Control-D/WebAccess Server Custom Settings

Control-D/WebAccess Server Desktop enables you to customize the attributes and capabilities of the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application and Control-D/WebAccess Server Desktop. You can do the following on the Control-D/WebAccess Server Desktop:

You must first configure the components before you define the definitions.

The following table describes the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application components you can customize on the Control-D/WebAccess Server Desktop:



Custom Errors

Enables you to customize the error message issued by Control-D.

POD Configuration

Defines which Control-D/WebAccess Server Desktop component is responsible to retrieve reports from the repository. The POD Configuration contains attributes for the Gateway log and Page On Demand log.

Tag Icons

Defines the Tag Icon name and graphic to mark reports.


Defines Transformation attributes, as described in Control-D/WebAccess Server Transformers and Transformations.

Cache Settings

Defines the cache attribute, which controls the paging mechanisms of the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application.

Communication and Security Settings

Determines the local host communication settings.

Request Settings

Determines the number of items, which appears on the browser for each request.

Server Interface Settings

Determines how the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application retrieves information

Transformer configuration

Defines Transformer Configuration attributes, as described in Control-D/WebAccess Server Transformers and Transformations.

UI Settings

Determines the date and time format, language, and other user interface settings.

Application Features

Determines which application features and fields appear in the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application.

Report List Columns Settings

Determines which report fields appear in the Report List window, as described in Report Properties Parameters

Extensions Editor

Defines an action for each file extension.

Report Properties Settings

Determines the report fields that appears in the Report Properties window.

Repository Sorting

Organize the repositories in the drop-down list, in the login window.

Customizing the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application

This procedure describes how to configure and define the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application capabilities through the Control-D/WebAccess Server Desktop, which enables you to view, transform, and audit reports.


  1. From the Root directory, navigate to the following location:

    Configurations > WebAccess Server > WebAccess > WebAccess

  2. Do the following:

    1. From the Custom Errors folder, right-click, and then select Add.

      The Custom Errors window appears.

    2. From the POD Configuration folder, select each file, right-click, and then select Open.

      The POD Configuration Parameters window appears.

    3. From the Tag Icons folder, select an item, right-click, and then select Open.

      The Tag Icons window appears.

    4. From the Transformers folder, select an item, right-click, and then select Open.

      The Transformers window appears.

    5. From the WebAccess folder, double-click Cache Settings.

      The Cache Settings window appears.

      • For each field, define the required parameters, as described in Cache Settings.

    6. From the WebAccess folder, double-click Communication and Security Settings.

      The Communication and Security Settings window appears.

    7. From the WebAccess folder, double-click Request Settings.

      The Request Settings window appears.

    8. From the WebAccess folder, double-click Server Interface Settings.

      The Server Interface Settings window appears.

    9. From the WebAccess folder, double-click Transformer Configuration.

      The Transformer Configuration window appears.

    10. From the WebAccess folder, double-click UI Settings.

      The UI Settings window appears.

Custom Error Parameters

The following table describes the Custom Error parameters.



Close after Seconds

Determines the number of seconds that the error message appears.


Determines the message language.

String in Existing Message

Defines the substring of the original error message, which identifies the message to replace.

Text for New Message

Defines the text in the error message.

Type of New Message

Determines the type of error message.

Valid values:

  • Error

  • Info

  • Warning

POD Configuration Parameters

The following table describes the GtwLog parameters.



Log Buffer Level

Determines the trace log data buffer length.

Valid values:

  • Off: No buffer.

  • Header: Write using log buffer length.

  • Full: Write the entire buffer.

Default: Off

Log Buffer Max Length

Determines the maximum number of bytes of data buffer written to log file at one time.

Valid values: 32−32000

Default: 256

Log File Name

Defines the log filename and path.

Default: installation_path/log/Gtwlog.log

Log On

Determines which messages sent between Control-D/WebAccess Server Desktop, Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application, and Control-D Mainframe appear in the log file.

Valid values:

  • Yes

  • No

Default: No

The following table describes the POD API Log parameters.



Log Buffer Level

Determines the level of detail for the trace log entries.

Default: 1

Log Filename

Determines the log filename and path.

