Online Facilities


The Online facility is the basic means of communication between the user and Control-M/Tape.

Online definition facilities allow you to view the status of all parameters relating to a specific rule, pool, or vault definition, or a group of rules, pools or vault definitions.

The Inquiry/Update screen allows authorized users to view and modify information concerning all media managed by Control-M/Tape.

The following topics describe the main features available under the Online facility.

IOA Features

This section discusses the IOA features common to all INCONTROL products.

General IOA Features

General IOA features include:


IOA screens, constants, messages, colors, commands, and PFKey definitions can be site-modified to adapt them to local needs.

INCONTROL products can be customized globally, that is, for the whole site, using the INCONTROL Installation and Customization Engine (ICE), according to profile variables defined during installation.

In addition, INCONTROL products can be customized to respond differently to individual users if these profile variables are specified in user profile members.

For example, depending on the setting of a variable in a particular user profile member, upon exit from a screen in which changes have been requested, this INCONTROL product may either perform the requested changes automatically or display a confirmation window before performing the changes.

Customization issues are discussed in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide.

Due to customization, the screens and examples illustrated in this guide may differ from the ones used at your site.

Environment Support

The Online facility can be activated under the following environments:

  • TSO (native)



  • CICS

  • VTAM

  • IMS/DC



Cross memory interfaces (to the Online monitor) are optional under native TSO, TSO/ISPF, and ROSCOE/ETSO. They are always used under the other environments.

There are slight differences in the operation of the Online facility under the different environments. Special notes are provided in this guide where applicable.

Terminal Support

IOA supports the following models of IBM 3270 terminals:

  • Model 2 – 24 lines, 80 columns

  • Model 4 – 43 lines, 80 columns

  • Model 3 – 32 lines, 80 columns

  • Model 5 – 27 lines, 132 columns

When using the IOA online facility under IMS/DC and IDMS/DC, all model types display 24 lines and 80 columns.

IOA adjusts to the screen size in order to use the maximum available data area on the screen.

Special Character Usage on Terminals

In certain cases, special keyboard characters, such as $, #, and @, are assigned special meanings. The characters specified appear on standard American terminals but may not be available on other keyboards. In addition, some special characters on your keyboard may be assigned different hexadecimal values than the ones recognized by IOA. Special keyboard mapping requirements, and a complete discussion of the conventions used in this guide, are shown in Conventions Used in This Guide.

Color Support

When INCONTROL products are activated from a screen with extended seven-color support, they make extensive use of the color attributes of the screen. The concept of management by color is emphasized in INCONTROL screens.

Like all screen attributes, the color attribute for each field is defined externally to the program and can be locally modified by the site.

IOA does not automatically recognize IMS/DC and IDMS/DC terminals as supporting extended color attributes. If your IMS/DC or IDMS/DC terminal supports extended color attributes and you want IOA to recognize this, refer to the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide for more information.

At this time, IOA does not support extended color attributes under COM-PLETE.

Due to ISPF characteristics, color changes cannot occur in adjacent columns but must be separated by an attribute byte without color, that is, black. Therefore, some IOA screens have a different appearance under ISPF than under other online environments, such as native TSO and CICS.


For fields that automatically support prefixing, selection strings are always treated as prefixes. Selection is made if a segment of the text beginning with the first letter, that is, any prefix, matches the selection criterion.

If a field supports prefixing, this fact is indicated in its description.

Assume the following names exist: A3, A4, M, M01, M03, M12, M13, M22, M23, M30, M33, M103, M135, M301.

Table 18 Prefixing Examples


Matching Value


All of the above values


A3, A4


M, M01, M03, M12, M13, M22, M23, M30, M33, M103, M135, M301


M12, M13, M103, M135


M13, M135

Character Masking

If a field supports masking, this fact is indicated in its description.

For fields that support masking, the following masking characters are available:

  • * represents any number of characters, including no characters

  • ? represents any one character

For fields that do not automatically support prefixing, a prefix value can be specified by ending the selection string with an asterisk.

Assume the following names exist: A3, M, M3, M01, M03, M13, M23, M33, M103, M435, M2243.

Table 19 Masking Examples


Matching Values


All the above values


M03, M13, M23, M33


M03, M13, M23, M33, M435




M3, M03, M13, M23, M33, M103, M2243


M, M3, M01, M03, M13, M23, M33, M103, M435, M2243

Since the last character in this example is *, M is treated as a prefix.

IOA Entry Panel

Enter the IOA Online facility according to the instructions of your INCONTROL administrator. Upon entering the IOA Online facility, the IOA entry panel may be displayed.

Display of the IOA Entry Panel is optional. If your INCONTROL administrator determined that the entry panel is bypassed, the IOA Primary Option menu, which is discussed in the following section, is displayed.

Figure 2 IOA Entry Panel

---------------------------  IOA ENTRY PANEL  -------------------------------

                |                                                           |
                |          USER ID      ===>                                |
                |                                                           |
                |          PASSWORD     ===>                                |
                |                                                           |
                |          NEW PASSWORD ===>           ===>                 |
                |                                                           |

            PLEASE FILL IN USER ID AND PASSWORD AND PRESS ENTER             18.30.18

Type your user ID and password and press Enter. If you enter a correct user ID and password, the IOA Primary Option menu is displayed.

The IOA Online facility allows three attempts to enter a valid user ID and password combination. After the third unsuccessful attempt, the program is terminated.

To change a password, type the new password twice: Once in the NEW PASSWORD field and once in the confirmation field.

IOA Primary Option Menu

The IOA Primary Option menu is the primary interface to functions available under the various INCONTROL products. The options displayed in the menu depend on the INCONTROL products installed at the site, and the functions and facilities that have been authorized to you.

If only Control-M/Tape is active at your site, and you are authorized to access all functions and facilities, the following screen is displayed:

When the Online facility is activated as an ISPF application, option 6 is displayed as: "6 UTILITIES Online Utilities." In this case, option 6 activates the Online Utilities under ISPF. When the Online facility is not activated under TSO or TSO/ISPF, option 6 is inactive.

Figure 3 IOA Primary Option Menu when Only Control-M/Tape is Installed

---------------------       IOA PRIMARY OPTION MENU      -----------------(1  )
                OPTION ===>                                             USER        N22A
                DATE        19.08.01

                4   COND-RES          IOA Conditions/Resources Display
                5   LOG               IOA Log Display
                6   TSO               Enter TSO Command
                7   MANUAL COND       IOA Manual Conditions Display
                8   CALENDAR DEF      IOA Calendar Definition
                IV   VARIABLE DATABASE IOA Variable Database Definition Facility
                TR   RULE DEFINITION   CTT Rule Definition
                TP   POOL DEFINITION   CTT Pool Definition
                TV   VAULT DEFINITION  CTT Vault Definition
                TI   INQ/UPD MEDIA DB  CTT Media Database Inquire/Update
                TC   CHECK IN EXT VOL  CTT External Volume Check-In

            COMMANDS:  X - EXIT, HELP, INFO  OR CHOOSE A MENU OPTION            18.05.34 

To select an option, type the option number or letters in the OPTION field and press Enter. Alternatively, for a number option, press the PFKey of the same number. For example, to select the LOG option, press PF05/PF17.

Your INCONTROL administrator can limit the options displayed on a user-by-user basis and can alter option numbers and customize option descriptions. Product supplied options are discussed in this guide.

Certain IOA commands, functions, and facilities (options) are shared by all INCONTROL products. These shared IOA commands, functions and facilities are described later in this chapter, and outlined in Table 20.

Table 20 INCONTROL Shared IOA Functions and Facilities






Display and update the status of the IOA Conditions file and the Control-M Resources file.



View audit trail information about jobs, missions, and rules scheduled under the supervision of INCONTROL products.



Perform TSO commands.



Display the list of prerequisite conditions that must be confirmed manually by operations personnel.



Define scheduling calendars.



Exit the Online facility.



Display a window in the IOA Primary Option Menu. The window contains information about installed INCONTROL products. For more details on the information displayed by this command, see IOA Version Information.

Entering =1 in the command line of any other screen returns you to the IOA Primary Option Menu that is displayed at your site.

These shared functions and facilities are described in further detail in this chapter.

The following functions (options) are applicable to Control-M/Tape:

Table 21 Control-M/Tape Functions and Facilities






Rule Definition.



Pool Definition.



Vault Definition.



Inquire/Update screen.



Check In External Volume.

The following IOA Primary Option Menu is displayed at sites supporting all currently available INCONTROL products (under ISPF).

When the IOA online facility is activated as an ISPF application, option 6 is displayed as "6 UTILITIES Online Utilities." In this case, option 6 activates the Online utilities under ISPF. When the online facility is not activated under TSO or TSO/ISPF, option 6 is inactive.

Figure 4 IOA Primary Option Menu when all INCONTROL Products are Installed

---------------------       IOA PRIMARY OPTION MENU       ------------------(1)
                OPTION ===>                                               USER        N06     
                IOA                         CONTROL-D/V                CONTROL-O              
                4  COND-RES                A  MISSION STATUS         OR  RULE DEFINITION    
                5  LOG                     M  MISSION DEF            OM  MSG STATISTICS     
                6  TSO                     R  REPORT DEF             OS  RULE STATUS        
                7  MANUAL COND             T  RECIPIENT TREE         OL  AUTOMATION LOG     
                8  CALENDAR DEF            U  USER REPORTS           OA  AUTOMATION OPTS    
                DO  OBJECTS                OK  KOA RECORDER       
                CONTROL-M & CTM/Restart     CONTROL-M/Analyzer        CONTROL-M/Tape          
                3  ACTIVE ENV.            BM  MISSION DEF            TP  POOL DEFINITION    
                BA  RULE ACTIVITY          TC  CHECK IN EXT VOL   
            COMMANDS:  X - EXIT, HELP, INFO  OR CHOOSE A MENU OPTION               16.20.21

Entering =1 in the command line of any other screen returns you to the IOA Primary Option Menu that is displayed at your site.

For a description of the options for other INCONTROL products, see the user guides of the respective products.

Additional options available on the IOA Primary Option menu when operating Control-M/Tape with other INCONTROL products are listed below:

Table 22 IOA Primary Option Menu Options






Define, display and update IOA Database variables used by Control-O and Control-M.

Option IV is available only at sites where Control-O or CMEM are installed.



Define or modify job production parameters.



Display and update status of jobs scheduled under Control-M.



Define or modify CMEM rules.



Define or modify Workload Policies and Load-Indexes.

Options 2, 3, C, and W are available only at sites where Control-M is installed.



Display and update active missions status.



Define migration, printing, backup, and restore missions.



Define decollating missions (including indexing).



Display and update the Recipient Tree.



Display and update the status of user reports. View reports online.



Display the status of reports (packets) scheduled for transfer from the mainframe to a PC.



Manage Control-D objects.

Options A, M, R, T, U, F, and DO are available only at sites where Control-D or Control-V are installed.



Display and update the status of active balancing missions.



Define balancing missions.



Define, display and update Database variables.



Define balancing rules.



Display rule activity and the result of invoking Control-M/Analyzer rules.

Options BB, BM, BV, BR, and BA are available only at sites where Control-M/Analyzer is installed.



Define rules.



View message statistics.



View Rule Status screen.



Display commands, messages and/or traces.



Display available operator productivity tools.



Display or modify the status of COSMOS-controlled objects and databases.



Record VTAM scripts

Options OR, OM, OS, OL, OA, OV, OC, and OK are available only at sites where Control-O is installed.

IOA Version Information

Enter INFO (or I) in the OPTION Ffield of the IOA Primary Option menu to display the IOA Version Information window, as illustrated in Figure 5. This window lists the version and level of each INCONTROL product installed at the site, plus the CPU ID and current system date. The IOA Version Information window also identifies the unique IOA QNAME assigned to the site. For further information about the IOA QNAME, see the IOA operational parameters step, the IOAPLEX parameters step, and the adding IOA structures to the CFRM step, all in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide. Press Enter or END (PF03/PF15) to exit the window and return to the IOA Primary Option menu.

Figure 5 IOA Version Information

---------------------       IOA PRIMARY OPTION MENU       ------------------(1)
                OPTION ===>                                               USER        N06

                IOA                        CONTROL-D/V                CONTROL-O
                4  COND-RES   |             IOA VERSION INFORMATION          | EFINITION
                5  LOG        |                                              | ATISTICS
                6  TSO        |   IOA                  Version 6.1.00        | TATUS
                7  MANUAL CON |   IOAGATE              Version 6.1.00        | TION LOG
                8  CALENDAR D |   CONTROL-M            Version 6.1.00        | TION OPTS
                IV  VARIABLE D |   CONTROL-M/RESTART    Version 6.1.00        |  STATUS
                |   CONTROL-M/ANALYZER   Version 6.1.00        | CORDER
                |   CONTROL-M/TAPE       Version 6.1.00        |
                |   CONTROL-D            Version 6.1.00        |
                CONTROL-M & CTM |   CONTROL-V            Version 6.1.00        | ape
                |   CONTROL-O            Version 6.1.00        |
                2  JOB SCHEDU |                                              | EFINITION
                3  ACTIVE ENV |                                              | EFINITION
                C  CMEM DEFIN |   DATE  19.08.01  CPUID  02078D 7060         | DEFINITION
                |   IOA QNAME  IOAR610                         | D MEDIA DB
                |                                              | IN EXT VOL
            COMMANDS:  X - EXIT, HELP, INFO  OR CHOOSE A MENU OPTION               17.00.29

Multi-Screen Control

It is not necessary to return to the IOA Primary Option menu to move from one online facility to another.

To speed up transfer of control between screens of different facilities and to enable you to manage several online facilities at the same time, transfer control commands can be specified. Transfer commands take you directly from your current screen to the requested screen. Transfer commands can be used to reach any screen that can be accessed by the IOA Primary Option menu at your site.

Each transfer control command consists of an equal sign immediately followed by one of the options of the IOA Primary Option menu, which represents the target screen of the transfer. For example, from any screen, enter:

Table 23 IOA Transfer Control Commands




to access the IOA Log screen


to access the IOA Conditions/Resources screen


to access the IOA Primary Option menu

If you use a transfer command to reach another screen, the state of the current screen remains unchanged when you return to it by another transfer command.

The INCONTROL administrator can globally deactivate any or all of the transfer commands.

Fast Exit from the IOA Online Facility

To exit immediately from the IOA Online facility, type =X on the command line and press Enter.

In most cases, the =X command has the same effect as pressing END (PF03/PF15) in all open screens and then entering X (Exit) in the IOA Primary Option menu. Any window, such as the Exit Option window, that would be displayed when exiting an open screen is displayed when the =X command is entered.

However, when the =X command is entered while definition screens such as the Calendar Definition screen are open, changes to the open definition screens are cancelled. Changes currently in definition facility list screens, for example, changes to previously closed definition screens, are not cancelled. Those screens and all other open screens are treated as if END (PF03/PF15) has been entered.

The =X command is intentionally not supported on certain screens.

Screen Layout

Most IOA screens are divided into four basic areas. The example used in this section is the IOA Log screen.

Table 24 Basic IOA Screen Areas

Screen Area


Screen Description and Message Line

This line at the top of the screen describes the purpose of the screen (in the example screen, "IOA Log"). A screen identifier may appear in the upper right corner (in the example screen, 5). This line is also used to display messages.

Screen Header and Command Area

This area is used for online commands, and, where applicable, headings of the screen data.

Data Area

On some screens, the data area can be scrolled. For more information, see Scrolling Commands.

Screen Bottom

This area of the screen usually contains a list of available commands or options (In the example screen, SHOW, GROUP, CATEGORY, and SHPF), or a brief explanation about screen usage. The current time is displayed in the lower right corner.

Figure 6 IOA Log Screen

FILTER:            ---------------- IOA LOG  -------------------------------(5)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                SHOW LIMIT ON ==>                                          DATE 291201 - 010102
                DATE   TIME   ODATE  USERID   CODE    ------ M E S S A G E --------------------
                311201 184915 311201 K48      SUB13AI JOB K48RUN1 / OID=005W9 SUBMITTER STARTED
                PROCESSING JOB ON SYSTEM: OS35         
                311201 184915 311201 K48      SUB133I JOB K48RUN1 K48RUN /27255 OID=005W9     
                SUBMITTED FROM LIBRARY (P) K48.LIB.JOB  
                311201 184918 311201 K48      SPY28GI JOB K48RUN1 K48RUN /27255 OID=005W9 TAPE
                DRIVE UNITS USED=00 00                  
                311201 184918 311201 K48      SPY281I JOB K48RUN1 K48RUN /27255 OID=005W9 START
                01365.1849 STOP 01365.1849 CPU 0MIN    
                00.05SEC SRB 0MIN 00.00SEC 0.00 4AOS35  
                311201 184918 311201 K48      SPY254I JOB K48RUN1 K48RUN /27255 OID=005W9     
                311201 184918 311201 K48      SEL216W JOB K48RUN1 K48RUN /27255 OID=005W9     
                UNEXPLAINED COND CODE 0015 STEP EXEC /  
                311201 184918 311201 K48      SEL214I JOB K48RUN1 K48RUN /27255 OID=005W9 RERUN
                311201 184918 311201 K48      SEL205I JOB K48RUN1 K48RUN /27255 OID=005W9 RERUN
                IN PROCESS USING MEM K48RUN1           
                311201 184918 311201 K48      SEL286I JOB K48RUN1 K48RUN /27255 OID=005W9     
                WAITING FOR CONFIRMATION                
                CMDS: SHOW, GROUP, CATEGORY, SHPF                                      08.57.11

Commands and PFKeys

Commands are entered by typing a command in the COMMAND field and then pressing Enter, or by pressing a predefined PFKey, or a combination of both.

It is not necessary to enter the full command name; the shortest unique abbreviation of the command is sufficient. If the abbreviation is ambiguous, an appropriate message is displayed in the message area.

IOA commands are flexible; you can change command syntax or provide aliases (synonyms) to suit your site. If you want to add or change a command syntax, consult BMC Customer Support. The examples provided in this chapter exhibit the original command syntax supplied with this INCONTROL product.

PFKey command assignments can be site-customized. It is possible to assign PFKeys differently for each screen. To change PFKey command assignments, see your INCONTROL administrator.

Supplied PFKey definitions are consistent throughout most of the screens. For example: PF08/PF20 is used to scroll down (forward) on all INCONTROL screens where scrolling is possible.

Table 25 Common PFKey Definitions






SHOW (where applicable)a


END – exit current screen and go back one level


RESET (where applicable)


FIND (where applicable)


=6 – transfer to TSO screen/application or to UTILITIES screenb


UP – scroll backward


DOWN – scroll forward


LEFT or PREV (where applicable)


RIGHT or NEXT (where applicable)


RETRIEVE – retrieves a sequence of commands and options entered by the user during the current session. These commands and options are displayed in reverse order on the command line of the current screen.



To see the PFKey assignment of the screen with which you are working, type reserved command SHPF in the command line and press Enter. A window describing the current PFKey assignment appears on the screen. Press Enter again to close the window.

Figure 7 PFKey Assignment Window

FILTER:            ---------------- IOA LOG  -------------------------------(5)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                SHOW LIMIT ON ==>                                          DATE 291201 - 010102
                DATE   TIME   ODATE  USERID   CODE    ------ M E S S A G E --------------------
                311201 184915 311201 K48      SUB13AI JOB K48RUN1 / OID=005W9 SUBMITTER STARTED
                PROCESSING JOB ON SYSTEM: OS35         
                311201 184915 311201 K48      SUB133I JOB K48RUN1 K48RUN /27255 OID=005W9     
                SUBMITTED FROM LIBRARY (P) K48.LIB.JOB  
                311201 184918 311201 K48      SPY28GI JOB K48RUN1 K48RUN /27255 OID=005W9 TAPE
                DRIVE UNITS USED=00 00                  
                311201 184918 311201 K48      SPY281I JOB K48RUN1 K48RUN /27255 OID=005W9 START
                |                                                                            |
                |     ENTER ENTER                     PF13  HELP                             |
                |     PF01  HELP                      PF14  SHOW                             |
                |     PF02  SHOW                      PF15  END                              |
                |     PF03  END                       PF16  RESET                            |
                |     PF04  RESET                     PF17  FIND                             |
                |     PF05  FIND                      PF18  =6                               |
                |     PF06  =6                        PF19  UP                               |
                |     PF07  UP                        PF20  DOWN                             |
                |     PF08  DOWN                      PF24  SHPF                             |
                |     PF12  RETRIEVE                                                         |

If you type text in the COMMAND field and press a PFKey, the text in the COMMAND field is treated as a subparameter of the command assigned to the PFKey.

Two additional key definitions are:

Table 26 Additional Key Assignments




ABORT – forced exit

If you press PA1 while in AutoRefresh mode (described in AutoRefresh Mode), AutoRefresh mode is canceled.


Under native TSO and ROSCOE, the first time you press this key, the screen is refreshed. The second consecutive time, a copy of the screen is sent to be printed, or to a file, using DD statement PRTDBG. For terminal models supporting PA3, the PA3 key is defined in exactly the same way as PA2.

When the IOA online facility is activated as an ISPF application, PA2 is controlled by ISPF, and only refreshes the screen. To print the screen, see IOA Under ISPF. Under other online environments, such as CICS and VTAM, PA2 serves as a refresh only. Usually one of the PA keys is assigned a local print function.

For information on changing IOA PFKey definitions, see the appendix in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide, which deals with modifying IOA Online facility commands.

Scrolling Commands

Scrolling conventions are very similar to the ISPF conventions of IBM. Two basic commands are used for scrolling:  

Table 27 Scrolling Commands






Scroll up (backward).



Scroll down (forward).

The commands can be entered by typing the command in the COMMAND field or by pressing the predefined PFKey.

The scrolling amount is determined by the content of the SCROLL field in the right corner of the screen header. Valid scrolling amounts are:

Table 28 Scrolling Amounts in the SCROLL Field

Scrolling Amount



Scroll a full page.


Scroll a half page.


Scroll by cursor position. If the cursor is outside the data area, a full page is scrolled.


Scroll maximum available; for example, UP MAX scrolls to the top.

It is only necessary to type the first letter of the new amount in the SCROLL field in order to change the scrolling amount.

A scrolling amount other than that shown in the SCROLL field can be used by entering the amount directly after the scroll command itself, or by entering the scroll amount in the COMMAND field and pressing the appropriate scrolling PFKey. The scrolling amount in the SCROLL field remains unchanged.

If PAGE is the value in the SCROLL field, to scroll to the bottom, type M (MAX) in the COMMAND field and press PF08/PF20 (DOWN).

LOCATE Command

The LOCATE command, and its abbreviation, L, can be used to search for items in the NAME field in all "directory type" screens that contain scrollable data, such as the Calendar List screen. The syntax of the command is

LOCATE string

where string is the search string. Apostrophes (‘single quotes’) or quotation marks ("double quotes") are not required.

The search proceeds from the top of the list to the first item in the list that starts with the specified string. The cursor is positioned on the OPTION field at the beginning of the line containing the string, if found, or on the OPTION field of the alphabetically closest preceding value if the specified value is not found.

FIND Command

The FIND command, and its abbreviation, F, can be used in all screens that contain scrollable data to find and display the next occurrence of a character string. The syntax of the command is

FIND string [fromcol] [tocol] [PREV]


  • string is the search string

  • fromcol is the first column in the search range

  • tocol is the last column in the search range

  • PREV is the indicator that the search must move backward, instead of forward, from the current cursor position

General Rules

If the string contains blanks, enclose the string with apostrophes (‘single quotes’) or quotation marks ("double quotes"). For example:


The column range searched can be limited by entering fromcol or tocol values, or by entering both fromcol and tocol values.

The search for the string proceeds from the current cursor position forward, or backward if PREV is entered. If the string is found, the cursor is positioned at the start of the string.

To repeat the find, to the next or previous occurrence of the string, press PF05/PF17.

The following situations outline where the FIND command can, or should, be further modified to enhance its functionality.

  • Some screens enable the user to limit the number of lines searched by a FIND command. This is discussed in the relevant screen descriptions.

  • In some screens, the FIND command does not detect information that is to the right or left of the information displayed in the monitor. To ensure detection of the desired string, the screen must be displayed in wraparound mode, when available, before executing the FIND command.

Text String Searches

The FIND command can also be used to search for text strings, in which case the command will find all instances of the string, regardless of whether the characters within the string are lowercase, uppercase, or mixed case. To search for a text string, include the letter T immediately before a quoted string.

For example,


will find WAIT SCHEDULE, and it will also find wait schedule, and Wait Schedule, and any other case variant.

Text string searches are the default. If your system default is for text strings, You do not need to include the T if you perform a text string search. Your INCONTROL administrator can change the default to character string. In this case you do not need to include the C if you perform a character string search.

Character String Searches

The FIND command can be used to search for character strings, in which case the command will find all instances of the string, but only where the string contains characters that match the case specified. To search for a character string, include the letter C immediately before a quoted string.

For example,


will find WAIT SCHEDULE, but it will not find wait schedule, or Wait Schedule, or any other case variant.

CANCEL and RESET Commands

CANCEL and RESET commands are entered in the COMMAND field.

The CANCEL command cancels changes made in a definition screen, such as the IOA Calendar Definition screen, and exits the screen.

The RESET command (PF04/PF16) cancels Edit environment options specified in a definition screen. It does not cancel changes already made and it does not exit the screen or cancel Edit environment mode. For more information about the Edit environment, see Editing Rule Definitions in the IOA Edit Environment.

The RESET command (PF04/PF16) can also be used in most windows, for example, the Show Screen Filter window, to cancel changes and close the window.

Online Help

The following types of online help are available for INCONTROL screens:

Screen Help

Provides information about the entire screen. This help is available on all INCONTROL screens and is accessed by pressing the HELP key (PF01/PF13) while the cursor is positioned on the COMMAND field in the screen.

Line-Sensitive Help

Provides information about the fields on a particular line on a screen. This help is available on several INCONTROL screens. It is accessed by pressing the HELP key (PF01/PF13) while the cursor is positioned on the desired line of the screen.

Figure 8 IOA Help Screen

------------------------------ IOA HELP SCREEN --------------------- (CTMHDT2 )
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                Calendar List Screen                                                       
                The Calendar List screen displays a list of calendars (members) in the     
                specified library. This screen can be entered directly from the entry      
                panel or upon exiting the Year List screen.                                
                By default, only calendar names are listed in the screen. However, if      
                the default has been modified at time of installation, statistical         
                information is displayed for each calendar name.                           
                Use the scrolling PFKeys to scroll forward (PF08/PF20) and backward        
                (PF07/PF19) on the Calendar List.                                          
                To return to the entry panel, press END (PF03/PF15).                       
                Options of the Calendar List Screen                                        
                To request one of the following options, specify the option in the OPT 
                ENTER END OR PF03/PF15 TO EXIT THE HELP SCREEN                         08.55.40

If line-sensitive help is not supported in a screen, pressing the HELP key (PF01/PF13) from anywhere in the screen displays the beginning of the Help panel.

Help can be scrolled using standard scrolling conventions.

To return to the original screen, use the END command (PF03/PF15).

The Help member name appears on the right in the Help screen header. Members containing the Help descriptions can be found in the IOA MSG library.

AutoRefresh Mode

Certain INCONTROL screens, as noted in this chapter where appropriate, support AutoRefresh mode. A screen display in AutoRefresh mode is automatically updated periodically with the most current data.

AutoRefresh mode can only be activated under native TSO or under ISPF. AutoRefresh mode is activated by the AUTO command. The format of the command is


where n is any number of seconds from 1 through 99.

The screen is updated when the AUTO command is issued, and then periodically updated according to the interval (in seconds) specified in the AUTO command. A counter at the top of the screen displays the number of times the screen has been refreshed.

The AUTO 5 command refreshes the screen every 5 seconds.

Cancelling AutoRefresh Mode

Under native TSO, the recommended method of cancelling AutoRefresh mode is as follows:

  • For short interval values – Press Enter. Whenever Enter is pressed, or a command is issued, AutoRefresh mode is automatically cancelled at the end of the current interval.

  • For long interval values – Press Attn (PA1) once.

Under ISPF, press Attn (PA1) or Esc once to cancel AutoRefresh mode.

When using a terminal emulation program, you must ensure that the Esc key is properly mapped and sent as an Attn (PA1) key.


The IOA Online facility can be activated as an ISPF application. As such, it can work in ISPF split screen mode like any other ISPF application.

WARNING: Multiple calls to the IOA ISPF interface can be performed in ISPF split screen mode as long as all invocations are for the same IOA environment. Otherwise, the results may be unpredictable.

The command line of the IOA Online facility is controlled by IOA. It is not possible to enter ISPF commands in an IOA screen. Two ISPF commands must be defined to PFKeys:

Table 29 ISPF Commands that must be defined for PFKeys




(usually PF02/PF14)


(usually PF09/PF21)

The rest of the PFKeys are controlled by IOA PFKey definitions, which are in the IOA PARM library.

It is possible to assign TSO/ISPF commands such as PRINT to PFKeys, or to change PFKey definitions by performing the following steps:

  1. Exit from IOA and ISPF to the READY prompt.

  2. Type the following command and press Enter:


    This command brings you to ISPF.

  3. Type the KEYS command and press Enter. A set of key definitions is displayed.

  4. Modify the key definitions as desired and exit from ISPF.

ISPF KEY definitions for the following ISPF commands take precedence over IOA PFKey definitions: SPLIT, SWAP, KEYS, PRINT, PFSHOW. For example, if PF02 is defined as SPLIT in ISPF, an IOA definition for PF02 is ignored in online screens.

For all other ISPF commands, such as UP or DOWN, the key definitions in ISPF are ignored and the PFKey is interpreted according to the definition in the IOA Online facility.

Under ISPF, IOA Option 6 activates the Online Utilities panel, which is described in IOA Online Utilities Menu. For more information about these utilities, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

For more information on changing IOA PFKey definitions, see the appendix in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide that deals with modifying IOA Online Facility Commands.

IOA Editor

The IOA Editor enables you to edit members of a partitioned data set (PDS) using an editor similar to the ISPF editor. Enter EDMEM in the command line of any screen to display the Edit Entry Panel window, as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9 IOA Editor Edit Entry Panel

---------------------       IOA PRIMARY OPTION MENU       ------------------(1)
                OPTION ===>                                               USER        N06     
                IOA                        CONTROL-D/V                CONTROL-O               
                4  COND/RES                A  MISSION STATUS         OR  RULE DEFINITION    
                5  +--------------------------------------------------------------+ICS      
                6  |                     EDIT ENTRY PANEL                         |         
                7  |                                                              |LOG      
                8  | LIBRARY ==>                                                  |OPTS     
                IV  |                                                              |US       
                | MEMBER  ==>                                                  |R        
                |                                                              |         
                CONTR|                                                              |         
                3  ACTIVE ENV.            BM  MISSION DEF            TP  POOL DEFINITION    
                BR  RULE DEFINITION        TI  INQ/UPD MEDIA DB   
                BA  RULE ACTIVITY          TC  CHECK IN EXT VOL   
                COMMANDS:  X - EXIT, HELP, INFO  OR CHOOSE A MENU OPTION               19.12.05

To create a new member or edit an existing member, fill in the LIBRARY and MEMBER parameters and press Enter. The IOA Editor screen is opened for editing, as shown in Figure 10.

If the member already exists in the specified library, the member is displayed for editing in the IOA Editor. Similarly, if you accessed the IOA Editor screen from line option J in either screen 2 or screen 3, the member in the library referred to in the schedule definition member will be displayed for editing.

Figure 10 IOA Editor

----------------------------  I O A   E D I T O R   ------------------- (EDMEM)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                ROW     PROD.V610.DEMO(TEST)                                        COL 001 072
                ************************ B O T T O M  O F  D A T A ************************** 

IOA Editor PFKey Functions

While working within the IOA Editor, PFKeys perform the functions shown in Table 30:

Table 30 PFKey Functions Within the IOA Editor Screen




Activates online help.


Saves the current member.


Terminates the editing session. If the edited member has been changed the member will be saved automatically.


Cancels the editing session without saving changes.


Invokes the Find facility.


Scrolls forward.


Scrolls backward.


Scrolls left.


Scrolls right.

Commands of the IOA Editor Screen

Table 31 describes editing commands that can be executed by entering the command in the COMMAND line.

Table 31 IOA Editor Command Line Commands




Saves all new data without terminating the edit session.


Terminates the edit session without saving new data.


Enables you to import a member from a specific library.

Table 32 describes editing commands that can be executed by entering the command in the leftmost position of the applicable row.

Table 32 IOA Editor Row Commands




Inserts a new line below the current line.
To insert more than one line for new data, enter Inn, where nn indicates the number of new lines to be inserted below the current line.


Deletes the current line.
To delete more than one line, enter Dnn, where nn indicates the number of lines to be deleted below the current line.
You can delete a block of lines by typing DD at the beginning of the first line of the block, and then entering DD at the beginning of the last line of the block.


Repeats the current line.
To repeat a single line one or more times, enter Rnn, where nn indicates the number of times the current line is to be repeated.
You can repeat a block of lines by typing RR at the beginning of the first line of the block, and then entering RR at the beginning of the last line of the block.


Identifies the source line for a copy operation.
To copy more than a single line, enter Cnn, where nn indicates the number of lines to be copied.
You can also copy a block of lines by typing CC at the beginning of the first line of the block, and then entering CC at the beginning of the last line of the block.


Identifies the source line for a move operation.
To move more than a single line, enter Mnn, where nn indicates the number of lines to be moved.
You can also move a block of lines by typing MM at the beginning of the first line of the block, and then entering MM at the beginning of the last line of the block.


Identifies the destination of a copy or move operation.
When a line or block of lines has been selected for copying or moving, enter A at the point after which the copied lines are to be inserted.


Identifies the destination of a copy or move operation.
When a line or block of lines has been selected for copying or moving, enter B at the point before which the moved lines are to be inserted.


Changes text in a line from uppercase to lowercase.

To change text in more than a single line to lowercase, enter LCnn, where nn indicates the number of lines to be changed to lowercase.


Changes text in a line from lowercase to uppercase.

To change text in more than a single line to uppercase, enter UCnn, where nn indicates the number of lines to be changed to uppercase.

IOA SET Command Panel

The IOA SET Command Panel enables you to set and stop TRACE levels, choose the language that is used in online screens and to set a dollar sign representation that will be used in online screens for system variables of type %%$VAR. Enter SET in the command line of any screen to display the SET Command Panel window, as shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11 IOA SET Command Panel

                |                        SET Command Panel                                          |
                |                                                                                   |
                |                                                                                   |
                |  TRACE level     , ON  (Trace level 001-512, ON or OFF)                           |
                |                                                                                   |
                |                                                                                   |
                |    LANGUAGE              ENG - English                                            |
                |                                      FRA - French                                 |
                |                                      GER - German                                 |
                |                                      JPN - Japanese                               |
                |                                                                                   |
                |                                                                                   |
                |    SPECIAL CHARACTERS: Dollar     Current representation is "$"(X'5B')            |
                |                                                                                   |
                |                                                                                   |
                | FILL IN PARAMETERS AND PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE OR PF3 TO EXIT                     |
                |                                                                                   |

The process of setting TRACE levels and turning off a particular TRACE, and the process of setting language preferences for online screens and messages, begins in the SET Command Panel.

Using the SET Command Panel to set and end TRACE Levels

Setting the TRACE level can help you monitor certain IOA Online facility and INCONTROL functions, such as security checks.

The following steps explain how to set or turn off a TRACE level:

  1. Type a TRACE level number, from 1 through 256, in the TRACE level field of the SETCommand Panel.

  2. In the (Trace level 1-256, ON or OFF) field, type ON to set a TRACE level, or OFF to turn off a TRACE level.

  3. Press Enter to confirm the setting, in which case the following message is displayed:



    • nnn is the TRACE level number

    • xxx indicates whether the TRACE level was set ON or turned OFF

TRACE level settings take effect immediately.

Using the SET Command Panel to set a dollar sign representation

Setting the dollar sign representation influences how System variables are shown in online screens.

The following steps explain how to set the dollar sign representation:

  1. Type a $ character in the Dollar field using your keyboard.

  2. Press Enter to confirm the setting, in which case the following message is displayed:



    • c is $ character you set

    • yy is the EBCDIC hexadecimal code for $

There are differences in the EBCDIC hexadecimal code for the $ (dollar sign) character on keyboards that have been adapted to show local or national symbols.

Using the SET Command Panel to set Language Preferences

Setting the LANGUAGE influences the online screens and messages in subsequent sessions.

