Part 1: Installation and Customization Engine (ICE)

Installing INCONTROL Products with ICE

INCONTROL Installation and Customization Engine (ICE) is an ISPF application used to install and maintain INCONTROL products. It consists of a set of menus and dialogs that provide a simplified method of specifying data and creating installation jobs to install INCONTROL products. The following topics describe ICE in detail:

Loading ICE

This procedure describes how to load ICE from one of the following sources:

  • The BMC Electronic Product Distribution (EPD) site

  • CD

Throughout this guide, references to data retrieved from the EPD site also means data retrieved from the CD.


  1. Prepare your system.

    For information about the space requirements, see the INCONTROL for z/OS release notes that accompany this release. The DCB information for the image file is as follows:

    RECFM=FB, LRECL=1024, BLKSIZE=27648

  2. Transfer the image file to the mainframe as a binary file, by doing one of the following actions:

  3. Uncompress the image file.

    The image file is compressed using the IBM TRSMAIN (alias of AMATERSE) program.

    1. Once the image file has been downloaded to your system, make the necessary changes in the following UNTERSE job.

      **************************** Top of Data ******************************
      //UNTERSE JOB                   <=== tailor job card to local standards
      //INFILE   DD DISP=SHR,DSN=uploaded.image.file.from.step1    <===UPDATE
      //       UNIT=disk_unit,VOL=SER=disk_volser,                 <===UPDATE
      //       DSN=basepref.XMITLIB,                               <===UPDATE
      //       SPACE=(CYL,(ppp,ss,dd))
      *************************** Bottom of Data ***************************

      In this job, basepref represents your choice of prefix for the base libraries, which are described in INSTxxx Libraries. This parameter must be specified again later in the installation process.

      ppp,ss,dd represents the space requirements for the basepref.XMITLIB library. For the required values, refer to the INCONTROL for z/OS release notes that accompany this release.

    2. Submit the job.

    3. Verify that the job completes with a return code of 0.

  4. Load the LOAD and INSTALL libraries.

    1. Load the INSTALL and LOAD libraries to disk using the $LOADICE member in the PDS created in step (basepref.XMITLIB).

    2. Use the base library prefix (basepref) as the prefix for the INSTALL library.

    3. Supply a fully qualified data set name (steplib) for the LOAD library.

    4. Make the changes described in the member and submit the job.

    5. Verify that the job completes with a return code of 0.

Working with ICE

The following sections describe the main parts of ICE, how to navigate between the various screens, and how to obtain help.

Commands and PFKey Settings

  • Data entry, confirmation, saving and entry cancellation are primarily executed through the use of PF keys, as shown in the following table:

  • PF key



    Accept and check the changes in the current screen




    Save and exit


    Exit without saving


    Save and go to previous screen


    Save and go to next screen

  • CANCEL (or CAN) is a primary command that returns you to the previous panel without saving changes in the open panel.

    ICE functions may be lost if you change the settings of the ICE PF keys.

  • ICE screens can be displayed in ISPF split screen mode like any other ISPF application.

    Warning: Do not use split screen mode to show more than one ICE session, as the results are unpredictable.

Getting Online Help

The following types of online help are available in ICE:

  • General help – displays general information about an entire screen. To display the help for the current screen, press the Help key (PF01/PF13).

  • Contextual help – displays information that is specific to an installation step or a field in a screen. Type "?" (question mark followed by a space) in the selection (Sel) column of the step or in a parameter value field to display the help.

    Scroll the help using the standard scrolling keys.

    To return to the previous screen, use the END command or press the PF03/PF15 key.

  • Parameter crossreference help – displays a list of ICE parameters and their characteristics and related information. Under normal circumstances, the VREF facility is not used. However, if required (that is, if BMC Customer Support has requested ICE information), the VREF facility can be used.

    The VREF command is available in each Parameter Data Entry screen where values can be specified for parameters.

    Specify VREF in the ICE screen to display the variables list. The list is displayed in ISPF browse mode, in the following format:

    Figure 1 ICE Variables Cross-Reference Screen

    ------------------- ICE VARIABLES CROSS-REFERENCE(V9.0.00)  Row 1 to 36 of 936      

    Command ===>                                                   Scroll===> CSR  

    Opt  VARIABLE   PROD Mand Cust Adapt Clone  CCID    Length   Type  Data        
         $GDFREQU   CTM   M    Y          N              1-2      N    3           
         #JNFMS     CTM   M    Y          N              1-3      N    5           
         #JNFRT     CTM   M    Y          N              1-3      N    10          
         #ONSPLOC   CTM   M    Y          N              1-4      N    5           
         #SYSMS     CTM   M    Y          N              1-3      N    5           
         #SYSRT     CTM   M    Y          N              1-3      N    20          
         @@UPDVAR   IOA   M    N          N    II10123                 2011.284 11:
         ABENDACT   CTT   M    N          N                            Y           
         ABNDTYP    CTR   M    Y          N                            CC          
         ACBNAME    IOA   M    N          N              1-8      C                
         ACLREJC    CTT   M    N          N              5-5           (2,2)       
         ADDPROC    CTR        Y          N              1-8      C                
         ADPCNT     IOA        N          N                            0           
         ADPPRF     IOA        N          N                                        
         AECACHL    CTM        Y          N              1-8      C                
         AJFSIZE    CTM   M    Y          N              7        N    180000      
         AJFTHRSH   CTM   M    Y          N              1-2      N    90          
         ALCIOA     IOA        N          N                            YES         
         ALLRUNS    CTR        Y          N                            YES         
         ALREC#     CTO        Y          N              10       N    50000       
         ALTSSN     CTO        N          N              4-4      C                
         AMBLK#D    CTD   M    Y          N                       N    100         

    To see the details of the variables, enter S in the Opt field to the left of the variable name, and press Enter.

