Adjusting Messages

The user can suppress Control-M JCL Verify messages and change their severity using the CTJEMSG member.

This chapter includes the following topics:

As an alternative method for adjusting messages, you can use the DO ADJMSG action parameter within rule definitions. The DO ADJMSG parameter enables you to suppress messages or change their severity in a dynamic manner. For more information, see DO ADJMSG: Action Parameter.

Overview of adjusting messages

The user can suppress Control-M JCL Verify messages and change their severity using the CTJEMSG member. In CTJEMSG, which is located in the Control-M JCL Verify PARM library, the user creates a list of the messages that are to be changed. During JCL processing, Control-M JCL Verify takes the new message specifications from the CTJEMSG member.

Note: Using the message adjustment feature, the severity level of verification messages can be adjusted to one of the following: I, W, or E. However, Control-M JCL Verify system/internal messages cannot be adjusted.

CTJEMSG syntax

The user lists the messages in the CTJEMSG member with the following format:


All lines must begin in column 1.

Lines that begin with an "*" in column 1 are treated as comment lines. The columns after the keyword "SUPPRESS=Y|N" are ignored and therefore can also be used for comments.

If there is a syntax error in CTJEMSG, an error message is displayed in IOALOG.

Changes to the member take effect immediately.

CTJEMSG parameters

The following parameters are used for message adjustment:

Tab.JV.4.1 CTJEMSG parameters




Specifies the message ID. The message is identified by the original message ID.


Specifies the level of message severity to be issued. Valid values are:

  • E - Error message

  • W - Warning message

  • I - Information message

When SUPPRESS=Y, the SEV parameter is ignored. However, you must still enter a value for SEV.


Whether to suppress the message. Valid values are:

  • Y - Yes, suppress the message

  • N - No, do not suppress the message

Return Codes

The return code is set according to the message severity. The user is only able to change the message severity, and the return code is set according to the severity, but the user is not able to change the return code directly.

Tab.JV.4.2 Adjust CTJEMSG Return Codes




Return code for messages with severity "I".


Return code for messages with severity "W".


Return code for messages with severity "E".

In the following example, the message is identified using the original message ID, with an "I" suffix, although the user specifies that the severity of the message will be Warning, as indicated by the "W". After the SUPPRESS=N parameter, the text that appears, "user comments", is treated as a comment.

MSGID=CTJP00I,SEV=W,SUPPRESS=N  "user comments"

In the Control-M JCL Verify report, the CTJP00W message will be displayed and the return code will be adjusted accordingly to 04.