The following steps explain how to set language preferences:

  1. In the LANGUAGE field, type one of the following sets of characters to select a language preference:

    • ENG, to set English as the preferred language

    • FRA, to set French as the preferred language

    • GER, to set German as the preferred language

    • JPN, to set Japanese as the preferred language

  2. Press Enter to confirm the setting, in which case the following message is displayed:


Language preference settings do not take effect until your next logon to the system.

IOA TSO Command Processor Screen

The IOA TSO Command Processor screen can be entered only when the IOA Online facility is activated as a TSO application. It cannot be entered when the IOA Online facility is activated as an ISPF application or activated under a non-TSO environment.

The TSO screen enables activation of any TSO command without exiting the IOA Online facility. For example, a typical program activated under the TSO screen is ISPF. Therefore all ISPF/PDF facilities and functions, such as editing a member or scanning job output, can be activated while you are working under the IOA Online facility.

To activate a TSO command, type the command in the COMMAND field and press Enter.

Figure 12 IOA TSO Command Processor Screen

-------------------------- IOA TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR -----------------------(6)
                COMMAND ===> ISPF                                                              
                PLEASE ENTER TSO COMMAND                                               15.32.52

CLISTs cannot be activated from the TSO screen. To activate a CLIST, first activate ISPF and then execute the CLIST under ISPF.

TSO commands can also be activated directly from any IOA online screen by typing TSO in the COMMAND field.

Transfer of Control Between the TSO Application and the IOA Online Facility

You can return to the IOA Online facility from the TSO application by simply exiting the TSO application in a normal manner. However, this method can be time consuming and inconvenient if an ISPF application or a similar TSO application is activated.

If the TSO application can issue a TSO command, it is possible to transfer control to the IOA Online facility, and vice versa, without exiting the TSO application.

While working under the TSO application, for example, under ISPF, issue the command:

TSO CTMTTRA {n | =n}

where n is the online screen number.

The requested screen is displayed as it was when you transferred from it.

To return to the TSO application, use the =6 command (PF06/PF18). The application remains in the same state as when you transferred from it.

It is recommended that you simplify transfer between screens by permanently assigning one of your PFKeys under ISPF (or SDSF, and so on) to the command TSO CTMTTRA. Once this key assignment is made, you no longer need to type the full transfer command. Instead, you merely type the IOA option number or code in the COMMAND field and press the assigned PFKey. You are transferred to the desired screen.

You must activate ISPF under the IOA Online facility if you want to use the control transfer feature.

Rule Definition Facility

The Control-M/Tape Rule Definition facility is composed of a series of screens that enable you to view, create, and modify rule definitions and parameters.

Rules are the main Control-M/Tape entities that manage media at your site. A rule is a user-defined list of instructions (parameters) whose execution is automatically triggered when specified media are accessed. Real-time media management processes and maintenance procedures can be tailored to meet your site’s needs through rule definitions.

Rule Definition

Rule definitions under Control-M/Tape are stored in libraries (partitioned data sets). A library contains rule tables (members), and each table contains rules (criteria) for media management functions. A rule table generally contains rules related to a specific topic, such as backups. Although most sites designate a primary rule definition library, the number of rule definition libraries you can use is unlimited.

The Control-M/Tape Rule Definition facility does not support members that have been compressed using the ISPF PACK option.a

rary, the number of rules in a table, and the size of each rule definition, are all calculated dynamically and are not dependent on parameter specification or optional ZAPs.

Accessing the Rule Definition Facility

The Rule Definition facility contains the following screens:

Table 33 Rule Definition Facility Screens



Rule Definition Facility entry panel

Allows specification of parameters that determine which screen is displayed.

Table List screen

Displays the list of tables (members) in the specified Rule library.

Rule List screen

Displays the list of rules in the selected table.

Rule Definition screen

Displays the parameters of the selected rule definition. This is the main screen of the facility.

To enter the Online Rule Definition facility, select option TR in the IOA Primary Option menu. The Control-M/Tape Rule Definition Facility entry panel is displayed.

Creating Tables

Tables can be created in any of the following ways:

  • By specifying the new table name in the entry panel and pressing Enter.

  • By using the SELECT command (described later) to specify the new table name in the Table List screen and pressing Enter.

As a result of using either of the above methods, a skeletal rule definition (meaning, one with most fields left blank) is displayed in the rule definition screen.

Fill in the blanks and save the screen entries. The table is created and the rule definition is the first and only definition in the Rule list of the table. As additional rule definitions are created in the table (described below), they are added to the list.

Upon exiting the Rule List screen, if changes were made in at least one rule definition, an Exit Option window is displayed. One field of the window displays the table name. This value can be changed to a new table name that creates a new table in which the rule definitions are saved.

Creating Rule Definitions

Rule definitions can be created using either of two basic methods:

  • A skeletal rule definition can be created by specifying the name of a new rule definition in the entry panel. (The table specified in the entry panel can be either a new or an existing table.) In this case, virtually all fields of the rule definition are empty.

  • A copy of an existing rule definition can be created using the INSERT option (described later) in the Rule List screen. In this case, most fields of the new rule definition have the same values as the fields in the copied rule definition.

Performing Operations on Tables and Rules

Many operations can be performed on tables and on the rule definitions in them. These operations are performed using commands and options in the various screens of the Rule Definition facility.

Below is a brief summary of some of the major operations possible within the facility. Additional options and commands are explained following the summary.

Accessing (Editing or Browsing) a Table and its Rules

A table (meaning, the rule definitions in the table) can be browsed or edited.

When browsed, the table cannot be modified or updated. When the table is edited, new rule definitions can be added and existing rule definitions can be modified or deleted.

Browsing, however, has advantages:

  • Access and exit are quicker than in editing.

  • Rule list and rule definitions that are in use by another user can be viewed.

  • Access for browsing might be granted, even though access for editing might be denied due to site security requirements.

To browse a table (and its rule list and rule definitions), use the BROWSE option in the Table List screen.

Specifying the table name in the entry panel, or using the SELECT option in the Table List screen, provides edit access.

Depending on user profile definitions, if the table requested for editing is in use, access is either granted in Browse mode, or access will not be granted.

Copying a Rule to Another Table

Rules can be copied from one table to another using the COPY option in the Rule List screen. For more information, see Copying Rules to Another Table.

Deleting a Table or a Rule

Unneeded rules can be deleted using the DELETE option in the Rule List screen. For more information, see Options of the Rule List Screen. Unneeded tables can be deleted using the DELETE option in the Table List screen. For more information, see Deleting Rule Table.

Saving Modifications

All changes made to a table and its rule definitions are kept in memory until the table is exited. Upon exiting the table, the user can choose to save or cancel the changes. For more information, see Exiting the Rule Definition Screen.

Rule Definition Entry Panel

The Rule Definition Entry Panel is displayed upon entering the Rule Definition facility (option TR in the IOA Primary Option menu).

Figure 13 Rule Definition Entry Panel

------------------ CONTROL-M/Tape RULE DEFINITION ENTRY PANEL -------------(TR)
                COMMAND ===>                                                                  
                SPECIFY LIBRARY, TABLE NAME, RULE NAME                                        
                LIBRARY   ===> CTTP.PROD.RULES                                               
                TABLE     ===>                      (Blank for table selection list)         
                RULE      ===>                      (Blank for rule selection list)          
                AUTOMATIC  RULE  SORTING ===> Y     (Y/N)                                    
                SHOW SCHEDULING CRITERIA ===> Y     (Y/N)                                    
                SHOW RULE DOCUMENTATION  ===> N     (Y/N)                                    
                AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION  ===> N     (Y/N)                                    
                USE THE COMMAND "SHPF" TO SEE PFK ASSIGNMENT                           10.08.05

If you use the selection list fields, their values are not erased until you exit the entry panel by pressing END (PF03/PF15).

To open the desired display

Fill in the LIBRARY, TABLE, and RULE fields.

To display the list of tables in a library

  1. Type the library name.

  2. Either leave the table name blank, or type part of a table name together with mask characters (* and ?).

  3. Press Enter.

To display the list of rules of a specific rule

  1. Type the library name.

  2. Type the table name.

  3. Press Enter.

If the table does not exist, the screen for defining a new rule in the table is displayed.

To display the details of a specific rule (Rule Definition screen)

  1. Type the library name.

  2. Type the table name.

  3. Type the rule name.

  4. Press Enter.

If the table does not exist, or if the rule for the specified table does not exist, the screen for defining a new rule in the table is displayed.

If you enter the screen for defining a new rule and want to leave the screen without defining a rule, use the CANCEL command.

To display the Search window

  1. Type the library name.

  2. Type the rule name.

  3. Either leave the table name blank, or type part of a table name together with mask characters (* and ?).

  4. Press Enter.

To create a new table

  1. Type the library name.

  2. Type a new table name.

  3. Press Enter

The Rule definition screen, for defining the first rule in the new table, is displayed.

Rule Display Criteria

You can modify the way rules are displayed based on the display criteria you select in the AUTOMATIC RULE SORTING, SHOW SCHEDULING CRITERIA, SHOW RULE DOCUMENTATION, and AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION LIBRARY, TABLE, and RULE fields of the entry panel, as described below:

  • Type Y or N in the AUTOMATIC RULE SORTING field to determine whether newly created rules are placed in correct sort order. For more information, see Rule Order.

  • Type Y or N in the SHOW SCHEDULING CRITERIA field to determine whether the Basic Scheduling parameters for the rule are displayed when the rule is displayed. For more information, see "Display and Non-Display of Scheduling Criteria" in Commands of the Rule Definition Screen.

  • Type Y or N in the SHOW RULE DOMENTATION field to determine whether rule documentation lines are displayed when the rule is displayed. For more information, see Rule Documentation.

  • Type Y or N in the AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION field to determine whether changes made to documentation are automatically saved (meaning, without special prompting) when updating the rule. For more information, see Rule Documentation.

Search Window

The Search window allows you to search for the specified rule in tables in the specified library. Tables in which the rule have been found are then displayed in the Rule List screen.

Figure 14 Rule Definition Entry Panel Search Window

----------------- CONTROL-M/TAPE RULE DEFINITION ENTRY PANEL---------------(TR)
                COMMAND ===>


                LIBRARY ===> CTT.PROD.RULES
                TABLE      ===>                      (Blank for table selection list)
                RULE       ===>                      (Blank for rule selection list)
                |                                           |
                |    PLEASE SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING:    |
                |                                           |
                |    1  - STOP SEARCH IMMEDIATELY           |
                AUTOMATIC  RULE  SORTING ===>    |    2  - ASK AGAIN AFTER 000010 TABLES     |
                SHOW SCHEDULING CRITERIA ===>    |    3  - UNCONDITIONAL SEARCH              |
                SHOW RULE DOCUMENTATION  ===>    |                                           |
                AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION  ===>    |    NUMBER OF TABLES IN LIBRARY:  000010   |
                |    NUMBER OF SEARCHED TABLES :   000000   |
                |    NUMBER OF SELECTED TABLES:    000000   |
                |                                           |
                USE THE COMMAND "SHPF" TO SEE PFK ASSIGNMENT                           18.12.28

To close the Search Window without performing any action, press END (PF03/PF15).

To perform a search, select one of the following choices and press Enter:


Searches all tables in the specified library.

The search continues uninterrupted unless and until you select option 1 (Stop Search Immediately).


Searches the specified number of tables in the specified library, and then pauses. The search number can be modified. Default:10.

  • Continue the search by pressing Enter.

  • Stop the search by selecting option 1 (Stop Search Immediately).

If any members are found, the Rule List is displayed listing those tables.

During the search, the following information is displayed at the bottom of the window:

  • Number of tables in library. Lists the total number of tables in the specified library.

  • Number of searched tables. Lists the cumulative number of tables searched. For example, if you perform three searches with a specified number of 10, the figure displayed is 30.

  • Number of selected tables. Lists the cumulative number of tables selected that contain the rule being searched.

If any tables are selected during the search, the Rule List is displayed listing those tables. If no tables are selected, the Search Window is closed and a message is displayed.

Table List Screen

The Rule Table List screen displays a list of rule tables (members) in the specified library. You can enter this screen using the entry panel or when returning from the Rule List screen.

By default, only rule table names are listed in the screen. However, if the default has been modified at time of installation, statistical information is displayed with the rule table name (as shown below).

Figure 15 Rule Definition Facility Table List Screen

TABLES OF LIBRARY CTT.PROD.RULES                               ------------(TR)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                OPT  NAME ------------ VV.MM  CREATED     CHANGED     SIZE  INIT   MOD   ID
                ACCTBKP           01.01 00/08/08 00/08/08 08:05    70    70     0 M17A
                ACCTVLT           01.01 00/11/10 00/11/10 20:18     9     9     0 M17A
                ACCTRET           01.01 00/08/08 00/08/08 09:17    41    41     0 M43A
                ACCTTAPE          01.01 00/08/08 00/08/08 09:27     5     5     0 M13A
                ADSCRTCH          01.01 00/08/08 00/08/08 08:05   180   180     0 M17A
                ADMBKP            01.01 00/08/08 00/08/08 13:34    14    14     0 M65
                ADMVLT            01.01 00/11/10 00/11/10 21:03    14    14     0 M44A
                ADMRET            01.01 00/11/10 00/11/10 21:09    14    14     0 M44
                ADMTAPE           01.01 00/07/07 00/07/07 18:05     5     5     0 M65
                ADM0001           01.01 00/05/05 00/10/10 13:34     9     9     0 M17A
                ADM0002           01.01 00/05/05 00/10/10 15:31    70    70     0 M72
                CART1200          01.01 00/05/05 00/10/10 00:11     9     9     0 M17A
                CART1300          01.01 00/07/07 00/07/07 15:31    14    14     0 M17A
                MAINT             01.01 00/11/10 00/11/10 13:34    41    41     0 M17A
                MAINTTAP          01.01 00/07/07 00/07/07 00:14     5     5     0 M17A
                MAINTCAR          01.01 00/11/10 00/11/10 11:28    14    14     0 M17A
                ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO MORE TABLES IN THIS LIBRARY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ====

                OPTIONS:  S SELECT   B BROWSE   D DELETE                               12.48.05

To scroll down the Rule Table list, press PF08/PF20. To scroll up the Rule Table list, press PF07/PF19.

To return to the entry panel, press END (PF03/PF15).

Options of the Rule Table List Screen

To request one of the following options, specify the option in the OPT field to the left of the rule table name and press Enter.

Table 34 Options of the Table List Screen




Display the list of rules in the rule table for any purpose, including editing and modification. Only one rule table can be selected at a time.


If the S (Select) option is specified in the Rule Table List screen for a table that is currently in use (selected) by another user, then depending on User profile parameter SSCHBRO, either the Rule List screen is not displayed (meaning, the Rule Table List screen remains displayed; this is the default), or the Rule List screen is displayed in Browse mode. In either case, an appropriate message is displayed.


Display a list of rules in a rule table for browsing. Only one rule table can be selected at a time.


Delete the rule table (member) from the library. Multiple rule tables can be selected. A confirmation window is displayed. For more information, see Deleting Rule Table.

Users whose access to options has been limited by the INCONTROL administrator can only access the Browse option.

Deleting Rule Table

To delete tables, specify option D in the OPT field by the rule table names and press Enter.

The following confirmation window is displayed, in sequence, for each rule table selected for deletion:

Figure 16 Rule Definition Facility Delete Table Confirmation Window

TABLES OF LIBRARY CTT.PROD.RULES                               ------------(TR)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                OPT  NAME ------------ VV.MM  CREATED     CHANGED     SIZE  INIT   MOD   ID
                ACCTBKP           01.01 00/08/08 00/08/08 08:05    70    70     0 M17A
                ACCTVLT                +--------------------------+ 9     9     0 M17A
                ACCTRET                |   CONFIRM DELETE OPTION  | 1    41     0 M43A
                D   ACCTTAPE   <-----------|               (Y/N)      | 5     5     0 M13A
                ADSCRTCH               +--------------------------+ 0   180     0 M17A
                ADMBKP            01.01 00/08/08 00/08/08 13:34    14    14     0 M65
                D   ADMVLT            01.01 00/11/10 00/11/10 21:03    14    14     0 M44A
                ADMRET            01.01 00/11/10 00/11/10 21:09    14    14     0 M44
                ADMTAPE           01.01 00/07/07 00/07/07 18:05     5     5     0 M65
                ADM0001           01.01 00/05/05 00/10/10 13:34     9     9     0 M17A
                ADM0002           01.01 00/05/05 00/10/10 15:31    70    70     0 M72
                CART1200          01.01 00/05/05 00/10/10 00:11     9     9     0 M17A
                D   CART1300          01.01 00/07/07 00/07/07 15:31    14    14     0 M17A
                MAINT             01.01 00/11/10 00/11/10 13:34    41    41     0 M17A
                MAINTTAP          01.01 00/07/07 00/07/07 00:14     5     5     0 M17A
                MAINTCAR          01.01 00/11/10 00/11/10 11:28    14    14     0 M17A
                ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO MORE TABLES IN THIS LIBRARY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ====

                OPTIONS:  S SELECT   B BROWSE   D DELETE                               12.48.00

Type Y (Yes) in the window to confirm the delete request.

Type N (No) in the window to cancel the delete request.

If PDSMAN is operational at your site, $$$SPACE members are not deleted.

A message is written to the IOA Log file for each rule table deleted.

Rule List Screen

The Rule List screen displays the list of rules in a specified library. This screen can be entered directly from the Rule Definition entry panel or the Rule Table List screen, or upon exiting from the Rule Definition screen.

If the S (Select) option is specified in the Rule Table List screen for a table that is currently in use (selected) by another user, then depending on User profile parameter SSCHBRO, either the Rule List screen is not displayed (meaning, the Rule Table List screen remains displayed; this is the default), or the Rule List screen is displayed in Browse mode. In either case, an appropriate message is displayed.

Figure 17 Rule Definition Rule List Screen

RULES OF LIBRARY: CTT.PROD.RULES                                TABLE: ADM0002
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                OPT  RULE ----------------- DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------
                JOB0012    SET VAULT PATTERN OF JOB0012 VOLUMES
                JOB0013    SET VAULT PATTERN OF JOB0013 VOLUMES
                JOB0099    SET VAULT PATTERN OF JOB0099 VOLUMES
                M38SCRT    SCRATCH OF OUTDATED M38 TAPES
                M43SCRT    SCRATCH OF OUTDATED M43 TAPES
                ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO MORE RULES IN THIS TABLE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ====

                OPTIONS:  S SELECT   D DELETE   I INSERT   C COPY                      12.48.40

The Rule list is displayed either in sorted or unsorted order, depending on the value of the AUTOMATIC RULE SORT field in the Rule Definition entry panel. For more information about rule sorting, see Rule Order.

If the Rule list was previously displayed in unsorted order but is currently sorted (due to the setting of the AUTOMATIC RULE SORT field in the Rule Definition entry Panel), an appropriate message is displayed at the top of the screen as a reminder.

Use the scrolling PFKeys to scroll the Rule list forward (PF08/PF20) and backward (PF07/PF19).

To exit the Rule List screen, press END (PF03/PF15). For more information see Exiting the Rule List Screen.

Format of the Rule List Screen

Next to each rule name in the Rule list, certain information can be displayed. The type and format of this information depends on whether the screen is displayed in DATA format, DESC format, or STAT format:

  • In DESC format, the rule’s description, taken from the DESC field of the rule definition, is displayed. Default.

  • In DATA format, the rule’s application and group names, taken from the APPL and GROUP fields of the rule definition, are displayed.

  • In STAT format, the rule’s ISPF statistical information is displayed.

By default, the rule list is displayed in DESC format. To change formats, use the DESC, DATA or STAT commands, described below.

Commands of the Rule List Screen

The following commands can be specified in the COMMAND field of the Rule List screen.

Table 35 Commands of the Rule List Screen




Command DESC displays the rule description next to the rule name. The description is taken from the DESC field in the rule definition.


Command DATA displays the rule’s SEQUENCE PRIORITY (PRI), DATASET, and JOBNAME values from the rule definition, as well as the MORE field. If MORE is set to Y, then the rule definition contains ON parameters other than DATASET and JOBNAME. For more information on these and other fields in the Rule Definition Screen, see the description in General Rule Parameters.


Command STAT displays the following ISPF-like statistical information about the rule next to the rule name: version and modification numbers, creation date, last modification date, and user ID.

Options of the Rule List Screen

Specify one of the following rule processing options by marking the option to the left of the rule name and pressing Enter:

If the Rule List screen is displayed in Browse mode, options D (Delete) and I (Insert) are not available.

Table 36 Options of the Rule List Screen




Display the Rule Definition screen, that contains details of the selected rule.

If the Rule List screen is not displayed in Browse mode, the rule definition can be edited and updated. If the Rule List screen is displayed in Browse mode, the rule definition can only be browsed; it cannot be modified.


Delete a rule from the Rule list.


Insert a new rule in the Rule list. The Rule Definition screen appears with the same parameter values of the rule marked "I", but the RULE NAME and DESCRIPTION parameters are empty for you to fill in. The new rule is added after the rule marked "I" if Automatic Rule Sort is disabled. Otherwise, the rule is inserted in its correct place in the sort. For more information, see Rule Order.


Copy the rule to another table (described later in this chapter). Multiple rules can be selected.

Deleting Rules

To delete rules, specify option D in the OPT field to the left of the rule names and press Enter.

The rule is removed. When you exit the Rule List screen, a confirmation window is displayed:

Figure 18 Delete Rule Confirmation Window

RULES OF LIBRARY: CTT.PROD.RULES                                TABLE: SYSTEM
        COMMAND -----------------------------------------------------------N ===> CRSR
          OPT   R |                  PLEASE SELECT EXIT OPTION             |  --------
                G |                                                        |
                U |     SAVE    CREATE                                     |
                U |                                                        |
                G |     LIBRARY CTT.PROD.RULES                             |
                B |     TABLE   SYSTEM                                     |
                B |                                                        |
                B D----------------------------------------------------------M            
                BACK2A     BACKUP WITH STACKING
                ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO MORE RULES IN THIS TABLE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ====
                OPTIONS:  S SELECT   D DELETE   I INSERT   C COPY                      11.09.51

Enter Y (Yes) in the SAVE field to delete the rules and exit the screen.

Enter N (No) in the SAVE field to cancel the deletion request and exit the screen.

Copying Rules to Another Table

To copy one or more rules from the current table to another table, specify opinion C (Copy) by the rule names in the Rule List screen and press Enter. The following is displayed:).

Figure 19 Rule List Screen Copy Window

RULES OF LIBRARY: CTTP.PROD.RULES                               TABLE: $DEFRETN
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                OPT  RULE ----------------- DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------
                C   N65        DEFAULT RETENTION FROM TMOOPTXX                               
                DEFRULE    DEFAULT RETENTION FROM TMOOPTXX                               
                ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO MORE RULES IN THIS TABLE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ====
                |                                                           |   
                |                                                           |   
                |  LIBRARY :  CTTP.PROD.RULES                               |   
                |  TABLE   :                                                |   
                |  RULE    :  N65                                           |   
                |                                                           |   
                OPTIONS:  S SELECT   D DELETE   I INSERT   C COPY                      10.58.50

The window contains the following fields (some fields contain default values that can be modified):

Table 37 Fields of the Rule List Screen Copy Window




Library containing the table into which the rule should be copied. Must be an existing library. Default: the current library



Name of the table into which the rule should be copied.

A rule can only be copied to another table. It cannot be copied to its own table (even if the rule is renamed).

If the specified table does not exist, the table is created when the request is performed.


Name of the rule to be copied. If multiple rules are selected, the window is first displayed with the first selected rule. As each request is preformed or canceled, the next requested rule name appears.

To preform a request, press Enter.

To cancel a request, press END (PF03/PF15) or RESET (PF04/PF16).

Rule Definition Screen

The Rule Definition screen is used to define, display, and modify rule parameters for management of volumes and data sets. This screen can be entered directly from the entry panel or from the Rule List screen. Updating parameters is not permitted in Browse mode.

Rule parameters can fill more than one screen. Therefore, they are organized like a sheet of paper that can be "stretched" to any desired length. Use the scrolling conventions to scroll the rule parameters forward and backward.

The rule parameters are divided into the following basic groups:

Basic Scheduling Parameters (optional, see the DAYS through CONFCAL fields in Table 41 in Basic Scheduling Parameters).

The groups are separated by a delimiter line.

Figure 20 Rule Definition Screen

RULE: JOB0099  LIB CTT.PROD.RULES                               TABLE: ADM0002
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                RULE NAME   JOB0099   GROUP PRODUCTION                MODE PROD (Prod/Test)
                OWNER       M43       SEQUENCE PRIORITY 01 CONTINUE SEARCH Y    (Y/N)      
                DESCRIPTION SET VAULT PATTERN OF JOB0099 VOLUMES                           
                DOCMEM      JOBDOCS   DOCLIB CTT.PROD.DOC                                  
                ON DATASET   = *                                               And/Or/Not  
                DO VAULT     = VAULTA                                                      
                UNTIL     DATE           0101 YEAR 1999                   And/Or    
                VAULT     = VAULTB                                                      
                UNTIL     DATE           0101 YEAR 2000                   And/Or
                VAULT     = MAINLIB                                                     
                UNTIL     DATE           0101 YEAR 2001                   And/Or      
                VAULT     =                                                             
                DO CONDITION = JOB0099_CHANGE_VAULT ODAT +                                 
                AT   CLOSE                                                        
                DAYS                                                          DCAL        
                WDAYS   ALL                                                   WCAL        
                MONTHS  1- Y 2- Y 3- Y 4- Y 5- Y 6- Y 7- Y 8- Y 9- Y 10- Y 11- Y 12- Y    
                CONFCAL          SHIFT                                                    
                ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF RULE DEFINITION PARAMETERS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ====

Each rule is composed of General parameters, followed by a group of ON statements called an ON block. Only one ON block can exist in each rule definition. The ON block, that is composed of media specifications, is followed by a group of DO statements (a DO block), that is used to specify rule processing instructions and actions to be performed by the rule. For more information about ON and DO block structure, see ON/DO Block Structures.

To delete a parameter on the screen, erase it (press the EOF key or blank it out). If additional operations are required, Control-M/Tape issues appropriate instructions.

The Rule Definition Screen can be exited in various ways. The most common is to press END (PF03/PF15). For more information see Exiting the Rule Definition Screen.

To implement newly defined or modified rules immediately, it is necessary to reload the Rule definitions using procedure CTTINIT. For more information, see CTTINIT procedure discussion in the Control-M/Tape chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Rule parameters are described in detail in Chapter 3, "Rule Parameters." They are described briefly in the following topics.

The parameters marked with the symbol M can have many occurrences. Whenever you fill the last occurrence of the parameter on the screen, Control-M/Tape adds a new empty occurrence of that parameter that you can fill in. The only limit to the number of occurrences is the region size available for the application.

General Rule Parameters

General rule parameters provide basic information about a rule.

Figure 21 General Parameters

                RULE NAME   JOB0099   GROUP PRODUCTION                MODE PROD (Prod/Test)
                OWNER       M43       SEQUENCE PRIORITY 01 CONTINUE SEARCH Y    (Y/N)      
                DESCRIPTION SET VAULT PATTERN OF JOB0099 VOLUMES                           
                DOCMEM      CTTDOCS   DOCLIB CTT.PROD.DOC                                  

Table 38 General Parameters




Name of the rule.


Group to which the rule is assigned.


Control-M/Tape operation mode for this rule.


User ID of user who created the rule.


Internal Control-M/Tape rule scanning priority


Indicates whether to continue searching for additional rules if this rule meets the selection criteria.


Description of the rule (free text).


Name of the member in which rule documentation may reside.


Name of the library in which rule documentation may reside.

Selection Parameters: ON Statement

Selection parameters specify selection criteria (ON statements) that must be fulfilled before Control-M/Tape performs designated actions.

A list of valid ON parameters can be alternately displayed or hidden on the screen by typing the command ONOPT (abbreviated O) in the COMMAND field and pressing Enter.

An ON statement is comprised of the ON field, and its corresponding parameters. The ON DATASET statement is required in each rule definition. If it is not specified, Control-M/Tape automatically adds ON DATASET = * (an unqualified ON DATASET statement) as the last ON statement.

An unlimited number of ON statements can be specified in an ON block, using the And/Or/Not parameter described below.

Character masking (described in Character Masking) can be used in any of the specified criteria described in Table 39, except ON MEDIA and ON VOLSER (if a range is specified)

                ON DATASET   = *                                            And/Or/Not A
                ON ACCOUNT   = A001                                           And/Or/Not

The syntax of the ON statement is

ON selection_criteria

When the selection_criteria of a volume and data set is accessed, they trigger the rule.

To add a selection condition to a rule, type a valid ON parameter in the ON field and press Enter. To delete a specified selection condition, delete the ON parameter keyword and press Enter.

Valid selection criteria options and their abbreviations are:

Table 39 ON Parameter Options




Volume serial numbers or range of volume serial numbers. (If a range is specified, character masking is not supported.)


Data set specification.


Job names that created the data set.


Job accounting information.


Security user IDs assigned to the job that created the data set.


Program that created the data set.


Media type (for example, cartridge, tape). Allowed values are specified in a table predefined by the user. Character masking is not supported.


DFSMS Management Class (1 to 8 characters). Relevant only if the Control-M/Tape to DFSMS interface is active. For more information, see Control-M/Tape to DFSMS Interface.


Unit Control Block (UCB) device number or range of device numbers of the unit on which the data set is created.

                                ON DATASET   = DS303K.INF                                And/Or/Not A
                                ON ACCOUNT   = A001                                      And/Or/Not O
                                ON JOBNAME   = RT*                                       And/Or/Not


Conjunctional parameter for linking ON statements.

Specifying A (And), O (Or), or N (Not) opens a new ON statement and links the new statement to the line containing the A/O/N specification.

Action Parameters: DO Statement

The Control-M/Tape Action parameters (DO parameters) are used to specify processing instructions to be performed by the rule. The actions specified using the DO parameters are performed only after conditions specified in the ON block have been satisfied.

A list of valid DO parameters can be alternately displayed or hidden on the screen by typing the command DOOPT (abbreviated DOO) in the COMMAND field and pressing Enter.

The DO parameter specifies an action to be taken. An unlimited number of DO parameters are permitted. The combination of DO parameters specified in the rule form a DO block.

It is possible to create a rule without specifying any Action parameters. One use for a rule without a DO block is for changing the Control-M/Tape operation mode systematically, without performing other actions.

To specify Action parameters, type the parameter name next to the DO on the Rule Definition screen, and press Enter. Depending on the specified parameter, different subparameters are displayed on the screen.

It is usually not necessary to enter the full parameter name; the shortest unique abbreviation or code letter of the command is sufficient.

DOM Actions

The Action parameters are divided into the following categories:

Table 40 Action Parameter Categories




DO parameters that interface with, or are common to, the INCONTROL family of products. DO parameters in this category are DO SHOUT, DO RESOURCE, DO FORCEJOB, DO SET, and DO CONDITION.

Unique to Control-M/Tape

All remaining DO parameters are unique to Control-M/Tape.

The following are a description and example of each of the DO statement options:

DO ABENDRET – Specifies how long the data set should be retained if an abend or a system crash occurs while creating the data set (meaning, the data set is incomplete or unreliable). Only one DO ABENDRET statement can be specified per rule.

                DO ABENDRET  = CYCLES             0010     PREFIX Y  (Y/N)     And/Or  A  
                DATE           0101 YEAR 2000                   And/Or  A  
                LAST ACCESS        0090                         And/Or     

DO BYPASS – Indicates whether Control-M/Tape should bypass tape management activities for the data set.

                DO BYPASS    = YES

DO CONDITION – Adds or deletes a prerequisite condition. Prerequisite conditions are used to trigger events in other INCONTROL products.

                DO CONDITION = TAPE-MOUNTED         ODAT +                                
                AT   M  (CHeck volumes /Mount /Open / CLose /Abend Close /Keep) 

DO DYNDS – Indicates whether a data set should be dynamically added to the Media Database.

                DO DYNDS     = YES

DO DYNVOL – Indicates whether a volume should be dynamically added to the Media Database.


DO FASTPOS – Indicates whether Control-M/Tape should request Fast Positioning for a tape.

                DO FASTPOS     = YES

DO FORCEJOB – Force (schedule) a jobs under Control-M.

                DO FORCEJOB  = TABLE   JOBCHECK     JOB PROD032              DATE  ODAT 
                LIBRARY CTM.PROD.SCHEDULE                                  
                AT   A  (CHeck volumes /Mount /Open / CLose /Abend Close /Keep) 

DO LABEL – Determines whether an external label is printed upon creation of the data set. Only one DO LABEL statement can be specified per rule.

                DO LABEL     = Y  (Y/N)                                                    

DO OVERJCL – Indicates whether MVS retention attributes for the data set should be overridden by Control-M/Tape rules.

                DO OVERJCL   = YES
                DO RETENTION = DAYS               00030                        And/Or

DO OWNER – Assigns an owner to a volume. Only one DO OWNER statement can be specified per rule.

                DO OWNER     = SUPV043                                                    

DO POOL – Indicates the pool from which scratch volumes should be taken. Only one DO POOL statement can be specified per rule.

                DO POOL      = ACCOUNTING                                                 

DO RECREATE – Indicates whether an existing data set should be overwritten by the data set.

                DO RECREATE  = YES

DO RESOURCE – Modifies the quantity of a Quantitative resource.

                DO RESOURCE  = TAPE1                0001 +                                 
                AT   CL (CHeck volumes /Mount /Open / CLose /Abend Close /Keep) 

DO RETENTION – Specifies how long the data set should be retained. Only one DO RETENTION statement can be specified per rule.

                DO RETENTION = PERMANENT                                       And/Or     

DO SET – Assigns a value to an IOA AutoEdit variable.

                DO SET       = %%TAPEOK=0                                                 
                MEMBER TAPESTAT LIBRARY   CTT.PROD.STATS                               
                AT   A  (CHeck volumes /Mount /Open / CLose /Abend Close /Keep) 

DO SHOUT – Issues a message (to a console, a TSO user ID, the IOA Log, ROSCOE user, or Info/Management).

                DO SHOUT     = TO TSO-MRE           URGENCY  U                            
                MESSAGE   TAPE CLOSE DURING ABEND                                      
                AT   A  (CHeck volumes /Mount /Open / CLose /Abend Close /Keep) 

DO STACK – Enables or disables stacking of data sets on existing volumes. Only one DO STACK statement can be specified per rule.

                DO STACK     = N  (Y/N)   SCOPE VOL                                       

DO STKDEFSZ – Indicates a default size to use for calculating stacking statistics for the data set.


DO STKGROUP – Indicates a stacking group for the data set.

                DO STKGROUP  = STKGRP1

DO STKMODE – Indicates a method to be used for stacking the data set.

                DO STACK     = Y  (Y/N)  
                DO STKMODE   = ALL

DO STKMXLBL – Indicates a maximum number of data sets with which the data set can be stacked on a volume or group of volumes.

                DO STACK     = Y  (Y/N)  
                DO STKMXLBL  = 0005

DO STKMXVOL – Indicates the maximum number of volumes in a chain on which the data set can be stacked.

                DO STACK     = Y  (Y/N)  
                DO STKMXVOL  = 0002

DO STKRULE – Indicates a stacking limitation for the data set.

                DO STACK     = Y  (Y/N)
                DO STKRULE   = NOT WITH JOB JOB1
                DO STKRULE   = NOT WITH JOB
                DSN DSN1
                DO STKRULE   = NOT WITH JOB JOB2
                DSN DSN2

DO STKSRCHL – Indicates a maximum number of volumes to consider for stacking the data set.

                DO STACK     = Y  (Y/N)  
                DO STKSRCHL  = 0300

DO VAULT – Identifies vault names and retention specifications for storing volumes.

                DO VAULT     = VAULTA                      BY BOX  (Y/N)             
                UNTIL     DATE           0101 YEAR 2000                   And/Or     
                VAULT     =                                                            

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Basic Scheduling parameters specify on what dates the rule is a candidate for activation (meaning, load during initialization).

   DAYS                                                          DCAL        
                WDAYS                                                         WCAL         
                MONTHS  1- Y 2- Y 3- Y 4- Y 5- Y 6- Y 7- Y 8- Y 9- Y 10- Y 11- Y 12- Y
            CONFCAL          SHIFT                                                     

Table 41 Basic Scheduling Parameters




Days of the month to activate the rule. A maximum of two lines can be specified.


Days of the week to activate the rule. A maximum of two lines can be specified.


Months to activate the rule.


Specific dates in the year to activate the rule.


Name of a calendar used for rule activation confirmation.


Indicates if and when a rule should be activated when it fails confirmation by the CONFCAL calendar.

Editing Definitions in the Edit Environment

Definition parameters can be edited (moved, copied, deleted, or repeated) by performing INCONTROL Line Editing commands, similar to standard ISPF line commands, from within the IOA Edit environment.

The Edit environment of the Rule Definition screen is accessed by typing EDIT in the COMMAND field of a definition screen and pressing Enter.

Figure 22 Entering Editing Commands

 RULE: DBBKP1   LIB CTT.PROD.RULES                               TABLE: RULE2
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                __ RULE NAME   DBBKP1    GROUP DATABASE-BACKUP           MODE PROD (Prod/Test)
                __ OWNER       M09A      SEQUENCE PRIORITY    CONTINUE SEARCH Y    (Y/N)
                __ DESCRIPTION
                __ DOCMEM      DBBKP1    DOCLIB CTT.PROD.DOC
                __ ===========================================================================
                __ ON DATASET   = BKP.DB*                                         And/Or/Not
                __ ===========================================================================
                __ DO POOL      = DATABASE-BKP
                __ DO RETENTION = DAYS              00060                         And/Or
                __ DO VAULT     = MAINLIB                     BY BOX    (Y/N)     
                __      UNTIL     DAYS               0010                         And/Or
                __    VAULT     = VAULT2
                __      UNTIL     VAULT DAYS         0050                         And/Or
                __    VAULT     = VAULT3
                __      UNTIL     VAULT DAYS         0050                         And/Or
                D_    VAULT     = VAULT4
                __      UNTIL     VAULT DAYS         0050                         And/Or
                __    VAULT     = VAULT5
                __      UNTIL     VAULT DAYS         0050                         And/Or
                __    VAULT     =
                __ ===========================================================================
                __ ===========================================================================

A 2-character Line Editing command field, marked by underscores, is displayed for each line on the definition screen.

Editing commands are typed directly onto these underscores.

Specified Line Editing commands are processed when Enter is pressed.

For detailed information about and examples of editing definitions in the Edit environment, see Editing Rule Definitions in the IOA Edit Environment.

Commands of the Rule Definition Screen

The following commands can be specified in the COMMAND field of the Rule Definition screen:

Table 42 Commands of the Rule Definition Screen




The EDIT command alternately activates or deactivates the Edit environment of the Rule Definition screen. The Edit environment provides ISPF-like line editing commands for this screen. For additional information, see Editing Rule Definitions in the IOA Edit Environment.


The SCHED command alternately displays or hides scheduling parameters, independent of the value specified in the SHOW SCHEDULING CRITERIA field in the Rule Definition entry panel. For additional information, see Display and Non-Display of Documentation.


The DOC command alternately displays or hides documentation lines, independent of the value specified in the SHOW RULE DOCUMENTATION field in the Rule Definition entry panel. For additional information, see Rule Documentation.


The DOOPT command alternately displays or hides a list of valid DO action keywords.


The ONOPT command alternately displays or hides a list of valid ON selection criteria.

Display and Non-Display of Scheduling Criteria

Depending on the value of the SHOW SCHEDULING CRITERIA field in the entry panel, scheduling criteria are either displayed or hidden when you first enter the Rule Definition screen:

  • If the SHOW SCHEDULING CRITERIA field is set to Y (Yes), scheduling criteria are displayed upon entry to the Rule Definition screen.

  • If the SHOW SCHEDULING CRITERIA field is set to N (No), scheduling criteria are hidden upon entry to the Rule Definition screen.

Specifying the SCHED command (abbreviated SC) in the COMMAND field alternately displays or hides the rule’s scheduling parameters (independent of the Show Scheduling Criteria field).

Below is an example of the Rule Definition screen with scheduling parameters hidden.

Figure 23 Rule Definition Screen with Scheduling Parameters Hidden

 RULE: JOB0099  LIB CTT.PROD.RULES                               TABLE: ADM0002
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                RULE NAME   JOB0099   GROUP PRODUCTION                MODE PROD (Prod/Test)
                OWNER       M43       SEQUENCE PRIORITY 01 CONTINUE SEARCH Y    (Y/N)      
                DESCRIPTION SET VAULT PATTERN OF JOB0099 VOLUMES                           
                DOCMEM      JOBDOCS   DOCLIB CTT.PROD.DOC                                  
                ON DATASET   = *                                               And/Or/Not  
                DO VAULT     = VAULTA                                                      
                UNTIL     DATE           0101 YEAR 1999                   And/Or    
                VAULT     = VAULTB                                                      
                UNTIL     DATE           0101 YEAR 2000                   And/Or
                VAULT     = MAINLIB                                                     
                UNTIL     DATE           0101 YEAR 2001                   And/Or      
                VAULT     =                                                             
                DO CONDITION = JOB0099_CHANGE_VAULT ODAT +                                 
                AT   CLOSE                                                        

                ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF RULE DEFINITION PARAMETERS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ====

If you are not using the scheduling options of Control-M/Tape, you should work with N as the default.

Scheduling criteria apply to a rule even when they are hidden.

Rule Documentation

This item includes the following topics:

Display and Non-Display of Documentation

Depending on the value of the SHOW RULE DOCUMENTATION field in the entry panel, rule documentation (meaning, DOC lines) is either displayed or hidden when you first enter the Rule Definition screen.

  • If the SHOW RULE DOCUMENTATION field is set to Y (Yes), rule documentation is displayed.

  • If the SHOW RULE DOCUMENTATION field is set to N (No), rule documentation is hidden.

Specifying the DOC command in the COMMAND field alternately displays or hides the rule’s documentation.

Figure 24 shows an example of the Rule Definition screen with documentation (DOC lines) displayed.

Figure 24 Rule Definition Screen with Documentation (DOC) Lines Displayed

 RULE: JOB0099  LIB CTT.PROD.RULES                               TABLE: ADM0002
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                RULE NAME   JOB0099   GROUP PRODUCTION                MODE PROD (Prod/Test)
                OWNER       M43       SEQUENCE PRIORITY 01 CONTINUE SEARCH Y    (Y/N)      
                DESCRIPTION SET VAULT PATTERN OF JOB0099 VOLUMES                           
                DOCMEM      JOBDOCS   DOCLIB CTT.PROD.DOC                                  
                ON DATASET   = *                                               And/Or/Not  
                DO VAULT     = VAULTA                                                      
                UNTIL     DATE           0101 YEAR 1999                   And/Or    
                VAULT     = VAULTB                                                      
                UNTIL     DATE           0101 YEAR 2000                   And/Or
                VAULT     = MAINLIB                                                     
                UNTIL     DATE           0101 YEAR 2001                   And/Or      

Users with DOCU/TEXT installed at their site can specify a DOCU/TEXT library and member with up to 132 characters per line. However, if more than the first 71 characters in a line are used, the line is truncated and Browse Mode is forced. Browse mode is also forced if a line has an unprintable character.

Editing Documentation

Documentation can be edited when the DOC lines of the Rule Definition screen are displayed. Modify the DOC lines as desired. When you fill in the last DOC line and press Enter, a new DOC line is displayed.

Rule documentation is written to the member or library specified in the DOCMEM and DOCLIB fields on the Rule Definition screen. Therefore, it is also possible to edit the documentation directly using ISPF edit of the member. This is recommended for extensive documentation, or if complex editing is required.

For CA-LIBRARIAN and CA-PANVALET users, the DOC command displays or hides rule documentation in Browse mode. Changes to the documentation are not permitted.

AutoSave and Saving Documentation

Documentation changes can be saved upon exiting the Rule Definition screen. A Save Documentation window can be displayed (if there are documentation changes) or not displayed, depending on the value of the AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION field in the entry panel.

  • If the AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION field was set to Y (Yes), documentation changes are automatically saved and the Save Documentation window is not displayed.

  • If the AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION field was set to N (No), documentation changes are not automatically saved and the Save Documentation window is displayed. This window enables you to save or cancel the documentation changes.

Figure 25 Rule Definition Screen Save Documentation Window

 RULE: JOB0099  LIB CTT.PROD.RULES                               TABLE: ADM0002
                COMMAN +-----------------------------------------------------------+  ===> CRSR
                +----- |                                                           |  --------+
                RULE |    SAVE DOCUMENTATION ==> Y      (Y/N)                    |  d/Test)
                USER |                                                           |  )      
                DESC |    LIBRARY CTT.PROD.DOC                                   |       
                DESC |    MEMBER  JOBDOCS                                        |       
                DESC |                                                           |       
                DOCM +-----------------------------------------------------------+         
                ON DATASET   = *                                               And/Or/Not  
                DO VAULT     = VAULTA                                                      
                UNTIL     DATE           0101 YEAR 1999                   And/Or    
                VAULT     = VAULTB                                                      
                UNTIL     DATE           0101 YEAR 2000                   And/Or
                VAULT     = MAINLIB                                                     

You can change the name of the library or member name in the window.

  • Enter Y (Yes) in the SAVE DOCUMENTATION field to save the changes.

  • Enter N (No) in the SAVE DOCUMENTATION field to cancel the changes.

After you specify Y (Yes) or N (No) and press Enter, the Rule List screen is displayed.

Exiting the Rule Definition Facility

To exit the Rule Definition facility, the following screens must be exited in sequence:

Table 43 Exiting the Rule Definition Facility



Rule Definition screen

How you exit this screen depends on whether changes made in the Rule Definition screen should be saved. Refer to Exiting the Rule Definition Screen.

Rule List screen

How you exit this screen depends on whether changes made to each rule should be saved. Refer to Exiting the Rule List Screen.

Rule Table List screen

Exit this screen by pressing END (PF03/PF15).

Entry panel

Exit this screen by pressing END (PF03/PF15).

Exiting the Rule Definition Screen

Use the following commands to exit the Rule Definition screen:

Table 44 Commands for Exiting the Rule Definition Screen




Keep the changes made to the rule parameters and return to the Rule List screen. If documentation changes have been made, the Save Documentation window may be displayed. If Automatic Rule Sorting is enabled, the current rule is immediately moved to its appropriate position in the sorted list. For more information see Exiting the Rule List Screen.


Do not keep the changes made to rule parameters and return to the Rule list screen. For more information see Exiting the Rule List Screen.


Keep the changes made to rule parameters and display the Rule Definition screen of the next rule in the Rule list. (PF11/PF23).


Keep the changes made to rule parameters and display the Rule Definition screen of the previous rule in the Rule list. (PF10/PF22).

Changes made to parameters are initially only in memory. They are written to disk after you exit the Rule List screen.

Exiting the Rule List Screen

Press (PF03/PF15) END to exit the Rule List screen. If changes have been made in the Rule Definition screen and the Rule Definition screen was exited with (PF03/PF15) END, or if the Rule list was resorted, an Exit Option window is opened. Two exit options SAVE and CREATE are displayed.

Figure 26 Rule List Screen Exit Option Window

  RULES OF LIBRARY: CTT.PROD.RULES                                TABLE: AAEDTST1
                COMMAN +-----------------------------------------------------------+  ===> CRSR
                OPT  N |                 PLEASE SELECT EXIT OPTION                 |  ---------
                A |                                                           |
                J |     SAVE    CREATE                                        |
                J |                                                           |
                J |     LIBRARY CTT.PROD.RULES                                |
                M |     TABLE   JOB00012                                      |
                M |                                                           |
                M +-----------------------------------------------------------+
                ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO MORE RULES IN THIS TABLE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ====
            OPTIONS:  S SELECT   D DELETE   I INSERT                               14.24.41

You can change the name of the library or the name of the rule in the window.

To save changes to all modified rules and return to the Rule Table List screen, enter Y (Yes) in the SAVE field if the table name exists in the specified library, or enter Y (Yes) in the CREATE field to create a new table name in the specified library.

To cancel the changes to all modified rules and return to the Rule Table List screen, enter N (No) in one of the exit options.

Press RESET (PF04/PF16) in the Exit Option window to cancel the exit operation and remain in the Rule List screen.

To save changes made to parameters in the rule table, the entire table must be saved by entering Y in one of the exit options of the Rule Table List screen.

Pool Definition Facility

Control-M/Tape Online Pool Definition screens enable you to view, create and modify pool definitions.

Pools are logical groups to which media are assigned (for example, a pool can be defined for each department in your organization). Pools can help in the accounting of media per department, in departmental security, and in managing multi-platform media. Pools can be particularly useful for allocating and budgeting removable media by department. Scratch volumes are generally allocated on a pool basis. Control-M/Tape tracks the number of scratch volumes per pool so that a scratch volume is always available when needed.

Pool definitions are stored in libraries (partitioned data sets). A library contains pool tables (members), and each table contains specifications for one or more pool definitions. Most sites designate a primary pool definition library (the default is member $$POOL in the PARM library).

Accessing the Pool Definition Facility

The Pool Definition facility contains the following screens:

Table 45 Pool Definition Facility Screens



Pool Definition Facility entry panel

Allows specification of parameters that determine which screen is displayed.

Table List screen

Displays the list of tables (members) in the specified Pool library.

Pool List screen

Displays the list of pools in the selected table.

Pool Definition screen

Displays the parameters of the selected pool definition. This is the main screen of the facility.

To enter the Online Pool Definition facility, select option TP in the IOA Primary Option menu. The entry panel is displayed.

Creating Tables

Tables can be created in any of the following ways:

  • By specifying the new table name in the entry panel and pressing Enter.

  • By using the SELECT command (described later) to specify the new table name in the Table List screen and pressing Enter.

As a result of using either of the above methods, a skeletal pool definition (meaning, one with most fields left blank) is displayed in the pool definition screen.

Fill in the blanks and save the screen entries. The table is created and the pool definition is the first and only definition in the Pool list of the table. As additional pool definitions are created in the table (described below), they are added to the list.

Upon exiting the Pool List screen, if changes were made in at least one pool definition, an Exit Option window is displayed. One field of the window displays the table name. This value can be changed to a new table name that creates a new table in which the pool definitions are saved.

Creating Pool Definitions

Pool definitions can be created using either of two basic methods:

  • A skeletal pool definition can be created by specifying the name of a new pool definition in the entry panel. (The table specified in the entry panel can be either a new or an existing table.) In this case, virtually all fields of the pool definition are empty.

  • A copy of an existing pool definition can be created using the INSERT option (described later) in the Pool List screen. In this case, most fields of the new pool definition have the same values as the fields in the copied pool definition.

Performing Operations on Tables and Pools

Many operations can be performed on tables and on the pool definitions in them. These operations are performed using commands and options in the various screens of the Pool Definition facility.

Following is a brief summary of some of the major operations possible within the facility. Additional options and commands are explained following the summary.

Accessing (Editing or Browsing) a Table and its Pools

A table (meaning, the pool definitions in the table) can be browsed or edited.

When browsed, the table cannot be modified or updated. When the table is edited, new pool definitions can be added and existing pool definitions can be modified or deleted.

Browsing, however, has advantages:

  • Access and exit are quicker than in editing.

  • A pool list and rule definitions that are in use by another user can be viewed.

  • Access for browsing might be granted, even though access for editing might be denied due to site security requirements.

To browse a table (and its pool list and pool definitions), use the BROWSE option in the Table List screen.

Specifying the table name in the entry panel, or using the SELECT option in the Table List screen, provides edit access.

Depending on user profile definitions, if the table requested for editing is in use, access is either granted in Browse mode, or access will not be granted.

Copying a Pool to Another Table

Pools can be copied from one table to another using the COPY option in the Pool List screen. For more information, see Copying Pool Definitions to Another Table.

Deleting a Table or a Pool

Unneeded rules can be deleted using the DELETE option in the Pool List screen. For more information, see Options of the Pool List Screen. Unneeded tables can be deleted using the DELETE option in the Table List screen. For more information, see Deleting Pool Tables.

Saving Modifications

All changes made to a table and its pool definitions are kept in memory until the table is exited. Upon exiting the table, the user can choose to save or cancel the changes. For more information, see Exiting the Pool List Screen.

Pool Definition Entry Panel

Figure 27 Pool Definition Entry Panel

 ------------------ CONTROL-M/Tape POOL DEFINITION ENTRY PANEL -------------(TP)
                COMMAND ===>                                                                  
                SPECIFY LIBRARY, TABLE NAME, POOL NAME                                        
                LIBRARY   ===> CTTP.PROD.PARM                                                
                TABLE     ===>                      (Blank for table selection list)         
                POOL      ===>                      (Blank for pool selection list)          
            USE THE COMMAND "SHPF" TO SEE PFK ASSIGNMENT                           14.34.11

If you use the selection list fields, their values are not erased until you exit the entry panel by pressing END (PF03/PF15).

To open the desired display

Fill in entry panel fields LIBRARY, TABLE, and POOL as described below to open the desired display.   

To display the list of tables in a library

  1. Type the library name.

  2. Either leave the table name blank, or type part of a table name together with mask characters (* and ?).

  3. Press Enter.

To display the list of rules of a specific pool

  1. Type the library name.

  2. Type the table name.

  3. Press Enter.

If the table does not exist, the screen for defining a new pool in the table is displayed.

To display the details of a specific pool (Pool Definition screen)

  1. Type the library name.

  2. Type the table name.

  3. Type the pool name.

  4. Press Enter.

If the table does not exist, or if the pool for the specified table does not exist, the screen for defining a new pool in the table is displayed.

If you enter the screen for defining a new pool and want to leave the screen without defining a pool, use the CANCEL command.

Pool Table List Screen

The Pool Table List screen displays a list of pool tables (members) in the specified library. This screen can be entered directly from the entry panel or upon exiting from the Pool List screen.

By default, only table names are listed in the screen. However, if the default has been modified at time of installation, statistical information is displayed for each table name, as shown in Figure 28.

Figure 28 Rule Definition Facility Table List Screen

 TABLES OF LIBRARY CTT.PROD.PARM                                ------------(TP)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                OPT  NAME ------------ VV.MM  CREATED     CHANGED     SIZE  INIT   MOD   ID
                $$POOL            01.01 00/03/03 00/03/03 09:11    41    41     0 M43A
                $$VAULT           01.01 00/03/03 00/03/03 11:11    70    70     0 M43A
                ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO MORE TABLES IN THIS LIBRARY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ====

            OPTIONS:  S SELECT   B BROWSE   D DELETE                               14.43.14

To scroll down the Pool Table list, press PF08/PF20. To scroll up the Pool Table list, press PF07/PF19.

To return to the entry panel, press END (PF03/PF15).

Options of the Pool Table List Screen

To select one of the following options, specify the option in the OPT field to the left of the pool table name, and press Enter:

Table 46 Options of the Table List Screen




Display the list of pools in the pool table for any purpose. Only one pool table can be selected at a time.

If the S (Select) option is specified in the Pool Table List screen for a table that is currently in use (selected) by another user, then depending on User profile parameter SSCHBRO, either the Pool List screen is not displayed (meaning, the Pool Table List screen remains displayed; this is the default), or the Pool List screen is displayed in Browse mode. In either case, an appropriate message is displayed.


Display the list of pools in the pool table for browsing. Only one pool table can be selected at a time.


Delete the table (member) from the library. Multiple tables can be selected. A confirmation window is displayed. For more information see Deleting Pool Tables.

The INCONTROL administrator can limit specific users to access of only the BROWSE option.

Deleting Pool Tables

To delete pool tables, specify option D by the pool table names and press Enter.

The following confirmation window is displayed, in sequence, for each pool table selected for deletion:

Figure 29 Pool Definition Facility Delete Table Confirmation Window

 TABLES OF LIBRARY CTT.PROD.PARM                                ------------(TP)
                COMMAND ===>                +--------------------------+        SCROLL===> CRSR
                OPT  NAME ---               |   CONFIRM DELETE OPTION  | E  INIT   MOD   ID
                D   $$POOL     <-----------|               (Y/N)      | 1    41     0 M43A
                $$VAULT                +--------------------------+ 0    70     0 M43A
                ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO MORE TABLES IN THIS LIBRARY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ====

            OPTIONS:  S SELECT   B BROWSE   D DELETE                               14.43.14

Specify Y (Yes) in the window to confirm the delete request.

Specify N (No) in the window to cancel the delete request.

If PDSMAN is operational at your site, $$$SPACE members cannot be deleted.

A message is written to the IOA Log for each pool table deleted.

Pool List Screen

This screen displays the List of pools in a pool table in a specified library. This screen can be entered directly from the entry panel or the Pool Table List screen, or upon exiting from the Pool Definition screen.

If the S (Select) option is specified in the Pool Table List screen for a table that is currently in use (selected) by another user, then depending on User profile parameter SSCHBRO, either the Pool List screen is not displayed (meaning, the Pool Table List screen remains displayed; this is the default), or the Pool List screen is displayed in Browse mode. In either case, an appropriate message is displayed.

Figure 30 Pool Definition Rule List Screen

 POOLS OF LIBRARY: CTT.PROD.PARM                                 TABLE: $$POOL
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                OPT  POOL ----------------- DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------
                BACKUP1      DAILY BACKUP TAPE
                BACKUP2      MONTHLY BACKUP TAPE
                ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO MORE POOLS IN THIS TABLE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ====

            OPTIONS:  S SELECT   D DELETE   I INSERT                               12.48.43

Standard scrolling conventions are supported in this screen.

To exit to the Pool List screen, press END (PF03/PF15). For more information see Exiting the Pool List Screen.

Format of the Pool List Screen

Next to each pool name in the Pool list, certain information can be displayed. The type and format of this information depends on whether the screen is displayed in DESC format or in STAT format.

  • In DESC format, the pool’s description, taken from the DESC field of the pool definition, is displayed. Default.

  • In STAT format, the pool’s ISPF statistical information is displayed.

By default, the pool list is displayed in DESC format. To change formats, use the DESC or STAT commands, as described below.

Commands of the Pool List Screen

The following commands can be specified in the COMMAND field of the Pool List screen:

Table 47 Commands of the Pool List Screen




Command DESC displays the pool description next to the pool name. The description is taken from the DESC field in the pool definition.


Command STAT displays the following ISPF-like statistical information about the pool next to the pool name: version and modification numbers, creation date, last modification date, and user ID.

Options of the Pool List Screen

Specify one of the following pool processing options by marking the option to the left of the pool name and pressing Enter:

If the Pool List screen is displayed in Browse mode, options D (Delete) and I (Insert) are not available.

Table 48 Options of the Pool List Screen




Display the Pool Definition screen with details of the specific pool.

If the Pool List screen is not displayed in Browse mode, the pool definition can be edited and updated. If the Pool List screen is displayed in Browse mode, the pool definition can only be browsed; it cannot be modified.


Delete a pool from the Pool list.


Insert a new pool in the list. The Pool Definition screen appears with the same details of the pool marked "I", but the POOL NAME and DESCRIPTION parameters are empty for you to fill in. The new pool is added after the pool marked "I".


Copy the pool to another table. Multiple pools can be selected.

Pool Definition Screen

The Pool Definition screen is used to define, display and modify pool parameters. Pool parameters specify logical groups of volumes. This screen can be entered directly from the entry panel or from the Pool List screen. Update of parameters is not permitted in Browse mode.

The pool parameters may fill more than one screen.

Figure 31 Pool Definition Screen

--------------- POOL BACKUP1                    TABLE  $$POOL   ---------(TP.S)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

                POOL NAME   BACKUP1                                     OWNER  DP1        
                DESCRIPTION BACKUP POOL FOR DIVISION ONE                                   
                VOLUMES     FROM  BKP1*     TO                                             
                FROM  CA0001    TO  CA1000                                     
                FROM  TP1000    TO  TP1545                                     
                FROM  TP2000    TO  TP2545                                     
                FROM            TO                                             
                ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF POOL DEFINITION PARAMETERS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =====

            FILL IN POOL DEFINITION. CMDS: EDIT, SHPF                               12.58.05

The pool parameters are divided into the following basic groups:

  • General Pool parameters

  • Volume Range list

The groups are separated by a delimiter line.

To delete a parameter on the screen, simply erase it (press the EOF key, or blank it out). If additional operations are required, Control-M/Tape issues appropriate instructions.

The Pool Definition screen can also be edited using ISPF-like editing commands (such as copy, move, repeat, after, before) in the Control-M/Tape Edit environment. For additional information, see Editing Rule Definitions in the IOA Edit Environment.

Pool definitions are automatically saved in a PDS member (a Pool table) that can be edited using a standard editor such as the ISPF Edit facility. Pools originally defined using a standard editor can also be displayed and edited in the Online Pool Definition screen. The pool table name is defined at time of installation (Default: $$POOL).

The Pool Definition screen can be exited in various ways. The most common is to press END (PF03/PF15). For more information, see Exiting the Pool Definition Facility.

To immediately implement newly defined or modified Pool definitions, reload them through procedure CTTINIT. For more information, see "Procedure CTTINIT" in the Control-M/Tape chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

The parameters marked with the symbol M can have many occurrences. Whenever you fill the last occurrence of the parameter on the screen, Control-M/Tape adds a new empty occurrence of that parameter that you can fill in. The only limit to the number of occurrences is the region size available for the application.

General Pool Parameters

General Pool parameters provide basic information about a pool.

Table 49 General Parameters




Name of the pool (a maximum of 15 characters can be specified).


User ID of the user who defined the pool.


Description of the pool (free text).

 POOL NAME   BACKUP1                                     OWNER  DP1        
                DESCRIPTION BACKUP POOL FOR DIVISION ONE                                   

Volume Range List

The Volume Range list specifies the volumes that are allocated to the pool.

Table 50 Volume Range List




List of volume ranges associated with the pool. Each volume range must be listed on a separate line.


Starting and ending volume serial numbers for each volume range. Multiple volume ranges can be specified.

Character masking can be used in FROM fields. When a mask is specified, the corresponding TO field must be blank. For more information, see Character Masking.

   VOLUMES     FROM  BKP1*     TO                                              
                FROM  CA0001    TO  CA1000                                      
                FROM  TP1000    TO  TP1545                                      
                FROM  TP2000    TO  TP2545                                      
            FROM            TO                                              

Commands of the Pool Definition Screen

EDIT Command

The EDIT command alternately activates or deactivates the Edit environment of the Pool Definition screen. The Edit environment provides ISPF-like line editing commands for this screen. For additional information, see Editing Rule Definitions in the IOA Edit Environment.

Exiting the Pool Definition Facility

To exit the Pool Definition facility, the following screens must be exited in sequence:

Table 51 Pool Definition Facility Exit Screens



Pool Definition screen

How you exit this screen depends on whether changes made in the Pool Definition screen should be saved. Refer to Exiting the Pool Definition Screen.

Pool List screen

How you exit this screen depends on whether changes made to each pool should be saved. Refer to Exiting the Pool List Screen.

Pool Table List screen

Press END (PF03/PF15) to exit this screen.

Entry panel

Press END (PF03/PF15) to exit this screen.

Exiting the Pool Definition Screen

Use the following commands to exit the Pool Definition screen:

Table 52 Pool Definition Exit Screen




Keep the changes made to the parameters of the pool and return to the Pool list. For more information, see Exiting the Pool List Screen.


Do not keep the changes made to the parameters of the pool and return to the Pool list. For more information, see Exiting the Pool List Screen.


Keep the changes made to the parameters of the pool and display the next pool in the Pool list. (PF11/PF23).


Keep the changes made to the parameters of the pool and display the previous pool in the Pool list. (PF10/PF22).

Changes made to parameters are initially kept only kept in memory. They are written to disk after you exit the Pool List screen.

Exiting the Pool List Screen

Press (PF03/PF15) END to exit the Pool List screen. If changes have been made in the Pool Definition screen and the Pool Definition screen was exited with (PF03/PF15) END, an Exit Option window is opened.

It is possible to change the name of the library or the name of the pool in the window.

Figure 32 Pool List Screen Exit Option Window

 POOLS OF LIBRARY: CTT.PROD.PARM                                 TABLE:   $$POOL
                COMMAN +-----------------------------------------------------------+  ===> CRSR
                OPT  N |                 PLEASE SELECT EXIT OPTION                 |  ---------
                A |                                                           |
                A |     SAVE Y  CREATE                                        |
                B |                                                           |
                B |     LIBRARY CTT.PROD.PARM                                 |
                M |     TABLE   $$POOL                                        |
                M |                                                           |
                M +-----------------------------------------------------------+
                ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO MORE POOLS IN THIS TABLE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ====

            OPTIONS:  S SELECT   D DELETE   I INSERT                               12.48.45
  • To save the changes to all modified pools and return to the Pool Table List screen, enter Y (Yes) in the SAVE field if the table name exists in the specified library, or enter Y (Yes) in the CREATE field to create a new table name in the specified library.

  • To cancel the changes to all modified pools and return to the Pool Table List screen, enter N (No) in one of the exit options.

  • Press RESET (PF04/PF16) in the Exit Option window to cancel the exit operation, and remain in the Pool List screen.

  • To save changes made to pool parameters in the pool table, the entire table must be saved by entering Y in one of the exit options of the Pool List screen.

Copying Pool Definitions to Another Table

To copy one or more pool definitions from the current table to another table, specify option C (Copy) by the pool names in the Pool List screen and press Enter. The following window is displayed:

Figure 33 Pool List Screen Copy Window

POOLS OF LIBRARY CTT.PROD.PARM                                   POOL: PLRPT010
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                OPT  NAME ---------------------------------------------------------------------
                C   POOL1                  SCRATCH POOL1
                POOL2                  SCRATCH POOL2
                |                                                           |
                |                                                           |
                |  LIBRARY :   CTM.PROD.POOLS                               |
                |  TABLE :                                                  |
                |  POOL :      POOL1                                        |
                |                                                           |
            OPTIONS:  S SELECT   D DELETE   I INSERT                               12.48.45

The window contains the following fields (some fields contain default values that can be modified):

Table 53 Fields of the Pool List Screen Copy Window




Library containing the table into which the pool definitions should be copied. Must be an existing library. Default is the current library.


Name of the table into which the pool should be copied.

A table can only be copied to another table. It cannot be copied to its own table (even if the pool is renamed).

If the specified table does not exist, the table is created when the request is performed.



Name of the pool definition to be copied. If multiple pool definitions are selected, the window is first displayed with the first selected pool definition. As each request is performed or canceled, the next requested pool definition name appears.

To perform a request, press Enter.

To cancel a request, press END (PF03/PF15) or RESET (PF04/PF16).

Vault Definition Facility

Control-M/Tape Vault Definition screens enable you to view, create, and modify vault definitions.

Vaults are locations in which removable media can be stored as an alternative to the active library. A vault definition defines the vault name, location, and optionally the capacity of the vault.

Vault definitions are stored in libraries (partitioned data sets). A library contains vault tables (members), and each table contains specifications for one or more vault definitions. Most sites designate a primary vault definition library (the default is $$VAULT in the PARM library), but the number of vault definition libraries that you can use is unlimited.

Vault definitions are also stored in the Control-M/Tape Media Database. Modifications to existing Vault Definitions are only incorporated after a run of vault management utility CTTVTM. For more information about utility CTTVTM, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

Vault Definition Entry Panel

Figure 34 Vault Definition Entry Panel

 ----------------- CONTROL-M/Tape VAULT DEFINITION ENTRY PANEL -------------(TV)
                COMMAND ===>


                LIBRARY   ===> CTT.PROD.PARM
                TABLE     ===>                      (Blank for table selection list)
                VAULT     ===>                      (Blank for vault selection list)

                SHOW VAULT DOCUMENTATION ===> N     (Y/N)
                AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION  ===> N     (Y/N)

            USE THE COMMAND "SHPF" TO SEE PFK ASSIGNMENT                           11.51.11

If you use the selection list fields, their values are not erased until you exit the entry panel by pressing END (PF03/PF15).

Fill in entry panel fields LIBRARY, TABLE, and VAULT as described below to open the desired display:

  • Type Y or N in the SHOW VAULT DOMENTATION field to determine whether vault documentation lines are displayed when the vault is displayed. For more information, see Vault Documentation.

  • Type Y or N in the AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION field to determine whether changes made to documentation are automatically saved (meaning, without special prompting) when updating the rule. For more information, see Rule Documentation.

  • To display the list of tables in a library, do the following:

    1. Type the library name.

    2. Either leave the table name blank, or type part of a table name together with mask characters (* and ?).

    3. Press Enter.

  • To display the list of vaults of a specific rule, do the following:

    1. Type the library name.

    2. Type the table name.

    3. Press Enter.

If the table does not exist, the screen for defining a new vault in the table is displayed.

  • To display the details of a specific vault (Vault Definition screen), do the following:

    1. Type the library name.

    2. Type the table name.

    3. Type the vault name.

    4. Press Enter.

If the table does not exist, or the vault for the specified table does not exist, the screen for defining a new vault in the table is displayed.

If you enter the screen for defining a new rule and want to leave the screen without defining a rule, use the CANCEL command.

Vault Table List Screen

The Vault Table List screen displays a list of vault tables (members) in the specified library. You can enter this screen through the entry panel or when exiting the Vault List screen.

By default, only vault table names are listed in the screen. However, if the default has been modified at time of installation, statistical information is displayed with the vault table name, as shown in Figure 142.

Figure 35 Vault Definition Facility Table List Screen

  TABLES OF LIBRARY CTT.PROD.PARM                                ------------(TV)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                OPT  NAME ------VV.MM  CREATED     CHANGED     SIZE  INIT   MOD   ID
                $$POOL     01.09 00/05/24 00/06/09 11:48   198    25     0 M09
                $$VAULT    01.05 00/06/08 00/06/13 15:39   864    40     0 M17A
                ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO MORE TABLES IN THIS LIBRARY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ====

            OPTIONS:  S SELECT   B BROWSE   D DELETE                               15.07.31

To scroll down the Vault Table list, press PF08/PF20. To scroll up the Vault Table list, press PF07/PF19.

To return to the entry panel, press END (PF03/PF15).

Options of the Vault Table List Screen

To request one of the following options, specify the option in the OPT field to the left of the vault table name, and press Enter:

Table 55 Options of the Table List Screen




Display the list of vaults in the vault table for any purpose, including editing and modification. Only one vault table can be selected at a time.

If the S (Select) option is specified in the Vault Table list screen for a vault that is currently in use (selected) by another user, then depending on User profile definition, either the Vault List screen is not displayed (meaning, the Vault Table List screen remains displayed; this is the default), or the Vault List screen is displayed in Browse mode. In either case, an appropriate message is displayed.


Display the list of vaults in a vault table for browsing. Only one vault table can be selected at a time.


Delete the vault table (member) from the library. Multiple vault tables can be selected. A confirmation window is displayed. For more information, see Deleting Vault Tables.

The INCONTROL administrator can limit specific users to access only the BROWSE option.

Deleting Vault Tables

To delete vault tables, specify D to the left of the vault table names and press Enter.

The following confirmation window is displayed, in sequence, for each vault table selected for deletion:

Figure 36 Vault Definition Facility Delete Table Confirmation Window

  TABLES OF LIBRARY CTT.PROD.PARM                                ------------(TV)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                OPT  NAME ---               +--------------------------+ E  INIT   MOD   ID
                $$POOL                 |  CONFIRM DELETE OPTION   |      0 M09
                D   $$VAULT    <-----------|              (Y/N)       |      0 M17A
                ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO +--------------------------+ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ====

            OPTIONS:  S SELECT   B BROWSE   D DELETE                               15.07.31
  • Specify Y (Yes) in the confirmation window to confirm the delete request.

  • Specify N (No) to cancel the delete request.

If PDSMAN is operational at your site, $$$SPACE members cannot be deleted.

A message is written to the IOA Log file for each vault table that is deleted.

Vault List Screen

The screen displays the list of vaults in a specified table. This screen can be entered directly from the entry panel or the Vault Table List screen, or upon exiting from the Vault Definition screen.

If the S (Select) option is specified in the Vault Table List screen for a table that is currently in use (selected) by another user, then either the Vault List screen is not displayed and the Vault Table List screen remains displayed (the default), or the Vault List screen is displayed in Browse mode (if User profile parameter SSCHBRO overrides the default). In either case, an appropriate message is displayed.

Figure 37 Vault Definition Rule List Screen

  VAULTS OF LIBRARY CTT.PROD.PARM                                 TABLE: $$VAULT
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                OPT  VAULT ---------------- DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------
                VAULT_01   FOR DIVISION 1 MEDIA.
                VAULT_02   FOR DIVISION 2 MEDIA.
                VAULT_03   FOR DIVISION 3 MEDIA.
                VAULT_04   FOR DIVISION 4 MEDIA.
                ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO MORE VAULTS IN THIS TABLE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ====

            OPTIONS:  S SELECT   D DELETE   I INSERT   C COPY                      15.26.04

Standard scrolling conventions are supported on the Vault List.

