
Technical considerations

The internal format of the current release’s library members such as tables, missions, and rule definitions might be different from the format in some earlier versions.


The CTMWKLDT file in the IOA PARM library, which contains the Local Workload Policies, has a new format in version 9.0.20. Note the following effects of this change:

  • The new release supports the previous format of the file, so existing Workload Policies from releases earlier than 9.0.20 can be used in the new release. As soon as a Workload Policy from a previous release is updated, it is saved in the new format.

  • Workload Policy files from the new release are not supported in Control-M releases earlier than 9.0.20.

  • Sample Workload Policies provided in the new release do not work in Control-M releases earlier than 9.0.20. All provided samples are in INACTIVE status, to avoid impact on the Control-M monitor of any previous release. This is especially important when working in a Sysplex environment while upgrading to a new Control-M release, when some Control-M monitors may still be in an older release.

  • As soon as changes are made to Workload Policies, the CTMWKLDT member is no longer accessible through the on-line facility of a previous release. Therefore, it is recommended to save a backup of the Workload Policies local file CTMWKLDT in the IOA PARM before upgrading to the new release, in case you ever need to revert Control-M to a previous release.

  • If the Control-M monitor of a previous release is activated with a new version of the CTMWKLDT file in which one of the Workload Policies is activated, this may cause the Control-M monitor to fail.

Falling back from a full upgrade

The following topics describe how to return to your previous version after a full upgrade to the current release:


Preparation for a possible fallback starts during the upgrade process and continues during the first week or two of production in the new environment after the migration (the transition period). The following guidelines will help you during the transition period:

  • Avoid updating or making changes to exits, rules, missions or jobs.

  • Keep the previous installation files on disk and cataloged during the transition period.

  • Keep a log of changes made during the upgrade and the transition period.

If you did the above, falling back to your previous version will be considerably easier.

Fallback steps

To fall back to your previous version, perform the following steps:

Step F1: Stop all IOA activities

Stop the monitor or job that connects to the components that you want to fall back to an earlier version.

Read all documentation about stopping IOA activities and prepare your fallback plan. Depending on your site configuration, you may have to perform an IPL.

WARNING: If several INCONTROL products are installed, stop all IOA activities for all products before starting the fallback phase. This is essential because all products share the same database. (For example, all products share the same IOA Conditions file and IOA Log file.)

To stop all IOA activities, do the following:

  1. Terminate online sessions

    Terminate all IOA Online sessions, such as TSO, ROSCOE, IOA Online monitor, and the IOA VTAM monitor.

  2. Stop initiators

    If the JCL of production jobs runs an IOA utility or report, stop the JES initiators that handle such jobs during the fallback phase. Similarly, ensure that longrunning address spaces and online services do not invoke IOA services.

  3. Stop functions

    Ensure that functions of CMEM, CDAM, and ControlO are not used during the fallback phase.

    1. Stop JES initiators that handle production jobs that use CDAM files.

    2. Ensure that occasional production jobs whose arrival may be acknowledged by either CMEM or ControlO are not submitted on any CPU on which CMEM or ControlO is active.

    3. Stop JES initiators that handle production jobs that may trigger events in CMEM or ControlO.

    4. Stop started tasks or log off all TSO users that may trigger events in CMEM or ControlO.

  4. Stop tasks

    Stop all tasks that allocate IOA files either by DD statements or by dynamic allocation.

  5. Stop all ControlO activity

    1. For each Control-O or CMEM monitor that is part of your environment, stop the monitor by executing one of the following operator commands, and wait until the monitor address space and its dependent address spaces (ControlO servers) terminate

      • F controlo,STOP

      • P controlo

      In the commands listed above, controlo is the name of the Control-O or CMEM monitor.

    2. Stop the ControlO Application Server by executing the PCTOAS operator command and wait for shutdown.

  6. Stop all ControlM activity

    • For each Control-M monitor that is part of your environment, stop the monitor by executing the P controlm operator command, and wait until the monitor address space terminates.

    • In this command, controlm is the name of the Control-M monitor. In a CTMPLEX configuration, BMC recommends first stopping the Local Sysplex Monitors (LSM) and then stopping the Global Sysplex Monitor (GSM).

  7. Stop all ControlD activity

    • Stop the Control-D monitor that is part of your environment, stop the monitor by executing the P controld operator command, and wait until the monitor address space and all of its dependent address spaces (Print Monitors) terminate.

    • In this command, controld is the name of the Control-D monitor.

  8. Stop all ControlV activity

    • Stop IOA Archive Server activities by executing the FIOASMON,STOP operator command and wait for shutdown of the server.

  9. Stop all ControlM/Analyzer activity

    • Do not invoke ControlM/Analyzer batch rules.

    • Do not enter ControlM/Analyzer online screens.

    • Do not run user application programs that invoke ControlM/Analyzer rules.

    If ControlM/Analyzer is running with a ControlM or ControlD monitor, stop the monitor.

  10. Stop all ControlM/Tape activity

    1. Stop all tape activity.

    2. Take ControlM/Tape down by using the SCTTINIT,PARM=TERM operator command and wait for termination of ControlM/Tape.

      If you run a previous version of ControlM/Tape parallel to the ControlM/Tape current version, you must shut down both versions.

    3. If you are using the optional IOA Functional Monitor, stop the IOA Functional Monitor, IOAFMON.

  11. Stop IOAGATE

    • For each IOA Gateway that is part of your environment, stop the gateway by executing the P ioagate operator command, and wait until the gateway address space and all of its dependent address spaces (Application Servers) terminate.