Default: installation_path\log\podapi.log

Log On

Determines which messages appear in the log file.

Valid values:

  • Yes

  • No

Tag Icon Parameters

The following table describes the Tag Icon parameters, which enables you to track the report status.




Determines which icon is the default tag icon.

Valid values:

  • Yes

  • No

Default: No

Icon File Name

Determines the filename of the icon graphic.

Valid values:

  • Approved: tag_ok.gif.

  • Rejected: tag_not_ok.gif.

  • Pending: tag_in_process.gif.

  • Unconfirmed: tag_unknown.gif.

Tag Icon ID

Determines the order of the icons that appear in the Report View toolbar.

<Language> Description

Defines the icon description for each supported language.

Cache Settings

The following table describes the Cache Settings parameters.



Max Attribute Cache Size

Determines the maximum number of report attributes stored on the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application.

Valid values: 100−100000

Default: 100

Max Report Cache Size

Determines the maximum number of reports stored on the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application.

Valid values: 100−100000

Default: 100

Communication and Security Settings Parameters

The following table describes the Communication and Security Settings parameters, which secures data.




Defines the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application host IP address.

Enclose the IPv6 address in square brackets, such as, [2001:db8::1:2] when you define the host as an IPv6 address.



Defines the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application host port number.

Default: 7777

Protected Access

Enables you to use Protected Access security.

Default: No

Secured Host

Defines the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application secure host IP address.

Enclose the IPv6 address in square brackets, such as, [2001:db8::1:2] when you define the host as an IPv6 address.


Secured Port

Defines the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application secured host port number.

Default: 7777

Proxy Address

Defines the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application proxy server address.

Proxy Port

Defines the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application proxy host number.

Public Key File Name

Defines the key filename to verify that a Single Sign On was verified by Internet Access Method of Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application.

SSL Cipher

Determines the type of Cipher to use when you encrypt or decrypt data.

PKCS12 file

Defines the name of the PKCS12 file that holds the keys and certificates.

Default: NSDN.pkcs12

PKCS12 password

Defines the PKCS12 file password.

SSL Log Level

Determines the SSL log component level.

SSL Protocol

Determines whether to use the SSL or TLS.

SSL Security Level

Determines the security level value for each component to authenticate data.

Valid values:

  • 3: Provides privacy and authentication for the server.

  • 4: Provides privacy and authentication for the client and the server.


(Optional) Determines whether to use the SSL or TLS.

Request Settings Parameters

The following table describes the Request Settings parameters.



Number of Index Values per Request

Determines the number of index values per index to show on the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application.

Valid values: 50−100000

Default: 100

Number of Report Pages per Request

Determines the number of report pages to show on the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application.

Valid values: 50−100000

Default: 5

Number of Reports per Request

Determines the number of reports to transfer from a repository to the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application.

Valid values: 25−100000

Default: 25

Debugging Mode

Enables you to activate debugging mode.

Valid values:

  • Enable

  • Disable

Default: Enable

Request Threads

Determines the number of processing threads to manage user requests.

Default: 100

String Table Size

Determines the size of the internal string table used by Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application.

Default: 10000.

Server Interface Parameters

The following table describes the Server Interface parameters.



Index Values per Request

Determines the number of index values per index to show on the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application.

Valid values: 50−100000

Default: 100

Garbage Collector Period Time

Determines the number of minutes before the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application activates a session timeout.

Valid values: 5−1440

Default: 15

Reports per Request

Determines the maximum number of report attributes transferred to the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application at one time.

Default: 27

The recommended default value for this parameter is one more than the value of the Number of Reports Per Request attribute, as described in Request Settings Parameters.

Session Timeout

Determines the number of minutes that the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application browser waits before it removes a session from the session cache following the last user request.

Valid values: 50−1440

Default: 30

Administrator Name

Defines the file path to the administrator.

Apply ASA Code

Enables you to view text reports in ASA code.

Apply Machine Code

Enables you to view text reports in machine code.

Configuration Refresh Time

Determines the number of seconds before the configuration settings refreshes.

Valid values: 5–3600

Default: 600

Limitation For Heavy Find

Determines the maximum number of pages to search reports, which contains a logical view or has ASA codes.