To exit to the Vault List screen, press END (PF03/PF15). For more information, see Exiting the Vault List Screen.

Format of the Vault List Screen

Next to each vault name in the Vault list, certain information can be displayed. The type and format of this information depends on whether the screen is displayed in DESC format or in STAT format.

In DESC format, the vault’s description, taken from the DESC field of the vault definition, is displayed. Default.

In STAT format, the ISPF-like statistical information about the vault is displayed.

By default, the vault list is displayed in DESC format. To change formats, use the DESC or STAT commands, as described below.

Commands of the Vault List Screen

The following commands can be specified in the COMMAND field of the Vault List screen:

Table 56 Commands of the Vault List Screen




Command DESC displays the vault description next to the vault name. The description is taken from the DESC field in the vault definition.


Command STAT displays the following ISPF-like statistical information about the vault next to the vault name: version and modification numbers, creation date, last modification date, and user ID.

Options of the Vault List Screen

Specify one of the following vault processing options by marking the option to the left of the vault name and pressing Enter:

If the Vault List screen is displayed in Browse mode, options D (Delete) and I (Insert) are not available.

Table 57 Options of the Vault List Screen




Display the Vault Definition screen, with details of the specific vault.

If the Vault List screen is not displayed in Browse mode, the vault definition can be edited and updated. If the Vault List screen is displayed in Browse mode, the vault definition can be browsed, but it cannot be modified.


Delete a vault from the Vault list.


Insert a new vault in the list. The Vault Definition screen appears, with the same details of the vault marked "I", but the VAULT NAME and DESCRIPTION parameters are empty for you to fill in. The new vault is added after the vault marked "I".


Copy the vault to another table. Multiple vaults can be selected.

Vault Definition Screen

The Vault Definition screen is used to define, display, and modify parameters of a vault. This screen can be entered directly from the entry panel or from the Vault List screen. Update of parameters is not permitted in Browse mode.

The vault parameters can take up more than one screen.

Figure 38 Vault Definition Screen

  VAULT MAINLIB  LIB CTT.PROD.VAULTS                              TABLE: $$VAULT
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                VAULT NAME  MAINLIB                                                       
                LOCAL       Y                                                             
                DESC        BACK UP SITE                                                  
                OWNER       NMZ                                                           
                ADDRESS     1234 MAIN STREET                                              
                PHONE       609-555-2684                                                  
                SCHEDULE    DAILY PROCESSING                                              
                DOCMEM  CTTDOCS    DOCLIB CTT.PROD.DOC                                 
                ============================= GLOBAL CAPACITY ==============================
                CAPACITY 00003000  TYPE SLOT   MEDIA CART           
                00000100  TYPE BOX    MEDIA TAPE      BOX ID BXA    BOX SIZE 000020
                00000045  TYPE BOX    MEDIA 3490      BOX ID BXB    BOX SIZE 000075
                00000500  TYPE SLOT   MEDIA 3490                               
                TYPE          MEDIA                                
                ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF VAULT DEFINITION PARAMETERS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =====
            FILL IN VAULT DEFINITION. CMDS: EDIT, SHPF, DOC                        19.55.58

Vault parameters are divided into the following basic groups shown on the following screen:

  • General Vault Parameters
  • Global Capacity Parameters

The groups are separated by a delimiter line.

To delete a parameter on the screen, erase it (press the EOF key, or blank it out). If additional operations are required, Control-M/Tape issues the appropriate instructions.

The Vault Definition screen can also be edited using ISPF-like editing commands (such as copy, move, repeat, after, and before) in the IOA Edit environment. For additional information, see Editing Rule Definitions in the IOA Edit Environment.

The vault definition is automatically saved to a PDS member that can be edited using a standard editor such as ISPF Edit facility. Vaults originally defined using a standard editor can also be displayed and edited in the Vault Definition screen. The name of the PDS member that contains default vault definitions is $$VAULT.

The Vault Definition screen can be exited in various ways. The most common is to press END (PF03/PF15). For more information, see Exiting the Vault Definition Screen.

Newly-defined or modified Vault definitions become effective only after the next run of utility CTTVTM.

The parameters marked with the symbol M can have many occurrences. Whenever you fill the last occurrence of the parameter on the screen, Control-M/Tape adds a new empty occurrence of that parameter that you can fill in. The only limit to the number of occurrences is the region size available for the application.

General Vault Parameters

General Vault parameters provide basic information about a vault.

Figure 39 General Vault Parameters

  VAULT NAME  VAULT_01                                                        
                LOCAL       Y                                                              
                DESC        FOR DIVISION 1 MEDIA.                                          
                OWNER       M43                                                            
                ADDRESS     1234 MAIN STREET                                               
                PHONE       609-555-2684                                                   
                SCHEDULE    DAILY PROCESSING                                               
            DOCMEM  CTTDOCS       DOCLIB CTT.PROD.DOC                                  

Table 58 General Vault Parameters




Name of the vault.


Indicates whether the vault is local or remote (that is, on-site or off-site). Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) — The vault is a local vault.
  • N (No) — The vault is a remote vault.


Description of the vault (free text).


User ID of the user who owns this vault.


Address of the vault (free text).


Telephone number of the vault (free text).


Volume picking information (free text).


Name of the member in which vault documentation resides.


Name of the library in which vault documentation resides.

Global Capacity Parameters

Global Capacity parameters provide information about the capacity of the vault.

Figure 40 Global Capacity Parameters

============================= GLOBAL CAPACITY ==============================
                CAPACITY 00003000  TYPE SLOT  MEDIA CART
                00000100  TYPE BOX   MEDIA TAPE      BOX ID BXA    BOX SIZE 000020
            TYPE       MEDIA                                        

Table 59 Global Capacity Parameters




List of capacities for various types of removable media. Each line of the list contains the following parameters:

  • Quantity – Maximum number of units of the media type.
  • TYPE – Type of media storage (SLOT, BOX).
  • MEDIA – Type of media (for example, cartridge, 3400 tape, 3490).

The following fields are only shown if the vault name is MAINLIB and the storage type is BOX.

  • BOX ID – Name or prefix of the box. The full name cannot exceed six characters.
    The capacity indicates the number of boxes to define.
    If the capacity is 1, one box is defined, and this field indicates the full name of the box.
    If the capacity exceeds 1, this field indicates a prefix, and a sequentially assigned serial number for each box completes the name (the prefix and serial number combined cannot exceed six characters).
  • BOX SIZE – If TYPE is equal to BOX, maximum number of media per box.

Commands of the Vault Definition Screen

The following commands can be specified in the COMMAND field of the Vault Definition screen:

Table 60 Commands of the Vault Definition Screen




The EDIT command alternately activates or deactivates the Edit environment of the Vault Definition screen. The Edit environment provides ISPF-like line editing commands for this screen. For more information, see Editing Rule Definitions in the IOA Edit Environment.


The DOC command alternately displays or hides documentation lines (independent of the SHOW VAULT DOCUMENTATION field). For additional information, see Vault Documentation.

Vault Documentation

This item includes the following topics.

Display and Non-Display of Documentation

Depending on the value of the SHOW VAULT DOCUMENTATION field in the entry panel, vault documentation (meaning, DOC lines) is either displayed or hidden when you first enter the Vault Definition screen:

  • If the SHOW VAULT DOCUMENTATION field is set to Y (Yes), vault documentation is displayed.
  • If the SHOW VAULT DOCUMENTATION field is set to N (No), vault documentation is hidden.

Specifying the DOC command in the COMMAND field alternately displays or hides the vault’s documentation.

The following is an example of the Vault Definition screen with documentation (DOC lines) displayed.

The DOC command alternately displays or hides documentation lines (independent of the SHOW VAULT DOCUMENTATION field).

Figure 41 Vault Definition Screen with Documentation

  VAULT VAULT_01 LIB CTT.PROD.VAULTS                              TABLE: $$VAULT
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                VAULT NAME  VAULT_01                                                       
                LOCAL       Y                                                              
                DESC        FOR DIVISION 1 MEDIA.                                          
                OWNER       M43                                                            
                ADDRESS     1234 MAIN STREET                                               
                PHONE       609-555-2684                                                   
                SCHEDULE    DAILY PROCESSING                                               
                DOCMEM  CTTDOCS       DOCLIB CTT.PROD.DOC                                  
                ============================== GLOBAL CAPACITY ==============================
                CAPACITY 00001000      TYPE   SLOT     MEDIA 3400 
            FILL IN VAULT DEFINITION. CMDS: EDIT, SHPF, DOC                        09.00.26       

Users with DOCU/TEXT installed at their site can specify a DOCU/TEXT library and member. However, only files with an 80 character record length can be used, and only the first 71 characters are displayed.

Editing Documentation

Documentation can be edited when the DOC lines of the Vault Definition screen are displayed. Modify the DOC lines as desired. When you fill in the last DOC line and press Enter, a new DOC line is displayed.

Vault documentation is written to the member or library specified in the DOCMEM and DOCLIB fields in the Vault Definition screen. Therefore, it is also possible to edit the documentation directly through ISPF edit of the member; this is recommended for extensive documentation, or if complex editing is required.

For CA-LIBRARIAN and CA-PANVALET users, the DOC command displays or hides vault documentation, but changes to the documentation are not stored. A warning message is not issued.

AutoSave and Saving Documentation

Documentation changes can be saved upon exiting the Vault Definition screen. When there are documentation changes, a Save Documentation window can be displayed depending on the value of the AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION field in the entry panel:

  • If the AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION field was set to Y (Yes), documentation changes are automatically saved and the Save Documentation window is not displayed.
  • If the AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION field was set to N (No), documentation changes are not automatically saved, and the Save Documentation window is displayed as shown below. This window enables you to save or cancel the documentation changes.

Figure 42 Vault Definition Save Documentation Window

 VAULT VAULT_01 LIB CTT.PROD.VAULTS                              TABLE: $$VAULT
                COMMAN +-----------------------------------------------------------+  ===> CRSR
                +----- |                                                           | --------+
                VAUL  |   SAVE DOCUMENTATION ==> Y      (Y/N)                     |      
                LOCA  |                                                           |      
                ====  |   LIBRARY CTT.PROD.DOCS                                   | =======
                DESC  |   MEMBER  CTTDOCS                                         |      
                DESC  |                                                           |      
                OWNE  +-----------------------------------------------------------+         
                PHONE       609-555-2684                                                   
                SCHEDULE    DAILY PROCESSING                                               
                DOCMEM  CTTDOCS       DOCLIB CTT.PROD.DOC                                  
                ============================== GLOBAL CAPACITY ==============================
                CAPACITY 00001000      TYPE   SLOT     MEDIA 3400
            FILL IN VAULT DEFINITION. CMDS: EDIT, SHPF, DOC                        09.00.26

You can change the name of the library or member in the window.

  • Enter Y (Yes) in the SAVE DOCUMENTATION field to save the changes.
  • Enter N (No) in the SAVE DOCUMENTATION field to cancel the changes.

After specifying Y or N, the Vault List screen is displayed.

Exiting the Vault Definition Facility

To exit the Vault Definition facility, the following screens must be exited in sequence:

Table 61 Exiting the Vault Definition Facility Screen



Vault Definition screen

How you exit this screen depends on whether changes made in the Vault Definition screen should be saved. For more information, see Exiting the Vault Definition Screen.

Vault List screen

How you exit this screen depends on whether changes made to each vault should be saved. For more information, see Copying Vault Definitions to Another Table.

Vault Table List screen

Exit this screen by pressing END (PF03/PF15).

Entry panel

Exit this screen by pressing END (PF03/PF15).

Exiting the Vault Definition Screen

Use the following commands to exit the Vault Definition screen:

Table 62 Commands for Exiting the Vault Definition Screen




Keep the changes made to the parameters of the vault and return to the Vault List screen. If documentation changes have been made, the Save Documentation window may be displayed. For more information, see Exiting the Vault List Screen.


Do not keep the changes made to the parameters of the vault and return to the Vault List screen. For more information, see Exiting the Vault List Screen.


Keep the changes made to the parameters of the vault and display the next vault in the Vault list (PF11/PF23).


Keep the changes made to the parameters of the vault and display the previous vault in the Vault list (PF10/PF22).

Changes made to Vault Definition parameters are initially only in memory. They are written to the disk after you exit the Vault List screen.

Exiting the Vault List Screen

Press END (PF03/PF15) to exit the Vault List screen. If changes have been made in the Vault Definition screen and the Vault Definition screen was exited with END (PF03/PF15), an Exit Option window is opened.  

Figure 43 Vault List Screen Exit Option Window

  VAULTS OF LIBRARY CTT.PROD.PARM                                 TABLE: $$VAULT
                COMMAN +-----------------------------------------------------------+  ===> CRSR
                OPT  N |                PLEASE SELECT EXIT OPTION                  |  ---------
                $ |                                                           |
                $ |    SAVE Y  CREATE                                         |
                ===== |                                                           |  <<<< ====
                |    LIBRARY CTT.PROD.PARM                                  |
                |    TABLE   $$VAULT                                        |
                |                                                           |

            OPTIONS:  S SELECT   D DELETE   I INSERT                               11.14.37

It is possible to change the name of the library or the name of the vault in the window.

  • To save the changes to all modified vaults and return to the Vault Table List screen, enter Y (Yes) in the SAVE field if the table name exists in the specified library, or enter Y (Yes) in the CREATE field to create a new table name in the specified library.
  • To cancel the changes to all modified vaults and return to the Vault Table List screen, enter N (No) in one of the exit options.
  • Press RESET (PF04/PF16) in the Exit Option window to cancel the exit operation, and remain in the Vault List screen.
  • To save changes made to vault parameters in the vault table, the entire table must be saved by entering Y in one of the exit options of the Vault List screen.

Copying Vault Definitions to Another Table

To copy one or more vault definitions from the current table to another table, specify option C (Copy) by the table names in the Vault List screen and press Enter. The following window is displayed:

Figure 44 Window for Copying Vaults to Another Table

VAULTS OF LIBRARY CTT.PROD.PARM                                 VAULT: PLRPT010
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                OPT  NAME ---------------------------------------------------------------------
                C   VAULT1                 MAIN LIBRARY
                VAULT2                 BACKUP LIBRARY
                |                                                           |
                |                                                           |
                |  LIBRARY :   CTM.PROD.VAULTS                              |
                |  TABLE :                                                  |
                |  VAULT :     POOL1                                        |
                |                                                           |

The window contains the following fields (some fields contain default values that can be modified):

Table 63 Fields in the Window for Copying Vaults to Another Table




Library containing the table into which the vault definitions should be copied. Must be an existing library. Default is the current library.


Name of the table into which the vault should be copied.

A table can only be copied to another table. It cannot be copied to its own table (even if the vault is renamed).

If the specified table does not exist, the table is created when the request is performed.


Name of the vault definition to be copied. If multiple vault definitions are selected, the window is first displayed with the first selected vault definition. As each request is performed or canceled, the next requested vault definition name appears.

  • To perform a request, press Enter.

  • To cancel a request, press END (PF03/PF15) or RESET (PF04/PF16).

Inquiries and Updates

The Media Database list describes volumes and data sets that are selected according to selection criteria specified in the Inquire/Update entry panel.

The information displayed in the Media Database list is obtained from volume and data set records in the Media Database.

The Media Database list is displayed in the Media Database List screen. From this screen, you can perform the following operations on the Media Database list:

  • Request additional information for any volume or data set.

  • List all data sets on a given volume, or all volumes where a specific data set resides.

  • List all volumes of a multi-volume chain to which a specific volume belongs.

  • Update displayed information.

  • Expire a volume or data set.

  • Extend the expiration date of a volume or data set.

  • Unscratch a volume or data set.

  • Check out a volume.

  • Reenter a volume that was checked out.

  • Recall a volume from a vault.

  • Send a volume to a vault.

  • Indicate that a volume was cleaned.

  • Print labels.

  • Delete or Undelete a volume.

To maintain synchronization between the Control-M/Tape database and the Robotic tape library database, similar operations are automatically invoked on the Robotic tape library database.

To enter the Inquire/Update screen, specify option TI (INQ/UPD MEDIA DB) in the IOA Primary Option menu. The Inquire/Update entry panel is displayed.

As of version 6.0.00, information from the Media Database can also be displayed from operating system consoles. This feature is designed for operations personnel, for whom the console is often more readily available than a TSO/E session. For more information, see Displaying Media Database Information on a z/OS Console.

Inquire/Update Entry Panel

The Inquire/Update entry panel is the main user interface to Control-M/Tape removable media management information.

Figure 45 Inquire/Update Entry Panel

 ----------------  CONTROL-M/Tape - INQUIRE/UPDATE ENTRY PANEL  ------------(TI)
                COMMAND ==>                                                                   
                SELECT BY:                                                                    
                MEDIA        ===>                        Media type                        
                DSNAME       ===>                                                          
                VOLSER       ===>          TO            Volser/Mask                       
                SL-NAME      ===> *        TO            SL-Name/Mask                      
                POOL         ===>                        Pool name/Mask                    
                LOCATION     ===>                        Location name/Mask                
                SELECT BY DATE:                                                               
                CREATE FROM  ===>          TO            Creation date range               
                EXPIRE FROM  ===>          TO            Expiration date range             
                ACCESS FROM  ===>          TO            Last access date range            
                SELECT BY STATUS:                                                             
                ACTIVE       ===> Y                      VAULTED only ===> N               
                SCRATCH      ===> Y                      EXTERNAL     ===> Y               
                EDM CONTROL  ===> Y                      ATL/VTS only ===> N               
                                                         WORM only    ===> N               
                DISPLAY OPTIONS:                                                              
                DISPLAY TYPE ===> V                      RECORD TYPE  ===>                 
            FILL IN THE SELECTION CRITERIA, AND PRESS ENTER                       16.01.59

The entry panel allows you to specify selection criteria and display options for volumes and data sets. Fill in the selection criteria and display options, and press Enter. A list of all volumes and data sets that conform to the selection criteria is displayed in the Media Database list in the Media Database List screen.

The entry panel enables you to request different combinations of information. For example, you can list data set information, volume information, volume information for the selected data sets, and data set information for selected volumes. For additional information, see "DISPLAY OPTIONS" in Fields of the Inquire/Update Entry Panel.

Press END (PF03/PF15) to exit the entry panel to the IOA Option menu.

Fields of the Inquire/Update Entry Panel

From the entry panel you can specify any of the following selection criteria to control which volumes and data sets appear in the list:

The relationship between each category is AND – meaning, all specified criteria in each category must be satisfied for a volume or data set to appear in the list.


SELECT BY selection criteria that are marked below with the H symbol permit character masking. For more information, see Character Masking.

Table 64 Inquire/Update Entry Panel SELECT BY Selection Criteria




Type of volume media.


Data set name.

To indicate a specific generation of a GDG data set, specify the generation number in parentheses after the data set name.


If a mask is specified for the data set name, Control-M/Tape displays the specified generation of all GDG data sets matching the specified mask.

For more information, see Control-M/Tape Handling of Data Set Generations.

VOLSER from/toM

Lowest and highest volume serial numbers.

SL-NAME from/toM

Lowest and highest standard label name values.


Volumes of the specified pools.


Volumes in the specified locations (for example, VAULTA, VAULTB, MAINLIB).


Table 65 Inquire/Update Entry Panel SELECT BY DATE Selection Criteria



CREATE from/to

Earliest and latest data set creation dates to be included in the list.a

EXPIRE from/to

Earliest and latest volume and data set expiration dates to be included in the list.a

ACCESS from/to

Earliest and latest volume and data set last access dates to be included in the list.a


Only volumes and data sets that meet the selected status criteria are displayed:

Table 66 Inquire/Update Entry Panel SELECT BY STATUS Selection Criteria




Volumes that contain data sets (meaning, non-scratch), including volumes that are currently out of the library (checked out), vaulted, and volumes pending scratch.


Volumes that have been scratched, including those that are pending scratch or deleted.


Volumes under EDM control, including EDM volumes that are currently out of the library (checked out) and EDM volumes that are vaulted.


Vaulted volumes and volumes that are pending vault only.


External volumes that are currently out of the library (checked out) and external volumes that are vaulted.

ATL/VTS only

Volumes that currently reside in a robotic tape library.

WORM only

Active WORM volumes, including EDM WORM volumes.


Table 67 Inquire/Update DISPLAY OPTIONS




Display type (or format) of the Media Database list. Valid values:a

  • D – Data set format.
  • V – Volume format.
  • B – Format that lists both volumes and data sets.
  • S – System programmer format.

Examples of these formats are provided later in this chapter.

While in the Inquire/Update screen, the display type can be changed using the DISPLAY command.


Identifies whether Media Database information from data set records, volume records or both should be displayed. Valid values are:

  • Blank – The type of record to display is determined by specifications in the SELECT BY criteria fields. If data set criteria are specified (meaning, DSNAME), data set records are displayed (record type =D). If volume criteria are specified (meaning, MEDIA, VOLSER, SL-NAME, POOL, and LOCATION), volume records are displayed (record type =V). This is the recommended value.
  • D – Data set record information.
  • V – Volume record information.
  • DV – Data set record information, followed by corresponding volume record information.
  • VD – Volume record information, followed by corresponding data set record information.

The records are displayed in the format specified by field DISPLAY TYPE (see above).

A blank value for the RECORD TYPE field is recommended because:

  • When Control-M/Tape anticipates the desired record type, it is guaranteed that the volumes and data sets are listed in a logical, meaningful order.

  • The record type also determines the search method used by Control-M/Tape when listing the volumes and data sets. Leaving the RECORD TYPE field blank ensures that Control-M/Tape uses the optimal search method for a faster response time and best performance.

Control-M/Tape automatically selects an appropriate record type depending on the display type. The automatically selected record type can be overridden through a value specified in the RECORD TYPE field. This field should only be used when a sophisticated display is needed.

Choosing a record type that does not match the selection criteria forces Control-M/Tape to scan the database record by record, instead of retrieving records through the index. This can cause considerable delay in retrieval of relevant records.

Display of Date Fields

Date fields are displayed with either 2-character or 4-character years, depending on the value of the IOA profile parameter PDATELTH.

Media Database List Screen

The Media Database list displays the list of volumes and/or data sets that meet the selection criteria.

Information for the Media Database List screen is obtained from the following types of records in the Media Database:

Table 68 Media Database Record Types





Volume records

Contain volume information, such as VOLSER, SL-NAME, LOCATION, and FILES (total number of files on the volume).

Data set records

Contain data set information, such as DATASET NAME, RETENTION, and CR-DATE.

Volumes that are part of a group of volumes (meaning, when a data set spans multiple volumes) are displayed with an asterisk suffix.

Header Line

The Media Database list has a header line at the top of the screen indicating display types specified in the entry panel.

  DATABASE LIST < B / DV > --------------------------------------------------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
            O VOLSER/DATASET NAME                            CR-DATE   RETENTION     STATUS

Table 69 Media Database List Header Line Display Types



Display type

Valid values are:

  • V – Volume
  • D – Data set
  • B – Both
  • S – System programmer

Record type

Valid values are:

  • V – Volume
  • D – Data set
  • VD – Volumes followed by data sets
  • DV – Data sets followed by volumes

Display Types and Fields

For each kind of Media Database list, a number of predefined display types are available.

While in the Media Database List screen, the display type can be changed through the DISPLAY command. Format of the command is:


where x is the identifying letter for the desired type. DISPLAY can be abbreviated to DI.


displays the data set format.

Predefined values are:

  • D – Data set format.

  • V – Volume format.

  • B – Format that lists both volumes and data sets.

  • S – System programmer format.

These display types, and the fields they contain, are described in the following topics.

You can modify display types and define new display types to suit the your needs. For information, see the IOA administration chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Display Type V (Volume)

Figure 46 through Figure 49 show examples of display type V (Volume) for record type specifications D, V, DV, and VD. This display type presents volume and data set information in volume format. Fields are discussed below.

If the record type is D (Data set) when the display type is V (Volume), Control-M/Tape presents the volume information found in the data set records. (for example, VOLSER and FILE NUMBER).

Figure 46 Inquire/Update Display Type V (Volume), Record Type V (Volume)

 DATABASE LIST < V / V  > --------------------------------------------------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                BSTK01           3490       21/11/01   22/11/00   0000 MAINLIB  EDM Control 
                BSTK03           3490       15/07/01   22/11/00   0000 MAINLIB  Scratch     
                CTTCTT           TAPE         ***      16/07/01   0000 MAINLIB  Scratch     
                DFP001           CART       15/07/01              0000 MAINLIB  Scratch     
                EXT003           3590       07/11/01              0000 MAINLIB  Ext-Scratch 
                FD3726           3490       15/07/01   22/11/00   0000 MAINLIB  Scratch     
                FD3861           3490       15/07/01   22/11/00   0000 MAINLIB  Scratch     
                L14789           CARTL        ***                 0000 MAINLIB  Scratch     
                TI0001           3490       15/07/01   22/11/00   0000 MAINLIB  Scratch     
            UE0277           3490       15/07/01   22/11/00   0000 MAINLIB  Scratch

Figure 47 Inquire/Update Display Type V (Volume), Record Type D (Data Set)

 DATABASE LIST < V / D  > --------------------------------------------------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                O ---DATASET NAME----------------------------- FILE NUMBER        DS STATUS   
                K27.TEST.LBI                                        0001        Active      
                K27.TEST.T005                                       0005        Scratch     
                K28.TEST.T001                                       0001        Active      
                LIXT01                                              0001        Scratch     
                LIXT02                                              0002        Scratch     
                LIXT03                                              0003        Active      
                M04.JOB1                                            0001        Scratch     
                M04.JOB2                                            0001        Scratch     
                M04.JOB3                                            0001        Scratch     
            N65.CHECK.VAULT.AB1                                 0001        Active      

Figure 48 Inquire/Update Display Type V (Volume), Record Type VD (Volume/Data Set)

 DATABASE LIST < V / VD > --------------------------------------------------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                AAAAA5*      001 3490         ***                 0000 MAINLIB  Scratch     
                M04.JOB1                                           0001        Scratch     
                M04.JOB5                                           0001        Scratch     
                AAAAA6           3490         ***                 0001 MAINLIB  Pend-Vault  
                AAAAA7*      002 3490         ***                 0000 MAINLIB  Scratch     
                M04.JOB2                                           0001        Scratch     
                AAAAA8*      003 3490         ***                 0000 MAINLIB  Scratch     
                M04.JOB3                                           0001        Scratch     
                AAAAA9*      004 3490         ***                 0000 MAINLIB  Scratch     
            M04.JOB4                                           0001        Scratch    

Figure 49 Inquire/Update Display Type V (Volume), Record Type DV (Data Set/Volume)

 DATABASE LIST < V / DV > --------------------------------------------------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                O ---DATASET NAME----------------------------- FILE NUMBER        DS STATUS   
                M04.JOB1                                            0001        Scratch     
                AAAAA5*     001 3490         ***                 0000 MAINLIB  Scratch     
                M04.JOB2                                            0001        Scratch     
                AAAAA7*     002 3490         ***                 0000 MAINLIB  Scratch     
                M04.JOB3                                            0001        Scratch     
                AAAAA8*     003 3490         ***                 0000 MAINLIB  Scratch     
                M04.JOB4                                            0001        Scratch     
                AAAAA9*     004 3490         ***                 0000 MAINLIB  Scratch     
                M04.JOB5                                            0001        Scratch     
            AAAAA5*     001 3490         ***                 0000 MAINLIB  Scratch     

Table 70 Fields in Display Type V (Volume) for Volume Records




Volume serial number.


Sequential number of the volume within a multi-volume chain.


Media type.


Volume retention period.  A value of *** in the TI screen indicates that a specific expiration date cannot be determined because the retention is controlled by one of the following retention types:

  • EDM


Last access date of the volume.


Number of data sets stored on the volume.


Location of the volume.


Status of the volume. For more information, see Statuses of Volumes and Data Sets.

Table 71 Fields in Display Type V (Volume) for Data Set Records




Name of the data set.


Positional number of the data set on the volume.


Status of the data set. For more information, see Statuses of Volumes and Data Sets.

Display Type D (Data Set)

Figure 50 through Figure 53 show examples of display type D (Data set) for record type specifications D, V, DV, and VD. This display type presents volume and data set information in data set format. Fields of this display type are discussed on the following page.

If the record type is V (Volume) when the display type is D (Data set), Control-M/Tape presents the volume information found in the data set records. (for example, VOLSER and FILE NUMBER).

Figure 50 Inquire/Update Display Type D (Data Set), Record Type V (Volume)

 DATABASE LIST < D / V  > --------------------------------------------------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                O VOLSER     VOLSEQ                                                           
                AAAAA3                                 Files: 0000                          
                AAAAA4                                 Files: 0000                          
                AAAAA5*      001                       Files: 0000                          
                AAAAA6                                 Files: 0001                          
                AAAAA7*      002                       Files: 0000                          
                BSTK01                                 Files: 0000                          
                BSTK03                                 Files: 0000                          
                CTTCTT                                 Files: 0000                          
                DFP001                                 Files: 0000                          
            EXT003                                 Files: 0000                          

Figure 51 Inquire/Update Display Type D (Data Set), Record Type D (Data Set)

 DATABASE LIST < D / D  > --------------------------------------------------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                O ---DATASET NAME-----------------------------   VOLSER  RETENTION  STATUS    
                M04.ALL                                        UUUUU7  CATALOG    Active    
                M04.ALL                                        UUUUU9  03/02/02   Active    
                M04.ALL.O                                      UUUU11  03/02/02   Active    
                M04.JOB1                                       AAAAA5  CATALOG    Scratch   
                M04.JOB2                                       AAAAA7  CATALOG    Scratch   
                M04.JOB3                                       AAAAA8  CATALOG    Scratch   
                M04.JOB4                                       AAAAA9  CATALOG    Scratch   
                M04.JOB5                                       BBBB10  29/11/01   Scratch   
                M04.JOB5                                       AAAAA5  CATALOG    Scratch   
            M04.OOO                                        UUUUU6  CATALOG    Active    

Figure 52 Inquire/Update Display Type D (Data Set), Record Type VD (Volume/Data Set)

 DATABASE LIST < D / VD > --------------------------------------------------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                O VOLSER     VOLSEQ                                                           
                AAAAA3                                 Files: 0000                          
                AAAAA4                                 Files: 0000                          
                AAAAA5*      001                       Files: 0000                          
                M04.JOB1                                      AAAAA5  CATALOG    Scratch   
                M04.JOB5                                      AAAAA5  CATALOG    Scratch   
                AAAAA6                                 Files: 0001                          
                BBBB03                                 Files: 0001                          
                K28.TEST.T001                                 BBBB03  06/12/01   Active    
                BBBB04                                 Files: 0001                          
            K27.TEST.LBI                                  BBBB04  14/11/01   Active    

Figure 53 Inquire/Update Display Type D (Data Set), Record Type DV (Data Set/Volume)

 DATABASE LIST < D / DV > --------------------------------------------------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                O ---DATASET NAME-----------------------------   VOLSER  RETENTION  STATUS    
                K27.TEST.LBI                                   BABA04  14/11/01   Active    
                BABA04                                Files: 0001                          
                M04.ALL                                        UUUUU7  CATALOG    Active    
                UUUUU7                                Files: 0001                          
                M04.ALL                                        UUUUU9  03/02/02   Active    
                UUUUU9                                Files: 0001                          
                M04.ALL                                        UUUUU9  03/02/02   Active    
                UUUUU9                                Files: 0001                          
                M04.ALL.O                                      UUUU11  03/02/02   Active    
            UUUU11*     001                       Files: 0001                          

Table 72 Fields in Display Type D (Data Set) for Data Set Records




Name of the data set.


Volume serial number of the volume on which the data set is located.


Retention period for the data set.


Status of the data set. For more information, see Statuses of Volumes and Data Sets.

Table 73 Fields in Display Type D (Data Set) for Volume Records




Volume serial number.


Sequential number of the volume within a multi-volume chain.


Number of data sets stored on the volume.

Display Type B (Both)

Figure 54 through Figure 57 show examples of display type B (Both) for record type specifications D, V, DV, and VD. This display type presents volume and data set information in a format for both volumes and data sets. Fields are discussed on the following page.

Figure 54 Inquire/Update Display Type B (Both), Record Type V (Volume)

 DATABASE LIST < B / V  > --------------------------------------------------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                O VOLSER/DATASET NAME                            CR-DATE   RETENTION   STATUS 
                AAAAA3                                                    21/11/01   EDM-Expo
                AAAAA4                                                    04/12/01   Act-Expo
                AAAAA5*      001                                            ***      Scratch
                AAAAA6                                                      ***      Pend-Vau
                AAAAA7*      002                                            ***      Scratch
                AAAAA8*      003                                            ***      Scratch
                AAAAA9*      004                                            ***      Scratch
                BSTK01                                                    21/11/01   EDM Cont
                BSTK03                                                    15/07/01   Scratch
            CTTCTT                                                      ***      Scratch

Figure 55 Inquire/Update Display Type B (Both), Record Type D (Data Set)

 DATABASE LIST < B / D  > --------------------------------------------------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                O VOLSER/DATASET NAME                            CR-DATE   RETENTION   STATUS 
                K27.TEST.LBI                                   30/08/01   14/11/01   Active 
                K27.TEST.T005                                  23/01/01   07/12/01   Active 
                K28.TEST.T001                                  01/02/01   06/12/01   Active 
                LIXT01                                         19/11/01   21/11/01   Scratch
                LIXT01                                         03/12/01   CATALOG    Active 
                LIXT02                                         19/11/01   21/11/01   Scratch
                LIXT03                                         19/11/01   21/11/01   Scratch
                M04.ALL                                        04/12/01   CATALOG    Active 
                M04.ALL                                        05/12/01   03/02/02   Active 
            M04.ALL.JOB9                                   05/12/01   PERMANENT  Active 

Figure 56 Inquire/Update Display Type B (Both), Record Type VD (Volume/Data Set)

 DATABASE LIST < B / VD > --------------------------------------------------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                O VOLSER/DATASET NAME                            CR-DATE   RETENTION   STATUS 
                AAAAA3                                                    21/11/01   EDM-Expo
                AAAAA4                                                    04/12/01   Act-Expo
                AAAAA5*      001                                            ***      Scratch
                M04.JOB1                                      02/08/01   CATALOG    Scratch
                M04.JOB5                                      02/08/01   CATALOG    Scratch
                AAAAA6                                                      ***      Pend-Vau
                BBBB03                                                    06/12/01   Act-ATL
                K28.TEST.T001                                 01/02/01   06/12/01   Active 
                BBBB04                                                    14/11/01   Act-Out
            K27.TEST.LBI                                  30/08/01   14/11/01   Active 

Figure 57 Inquire/Update Display Type B (Both), Record Type DV (Data Set/Volume)

 DATABASE LIST < B / DV > --------------------------------------------------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                O VOLSER/DATASET NAME                            CR-DATE   RETENTION   STATUS 
                K27.TEST.LBI                                   30/08/01   14/11/01   Active 
                BABA04                                                   14/11/01   Act-Out
                K28.TEST.T001                                  01/02/01   06/12/01   Active 
                BABA03                                                   06/12/01   Act-ATL
                LIXT01                                         03/12/01   CATALOG    Active 
                RETEN                                                      ***      Ext-Acti
                M04.ALL                                        04/12/01   CATALOG    Active 
                UUUUU7                                                     ***      Ext-Acti
                M04.ALL                                        05/12/01   03/02/02   Active 
            UUUUU9                                                   03/02/02   Ext-Acti

Table 74 Fields in Display Type B (Both) for Volume and/or Data Set Records




Volume serial number or data set name (depending on the record being displayed).


Retention period for the volume or data set.


Expiration date of the volume or data set. A value of *** in the TI screen indicates that a specific expiration date cannot be determined because the retention is controlled by one of the following retention types:

  • EDM


Status of the volume or data set. For more information, see Statuses of Volumes and Data Sets

Display Type S (System Programmer)

Figure 58 through Figure 61 show examples of display type S (System Programmer) for record type specifications D, V, DV, and VD. This display type displays the same volume and data set information (in the same format) as display type B. This display type differs from display type B in that when additional information is requested (discussed in this chapter), this display type adds additional information fields that are relevant only to system programmers. Fields are discussed on the following page.