    • In this command, ioagate is the name of the IOA Gateway.

  12. Inhibit automatic startup of INCONTROL products during IPL (optional).

    • Edit the COMMNDxx member in the SYS1.PARMLIB operating system library and remove all commands that start IOA activities.

Any activities that you stop during this step must not be restarted until you have done the following:

Step F2: Disconnect the IOA subsystem

If APAR WI2229 is installed, there is no need to disconnect the IOA subsystem during fallback. Otherwise, any fallback of a component that uses the IOA subsystem requires you to disconnect the IOA subsystem and restart the other components.

Use the following command when it is necessary to disconnect the IOA subsystem:

S IOASDISC,SSNAME=ioa_subsystem

IOASDISC is release-independent.

Step F3: Back up the environment with the current release

For IOA and all INCONTROL products, make backups of the following:

  • Installation libraries

  • Operational libraries

  • IOA core and INCONTROL product repositories

Step F4: Review definition libraries

Review all definition libraries and members that you copied from the previous version to the current release during the upgrade.

If you changed any definitions, exits, or JCL procedures, after migrating to the current release, consider applying the changes to your previous system.

In particular, check

  • the detailed site upgrade plan

  • the upgrade change log

  • the transition period change log

  • the table of libraries in step 35

  • other "Migrating" steps

Also, check the following date control record members for Control‑M, Control‑D, or Control‑M/Analyzer:

  • ControlM New Day procedure and User Daily jobs (list of libraries and tables)

  • ControlD New Day procedure and User Daily jobs (list of libraries and tables)

  • ControlD PARM members

    • Lists of missions

    • Recipient Tree definitions

    • Generic User lists

  • ControlV list of migration missions

  • ControlO rule list in the PARM library

  • ControlM/Analyzer list of missions in the PARM library and rules

  • ControlM/Tape rules, rule list, vault definition and pool definition members.

Step F5: IOA fallback

  1. Restore the IOA component and INCONTROL product procedures.

    If during the upgrade process you replaced the previous version procedures with the current release procedures as recommended, you need to restore the previous version procedures.

    If the prefix of the procedures is different in the two versions, make sure that all production jobs refer to the previous version environment.

    Restore the started task procedures to the previous version’s contents.

  2. Restore locally developed KSLs.

  3. Restore locally developed exits and security modules.

  4. Restore the previous security definitions. Ensure that the security definitions used in previous version are in effect.

  5. Put the previous IOA and ControlM, ControlM/Restart, ControlD, ControlV, ControlO, ControlM/Analyzer and ControlM/Tape online interfaces, CLISTs, ISPF panels, ISPF tables, ISPF skeletons, and ISPF messages into effect for all IOA users. This can be done in one of the following ways:

    • Concatenate the previous IOA libraries to the appropriate DD statements in the appropriate TSO LOGON procedures.

    • Copy the previous version’s IOA libraries to libraries that are automatically referenced by the appropriate TSO LOGON procedures.

  6. Restore the IOA Conditions file by copying the IOA Conditions file from the current release to the previous version's file.

  7. Restore the IOA Manual Conditions file by copying the IOA Manual Conditions file from the current release to the previous version’s file.

Step F6: Control-M fallback

In general, it is not necessary to restore Control-M databases because of Control-M Minus-One Support (for details, see Chapter 1 in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide). However, certain exceptions and cautions must be observed as detailed below:

  • Before performing fallback, do the following:

    • —check that all components of the new environment are down

    • —perform a full backup of all the Control-M files, including the journal file

  • If the following message is issued by the monitor, reply with the I option:

  • If you have modified global control parameters in IOAPARM or CTMPARM members (in the IOA.PARM library), changes would be required when falling back from the current release to a previous version. For example, enlarging the AJF in the current release file and reverting back to a previous version, would result in a mismatch of the AJF size between the CTMPARM AJF size value of the earlier version and the actual physical file size of the AJF.

  • Similarly, installing the current release with a different QNAME, and then falling back to a previous version would create a mismatch in the QNAME IOAPARM of the earlier version and the QNAME imbedded in various product components.

  1. Restore the CMEM environment

    1. Restore the copy of the CMEM rules table.

    2. Reformat the previous set of CMEM communications files.

  2. Adjust Date Control records

    Copy all date records (meaning, all members that start with the DATEREC prefix) from the ControlM PARM library in the current release to the ControlM PARM library in the previous version.

Step F7: Control-M Application Server (CTMAS) fallback

  1. Restore the Control-M Application Server procedure.

    If during the upgrade process you replaced the previous version procedure with the procedure from the current release, as recommended, you must restore the previous version procedure.

    If the prefix of the procedure is different in the two versions, make sure that the production job refers to the previous version environment.

  2. QNAME and M2G file considerations

    WARNING: Installing the current release with a different QNAME, and then falling back to a previous version creates a mismatch between the previous version QNAME in IOAPARM and the QNAME imbedded in the following CTMAS files: M2G, M2F, CSTMP, and REQFRC.

Step F8: Control-D and Control-V fallback

  1. Restore the ControlD and ControlV Repository.

    1. Restore the User Reports List files

      To restore the User files, use the CTDUFDUL job from the CTD JCL library to unload the files from the current release. Use the CTDUFRST job to restore those files to the previous version.

