Conversion Steps

This chapter includes the following topics:

Overview of the Conversion Tool Operation

If you have not yet downloaded and installed the Control-M conversion tools, do so now according to the instructions in Downloading and Installing the Control-M Conversion Tools.

Installation and operation of the conversion tool consist of a series of steps.

BMC recommends that you first review the contents of Planning the Conversion, then read through the remainder of this chapter before performing the steps. It is important to follow the outlined sequence of the steps to ensure a successful conversion.

The following is a summary checklist of the steps:

  1. Tailor and run the JOB0 member

  2. Create the conversion source and load libraries

  3. Copy CA-SCHEDULER JCL Libraries

  4. Tailor parameters in the DEFAULTS member

  5. Tailor and run the ASMLINK member

  6. Tailor and run the JOB1 member

  7. Tailor and run the JOB2 member

  8. Tailor and run the JOB5 member (Optional)

  9. Create calendars

  10. Perform final adjustments

  11. Implement the Control-O Rule Definition facility (Optional)

  12. Check the conversion results

Step 1: Tailor and Run the JOB0 Member

Tailor the following specifications in the JOB0 member in the conversion source library, according to your local conventions:

  • Job statement.

  • Name and placement of the CA-SCHEDULER LIST SCHEDULE NAME=* Report file (in STEP0, DDstatement DAREP).

  • Name and placement of the CA-SCHEDULER LIST JOB NAME=* Report file (in STEP0, DDstatement DAREP2).

  • Name and placement of the CA-SCHEDULER Documentation Members Report file (in STEP0, DDstatement DADOC).

  • Name and placement of the CA-SCHEDULER LIST DATETAB Report file (in STEP0, DD statement DATETAB).

Step 2: Create the Conversion Source and Load Libraries

  1. Run the $$INIT job in the IOA CONV library to create the CA-SCHEDULER conversion source library and allocate the conversion load library.

  2. Tailor the following parameters in the member in accordance with your local conventions.

    Table 4 Parameters To Be Adjusted



    Job Statement



    IOA CONV library name


    CA-SCHEDULER conversion source library name


    CA-SCHEDULER conversion load library name


    Unit name of DASD device


    Volser of DASD device



  3. Submit the job for execution. The job must finish with a completion code of 0.

Step 3: Copy CA-SCHEDULER JCL Libraries

To prevent changes to the current production environment, create copies of the CA-SCHEDULER JCL libraries for use in Step 7: Tailor and Run the JOB2 Member and Step 8: Tailor and Run the JOB5 Member (Optional).

A sample job to copy the production JCL libraries is provided in the COPYLIBS member in the conversion source library.

For CA-LIBRARIAN or CA-PANVALET, use the utilities supplied by CA-LIBRARIAN or CA-PANVALET to create and copy the production JCL libraries into PDS libraries for use by the conversion tool.

The new libraries must be sufficiently large to enable update of all the members.

Step 4: Tailor Parameters in the DEFAULTS Member

Tailor the conversion parameters specified in the DEFAULTS member in the conversion source library according to your site requirements. For a detailed description of these parameters, see Conversion Parameters.

In addition, to set a MAXWAIT default value, optional wish WM2367 (in member IOADFLT of the IOA IOAENV library) should be set at this point.

For users converting from CA-SCHEDULER version 9.0 or later, set the DAYTIMEM parameter in the CTMPARM member of the IOA PARM library to the value of CA-Scheduler Autoscan time, as specified in the AUTOTIM parameter in the CAIJGEN generation option macro.

Step 5: Tailor and Run the ASMLINK Member

The ASMLINK member uses the parameter member tailored in the previous step to assemble and link-edit all conversion programs.

Tailor the JCL of this member in accordance with the following local conventions:

  • Job statement.

  • Standard IBM Macros library (MAC, MAC1 parameters).

  • Conversion source library name (SRCLIB parameter).

  • Conversion load library name (LOADLIB parameter).

  • IOA LOAD library name (IOALOAD parameter).

  • IOA MAC library name (IOAMAC parameter).

  • Unit name of DASD device (UNIT parameter).

