Conversion Process Flow

This chapter includes the following topics:

Overview of Conversion Process Flow

This chapter describes in detail the components and flow of the conversion process from the perspective of jobs, programs, and data sets.

A familiarity with the conversion process flow helps you understand the conversion logic and the installation and operation steps discussed in Conversion Steps.

The process is comprised of the primary jobs set out in Table 2.

Table 2 Primary Jobs in the Conversion Process




Produce the CA-SCHEDULER reports


Create the Schedule Names table


Convert information from CA-SCHEDULER reports
Create input for utility CTMBLT
Create the Control-M Table library
Create the Control-M RBC library
Create Control-M XML definitions for mainframe and distributed calendars
Create Control-M XML definitions for mainframe and distributed jobs


Convert CA-DRIVER procedures and JCL libraries

JOB0 – Produce the CA-SCHEDULER Reports

Description of JOB0

JOB0 produces the CA-SCHEDULER LIST SCHEDULE NAME, LIST JOB NAME, and LIST DATETAB reports together with a list of directory records and members from the documentation library.

These reports are written to disk files for subsequent use. JOB0 contains steps that package and compress the production libraries and reports, and if requested, upload the compressed package to the BMC FTP support site.

JOB0 Output


    Default name: CTM.CAS.REPORT

    File attributes: sequential; record length 30; block size 23408

  2. CA-SCHEDULER LIST JOB NAME=* Report file, for CA-SCHEDULER Version 7.3 and later only – to extract step level condition code information

    Default name: CTM.CAS.REPORT2

    File attributes: sequential; record length 133; block size 23408

  3. CA-SCHEDULER Documentation Members Report file

    Default name: CTM.CAS.DOC

    File attributes: sequential; record length 133; block size 23408

JOB1 – Create the Schedule Names Table and Control-M Calendar Library

Description of JOB1

JOB1 activates the CTMCAS1 program, which reads the CA-SCHEDULER LIST SCHEDULE NAME=* report and creates a Schedule Names table. JOB1 creates Control-M table names based on CA-SCHEDULER schedule names. JOB1 transforms these names to valid PDS member names for use as Control-M table names. Embedded blanks are removed and special characters are converted to pound signs (#). CA-SCHEDULER schedule names with leading numerics remain unchanged, because Control-M is capable of processing such names.

An owner, or user ID, is associated with each Control-M table and is used for security checks by various Control-M components. This owner is extracted from the JSI USERID field of the SCHEDULE SECURITY INFORMATION, if it exists. Otherwise, the first user ID of the USERID LIST field from the Schedule Base Record in the CA-SCHEDULER LIST SCHEDULE NAME report is used. If the USERID LIST field is blank then the user ID in the LAST USER field is used. For distributed jobs, the USER parameter specified in the job's JCL member is used, if present. If the owner is still blank, the conversion tool assigns an OWNER of *ALL*. For more information on when this field, or some alternative, is used to populate the Control-M OWNER scheduling definition parameter, see 4. USERS.

JOB1 also activates program CTMCAS11, which reads the CA-SCHEDULER LIST DATETAB report and creates a Control-M Calendar Library.

Source code for this program resides in the conversion source library and can be locally tailored.

JOB1 Input

CA-SCHEDULER LIST SCHEDULE NAME=* Report file that was created in JOB0

JOB1 Output

  1. Schedule Names table

    Default name: CTM.CAS.NAMES

    File attributes: sequential; record length 20; block size 3120

    Table 3 JOB1 Schedule Names Record Layout




    CA-SCHEDULER Schedule name


    Control-M Schedule Table name



    The ISPF editor can be used to modify the Control-M table names and user IDs for each CA-SCHEDULER schedule.

    Do not delete any records from this file or change the CA-SCHEDULER Schedule name.

