Backup and Restoring

This chapter includes the following topics:

Backup Missions

Backing up reports is performed in Control-D by a backup mission.

A backup mission backs up reports to tape or cartridge (as defined in the installation process).

The reports, already compressed on disk, are kept for the number of days defined in the backup mission (retention period). Each backup mission name indicates how many days the reports are to be kept. For example, BKP0031D represents a backup mission for reports that will be kept 31 days.

Several predefined backup missions with commonly used retention periods are provided in the Getting Started and production environment.

The backup process for a backup mission consists of four stages:


  1. Build the list of backup candidates.

    The list is built from those reports that were decollated with a DO BACKUP mission parameter that specified this backup mission name (in the decollating mission definition). You filled in this parameter in Chapter 3 of the Walkthrough.

  2. Merge the backup candidate list with the backup JCL skeleton.

  3. Submit the backup job.

  4. Analyze the results of the backup job.

    The backup mission to be activated was predefined and ordered during the installation process. It is automatically ordered from this day forward. The only action you must perform is to add a prerequisite condition "trigger."

  5. From the COMMAND field, type =7 and press Enter.

    The IOA Manual Conditions screen is displayed.

    Figure 39 Backup and Restore Mission Example

    --------------------------- IOA MANUAL CONDITIONS --------------------------(7)
    COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CRSR
    PREFIX  ===>                 PENDING Y  ADDED Y  STAT Y        DATE 0505 - 0505
    OPT TYPE      CONDITION             DATE  ADDED
        COND      OP-START-RESTORE-ADH  0505
        COND      OP-START-BACKUP-365D  0505
        COND      OP-START-BACKUP-180D  0505
        COND      OP-START-BACKUP-031D  0505
        COND      OP-START-BACKUP-007D  0505
        COND      OP-START-PRT-STD      0505    Y
    ======== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B O T T O M   O F   L I S T <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ========
  6. Position the cursor in the OPT field to the left of the OP-START-BACKUP- 007D. You are now going to add this prerequisite condition to the active missions environment in order to trigger the backup mission.

    The suffix of the condition, 007D, indicates the number of days the reports are to be kept.

  7. Type A and press Enter.

    The following message is displayed on the first line of the IOA Manual Conditions screen, to confirm that the condition has been added to the mission.


    After adding the condition, track the backup mission in the Active Missions Environment screen.

  8. From the COMMAND field, type =A and press Enter to view the Active Missions screen.

  9. Type F BKP0007D in the COMMAND field and press Enter to find the backup mission in the list of missions with the help of the FIND command.

    The four stages mentioned earlier are now in process.

  10. Press Enter periodically to display the current status. The backup mission enters a BACKUP-IN-PROCESS status.

    The submitted backup job initiates a mount for a tape. Please notify the computer operator to mount the tape. When the backup mission status is ENDED OK, you may proceed to the next exercise.

Deleting a Disk Copy of Unneeded Reports

Once a report is no longer needed for online viewing (or printing), it can be erased from the Active User Report list and deleted from disk using the CTDDELRP utility in the Control-D JCL library.

The sample supplied deletes all reports that have been printed or backed up without waiting additional days. After completing the Walkthrough, you can change the value of parameter DAYS (for example, 1 saves all reports on the disk for 1 day after creation).

Additional parameters are optional and can be added any time. For more information on these parameters, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.


  1. Edit the CTDDELRP member and submit the job.

    Ensure that the job finishes executing successfully. Notice that at the end of the output there are messages that list actions performed by the utility.

    The following actions were performed:

    • All reports that met the criteria specified to CTDDELRP were deleted from the Active User Report list.

    • The CDAM datasets of the reports were deleted from disk.

    • The History User Report list was updated to indicate which reports were backed up.

    The process (backup mission) that you previously activated backed up the reports to tape (or cartridge), but it did not delete the reports from disk. In order to eliminate unnecessary restores of reports that still reside on disk, the record of the report remains in the Active Report list until the report is deleted from disk using CTDDELRP. When the report is deleted from disk, the record of the report is transferred to the History User Report list.