    The details of variables are displayed in the following format:

    Figure 2 ICE Variables Cross-Reference Screen: Zoom Screen

    ------------------- ICE VARIABLES CROSS-REFERENCE-ZOOM(V9.0.00) --------------

    Command ===>                                                                   

    VARIABLE: #SYSRT     WM0652: # OF TIMES TO RETRY READ SYSOUT                   

    PROD ID            : CTM                                                       
    Mandatory          : M                                                         
    Customized         : Y                                                         
    CCID               :                                                           
    ICE ID             : CTM.901                                                   
    Default Value      : 20                                                        
    Install Step       :                                                           
    Customization Step : 1.7                                                       
    Maintenance Step   :                                                           
    Security Step      :                                                           
    Cloning Step       :                                                           
    Variable Type      : N                                                         
    Variable Length    : 1-3                                                       
    Variable Value     : 20                                                        

    You may use the VREF facility outside of ICE by entering the command TSO EX in the selection line to the left of the IOAVREF member in the BASE INSTALL library.

    To execute the VREF facility from outside of ICE, the name of the BASE INSTALL library must be xxxx.BASE.INSTALL.

    The following panel will be issued in response:

    Figure 3 List of Environments

    -------------------------- List of Environments -------------- Row 1 to 1 of 1

    Data set: IOAP.V900.BASE.INSTALL                                               
    Command ===>                                                   Scroll===> PAGE 

    Option: Select=S                                                               
    Opt  EnvId     EnvPref                                     EnvStat             
         IOAR900   IOAP.V900                                   CUR                 
    --------------------------------- END OF LIST --------------------------------

    To display the list of variables of the selected environment, enter S in the Opt field.

    The following primary line commands are available when you use the VREF command:






    Enables finding a required string in the list of variables.



    Enables viewing a filtered list of variables or data.


    R or Res

    Enables clearing the results of the last find command.


    PF key PF5

    Enables performing a repeat find of the last searched string.


    PF key PF1

    Enables showing the help of the VREF facility.

Installing with ICE

ICE provides you with the following installation paths:

  • The Express installation process includes default values for many of the ICE installation parameters, providing a simplified method for you to install INCONTROL products. Details for this installation path are provided in Part 2: Express Installation.

  • The customized installation process (also called the detailed installation process) requires that you provide information during installation for each of the INCONTROL products that you are installing. Details for this installation path are provided in the installation processes described for each specific product.

  • The cloned installation process enables you to duplicate a currently existing installation, and then customize the environment. Details for this installation path are provided in Cloning IOA Environments.

The installation process that is performed online in the INCONTROL Installation and Customization Engine (ICE) is organized sequentially and is displayed in the IOA Installation screens. The general ICE installation workflow is as follows:

  • Defining and creating the IOA environment

  • Expanding the files from the installation media

  • Installing the IOA infrastructure

  • Installing each Control-x product

If you are planning to clone the installed environment in the future, it is important that you understand the requirements and limitations of the cloning process before you begin the installation process. For more information, see Limitations.

You can access ICE with the following TSO command:


In this example, basepref is the base libraries prefix.

When you enter ICE, the INCONTROL Installation options screen is displayed in the following format:

Figure 4 INCONTROL Installation Options Screen

 --------------------- INCONTROL Installation Options ---------------------(0.0)
 COMMAND ===>                                                                      
                        IIIIII      CCCCCCCCC    EEEEEEEEE                         
                         IIII      CCC           EEE                               
                          II      CCC            EE                                
                          II      CCC            EEEEEEEE                          
                          II      CCC            EE                                
                         IIII      CCC           EEE                               
                        IIIIII      CCCCCCCCC    EEEEEEEEE                         
              INCONTROL Installation And Customization Engine (ICE)                
      Base Libraries Prefix in use: IOAE.V900.BASE                                 
 _  - Installation                      Installation (Express or Customized)       
 _  - Customization                     Post installation customization            
 _  - Uninstallation                    Removes IOA and INCONTROL products         
 _  - Maintain your Environment         Maintenance, ad hoc fixes & ICE refresh    
 _  - Clone, Deploy IOA Environment     Clone new IOA environment or deploy changes
 _  - Exit                              EXIT, Leave the Installation Process       

Enter S in the field to the left of the option name, and press Enter.

The main panel includes the options shown below:

Option Name



Enables the Express or customized installation process


Enables post-installation customization


Removes IOA and INCONTROL products

Maintain your Environment

Enables the application of software maintenance procedures

Clone, Deploy IOA Environment

Enables use of the current IOA environment as the basis of a new environment


Enables you to leave the installation process

Exiting ICE

Pressing PF3 exits the installation process, and returns you to the IOA Installation window as shown in Installing with ICE.