  2. CA-SCHEDULER Date Table Report file

    Default name: CTM.CAS.DATETAB

    File attributes: sequential; record length 133; block size 23408

  3. Control-M Calendar library

    Default name: CTM.CAS.CALENDAR

    File attributes: PDS; record length 80; block size 9040

  4. Compressed file containing all the above reports

    Default file name: CTM.CAS.TRS

JOB2 – Convert Information from CA-SCHEDULER Report; Create Input for Utility CTMBLT; Create the Control-M Tables Library and XML Definitions

Description of JOB2

JOB2 activates several conversion programs that validate Control-M table names, extract information from CA-SCHEDULER reports, and convert the information to the relevant Control-M components, as follows:

  • The CTMCAS22 program reads the CA-SCHEDULER LIST SCHEDULE NAME=* and LIST JOB NAME=* Report files, and

    • Verifies that the Control-M Table names are unique, valid PDS member names.

    • Creates the Table Definition file.

    • Creates the DADAILY List file.

    • The DADAILY List file contains the list of names of all tables for the daily runs. These tables correspond to schedules in CA-SCHEDULER where the AUTO SELECT parameter is set to YES.

    • Creates the DAONSPT table, which contains the Control-O rule definitions to control the JOBEND, JOBARRIVAL, DSNEVENT, and STEP events.

    • Reads the CA-SCHEDULER Documentation Members Report file and creates the Control-M documentation library.

  • The CTMCAS24 program sorts the Table Definition file.

  • The CTMCAS25 program creates the Control-M RBC library.

  • The CTMBLT and CTMCASV5 programs create the Control-M Table library in SMART Table scheduling format.

  • Utilities CTMTLB and IOACLB create the mainframe and distributed XML table and calendar definitions from the job scheduling library and RBC library created above.

Source code for these programs resides in the conversion source library, and can be locally tailored.

JOB2 Input

  1. CA-SCHEDULER LIST SCHEDULE NAME=* Report file that was created in JOB1.

  2. CA-SCHEDULER LIST JOB NAME=* Report file that was created in JOB1.

  3. CA-SCHEDULER Documentation Members Report file that was created in JOB1.

  4. Schedule Names table that was created in JOB1.

  5. In either of the following cases, a concatenation of all the CA-SCHEDULER JCL libraries is required:

    • CA-Scheduler schedules or jobs define distributed job definitions (NODE ID=*REMOTE or JOB TYPE=XPLAT).

    • the OWNER parameter in the DEFAULTS member is set to JCLUSER, JCLGRP, NOTIFY, or ACF2USER.

  6. If cross-platform external tracking events are defined to Unicenter CA-Scheduler, then the file pointed to by the ddname EVENTS in the Unicenter CA-Scheduler started task is required.

JOB2 Output

  1. Table Definition file

    Default Name: CTM.CAS.OUTLST

    File Attributes: Sequential; record length 101; block size 23432.

  2. Daily Scheduling List file

    Default Name: CTM.CAS.DAILY

    File Attributes: Sequential; record length 80; block size 3120.

  3. On Spool table

    Default Name: CTM.CAS.ONSPTAB

    File Attributes: Sequential; record length 80; block size 3120.

    This file must be specified as a member within a Control-O Rule Table library.

    The member contains a Rules table specifying JOBARRIVAL, JOBEND, DSNEVENT, and STEP rules.

  4. Control-M Documentation library

    Default Name: CTM.CAS.DOCLIB

    File Attributes: PDS; record length 80; block size 23440.

  5. Sorted Table Definition file

    Default Name: CTM.CAS.OUTPRM

    File Attributes: Sequential; record length 80; block size 23440

  6. All conversion messages are written to the Message file DAPRINT.

    Default Name: CTM.CAS.MSG

    File Attributes: Sequential; record length 133; block size 1330.

  7. A file containing a listing of the DSN job triggers and a condition name cross reference report. Each entry of the report displays the following fields:

    • Schedule

    • Job name

    • Job number

    • Old DSN (full DS name)

    • New DSN name (condition name)

    The report is produced only for DSNs longer than 17 characters.