Valid values: 10–10000

Default: 600

Private Logical View

Enables you to select Logical View Type, in the Save dialog of the Logical View Editor.

Private Logical Views are only available for the user who creates the logical view and the administrator.

Default: No

Report Cache Size

Defines the cache size to temporary store report pages.

Default: 50

Reserve ASA Code Character

Enables you to show a blank column in the first column in an ASA or Machine code report.

Default: No

Session Cache Cleanup Timeout

Determines the number of minutes before an inactive session is removed from the session cache.

Default: 10

Session Cache Size

Determines the number of persistent sessions that run simultaneously.

Default: 100

Sort Note Versions By Date

Determines the date range to show note versions.

Valid values:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

Default: Descending

Uppercase Backward Compatibility

Determines whether to use uppercase index paths.

Default: No

UI Settings Parameters

The following table describes the UI Settings parameters, which enables determines how features appear on Control-D/Web Access Server Web Application.



Input Date Format

Determines the input date format in editable date fields.

Default: dd/mm/yyyy (day/month/year format)

Current Time Format

Determines the input time format in editable time fields.

Default: hh:mm (hour:minutes format)

Date Separator

Determines the character that separates the day, month, and year.

Dates appear without a separator, such as, 07252006 when this field is blank.

Default: / (slash character).

Display Date Format

Determines the date format for non-editable date fields.

Valid values:

  • dd: Two-digit day (leading zero for single-digit numbers).

  • ddd: Three-letter abbreviation for the weekday.

  • dddd: Full name of the weekday.

  • mm: Two-digit month (leading zero for single-digit numbers).

  • mmm: Three-letter abbreviation for the month.

  • mmmm: Full name of the month.

  • yy: Two-digit year within the current century.

  • yyyy: Four-digit year.

Day and month names used for the ddd, dddd, mmm, and mmmm fields are in the active language.

Folder Tree View

Enables you to show report folders in a tree view.

Default: Yes


Enables you to select the language for the user interface, messages, and help files.

Default: English

Reports Target

Determines how the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application displays reports in the GUI.

Valid values:

  • Single: The Report Viewing window replaces the Report List window in the same web browser window.

  • Dual: The Report Viewing window appears in separate web browser window. A new report replaces the current report in the web browser window.

  • Multiple: The Report Viewing window appears in a separate web browser window. A new browser window opens for each new report.

Default: Single

Two-digit year interpretation anchor

Determines how convert a two-digit year into a four-digit year and show the century based on the current year as a reference point.

The current year is 2023, the two-digit year interprets 2020, as follows:

  • A two-digit year above 23 is interpreted as part of the previous century (19xx).

  • A two-digit year less than or equal to 23 is interpreted as part of the current century (20xx).

Configuration Refresh Time

Determines the number of seconds before processing memory re-reads the configuration settings.

Valid values: 5–3600

Default: 600

Display Export Definition Icons

Shows the Excel icon in the Report List window View As menu.

Default: No

Freeze Titles

Shows titles from the report list at the top of the screen.

Default: Yes

Log Information Level

Determines the range of log detail information to collect when the Log Level attribute of the Control-D/WebAccess Server Desktop log channel is set to Info.

Valid values:

  • Basic

  • Detailed

  • Full

Default: Detailed

Template Refresh Time

Determines the number of seconds before the Template Files refreshes.

Valid values: 5−3600

Default: 600

Defining the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application

This procedure describes how to define and customize the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application Report, which enables you to set user parameters for each user.


  1. From the Root directory, navigate to the following location:

    Definitions > Common >WebAccess Server > WebAccess > WebAccess

  2. Do the following:

    1. From the WebAccess folder, double-click Application Features.

      The Application Features window appears.

    2. From the WebAccess folder, double-click Report List Columns Settings.

      The Report List Columns Settings window appears.

    3. From the WebAccess folder, double-click Extensions Editor.

      The Extensions Editor window appears.

    4. From the WebAccess folder, double-click Report Properties Settings.

      The Report Properties Settings window appears.

    5. From the WebAccess folder, double-click Repository Sorting.

      The Repository Sorting window appears.