      If you use the same naming convention and IOA QNAME for User Reports List files in both the previous version and current version, you may omit this step.

    2. Format the Active Missions file of the previous version of ControlD using the FORMAMF job in the previous IOA INSTWORK library.

    3. Format the Active Transfer file of the previous Control-D version using the FORMATF job in the IOAINSTWORK library of that version.

  2. The ControlD mission definition members of the new version are not usable by the earlier version. Therefore, you must use mission definition members of the previous version. If you changed these members in the new version of ControlD version, reapply the changes to the members of the previous version.

  3. Adjust Date Control records.

    Copy all date records (meaning,all members that start with the DDAT prefix) from the new version ControlD PARM library to the previous ControlD PARM library.

  4. Ensure that the security definitions that were used in the previous version are in effect.

Step F9: Control-O fallback

  1. Use the saved copy of ControlO rules.

    If you defined new rules in the new version, define them in the restored environment. Make sure you remove the new versionfeatures.

  2. Restore the previous Automation Log file.

  3. Restore the previous SOLVEWARE libraries.

  4. Restore the ControlO global variables database files.

  5. Issue the following command:


Step F10: Control-M/Analyzer fallback

This performs fallback to any original version.

  1. If you modified rules in the new version, apply the modifications to rules in the previous version of ControlM/Analyzer.

  2. The database structure is the same among all supported versions. You only need to restore the previous Control-M/Analyzer Repository, and no conversion is needed. Once you have restored the repository, you must adjust the data set name (external and internal in record #0 in each file) and the QNAME parameter (internal in record #0), in each restored file. For a list of data sets that must be restored and adjusted, refer to Using backups of existing production files in the new Control-M/Analyzer environment.

    You must zap the following fields in the files referred to in the table below:



    Length (in characters)







  3. Adjust Date Control Records.

    Copy all date records (meaning, all members that start with the DDAT prefix) from the new ControlM/Analyzer PARM library to the previous ControlM/Analyzer PARM library.

  4. Ensure that the security definitions used in previous version are in effect.

Step F11: Control-M/Tape fallback

  1. Update Rules.

    Adjust the rule definitions in the Rules library of the previous versions to be identical to those of the new version.

  2. Update Rule list.

    Update the Rule List members of the previous ControlM/Tape version (default member: RULLIST in the ControlM/Tape PARM library) to point to all required rule members.

  3. Update pool definitions.

    Adjust the pool definitions (default member: $$POOL in the ControlM/Tape PARM library) of the previous version of ControlM/Tape to be identical to those of the new ControlM/Tape version.

    The pool definition members of the new ControlM/Tape versioncan be copied, as is, to the pool definition member of the previous version.

  4. Update vault definitions.

    Adjust the vault definitions (default member: $$VAULT in the ControlM/Tape PARM library) of the previous version of ControlM/Tape to be identical to those of the new ControlM/Tape version.

    The vault definition members of the new ControlM/Tape versioncan be copied, as is, to the Vault Definition library of the previous version.

  5. Format the Media Database of your earlier version.

    1. Before migrating the new versionMedia Database to your earlier version Media Database, the data and index components of the earlier version Media Database must be formatted and empty.

    2. Edit the CTTMDBD and CTTMDBI members in the INSTWORK library of the earlier version. Verify that the values that set the size of the Media Database are correct. The job CTTCMDB allocates and formats the data and index components of the Media Database of the earlier version.

    3. Submit the job and verify that all job steps ended with a condition code of 0.

  6. Migrate the Media Database.

    For fall-back to an earlier version, perform the following actions:

    1. In the new version environment, use the IOADUL utility to unload the new version MDB into a flat file.

    2. In the fall-back environment (the earlier version), use the IOADLD utility to load the flat file back to the fall-back MDB.

    3. In the fall-back environment, use the CTTBIX utility to rebuild the index.

  7. Run the CTTVTM utility in your previous version, with TYPEVLTMODE=SLOTBLD, then with TYPEVLTMODE=BOXBLD, in order to rebuild the slot and box records in the database of your previous version.

    Do not use INCLUDE or EXCLUDE statements while running the CTTVTM utility in these MODEs

  8. ControlM/Tape SVC

    • Read carefully the description of ControlM/Tape SVC installation in the ControlM/Tape chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing of the version to which you are falling back. Then decide whether you want to install Static or Dynamic SVC.

    • The actions that you need to perform are dependent on both the type of the SVC you had in the new versionenvironment and the type of SVC you want to have in the version to which you are falling back.

      Table 29 Control‑M/Tape SVC fallback



      Dynamic SVC in
      the new Control‑M/Tape version

      Static SVC in
      the new Control‑M/Tape version

      Dynamic SVC in previous Control‑M/Tape

      No action required.

      Edit the IEASVCxx member in the SYS1.PARMLIB member and delete the following line:


      where n is the SVCNUM that was used in the new version

      IPL the system.

      Static SVC in
      previous Control‑M/Tape

      Do all the steps for static SVC that are described under "Control‑M/Tape SVC Installation" in the Control‑M/Tape chapter of the previous version of the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

      IPL the system.

      Edit the IEASVCxx member in the SYS1.PARMLIB member and delete the following line:


      where n is the SVCNUM that was used in the new version

      Perform all the steps for static SVC that are described under "Control‑M/Tape SVC Installation" in the Control‑M/Tape chapter of the previous version of the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

      IPL the system.