    Default Name: CTM.CAS.DSNXRF

    File Attributes: PDS; record length 100; block size 27900

  8. Control-M Table library.

    Default Name: CTM.CAS.SCHEDULE

    File attributes: PDS; record length 80; block size 3120

  9. A full summary of the utility run, including error messages that were issued is added to the file referenced by DD state DAPRINT, CTM.CAS.MSG.

  10. XML file containing distributed job definitions

    Default Name: CTM.CAS.XML

    File Attributes: Sequential; record length 8192, block size 27998.

  11. XML file containing mainframe job definitions

    Default Name: CTM.CAS.XML2

    File Attributes: Sequential; record length 8192, block size 27998.

  12. XML file containing calendar definitions for mainframe jobs

    Default Name: CTM.CAS.XML.CALMF

    File Attributes: Sequential; record length 4095; block size 24570.

  13. Control-M RBC library

    Default Name: CTM.CAS.RBC

    File Attributes: PDS; record length 80; block size 9040.

  14. XML file containing calendar definitions for mainframe jobs

    Default Name: CTM.CAS.XML.CALDS

    File Attributes: Sequential; record length 4095, block size 24570.

JOB5 – Convert CA-DRIVER Procedures and JCL Libraries (Optional)

Description of JOB5

JOB5 converts CA-DRIVER procedures and JCL members to Control-M format. For more information on how the override statements and other CA-SCHEDULER components in the CA-DRIVER and JCL members are converted to Control-M equivalents, see Conversion Details.

  • JOB5 activates the CTMCAS51 program to convert the CA-DRIVER procedure library.

  • JOB5 activates the CTMCAS52 program to modify the copied JCL libraries.

Source code for these programs resides in the conversion source library and can be locally tailored.

JOB5 Parameters

In JOB5, STEP3, you may optionally add a PARM=nnnnn parameters to the JCL EXEC statement, where nnnnn indicates the starting number from which the members NSTnnnnn in the LIBSYM library are to be numbered. The value nnnnn must be less than 99999 and will cycle back to 0 when 99999 is exceeded. The default is 0.

In JOB5, STEP4, you may optionally add a PARM=nnnn parameter to the JCL EXEC statement, where nnnn indicates the starting number from which the members DATnnnn in the DATALIB library are to be numbered. The value nnnn must be less than 9999 and will cycle back to 0 when 9999 is exceeded. The default is 0.

For details of the features to which these parameters refer, see 56. DATA, DEND, and 57. DNEST.

The purpose of the above parameters is to allow you to choose from where the numbering is to begin and, hence, avoid duplicating member names when the CA-SCHEDULER JCL libraries are processed piecemeal.

JOB5 Input

  1. CA-SCHEDULER LIST SCHEDULE NAME=* Report file that was created in JOB1.

  2. Schedule Names Table file, created in JOB1.

  3. List of all CA-DRIVER procedure library names.

  4. List of all CA-SCHEDULER JCL library names; each name is entered on a separate line, beginning at column 1.

  5. Table Definition file, created in JOB2.

  6. Schedule Names table, created in JOB1.

JOB5 Output

  1. Procedure library in Control-M format.
    Default Name: CTM.CAS.PROCLIB
    File Attributes: PDS; record length 80; block size 3120.

  2. JCL libraries in Control-M format

  3. Input Statements library in Control-M format
    Default Name:CTM.CAS.DATALIB
    File Attributes: PDS; record length 80; block size 3120.

  4. Message file CTM.CAS.MSG; for more information on this file, see JOB5 Input.

  5. Nested Procedure Override parameter values library in Control-M format, containing the override values assigned to variables by the DNEST statement in a CA-DRIVER procedure member.
    Default Name:CTM.CAS.LIBSYM
    File Attributes: PDS; record length 80; block size 3120.

For more information on the PROCLIB and DATALIB output files, see 42. LIBTYPE=DRIVER, and the CA-DRIVER components referred to in the following sections: