Control-D/WebAccess Server Transformers

Transformers determine the input and output file paths of the report, resource file paths, and what transformation definitions to include when you transform a report. Transformer default attributes are hard-coded in Control-D/WebAccess Server. You can override these hard-coded values and supply alternative values in the Transformer Configuration file located in the following location:

Root > Definitions > Common > Transformer > Transformer Configuration

Configuring Control-D/WebAccess Server Transformers

This procedure describes how to configure the global Transformer in the Control-D/WebAccess Server Desktop, which enables you save transformers in a different location on your computer.


  1. From the Root directory, navigate to the following location:

    Definitions > Common > Transformer > Transformer Configuration

  2. Double-click Transformer Configuration.

    The Transformer Configuration window appears.

  3. For each field, define the required parameters, as described in Transformer Configuration Parameters.

Transformer Configuration Parameters

The following table describes the attributes in the Transformer Configuration module and lists optional attributes you can customize. The default descriptions are identical to the hard-coded defaults, unless stated otherwise.



Adept Resource Manager Path

Defines the path to the Resource Manager.

Default: installation_folder\transformer\cvt

Default Resources Path

Defines the path to default transformer resources.

Default: installation_folder\transformer\res

BMC recommends that you only define one transformer for the entire installation and that all references point to that default.


Defines the path where Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application interface places the PNG background files used in HTML rendering.

Default: Server_Interface_installation_folder\bin\tmp


Defines the URL that points to the HTML PNG path.

Default: \tmp - a relative path to the virtual directory (installation_folder\bin) on the Internet Access Method (IAM) computer.

Ini File Path

Defines the path to the transformer.ini file.

Default: installation_folder\transformer\config\transformer.ini

Maximal Page Size in DAL Files

Determines the maximum page size for Control-D formatted binary files.

Default: −1 (Unlimited).

Maximum Number of Concurrent Processes

Determines the maximum number of concurrent transformations.

Default: −1 (Unlimited).

Resource Manager Path

Defines the path to the Resource Manager for used resources.

Default: installation_folder\transformer\res

If both Control-D/WebAccess Server Desktop and Internet Access Method (IAM) are on the same computer, you can use default values HTML PNG Path and HTML URL Path, because the PNG files are in the same location where IAM searches for them. However, if you install Control-D/WebAccess Server Desktop and Internet Access Method (IAM) on separate computers, you must define the HTML PNG Path and HTML URL Path in one of the following methods:

  • HTML PNG Path references the installation_folder\bin\tmp directory of the IAM installation, and HTML URL Path uses default values.

  • HTML PNG Path uses default values, and HTML URL Path references the following absolute URL path: http:\\WebAccess_Server_computer\installation_folder\bin\tmp where you must define the installation_folder\bin\ as a virtual directory in the Control-D/WebAccess Server computer.