  • IOA SMP/E Distribution LOAD library name, set in the ALOAD parameter.

This step must be re-executed each time changes are made to the DEFAULTS member or source fixes are applied.

Submit the job for execution. Check the sysout for completion codes and error messages. No condition code may be higher than 4. IBM message IEW0461 can be ignored.

Step 6: Tailor and Run the JOB1 Member

Tailor the following specifications in the JOB1 member in the conversion source library, according to your local conventions:

  • Job statement.

  • Conversion load library name (in STEP0, DDstatement CTMLOAD).

  • Name of the CA-SCHEDULER LIST SCHEDULE NAME=* Report file created in JOB0 (in STEP0, DD statement DAREP).

  • Name of the CA-SCHEDULER LIST JOB NAME=* Report file created in JOB0 (in STEP0, DD statement DAREP2).

  • Name of the CA-SCHEDULER Documentation Members Report file created in JOB0 (in STEP0, DD statement DADOC).

  • Name of the CA-SCHEDULER LIST DATETAB Report file created in JOB0 (in STEP0, DD statement DATETAB).

  • Name and placement of the Schedule Names table (in STEP0, DDstatement DANAMES).

  • Name and placement of the Control-M Calendar Library (in STEP0, DD statement DACAL).

  • The IOA LOAD library name (in STEP0, DD statement IOALOAD).

  • The IOA PARM library name (in STEP0, DD statement IOAPARM).

  • The IOA IOAENV library name (in STEP0, DD statement IOAENV).

  • The name of the files created in the above steps must be specified as input to the packaging step.

  • (optional) The email address of the customer.

  • (optional) The issue number used for communicating with BMC Customer Support (First contact BMC Customer Support to obtain an issue number.).

  • (optional) The name used for the compressed package data set generated by the CA-SCHEDULER Conversion Tool.

Submit the job for execution. Check the sysout for completion code and error messages. If problems or errors are encountered, correct them manually in CA-SCHEDULER or directly in the appropriate report, and rerun this job. The condition codes returned by the steps in this job are based on message severity. A condition code of 12 or higher causes the job to terminate.

If a CA-SCHEDULER documentation conversion is not needed, delete the following from JOB1:

  • In STEP0 and STEP1, the DADOC DDstatement.

  • STEP3

When converting from CA-SCHEDULER Version 7.2 or earlier, STEP 2B must be deleted from JOB1.

When converting from versions prior to CA-SCHEDULER Version 9.0, delete the following from JOB1:

  • In STEP0 and STEP1, DD statements DATETAB and DACAL.

  • STEP4 and STEP6.

Step 7: Tailor and Run the JOB2 Member

Adapt the following specifications in the JOB2 member in the conversion source library in accordance with your local conventions:

  • Job statement.

  • Conversion load library name (in the CTMLOAD DD statement in STEP0).

  • The IOA LOAD library name (in the IOALOAD DD statement in STEP0).

  • The IOA PARM library name (in the IOAPARM DD statement in STEP0).

  • Name of the CA-SCHEDULER LIST SCHEDULE NAME=* Report file created in JOB1 (in the DAREP DD statement in STEP0).

  • Name of the CA-SCHEDULER LIST JOB NAME=* Report file created in JOB1 (in the DAREP2 DD statement in STEP0). When converting from or CA-SCHEDULER Version 7.2 or earlier, this file must be specified as DUMMY.

  • Name of the CA-SCHEDULER Documentation Members Report file created in JOB1 (in the DADOC DD statement in STEP0). If a CA-SCHEDULER documentation conversion is not required, set the DADOC file to DSN=NULLFILE.

  • Name of the Schedule Names table created in JOB1 (in the DANAMES DD statement in STEP0).

  • Name and placement of the Table Definition file (in the DAOUTLST DD statement in STEP0).

  • Name and placement of the Daily Table List file (in the DADAILY DD statement in STEP0).

  • Name and placement of the On Spool Table file or Control-O table (in the DAONSPT DD statement in STEP0).

  • Name and placement of the Control-M Documentation library (in the DADOCLIB DD statement in STEP0).