  9. ControlM/Tape Operating System Interfaces

    Read the description of ControlM/Tape Operating System Interfaces in the ControlM/Tape chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing of the version to which you are falling back. Then decide whether you want to install Static or Dynamic Operating System Interfaces.

    In this step, IPL means IPL CLPA.

    The actions that you need to perform depend on both the type of operating system interfaces that you had in the earlier version environment and the type of operating system interfaces that you want to have in the version to which you are falling back. These are illustrated in the following table.

    Table 30 Control‑M/Tape operating system interface fallback



    Dynamic operating system interfaces in the new Control‑M/Tape version

    Static operating system interfaces in the new Control‑M/Tape version

    Dynamic Operating System Interfaces in previous Control‑M/Tape versions

    • No action required.

    • Restore Operating System CSECTs (IFG0195B, IFG019RB, IFG019FS, IFG019FV, IFG019VM, and IFG055FE) to the latest operating system level without ControlM/Tape interfaces in them.

    • IPL the system.

    Static Operating System Interfaces in previous Control‑M/Tape

    • Perform all the steps that are described under "ControlM/Tape MVS Interfaces" for "Static Interfaces" in the ControlM/Tape chapter of the previous version of the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

    • IPL the system.

    • Restore Operating System CSECTs (IFG0195B, IFG019RB, IFG019FS, IFG019FV, IFG019VM, and IFG055FE) to the latest operating system level without ControlM/Tape interfaces in them.

    • IPL the system.

    Perform all the steps that are described under "Control‑M/Tape MVS Interfaces" for "Static Interfaces" in the Control‑M/Tape chapter of the previous version of the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

    • IPL the system.

  10. Migrate the ControlM/Tape Stacking Database.

  11. Make sure all external exits are used from the old IOA LOAD library. For example, if you are using OAM, make sure CBRUXENT, CBRUXEJC, CBRUXCUA, and CBRUXVNL from the old IOA LOAD library reside in the LINKLIST.

  12. Make sure all manual allocations for the IOA LOAD library are changed to the old ones. For example, if you are using DFSMShsm and the IOA LOAD library is concatenated to the STEPLIB of an DFSMShsm procedure, then edit the procedure to make sure that the old IOA LOAD library will be used.

Step F12: Activate the restored environment

Review the instructions in Step 50. Migrate Control-M/Tape and Step 51. Migrate IOAGATE in Full Upgrade regarding the version to which you are falling back.

Perform any necessary adjustments and restart any stopped IOA components, or perform an IPL and have them started automatically.

Running two Control-M/Tapes in parallel

The following topics describe how to run Control-M/Tape version in Test mode while running an earlier Control-M/Tape version in Production mode on the same CPU:

The following topic contains information about External Data Manager (EDM) support while running the two versions in parallel:

The procedure described below is relevant only for the combination of newly installed Control‑M/Tape version and an earlier Control‑M/Tape version. For example, you can run one of the 9.x versions alongside an 8.0.xx version or an 8.0.xx version alongside a 7.0.xx version. Different instructions are provided for each prior version of Control‑M/Tape.

Working with your prior Control‑M/Tape version in Production mode while running the newly installed Control‑M/Tape version in Test mode enables you to test the new version as part of the upgrade process.

When two versions are working in parallel, output such as vaulting and retention management reports can be compared on a daily basis to ensure that new Control‑M/Tape version provides information that is consistent with the information provided by the earlier Control‑M/Tape version. Most of the new features supplied with the new Control‑M/Tape version can also be examined while working in parallel Test mode.

Throughout the test period, shutting down the new Control‑M/Tape version while the production Control‑M/Tape continues to operate can create differences in the Media Databases, making reports inconsistent. This sort of inconsistency may make it necessary to reconvert the production Media Database (in the earlier version) for use as a test Media Database (in the newly installed version).

To facilitate comparison of the output from the two systems, BMC recommends that both systems start with the same Media Database contents. Therefore, although it is not always necessary to stop the earlier Control‑M/Tape version to start the new version in parallel, BMC recommends that you stop tape processing before performing database conversion from the earlier version to the newly installed version.

When the testing period is over and you want to continue working with only version the newly installed Control‑M/Tape version, parallel execution support must be removed. The following paragraphs describe how to install and remove parallel execution support.

Installing parallel execution support

To install Control‑M/Tape parallel execution support, do the following:

  1. Shut down the newly installed Control-M/Tape version.

    If the new ControlM/Tape version is active, bring it down using the following operator command:


    where xxx is the procedure prefix selected during the new ControlM/Tape version installation.

  2. Set CTTPARM parameters in newly installed Control-M/Tape version using the Customization (Post installation customization) option in the INCONTROL Installation and Customization Engine (ICE):


    Minor step in major step 1 of Customization


    Minor step 1 - Initialization Parameters


    Minor step 1 - Initialization Parameters


    Minor step 10 - Automated Tape Libraries

    Ensure that the SVC number for the new version (the SVCNUM parameter in the CTTPARM member) is different from the SVC number used by the earlier version. Identical SVC numbers produce unpredictable results.

  3. Prepare production ControlM/Tape environment for the version you are upgrading from.

    Ensure that the following parameter value is already set in the CTTPARM member of the version you are upgrading from:


  4. Start the new ControlM/Tape version by using the following operator command:


    In this command, xxx is the procedure prefix selected during new ControlM/Tape version installation.