Application Features

The Application Features menu enables you to define, which feature components and fields a user can use in the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application and their default settings and behavior. For every feature you set as available, you can also define whether the fields of the feature are available to different users.

The following table describes the settings that you can define in the Application Features window.



Login Background URL

Defines the background image that appears on the login screen.

Automatic Login

Enables you to log in to the Control-D repository automatically.

Filter storage

Defines the file path location to store filters when a user selects the Save Filter to File option.

Valid values:

  • Browser Storage.

  • Server File System.

  • Apply Default Filter.


Determines which of Report List sorting features are available on the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application.

Valid values:

  • Allow Sort by: Enables the user to only sort the fields that are available to the user in the Report List window or, to sort all fields.

  • Allow Last Sort: Applies the most recent sort to the current repository when the Report List appears.

Multiple Reports Operations

Defines which actions run on multiple reports simultaneously.

Valid values:

  • Select Multiple Reports Using the Keyboard: Determines whether the user can select more than one report using the keyboard.

  • Select Multiple Reports Using the Checkboxes: Determines whether the user can select more than one report by marking their checkboxes.

  • Multi Print: Allows you to print more than one report.

  • Multi Find: Allows you to search for text in more than one report at the same time.

  • Unified Report: Transforms several text reports into a single unified PDF report.

Store Report List Data in Browser Cache

Enables you to store the report list data in the browser cache.


Retrieve report note information, which appears in the Note List window.

Valid values:

  • Notes/View Modes.

  • Notes Addition.

  • Notes Deletion.

  • Tag Icons.

  • Only Owner Can Change/Delete.

  • Only Owner Can Delete.

  • Notes Administrator Username.

  • Header and Footer.

  • Default Orientation.

  • Shrink Oversized Pages and Expand Undersized Pages.

  • Print Notes.

  • Show Print Dialog for <report type>. -

Logical views

Defines logical views settings:

Valid values:

  • Apply Default Logical View.

  • Default Logical View Name.

Host Print

Determines the availability of the Host Print.


Determines who can subscribe to reports.

Screen Timeout

Enables you to set an idle timeout for product screens.

Port-Logout URL

Defines the web page, which appears after you log out of the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application.

Hide WebAccess URL

Enables you to open the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application within a frameset and enhance security.

Company Logo URL

Defines the company logo that appears on the login screen.


Determines which user can approve reports in the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application.

Valid values:

  • Add Report to Approvals: Adds a report for approval.

  • Approve Report: Approve a report.

  • Reject Report: Reject a report.

  • History: View the approval history of the report.

Add text footer to main window

Defines the footer that appears on the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application main window.

Add http headers

Defines the header that appears on the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application main window.

User Defined Style

Defines the footer style.

Report List Columns Settings Parameters

The following table describes the Report List Columns Settings parameters.



Available Fields

Determines which report fields might appear in the Report List window.

Selected Fields

Determines which report fields appear in the Report List window.


Determines the language selected for each selected property.


Determines column names that appears in the report List Window, which is in the language selected in the Language field.

Width (pixels)

Determines the field column width, which shows or type information.

Extensions Editor Parameters

The following table describes the Extensions Editor parameters.




Defines the filename of the associated icon.

You must save new icons in the following location:

<Installation Path>/bin/waclient/assets/images.

Icon Highlight

Defines the filename of the highlighted associated icon.

MIME type

Defines the MIME type for each file extension.

Default: application/x-zip-compressed

Force Index

Enables you to request users to select an index before opening, saving, and printing, reports with this extension.

Open without WA menu

Enables the administrator to hide the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application toolbar and menu when you open an external application for the specified file extension.

Report Properties Settings Parameters

The following table describes the Report Properties Settings parameters.



Available Properties

Determines which report properties you can select and add to a report.

Selected Properties

Determines which report properties appear in a report.


Determines the language selected for each selected property.


Determines report property names that appears in the report List Window, which is in the language selected in the Language field.

Repository Sorting Parameters

The following table describes the Repository Sorting parameters, which determines the criteria to organize the repository list.



Set As Default

Defines the default repository when you log in.


Determines the alphabetical range, which shows the document repositories in the login window.

Valid values:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

Default: Descending