  • Name and placement of the sorted Table Definition file (in the DAOUTPRM DD statement in STEP0).

  • Name of the CA-SCHEDULER JCL Libraries (DD statements DAJCL1, DAJCL2, DAJCLx in STEP0). One DD statement is required for each JCL library. Specify only as many DAJCL DDs as necessary and remove all references to those that are not used. If more than three JCL Libraries exist, update the backward references as specified in STEP3 of JOB2, DD statement DAJCL.

  • Name of the Message file (in the DAPRINT DD statement in STEP0).

  • Name and placement of the DSN-Trigger or Condition-name cross reference report (DADSNXRF DD statement DADSNXRF in STEP0).

  • Name and placement of the Control-M Table library (in the DASCHD DD statement in STEP0).

  • Name and placement of the RBC library (in the DARBC DD statement in STEP0).

  • Name and placement of the RBC list file (in the DARBCCTL DD statement in STEP0).

  • the name and location of the output distributed job definition XML (DAXML DD statement in STEP0). Several CTMTLB parameters must be manually set (DATACENTER, SCHEDULE-LIB). For details, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

  • The name and location of the output mainframe job definition XML (DAXML2 DD statement in STEP0). Several CTMTLB parameters must be manually set (DATACENTER, SCHEDULE-LIB). For details, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

  • The name and location of the output distributed calendar definition XML (CALXMLDS DD statement in STEP0). Several IOACLB parameters must be manually set (DATACENTER, CALENDAR-LIB). For details, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

  • The name and location of the output mainframe calendar definition XML (CALXMLMF DD statement in STEP0). Several IOACLB parameters must be manually set (DATACENTER, CALENDAR-LIB). For details, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

  • Name of the cross-platform external tracking events file, which contains distributed file triggering job definitions pointed to by DD statement EVENTS in the Unicenter CA-Scheduler started task (in STEP0, DD statement DAEVT). If this file is not in use, specify DSN=NULLFILE.

  • In STEP9 DD name INPUT, specify the global condition name prefixes that connect the mainframe (MF) and distributed (DS) jobs in the same job flow. Replace GMD-, GDM-, G-, DCMF, and DCDS as follows:

    • Specify a global condition prefix GMD- for MF to DS job flows.

    • Specify a global condition prefix GDM- for DS to MF job flows.

    • Specify a global condition prefix G- for job flows that are bi-directional.

    • Specify the DCMF (Control-M mainframe datacenter) and DCDS (Control-M distributed datacenter) for the mainframe and distributed jobs.

Submit the job for execution. Check the sysout for completion code and error messages. If problems or errors are encountered, correct them manually in CA-SCHEDULER or directly in the appropriate report, and rerun this job.

Step 8: Tailor and Run the JOB5 Member (Optional)

Execute JOB5 only if your site is using CA-DRIVER (that is, DRIVER=YES is specified in the CA-SCHEDULER Installation Macro CAIJGEN) or the CA-Scheduler CAJUCMD0 utility.

Tailor the following specifications in the JOB5 member in the conversion source library in accordance with your local conventions:

  • Job statement.

  • Conversion load library name (in the CTMLOAD DDstatement in STEP0).

  • The IOA LOAD library name (in the IOALOAD DDstatement in STEP0).

  • The IOA PARM library name (in the IOAPARM DDstatement in STEP0).

  • Name of the Message file created in JOB1 (in the DAPRINT DDstatement in STEP0).

  • Name and placement of the Procedure library (in the DAPROC DDstatement in STEP0).

  • Name and placement of the Input Statements library (in the DADATA DDstatement in STEP0).

  • List of CA-DRIVER Procedure library names (in the DAPROCIN DDstatement in STEP3).

  • List of CA-SCHEDULER JCL library names (in the DAJCLIN DDstatement in STEP4).

  • Name and placement of the Nested Procedure Override parameter values library (in the DALIBSYM DDstatement in STEP0).

  • Name of the Schedule Names table created in JOB1 (in the DANAMES DD statement in STEP0).

  • Name of the Table Definition file created in JOB2 (in the DAOUTLST DD statement in STEP0).