  5. Remove the "Check Control-M/Tape Operation Mode" step from the New Day Procedure in the Control-M/Tape production environment.

Removing parallel execution support

When you finish testing the two versions in parallel, you must remove the changes applied by the above procedure. The following steps describe how to remove the relevant changes:

  1. Shut down the new ControlM/Tape version.

    If the new ControlM/Tape version is active, bring it down using the following operator command:


    where xxx is the procedure prefix that you selected during installation of ControlM/Tape.

  2. Set CTTPARM parameters.

    Set the following parameters in the CTTPARM member:

    RBTTYPE=(according to site configuration)

    After you remove parallel execution support, only one Control‑M/Tape system can be active in each system. Running two systems in parallel without the required support can cause unpredictable results.

EDM support for running a newly installed Control-M/Tape version and an earlier Control-M/Tape version in parallel

The following topics describe how to modify the External Data Manager (EDM) so that both versions work in parallel:

The interface between an EDM and Control‑M/Tape is achieved using a Tape Volume exit of the EDM. Sample Tape Volume exits for interfacing with each type of EDM are supplied with the installation tape.

When more than one Control‑M/Tape version runs at the same time (for example, in parallel), the Tape Volume exits that interface with each version must be modified so that they perform the same functions. This ensures that the two databases are updated and kept synchronized.

The text shown below is a general description of Control‑M/Tape EDM support during parallel execution. For more information about support for specific EDMs, see "External Data Manager Support" in the Control‑M/Tape Implementation Guide.

Installing parallel EDM support with earlier Control-M/Tape versions

The Tape Volume exit that is currently used must be changed in order to support activation of version modules in the version you are upgrading from and in the current version.

Ignore the source exit header remarks in the earlier Control‑M/Tape version. Those remarks may be different from the instructions below.

Modify the Tape Volume exit source as follows:

  1. Create a load module for the Tape Volume exit of the newly installed Control-M/Tape version.

    Use the ICE Automatic Exit Installation Tool (described in the Exits chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide) to compile and link the Tape Volume exit of the newly installed Control-M/Tape version. For example, for an DFSMShsm interface, compile the ARCTVEXT source exit.

  2. Rename the module created in the newly installed IOA LOAD library in the previous step, in accordance with the following table.

    Table 31 Exit name revisions

    EDM interface

    Standard exit name

    Renamed exit













  3. Recreate the load module of the old ControlM/Tape version Tape Volume exit, as follows:

  4. First, save a copy of the prior Tape Volume exit for backup.

    Your earlier Control-M/Tape version is supplied with an exit for parallel processing. Use the following table to find the relevant parallel exit you need to compile.

    Table 32 Parallel support exit table

    EDM interface

    Standard exit name

    Parallel support exit name













  5. Compile the exit using the instructions in the External Data Managers chapter of the ControlM/Tape Implementation Guide. Ensure that you compile it in the previous ControlM/Tape environment. This means using the previous ControlM/Tape version macro libraries, and the output module created in the previous ControlM/Tape version IOA LOAD library.

  6. Add to the EDM procedure a //LOADPRLL DD statement that references the newly installed IOA LOAD library. The EDM must be stopped and restarted for this change to take effect. The STEPLIB in the EDM procedure will continue to reference the old IOA LOAD library, as it was before the parallel support.

Removing parallel EDM support with Control-M/Tape

When you finish testing and want to work with only the newly installed Control-M/Tape version, remove parallel execution support by doing the following:

Remove the IOA LOAD library of the newly installed Control-M/Tape version from the EDM procedure by commenting out the DD statement added at step 4 of Installing parallel EDM support with earlier Control-M/Tape versions.

  1. Change the STEPLIB in the EDM procedure to reference to the IOA LOAD library of the newly installed Control-M/Tape version.

  2. Rename the EDM module in the IOA LOAD library of the newly installed Control-M/Tape version back to its standard name. Use Table31 for guidance.

Identifying and resolving PE PTFs using eFix

The procedure described in this section helps to identify and resolve PE PTFs (PTFs in ERROR) within a specified level and below. BMC recommends that you follow this procedure whenever installing a new system or a maintenance upgrade. Follow the procedure at the beginning of the project, and again before moving the new or upgraded system to production.

To identify and resolve PEs within a specified level and below

  1. Log on to the eFix service ( using your BMC support username and password.

  2. Select the Environment and Version according to your system.

  3. Select PE from the Status dropdown menu.

  4. Enter a Search Argument of Lvv.mmm*, where vv is the version and mmm is the maintenance level. For example, for, use 19.100 as the vv.mmm value. (Note: The '*' indicates all levels up to and including the level specified.)

  5. Submit the query. The results screen contains a list of all PE PTFs in the specified level and below.

    • This list should be the input for the next query.

  6. Click the Use Results from all Pages button, to return to the entry screen. The Search Arguments window is populated with all the PE PTFs in the levels specified.

  7. Select the Run Pre/Co Requisite Analysis check box, and choose the Level of the maintenance or system being installed (this is the same mm value used in Step 4). Leave the ResolvePE PTFs check box selected (the default).

  8. Submit the query. The resulting list will contain

    • the PE PTFs requested

    • their resolving PTFs (if found)

    • additional PTFs required by the resolving PTFs above the selected maintenance level

    In the results list, the PE flag will be colored

    • blue for PE PTFs that were resolved

    • red for PE PTFs that were not resolved

    Only PTFs above the level requested will be marked for download.