    Examine the Active User Report list to verify that the record of the report was deleted from the Active User Report list.

  2. Type =U in the COMMAND field and press Enter.

    The User Reports entry panel is displayed.

    Figure 40 User Reports Entry Panel

    -------------------- CONTROL-D/V -  USER REPORTS ENTRY PANEL  ---------------(U)
     COMMAND ===>                                                                  
         OPTIONS ===>               1. PERMANENT  2. ACTIVE/MIGRATED 3. HISTORY         
          REPORT NAME   ===>                      
                                                   Report name, prefix or mask     
          USER          ===>                       Recipient name or prefix        
          DATE FROM     ===>        TO             Report date or relative day     
          JOBNAME       ===>                       Job name, prefix or mask        
          SHOW MIGRATED ===> N                     Include migrated reports        
          INDEX         ===>                       Index name, prefix or mask      
          VALUE         ===>                                                       
          DISPLAY TYPE  ===> D                     BYPASS PANEL ===> N             
  3. Type MGT in the USER field.

    In the Show Option window, ensure that Y appears in the CHILD field. Also ensure that the SELECT BY fields are blank. For information about the Show Option window, see the Online Facilities chapter of the Control-D and Control-V User Guide.

  4. In the User Reports entry panel, press Enter.

    Notice that there are no reports in the list. All reports were backed up and then deleted from disk by the CTDDELRP utility. Records for these reports now appear in the History User Report list.

  5. Press PF03/PF15.

Restore Missions

After a report was backed up by a backup mission and the utility CTDDELRP deleted the report from disk, the report is eligible to be restored.

All backed up reports appear in the History User Report list. Display the list of backed up reports to select a number of reports for restoring.

Selecting Reports to be Restored


  1. Type 3 in the OPTIONS field.

  2. In the USER field of the User Reports entry panel, type MGT and press Enter.

    In the Show Option Window, ensure that Y appears in the CHILD field. Also ensure that the SELECT BY fields are blank. For information about the Show Option Window, see Online Facilities chapter of the Control-D and Control-V User Guide.

  3. Position the cursor in the DISPLAY TYPE field.

  4. Type D and press Enter.

    The History List is displayed.

    Figure 41 Restore Mission Example

    HISTORY LIST   <D> JOB          REP                      USR          CHILD (U)
     COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
     O USER     REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES STATUS               
       DEV      EMPLOYEES REPORT              
                                     05/05/00      1       18 Backed up            
       MKT      EMPLOYEES REPORT                
                                     05/05/00      9      427 Backed up            
       PROD     EMPLOYEES REPORT                 
                                     05/05/00      9      427 Backed up            
     ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   B O T T O M    O F    L I S T   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======


    At this point, you may select a number of reports you want to restore.

  5. Type R to the left of the reports you want to restore and press Enter.

    A Restore Confirmation window is displayed.

    Figure 42 Restore Confirmation Window

    HISTORY LIST   <D> JOB          REP                      USR          CHILD (U)
     COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
     O USER     REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES STATUS               
       DEV      EMPLOYEES REPORT          +------------------------------+         
                                          | CONFIRM           :          |         
     R MKT      EMPLOYEES REPORT    <-----| BY RESTORE MISSION: RST0060M |         
     R PROD     EMPLOYEES REPORT                
                                     05/05/00      9      427 Backed up            
     ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   B O T T O M    O F    L I S T   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======

    The cursor is positioned in the CONFIRM field of the Restore Confirmation window.

  6. Type Y.

    RST0060M appears in the BY RESTORE MISSIONS FIELD field. If it does not appear:

  7. Type RST0060M. Press Enter.

    The following message is displayed on the top line of the screen:

    CTD954I REPORT reportname/jobname/username/ SET FOR RESTORE

    A Restore Confirmation window is displayed for each report you identified for restoration. Press Enter after each Restore Confirmation window is displayed.

