About This Guide

This guide describes how to begin using Control-D, particularly the following functions:

  • Automatic backup and restoring of production job MSGCLASS output

  • Report handling

    • Decollation (separation)

    • Online viewing

  • Report editing

    • Printing

    • Backing up and restoring

  • Preparing for production implementation

Overview of Contents

The guide is divided into the following sections:

Format of This Guide

This guide is composed of two major parts:

  • Online demonstration of many of the basic Control-D facilities.

  • Suggestions and recommendations for implementing Control-D in a production environment (Preparing for Production).

When you have completed the Control-D Getting Started Guide, you are ready to implement Control-D in production.

Before You Begin

In order to access online the examples described in this guide, Control-D must be installed at your site in accordance with the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide.

  • Using a color terminal is recommended, but not necessary.

  • Prepare jobs PREPGSD and INITGS using option 7.3 in the INCONTROLTM Installation and Customization Engine (ICE).

  • Submit the JCL in member PREPGSD in the IOA INSTWORK library to prepare the Getting Started environment. If the JCL in member INITGS of the INSTWORK library was not run during the Control-D installation, submit it also.

  • After the job has executed successfully, you will be ready to proceed.

  • Ensure that the Control-D monitor is active.

  • Perform the exercises in this guide in the order that they are presented.

Help Information

Help information is readily available while using Control-D. Help screens can be accessed by using the HELP command by typing HELP in the COMMAND line or by pressing PF01/PF13 from any Control-D screen.

Use standard scrolling conventions (PF08/PF20 and PF07/PF19) to scroll forward and backward through the help information. To return to the original screen, use the END command (PF03/PF15).

Conventions Used in This Guide

Notational conventions that might be used in this guide are explained below.

Standard Keyboard Keys

Keys that appear on the standard keyboard are identified in boldface, for example, Enter, Shift, Ctrl+S (a key combination), or Ctrl S (a key sequence).

Warning: The commands, instructions, procedures, and syntax illustrated in this guide presume that the keyboards at your site are mapped in accordance with the EBCDIC character set. Certain special characters are referred to in this documentation, and you must ensure that your keyboard enables you to generate accurate EBCDIC hex codes. This is particularly true on keyboards that have been adapted to show local or national symbols. You should verify that

  • $ is mapped to x'5B'.

  • # is mapped to x'7B'.

  • @ is mapped to x'7C'.

If you have any questions about whether your keyboard is properly mapped, contact your system administrator.

Preconfigured PFKeys

Many commands are preconfigured to specific keys or key combinations. This is particularly true with regard to numbered PF keys, or pairs of numbered PF Keys. For example, the END command is preconfigured to, and indicated as, PF03/PF15. To execute the END command, press either the PF03 key or the PF15 key.

Instructions to enter commands may include

only the name of the command, such as, enter the END command

only the PF keys, such as, press PF03/PF15

or both, such as, press PF03/PF15, or enter the END command

Command Lines and Option Fields

Most screens contain a command line, which is primarily used to identify a single field where commands, or options, or both, are to be entered. These fields are usually designated COMMAND, but they are occasionally identified as COMMAND/OPT or COMMAND/OPTION.

Option field headings appear in many screens. These headings sometimes appear in the screen examples as OPTION, or OPT, or O.

User Entries

In situations where you are instructed to enter characters using the keyboard, the specific characters to be entered are shown in this UPPERCASE BOLD text, for example, type EXITNAME.

Syntax Statements

In syntax, the following additional conventions apply:

  • A vertical bar ( | ) separating items indicates that you must choose one item. In the following example, you would choose a, b, or c:

    a | b | c
  • An ellipsis ( . . . ) indicates that you can repeat the preceding item or items as many times as necessary.

  • Square brackets ( [ ] ) around an item indicate that the item is optional. If square brackets ( [ ] ) are around a group of items, this indicates that the item is optional, and you may choose to implement any single item in the group. Square brackets can open ( [ ) and close ( ] ) on the same line of text, or may begin on one line of text and end, with the choices being stacked, one or more lines later.