  • The starting numbers nnnn for members NSTnnnn and DATnnnn (in the PARM parameters of the EXEC statement in STEP3 and STEP4, respectively). Optional. For more details, see JOB5 – Convert CA-DRIVER Procedures and JCL Libraries (Optional).

To prevent changes to the current production environment, use copies of the JCL libraries as input to this job, and not the CA-SCHEDULER production JCL libraries. For instructions, see Step 3: Copy CA-SCHEDULER JCL Libraries.

Submit the job for execution. Check the sysout for completion code and error messages. If problems or errors are encountered, correct them manually in CA-SCHEDULER JCL libraries and rerun this job. A condition code of 12 or higher causes the job to terminate.

Step 9: Create Calendars

During conversion, the following IOA calendars can be used to implement certain CA-SCHEDULER scheduling criteria:

Table 5 IOA Calendars Used for Scheduling

IOA Calendar



Defines all the working days in the year. x is the CA-Scheduler account period prefix specified in the ACCTNG parameter. For more information on this parameter, see "ACCTNG" in Conversion Parameters.


Defines all the holiday days in the year


Defines periodic accounting schedules. x is the accounting condition prefix specified in the ACCTNG conversion parameter. For more information on this parameter, see "ACCTNG" in Conversion Parameters.

The CTMXRF Control-M utility (XRF=CAL) helps identify calendar names used in the Control-M tables. All calendar names specified in the CTMXRF Calendar Cross Reference report must be created using the IOA Calendar Facility (Screen 8), with the following considerations:

Step 10: Perform Final Adjustments

  1. Add new tables to the New Day Procedure.

    Use the list of tables created by JOB2, on the DADAILY DDstatement, which correspond to schedules with AUTO SELECT equal to YES, to specify the new tables in the DAJOB DDstatement of the Control-M New Day Processing job.

  2. Add new JCL libraries to the DALIB DDstatement.

    During conversion, tables are created with the MEMLIB=GENERAL parameter, which indicates that the name of the JCL Library is located in the DALIB DDstatement. Therefore, the names of all Control-M JCL libraries created during conversion must be concatenated in member IOADSN in the IOA IOAENV library (or member IOADSNL in the IOA PARM library) using the KEY parameter for a DALIB DD statement. For further information about the IOADSN member, see the section about Allocation Members in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

    In addition, if for any CA-Scheduler job, its jobname and JCL member name are not the same, then the JCL library in which the job resides must be added to the Control-M monitor procedure under the ddname assigned to it by CA-Scheduler (parameter JCLLIB DDNAME).

  3. Copy the AutoEdit member.

    If you use the CA-DRIVER, copy the DAYMONTH member, which contains AutoEdit Global Variable definitions, from the conversion source library to the library specified in the DAGLOBAL DDstatement, which is defined in the Control-M monitor procedure. Carefully read the customization instructions in this source member, which instruct you to delete or uncomment certain lines.

    If you have set the SWEEK IOA Installation parameter to SUN, change the DAYMONTH member as follows:

  4. (only for versions of CA-SCHEDULER earlier than 9.0) Ensure that the SCHPREVD parameter in the CTMPARM member in the IOA PARM library is set to Y.

    The SCHPREVD parameter operates on jobs scheduled between midnight and the Control-M CONTDAY procedure time. It shifts these jobs to the previous day to avoid date discrepancies. It is only operative when the Control-M job scheduling parameter SAC is set. For more information, see Control-M New Day Processing.

  5. If the CA-Scheduler schedule/job definitions contain distributed job definitions, then follow the instructions in Step 7: Tailor and Run the JOB2 Member (DD statement DAXML) regarding processing the XML scripts produced by the CTMTLB utility for uploading to the proper distributed platform.

  6. If the CA-Scheduler job definitions contain any jobs whose JOB TYPE is OSCMD, then you must customize and install sample user exit IOAX034A provided in the IOA SAMPEXIT library.

    You can adapt IOAX034A to local requirements, as described in the IOAX034A member of the IOA SAMPEXIT library. If Exit 34 is currently being used, incorporate the supplied exit into the current exit.