Figure 58 Inquire/Update Display Type S (System Programmer), Record Type V (Volume)

 DATABASE LIST < S / V  > --------------------------------------------------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                O VOLSER/DATASET NAME                            CR-DATE   RETENTION   STATUS 
                AAAAA3                                                    21/11/01   EDM-Expo
                AAAAA4                                                    04/12/01   Act-Expo
                AAAAA5*      001                                            ***      Scratch
                AAAAA6                                                      ***      Pend-Vau
                AAAAA7*      002                                            ***      Scratch
                AAAAA8*      003                                            ***      Scratch
                AAAAA9*      004                                            ***      Scratch
                BSTK01                                                    21/11/01   EDM Cont
                BSTK03                                                    15/07/01   Scratch
            CTTCTT                                                      ***      Scratch

Figure 59 Inquire/Update Display Type S (System Programmer), Record Type D (Data Set)

 DATABASE LIST < S / D  > --------------------------------------------------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                O VOLSER/DATASET NAME                            CR-DATE   RETENTION   STATUS 
                K27.TEST.LBI                                   30/08/01   14/11/01   Active 
                K27.TEST.T005                                  23/01/01   07/12/01   Active 
                K28.TEST.T001                                  01/02/01   06/12/01   Active 
                LIXT01                                         19/11/01   21/11/01   Scratch
                LIXT01                                         03/12/01   CATALOG    Active 
                LIXT02                                         19/11/01   21/11/01   Scratch
                LIXT03                                         19/11/01   21/11/01   Scratch
                M04.ALL                                        04/12/01   CATALOG    Active 
                M04.ALL                                        05/12/01   03/02/02   Active 
            M04.ALL.JOB9                                   05/12/01   PERMANENT  Active 

Figure 60 Inquire/Update Display Type S (System Programmer), Record Type VD (Volume/Data Set)

 DATABASE LIST < S / VD > --------------------------------------------------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                O VOLSER/DATASET NAME                            CR-DATE   RETENTION   STATUS 
                AAAAA3                                                    21/11/01   EDM-Expo
                AAAAA4                                                    04/12/01   Act-Expo
                AAAAA5*      001                                            ***      Scratch
                M04.JOB1                                      02/08/01   CATALOG    Scratch
                M04.JOB5                                      02/08/01   CATALOG    Scratch
                AAAAA6                                                      ***      Pend-Vau
                BSTK01                                                    21/11/01   EDM Cont
                BSTK03                                                    15/07/01   Scratch
                CTTCTT                                                      ***      Scratch
            DFP001                                                    15/07/01   Scratch

Figure 61 Inquire/Update Display TypeS (System Programmer), Record Type DV (Data Set/Volume)

 DATABASE LIST < S / DV > --------------------------------------------------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                O VOLSER/DATASET NAME                            CR-DATE   RETENTION   STATUS 
                K27.TEST.LBI                                   30/08/01   14/11/01   Active 
                BABA04                                                   14/11/01   Act-Out
                K28.TEST.T001                                  01/02/01   06/12/01   Active 
                BABA03                                                   06/12/01   Act-ATL
                LIXT01                                         03/12/01   CATALOG    Active 
                RETEN                                                      ***      Ext-Acti
                M04.ALL                                        04/12/01   CATALOG    Active 
                UUUUU7                                                     ***      Ext-Acti
                M04.ALL                                        05/12/01   03/02/02   Active 
            UUUUU9                                                   03/02/02   Ext-Acti

Table 75 Fields in Display Type S (System Programmer) for Volume and/or Data Set Records




Volume serial number or data set name (depending on the record being displayed).


Creation date of the volume or data set.


Retention period for the volume or data set. A value of *** in the TI screen indicates that a specific expiration date cannot be determined because the retention is controlled by one of the following retention types:

  • EDM


Status of the volume or data set. For more information, see Statuses of Volumes and Data Sets.

Additional Information Option and Fields

Specifying A (Additional Info) in the OPTION field of any volume or data set listed in the Media Database list alternately displays or hides additional information about the selected volume or data set.

The set of Additional Info fields displayed depends on whether you specified A on a volume line or on a data set line. For a volume line, fields relating to volume information are displayed. For a data set line, fields relating to data set information are displayed.

The type of line on which you specified A, not the screen display type, determines whether data set or volume information is displayed.

For display type S, Additional Info fields relevant to system programmers are displayed along with the standard Additional Info fields for the current line.

Descriptions of Additional Info fields are provided in the following topics for:

  • Volume Additional Info fields for all display types

  • Data set Additional Info fields for all display types

  • Volume Additional Info fields unique to display type S

  • Data set Additional Info fields unique to display type S

Additional Info for Volumes

Figure 62 Additional Information for Volumes Display

DATABASE LIST < V / V > ------------------------------------------------ (TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL===> CRSR
                K02002      002 REEL       06/06/00             001 MAINLIB   Vaulted
                GENERAL INFORMATION:
                Media Desc:     REEL-TAPE               Unit Name:       TAPE
                SL-Name:        K02002                  Pool Name:       $$NOPOOL
                Location:       MAINLIB                 Owner:           M27A
                Description:                            Vendor Name:
                Label Type:     NL                      Density:         3490
                Capacity Used:  00800KB 100%            Ret-Dataset:     0001
                Data Uncomp:    00800MB                 Physical vol:
                Use Count:      00000                   EXCP Count:      00000000
                Last Access:                            By Job:
                Last Modified:  06/06/01                By User: M27A
                Move Date:                              Return Date:
                Check-In Date:  05/05/01                Clean Date:
                Scratch Date:                           Last Label:
                ATL Interface:                          Tape Library:
                Stk Group:
                Volume Seq:     002                     First Volume:    KO2001
                Next Volume:                            Prev Volume:     KO2001
                I/O ERRORS:
                Read Temp:      002                     Read Perm:       000
                Write Temp:     000                     Write Perm:      000
                VAULTING INFORMATION:                   V-Dataset:       001
                Slot Num:       000                     Return Date:
                Box Id
                Vault Name:     VAULT1                  Entry Date:      06/06/01
                Retention:      VLT DAYS 0010
                ----------------------------- END OF RECORD --------------------------------
            USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                            18.01.59

Additional Info Fields for Volumes

The Additional Info fields for volumes are divided into the following categories:

  • General Information — General information about the volume

  • Multi-volume Information — Information about volumes that are part of a chain

  • I/O Errors — Total number of I/O errors for this volume.

  • Vaulting Information — Information about the vault pattern of the volume.

Not all categories are necessarily displayed. The categories displayed depend on information available for the selected volumes.

Table 76 Additional Info Fields for Volumes – General Information Fields



Media Desc

Description of the media (as specified in member CTTPARM).

A WORM volume is indicated with [WORM] after the description.

Generic Unit

MVS generic unit name.


Standard label name. Logical name of the volume.

Pool Name

Name of the pool with which the volume is associated (for scratch purposes).


Current location of the volume.


Owner of the volume.


Description of the volume.

Vendor Name

Name of the vendor.

Label Type

Type of the label.


For 3400 unit types: Tape recording density.
For other tape devices: Tape recording technique.

Capacity Used

Combined size of all active data sets on the volume, and the percentage of the volume that is occupied by these data sets.


Data set that determines the retention period of the volume.

Data Uncomp

Uncompressed size of all active data sets on the volume.

Use Count

Number of times the volume has been "used" (for example, accessed).

EXCP Count

Number of EXCPs performed on this volume since it was last scratched.

Last Access

Date of last access of the volume.

By Job

Name of the job that last accessed the volume.

Last Modified

Date of last modification of the volume record.

By User

User who last modified the volume record.

Move Date

Last date the volume was moved.

Return Date

Date the volume should return to the active library.

Check-In Date

Date the volume was checked into the active library.

Clean Date

Date the volume was last cleaned.

Scratch Date

Date the volume was scratched.

Last Label

Last label number on the volume.

ATL Interface

Name of the Automated Tape Library interface used by Control-M/Tape to access the library to which the volume belongs.

Tape Library

Name of the robotic tape library (if the volume resides in a robot).

Stk group

Name of the stacking group.


Worldwide Identifier of the WORM volume.


Write Mount Count of the WORM volume.

Table 77 Additional Info Fields for Volumes – Multi-Volume Information Fields



Volume Seq

Sequence number of the volume.

First Volume

First volume in the chain.

Next Volume

Next volume in the chain.

Prev Volume

Previous volume in the chain.

Table 78 Additional Info Fields for Volumes– I/O Errors Fields



Read Temp

Number of temporary read errors for this volume.

Read Perm

Number of permanent read errors for this volume.

Write Temp

Number of temporary write errors for this volume.

Write Perm

Number of permanent write errors for this volume.

Table 79 Additional Info Fields for Volumes– Vaulting Information Fields




Label number of the data set that determined the vault pattern.

Slot Num

Slot number indicating where the volume is located in the vault.

Return Date

Date on which the volume should be returned from the active library to the vault (after the RECALL option was specified).

Box ID

Name of the box containing the volume.

Vault Name

Name of the vault.

Entry Date

Date the volume entered the vault.


Period for which the data set is retained in that vault.

Additional Info for Data Sets

Figure 63 Additional Info for Data Sets Display

 DATABASE LIST < D / D  > ------------------------------------------------  (TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                O ---DATASET NAME-----------------------------   VOLSER RETENTION   STATUS
                DSN230.DB2P.IMAGCOPY.A1SAVLK                   005169  10/10/00   Active
                GENERAL INFORMATION:                                                 
                Sequence #:     0005                    # of Volumes:   001          
                Rec Format:     FB                      Rec Length:     00460        
                Block Size:     0000009200              Block Count:    000004       
                Comp Size:      00028KB-001%            Tape Format:    128TRACK     
                Uncomp Size:    00036KB                                              
                Use Count:      00001                   EXCP Count:     00000004     
                Modified:       06/12/01                By User:        M04          
                Job Account:                                                         
                Stk Group:      RETENTION INFORMATION:                               
                Source:         INST PARM                                            
                Retention:      DATE       08/08/00                                  
                CREATION INFORMATION:                                                
                Date:           06/06/00                Time:           03:58        
                Job Name:       MM20DBP                 Step Name:      DSNTIUT      
                PGM Name:                               DD Name:                     
                UCB Addr:                               CPU ID:                      
                Created By:                             JCL EXPDT:                   
                SMS MGMTCLS:                                                         
                LAST READ INFORMATION:                                               
                Date:           06/06/00                Time:           04:00        
                Job Name:       MM20DBP                 Step Name:      DSNTIUT      
                PGM Name:                               DD Name:                     
                UCB Addr:                               CPU ID:                      
                LAST WRITE INFORMATION:                                              
                Date:           06/06/00                Time:           04:02        
                Job Name:       MM20DBP                 Step Name:      DSNTIUT      
                PGM Name:                               DD Name:                     
                UCB Addr:                               CPU ID:                      
            USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                       18.29.45

The Additional Info fields for data sets are divided into the following categories:

  • General Information — General Information about the data set

  • Retention Information — Information about data set retention.

  • Creation Information — Information about the creation of the data set.

  • Last Read Information —Information about the last time the data set was read.

  • Last Write Information — Information about the last time the data set was written.

Not all categories are necessarily displayed. The categories displayed depend on information available for selected data sets.

Table 80 Additional Info Fields for Fields – General Information Fields



Sequence #

Position (label) number of the data set in the sequence of data sets on the volume.

# of Volumes

Number of volumes on which this data set is contained.

Rec Format

Record format type.

Rec Length

Record length.

Block Size

Block size.

Block Count

Number of blocks.

Comp Size

Compressed data set size and the percentage of the volume that is occupied by this data set.

Uncomp Size

Uncompressed data set size.


For 3400 unit types: Tape recording density.
For other tape devices: Tape recording technique.

Use Count

Number of times the data set was accessed or used.

EXCP Count

Number of EXCPs (READ and WRITE) performed on the data set since its creation.


Date of last modification of the data set record.

By User

User who last modified the data set record.

Job Account

Job account of the job that created the data set.

Stk group

Name of the stacking group.

Table 81 Additional Info Fields for Fields – Retention Information Fields




Source of the retention information (for example, rule, JCL, installation parameters).


Period for which the data set is retained.

Table 82 Additional Info Fields for Fields – Creation Information Fields




Date the data set was created.


Time the data set was created.

Job Name

Name of the job that created the data set.

Step Name

Name of the step that created the data set.

PGM Name

Name of the program that created the data set.

DD Name

Name of DD statement.

UCB Addr

UCB address of the unit on which the data set was created.


ID of the CPU.

Created By

User ID of the job that created the file.


Expiration date from the JCL.


DFSMS Management Class.

Table 83 Additional Info Fields for Fields – Last Read Information Fields




Date the data set was last read.


Time the data set was last read.

Job Name

Name of the job that last read the data set.

Step Name

Name of the step that last read the data set.

PGM Name

Name of the program that last read the data set.

DD Name

Name of DD statement.

UCB Addr

UCB address of the unit on which the data set was read.


ID of the CPU.

Table 84 Additional Info Fields for Fields – Last Write Information Fields




Date the data set was last written.


Time the data set was last written.

Job Name

Name of the job that last wrote the data set.

Step Name

Name of the step that last wrote the data set.

PGM Name

Name of the program that last wrote the data set.

DD Name

Name of DD statement.

UCB Addr

UCB address of the unit on which the data set was written.


ID of the CPU.

Additional Info for Display Type S

The System Programmer display type (S) displays more Additional Info fields than the other display types. In fact, an entire category of fields (Status Information) is added before the General Information category. The screens and field descriptions of Additional Info fields for both volumes and data sets for display type S are described on the following pages.

Figure 64 Additional Info for Volumes – Display Type S

 DATABASE LIST < S / V  > -------------------------------------------------  (TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                O VOLSER/DATASET NAME                            CR-DATE   RETENTION   STATUS
                WORK02*                                                   11/10/00   Active
                STATUS INFORMATION:                                                   
                Status 1:       80                      Status 2:       00            
                Status 3:       00                      Status 4:       00            
                Record RBA:     00000105                                              
                GENERAL INFORMATION:                                                  
                Media Desc:     CARTRIDGE               Unit Name:      3490          
                SL-Name:        WORK02                  Pool Name:      $$NOPOOL      
                Location:       MAINLIB                 Owner:          M27A          
                Description:    THIS IS A TEST VOL      Vendor Name:    CTT           
                Label Type:     SL                      Tape Format:    128TRACK      
                Capacity Used:  00800KB 100%            Ret-Dataset:    0001          
                Data Uncomp:    00800MB                 Physical vol:                 
                Use Count:      00000                   EXCP Count:     00000000      
                Last Access:    04/04/00                By Job:         JOB1          
                Last Modified:  03/03/00                By User:        M27A          
                Move Date:      02/02/00                Return Date:                  
                Check-In Date:                          Clean Date:     02/02/00      
                Scratch Date:   01/01/00                Last Label:     001           
                In-Use Date:                            Job Used:                     
                User Field:                             Files:                        
                ATL Interface:                          Tape Library:                 
                Block ID:       00000000                Block ID LABEL: 0000          
                Stk Group:                                                            
                Volume Seq:     002                     First Volume:   WORK01        
                Next Volume:    WORK03                  Prev Volume:    WORK01        
                I/O ERRORS:                                                           
                Read Temp:      011                     Read Perm:      013           
                Write Temp:     000                     Write Perm:     000           
                VAULTING INFORMATION:                   V-Dataset:      001           
                Slot Num:       002                     DSname Pref LTH 000           
                Box ID:                                 Return Date:                  
                Vault Name:     VAULT1                  Entry Date:                   
                Retention       CYCLE      0003                                       
            USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                            15.42.13

Only Additional Info fields unique to display type S are described in Table 85. Descriptions of all other fields can be found in the previous tables.

Table 85 Additional Information Fields for Volumes - Display Type S




Status information from the Volume record, displayed in hexadecimal (Hex) format. For an explanation of the codes, see Status Codes in the Inquire/Update Screen.

Record RBA

The internal identifier of the database record.

Physical vol

The VTS physical exported stacked volume.

In-use Date

The last date that the volume was accessed ("used").

Job Used

The name of the job that last used the volume.

User Field

The field in the volume record in which the user can add up to 20 characters of free text (for example, in a user exit).


The number of files on the volume.

Block ID

The physical location of the end of the last data set on the volume.


The label of the last data set on the volume.

DSname Pref LTH

The number of characters (maximum: 44) in the data set name prefix (determined by the ON DATASET statement of the rule selected during data set creation).

Figure 65 Additional Info for Data Sets – Display Type S

  DATABASE LIST < S / D  > ------------------------------------------------  (TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                O VOLSER/DATASET NAME                            CR-DATE    EX-DATE    STATUS
                M21.FILE1                                     01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
                STATUS INFORMATION:                                                   
                Status 1:       80                      Status 2:       00            
                Status 3        00                      Last Action     W             
                Record RBA:     00001708                                              
                GENERAL INFORMATION:                                                  
                Sequence #:     0005                    # of Volumes:   001           
                Rec Format:     FB                      Rec Length:     00460         
                Block Size:     0000009200              Block Count:    000004        
                Comp Size:      00028KB-001%            Tape Format:    256TRACK      
                Uncomp Size:    00036KB                                               
                Use Count:      00001                   EXCP Count:     00000004      
                Modified:       06/12/01                By User:        M04           
                User Field:                             DSname Pref LTH 044           
                Stk Group:                              Block ID        00000000      
                RETENTION INFORMATION:                                                
                CREATION INFORMATION:                                                 
                Date:           01/01/00                Time:           17:45         
                Job Name:       JOB1                    Step Name:      STEP1         
                PGM Name:       PGM1                    DD Name:        DDNAME1       
                UCB Addr:       280                     CPU ID:                       
                Created By:                             JCL EXPDT:                    
                Step CC:                                SMS MGMTCLS:                  
                Job Account:                                                          
                LAST READ INFORMATION:                                                
                Date:           05/05/00                Time:           17:45         
                Job Name:       JOB1                    Step Name:      STEP1         
                PGM Name:       PGM1                    DD Name:        DDNAME1       
                UCB Addr:       280                     CPU ID:                       
                Step CC:                                                              
                LAST WRITE INFORMATION:                                               
                Date:           06/06/00                Time:           17:49         
                Job Name:       JOB1                    Step Name:      STEP1         
                PGM Name:       PGM1                    DD Name:        DDNAME1       
                UCB Addr:       280                     CPU ID:                       
                Step CC:                                                              
                ----------------------------- END OF RECORD --------------------------------
            USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                           15.43.06

Only Additional Info fields unique to display type S are described Table 86. Descriptions of all other fields can be found in the previous tables.

Table 86 Additional Info Fields for Data Sets – Display Type S



Status1 / Status2 / Status3

Status information from the data set record, displayed in hexadecimal (Hex) format. For an explanation of the codes, see Status Codes in the Inquire/Update Screen.

Last Action

The operation performed the last time the data set was accessed. Valid values are:

  • C — Create
  • R — Read
  • W — Write

Record RBA

The internal identifier of the database record.

User Field

Field in which the user can add up to 20 characters of free text (for example, in a user exit).

DSname Pref LTH

Number of characters (maximum: 44) in the data set name prefix (determined by the ON DATASET statement of the rule selected during data set creation).

Step CC

Condition code of the step in which the data set was created, read, or written.

Statuses of Volumes and Data Sets

The STATUS field indicates the current volume and data set status. The following statuses may appear:

Table 87 Statuses of Volumes and Data Sets




The volume is active and resides in an automated tape library.


The data set is active and in a grace period.


The volume is a logical volume, which means that it resides in a VTS, and is active.


The volume is not available to Control-M/Tape Dynamic Stacking feature.


The volume that is currently active is out of the active library.


The volume that is currently active is vaulted based on the vaulting patterns specified in the rule definition (meaning, it might become a vaulted volume during maintenance procedures).


The volume that is currently active was recalled from a vault.


The data set was recreated.


The volume has been returned from all the vaults specified in this vaulting pattern.


The data set was stacked by Control-M/Tape Dynamic Stacking feature.


The volume that is in the active library is currently in use.


The volume, either logical or physical, is a WORM volume.


The volume or data set is active.


The volume has been marked as deleted.


The volume is managed by an External Data Manager and resides in an automated tape library.

EDM Control

The volume that is managed by an External Data Manager is currently in the active library.


The volume that is managed by an External Data Manager is currently exported out of the VTS environment.


The volume is a logical volume, thus means resides in a VTS. And the volume is managed by an External Data Manager.


The volume that is managed by an External Data Manager is currently out of the active library.


The volume that is an external volume is vaulted based on the vaulting patterns specified in the rule definition (meaning, it may become a vaulted volume during maintenance procedures).


The volume that is managed by an External Data Manager is currently in a vault.


The volume, which is a logical or physical WORM volume, is managed by an External Data Manager.


The volume that is an external volume is currently in the active library.


The volume that is an external volume is currently exported out of the VTS environment.


The volume that is an external volume is currently out of the active library.


The volume that is an external volume is now a scratch volume.


The volume that is an external volume is currently in a vault.


The data set was closed under abend.


The volume is pending scratch (meaning, it becomes a scratch volume during maintenance procedures).


The volume that is currently active is vaulted because the user selected option V (Vault) for this volume. (The status of the volume changes to Vaulted during maintenance procedures.)


The volume is scratch and resides in an automated tape library.


The volume is a logical volume, which means that it resides in a VTS, and is scratch.


The volume that is a scratch volume is currently out of the active library.


The volume or data set is a scratch volume or data set.

Vault Recall

The volume is recalled from the vault during maintenance procedures.


The volume is currently in a vault as a result of a manual vault request.


The volume that is currently in a vault is pending scratch (meaning, it becomes a scratch volume during maintenance procedures).


The volume is currently in a vault.


The volume is vaulted and resides in an automated tape library.


The volume is vaulted and exported out of the VTS.


The volume is a logical volume, thus means resides in a VTS. And the volume is vaulted.

Search Control Window

When a database list is requested, Control-M/Tape tries to fill the entire screen display with selected records. If Control-M/Tape has searched a specified threshold number of database records without filling the screen, and more records remain to be searched, Control-M/Tape interrupts the search and displays the Search Control window. This window enables the user to specify what Control-M/Tape should do next.

The default threshold number for searched records is initially specified in the IOA Global profile.

The Search Control window displays the number of records that have been searched or selected, and allows you to specify whether Control-M/Tape should

  • stop searching the remaining records and display the records already selected

  • continue searching the Media Database list, pausing periodically (after a user-specified number of records have been searched) to allow the search to be stopped, if desired

  • search until the entire screen is filled (an unconditional search)

You can change the number of records Control-M/Tape searches by specifying a new number in the window, or by requesting that your INCONTROL administrator edit the IOA Global profile directly and change the value specified for profile parameter SINSLMT.

Figure 66 Search Control Window

  DATABASE LIST < V / D  > ------------------------------------------------  (TI)
                COMMAND ===>   +----------------------------------------------+ SCROLL===> CRSR
                O ---DATASET N |                                              |   DS STATUS
                DSN230.DB2P. |    NUMBER OF REJECTED RECORDS:   001001      |   Active
                ====== >>>>>>> |    NUMBER OF SELECTED RECORDS:   000004      |<<<<<<<<< ======
                |                                              |
                |    PLEASE SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING:       |
                |                                              |
                |    1 - STOP SEARCH IMMEDIATELY               |
                |    2 - ASK AGAIN AFTER 001000 RECORDS        |
                |    3 - UNCONDITIONAL SEARCH                  |
                |                                              |

            USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                            14.39.39

The following fields are displayed:

Table 88 Fields of the Search Control WIndow




Indicates how many records were rejected by Control-M/Tape.


Indicates of how many records were selected by Control-M/Tape.

The following options are available:


Search is terminated. Records that have been selected until this option was issued are displayed.


Search is resumed until the specified number of records has been searched. At this point, the Search Control window is displayed again, allowing the user to continue or cancel the search.


Search is resumed until the entire screen is filled or until all the records in the Media Database have been searched.

Commands of the Media Database List Screen

Use the FIND command to search for a specified string in the Media Database list.

Use the END command (PF03/PF15) to exit the Media Database list and return to the entry panel.

Use the =X command to exit the entire IOA Online facility. You are then returned to your normal operating environment.

Commands specific to the Media Database List include:

Table 89 Commands of the Media Database List Screen




The REFRESH command refreshes the display of the current Inquire/Update screen. The previously specified selection criteria are activated again, and an updated list is displayed.


While in a Media Database list, you can change the display type by using the DISPLAY command. The format of the command is:


where x is the identifying letter for the desired type. DISPLAY can be abbreviated DI.


displays the Volume display type of the Media Database list.


The SHOW command (PF02/PF14) opens the Show Option window that is used to specify show criteria to determine what is shown in the Inquire/Update screen. For additional information, see Show Option Window.


The OPT Command alternately displays or removes the list of Inquire/Update screen options at the bottom of the screen. For more information, see Displaying Line Options.


Command SORT sorts the records displayed in the Inquire/Update screen according to a specified record field. The format of the command is:

SORT field [order]


field is the field used as a sort key for the displayed records. Mandatory. Valid field names are the External names listed in the tables in Appendix D in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

The fields that can be used to sort the display depend on the type of record currently displayed.

If data set records are currently displayed, only data set record fields can be specified.

If volume records are currently displayed, only volume record fields can be specified.

order is the order in which the records should be sorted. Optional. Valid values:

  • A – Ascending order. Default.
  • D – Descending order.

Show Option Window

The Show Option window allows you to specify criteria to determine which volumes is included in the display. To open the window, specify the SHOW command in the COMMAND field of the Media Database List screen, or press PF02. Change criteria by making the desired changes in the appropriate fields. When all the desired changes have been typed in, press Enter.

Figure 67 Media Database List Screen Option Window

 DATABASE LIST < V / V  > ------------------------------------------------  (TI)
                COMMAND ===>   +--------------------------------------------------------------+
                O VOLSER    VO |                   PLEASE SELECT SHOW OPTION                  |
                V00001       |   VOLUME FIELDS:                                             |
                V00002       |                                                              |
                V00003       |   L-ACCESS JOB                     FILE NUM                  |
                V00004       |   USAGE PERCENT                    MOVE DATE                 |
                V00005       |   USE COUNT                        OWNER                     |
                ====== >>>>>>> |   EXCP COUNT                       TAPE LIB                  |

            USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                             19.29.54

The following selection criteria are available:

Selection criteria marked with the symbol C permit character masking. Character masking is discussed in this chapter.

Table 90 Selection Criteria of the Show Option Window




Includes only volumes where the specified job was the last job to access the volume.


Includes volumes that have filled or utilized a percentage of their media that is less than, greater than, or equal to the specified usage percent n as specified.

n – Include volumes whose percent usage is equal to n.

>n – Include volumes whose percent usage is greater than n.

<n – Include volumes whose percent usage is less than n.


Includes only volumes with the specified use-count.


Includes only volumes whose EXCP count is equal to the indicated EXCP count.

n – Include volumes whose number of data sets is equal to n.

>n – Include volumes whose number of data sets is greater than n.

<n – Include volumes whose number of data sets is less than n.


Includes only volumes that were moved on the indicated date.


Includes only volumes that are owned by the indicated owner.


Includes only volumes that reside in the specified robotic tape library.

Displaying Line Options

The OPT command alternatively displays or removes the list of Media Database List options at the bottom of the screen.   

For a description of these options, see Options of the Media Database List Screen.

Figure 68 Displaying Line Options in the Media Database List Screen

 DATABASE LIST < B / VD > ------------------------------------------------  (TI)
 COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
 O VOLSER/DATASET NAME                            CR-DATE   RETENTION   STATUS
   RKL006                                                               Active
    AFILE                                         01/01/23   CYCL 003   Active
    AFILE                                         01/01/23   CYCL 003   Active
   RKL007                                                               Active
    AFILE                                         01/01/23   CYCL 003   Active
    AFILE                                         **/**/**   CYCL 003   Active
   VER001                                                    06/06/23   Pend-Scr
    ACC.RS.TE.FF.ACC18.A.RCC70V00                 01/01/23   06/06/23   Pend-Scr
   VER003                                                    12/12/23   Act-Worm
    ACC.YEARND.MOVE.TSSBAC.FILECHEK.KEE23V00      01/01/23   12/12/23   Active
   VER004                                                    12/12/23   EDM Cont
    ACC.YEARND.MOVE.TSSBAC.FILECHEK.KEE23V00      01/01/23   12/12/23   EDM Cont
   VER005                                                    02/02/23   Vaulted
    ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RSSN.V3322276.BAT3005       01/01/23   02/02/23   Active
    ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0559V00               01/01/23   02/02/23   Active
    ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0558V00               01/01/23   02/02/23   Active
    ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0557V00               01/01/23   02/02/23   Active
    ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0556V00               01/01/23   02/02/23   Active
    ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0555V00               01/01/23   02/02/23   Active
    ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0554V00               01/01/23   02/02/23   Active
    ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0553V00               01/01/23   02/02/23   Active

Options of the Media Database List Screen

Options marked with a Vapply to volumes only. If unmarked, the option applies to both volumes and data sets.

Table 91 Options of the Media Database List Screen




Toggle between displaying and hiding additional volume and data set information. (See examples provided in this section.)


List the data sets, if specified for a volume. List the volumes, if specified for a data set. The data sets and volumes appear below the specified data set or volume. These data sets or volumes are indented.

This option is a toggle – specifying S again removes the listed data sets or volumes from the display.


Display the appropriate update panel to enable update of the record in the Control-M/Tape Media Database. Either the Volume Update panel or the Dataset Update panel is displayed, depending on the type of record for which option U is specified. For additional information, see Volume Update Panel and Dataset Update Panel.


Cause a (nonvaulted) volume or data set to expire.

A confirmation window is displayed. For additional information, see Expiring Volumes and Data Sets.

To expire a vaulted volume, retrieve the volume from the vault (through option R) and then expire the volume.


Extend the expiration date of a data set or volume, and (when a volume is scratch) change the status to Active (meaning, unscratch the volume). A confirmation window is displayed. For additional information, see Extending the Retention Period of Data Sets and Volumes.


Display related volumes in the chain of multi-volume to which the currently selected volume belongs.


Print an external (meaning, gummed) label.


Check out (borrow) a volume from the library. A confirmation window is displayed. For additional information, see Checking Out Volumes for Borrowing.


Return a volume that was previously checked out (meaning, the OUT indicator is removed). A confirmation window is displayed. For additional information, see Returning Borrowed Volumes (Back-In-Lib).


Mark a volume to be sent to a specific vault during maintenance procedures. A confirmation window is displayed. For additional information, see Vaulting Volumes.


Retrieve (recall) a volume from its current vault. Specify if and when the volume is to be returned to the vault when selecting this option. A confirmation window is displayed. For additional information, see Recalling Volumes.


Toggle between setting on and setting off the delete status on the volume record. A confirmation window is displayed. For additional information, see Deleting Volumes.


Indicate the volume was cleaned. A confirmation window is displayed. For additional information, see Cleaning Volumes.


Remove the In-Use status from the volume record.

Volume Update Panel

Option U (Update) can be used to manually update the Media Database with changes to volume and data set records.

Specify option U in the Option field to the left of the record to be updated. Depending on whether the record is a volume or a data set record, the Volume Update panel or the Dataset Update panel is displayed. These update panels are discussed below.

The Volume Update panel is displayed when option U is specified for a volume record in screen TI.

Figure 69 Volume Update Panel

                            VOLUME UPDATE PANEL                          (TI.UV)
 COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
   VOLSER       B00001                             STATUS      Ext-Active
   SL-NAME      B00001                             OWNER
   MEDIA TYPE   3490                               MEDIA DESC  CARTRIDGE
   RETENTION    PERMANENT                          RET-DATASET 001
   LOCATION     MAINLIB                            MOVE DATE
   CHECKIN DATE 020400                             RETURN DATE
   ATL INTR                                        TAPE LIBR
   ACTIVE DS#   001                                LAST LABEL  001
   CAPACITY USD 00000 (MB)000%                     EXCP COUNT  00000000
   DATA UNCOMP  00800(MB)
   LAST ACCESS                                     BY JOB
   CLEAN COUNT  00000                              CLEAN DATE
   ========================= VAULTING INFORMATION ============================
   V-DATASET    000                                SLOT NUM    000000
   VAULT NAME                                      ENTRY DATE
     RETENTION                                                   And/Or
   VAULT NAME                                      ENTRY DATE
     RETENTION                                                   And/Or
   VAULT NAME                                      ENTRY DATE
     RETENTION                                                   And/Or

   ========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> E N D  O F  R E C O R D <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =========

Fields of the Volume Update Panel

The fields of the Volume Update panel are described below.

Fields that cannot be updated are protected. On color monitors, values that can be updated appear in yellow, and those that cannot appear in blue. (On monochrome monitors, all values are displayed with the same visual attributes.)

By default, date values are specified in the site standard 6-character format (for example, mmddyy). However, if 8 is specified for IOA profile variable PDATELTH, date values are specified in the site standard eight character format (for example, mmddyyyy). Time values must be specified in hhmm format.

A change of value in certain fields can affect the values in dependent fields. In such cases, the changed value and dependent values are displayed in red (on color monitors, until Enter is pressed) and, in certain instances, dependent values are automatically changed.

For example, when the value in field MEDIA TYPE is changed from 3490 to TAPE, that field and fields MEDIA DESC, CAPACITY USED and SLOT NUM appear in red, and the value in field MEDIA DESC is automatically changed from CARTRIDGE to REEL-TAPE.

Such dependencies, when they occur, are indicated in the field descriptions that follow.

Table 92 Fields of the Volume Update Panel




Volume serial number. Cannot be updated.


Status of the volume. (Refer to "Statuses of the Inquire/Update Screen" in this chapter.) Generally, cannot be updated. However, may be automatically updated if the value of related field MEDIA TYPE is changed.

General Information:


Standard label name. Logical name of the volume.


Owner of the volume.


Media type. A change to MEDIA TYPE can affect the following fields:


Automatically updated.


The Capacity Used value remains unchanged, but the Percentage Used value is automatically updated.


Affected only if the volume is vaulted.


Description of the media (as specified in member CTTPARM). Generally, cannot be updated. However, may be automatically updated if the value of related field MEDIA TYPE is changed.


Description of the volume.


Name of the vendor.


Name of the stacking group.

Retention and Location information:


Volume retention criteria.a  A change to this field does not change the actual expiration date (that is generally determined by the latest expiration date of the data sets in the volume). However, a change to data set retention criteria in the Dataset Update panel can cause an automatic recalculation of this value (see the description of field RETENTION in Dataset Update Panel).


Data set that determines the retention period of the volume. Control-M/Tape frequently modifies this field; it is therefore recommended that you not modify it.


Current location of the volume. Can be updated for active volumes only. Cannot be updated for scratch volumes.

Changing the value of this field is equivalent to immediately moving a volume to another location. A change to LOCATION can affect the following fields:


Automatically updated with the current date if it was not manually updated since entering the Volume Update panel.


Automatically changed to one of the following statuses (depending on the specified situation):


If LOCATION is changed from MAINLIB and no vault pattern is specified for the volume.


If LOCATION is changed to MAINLIB and no value pattern is specified for the volume.


If LOCATION is changed from MAINLIB and a vault pattern is specified for the volume.


If LOCATION is changed to MAINLIB and a vault pattern is specified for the volume.


Affected only if the volume is vaulted in the new location.


Affected only if the volume is vaulted in the new location. Because the current slot number may be occupied in the new location, it is recommended that SLOT NUM be set to zeros so that an unoccupied slot is automatically assigned in the new location. (See the description of SLOT NUM below.)


Automatically updated to match the MOVE DATE if the volume is vaulted in the new location.


Last date the volume was moved. If this field was not manually updated since entering the Volume Update panel, it is automatically updated to the current date when the value of the LOCATION field is changed.


Date the volume was checked into the active library.


Date the volume should return to the active library.


Name of the Automated Tape Library interface used by Control-M/Tape to access the library to which the volume belongs.


Name of the robotic tape library (if the volume resides in a robot).

Usage Information:


Number of data sets stored on the volumea. Can be updated for active volumes only, but not for scratch volumes. A change to ACTIVE DS# can affect field LAST LABEL.


Last label number on the volume. Can be updated for active volumes only, but not for scratch volumes. A change to LAST LABEL can affect field ACTIVE DS#.


Space currently in use on the volume (followed by the percentage of the total volume capacity this value represents). Can be updated for active volumes only, but not for Scratch volumes. (The percentage used value is protected but automatically updated if the CAPACITY USED value or MEDIA TYPE field is changed.)


Uncompressed size.


