Conversion Parameters

The DEFAULTS member in the conversion source library contains the default values for the parameters used during the conversion process. These parameters must be modified according to your site requirements, as described in the following list.

Table 19 Conversion Parameters




Indicates a list of Accounting Condition prefixes to be supported by the conversion tool. The specified prefixes refer to the x values in CA-SCHEDULER keywords xDAY, xDOM, xMOY, and so on. For more information, see 34. Gregorian Calendar, Workday Conditions, and Accounting Conditions Criteria Language.

By default only prefix A is specified.

If the conversion tool must support accounting conditions with prefixes of C, S, and K, enter SETC ‘CSK as the value of the ACCTNG parameter.


Sets the Control-M ADJUST-CONDITIONS parameter in the converted SMART Table entities.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)

  • D (Dummy)

Default: Y

See the Control-M for z/OS User Guide for details on choosing the appropriate value. The choice may depend on whether the CA-Scheduler 'OR' Boolean operator is used in specifying job predecessor selection criteria (as explained in the CA-Scheduler Job Management Online Reference Guide).


The format of the Control-M IN/OUT condition names created by the conversion.

Valid values are:

  • TJ: Condition names are created in the format tableName-jobName-suffix.

  • JT: Condition names are created in the format jobName-tableName-suffix.

Default: TJ


Defines 7 one-character prefixes for Control-M IN/OUT conditions for the following situations:

  • For conditions that connect mainframe and distributed jobs for use by the Global Condition Server.

  • For ‘maybe’ conditions. Maybe conditions are created for Maybe jobs, which are pre-requisite jobs connected by the CA-Scheduler logical OR Boolean relationship.

  • For conditions created by predecessors specified by START [NJE] jobname. For details, see 30. START [NJE] jobName.

  • For conditions created by DSN dataset predecessors. For details, see 31. DSN and GDG.

  • For conditions created by GDG dataset predecessors. For details, see 31. DSN and GDG.

  • For conditions created by end of MVS jobs not under the control of CA-Scheduler. For details, see 32. MVS.

  • For conditions created by a job predecessor that specifies the completion of a specific step with certain return codes. For details, see 33. jobName[.procName].stepName[.CC.operator.nnn].

These 7 characters must be chosen from among the following special characters only: +, -, =, >, ?, %, *, _, :.

The order of the characters specified in CNDPFX must be the same order described above. Specify a character for each of the above situations even if that situation does not occur in your implementation of CA-Scheduler. The same character may not be specified more than once.

Default: +-=>?*_


CPU station ID.

Default: 40.

Use the value specified in the CA-SCHEDULER CPUST parameter of the CAIJGEN installation macro. .


Control-M/Restart parameter.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes): Control-M/Restart is implemented with Control-M.

    When this is specified, the Control-M PREVENT-NCT2 parameter is set to Y and a DO IFRERUN statement, beginning with the step that ended in error, is inserted into the job scheduling definition.

  • N (No): Control-M/Restart is not implemented with Control-M. Instructs the conversion tool not to set any Control-M/Restart statements. Even if it is set to Y, the INSERT RMS PROC CA-SCHEDULER parameter, which is discussed in 22. INSERT RMS PROC, is ignored.

Default: Y


The maximum number of members in a CA-Scheduler JCL library or Control-M Job Scheduling library.

Default: 20000.


Which of the held sysout classes must be requeued. Enter a ' ' (blank space) if all held sysouts must be required.

Default: ' ' (Blank space)

When a ' ' (blank space) is specified in the TOCLS conversion parameter (which is described in this table), this parameter is ignored.


History AJF feature. The retention fields are only filled for non-dummy jobs with CA-SCHEDULER job or schedule definitions that specify INSRRMS=YES. Valid values are:

  • ' ' (Blank Space): History AJF feature is not used.

  • Dnnn: Retention period is specified in number of days (nnn).

  • Gnn: Retention is specified in number of generations (nn).

Default' ' (Blank space)

This parameter is ignored when converting from CA-Scheduler R11.0 and above. History retention information will be extracted from the CA-Scheduler Schedule or job definition. See Conversion Details for details.


Determines if JES ROUTE PRINT JCL statements are to be converted to Control-M SYSOUT post-processing parameters. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes): JES ROUTE PRINT JCL statements are converted. For more information, see 46. JES ROUTE PRINT.

  • N (No): JES ROUTE PRINT JCL statements are not converted.

Default: Y


Specifies whether to activate the job flow conversion feature for implicit job scheduling or not. For more information, see Job Dependencies.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)

  • N (No)

Default: Y


Approximately twice the maximum number of lines in a JCL member.

Default: 5000.


Maximum number of lines that a Control-M documentation member can contain.

Default: 3000


Maximum number of:

  • unique job names specified by the MVS Criteria keywords, and

  • unique names specified by the DSN and GDG Criteria keywords, and

  • unique job names specified by the START [NJE] Criteria keywords.

Default: 500


Maximum number of reruns to be performed for the job when rerun is required.

Default: 002


The Control-M JCL override library name. Enter a ' ' (blank space) if no override library is required.


