COMMAND ===>      +-----------------------------------------------------------+SR
    OPT NAME      |          UPDATE THE DATABASE DESCRIPTION                  |
        CCCC      |                                                           |
        COSALLMT  |   DATABASE NAME COSDM2SR                UPDATE Y  (Y/N)   |
        COSALLPR  |                                                           |
        COSDM2PR  |                                                           |
        COSDM3PR  |   NUMBER OF ROWS 00001000                                 |
        COSDM4PR  |                                                           |
        COSDM2RS  +-----------------------------------------------------------+
===== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  NO MORE DATABASES  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =====
 OPTIONS:  S SELECT   I INSERT   U UPDATE   V VIEW VARS                 08.41.55

The following fields are displayed in this window:

Table 72 Fields of the Update Database Description Window




Name of the variable database. This field cannot be modified.


Whether to update the variable database description. Mandatory. Valid values:

Y (Yes) – Update the variable database description.

N (No) – Exit the Update Database Description window without updating the variable database description.


New description of the variable database. Up to 40 characters can be specified.


Maximum number of rows for the database. Mandatory. The value specified in this field is used to determine the amount of storage space allocated for the variable database.

Displaying the Values of Databases Screen

To enter this screen, type option V (VIEW VARS) in the List of Databases screen next to the database you want to display, and press Enter. The variables in the selected database are displayed.

Figure 13 Control-O Values of Database Screen

VALUES OF DATABASE: TUTORIAL                                             (IV.V)
COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
ROW       NAME      TSOUSER   TELEXT                                          
00001000 JOHN      S01       125                                              
00002000 JOE       S02       225                                              
00003000 ALICE     S03       325                                              
00004000 PETER     S04       425                                              
00005000 BENJAMIN  S05       525                                              
======== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO MORE ROWS FOR THIS DATABASE <<<<<<<<<<<<<< ========
OPTIONS:  Z ZOOM     I INSERT   D DELETE   R REPEAT                    16.34.46

The Values of Database screen displays all variables in the selected database.

The column names represent attributes that describe the variable. The rows represent actual values for this variable. Variable values are loaded into memory automatically at Control‑O or CMEM Monitor startup.

Standard up or down scrolling conventions are supported in this screen.

Use the scrolling PFKeys to scroll the information on the screen left (PF10/PF22) and right (PF11/PF23).

Display for Database IOAVAR Only

If you select the IOAVAR database, the following screen is displayed:

Figure 14 Control-M Values of Database Screen (Database IOAVAR)

VALUES OF DATABASE: IOAVAR                                               (IV.V)
COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
ROW       VARNAME                                 VALUE
00022889 %%\M\DEBUG\WORK\MART                    N19GLB4                      
00023866 %%\M\DEBUG\WORK\VAR1                    N19GLOBAL                    
00024902 %%\M\DEBUG\WORK\VAR2                    N19GLB                       
00025863 %%\M\DEBUG\WORK\VAR3                    N19GLB1                      
00026943 %%\M\DEBUG\WORK\VAR4                    N19GLBVAR12345               
00027792 %%\M\DEBUG\WORK\VAR5                    N19GLB3                      
00028972 %%\M\DEBUG\WORK\VAR6                    N19GLB4                      
00029831 %%\M\DEBUG\WORK\N19GLTS1\VAR1           N19GLOBAL2                   
00030765 %%\M\DEBUG\VAR2                         N19GLOBAL3                   
00031985 %%\M\DEBUG\WORK\VAR7                    N19GLB2                      
00032972 %%\M\DEBUG\WORK\N19GLTS1\VAR8           GLBVAR7896                   
00033769 %%\M\DEBUG\VAR11                        N19GLB5                      
00034919 %%\M\DEBUG\WORK\PRM7                    IOA600                       
00035955 %%\M\DEBUG\WORK\PRM8                    ODATE                        
00036932 %%\M\DEBUG\WORK\PRM9                    DRIVER                       
00037778 %%\M\DEBUG\WORK\N19GLTS1\PRM10          GLBVAR7896                   
00038808 %%\M\DEBUG\TRAN                         IALL                         
======== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO MORE ROWS FOR THIS DATABASE <<<<<<<<<<<<<< ========
OPTIONS:  Z ZOOM     I INSERT   D DELETE   R REPEAT                    14.21.37

For database IOAVAR, the Values of Database screen displays the following information about the variables in the database:

Table 73 Fields of the IOA Values of Database Screen




Each variable is assigned its own row in the database. This column displays the row number of the variable.


The variable path and name, with the following format:



  • %% – Indicates that the string is a variable. Constant.

    and the levels in the variable path are represented by:

  • M – Indicates that the string is a ControlM variable. Constant. Mandatory.

  • app_name – The ControlM application where var_name resides. Optional.

  • group_name – The ControlM group within app_name where var_name resides. Optional.

  • job_name – The ControlM job within group_name where var_name resides. Optional.

    and the variable name is

  • var_name – Mandatory.

All levels in the path within the VARNAME string are separated by a \ (backslash).

Up to 30 characters of VARNAME are displayed. If VARNAME longer, the full variable path and name can be viewed in the Variable Zoom screen, which is described in Variable Database Zoom Screen.


Value of the variable. Up to thirty characters of the value are displayed. If the value is longer, the full value can be viewed in the Variable Zoom screen, which is described in Variable Database Zoom Screen.

The value of the variable may specify a character string value that contains any printable character.

When creating an IOA Global variable using the CTMAPI utility, and blanks are needed as part of the value, they should be coded using the %%BLANKnn AutoEdit parameter. See the Control-M for z/OS User Guide for more information about the CTMAPI utility and the %%BLANKnn AutoEdit parameter.

Row Numbers in the Values of Database Screen

Row numbers in a variable database are initially incremented by 1000.

  • When a new row is inserted, it is assigned an intermediate number incremented by 100.

  • Rows inserted between row numbers with a hundreds value are assigned numbers incremented by ten.

  • Rows inserted between row numbers with a tens value are assigned numbers incremented by one.

For example, a row inserted immediately after row 2000 is assigned a number of 2100.

A maximum of 999 rows can be inserted between two original rows in a variable database. Row numbers can be refreshed (that is, they can be assigned new numbers incremented by 1000) as follows:

Unload the IOA Variable Database facility’s Variables file by running job IOAVARUL in the IOA JCL library. This job invokes utility IOADUL.

Reload the file by running job IOAVARLD in the IOA JCL library. This job runs utility IOADLD with parameter RENUM specified.

For more information about utilities IOADUL and IOADLD, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

Options of the Values of Database Screen

The following options can be applied to any row in the Values of Database screen (Screen IV.V). Specify an option in the first (leftmost) column of the screen and press Enter.

Table 74 Options of the Values of Database Screen




Show each value in a row on its own line, displaying the entire content of each variable. Variables can be edited in this display as well.


Insert a new row in the database.


Delete the row for which this option is specified.


Insert a new row that is identical to the one for which this option is specified.

Variable Database Zoom Screen

The value of each variable can be up to 140 characters in length, but only the first eight characters of each variable value are displayed. The Variable Database Zoom screen enables display of the full variable value. To display the full variable value, specify option Z (Zoom) next to the desired row in the Display screen. The Zoom screen is displayed.

Figure 15 Variable Database Zoom Screen

VALUES OF DATABASE: COSALLMT ROW:  87932454                         (IV.V.Z)
COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
     O NAME      VALUE
======== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO MORE COLUMNS IN THIS ROW <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ========
OPTIONS:  A ADDITIONAL INFORMATION                                     08.31.07

The following predefined display types are available for the Variable Database Zoom screen:

Table 75 Display Types of the Variable Database Zoom Screen



D (Default display type)

Includes the first 64 characters of the value of each variable in the selected database row. A second line containing the remainder of the variable value (up to 76 characters) can be displayed using option A (Additional Information).

B (Blank Line display type)

Displays the second line for all variables, regardless of whether or not it contains additional information.

While in the Variable Database Zoom screen, the display type can be changed using the DISPLAY command. Format of the command is:


where x is the identifying letter for the desired type.

DISPLAY can be abbreviated to DI.

For a list of display types, enter DISPLAY ? to show the Display Options window. To select a display type in the window, specify S (SELECT) in the Option field next to the ID. To exit the window without selecting a display type, press PF03/PF15 (END).


displays the Blank Line display type

The Default display of the Variable Database Zoom screen includes the first 64 characters of the value of each variable in the selected database row.

The following option is available in the Variable Database Zoom screen:

Table 76 Options of the Variable Database Zoom Screen



A (Additional Information)

Display a second line for the selected variable. The second line contains the remainder (up to 76 characters) of the selected variable’s value.

To exit the Variable Database Zoom screen without implementing any changes specify CAN (cancel) in the COMMAND line and press ENTER.

To enable changes to a variable database loaded in memory to be immediately accessible by Control‑O rules, the modified database must be reloaded by use of the following operator command:


WARNING: Issuing LOADGLOBAL is hazardous in a live system!

Changes to the databases (for example, through %%SET in JCL, DO SET, or SET VAR) are accumulated in memory and are written to disk during the next WRITEGLOBAL command (performed automatically for the IOAVAR database at set intervals). Between the changes and the WRITEGLOBAL command is a time window in which the LOADGLOBAL command will delete the changes. BMC recommends only using the LOADGLOBAL command for updating a database during a scheduled downtime.

Variables in a variable database can also be updated or modified using DO SET statements in Control‑O rules, or through SETOGLB statements in a KSL/KOA script. For more information, see DO SET in the parameters description chapter of the Control‑O User Guide.

Use the following operator command to save changes made to a variable database in memory:


To exit the Variable Zoom screen without implementing any changes, type CAN (CANCEL) in the COMMAND line and press Enter.

Loading AutoEdit Variable Databases

Use one of the following operator commands to load an AutoEdit database into memory:

  • If ControlO is not installed, use

  • If ControlO is installed, use