  9. Download the PTFs using the Download selected PTFs on this page button. In the event that there are multiple pages, repeat this step for every page.

  10. Upload the PTFs to your system (LRECL=80 and RECFM=F or FB). This upload MUST be a binary upload, without specifying ASCII/EBCDIC translation or CR/LF.

  11. Install the PTFs using the Apply Ad hoc PTFs feature of ICE. If you are installing a maintenance upgrade, using the Apply Maintenance Upgrade feature of ICE, add these PTFs to the upgrade using the 'A' option in Step 1.6 RECEIVE and Analyze Target Environment.

Handling PE PTFs

The following topics explain how to handle PE PTFs, whether or not they have resolving PTFs:

PTFs in error without resolving PTF(s)

It is important to realize that the existence of PTFs in error without resolving PTF(s) probably does NOT mean that you should stop this upgrade, for the following reasons:

  • The error(s) may not be relevant to products that you have installed.

  • The error(s) may not be relevant for your specific work environment.

  • A workable bypass or workaround to the error situation may be available.

  • The error(s) caused by the PE-PTF may be minor compared to the error resolved or functionality introduced by it.

To assess the relevance and potential impact to your environment, and to review workarounds or bypasses for the problem, do the following:

  1. Go to the Customer Support Site on and navigate to eFix (or click on the following link: eFix).

  2. Select the following:

    • Environment: 9.0.x

    • The Profile that reflects the target environment

    • Search Type: Apar

    • Status: All

  3. Copy the REASONs from the list in the log and paste them into the Search Argument(s) box.

  4. Click on Search.

  5. In the resulting list, click on and review the description of each APAR in the list carefully.

  6. If the APAR is not present on eFix, or if further information or assistance is required, contact your BMC Customer Support Representative.

PTFs in error with resolving PTF(s)

To download the correcting PTFs that are currently available and RECEIVE them into your SMP/E environment so that they are APPLYed together with the rest of this upgrade or ad hoc cycle, carry out the following steps:

  1. Go to the Customer Support Site on and navigate to eFix (or click on the following link: eFix).

  2. Select the following:

    • Environment: 9.0.x

    • The Profile that reflects the target environment

    • Search Type: PTF

    • Status: All

  3. Copy the Resolving PTF(s) from the list in the log and paste them into the Search Argument(s) box.

  4. Check the Run Pre/Co-requisite analysis above Level check box and select the appropriate maintenance level.

  5. Click on Search.

  6. On the PTF Results page, click Download selected PTFs on this page to download the PTFs. If the query results consist of multiple pages, go to each page and click Download selected PTFs on this page.

  7. Unzip and upload all the downloaded files to the mainframe. The transfer must be a binary transfer, without CR/LF translation, to a LRECL=80, RECFM=FB dataset(s).

  8. Press PF3 (END) to return to the Minor Steps Selection panel.

  9. Continue with the appropriate maintenance or ad hoc procedure:

    • For a maintenance cycle, do the following:

      • Select the A option in the 'RECEIVE and Analyze Target Environment' ICE step, to see the name of the dataset that the PTFs should be made available in. Rename the dataset containing the PTFs to this name and press Enter. Once the dataset is available, it will appear in the list of datasets containing PTFs that will be installed at the bottom of the panel with a Ready status. The name of the dataset to use for any further PTFs will be displayed at the top of the panel.

      • Exit the A screen, and use S to rerun the RECEIVE and Analyze job to include the PTFs in the additional dataset in this upgrade.

      • Press PF3 (END) to return to the Minor Steps Selection panel.

      • Continue with Step 1.4 – View content selected for installation.

    • For an ad hoc cycle, do the following:

      • Return to the Manage PTF(s) file(s) step (1.2) and rename the uploaded file to the name displayed at the top, in order to include these PTFs in the APPLY. Once the dataset is available, it will appear in the list of datasets containing PTFs that will be installed at the bottom of the panel with a Ready status. The name of the dataset to use for any further PTFs will be displayed at the top of the panel.

      • Use S to rerun to the RECEIVE and Analyze Target Environment job to include the PTFs in the additional dataset in this cycle.

      • Press PF3 (END) to return to the Minor Steps Selection panel.

      • Continue with Step 1.4 – View content selected for installation.

Maintenance job logs

When an upgrade job runs a log is generated. After a job is completed the user can examine the job to learn about the status of the job. If the job was not successful, instructions indicate what corrections must be made before running the job run again.

A date and time stamp at the beginning of the log indicates when the job began.

An analysis is provided for each step of the job, including the condition and return codes.

A date and time stamp at the end of the log indicates when the job completed. The job return code indicates if the job completed successfully.

A sample job log is shown in the following figure.

Figure 9 Sample job log

********************* Top of Data **********************************
25 Apr 2010 15:56:54 - H700INS3 JOB16690 STARTED
Start Analyzing: Step=ACCPTCHK.SMPIOA DD=INDD1
* No Applicable PTFs is Acceptable. Step Rc = 04
25 Apr 2010 15:57:04 - H700INS3 JOB16690 COMPLETED - JOBRC(00)
********************** Bottom of Data ******************************

Product packaging

General software packaging

This version is packaged as a pre-installed SMP/E environment containing three SMP/E zones: global, target and distribution. It supports the use of any one of the following installation modes for the SMP/E CSI:

  • a new CSI file loaded with the global, target and distribution zones

  • an existing global zone for the IOA global zone and two new CSI files, one for the target zone and one for the distribution zone

  • an existing CSI file for all three zones

  • The IOA global zone is added to the existing global zone, while the target and distribution zones form separate entities in the file.