  • Braces ({ }) around a group of items indicates that the item is mandatory, and you must choose to implement a single item in the group. Braces can open ( { ) and close ( } ) on the same line of text, or may begin on one line of text and end, with the choices being stacked, one or more lines later.

Screen Characters

All syntax, operating system terms, and literal examples are presented in this typeface.

This includes JCL calls, code examples, control statements, and system messages. Examples of this are:

  • Calls, such as:

  • Code examples, such as:

    FOR TABLE owner.name USE option, . . . ;
  • Control statements, such as:

  • System messages are displayed on the screen, such as

    • Stand-alone messages:

      You are not logged on to database database_name
    • Messages embedded in text:

      You are not logged on to database database_name


Variables are identified with italic text. Examples of this are:

  • In syntax or message text, such as:
    Specify database database_name

  • In regular text, such as:
    replace database database_name1 with database database_name2 for the current session

  • In a version number, such as:

Special Elements

This guide includes special elements called Notes and Warnings.

Notes provide additional information about the current subject.

Warnings alert you to situations that can cause problems, such as loss of data, if you do not follow instructions carefully.

Information New to This Version

Additional information that is new to this version is described in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Upgrading and the What’s New section of the INCONTROL for z/OS Release Notes.

Information Relating to Control-M/Restart Users

Certain information presented in the guide is relevant only to Control-M users who have Control-M/Restart installed at their site.

Control-M/Restart was called Control-R in earlier versions.

Control-M/Restart information is identified in this guide by the §Restart§ symbol, which is shown at the beginning of the Control-M/Restart information. This symbol is shown using the following guidelines:

  • If an entire topic level is dedicated to Control-M/Restart material, the heading of that topic begins with the §Restart§ symbol. Similarly, if there are lower level topics within that level that are also dedicated to Control-M/Restart material, the headings of those lower level topics will also begin with the §Restart§ symbol.

  • This provision also applies to Control-M/Restart paragraphs, each of which will begin with the §Restart§ symbol, or, on occasion, to single sentences, or even phrases or words, if they exclusively pertain to Control-M/Restart material.

  • The same §Restart§ symbol is placed at the conclusion of each unbroken block of text material that contains Control-M/Restart material, regardless of whether the material spans more than one heading level, paragraph, or sentence. For example, if a first level Control-M/Restart topic includes second and/or third and/or fourth and/or fifth level topic headings, with no intervening material that is not related to Control-M/Restart, the §Restart§ symbol will be placed at the end of the text in the lowest level sentence of unbroken Control-M/Restart material.

  • If a figure or table is used exclusively to identify or explain Control-M/Restart material, the following statement will appear immediately preceding the figure title or the table title:

  • §Restart§ The following (figure)(table) is for users who have Control-M/Restart installed at their site.

  • If Control-M/Restart material is included only in part of a figure or table otherwise used to illustrate standard Control-M material, the §Restart§ symbol will be used within the figure or table to identify the information relevant only to Control-M/Restart users.

If Control-M/Restart is not installed at your site, you can skip any material in this guide that is identified with the §Restart§ symbol.

Related Publications

INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide

A step-by-step guide to installing, customizing, maintaining, and upgrading INCONTROL products using the INCONTROL Customization and Installation Engine (ICE) application.

The guide is divided into the following volumes:

INCONTROL for z/OS Messages Manual

A comprehensive listing and explanation of all IOA and INCONTROL messages.

INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide

This guide provides information for system administrators about customizing and maintaining INCONTROL products.

INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide

A detailed description of the utilities designed to perform specific administrative tasks that are available to INCONTROL products. The guide contains an alphabetized reference of all utilities for each INCONTROL product.

User Guides

Product-specific guides containing comprehensive information about the operation and implementation of each INCONTROL product.