For distributed job definitions, the Control-M OVERLIB parameter is set to blank, regardless of the setting of OVERLIB.


The source for the Control-M OWNER job scheduling parameter. The OWNER parameter is useful for security measures implemented by various Control-M components. The following can be specified:

  • USERID: The first n characters of the USERS CA-SCHEDULER field, as explained in the OWNLEN parameter in this table. For more information, see 4. USERS.

  • SCNAME: The first n characters of the CA-SCHEDULER SCHEDULE NAME. For more information, see the OWNLEN conversion parameter in this table.

  • =xxxxxxxx: A constant OWNER parameter of xxxxxxxx
    (1 through 8 characters) for every Control-M job scheduling definition.

Default: USERID

The following options create an OWNER parameter derived from the JCL JOB statement of the job.

  • JCLUSER: The first n characters of userid from the JCL USER=userid JOB statement parameter.

  • JCLGRP: The first n characters of grpid from the JCL GROUP=grpid JOB statement parameter.

  • NOTIFY: The first n characters of userid from the JCL NOTIFY=userid JOB statement parameter.

If you are using the ACF2 security product, you can use the following option to create an OWNER parameter derived from the ACF2 JOBFROM or LOGONID JCL statements:

  • ACF2USER: The first n characters of userid from one of the following JCL statements:

    //*JOBFROM userid
    //*LOGONID userid

For all of these options:

  • For SMART Table Entity definitions and DUMMY jobs, the OWNER ID specified in the Schedule Names table is used (see JOB1 – Create the Schedule Names Table and Control-M Calendar Library).

  • Additionally, the same OWNER ID is used for jobs whose JCL members cannot be found and for jobs whose JOB statements do not contain a USER, GROUP, or NOTIFY parameter, or a JOBFROM or LOGONID statement, respectively.


When the OWNER conversion parameter (described in this table) is specified as USERID or SCNAME, this value specifies the number of characters of the specified option to use for the Control-M OWNER parameter.

Default: 8


Process non-instream Batch CAJUCMD0 Utility SYSIN Data indicator.

Whether to convert CA-Scheduler Batch CAJUCMD0 commands, such as SC CA-Scheduler commands and MO msg-txt that are not contained in-stream in the SYSIN DD statement of a CA-Scheduler Batch CAJUCMD0 Step (that is, are pointed to by a sequential file or a member of a PDS). Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes): Convert the commands.

  • N (No): Do not convert the commands.

Default: N

For sites where references to Batch CAJUCMD0 commands are made from within JCL procedures, that is, the SYSIN DD statement does not appear in the JCL member being converted, you can run the JCL conversion (JOB5) against the affected procedure library.

If PNIBTSD is set to Y, in addition to the JCL libraries specified in JOB5, you should copy all PDSs and sequential data sets containing CA-Scheduler Batch CAJUCMD0 command members, to preserve the original PDSs and sequential data sets. For more information, see Step 4: Tailor Parameters in the DEFAULTS Member.

In case of fallback to CA-Scheduler, delete the original PDSs and sequential data sets and rename the copies to the original production names.


The converted Control-M Procedure library name created from the CA-Driver procedure libraries. This name must agree with the name of the converted CA-Driver proc library used in JOB5 (DAPROC).



Reserved – not for customer use. Value must be specified as CAS.


CA-SCHEDULER version number from which you are converting. Format of the version number is xx.y, where xx must be zero padded, if necessary.

Default: 09.0


Specifies whether the sysouts of the job must be released for printing after they are analyzed by Control-M.

Valid Values:

  • Y (Yes): Release sysouts for print.

  • N (No): Do not release sysouts.

Default: Y


REQUESTED criteria option. CA-SCHEDULER REQUESTED jobs are converted with the Control-M parameter CONFIRM set to Y.

The REQOPT conversion parameter can be used to determine if jobs should be ordered. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes): Schedule the jobs based on the scheduling criteria of the CA-SCHEDULER Schedule.

  • N (No): If the REQUESTED job itself contains no scheduling criteria, then do not order the jobs.

Default: Y


Text for SHOUT WHEN LATE (deadline time). Set to blank to suppress the SHOUT.



Text for SHOUT WHEN EXECTIME (maximum time exceeded). Set to blank space to suppress the SHOUT.



Text for SHOUT FOR INTERRUPTed jobs. Set to blank space to suppress the SHOUT.



Text for SHOUT WHEN OK. Set to blank space to suppress the SHOUT.



Text for MUST-TIME SHOUT WHEN LATESUB. Set to blank space to suppress the SHOUT.



Text for SHOUT WHEN NOTOK. Set to blank space to suppress the SHOUT.



Text for JOB STARTED (SHOUT WHEN OK). Set to blank space to suppress the SHOUT.



New output class to which Control-M is to requeue the JCL MSGCLASS sysouts of the job. Enter a ' ' (blank space) if reroute is not required.

Specify * if the MSGCLASS sysouts of the job must be requeued to the original MSGCLASS of the job after they are analyzed by Control-M.

Default: *