Number of EXCPs performed on this volume since it was last scratched.


Date of the last access of the volume.


Job that last accessed the volume.


Number of times option C (Clean) was specified for the volume in screen TI.


Date the volume was last cleaned.


Number of times the volume has been used (accessed).

User Information:


Free text.

Vaulting Information:

Only the first three vault entries are displayed.

If the total number of vault entries in the vault pattern for active volumes does not exceed three, vault information can be updated .

Vault information fields are protected for scratch volumes and for active volumes that have more than three vault entries.


Label number of the data set that determines the vault pattern.


Slot number indicating where the volume is located in the vault. This field is affected by changes to field LOCATION, VAULT NAME and MEDIA TYPE.

When the user confirms changes upon exiting the Volume Update panel (see "Exiting the Volume Update panel" in this chapter), if field SLOT NUM or dependent fields have been changed, first the Volume record and then the Slot Definition record are updated. If SLOT NUM was changed to zero, the first available unoccupied slot in the Slot Definition record is automatically assigned to the volume.

If an error is detected when the Slot Definition record is being updated (for example, the specified slot number is in use by another volume), the Slot Definition record is not updated and the Volume Update panel is redisplayed to enable the user to correct the error. Note, however, that the Volume record has already been updated. At this point there is a discrepancy between the Slot Definition record and the Volume record. When this happens the user can do one of the following:

Correct the errors and press END to exit. In this case, if there are no errors, there is no confirmation window but both the Volume record and Slot Definition record are updated with the newest values. (If there are still errors, the Volume Update panel is redisplayed.)

Specify the CANCEL command to exit the Volume Update panel. In this case, the discrepancy between the Volume record and the Slot Definition record remains (and the same slot is used by at least two volumes).


Name of the vault. When a vault name is defined, field RETENTION is mandatory.


Date the volume entered the vault.


Retention period of the volume in the vault. Valid format and values are the same as for the UNTIL value of statement DO VAULT (for example, DATE date, MVS CATALOG, CYCLES cycles). For more information, see DO VAULT: Action Parameter.

Exiting the Volume Update Panel

To exit from the Volume Update panel to screen TI, press (PF03/PF15) END, or type CANCEL in the COMMAND field (to cancel the changes).

If changes have been made in the Volume Update panel and you exit by pressing (PF03/PF15) END, screen TI is displayed with the following confirmation window:

Figure 70 Volume Update Panel Exit Confirmation Window

 DATABASE LIST < B / VD > ------------------------------------------------  (TI)
 COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
 O VOLSER/DATASET NAME                           CR-DATE    RETENTION   STATUS
   RKL006                                                               Active
    AFILE                                        01/01/00    CYCL 003   Active
    AFILE                +----------------------+01/01/00    CYCL 003   Active
   U RKL007         <----- |   CONFIRM     (Y/N)  |                       Active
    AFILE                +----------------------+01/01/00    CYCL 003   Active
    AFILE                                        **/**/**    CYCL 003   Active
   VER001                                                    06/06/00   Pend-Scr
    ACC.RS.TE.FF.ACC18.A.RCC70V00                01/01/00    06/06/00   Pend-Scr
   VER003                                                    12/12/00   Active
    ACC.YEARND.MOVE.TSSBAC.FILECHEK.KEE23V00     01/01/00    12/12/00   Active
   VER005                                                    06/06/00   Vaulted
    ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RSSN.V3322276.BAT3005      01/01/00    12/12/00   Active
    ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0559V00              01/01/00    12/12/00   Active
    ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0558V00              01/01/00    12/12/00   Active
    ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0557V00              01/01/00    12/12/00   Active
    ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0556V00              01/01/00    12/12/00   Active
    ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0555V00              01/01/00    12/12/00   Active
    ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0554V00              01/01/00    12/12/00   Active
    ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0553V00              01/01/00    12/12/00   Active
    ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0552V00              01/01/00    12/12/00   Active
 USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                           11.05.09
  • Enter Y (Yes) and the update is performed.

  • Enter N (No) and the update is not performed.

Dataset Update Panel

The Dataset Update panel is displayed when option U is specified for a data set record in screen TI.

Figure 71 Dataset Update Panel

                            DATASET UPDATE PANEL                         (TI.UD)
 COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
   DATASET      FILE1                                        STATUS Active  
   GENERAL INFORMATION:                                                     
   VOLSER       DDD001                           SEQUENCE #  001            
   REC FORMAT   F                                REC LENGTH  01024          
   BLOCK SIZE   01024                            BLOCK COUNT 001001         
   COMP SIZE    00001 (MB)                       TAPE FORMAT 256TRACK       
   UNCOMP SIZE  00001 (MB)                                                  
   USE COUNT    00000                            EXCP COUNT  00000          
   CREATION INFORMATION:                                                    
   DATE                                          TIME        0000           
   JOB NAME                                      STEP NAME                  
   PGM NAME                                      DD NAME                    
   CREATED BY                                    SMS MGMTCLS                
   UCB ADDR     0000                             CPU ID                     
   JCL EXPDT    00000000                                                    
   JOB ACCOUNT                                                              
   RETENTION INFORMATION:                                                   
   RETENTION    CATALOG                                          And/Or     
   USER INFORMATION:                                                        
   USER FIELD                                                               

Fields of the Dataset Update Panel

The fields of the Dataset Update panel are described below.

fields that cannot be updated are protected. On color monitors, values that can be updated appear in yellow and those that cannot be updated appear in blue. (On monochrome monitors, all values are displayed with the same visual attributes.)

By default, date values are specified in the site standard 6-character format (for example, mmddyy). However, if eight has been specified for IOA profile variable PDATELTH, date values are specified in the site standard 8-character format (for example, mmddyyyy). Time values must be specified in hhmm format.

Table 93 Fields of the Dataset Update Panel




Data set name. Cannot be updated.


Data set status. Cannot be updated.

General Information:


Volume serial number. Cannot be updated.


Position (label) number of the data set in the sequence of data sets on the volume. Cannot be updated.


Record format type.


Record length.


Block size.


Number of blocks.


Compressed data set size.


Uncompressed data set size.


For 3400 unit types: Tape recording density.
For other tape devices: Tape recording technique.


Number of times the data set has been accessed or used.


Number of EXCPs performed on this data set since it was created.

Creation Information:


Date the data set was created.


Time the data set was created.


Name of the job that created the data set.


Name of the step that created the data set.


Name of the program that created the data set.


Name of the DD statement.


User ID of the job that created the data set.


DFSMS Management Class.


UCB address of the unit on which the data set was created.


ID of the CPU.


Expiration date from the JCL.


Job account of the job that created the data set.

Retention Information:


Data set retention criteria. If the retention criteria for the data set are changed, the retention date for the volume is automatically recalculated based on the following logic:

If the retention criteria of all data sets on the volume are expressed as actual dates, the volume retention date is set to the highest data set retention date.

If at least one data set on the volume has retention value of PERMANENT, volume retention value is set to PERMANENT.

In all other cases, the volume retention field is not updated.


Boolean connector between retention types and values.

User Information



Free text.

Exiting the Dataset Update Panel

To exit the Dataset Update panel to screen TI, press END (PF03/PF15), or enter CANCEL in the COMMAND field (to cancel the changes).

If changes have been made in the Dataset Update panel and you exit by pressing END (PF03/PF15), screen TI is displayed with the following confirmation window:

Figure 72 Dataset Update Panel Exit Confirmation Window

DATABASE LIST < B / VD > ------------------------------------------------  (TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                O VOLSER/DATASET NAME                           CR-DATE    RETENTION   STATUS
                RKL006                                                               Active
                AFILE                                        01/01/00    CYCL 003   Active
                AFILE                +----------------------+01/01/00    CYCL 003   Active
                U RKL007         <----- |   CONFIRM     (Y/N)  |                       Active
                AFILE                +----------------------+01/01/00    CYCL 003   Active
                AFILE                                        **/**/**    CYCL 003   Active
                VER001                                                    06/06/00   Pend-Scr
                ACC.RS.TE.FF.ACC18.A.RCC70V00                01/01/00    06/06/00   Pend-Scr
                VER003                                                    12/12/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.MOVE.TSSBAC.FILECHEK.KEE23V00     01/01/00    12/12/00   Active
                VER005                                                    06/06/00   Vaulted
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RSSN.V3322276.BAT3005      01/01/00    12/12/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0559V00              01/01/00    12/12/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0558V00              01/01/00    12/12/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0557V00              01/01/00    12/12/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0556V00              01/01/00    12/12/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0555V00              01/01/00    12/12/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0554V00              01/01/00    12/12/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0553V00              01/01/00    12/12/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0552V00              01/01/00    12/12/00   Active
            USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                           11.05.09

Enter Y (Yes) and the update is performed.

Enter N (No) and the update is not performed.

Expiring Volumes and Data Sets

Option E (Expire) can be used to expire volumes (that have not been vaulted) or data sets. Specifying this option opens a confirmation window.

Immediate or deferred expiration can be requested. Deferred expiration changes the status of the volume or data set to Pend-Scratch, and the volume or data set is erased when retention management is performed during the New Day procedure.

If the status of a volume or data set has been changed to Pend-Scratch through option E, the Pend-Scratch status can be removed without altering the expiration data through the Extend (X) option.

Expiring a Volume

When specifying Option E for a volume, the following window is opened:

Figure 73 Expire Volume Window

  DATABASE LIST <         +----------------------------------------+---------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>            |    Volume contains 0001 datasets       |ROLL===> CRSR
                O VOLSER/DATASET        |    They will be expired automatically  |ON   STATUS
                E RKL006         <----- |    IMMEDIATE EXPIRATION  N (Y/N)       |     Active
                AFILE                |    CONFIRM                 (Y/N)       |03   Active
                AFILE                +----------------------------------------+03   Active
                RKL007                                                               Active
                AFILE                                         01/01/00   CYCL 003   Active
                AFILE                                         **/**/**   CYCL 003   Active
                VER001                                                    06/06/00   Pend-Scr
                ACC.RS.TE.FF.ACC18.A.RCC70V00                 01/01/00   06/06/00   Pend-Scr
                VER003                                                    12/12/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.MOVE.TSSBAC.FILECHK.KEE23V00       01/01/00   12/12/00   Active
                VER005                                                    08/08/00   Vaulted
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RSSN.V3322276.BAT3005       01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0559V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0558V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0557V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0556V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0555V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0554V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0553V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0552V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
            USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                           17.10.06

Fill in the window as follows:

Table 94 Fields of the Expire Volume Window




Whether the expiration should take effect immediately. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Immediate expiration.
  • N (No) – Deferred expiration.


Whether or not expiration should be performed. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Perform the expiration request.
  • N (No) – Do not perform the expiration request .

If the selected volume is part of a multi-volume chain, the entire group expires if immediate expiration is requested, or the entire group is marked as Pending-Scratch if deferred expiration is requested.

Expiring a Data Set

When specifying Option E for a data set, the following window is opened:

Figure 74 Expire Dataset Window

  DATABASE LIST < B / VD > --------------------------------------------------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                O VOLSER/DATASET        +------------------------------+    RETENTION  STATUS
                RKL006                |   IMMED EXPIRATION  N (Y/N)  |               Active
                E  AFILE         <----- |            CONFIRM    (Y/N)  |4   CYCL 003   Active
                AFILE                +------------------------------+4   CYCL 003   Active
                RKL007                                                               Active
                AFILE                                         01/01/00   CYCL 003   Active
                AFILE                                         **/**/**   CYCL 003   Active
                VER001                                                    06/06/00   Pend-Scr
                ACC.RS.TE.FF.ACC18.A.RCC70V00                 01/01/00   06/06/00   Pend-Scr
                VER003                                                    12/12/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.MOVE.TSSBAC.FILECHK.KEE23V00       01/01/00   12/12/00   Active
                VER005                                                    08/08/00   Vaulted
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RSSN.V3322276.BAT3005       01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0559V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0558V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0557V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0556V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0555V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0554V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0553V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0552V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
            USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                           17.10.06

Fill in the window as follows:

Table 95 Fields of the Expire Dataset Window




Whether or not the expiration should take effect immediately.

  • Y (Yes) – Immediate expiration.
  • N (No) – Deferred expiration.


Whether or not expiration should be performed.

  • Y (Yes) – Perform the expiration request.
  • N (No) – Do not perform the expiration request.

Extending the Retention Period of Data Sets and Volumes

To extend the retention period of a data set or volume by a number of days, specify option X (Extend). If you want to set an expiration date to a specific date, use the Inquiry/Update entry panel. For more information about the Inquiry/Update panel, see Inquiries and Updates.

Active Data Sets and Volumes

An active data set or volume is one whose Status is either Active or Pending Scratch. When you extend the retention period of an active data set or volume, Control-M/Tape treats specific and non-specific expiration dates differently.

Specific Expiration Dates

The following applies to an active data set and volume that have specific expiration dates.

When you extend the retention period of a data set, Control-M/Tape compares the volume’s expiration date to the new expiration date of the data set. If the volume expiration date is earlier, Control-M/Tape sets the volume expiration date to that of the data set.

Extending the Retention Period of Data Sets

The expiration date of a data set is January 1, and the associated volume expiration date is January 5. You extend the retention period of the data set by 10 days. Control-M/Tape sets both the expiration date of both the data set and the volume to January 11.

The expiration date of a data set is January 1, and the associated volume expiration date is January 5. You extend the retention period of the data set by three days. Control-M/Tape sets the data set expiration date to January 4, and leaves the volume expiration date unchanged.

When you extend the retention period of an active volume that has a specific expiration date, Control-M/Tape:

  • Adds the number of days that you specify to the retention period of all active data sets on the volume, and changes statuses of Pending Scratch to Active.

  • Leaves scratched data sets unchanged.

If the volume’s status is Pending Scratch, Control-M/Tape changes the status to Active.

This makes extending the retention period of a volume a convenient way to extend the retention period of all active data sets on the volume.

Extending the Retention Period of Volumes

A volume’s expiration date is January 1, and you extend it by 10 days to January 11. Control-M/Tape automatically extends the expiration dates of all active data sets on the volume by 10 days.

You can extend the retention period of an active external volume just as you would a regular volume. In addition, you can extend the retention period of an external volume that has no data sets.

To change the status of a data set or volume from Pending Scratch to Active, use the Extend option with Number of Days set to 0. This is useful when you accidentally expire a data set or volume by using deferred expiration.

Non-specific Expiration Dates

You cannot extend the retention period of a data set whose expiration date is non-specific.

If an active volume with a non-specific expiration date contains any data sets with specific expiration dates, you can use the Extend option on the volume. In this case, Control-M/Tape:

Adds the number of days that you specify to the expiration dates of active data sets that have specific expiration dates, and changes any Pending Scratch statuses to Active.

  • Does not modify data sets with non-specific expiration dates.

  • Does not modify scratch data sets.

  • Does not modify the volume’s expiration date; it remains non-specific.

Scratch Data Sets and Volumes

When you use the Extend option on a scratch data set on a scratch volume, Control-M/Tape modifies all data sets and volumes in the chain. In this case, Control-M/Tape unscratches all data sets and volumes and sets their retention periods to the current date plus the number of days that you specify.

Similarly, when you use the Extend option on a scratch volume, Control-M/Tape unscratches all data sets and volumes in the chain, and sets their retention periods to the current date plus the number of days that you specify.

You can use the Extend option on an external scratch volume just as you would on a regular scratch volume.

To directly extend a volume’s expiration date, specify option X on that volume’s record.

Specifying option X for either a volume or a data set record opens up the following window:

Figure 75 Extending the Retention Period of Data Sets and Volumes (Option X) Confirmation Window

  DATABASE LIST < B / VD > --------------------------------------------------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>            +---------------------------------+     SCROLL===> CRSR
                O VOLSER/DATASET        |    Extend retention data        | ETENTION   STATUS
                RKL006                |    NUMBER OF DAYS:  0000        |            Active
                X  AFILE         <----- |    CONFIRM               (Y/N)  | CYCL 003   Active
                AFILE                +---------------------------------+ CYCL 003   Active
                RKL007                                                               Active
                AFILE                                         01/01/00   CYCL 003   Active
                AFILE                                         **/**/**   CYCL 003   Active
                VER001                                                    06/06/00   Pend-Scr
                ACC.RS.TE.FF.ACC18.A.RCC70V00                 01/01/00   06/06/00   Pend-Scr
                VER003                                                    12/12/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.MOVE.TSSBAC.FILECHK.KEE23V00       01/01/00   12/12/00   Active
                VER005                                                    12/12/00   Vaulted
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RSSN.V3322276.BAT3005       01/01/00   12/12/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0559V00               01/01/00   12/12/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0558V00               01/01/00   12/12/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0557V00               01/01/00   12/12/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0556V00               01/01/00   12/12/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0555V00               01/01/00   12/12/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0554V00               01/01/00   12/12/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0553V00               01/01/00   12/12/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0552V00               01/01/00   12/12/00   Active
            USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                           17.10.06

Fill in the confirmation window as follows and press Enter.

Table 96 Fields of the Option Extend (X) Confirmation Window




Number of days to extend the expiration date. If the data set status is Scratch, the expiration date is set to the current date plus the number of days specified. A value of 0000 removes Pend-Scratch status without modifying the retention criteria. Mandatory.


Confirmation of extend operation. Mandatory. Valid Values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Expiration date is extended.
  • N (No) – Expiration date is not extended.

Checking Out Volumes for Borrowing

Option O enables you to check out the specified volumes for borrowing. Specifying this option opens the Check Out confirmation window.

Figure 76 Checking Out Volumes for Borrowing (Option O) Confirmation Window

  DATABASE LIST <         +---------------------------------+----------------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>            | OUT LOCATION:          GROUP   (Y/N)  |==> CRSR
                O VOLSER/DATASET        | RETURN  DATE:                         |N  STATUS
                O RKL006         <----- | CONFIRM           (Y/N)               |      Active
                AFILE                +---------------------------------------+003   Active
                AFILE                                         01/01/00   CYCL 003   Active
                RKL007                                                               Active
                AFILE                                         01/01/00   CYCL 003   Active
                AFILE                                         **/**/**   CYCL 003   Active
                VER001                                                    06/06/00   Pend-Scr
                ACC.RS.TE.FF.ACC18.A.RCC70V00                 01/01/00   06/06/00   Pend-Scr
                VER003                                                    12/12/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.MOVE.TSSBAC.FILECHK.KEE23V00       01/01/00   12/12/00   Active
                VER005                                                    08/08/00   Vaulted
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RSSN.V3322276.BAT3005       01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0559V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0558V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0557V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0556V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0555V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0554V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0553V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0552V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active
            USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                           17.10.06

The following fields are available in the Check Out confirmation window:

Table 97 Fields of the Option Check Out (O) Confirmation Window




Location of the volume while it is not in the active library. Mandatory.


Whether you want the entire multi-volume group of the volume to be checked out. This field will be locked for editing if one of the volumes of that multi-volume group does not have the appropriate status for the check-out operation. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Check out the entire multi-volume group
  • N (No) – Check out only the selected volume. Default.


Date the volume is to be returned. Can be specified in a 6-digit or 8-digit format according to the site standard (for example, mmddyy or mmddyyyy). Optional.


Confirmation of check-out operation. Mandatory. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Volume is checked out.
  • N (No) – Volume is not checked out.

After a volume is checked out, its status is changed and its location is displayed.

Returning Borrowed Volumes (Back-In-Lib)

Option B (Back-In-Lib) enables you to return the specified borrowed volumes to the active library. Specifying this option opens the following confirmation window:

Figure 77 Returning Borrowed Volumes (Back-In-Lib) Confirmation Window

 DATABASE LIST < B / VD > --------------------------------------------------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                O VOLSER/DATASET NAME                            CR-DATE    RETENTION  STATUS
                RKL006                                                               Active
                AFILE                +-----------------------+01/01/00   CYCL 003   Active
                AFILE                |   GROUP       (Y/N)   |01/01/00   CYCL 003   Active
                B RKL007         <----- |   CONFIRM     (Y/N)   |                      Act-Out
                AFILE                +-----------------------+01/01/00   CYCL 003   Active
                AFILE                                         **/**/**   CYCL 003   Active
                VER001                                                    06/06/00   Pend-Scr
                ACC.RS.TE.FF.ACC18.A.RCC70V00                 01/01/00   06/06/00   Pend-Scr
                VER003                                                    12/12/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.MOVE.TSSBAC.FILECHK.KEE23V00       01/01/00   12/12/00   Active
                VER005                                                    02/02/00   Vaulted
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RSSN.V3322276.BAT3005       01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0559V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0558V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0557V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0556V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0555V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0554V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0553V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0552V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
            USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                            11.05.09

The following fields are available in the Back-in-Lib confirmation window:

Table 98 Fields of the Back-in-Lib (B) Confirmation Window




Whether you want the entire multi-volume group of the volume to be checked out. This field will be locked for editing if one of the volumes of that multi-volume group does not have Out status for the check-out operation.


Confirmation of back-in-lib operation. Mandatory. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Volume is back in the library.
  • N (No) – Volume is not back in the library.

After the return is performed, the status of the volume is returned to Active.

Vaulting Volumes

Option V enables you to indicate that the specified volumes should be either vaulted immediately, or sent to the specified vault during the New Day procedure (deferred vaulting). Specifying this option opens the Vault confirmation window.

Volumes to be vaulted during the New Day procedure (meaning, not immediately) are assigned a status of "Pend-Vault" until after the vaulting is performed.

If the specified volume was previously recalled (option R), the volume is returned to the vault from which it was recalled. Otherwise, the volume is sent to the vault only if no vaulting pattern was specified.

If a multi-volume chain is vaulted, all related volumes in the chain are vaulted as well.

Figure 78 Vault Volumes Confirmation Window

 DATABASE LIST < V / V  > --------------------------------------------------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                CCC001                +---------------------------------------+ Active
                CCC002                |  VAULT NAME:           DAYS: 0001     | Active
                CCC003                |  IMMEDIATE   N (Y/N)   GROUP Y (Y/N)  | Active
                V CCC004         <----- |  CONFIRM       (Y/N)                  | Active
                CCC005                +---------------------------------------- Active
                CCC006           CART         ***      01/07/00   0001          Active
                C00001           CART         ***      01/07/00   0001          Act-PVlt
                D00001           CART         ***      01/09/00   0002 MAINLIB  Act-PVlt
                EE0001           CART         ***      01/07/00   0001          Active
                EE0002           CART         ***      01/07/00   0001          Active
                EE0003           CART         ***      01/07/00   0001          Active
                EE0004           CART         ***      01/07/00   0001          Active
                EE0005           CART         ***      01/07/00   0001          Active
                EE0006           CART         ***      01/07/00   0001          Active
                EXT001           3490         ***                 0001 MAINLIB  Ext-Active
                EXT002           CART       01/01/00              0001 MAINLIB  Ext-Active
                EXT003           CART         ***                 0001 MAINLIB  Ext-Active
                EXT004*      001 TAPE         ***                 0001 MAINLIB  Ext-Active
                EXT005*      002 CART         ***                 0001 VAULT2   Ext-Vault
                EXT006*      003 CART         ***                 0001 VAULT2   Ext-Vault
            USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                            11.57.40

The following fields are displayed in the Vault confirmation window:

Table 99 Fields of the Vault Volumes Confirmation Window




Name of the vault to which to send the volumes. Mandatory.


Number of days the volumes should remain in the vault. Mandatory.


Whether the volume should be vaulted immediately. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Vault the specified volume immediately.
  • N (No) – Defer vaulting until the next time the New Day procedure is run. Default.


Whether other volumes in the same multi-volume chain as the specified volume should be vaulted. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Vault all volumes in the multi-volume chain. Default.
  • N (No) – Vault only the specified volume.


Confirmation of vault operation. Mandatory. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Volume is vaulted.
  • N (No) – Volume is not vaulted.

Recalling Volumes

Option R can be used to return a specified volumes to the MAINLIB library for a certain number of days (or indefinitely), after which the volume is returned to its current vault (the vault at time of recall).

Recall can be executed immediately, or it can be deferred until the next time vault management is performed during the New Day procedure. When a deferred recall is requested, the volume is assigned a status of Vault-Recall until the next time the New Day procedure is run.

If the specified volume is part of a multi-volume chain, the other volumes in the chain can optionally be recalled together with the specified volume (see parameter GROUP, described below).

When the recall option is specified, the following confirmation window is opened:

Figure 79 Recall Volumes Confirmation Window

 DATABASE LIST < V / V  > --------------------------------------------------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                EE0006           CART         ***      01/07/00   0001          Active
                EXT001           3490         ***                 0001 MAINLIB  Ext-Active
                EXT002                +---------------------------------------+ Ext-Active
                EXT003                |  PERMANENT   N (Y/N) DAYS:   0001     | Ext-Active
                EXT004*      0        |  IMMEDIATE   N (Y/N) GROUP   Y (Y/N)  | Ext-Active
                R EXT005*      0 <----- |  FREE SLOT   N (Y/N) CONFIRM   (Y/N)  | Ext-Vault
                EXT006*      0        +---------------------------------------+ Ext-Vault
                EXT007           CART         ***                 0001 MAINLIB  Ext-Active
                EXT008*      001 CART         ***                 0001 MAINLIB  Ext-Active
                EXT009*      002 CART         ***                 0001 MAINLIB  Ext-Active
                EXT010*      001 CART         ***                 0001 MAINLIB  Ext-Active
                EXT011*      002 CART         ***                 0001 MAINLIB  Ext-Active
                EXT012           3490       11/01/00              0000 MAINLIB  Ext-Active
                EXT013*      001 3490       11/01/00              0001 MAINLIB  Ext-Active
                EXT014*      002 3490       11/01/00              0001 MAINLIB  Ext-Active
                MOMO03           3490         ***      12/11/00   0001 VAULT1   Vault-Manual
                N00001           CART       01/01/00   01/07/00   0001          Active
                QQQQ02           3490       PERMANENT             0000 MAINLIB  Ext-Active
                VVV001           CART       01/01/00   01/07/00   0001          Active
                VVV002           CART       01/01/00   01/07/00   0001          Active
            USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                           14.00.34 

The following fields are included in the Recall confirmation window:

Table 100 Fields of the Recall Volumes Confirmation Window




Whether the volumes should be permanently recalled to the MAINLIB library. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) — Recall the specified volumes permanently.
  • N (no) — Recall the volumes for only the specified number of days. Default.


Number of days the volumes should remain in the MAINLIB library temporarily. Mandatory if the PERMANENT field is set to N.


Request for the recall operation to take effect immediately. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) — Recall is immediate.
  • N (No) — Recall is deferred. Default.


Whether the other volumes in the same multi-volume chain as the specified volume should be recalled. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) — Recall all the volumes in the multi-volume chain. Default.
  • N (No) — Recall only the specified volume.


Whether to free the slot formerly occupied by the recalled volume. This parameter is mandatory if the PERMANENT field is set to N. (If PERMANENT is set to Y, the slot is always freed.) Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) — Free the slot occupied by the specified volume. On return to the vault the volume is assigned a new slot number.
  • N (No) — Save the slot for this volume. Default. The volume is returned to this slot the next time it is vaulted.


Confirmation of recall operation. Mandatory. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) — Volume is recalled.
  • N (No) — Volume is not recalled.

Deleting Volumes

Option D deletes an external volume from the Media Database or changes (on and off) the delete status of a non-external volume. Specifying this option opens the Delete confirmation window.

Figure 80 Delete Volume Confirmation Window

 DATABASE LIST < B / VD > --------------------------------------------------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                O VOLSER/DATASET NAME                            CR-DATE    RETENTION  STATUS
                RKL006                                                               Active
                AFILE                                         01/01/00   CYCL 003   Active
                AFILE                +-----------------------+01/01/00   CYCL 003   Active
                D RKL007         <----- |   CONFIRM     (Y/N)   |                      Active
                AFILE                +-----------------------+01/01/00   CYCL 003   Active
                AFILE                                         **/**/**   CYCL 003   Active
                VER001                                                    06/06/00   Pend-Scr
                ACC.RS.TE.FF.ACC18.A.RCC70V00                 01/01/00   06/06/00   Pend-Scr
                VER003                                                    12/12/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.MOVE.TSSBAC.FILECHK.KEE23V00       01/01/00   12/12/00   Active
                VER005                                                    02/02/00   Vaulted
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RSSN.V3322276.BAT3005       01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0559V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0558V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0557V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0556V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0555V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0554V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0553V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0552V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
            USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                            11.05.09

A confirmation window is displayed for each volume selected for deletion.

When the Delete option is requested for a volume from the main library, it is marked as deleted. However, the delete status can be removed by again specifying the Delete option for the volume. When the Delete option is specified for an external volume, the volume is actually deleted from the database. Only scratch external volumes can be deleted.

  • Enter Y (Yes) in the window to confirm the delete request.

  • Enter N (No) in the window to cancel the delete request.

Cleaning Volumes

Option C indicates that the clean operation was performed on a specified volume. Specifying this option opens the Clean confirmation window.

Figure 81 Cleaning Volume Confirmation Window

  DATABASE LIST < B / VD > --------------------------------------------------(TI)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                O VOLSER/DATASET NAME                            CR-DATE    RETENTION  STATUS
                RKL006                                                               Active
                AFILE                                         01/01/00   CYCL 003   Active
                AFILE                +-----------------------+01/01/00   CYCL 003   Active
                C RKL007         <----- |   CONFIRM     (Y/N)   |                      Active
                AFILE                +-----------------------+01/01/00   CYCL 003   Active
                AFILE                                         **/**/**   CYCL 003   Active
                VER001                                                    06/06/00   Pend-Scr
                ACC.RS.TE.FF.ACC18.A.RCC70V00                 01/01/00   06/06/00   Pend-Scr
                VER003                                                    12/12/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.MOVE.TSSBAC.FILECHK.KEE23V00       01/01/00   12/12/00   Active
                VER005                                                    02/02/00   Vaulted
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RSSN.V3322276.BAT3005       01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0559V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0558V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0557V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0556V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0555V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0554V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0553V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
                ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0552V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active
            USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                            11.05.09
  • Enter Y (Yes) in the window and the Clean is performed. The clean date and clean count are updated. Error counters are reinitialized to zero.

  • Enter N (No) in the window and the Clean is not performed.

Exiting the Inquire/Update Facility

Press END (PF03/PF15) to exit the Media Database screen and to exit the Inquire/Update entry panel.

External Volume Check-In Facility

The External Volume Check-In screen permits the definition and addition of external volumes (for example, volumes sent from other sites) to the Control-M/Tape Media Database.

To enter the External Volume Check-In screen, select option TC in the IOA Primary Option menu. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 82 External Volume Check-In Screen

 --------------  CONTROL-M/Tape EXTERNAL VOLUME CHECK-IN SCREEN  ------------(TC)
                COMMAND ===>
                VOLSER      AX3000   SL-NAME  AX3000    VOLSER: External + Internal
                MEDIA TYPE  3490                        Type of media
                LABEL TYPE  SL                          Type of label (SL/NL/NSL/AL)
                PRINT LABEL Y                           Print gummed label? (Y/N)
                MVS CATALOG          ON UNIT            Catalog (Y/N) + Unit Name
                DEL EXPIRED                             Delete when expired (Y/N)?
                RETENTION   DAYS            00030       DAYs/DATe/Permanent/Catalog/Rules
                ADDITIONAL INFORMATION -----------------------------------------------------
                DESCRIPTION                             USER FIELD
                VENDOR                                  OWNER
                EXTERNAL VOLUME DATASET LIST -----------------------------------------------
                DATASET# 01 AX.BKP.SET1
                DATASET# 02 AX.BKP.SET2
                DATASET# 03 AX.SECU.FILE
                DATASET# 04 AX.RR.MSG12
                DATASET# 05 AX.RR.MSG13

            PRESS ENTER TO CHECK-IN AN EXTERNAL VOLUME                             11.45.02

When the screen is entered, the previously saved data (or no data, if the default has been modified) are displayed.

During installation, a prefix for external volumes can be defined (in parameter EXTRNVOL in member CTTPARM). This optionally defined prefix can be up to three characters in length (for example, EXT) and is automatically assigned to external volumes that are checked in.

If such a prefix is defined, when screen TC is entered, field VOLSER displays the first available volser beginning with the prefix (instead of the last saved volser) and field SL-NAME displays asterisks (instead of the last saved Standard Label Name). The user must replace the asterisks in field SL-NAME with the internal volume label (the SL-NAME).

Fields of the External Volume Check-In Screen

Table 101 Fields of the External Volume Check-In Screen




Volume identifier. A local VOLSER other than the hard coded physical VOLSER can be specified to ensure unique volume identifiers in the site’s database. Up to six characters must be specified. Mandatory.


Physical volume serial number that is hard coded on the volume. Up to six characters can be specified. The default value matches the VOLSER. Optional.


Volume media type defined at time of installation in member CTTPARM. Media types can be a maximum of eight characters. Mandatory.


Type of label. Mandatory. Valid values are:

  • SL – Standard label.
  • NL – No label.
  • AL – ANSI label.
  • NSL – Non-standard label.


Whether a label is printed for the external volume. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – A label is printed.
  • N (No) – A label is not printed. Default.


Whether the data sets on the volume should be cataloged in the MVS catalog. Optional. This field can be set to Y (Yes) only when at least one data set is defined in the EXTERNAL VOLUME DATASET LIST. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – The data sets are cataloged in the MVS catalog.
  • N (No) – The data sets are not cataloged in the MVS catalog. Default.


Unit name. A unit name defined in the system. Mandatory if the data set on the volume should be cataloged. Otherwise, optional.


Whether to physically delete expired tape information from the Media Database.

  • Y (Yes) – Delete the information about the expired tape.
  • N (No) – Do not delete the information. Default. The tape remains in the database as a Scratch tape.


When the specified retention period expires, the external volume becomes scratch and can be used for output. Mandatory. Valid values are:

  • DAYS (DAY) — Number of days the external volume should be retained. A maximum of four digits can be specified.
  • DATE (DAT) — The date until which the external volume should be retained. The date can be specified in 6-character or 8-character format, according to the standard used at the site (for example, mmddyy or mmddyyyy).
  • PERMANENT (P) — The external volume is retained indefinitely (meaning, the volume never expires).
  • CATALOG (C) or MVS (M) — The external volume is retained as long as its data sets are maintained by the MVS catalog. Valid only when at least one data set is defined in the EXTERNAL VOLUME DATASET LIST.
  • RULES (R) — The external volume is retained as long as at least one of its data sets is retained. The retention and vault pattern for each data set listed in the EXTERNAL VOLUME DATASET LIST (of screen TC) is determined according to Control-M/Tape rules.
    A vaulting pattern is also assigned to the external volume when RULES type retention is specified in screen TC. The vaulting pattern for the volume is determined by the vault pattern (specified in Control-M/Tape rules) of the first data set on the volume, or the first data set with vaulting data (depending on the value specified for Control-M/Tape installation parameter VLTBYDS1).
Additional Information:


Description of the external volume. A maximum of 20 characters can be specified. Optional.


Free text.


Tape vendor.


Owner of the tape. Mandatory if the KINQOWNR PROFILE parameter is set to Y.

External Volume Dataset List:


Data sets on the volume. A maximum of five data sets can be listed for the external volume. Optional. Each data set has a sequence number and an associated name with it.

Each data set name can be a maximum of 44 characters in length.

The last data set in the list (even if it is the only data set in the list) can be specified as a multi-volume data set.

After specifying the data sets for the volume, press Enter.

If data sets exist, the following lines appear at the bottom of the External Volume Check-In screen.

If no data sets exist, the Check-In confirmation window is displayed. For information regarding confirming the check-in, refer to Check-In Confirmation Window.

If no data sets are specified or only a partial list of data sets is specified, the data sets can be dynamically defined in the Media Database, if parameter DYNDS has been set to Y in member CTTPARM (or in an equivalent rule). For more information on parameter DYNDS, refer to the INCONTROL of z/OS Installation Guide.


The ADDITIONAL VOLUMES fields are displayed only when Enter is pressed after the EXTERNAL VOLUME DATASET LIST is specified. Once the ADDITIONAL VOLUMES fields are displayed, other fields on the screen cannot be modified.

If no additional volumes need to be specified:

Press Enter. The Check-In confirmation window is displayed, and the ADDITIONAL VOLUMES fields are removed from the display. For information regarding confirming the check-in, refer to Check-In Confirmation Window.

If additional volumes need to be specified:

A maximum of ten additional volumes can be specified for the last data set listed in the EXTERNAL VOLUME DATASET LIST.

The volumes are specified by entering pairs of VOLSERs and SL-NAMEs for each volume on the screen. Each VOLSER and SL-NAME can be a maximum of six characters in length. Control-M/Tape automatically checks in these sets of VOLSERs and SL-NAMEs as external volumes, using the same information specified in this external volume definition.

If an automatic volser generation is required and parameter EXTRNVOL in member CTTPARM has been set, enter ‘?’ in the VOLSER field, instead of specifying a VOLSER. After pressing Enter, a volser is generated automatically in the VOLSER field, replacing the ‘?’ sign.

After specifying additional volumes, press Enter. The Check-In confirmation window is displayed, and the ADDITIONAL VOLUMES fields are removed from the display.

Figure 83 External Volume Check-In Screen – Additional Volumes Fields

   ADDITIONAL VOLUMES FOR DATASET# 05                           
                VOLSER   #01        #02        #03        #04        #05       
                SL-NAME  #01        #02        #03        #04        #05       
                VOLSER   #06        #07        #08        #09        #10       
            SL-NAME  #06        #07        #08        #09        #10       

Check-In Confirmation Window

After the details for a volume (and its associated data sets) are specified in the External Volume Check-In screen, the confirmation window is displayed, requesting confirmation of whether the volume should be added to the Media Database.

Figure 84 External Volume Check-In Confirmation Window

 --------------  CONTROL-M/Tape EXTERNAL VOLUME CHECK-IN SCREEN  ------------(TC)
                COMMAND ===>
                VOLSER      EXT014   SL-NAME  BR0249    VOLSER: External + Internal
                MEDIA TYPE  3490       +--------------------------------------+
                LABEL TYPE  SL         |   PLEASE CONFIRM ADDING/UPDATE       |L/AL)
                PRINT LABEL Y          |   VOLUME EXT014 TO THE MDB Y (Y/N)   |l?
                MVS CATALOG          ON+--------------------------------------+
                DEL EXPIRED                             Delete when expired (Y/N)?
                RETENTION   DAYS        00030           DAYs/DATe/Permanent/Catalog
                ADDITIONAL INFORMATION -----------------------------------------------------
                DESCRIPTION                             USER FIELD
                VENDOR                                  OWNER
                EXTERNAL VOLUME DATASET LIST -----------------------------------------------
                DATASET# 01
                DATASET# 02
                DATASET# 03
                DATASET# 04
                DATASET# 05

            PRESS ENTER TO CHECK-IN AN EXTERNAL VOLUME                             11.38.51

Enter Y (Yes) in the window to check in (add) the volume. The VOLSER is added to the Media Database and a message is displayed on top of the screen.

Enter N (No) in the window to cancel the check-in request.

Exiting the External Volume Check-In Facility

Press END (PF03/PF15) to exit the External Volume Check-In screen.

Condition and Resource Handling Facility

Options 4 and 7 in the IOA Primary Option menu are directly related to the handling of IOA conditions and Control-M resources. The screens displayed by these options are discussed on the following topics.

IOA Conditions/Resources Screen

The IOA Conditions/Resources screen is accessed through Option 4 of the IOA Primary Option menu. It displays information from the IOA Conditions file, which contains the list of all existing prerequisite conditions, and the Control-M Resources file, which contains the list of Quantitative resources and Control resources. The IOA Conditions/Resources screen enables you to

  • view IOA prerequisite conditions

  • view Control-M Quantitative resources

  • add or delete prerequisite conditions or resources or both

  • change the available quantity of Control-M Quantitative resources

For a description of prerequisite conditions, see Prerequisite Conditions.

Prior to version 6.0.00 a single file, the IOA Conditions/Resources File, contained all IOA conditions and all Control and Quantitative resources. As of version 6.0.00, the IOA Conditions/Resources File has been replaced by two files:

  • IOA Conditions file - contains all IOA conditions.

  • Control-M Resources file - contains all Control and Quantitative resources.

To enter the IOA Conditions/Resources screen, select option 4 on the IOA Primary Option menu.

Figure 85 IOA Conditions/Resources Screen

-------------------------- IOA CONDITIONS/RESOURCES ------------------------(4)
                COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CRSR
                PREFIX  ===>                COND Y CONTROL Y RES Y STAT Y      DATE 0909 - 0909
                CONTROL   CONTROLM               01     E                    (00000)      
                RESOURCE  TAPEP                         B    0003    0003                 
                RESOURCE  CPU1                          B    0098    0100                 
                RESOURCE  CPU2                          B    0197    0200                 
                RESOURCE  TAPEP                  01     U    0002            (00091)      
                RESOURCE  CPU1                   01     U    0002            (00091)      
                RESOURCE  CPU2                   01     U    0003            (00092)      
                RESOURCE  TAPEP                  01     R    0002          1 (00093)      
                COND      BR-BRIVPCC-ENDED-OK                                         0909
                COND      BR-BRCC0001-ENDED-OK                                        0909
                COND      BR-BRCC0002-ENDED-OK                                        0909
                COND      BR-BRCC0003-ENDED-OK                                        0909
                COND      BR-BRCCIND-ENDED-OK                                         0909
                COND      BR-BRUPDT02-ENDED-OK                                        0909
                COND      BR-BRREP001-ENDED-OK                                        0909
                COND      BR-BRREP002-ENDED-OK                                        0909
                COND      GL-GLINP001-ENDED-OK                                        0909
                COND      EBD-APPL-STARTED                                            0909
                COND      CICS-PROD-IS-UP                                             STAT
            OPTIONS:  D DELETE  C CHANGE             COMMANDS: ADD                 14.07.08

To return to the IOA Primary Option menu, press the END key (PF03/PF15).

Fields of the IOA Conditions/Resources Screen

The information displayed in each screen line is:

Table 102 Fields of the IOA Conditions/Resources Screen




Option to be activated on the condition or resource.


Type of condition or resource:

  • COND – Prerequisite condition
  • CONTROL – Control resource
  • RESOURCE – Quantitative resource


Name of the condition or resource.


Original date reference of a prerequisite condition (format mmdd or ddmm depending on the site standard, or the value STAT).

When Control-M is active at your site, information is displayed in the following fields.


Resource usage indicator for Control or Quantitative resources. Valid values depend on the type of resource.

For Control resources, valid values are:

  • E – Resource is being used in Exclusive mode
  • S – Resource is being used in Shared mode

For Quantitative resources, valid values are:

  • B – Line indicates the initial definition for the resource
  • U – Line indicates an instance of resource usage
  • R – Line indicates an unfulfilled critical path request (that is, a request with an *-type priority) for the resource


Quantity of a Quantitative resource. What the quantity represents depends on the value in the USE field, as follows:



Quantity available. If the maximum quantity is more than 1 but only 1 is available, 0001 is displayed in pink for color terminals. If the maximum quantity is more than 1 but none is available, 0000 is displayed in red for color terminals.


Quantity in use by the particular process.


Quantity requested by the particular
process, but unfulfilled.


Maximum available quantity of a Quantitative resource.


Priority of the job requesting a Control-M resource using *-type priority. For more information, see the Control-M for z/OS User Guide.`


Internal Control-M ID (relative byte address) of the job currently holding a Control-M resource. An RBA value of 000000 indicates that the resource was added manually.

Line indicates an unfulfilled critical path request (that is, a request with an *-type priority) for the resource.


ID of the IOA installation that is using the particular Control or Quantitative resource. This value is significant when multiple IOA installations share the same resources.

Specifying Retrieval Criteria

You can control the type and amount of information displayed in the screen by specifying retrieval criteria.

Table 103 IOA Conditions/Resources Retrieval Criteria



PREFIX prefix

If specified, limits the display to conditions with the specified prefix.

To display only conditions containing a specific string, enter the string preceded by an *.

If *OK is entered, the following conditions are included in the display:



Determines whether prerequisite conditions are displayed. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Display prerequisite conditions. Default.
  • N (No) – Do not display prerequisite conditions.

DATE from – to

Limits the display of prerequisite conditions to the selected date range. Valid values are:

  • from – Earliest date in the date range, in mmdd or ddmm format (depending on the site standard). The default value is three days prior to the current date. This default can be modified in the Profile member by the INCONTROL administrator.
  • to – Latest date in the date range, in mmdd or ddmm format (depending on the site standard). The default value is the current date.


Determines whether prerequisite conditions with a date value of STAT are displayed. (Applies only if Y is specified for COND.) Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Include prerequisite conditions with a date value of STAT.
  • N (No) – Do not include prerequisite conditions with a date value of STAT.

For sites where Control-M is active:


Determines whether Control resources are displayed. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) –Display Control resources. Default.
  • N (No) – Do not display Control resources.


Determines whether Quantitative resources are displayed. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Display Quantitative resources. Default.
  • N (No) – Do not display Quantitative resources.

Adding Conditions and Resources – The ADD Command

The ADD command adds conditions to the IOA Conditions file and adds resources to the Control-M Resources file. Type this command in the COMMAND field, and press Enter. Format of the command is:

ADD type

where type is one of the following:

  • COND – Add a prerequisite condition. Special care must be taken when adding prerequisite conditions, because added conditions can trigger job submission.

  • RESOURCE/RES – (Where Control-M is active) Add a Quantitative resource. Only authorized personnel should add Quantitative resources.

  • CONTROL/CON – (Where Control-M is active) Add a Control resource. A Control resource entry may be added manually even if a job is holding the resource. Only authorized personnel should add Control resources.

When the ADD command is entered, an appropriate window is opened. The following window opens when ADD COND is entered.

Figure 86 IOA Conditions/Resources COND Window

-------------------------- IOA CONDITIONS/RESOURCES ------------------------(4)
                COMMAN +---------------------------------------------------------+  L ===> CRSR
                PREFIX |     PLEASE FILL IN COND NAME, DATE AND PRESS ENTER      |  0909 - 0909
                OPT TY |                                                         |  BA    DATE
                CO |     NAME ===>                       DDMM ===>           |   00)     
                RE |                                                         |           
                RE +---------------------------------------------------------+           
                RESOURCE  TAPEP                   01    U    0002            (00091)     
                RESOURCE  CPU1                    01    U    0002            (00091)     
                RESOURCE  CPU2                    01    U    0003            (00092)     
                RESOURCE  TAPEP                   01    R    0002          1 (00093)     
                COND      BR-BRIVPCC-ENDED-OK                                         0909
                COND      BR-BRCC0001-ENDED-OK                                        0909
                COND      BR-BRCC0002-ENDED-OK                                        0909
                COND      BR-BRCC0003-ENDED-OK                                        0909
                COND      BR-BRCCIND-ENDED-OK                                         0909
                COND      BR-BRUPDT02-ENDED-OK                                        0909
                COND      BR-BRREP001-ENDED-OK                                        0909
                COND      BR-BRREP002-ENDED-OK                                        0909
                COND      GL-GLINP001-ENDED-OK                                        0909
                COND      EBD-APPL-STARTED                                            0909
                COND      CICS-PROD-IS-UP                                             STAT
            OPTIONS:  D DELETE  C CHANGE             COMMANDS: ADD                 14.07.08

Fill in the window fields as described below according to the specified ADD command:

Table 104 IOA Conditions/Resources ADD Command Formats




Enter the name of the prerequisite condition. The current working date is displayed as the default date. This date can be modified.


Enter the name of the Quantitative resource and the quantity to be added. (Where Control-M is active)


Enter the name of the Control resource and the control type
(E – Exclusive; S – Shared). (Where Control-M is active)

If a Control resource is manually added with a type of E (Exclusive), no jobs in WAIT SCHEDULE status that require this resource are submitted.

If a Control resource is manually added with a type of S (Shared), no jobs in WAIT SCHEDULE status that require exclusive access to this resource are submitted.

After filling in the window, press Enter to add the condition or resource.

If a Control resource is manually added with a type of E (Exclusive), no jobs in WAIT SCHEDULE status which require this resource are submitted.

If a Control resource is manually added with a type of S (Shared), no jobs in WAIT SCHEDULE status which require exclusive access to this resource are submitted.

To close the window without adding the condition or resource, press the RESET key (PF04/PF16).

Options of the IOA Conditions/Resources Screen

The following options can be specified for conditions and resources by typing the option in the OPT field to the left of the resource or condition name and pressing Enter. Available options are

Table 105 Options of the IOA Conditions/Resources Screen




Delete a condition or resource from the list. The event is recorded in the IOA Log file.


Change the maximum available quantity of a Quantitative resource. The event is recorded in the IOA Log file.

These options are discussed in detail in the following topics.

Deleting Conditions and Resources — The DELETE Option

To delete conditions/resources, specify D (Delete) in the OPT field to the left of the conditions and resources being deleted and press Enter.

A confirmation window may be displayed, depending on User profile customization.

By default, conditions and resources are deleted without confirmation from the user.

The User profile can be customized to display a confirmation window with an arrow pointing to a delete request (beginning with the first request).

Figure 87 IOA Conditions/Resources DELETE Confirmation Window

-------------------------- IOA CONDITIONS/RESOURCES ------------------------(4)
                COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CRSR
                PREFIX  ===>                COND Y CONTROL Y RES Y STAT Y      DATE 0909 - 0909
                COND      SALARY-PRSL01A-OK                                           0909
                COND      SALARY-PRSL002-OK                        +----------------------+
                COND      SALARY-PRSL003-OK                        |  CONFIRM             |
                D  COND      CBT-TAPE-ARRIVED               <---------|  ASK FOR EACH ONE Y  |
                D  COND      KPL-PRKPL03-OK                           +----------------------+
                COND      KPL-PRKPL04-OK                                              0909
                ======== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B O T T O M   O F   L I S T <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ========
            OPTIONS:  D DELETE  C CHANGE             COMMANDS: ADD                 18.48.12

If a confirmation window is displayed, fill in the window as follows and press Enter:

Table 106 IOA Conditions/Resources DELETE Confirmation Window Options




Whether to process the delete request. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Process the request.
  • N (No) – Cancel the request.


This line is displayed only if more than one delete is requested. It determines whether individual confirmation is required for each delete request. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Individual confirmation is required for each delete request. The specified CONFIRM value applies only to the current order or request.
  • N (No) – Individual confirmation is not required for each delete request. The specified CONFIRM value is applied to all delete requests. (If CONFIRM is Y, all delete requests are processed; if CONFIRM is N, no delete request is processed.)

Changing the Quantity of a Resource – The CHANGE Option (Available only if Control-M is active)

To request a change to the maximum available quantity of a resource, type C (Change) in the OPT field to the left of the resource and press Enter. The following window is opened.

Figure 88 IOA Conditions/Resources CHANGE Option Window

-------------------------- IOA CONDITIONS/RESOURCES ------------------------(4)
                COMMAN +---------------------------------------------------------+  L ===> CRSR
                OPT TY |                                                         |  BA    DATE
                CO |  NAME ===> TAPEP                    COUNT ===>          |  000)     
                C  RE |                                                         |           
                RE +---------------------------------------------------------+           
                RESOURCE  TAPEP                   01    U    0002            (00091)     
                RESOURCE  CPU1                    01    U    0002            (00091)     
                RESOURCE  CPU2                    01    U    0003            (00092)     
                RESOURCE  TAPEP                   01    R    0002          1 (00093)     
                COND      BR-BRIVPCC-ENDED-OK                                         0909
                COND      BR-BRCC0001-ENDED-OK                                        0909
                COND      BR-BRCC0002-ENDED-OK                                        0909
                COND      BR-BRCC0003-ENDED-OK                                        0909
                COND      BR-BRCCIND-ENDED-OK                                         0909
                COND      BR-BRUPDT02-ENDED-OK                                        0909
                COND      BR-BRREP001-ENDED-OK                                        0909
                COND      BR-BRREP002-ENDED-OK                                        0909
                COND      GL-GLINP001-ENDED-OK                                        0909
                COND      EBD-APPL-STARTED                                            0909
                COND      CICS-PROD-IS-UP                                             STAT
            OPTIONS: D DELETE   C CHANGE             COMMANDS: ADD                 14.07.08

The NAME value in the window is protected and cannot be changed.

The COUNT parameter consists of two values: sign and quantity. Fill in the COUNT parameter as follows and press Enter:

Table 107 COUNT Parameter Values




Valid values are (one character):

  • + (Plus) – Add the selected quantity to the current maximum available quantity to give a new maximum available quantity.
  • - (Minus) – Subtract the selected quantity from the current maximum available quantity to give a new maximum available quantity.
  • '' (Blank) – Set the maximum available quantity to the selected quantity.


Quantity to be used to adjust the maximum quantity of the resource (four digits) according to the specified sign. Leading zeros are required.

IOA Manual Conditions Screen

The IOA Manual Conditions screen displays a list of prerequisite conditions that must be confirmed manually by operations personnel.

The list of manual conditions is created by utility IOALDNRS. The utility is described in the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide. This utility is intended for use at sites where Control-M and/or Control-D are installed.

The utility scans the jobs in the Control-M Active Jobs file, and/or missions in the Control-D Active Missions file, for all conditions requested in IN statements that

  • are not resolved by an OUT statement

  • are not resolved by ON PGMST or DO COND statements

  • do not exist in the IOA Conditions file

The utility automatically places the conditions conforming to the above criteria into the IOA Manual Conditions file. This file is used as a checklist for manual operations that operations personnel are expected to perform.

To enter the IOA Manual Conditions screen, select option 7 on the IOA Primary Option menu.

Figure 89 IOA Manual Conditions Screen

--------------------------- IOA MANUAL CONDITIONS --------------------------(7)
                COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CRSR
                PREFIX  ===>                 PENDING Y  ADDED Y  STAT Y        DATE 0909 - 0909
                OPT TYPE      CONDITION                                 DATE  ADDED            
                COND      USR-GOT-TAX-TAPE                          0909                   
                COND      DBA-RUN-UPDATE                            0909    Y              
                COND      OP-EXTERNAL-TAPE-OK                       0909    Y              
                COND      USR-GOT-BANK-TAPE                         0909                   
                COND      OP-SHUT-THE-SYSTEM                        0909                   
                COND      DBA-START-MPMXXX                          0909                   
                COND      USR-GOT-SALARY-TAPE                       0909    Y              
                COND      OP-COMMUNICATION-DOWN                     0909                   
                ======== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B O T T O M   O F   L I S T <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ========

To exit the IOA Manual Conditions screen, press END (PF03/PF15).

Fields of the IOA Manual Conditions Screen

The information displayed on each screen line is:

Table 108 Fields of the IOA Manual Conditions Screen




Option to be activated on the condition.


Type of condition, meaning, COND for prerequisite condition.


Condition name.


Date reference of prerequisite condition. Format is either mmdd or ddmm depending on the site standard, or the date value STAT.


Indicates whether the condition has been manually added to the IOA Conditions file. Valid values:

  • Y (Yes) – Condition has been added
  • N (No) – Condition has not been added

Specifying Retrieval Criteria

You can control the type and amount of information displayed in the screen by specifying retrieval criteria.

Table 109 Retrieval Criterion for IOA Manual Conditions Screen



PREFIX prefix

Limits the display to conditions with the selected prefix. Default: Blank (no limit).

To display only those conditions containing a specific string, enter the string preceded by an *.

If *OK is entered, the following conditions are included in the display:



Determines whether conditions not yet added are displayed. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Display pending conditions.
  • N (No) – Do not display pending conditions.


Determines whether added conditions are displayed. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Display added conditions.
  • N (No) – Do not display added conditions.


Determines whether prerequisite conditions with a date value of STAT are displayed. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Display prerequisite conditions with a date value of STAT.
  • N (No) – Do not display prerequisite conditions with a date value of STAT.

DATE fromto

Limits the display of prerequisite conditions to the selected date range. Valid values are:

  • from – Earliest date in the date range, in mmdd or ddmm format (depending on the site standard). The default value is three days before the current date.
  • to – Latest date in the date range, in mmdd or ddmm format (depending on the site standard). The default value is the current date.

Adding a New Prerequisite Condition – NEW COND Command

To add a prerequisite condition to the IOA Manual Conditions file, type NEW COND in the COMMAND field and press Enter. A window is opened.

Figure 90 IOA Manual Conditions Screen NEW COND Window

--------------------------- IOA MANUAL CONDITIONS --------------------------(7)
                COMMAN +---------------------------------------------------------+  L ===> CRSR
                PREFIX |     PLEASE FILL COND NAME AND DATE AND PRESS ENTER      | 0909 - 0909
                OPT TY |                                                         |            
                CO |     NAME ===>                       MMDD ===>           |            
                CO |                                                         |            
                CO +---------------------------------------------------------+            
                COND      OP-SHUT-THE-SYSTEM                        0909                  
                COND      DBA-START-MPMXXX                          0909                  
                COND      USR-GOT-SALARY-TAPE                       0909    Y             
                COND      OP-COMMUNICATION-DOWN                     0909                  
                ======== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B O T T O M   O F   L I S T <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ========

In the NAME field of the window, type the name of the condition to be added. If the condition has a date other than the current working date, enter the date in the date field of the window, in the format DDMM or MMDD, depending on the site standard.

  • To add the condition, press Enter.

  • To close the window without adding the condition, press RESET (PF04/PF16).

Adding a new condition to the IOA Manual Conditions file does not affect the IOA Conditions file.

Options of the IOA Manual Conditions Screen

To add a condition to the IOA Conditions file, or to erase a condition from the IOA Manual Conditions file, type the appropriate option in the OPT field to the left of the condition name and press Enter. Valid options are:

Table 110 Options of the IOA Manual Conditions Screen




Add the condition to the IOA Conditions file (screen 4), and mark it "Added" (Y) in the IOA Manual Conditions file. The event is recorded in the IOA Log file.


Erase (Delete) a condition from the IOA Manual Conditions file. This does not affect the IOA Conditions file. This option is discussed in more detail below.

Erasing (Deleting) Conditions

To erase prerequisite conditions, type E in the OPT field to the left of the condition names being erased and press Enter.

A confirmation window may be displayed, depending on user profile customization:

By default, conditions are deleted without confirmation from the user.

If, however, the user profile member has been customized accordingly, a confirmation window is displayed with an arrow pointing to an erase request (beginning with the first request).

Figure 91 IOA Manual Conditions Screen ERASE Confirmation Window

--------------------------- IOA MANUAL CONDITIONS --------------------------(7)
                COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CRSR
                PREFIX  ===>                 PENDING Y  ADDED Y  STAT Y        DATE 0909 - 0909
                OPT TYPE      CONDITION                                +——————————————————————+
                E  COND      USR-GOT-TAX-TAPE               <—————————|  CONFIRM     (Y/N)   |
                COND      DBA-RUN-UPDATE                           +——————————————————————+
                COND      OP-EXTERNAL-TAPE-OK                       0909    Y              
                COND      USR-GOT-BANK-TAPE                         0909                   
                COND      OP-SHUT-THE-SYSTEM                        0909                   
                COND      DBA-START-MPMXXX                          0909                   
                COND      USR-GOT-SALARY-TAPE                       0909    Y              
                COND      OP-COMMUNICATION-DOWN                     0909                   
                ======== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B O T T O M   O F   L I S T <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ========

If a confirmation window is displayed, fill in the window as follows and press Enter:

Table 111 Fields of the IOA Manual Conditions Screen ERASE Confirmation Window




Indicates whether to process the erase (delete) request. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Process the request.
  • N (No) – Cancel the request.


This line is displayed only if more than one erase is requested. It determines whether individual confirmation is required for each erase request. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Individual confirmation is required for each erase request. The selected CONFIRM value applies only to the current order or request.
  • N (No) – Individual confirmation is not required for each erase request. The selected CONFIRM value is applied to all erase requests. If CONFIRM is Y, all erase requests are processed; if CONFIRM is N, no erase request are processed.

IOA Log Facility

The IOA Log facility places automatically generated messages, which record every significant event in the life of a job, rule or mission, in the IOA Log file. Significant events recorded in the IOA Log file include normal processing occurrences, such as job submitted, as well as error conditions encountered during processing, such as job abends. Shout facility notifications and user remarks can also be recorded in the IOA Log file.

IOA Log Screen

The IOA Log screen enables you to view the information contained in the Log file. To enter the IOA Log screen, select option 5 on the IOA Primary Option menu. Upon entry, the screen displays the most recent messages currently in the IOA Log file.

Figure 92 IOA Log Screen

FILTER:            ---------------- IOA LOG  -------------------------------(5)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                SHOW LIMIT ON ==>                                          DATE 060601 - 060601
                DATE   TIME   ODATE  USERID   CODE    -------- M E S S A G E ------------------
                060601 092144 060601 M22      SPY254I JOB CT085955 CT085955/01835 SCANNED    
                060601 092144 060601 M22      SEL208I JOB CT085955 CT085955/01835 ENDED "OK" 
                060601 092150 060601 M22      SPY254I JOB CT085956 CT085956/01836 SCANNED    
                060601 092150 060601 M22      SEL208I JOB CT085956 CT085956/01836 ENDED "OK" 
                060601 092156 060601 IVP      SPY254I JOB BRIVPCC  BRIVPCC /01843 SCANNED    
                060601 092157 060601 IVP      SEL208I JOB BRIVPCC  BRIVPCC /01843 ENDED "OK" 
                060601 092157 060601 DBA      CTM659I FREE OF TASK BRCC0001 ODATE 060601     
                060601 092201 060601 M22      SPY281I JOB INTR0004 INTR0004/04371 START      
                98253.1316 STOP 98253.1316 CPU 0MIN    
                00.04SEC SRB 0MIN 00.00SEC 0.19        
                060601 092201 060601 M22      SPY254I JOB INTR0004 INTR0004/04371 SCANNED    
                060601 092201 060601 M22      SEL206W JOB INTR0004 INTR0004/04371 ABENDED CC 
                SB37 STEP STEP01                       
                060601 092201 060601 M22      SEL219I JOB INTR0004 INTR0004/04371 ENDED "NOT 
                060601 092208 060601 IVP      SEL203I JOB BRCC0001 ELIGIBLE FOR RUN          
                060601 092208 060601 IVP      SUB133I JOB BRCC0001 BRCC0002/01958 SUBMITTED  
                060601 092208 060601 IVP      SEL203I JOB BRCC0002 ELIGIBLE FOR RUN          
            CMDS: SHOW, GROUP, CATEGORY, SHPF                                      09.43.00

To return to the IOA Primary Option menu, press END (PF03/PF15).

Fields of the IOA Log Screen

Table 112 Fields of the IOA Log Screen




Identifies which selection criteria other than yes or no were entered in the IOA Log Show Screen window (USERID, MEM/MIS, JOBNAME, CATEGORY, GROUP). For more information, see Filtering the IOA Log Screen Display.


Date on which the message was issued.


Time at which the message was issued.


Original scheduling date of the job associated with the message. Format is mmddyy, ddmmyy or yymmdd, depending on the site standard.

When the display type is set to RBA display using the DISPLAY command, the Relative Byte Address (RBA) of the message within the IOA Log file is displayed instead of the ODATE. For more information on changing the screen display, see Changing IOA Log Screen Display Types .


User ID of the job issuing the message, or user ID of the user writing to the log.


IOA message code.


Text of the message. If the message is longer than the space available on the screen, the message is split and continues on the following line. Messages relating to a job have the following format:

tasktype memname jobname/jobid message

fromdate – todate

Log information displayed in the screen can be limited to the specified date range in mmddyy, ddmmyy or yymmdd format, depending on the site standard. If the DATE or the ODATE value for a message is in the range selected, the message is included in the IOA Log display. Valid values are:

  • fromdate – Earliest date in the date range.
  • todate – Latest date in the date range.

Commands of the IOA Log Screen

The following commands can be entered in the COMMAND field.

Table 113 Commands of the IOA Log Screen




The SHOW command activates the specified screen filter, opens the IOA Log Show Screen window, or opens the Display Filters window, depending on the format of the command. For more information on filtering the IOA Log Screen, see Filtering the IOA Log Screen Display. Valid formats:

  • SHOW name – Activates the specified filter.
  • SHOW ? – Opens the Display Filters window, which lists all available filters.
  • SHOW (PF02/PF14) – Opens the IOA Log Show Screen window for the currently active filter, and allows editing of that filter.
  • SHOW name EDIT – Opens the IOA Log Show Screen window for the specified filter, and allows editing of that filter.

Reserved filter name DEFAULT can be used to activate or edit the default filter for the status screen. For example, SHOW DEFAULT EDIT opens the IOA Log Show Screen window for the default filter.

Only jobs conforming to selection criteria specified in the filter are displayed in the IOA Log screen. For more information, see Filtering the IOA Log Screen Display.


The GROUP Command alternately displays or hides the GROUP name (if any) that is associated with the relevant job, mission or rule definition. When displayed, the name of the group appears after the job, mission or rule status.


The CATEGORY command alternately displays and hides the CATEGORY of the relevant Control-D mission. This command applies to Control-D generated messages only. When displayed, the name of the category appears after the mission status.

Changing IOA Log Screen Display Types

While in the IOA Log screen, the display type can be changed through the DISPLAY command. Format of the command is:


where x is a 1-character code that identifies the desired display type. DISPLAY can be abbreviated DI.

For a list of display types, enter DISPLAY ? to show the Display Options window. To select a display type in the window, type S in the Option field next to the ID. To exit the window without selecting a display type, press the END key (PF03/PF15).


displays the No Reverse display.

Valid predefined displays:

Table 114 IOA Log Screen Predefined Display Types




Show RBA (Relative Byte Address) display (displays the RBA of the message within the IOA Log file in place of the ODATE)


Default display


No Reverse display (display is in No Reverse mode)

Uppercasing and lowercasing of variables’ values

While in the IOA Log Screen, uppercase or lowercase mode can be set using the CAPS command. Format of the command is:


In this command:

  • CAPS ON – Forces all user entries to be saved and displayed in uppercase characters, regardless of the case in which they were entered. Default.
  • CAPS OFF – Enables certain user entries to be saved and displayed in lowercase characters.
  • CAPS – Indicates whether CAPS ON or CAPS OFF mode is active.

Name of variables do not support lowercase characters.

Filtering the IOA Log Screen Display

Screen filters can be used to filter the IOA Log screen display.

A filter consists of a set of record selection criteria (selection fields and their values). Only records that conform to the selection criteria specified in the filter are displayed on the screen.

The INCONTROL administrator can predefine filters and place them in the General profile.

Each user can activate an existing filter in the IOA Log screen by entering the SHOW command in the COMMAND line of the IOA Log screen.

Each user can define multiple filters for the screen, through the IOA Log Show Screen window, which is described in "Fields of the IOA Log Show Screen Window" in IOA Log Show Screen Window" in . User-defined filters belong to, are assigned names by, and can only be activated by, the user who defined them. They are stored in the user profile.

You can see the list of all available filters by opening the Display Filters window.

A predefined default filter (DEFAULT) is defined for the IOA Log screen. Site-defined defaults determine whether the last filter used or the DEFAULT filter is activated upon reentry to the IOA Log screen.

Activating an existing filter in the IOA Log screen

The SHOW command can be used to activate an existing filter when you know the name of the filter.

  • To activate an existing filter in the IOA Log screen, enter the SHOW command in the SHOW name SHOW name COMMAND field, as follows:
  • SHOW name
  • where name is the name of the filter to be activated.
  • To activate the DEFAULT filter, use DEFAULT as the name of the filter.

Display Filters Window

When you do not know the name of a filter, you can still activate a filter from the list of available filters by opening the Display Filters window. This window displays the list of all available filters. These include Global filters that are available to all users, as well as user-defined filters that are only available to the individual user. You can activate a filter from the Display Filters window, or switch to the IOA Log Show Screen window, where you can edit or define a filter.

To enter the Display Filters window, type SHOW ? in the COMMAND field of the IOA Log screen and press Enter.

Figure 93 IOA Log Screen Display Filters Window

FILTER:  DEFAULT    ---------------- IOA LOG  ------------------------------(5)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                SHOW LIMIT ON ==>                                          DATE 060601 - 060601
                DATE   TIME   ODATE  USERID   CODE    ------ M E S S A G E --------------------
                060601 092144 060601 M22      SPY254I JOB CT085955 CT085955/01835 SCANNED   
                060601 092144 060601 M22      SEL208I JOB CT085955 CT085955/01835 ENDED "OK"
                0 +-----------------------------------+ B CT085956 CT085956/01836 SCANNED   
                0 |          DISPLAY FILTERS          | B CT085956 CT085956/01836 ENDED "OK"
                0 | CMD ==>           SCROLL==> CRSR  | B BRIVPCC  BRIVPCC /01843 SCANNED   
                0 |  O NAME     DESCRIPTION           | B BRIVPCC  BRIVPCC /01843 ENDED "OK"
                0 |    CONFIRM                        | EE OF TASK BRCC0001 ODATE 080800    
                |    DEL                            | RFORMED                             
                0 |    END                            | B INTR0004 INTR0004/04371 START     
                |    ENDNOTOK                       | 253.1316 STOP 98253.1316 CPU 0MIN   
                |    ENDOK                          | .04SEC SRB 0MIN 00.00SEC 0.19       
                0 |    EXEC                           | B INTR0004 INTR0004/04371 SCANNED   
                0 |    LATE                           | B INTR0004 INTR0004/04371 ABENDED CC
                |    WAIT                           | 37 STEP STEP01                      
                0 |    ECSALL                         | B INTR0004 INTR0004/04371 ENDED "NOT
                | =========>>> BOTTOM <<<========== | "                                   
                0 |                                   | B BRCC0001 ELIGIBLE FOR RUN         
                0 |  OPTIONS  S  SELECT  E  EDIT      | B BRCC0001 BRCC0002/01958 SUBMITTED 
                0 +-----------------------------------+ B BRCC0002 ELIGIBLE FOR RUN         
            CMDS: SHOW, GROUP, CATEGORY, SHPF                                      09.43.00

Fields of Display Filters Window

The Display Filters window contains the following fields:

Table 115 Fields of the Display Filters Window




Name of the filter as it appears in the General or user profile.


Description of the filter.

Options of the Display Filters Window

To request one of the following options, type the option in the OPT field to the left of the filter name and press Enter.

Table 116 Options of the Display Filters Window




Filters the entries that are displayed in the Automation Log Screen according to the criteria specified in the selected filter.


Opens the IOA Log Show Screen window, where the filter criteria are displayed. You can modify the filter criteria.

IOA Log Show Screen Window

The IOA Log Show Screen window in the IOA Log screen enables you to create or modify a filter.

  • To open an existing filter for editing, enter the following command:

    SHOW filtername EDIT

    where filtername is the name of the filter to be displayed in the IOA Log Show Screen window.

  • To edit the currently active filter, it is not necessary to enter the name of the filter or the EDIT keyword. Enter the SHOW command in the COMMAND field, or press PF02/PF14. The following IOA Log Show Screen window is displayed:

Figure 94 IOA Log Show Screen Window

FILTER: DEFA   +-------------------- IOA LOG SHOW SCREEN -------------------(5)
                COMMAND ===>   |  FILTER            SAVE   (Y/N)  DESC:                       |
                SHOW LIMIT O   |                                                              |
                DATE   TIME    |                                                              |
                060800 21354   |                                                              |
                |                                                              |
                060601 22040   |                                                              |
                060601 22040   |                                                              |
                060601 22040   |                                                              |
                |                                                              |
                060601 22040   |  CT     : GENERAL SHOUT      REAL-TIME UTILITIES             |
                060601 22040   |             Y       Y            Y        L                  |
                060601 22040   |  CODE                                                        |
                |  URGENCY:      REGULAR Y   URGENT Y   VERY-URGENT Y          |
                060601 23034   |                                                              |
                060601 23040   |                                                              |
                060601 23040   |                                                              |
                060601 23040   |                                                              |
                |  USERID        N54A                                          |
                060601 23040   |  MEM/MIS       MIGDASD                                       |
                060601 23040   |  JOBNAME                                                     |
                060601 23040   |  CATEGORY                                                    |
                |  GROUP                                                       |
            CMDS: SHOW,    +--------------------------------------------------------------+
  • To create a new filter, open any existing filter and enter a new name and description in the FILTER and DESC fields (described in "Fields of the IOA Log Show Screen Window," below).

Fields of the IOA Log Show Screen Window

The IOA Log Show Screen window contains the following fields:

Table 117 Fields of the IOA Log Show Screen Window




User-assigned name of the filter. The name entered in the FILTER field can be modified.

If changes to a filter have not been saved, an asterisk is displayed to the right of the filter name. For more information, see Closing the IOA Log Show Screen Window.


Specifies whether to save modifications to the filter upon closing the window.


User-defined description of the filter. The description entered here appears next to the name in the Displaying Filters window.

The INCONTROL administrator can limit which installed INCONTROL products and options each user may access. However, because all INCONTROL products and the messages they issue are integrated, it may be important for users to see the messages of products and options to which they have no access. Therefore, the types of messages for all INCONTROL products are listed in the IOA Log Show Screen window, and by default, the messages of all installed products are listed in the IOA Log screen.

Fields that define the selection criteria to be applied to the screen are described below. Fill in the selection criteria as necessary.

The selection criteria marked with the P symbol act on a prefix basis. For example, typing CTT in the CODE field causes the retrieval of all IOA Log file messages that start with CTT.

Table 118 IOA Log Show Screen Window Selection Criteria



CT message type

To limit the type of log messages displayed, specify Y (Yes) or N (No) under the desired message type. Valid message types codes:

  • GENERAL – General messages about Control-M/Tape operation.
  • SHOUT – Messages written to the IOA Log file by the DOSHOUT parameter. For more information about the DOSHOUT parameter, see DO SHOUT: Action Parameter.
  • REAL-TIME – Messages written from the Control-M/Tape real-time environment (SVC).
  • UTILITIES – Messages written from Control-M/Tape batch utilities.


Show only IOA Log file messages with the specified message IDs or prefix(es). A maximum of 6 message IDs (or prefixes) can be specified.


Mark Y (Yes) or N (No) to specify the desired urgency of messages. Urgent and very urgent messages are highlighted.


Show only messages of the selected user IDs. A maximum of five user IDs can be specified.

Selection criteria MEM/MIS, JOBNAME, CATEGORY, and GROUP, described below, only affect the display of messages related to a mission. Messages not related to a mission are not affected by these selection criteria and are displayed unless suppressed by other selection criteria.


Limit displayed job messages to the selected member names. A maximum of five member names can be specified. Messages not related to a job are not affected by this show limit.


Limit displayed job messages to the selected job names. A maximum of five job names can be specified. Messages not related to a job are not affected by this show limit.


Control-D category. This selection field is not relevant to Control-M and does not filter Control-M jobs.


Limit displayed job messages to the selected groups. A maximum of four groups can be specified. Messages not related to a job are not affected by this show limit.

IOA Log Show Screen window (at Sites Where Multiple IOA Products Are Active)

The IOA Log Show Screen window displays different selection criteria depending on which INCONTROL products are operational at your site.

The IOA Log Show Screen window at sites where all INCONTROL products are active is illustrated below.

Figure 95 IOA Log Show Screen Window at Sites where Multiple INCONTROL Products are Active

FILTER: DEFA   +-------------------- IOA LOG SHOW SCREEN -------------------(5)
                COMMAND ===>   |  FILTER            SAVE   (Y/N)                              |
                DATE   TIME    |             Y    Y        Y     Y     Y      N     N    N    |
                060800 21354   |  CO+CMEM: GENERAL  SHOUT JOBS      GENERAL W PIPE W JOB W    |
                |             Y        Y    Y                                  |
                060601 22040   |  CD+CV  : SBSYS REP MIS SHOUT USER GENERAL DAILY MONIT STAT  |
                060601 22040   |             Y    Y   Y    Y     Y     Y      N     N    N    |
                060601 22040   |  CB     : RUNTIME SHOUT DAILY GENERAL STATISTICS             |
                |             Y       Y     Y      Y        Y                  |
                060601 22040   |  CT     : GENERAL SHOUT      REAL-TIME UTILITIES             |
                060601 22040   |             Y       Y            Y        Y                  |
                060601 22040   |  CODE                                                        |
                |  URGENCY:      REGULAR Y   URGENT Y   VERY-URGENT Y          |
                060601 23034   |  TASK TYPE CM: JOB CYC EMR STC CST EST ECJ ECS WRN TBL TBC   |
                060601 23040   |                 Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y    |
                060601 23040   |            CD: REP PRT BKP/MIG RST EMR NOEMR CYC NOCYC       |
                060601 23040   |                 Y   Y     Y     Y   Y    Y    Y    Y         |
                |  USERID        N54A                                          |
                060601 23040   |  MEM/MIS       MIGDASD                                       |
                060601 23040   |  JOBNAME                                                     |
                060601 23040   |  CATEGORY                                                    |
                |  GROUP                                                       |
            CMDS: SHOW,    +--------------------------------------------------------------+

The Control-M/Tape selection criteria are described in Table 118 in IOA Log Show Screen Window. For descriptions of the selection options for other INCONTROL products, see the user guides of the respective products.

The INCONTROL administrator can limit which installed INCONTROL products and options each user can access. However, because all INCONTROL products and the messages they issue are integrated, it may be important for users to see the messages of products and options to which they have no access. Therefore, the types of messages for all INCONTROL products are listed in the IOA Log Show Screen window, and by default, the messages of all installed products are listed in the IOA Log screen.

Closing the IOA Log Show Screen Window

You can activate an edited filter with or without saving changes, depending on the value you type in the SAVE field, as follows:

  • To activate and save the filter, type Y (Yes) in the SAVE field. Changes to the filter are permanently saved.

  • To activate the filter without saving it, type N (No) in the SAVE field. Changes are kept in memory only, but are not saved.

After entering a value in the SAVE field, press one of the following keys:

Table 119 IOA Log Show Screen window - Closing Values




Filtering begins with the first message currently displayed in the screen and continues downward.

PF07 (UP)

Filtering begins with the first message in the IOA Log file and continues downward.


Filtering begins with the last message in the IOA Log file and continues upward.

The window is closed and the filter is activated as defined or modified.

To cancel changes made in the IOA Log Show Screen window, press RESET (PF10/PF22). The changes are canceled regardless of the value entered in the SAVE field, the window is closed, and the filter that was previously in effect is restored.

By default, pressing END (PF03/PF15) in the window works like pressing Enter. However, the default can be modified so that pressing END works like pressing RESET.

IOA Calendar Facility

The IOA Calendar facility enables you to create, view, or modify calendar definitions.

Calendars simplify the scheduling of INCONTROL product jobs, missions, rules, and so on. When a particular schedule is used in many job scheduling, mission, and/or rule definitions, a calendar can be defined for that schedule, and the name of that calendar can be specified in all the job, mission, or rule definitions that use that particular schedule.

For example, calendars may be defined to handle the normal scheduling needs for workdays, holidays, weekends, beginning of month, end of month, and so on. Exception calendars may also be created.

A calendar definition consists of parameters that specify when scheduling occurs.

Calendar definitions are stored in members. A member usually contains multiple calendar definitions, as follows:

  • A member contains the calendars required for a specific type of scheduling need. For example, the calendar member WORKDAYS may contain the calendar definitions for normal workday scheduling.

  • Each calendar definition in that member defines the schedule for a given year. For example, the calendar member WORKDAYS may contain calendar definitions 2001, 2002, and 2003. Each of those definitions contains the normal workday schedule for the corresponding year.

The IOA Calendar facility also enables the definition of varied work periods throughout the year, in special calendars called periodic calendars.

A calendar definition needs to be created only once. Once defined, the definition is saved and used as necessary for scheduling. Calendar definitions can be modified or deleted as required.

Any number of calendar members can be defined. Calendar members are stored in calendar libraries (partitioned data sets). Generally one calendar library is defined at time of installation, and referenced by DD statement DACAL.

The IOA Calendar facility does not support members that have been compressed using the ISPF PACK option.

Accessing the IOA Calendar Facility

The IOA Calendar facility contains the following screens:

Table 120 IOA Calendar Facility Screens



IOA Calendar Facility entry panel

Enables specification of parameters that determine which records are displayed in subsequent screens.

Calendar List screen

Displays the list of calendar members in the selected calendar library.

Year List screen

Displays the list of years for which there is a calendar definition in the selected calendar member.

Calendar Definition screen

Displays the parameters of the selected calendar for the selected year. This is the main screen of the facility.

To enter the Calendar facility, select Option 8 in the IOA Primary Option menu. The Calendar facility entry panel is displayed.

Depending on the values entered in the entry panel, you can bypass the Calendar List screen and/or the Year List screen.

IOA Calendar Facility Entry Panel

The entry panel is displayed upon entering the IOA Calendar facility (option 8 in the IOA Primary Option menu).

Figure 96 IOA Calendar Facility Entry Panel

--------------------- IOA CALENDAR FACILITY - ENTRY PANEL ------------------(8)
                COMMAND ===>                                                                
                SPECIFY LIBRARY, CALENDAR, YEAR                                             
                LIBRARY  ===> IOA.PROD.CAL                                               
                CALENDAR ===>                 (Blank for calendar selection list)        
                YEAR     ===>                 (Blank for year selection list)            
            USE THE COMMAND "SHPF" TO SEE PFK ASSIGNMENT                           10.58.42

Fields of the IOA Calendar Facility Entry Panel

Fill in the following fields and press Enter.

Table 121 Fields of the IOA Calendar Facility Entry Panel




Name of the desired calendar library. Mandatory.

If you make an entry in this field without filling in the CALENDAR field, the list of calendars in the selected library is displayed in the Calendar List screen.

If you make an entry in this field, you can restrict the list of calendars that are displayed by entering in the CALENDAR field part of a Calendar name together with a mask character or characters (? and *).


Name of the desired calendar member. Optional.

If an entry is made in this field without filling in the YEAR field, the list of years in the selected calendar member is displayed in the Year List screen.


Year of the desired calendar definition. Optional.

This field can be used only if a CALENDAR value is also entered. If specified, the calendar definition is displayed in the Calendar Definition screen.

If you use the selection list fields, their values are not erased until you exit the entry panel by pressing END (PF03/PF15).

Calendar List Screen

The Calendar List screen displays a list of calendars (members) in the selected library. This screen can be entered directly from the entry panel or upon exiting the Year List screen.

By default, only calendar names are listed in the screen. However, if the default has been modified at time of installation, statistical information is displayed for each calendar name, as shown in Figure 97.

Figure 97 Calendar List Screen

CALENDARS IN LIB IOA.PROD.CAL                                 ------------(8.D)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                OPT  NAME ------------ VV.MM  CREATED     CHANGED     SIZE  INIT   MOD   ID  
                BANKDAYS          01.00 02/01/28 01/06/29 09:50   104   104     0 IOAPROD
                DAYSOFF           01.00 02/01/28 01/06/29 09:50    30    30     0 IOAPROD
                HOLIDAYS          01.00 02/01/28 01/06/29 09:50    15    15     0 IOAPROD
                PERIOD1O          01.00 02/01/28 01/06/29 09:50    45    45     0 IOAPROD
                SACAYCLN          01.01 02/01/28 01/11/29 17:43    26    26     0 L3051 
                SPMONCLN          01.01 02/01/29 01/11/30 15:00   117   104     0 M16A  
                SPWEKCLN          01.01 02/01/29 01/11/30 15:10   117   104     0 M16A  
                STOCKDAY          01.00 02/01/30 01/06/31 09:50    45    45     0 IOAPROD
                WORKDAYS          01.01 02/01/30 01/11/31 17:43    26    26     0 L3051 
                ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  NO MORE CALENDARS IN LIBRARY  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======
            OPTIONS:  S SELECT   B BROWSE   D DELETE                               13.54.14

To return to the entry panel, press END (PF03/PF15).

Options of the Calendar List Screen

To request one of the following options, type the option in the OPT field to the left of the calendar names, and press Enter.

Table 122 Options of the Calendar List Screen




Display the list of years for the calendar for any purpose, including editing or modification. Only one calendar can be selected at a time.


Display the list of years for the calendar for browsing. Only one calendar can be selected at a time.


Delete the calendar (member) from the library. Multiple calendars can be selected.

Year List Screen

The screen displays the list of years for which a specified calendar is defined. This screen can be entered directly through the entry panel or the Calendar List screen, or upon returning from the Year Definition screen.

If the S (Select) option was entered in the Calendar List screen for a calendar that is currently in use (selected) by another user, either the Year List screen is not displayed and the Calendar List screen remains displayed (the default), or the Year list screen is displayed in Browse mode (if a user profile definition overrides the default). In either case, an appropriate message is displayed.

If a calendar description was defined in the Calendar Definition screen, the definition is displayed to the right of the year.

Figure 98 Year List Screen

LIST OF YEARS IN IOA.PROD.CAL                                 CALENDAR WORKDAYS
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                OPT  YEAR ------------------ DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------
                2001           REGULAR WORKING DAYS IN 2001                             
                2002           REGULAR WORKING DAYS IN 2002                             
                2003           REGULAR WORKING DAYS IN 2003                             
                2004           REGULAR WORKING DAYS IN 2004                             
                2005           REGULAR WORKING DAYS IN 2005                             
                ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  NO MORE YEARS IN CALENDAR     <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =====

To return to the Calendar List screen press END (PF03/PF15).

Format of the Year List Screen

Next to each year in the Year list, certain information can be displayed. The type and format of this information depends on whether the screen is displayed in DESC format or in STAT format:

  • In DESC format, the description of the year, taken from the DESC field of the calendar definition, is displayed. Default.

  • In STAT format, the ISPF statistical information for the calendar definition is displayed.

By default, the Year list is displayed in DESC format. To change formats, use the DESC or STAT commands, described in Table 123.

Commands of the Year List Screen

The following commands can be entered in the COMMAND field of the Year List screen.

Table 123 Commands of the Year List Screen




The DESC command displays the calendar description next to the year. The description is taken from the DESCRIPTION field in the calendar definition.


The STAT command displays the following ISPF-like statistical information about the calendar next to the year: version and modification numbers, creation date, last modification date, and user ID.

Options of the Year List Screen

To request one of the following options, type the option in the OPT field to the left of the year and press Enter.

If the Year List screen is displayed in Browse mode, options D (Delete), I (Insert), and W (Insert By Week Days) are not available.

Table 124 Options of the Year List Screen




Display the calendar definition for the specific year.

Parameters can be edited and updated only if the Calendar Definition screen is not displayed in Browse mode. If the Calendar Definition screen is displayed in Browse mode, the screen can only be browsed and parameters cannot be modified.


Delete the calendar definition for the specified year.


Insert a new year in the Year List screen and display the Calendar Definition screen with a predefined year definition for editing. The predefined calendar definition is defined with the same dates as the year next to which the I (Insert) request was specified. For more information, see "Inserting a New Year" below.


Insert a new year in the Year List screen and display the Calendar Definition screen for editing a predefined year definition. The predefined year definition is defined with the same days of the week as the year next to which the W (Insert by Week Days) request was specified. For more information, see "Inserting a New Year" below.


Copy the year to another calendar, as described in Copying Years to Another Calendar. Multiple years can be selected.

Inserting a New Year

All calendar definitions identified in the same Year List usually have the same fixed scheduling pattern. Often, this scheduling pattern is based either on dates within a month or on days of the week within the month. For example:

  • Calendar QUARTERLY might always indicate scheduling for the last day of March, June, September and December (that is, a scheduling pattern based on dates).

  • Calendar WEEKEND might always indicate scheduling all Saturdays and/or Sundays in each month (that is, a scheduling pattern based on days of the week).

This scheduling pattern also applies to new calendar definitions resulting from the insertion of a new year in the Year List screen.

When a year is inserted in the Year List, the IOA Calendar facility automatically generates a predefined calendar definition for the new year, based on the scheduling pattern of the calendar by which the insert request was specified. This frees the user from having to manually define the new calendar. This automatically generated calendar definition can be displayed and modified.

The Year list must be kept in ascending order without missing years (for example, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005). Each new year must be added at the end of the list.

In calendar definitions, a defined scheduling date is described by both the date (month and day) and the day of the week. Because a particular date falls on a different day of the week in different years, it is necessary to indicate whether the scheduling pattern is based on the date or on the days of the week. This is indicated by the specified insert option.

  • To define the calendar with the same scheduling dates (although corresponding days of the week may vary, for example, calendar QUARTERLY described above), type option I (INSERT).

  • To define the calendar so that scheduling takes place on the same weekdays as in the previous calendar (although the corresponding dates may vary, for example, calendar WEEKEND described above), type option W (INSERT BY WEEK DAYS).

  • If the scheduling pattern is mixed (for example, calendar HOLIDAYS always indicates scheduling on both January 1 and the first Monday in September), specify the more appropriate option and correct the new calendar definition manually.

Copying Years to Another Calendar

Years currently displayed in the Year List screen can be copied to another calendar. To copy the desired years, type option C (COPY) next to each desired year in the screen and press Enter. The following window is displayed:

Figure 99 Calendar List Screen Copy Window

LIST OF YEARS IN: IOA.PROD.CAL                                CALENDAR: CALEN1
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                OPT  YEAR -------- DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------
                2001          REGULAR WORKING DAYS IN 2001                             
                C   2002          REGULAR WORKING DAYS IN 2002                             
                2003          REGULAR WORKING DAYS IN 2003                             
                2004          REGULAR WORKING DAYS IN 2004                             
                |                                                           | 
                |                                                           | 
                |  LIBRARY :  IOA.PROD.CAL                                  | 
                |  CALENDAR:                                                | 
                |  YEAR    :  2005                                          | 
                |                                                           | 

The window contains the following fields (some fields contain default values that can be modified):

Table 125 Fields of the Calendar List Screen Copy Window




Library containing the calendar into which the years must be copied. Must be an existing library. Default: The current library.


Name of the calendar into which the year must be copied.

A year can only be copied to another calendar. It cannot be copied to its own calendar (even if the year is renamed).

If the selected calendar does not exist in the Calendar List, the calendar is created when the request is performed.


Name of the year to be copied. If multiple years are selected, the window is initially displayed with the first selected year. As each request is performed or canceled, the next requested year name appears.

To perform a request, press Enter.

To cancel a request, press END (PF03/PF15) or RESET (PF04/PF16).

Calendar Definition Screen

This screen is used to define, display and modify dates in a calendar for a specific year. This screen can be entered directly from the entry panel or from the Year List screen.

Figure 100 Calendar Definition Screen

--------------------------- IOA CALENDAR - WEEKDAYS ----------------------(8.Y)
                COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
                YEAR 2002        REGULAR WORKDAYS IN 2002                                    
                1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1       
                01         Y Y Y     Y Y Y Y Y     Y Y Y Y Y     Y Y Y Y Y     Y Y Y Y       
                1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8       
                02             Y     Y Y Y Y Y     Y Y Y Y Y     Y Y Y Y Y     Y Y Y Y       
                1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1 
                03             Y     Y Y Y Y Y     Y Y Y Y Y     Y Y Y Y Y     Y Y Y Y Y     
                1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 +           
                04     Y Y Y Y Y     Y Y Y Y Y     Y Y Y Y Y     Y Y Y Y Y     Y Y           
                1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1     
                05         Y Y Y     Y Y Y Y Y     Y Y Y Y Y     Y Y Y Y Y     Y Y Y Y Y     
                1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 
                06                   Y Y Y Y Y     Y Y Y Y Y     Y Y Y Y Y     Y Y Y Y Y     
            TYPE  Y  IN ALL THE EXECUTION DAYS                                     14.37.10

Fields of the Calendar Definition Screen

Table 126 Fields of the Calendar Definition Screen




Year of the calendar. This value can be modified. When modified, the values indicated for each date in each month (described below) are shifted to the appropriate day of the week.


User-supplied, free text description of the calendar. Optional.


Each month of the year (01 through 12) of the calendar consists of the following:

  • Separator line. Sunday (or Saturday) is marked "S" (according to the default at your site).
  • Month label (01 through 12).
  • Date label for the day of the month.
  • Updatable field for defining execution dates. Valid values are:
  • Y (Yes) – Select the rule on that date.
  • N (No) or '' (Blank) – Do not select the rule for execution on that date.
  • + – For a relative calendar, select the closest next "date."
  • - – For a relative calendar,a select the closest previous "date."

Periodic Calendars

Some rules must be scheduled periodically, according to schedules that are not easily expressed in terms of fixed days and dates within months. In these cases, monthly, or even yearly, scheduling definition is awkward. For example:

A payroll rule needs to be scheduled every other Wednesday:

In some months, the rule may be scheduled on the first, third, and even fifth Wednesday in the month. In other months, it may be scheduled on the second and fourth Wednesday in the month.

In some years, the rule may be scheduled beginning on the first Wednesday of the year. In other years, it may be scheduled beginning on the second Wednesday of the year.

A rule must be scheduled every 25 days, regardless of date. Such a rule is scheduled on different dates each month and each year.

The IOA Calendar facility provides special calendars, called periodic calendars, to allow specification of these scheduling requirements. These periodic calendars are very flexible.

To designate a calendar as periodic, you must type reserved string ==PERIODIC== in the first 12 positions of the description field. Any text can be entered in the rest of the description field. This is illustrated in the following figure.

Figure 101 Use of Reserved String "==PERIODIC=="

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
            YEAR 2004  -  ==PERIODIC== GENERAL WORKDAY CALENDAR                          

The following are characteristics of periodic calendars:

  • In a periodic calendar, days are not marked using the letters Y (Yes) or N (No). Instead, a period identifier is used to mark working days in a period. A period identifier can be any letter from A to Z (except Y and N), any number from 0 to 9, or any other printable sign. If you need more characters, use characters falling within the hexadecimal range 4A through F9. All working days within the same period must be marked using the same period identifier character so that different identifier characters indicate different periods. Days that are not marked are nonworking days because they do not belong to any period in this calendar.

  • Identifiers from different periods can be interspersed throughout a periodic calendar.

  • A periodic calendar can consist of smaller units that do not correspond to regular months, in that they can be longer or shorter than regular months.

  • A periodic calendar can span a period, called a "logical year", which can be longer or shorter than one regular calendar year.

  • When a periodic calendar spans parts of two regular calendar years, special considerations are likely to arise. For more information, see Special Year-End Handling of Periodic Calendars.

  • A period can span any number of days, but no more than a preset number of days can elapse after the appearance of one identifier in a period until the appearance of the next matching identifier in the same period. After that period expires, the next matching identifier starts a new period.

    By default, this period is preset to 33 days. Once the length of the gap between matching identifiers exceeds 33 days, the period automatically closes.

The length of the default period can be changed from 33 days by the INCONTROL administrator, using optional Wish WM2888.

For more information on the use of periodic calendars, see DAYS: Basic Scheduling Parameter and WDAYS: Basic Scheduling Parameter.

The following are examples of periodic calendars:

Figure 102 Periodic Calendar

                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1             
                    12                         A         A   A B   A                             
                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1       
                    01             B                                       B                     

This example contains two periods: A and B.

  • Period A starts on December 13 and ends on December 23. During this period, the defined working days are December 13, December 18, December 20, and December 23.

  • Period B spans more than one calendar year. It starts on December 21 and ends on January 24. During this period, the defined working days are December 21, January 4, and January 24.

Figure 103 Periodic Calendar

                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1 
                    03                         B             A         B         A           
                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 +           
                    04                                                B                       

This example includes a period B that begins on March 9. The last marked working day of the period is March 21, which is followed by a 33-day gap. Assuming that Wish WM2888 has not been used to alter the default period of 33 days, period B automatically ends on April 23, and April 24 marks the beginning of a new period B. If no more B identifiers are added, this new B period ends on May 27.

Special Year-End Handling of Periodic Calendars

Rules, jobs, or missions may be improperly scheduled if a periodic calendar contains one or more periods that start in one year and continue into the next year, under the following circumstances:

  • If the default gap between occurrences of matching identifiers has been changed from 33 days to a longer period


  • If the first occurrence of the matching identifier in one logical year falls within the default gap that began at the last occurrence of the matching identifier in a prior logical year

In such cases, the period in the prior logical year overlaps the period in the later logical year, causing a scheduled rule not to run in the later logical year as expected.

To avoid this problem, remove logical years from periodic calendars as soon as they are no longer needed.

  • Logical year FISCAL01 extends from April 1, 2001 through March31, 2002.

  • Logical year FISCAL01 contains a period identified as Period A that has been defined to begin on December 28, 2001 and to continue through January 15, 2002.

  • Logical year FISCAL02 extends from April 1, 2002 through March31, 2003.

  • Logical year FISCAL02 also contains a period identified as Period A, defined to begin on April 20, 2002 and continue through May3,2002.

  • Rule X is scheduled for the seventh day of Period A in each logical year, through the rule definition DAYS=D7PA.

In a case where the default gap being 33 days, Rule X runs in January 2002, and again in April 2002, as expected.

In a case where the default gap is changed from 33 to a longer period, such as 120 days, the first day of Period A in logical year FISCAL02 occurs less than 120 days after the last appearance of Period A in logical year FISCAL01. As a result, what appears to be the seventh day in Period A in April 2002 is not recognized as such, because the "old" Period A overlaps the "new" Period A. Consequently, Rule X does not run again when the user may have expected it to run.

Deleting Calendars

To delete calendars, type option D next to the calendar names in the Calendar List screen and press Enter.

The following confirmation window is displayed, in sequence, for each calendar selected for deletion.

Figure 104 Calendar List Screen Delete Confirmation Window

CALENDARS IN LIB IOA.PROD.CAL                                 ------------(8.D)
                COMMAND ===>                +--------------------------+        SCROLL===> CRSR
                OPT  NAME ---               |   CONFIRM DELETE OPTION  | E  INIT   MOD   ID  
                D   BANKDAYS   <-----------|               (Y/N)      | 4   104     0 IOAPROD
                DAYSOFF                +--------------------------+ 0    30     0 IOAPROD
                HOLIDAYS          01.00 02/01/28 01/06/29 09:50    15    15     0 IOAPROD
                PERIOD1O          01.00 02/01/28 01/06/29 09:50    45    45     0 IOAPROD
                D   SACAYCLN          01.01 02/01/28 01/11/29 17:43    26    26     0 L3051 
                SPMONCLN          01.01 02/01/29 01/11/30 15:00   117   104     0 M16A  
                SPWEKCLN          01.01 02/01/29 01/11/30 15:10   117   104     0 M16A  
                STOCKDAY          01.00 02/01/30 01/06/31 09:50    45    45     0 IOAPROD
                WORKDAYS          01.01 02/01/30 01/11/31 17:43    26    26     0 L3051 
                ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  NO MORE CALENDARS IN LIBRARY  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======

Type Y (Yes) in the window to delete the calendar.

Type N (No) in the window to cancel the delete request.

If PDSMAN is operational at your site, $$$SPACE members are not deleted.

For each calendar deleted, a message is written to the IOA Log file.

Exiting the IOA Calendar Facility

When exiting the IOA Calendar facility, screens are exited in the following sequence:

  1. Calendar Definition screen

  2. Year List screen

  3. Calendar List screen

If the Calendar List screen was bypassed as you entered the IOA Calendar facility (that is, if you entered a CALENDAR value in the entry panel), the Calendar List screen is not displayed upon exiting the Year List screen; instead, the entry panel is displayed.

Calendar Facility Entry Panel

The commands and options available when exiting screens depend on the screen being exited and on whether changes have been made. If changes have been made, the selected exit options and commands determine whether the changes are saved. Exit options and commands are discussed below on a screen by screen basis.

Exiting the Calendar Definition Screen

Use any of the following commands, or press the corresponding PFKey, to exit the Calendar Definition screen:

Table 127 Commands for Exiting the Calendar Definition Screen




Cancel the changes made to the calendar definition and return to the Year List screen.

The following exit commands retain changes to the calendar definition in memory. To permanently save the changes to disk, you must also request that the changes be saved when you exit the Year List screen.

END (PF03/PF15) Enter

Keep changes to the calendar definition in memory and exit to the Year List screen.


Keep changes to the calendar definition in memory and display the next calendar definition in the Year List screen.


Keep changes to the calendar definition in memory and display the previous calendar definition in the Year List screen.

Exiting the Year List Screen

Press END (PF03/PF15) to exit the Year List screen. If changes made to at least one calendar definition have been kept in memory or if any changes have been made to the Year List screen, the Exit Option window is displayed. For more information, see Exiting the Calendar Definition Screen.

Figure 105 Year List Screen Exit Option Window

LIST OF YEARS IN IOA.PROD.CAL                                 CALENDAR WORKDAYS
                COMMAN +-----------------------------------------------------------+  ===> CRSR
                OPT  N |                 PLEASE SELECT EXIT OPTION                 |       
                1 |                                                           |       
                1 |     SAVE    CREATE                                        |       
                1 |                                                           |       
                ====== |     LIBRARY IOA.PROD.CAL                                  |  << =====
                |     TABLE   WORKDAYS                                      |       
                |                                                           |       

Fill in the Exit Option window as follows:

The LIBRARY and TABLE (member) fields indicate the library and member in which the calendar definitions must be saved. The specified values can be modified (for example, to save the calendar definitions in a different member).

To save all changes currently in memory and exit the Year List screen, type Y (Yes) after the word SAVE or CREATE:

Type Y after the word SAVE if a member with the same calendar name already exists in the specified library.

Type Y after the word CREATE if a member with the same calendar name does not exist in the specified library.

If you create a new calendar member, the member name does not appear in the Calendar List screen upon exiting the Year List screen; it first appears when you reenter the Calendar List screen from the entry panel.

To cancel changes currently in memory and exit the Year List screen, type N (No) after the word SAVE or CREATE.

To close the Exit Option window and remain in the Year List screen (with the changes remaining in memory), press RESET (PF04/PF16).

Exiting the Calendar List Screen

Press END (PF03/PF15) to exit the Calendar List screen.

Exiting the IOA Calendar Facility Entry Panel

Press END (PF03/PF15) to exit the entry panel.

Utilities Under ISPF

Several IOA facilities can only be activated under ISPF. To activate these facilities, select option 6 on the IOA Primary Option menu (under ISPF) or invoke the IOAUTIL CLIST from the TSO Command Processor. The IOA Online Utilities menu is displayed.

The INCONTROL administrator can remove user authority to access option 6 on the IOA Primary Option menu. In this case, the IOA Online Utilities menu is not displayed.

IOA Online Utilities Menu

Depending on the INCONTROL products that are available at your site, different online utility options are displayed in the On-line Utilities menu. Figure 106 shows the IOA On-line Utilities menu that is displayed when all applicable INCONTROL products are active.   

Figure 106 IOA Online Utilities Menu when all INCONTROL Products are Installed

------------------------------ ON-LINE UTILITIES ------------------------------
                USERID   - N06    
                TIME     - 13:40  
                TERMINAL - 3278   
                D1  DECOLLATING          - Schedule a Report Decollating Mission           
                D2  PRINT                - Schedule a Printing Mission                     
                D3  BACKUP/MIGRATION     - Schedule a Backup/Migration Mission             
                D4  RESTORE              - Schedule a Restore Mission                      
                I1  PREREQ CONDITION     - Add/Check/Delete a Prerequisite Condition       
                M1  JOB ORDER ISSUE      - Issue a Job Order                               
                M2  AUTOEDIT SIMUL       - Perform an AutoEdit Simulation                  
                M3  SIMUL/TAPE PULL      - Prepare Simulation/Tape Pull List Job           
                M4  PARAM PROMPTING      - Parameter Prompting Facilities                  
                M5  QUICK SCHEDULE       - Quick Schedule Definition                       
                M6  USER INTERFACE       - End-User Job Order Interface                    
                R1  CTM/RESTART SIM      - CONTROL-M/Restart Simulation                    
                R2  DATASET CLEANUP      - CONTROL-M/Restart Dataset Cleanup               
                R3  JOB DATASET LIST     - Prepare a Job Dataset List                      
                R4  STANDALONE           - CONTROL-M/Restart Standalone                    
                T1  CONTROL-M/Tape SIMUL - Simulate CONTROL-M/Tape Rules                   
                X   EXIT                 - Exit This Menu                                  
            OPTION  ===>                                                                  

If DOCU/TEXT has also been installed at your site, an additional utility, option U1, is displayed in the Online Utilities menu.

To access an available utility, type the desired option number in the OPTION field and press Enter.

Options I1 and T1, which are also available when Control-M/Tape is installed as a standalone product are described on the following pages. For the descriptions of other utilities on the menu, see the user guides of the relevant products.

Online utilities utilize standard ISPF profile capabilities.

Quick transfer to a utility can be performed by specifying =opt from another utility screen, or =6.opt from a non-utility screen, such as Log screen, where opt is the option in the Online Utilities menu.

I1: Add/Check/Delete a Prerequisite Condition

This utility adds prerequisite conditions to, checks the existence of prerequisite conditions in, and deletes prerequisite conditions from, the IOA Conditions file.

The Prerequisite Condition Utility screen, shown in Figure 107, can be displayed in the following ways:

  • Select option I1 in the Online Utilities menu.

  • Invoke the IOACCND CLIST from the TSO Command Processor screen.

Figure 107 Prerequisite Condition Utility Screen

-----------------------  PREREQUISITE CONDITION UTILITY  ---------------------
                COMMAND ===>                                                                 
                FUNCTION                ===> ADD                  (ADD/CHECK/DELETE)       
                CONDITION NAME          ===> SALARY_RPT_OK                                 
                Enter either date or STAT:                                                 
                CONDITION DATE          ===> STAT                 (DDMM OR STAT)           
                ENTER YES TO CONTINUE   ===> YES                                           

To activate the utility, fill in the following fields and press Enter:

Table 128 Prerequisite Condition Utility Screen Fields




Function to be performed. Valid values are:

  • ADD – Add the specified condition to the IOA Conditions file.
  • CHECK – Check if the specified condition exists in the IOA Conditions file.
  • DELETE – Delete the specified condition from the IOA Conditions file.


Name of the prerequisite condition (1 through 39 characters) to be added, checked, or deleted. If CONDITION NAME values contain the special characters ampersand (&) or apostrophe (‘), they must be repeated in order to appear on the screen.


4-character date associated with the specified condition. Valid values are:

  • date – Valid date in date in mmdd or ddmm format, depending on the site standard.
  • STAT – Static. Value assigned to conditions that are not date-dependent, such as DATABASE-OK.


Confirmation field to prevent the unintentional addition or deletion of a condition. When blank, the operation is not performed. Type YES to add, check or delete the condition.

To exit the screen without activating the utility, press PF03/PF15.

T1: Simulate Control-M/Tape Rules

This utility simulates Control-M/Tape rule processing when a particular job is run. It enables you to check which rules are processed when the job is run, and the results of that rule processing. It is recommended that this utility be used when inserting new rules (to check that they are processed and that they perform as expected), or to understand existing rules whose functions are unclear.

The utility shows which DO blocks were performed and from which rules these DO blocks were taken.

The utility screen can be displayed in the following ways:

  • Select option T1 on the Online Utilities menu.

  • Activate CLIST CTTCRSS from the TSO Command Processor.

Figure 108 Control-M/Tape Rule Search Simulation Screen

--------------------  CONTROL-M/TAPE RULE SEARCH SIMULATION  -------------------
                COMMAND ===>                                                                  
                PLEASE FILL IN SEARCH CRITERIA:                                              
                DATASET                 ===>                                              
                JOBNAME                 ===>                                              
                UCB      ===>                   
                VOLSER                  ===>                                              
                MGMTCLAS ===>                   
                ACCOUNT                 ===>                                              
                JCLEXPDT ===>            (YYDDD)
                USERID                  ===>                                 or (YYYY/DDD)
                PGM      ===>                   
                MEDIA                   ===>                                              
                LOAD NEW RULES          ===> Y (Y/N)      RULLIST  ===> RULLIST           
                LOGICAL DATE            ===>              (Loading rules date, YYYYMMDD)  
                FUNCTION                ===> BROWSE       (BROWSE/EDIT search results)
                F1=HELP     F2=SPLIT    F3=END      F4=RETURN   F5=RFIND    F6=RCHANGE       
            F7=UP       F8=DOWN     F9=SWAP    F10=LEFT    F11=RIGHT   F12=keys          

The screen is divided into two sections. The first section provides job run information that Control-M/Tape would gather if the particular job was run (DATASET, JOBNAME, and so on). The utility uses information supplied in this section to select and activate rules.

The meaning of these fields (except JCLEXPDT) is explained in ON Statement: Selection Parameter. JCLEXPDT is the JCL expiration date in Julian format.

  • Fill in the parameters above the line in the screen. Information not required by any rules can be omitted. Character masking is not permitted.

  • Fill in the parameters below the line, as follows:

Table 129 Control-M/Tape Rule Search Simulation Parameters




Whether to load a new rule list. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Simulate the rules in the rule list member specified in the field RULLIST.
  • N (No) – Simulate the rules that are currently active.


Name of member containing the rule list to be loaded when LOAD NEW RULES equals Y. The member is taken from the PARM library.


Simulated date on which to load rules. Used only when the loading of new rules is requested if rules exist that are ordered only on specific dates.


Whether to browse or to edit the utility’s output (search results).

To activate the utility, specify YES at the bottom of the screen and press Enter.