Step 11: Implement the Control-O Rule Definition Facility (Optional)

Check the file created by JOB2 on the DAONSPT DD statement to see if any Control-O rules were created. If this file is empty, skip this step. Otherwise, see the discussion about the Control-O Rule Definition Facility the CONTROL-O User Guide.

Step 12: Check the Conversion Results

  1. Export the job schedule definitions of both Control-M for z/OS jobs and Control-M for Distributed Systems jobs.

    In the conversion jobs, specify unique names of all the required Control-Ms for the DATACENTER parameter values used as input to the CTMTLB utility.

    The specified names of the Control-Ms must the same names that will be used in Step 4, where the Control-Ms are defined using the Control-M Configuration Manager.

    If required, Control-M for Distributed Systems jobs can be divided among more than one Control-M. (Tip: use a table name prefix, or a list of table names.) To achieve this, the export to XML step must be repeated, and in each run, a different Control-M and different table names must be specified. This process must be performed on the job created in the conversion job library.

  2. Export the calendars created in the conversion process.

    Create a calendar XML for each Control-M (either Control-M for z/OS jobs or Control-M for Distributed Systems jobs), so it is possible to load them to all Control-Ms. If there are manual adjustments to calendars, or entire calendars that have to be created, either create them before the export process, or do it from Control-M/EM after loading the exported ones.

    As a result of the conversion of implicit job scheduling predecessors, many RBCs that contain duplicate or empty scheduling criteria may be created. To clean up these RBCs and give them customer-friendly names, perform the following steps:

    1. Install the DS Conversion tool.

    2. Go to directory tools\general\CalendarDuplicatesRemoval\.

    3. Follow the instructions in the ReadMe file.

  3. Start up Control-M Monitor and IOAGATE on the mainframe for Control-M for z/OS jobs. Start up Control-M Server and its corresponding Gateway for Control-M for Distributed Systems jobs.

    Verify that all are connected and working properly before continuing.

  4. Define all Control-Ms (Control-M for z/OS jobs and Control-M for Distributed Systems) in the Control-M/Enterprise Manager environment.

    Define all required Control-Ms using the Control-M Configuration Manager. It is preferable to use the automatic discovery method. If the manual definition method must be used, verify that all settings and parameters are according to the attributes of the Control-M. The Platform attribute (Distributed or z/OS) is the most important setting that cannot be changed later.

    In any case, you must use the same names of the Control-Ms that were specified for the DATACENTER parameter values in Step 1.

  5. Import the exported Calendars to all Control-Ms on Control-M/EM.

    Use the Control-M/EM defcal utility. If there are manual modifications or whole calendars to be created, verify that all are available.

  6. Define the GCS distribution list.

    In Control-M, in the Tools domain choose Global Condition Prefixes. The Global Conditions Prefixes tab opens. Add the "From" and "To" prefixes that were specified in JOB2 STEP9. For more information, see Step 7: Tailor and Run the JOB2 Member.

    This procedure must be done after the Control-M servers are already defined.

  7. Load each XML file to Control-M.

    For more information, see the subtopics under the Using Workload Automation->Planning->Workspaces->Import/Export topic in the Control-M User Guide.

    Review any error messages, and resolve them. You might be required to re-run several conversion steps in Control-M for z/OS and then continue with step 1 of the testing.

  8. Set the New Day mechanism. For both Control-M for z/OS and Control-M for Distributed Systems, define the User-Daily jobs to be scheduled from the system daily and run at suitable times. Verify that every table is covered by at least one User-Daily. On the Control-M for z/OS, the User Daily can be either based on jobs that reference the various tables, or by job that uses the value of the table User-Daily field. Use the conversion created report as the basis for this process.

  9. Define the Forecast User-Daily settings for the Control-M for z/OS folders in the Forecast domain. For more details, see the Control-M User Guide.

  10. Run Control-M/Forecast for the Control-M or table, and create a full year plan of all jobs. This plan can be exported to text and compared with the reports that are produced from your current scheduling tool.

  11. Load Forecast from the Control-M Planning Domain on a specific date (as many times and various days as required), and compare the predicted flow with the current scheduling tool reports.