Maintenance is performed using PTFs containing object replacement elements.

Basic functional components

The products in this version are packaged as different functional components as listed in the following table. IOA is the base component for all INCONTROL products.

Table 33 INCONTROL Version 9.0.00 Functional Components




Version 9.0.00 Shared Routines, Samples, and so on


Version 9.0.00 Common Code.


Control‑M and Control-M/Restart version 9.0.00 Modules and Samples


Control‑M NJE GATEWAY version 9.0.00 Modules


Control‑D and Control-V version 9.0.00 Modules and Samples


Control‑O version 9.0.00 Modules and Samples


Control‑M/Analyzer version 9.0.00 Modules and Samples


Control‑M/Tape version 9.0.00 Modules and Samples


IOAGATE version 9.0.00 Modules and Samples


Version 9.0.00 English Elements

This INCONTROL version is supplied with all the functions listed in the above tables installed.

Optional components

The following optional components are available:

Table 34 Optional Components




Version 9.0.00 French National Language Support Elements


Version 9.0.00 German National Language Support Elements


Version 9.0.00 Japanese National Language Support Elements


Control-M conversion tool

This INCONTROL version is supplied with all the functions listed in the above tables installed.

Load modules supplied for third-party conversions

Customers who have in the past converted from a third-party scheduling party no longer need to propagate (copy) certain load modules to their newly created IOA Load library from their existing IOA Load library. The affected load modules (see the following table) are now supplied as part of the IOA Installation.

Table 35 Load modules supplied for third-party conversions

Third-party scheduling product

Load modules







OPC (TWS - Tivoli Workload Scheduler)




Maintenance process details

See Proceeding without EHD support.

Proceeding without EHD support

BMC strongly recommends using EHD (Enhanced Hold Data file), which is an SMP/E mechanism that assists in identifying PTFs that are in error, and identifying corrective PTFs, if available. However, if you nevertheless wish to bypass the EHD support, do the following:

In Minor Step 2, Verify Maintenance Files, enter ? in the O column in the field next to EHD.

  1. Read all the instructions in the message window.

  2. Enter N in the Proceed using EHD? field.

  3. Press PF3 (END) to close the window.

Common messages reference




Refer to 7. Message GIM20201S.


Refer to 5. Message GIM24003W.


This message is normal for SMP/E ACCEPT processing.


This message is acceptable during ACCEPT of applied PTFs.


Refer to 4. Messages GIM30202E and/or GIM30209E.


Refer to 4. Messages GIM30202E and/or GIM30209E.


This message is associated with message GIM38201x.


Refer to 3. Message GIM38201E.


This message is acceptable during RECEIVE processing.
It probably contains ++JCLIN and/or ++DELETE statements.


This message indicates that assembly was done for a source that is not installed in any load module.

This is probably an optional source that is not installed at the site.


This message is associated with message GIM38201x.


This message can be ignored.


This message can be ignored.


This message can be ignored.


When issued during

– APPLY processing, refer to 2. Messages IEW0461 or IEW2454W.

– ACCEPT processing – can be ignored

IEW2480W &IEW2482W

These messages can be issued by Binder during link-edit into the IOA SMPLTS library.
These messages can be ignored.


When issued during

– APPLY processing, refer to 1. Messages IEW2470E and IEW2454W, and 2. Messages IEW0461 or IEW2454W.

– ACCEPT processing – can be ignored


When issued during

– APPLY processing, refer to 1. Messages IEW2470E and IEW2454W.

– ACCEPT processing – can be ignored


This message can be ignored.

& IEW2651W

This message can be issued by Binder during APPLY and ACCEPT processing.
These messages can be ignored.


This message can be ignored.


Refer to 8. Message ABEND S822 RC14.


1. Messages IEW2470E and IEW2454W

Messages IEW2470E and IEW2454W are issued during link-edit into an IOA load library during APPLY processing. These messages require you to verify that the LOAD / SIML (LOADlang SIMLlang) libraries are not in LINKLIST or any other fetch optimization product such as PDSMAN, QUICKFETCH, or PMO.

2. Messages IEW0461 or IEW2454W

IOA contains some modules that are written in SAS-C. These modules are link-edited with the AUTOCALL option. The SMP/E implementation of AUTOCALL is performed in two stages. During the first stage, modules are link-edited with the NCAL parameter into the SMPLTS library (SMP/E Link-edit Temporary Storage data set). During this stage, it is expected and acceptable that the linkage editor issues IEW0461 or IEW2454W messages to the SYSPRINT data set.

During the second stage the load modules are re-link-edited from the SMPLTS (INCLUDE SMPLTS(xxxx)) with the CALL parameter to the LOAD library. During the second stage, there should not be any IEW0461 or IEW2454W messages.

3. Message GIM38201E

The GIM38201E message identifies a MODID ERROR situation. It is accompanied by message GIM3190x, which details the reason for the failure, and message GIM44326I. SMP/E expected a PRE / REQ / SUP relationship between the installed PTF and the current SYSMOD level (RMID) of the element, but the relationship was not present. This situation may be encountered in one of the following scenarios:

  • The current element RMID level is a PTF

  • The current element RMID level is INSEXIT, IOASRAC, and so on

The first scenario is abnormal and requires further investigation.