    Wait Restore status is applied to the reports you identified for restoration. If you change your mind and do not want to restore one or more reports, you may use the C (No-Restore) option by typing C in the OPT field, to the left of any report you do not want to restore (even though you previously requested that it be restored).

Processing Restore Missions

Restoring in Control-D is performed by a restore mission.

The restore process consists of four stages:


  1. Build the list of restore candidates

    The list is an accumulation of all restore requests that were interactively selected in the History User Reports List screen. The requests are processed when the restore mission is activated (as set out below).

  2. Merge the restore candidate list with the restore JCL skeleton

  3. Submit the restore job

  4. Analyze the results of the restore job

    Two restore missions are predefined for you:

    • A cyclic restore mission, activated automatically once every 60 minutes

    • An "ad hoc" restore mission, activated manually by adding a prerequisite condition (trigger)

      In this exercise, you will use the cyclic restore mission.

  5. To activate the cyclic "60 minutes" restore mission, do the following:

    1. From the COMMAND field type =A and press Enter.

      The Active Missions Environment screen is displayed.

      Figure 43 Active Missions Environment Screen

      -------------------- D ACTIVE MISSIONS ENVIRONMENT -----------------(A)
      COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
      O NAME     ODATE  TYP OWNER    ------------------STATUS ------------------  UP
        STD      050500 PRT M22      ENDED OK
        BKP0007D 050500 BKP M22      ENDED OK
        BKP0031D 050500 BKP M22      WAIT PROCESS
        BKP0180D 050500 BKP M22      WAIT PROCESS
        BKP0365D 050500 BKP M22      WAIT PROCESS
        RSTADHOC 050500 RST M22      WAIT PROCESS
        RST0060M 050500 CRS M22      WAIT PROCESS
                 050500 REP M22      GENERIC WAITING FOR JOB
        jobnamR1 050500 REP M22      Jnnnnn ENDED OK
        jobnamR2 050500 REP M22      Jnnnnn ENDED OK
       ======== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BOTTOM OF ACTIVE MISSIONS LIST <<<<<<<<<<<<<< ===
    2. Find the restore mission in the list of missions with the FIND command. Type F RST0060M in the COMMAND field and press Enter.

  6. As mentioned earlier, this cyclic restore mission is activated automatically once every 60 minutes. When is the next time this restore mission will be activated?

    The ? (WHY) option on this screen supplies this information with a list of reasons for a "Wait" status. Use this option as follows:

    1. Position the cursor to the left of restore mission RST0060M.

    2. Type ? and press Enter.

      The following screen is displayed:

      ------------------------- RST0060M IS WAITING FOR: -----------------------(A.?)
      COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
          TIME LIMIT        FROM   ----            UNTIL    ----
          NEXT REC/CYC RUN  FROM   1855
      ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          END OF "WHY" LIST    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ========
  7. It is likely that the current interval will not end during the next few minutes. However, a restore is needed now. The following steps outlined one of the ways this can be done.

    Press PF03/PF15.

  8. Position the cursor to the left of the restore mission, type H and press Enter. The restore mission changes its status to REQUEST HELD WAIT PROCESS.

  9. Press Enter periodically to display the current status. After a few seconds, the restore mission status changes again to HELD WAIT PROCESS. Modification of missions on the Active Missions Environment screen can be performed only after changing the mission's status to HELD.

  10. Position the cursor to the left of the restore mission.

  11. Type Z and press Enter.

    The Active Missions Environment Zoom screen is displayed.

    Figure 44 Active Missions Environment Zoom Screen

    ---- D CATEGORY TEST                 RST MISSION RST0060M --------(A.Z)
     COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
       CATEGORY  DAILY                            MISSION RST0060M                 
       OWNER     M22          TASKTYPE CRS        GROUP   M22                      
       TIMESTAMP 10131153     ODATE    050500     MAXWAIT 00                       
       DESC      RESTORE REPORTS EVERY 60 MINUTES                                  
       TIME FROM      TO      NOT LATER THAN      PRIORITY       
       INTERVAL  060          NEXT TIME      1855                
       SHOUT WHEN NOTOK                                TO OPER2             URGN R 
       SHOUT WHEN                                      TO                   URGN   
     ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF RESTORE MISSION PARAMETERS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =====

     ENTER SAVE   TO UPDATE CHANGES                                         18.22.43

    This Zoom screen allows you to see the definition of a mission listed in the Active Missions Environment screen, and gives you the option of modifying some parameters. The parameter to change is the NEXT TIME parameter. This parameter indicates the next time this cyclic mission is to be activated.

  12. Type F NEXT in the COMMAND field, and press Enter.

  13. Position the cursor in the NEXT TIME field using the Tab key.

  14. Look at the bottom right of the screen to see the present time.

  15. Type the present time plus two minutes and press Enter.

  16. From the COMMAND field, type SAVE and press Enter.

    You automatically return to the Active Missions Environment screen. Press Enter to see the current status. The restore mission status changes to REQUESTED CHANGE HELD WAIT PROCESS. After a few seconds, the status changes again to HELD WAIT PROCESS.

    1. Now that the restore mission is updated, free it, as follows:

    2. Position the cursor to the left of the restore mission.

  17. Type F and press Enter. Within a few seconds the restore mission is freed and activated.

  18. Once the mission is activated, the four stages mentioned earlier are performed. Press Enter periodically to display the current status. The restore mission enters a RESTORE-IN-PROCESS status. The submitted restore job requests the tape that was used in the backup job.

    (A message appears on the operator console.)

  19. You may want to verify that the computer operator has mounted the tape. When the restore mission has the status ENDED OK, you may proceed.

Viewing and Printing Restored Reports

In this exercise, you view the reports that were just restored and print one of them. All viewing is performed in the Active User Report List screen.


  1. From the COMMAND field, type =U and press Enter.

    The User Reports entry panel is displayed.

  2. Fill in the following fields:

    COMMAND/OPTION  ===> 2                     1. PERMANENT   2. ACTIVE   3. HISTORY
       USER          ===> MGT                   Recipient name or prefix
       Display type  ===> D
  3. Press Enter.

    The reports that were restored have a status of RESTORED in the Active User Report List screen. View the restored reports.

    When you finish viewing the reports, return to the Active User Report List screen.

    Restored reports, like any report in Control-D, can be printed immediately or deferred (for printing by a printing mission). The P (Print) Option on this screen performs a print request for a restored report.

  4. Position the cursor to the left of the restored report you want to print.

  5. Type P and press Enter.

    Figure 45 Print Request for a Restored Report Screen

    ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                     USR MGT        CHILD (U)
    COMMAND ===>     +-------------------------------------------------------------+
    O USER     REPOR |                                                             |
      MKT      EMPLO | Print option ===>                                           |
      PROD     EMPLO |                                                             |
    P WAREHSE  INVEN |    1  Immediate Printing                                    |
    ====== >>>>>>>>> |    2  Deferred Printing (by Print Mission)                  |
                     |    X  Exit (no action)                                      |
                     |                                                             |
                     |    COPIES  001            FORM            CLASS  R          |
                     |                                                             |
                     |    DEST                   WTR                               |
                     |                                                             |
                     |    FROM PAGE       1 TO PAGE       9  RULER  DEFAULT        |
                     |                                                             |
                     |    PRINT MISSIONS  STD                                      |
                     |                                                             |
                     |  USER  WAREHSE  REPORT  INVENTORY REPORT     JOB  jobnamR1  |
                     |                                                             |


    The Print option window is displayed. Option 1 is for immediate printing. Option 2 is for deferred printing. At this point, perform an immediate print.

    You may change any of the parameters in the window, if required.

  6. Type 1 in the Print option field and press Enter.

    The following message appears on the top line of the screen:

    CTD954I REPORT reportname/jobname/username/ PRINTED OK

    Your report was sent to the spool for printing. The output is identified by the same name as your logon ID (when working under TSO).

Viewing and Printing Migrated Reports

For an explanation of how to view or print Control-V migrated reports, see the Control-D and Control-V Online Viewing Guide.