The second scenario is normal and would normally be handled by the Maintenance or APPLY Ad hoc PTF(s) engine. It means that a PTF attempted to maintain an element that was previously modified locally, and installed using an SMP/E USERMOD.

In the event that SMP/E APPLY (CHECK) was run outside of ICE ("natively") and this scenario was encountered, it can be handled as follows:

  1. Record all EXITs identified in the messages.

  2. Verify that no other error messages exist. If other error messages exist, resolve them first and then continue with these instructions.

  3. Add ",ID" to the BYPASS operand on the APPLY (CHECK) command.

  4. Rerun the APPLY (CHECK) step and verify its successful completion. Message GIM44326I is expected and can be ignored.

  5. At this point, continue with the maintenance upgrade until successful completion, then return to perform the actions shown below for each EXIT that you recorded in step 1. Select one of the following User EXITalternatives (CTMX001, CTDX022, and so on):

    • Customers who want to use the old exit do not need to proceed further with this step.

    • Customers who want to use the new EXIT should follow these steps:

      1. Back up from CUSTEXIT library the EXITs and their jobs (indicated by UMxxxxx).

      2. Enter the ICE Exit Installation Tool (Main Menu, CUSTOMIZE, User EXITs Installation, EXIT's Customization).

      3. Enter the name of the EXIT and specify NO on the pop-up question (Do you want to use the existing copy?).

      4. Edit the EXIT source to reflect the local modifications (according to the backup) and press PF03.

      5. Specify NO on the pop-up question (Do you want to use the existing Job?).

      6. Edit the job to reflect any local modifications.

      7. Submit the job and verify successful completion.

      8. Verify correct functionality.

4. Messages GIM30202E and/or GIM30209E

Many such messages may be encountered after a failure of APPLY processing. Since it is difficult to identify the cause of the failure, it is recommended that you review the CAUSER SYSMOD SUMMARY REPORT in the SMPRPT file of the SYSOUT.

5. Message GIM24003W

Some of the optional sample sources provided require other software vendors MACLIB, such as CICS, or security packages. Since some of these samples are provided as ++SRC, SMP/E will try to assemble them during ACCEPT processing.

This processing may fail, and produce a GIM24003W message with an RC of 08 or above, when MACLIBs from other software vendors are missing.

This is acceptable if these samples are not implemented at the site, and the ACCEPT processing will not fail.

6. Controlling the assembly listing

The programs selected for these tasks, the execution parameters and the expected MAX-RC, are defined in the SMP/E CSI in the UTILITY entries, which are referred to by the OPTION entries in the GLOBAL zone. In the IOA SMP/E environment, the following OPTIONS entries are provided:

  • OPTIOA – for the target zone.

  • OPTIOAD – for the DLIB zone.

The following UTILITY entries are provided:

  • IOAASM – Assemblies in the target libraries.

  • IOAASMD – Assemblies in the DLIB libraries.

  • IOALINK – Link-Edit in the target libraries.

  • IOALINKD – Link-Edit in the DLIB libraries.

  • IOAZAP – Super Zap.

The definitions of these utilities in SMP/E include a set of execution parameters for the programs activated.

This set is defined by BMC to suit the assembly and linkage operations of the IOA line of products.

During upgrade installation the output of the assembly might be very large. As a result, you may not want this output to be written to the SYSPRINT file of the SYSOUT during APPLY/ACCEPT processing. In order to achieve this, you may change the parameters supplied to the assembly utility in SMP/E by using one of the following methods:

  1. Access the SMP/E Primary Option Menu and perform the following procedures:

    1. Select option 1.1.

    2. Specify GLOBAL.

    3. Select option 3, UTILITY.

    4. Select the required ASM utility (IOAASM for APPLY, IOAASMD for ACCEPT) by specifying "S" next to its name.

    5. In the PARM field, change the LIST/NOLIST value as required.

      • If you select LIST, assembly listing will be written to the SYSPRINT file of the SYSOUT.

      • If you select NOLIST, assembly listing will not be written to the SYSPRINT file of the SYSOUT.

  2. Run a batch SMP/E job using IOASMP procedure with the following commands:


Be aware that in case of assembly errors, no diagnostic procedure can be carried out without the listing of the assembly (SYSPRINT).

7. Message GIM20201S

Because the installation of this upgrade may be memory-consuming, this message may issue with a S0C4 abend during APPLY / ACCEPT processing. BMC recommends modifying the REG parameter in the IOASMP cataloged JCL procedure to the maximum value of REGION allowed at the site.

After completing this modification, rerun the problematic job.

8. Message ABEND S822 RC14

There was not enough storage in the region. To resolve this situation decrease the region size by specifying a value greater than 16 megabytes.

You can circumvent a system completion code of X'822' by draining the initiators completely, restarting them, and then resubmitting the job.


During the deployment process at the cloned site, the message UNABLE TO SELECT A TARGET VOLUME FOR DATA SET dataset_name, 04 can appear if there is not enough space on the disk.

The deployment process fails, referring to the failing job name and ID for further information.

This can happen when the DFDSS Utility tries to allocate a data set with a different prefix on the original disk and there is not enough space.

To perform a workaround

Edit the IOAFDEXT member in the basepref.INSTALL library, by adding one of the following parameters, after the IMPORT parameter:

(For a non-SMS managed installation)


If the data sets of the base environment were allocated using SMS classes, the following parameters must be added:
