Customizing Control-M
Control-M customization considerations
Control-M Customization Considerations
Control-M Parameter Customization
CTMPARM is the Control‑M source parameter member (located in the IOA.PARM library) that provides Control‑M with installation parameters, as well as operational parameters.
This member may be maintained as a regular source member (for example, using the ISPF editor), or through ICE panels. BMC recommends you use ICE to update the member, reducing the risk of making mistakes, entering invalid values, and so on.
The member is divided into sections, each of which starts with the name of the section in column 1, followed by the parameters belonging to that section. For more information about the syntax of such source parameter member, see the "Performing a customized installation - common tasks" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.
The following table lists the parameters in the CTMPARM member alphabetically, with the section to which they belong, and the place in this chapter where they are described.
Table 3 Parameters in the CTMPARM member
Parameter |
Section |
CYC2X15 |
M622RC4 |
MJES262W |
MSEL250I |
RECOVERY section |
Activating the Customization
If you change the values of certain parameters, you must take appropriate steps to activate the changes you have made before they can take effect. These steps are indicated by numbers in the Act column of the tables of parameters. The meaning of the numbers is shown in the following table:
Table 4 Numbers of activation steps
Number |
Activation steps |
1 |
Shut down and then restart the Control‑M monitor, or issue the Control‑M NEWPARM monitor command. For more information—including parameters that are not refreshed by NEWPARM—see the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide section on dynamically refreshing Control-M parameters. |
2 |
Exit and then reenter the IOA online environment. |
3 |
Follow the steps for expanding the Control‑M environment described in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide. |
4 |
Shut down and then restart the IOAGATE monitor. |
The following sections contain more detailed information about the individual parameters in the CTMPARM member.
This section contains parameters that affect the Control‑M monitor.
Table 5 Control‑M monitor parameters
Parameter (Wish No.) |
Description |
Act |
Whether to load the AJF above the bar. Valid values are:
1 |
Whether to allocate the AJF as a shared memory object. This parameter is relevant when the AJF is loaded above the bar. Valid values are:
1 |
This option enables Control‑M tape drive resources to be automatically assigned, based on usage statistics, overriding tape drive resource allocations specified in the RESOURCE parameter of the job scheduling definition. If this option is not set, the statistics are not tracked.
Valid values are:
For more information about the Automatic Tape Adjustment facility, see the Control‑M chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OSAdministrator Guide. |
1, 2 |
The maximum number of CMEM requests processed in each Control-M interval. When there is a very large number of CMEM requests, the overhead involved in processing them can cause the performance of Control-M to be seriously degraded to such an extent that Control-M cannot process any other work. You can use this parameter to limit the number of CMEM requests that Control-M will process in each Control-M interval, enabling all Control-M functions to continue to perform properly.
1 |
Whether to activate the CTMPLEX facility, that is, run the Control‑M monitor in Sysplex mode. For full information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing. If you change the value for this parameter from N to Y, you must also perform all the steps related to CTMPLEX to activate this change. This avoids unpredictable results. |
1 |
Whether to trace MCS $GD commands.
Valid values are:
$GD commands are the communication mechanism used by local and remote NJE nodes to obtain the statuses of NJE jobs. These commands are issued only when extended NJE tracking support is activated. The DBGMCS parameter enables the Control‑M administrator to turn this display on or off. The following considerations are important:
BMC recommends that you set DBGMCS to Y only when requested to do so by BMC Customer Support. For more information about extended NJE tracking support, see the "Installing Control-M" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing. |
1 |
FORCE#RT (WM3233) |
The number of times Control‑M retries a FORCEJOB or CONNECT DIRECT request that fails. This parameter is only effective if a positive value has been specified for the FORCE#WI parameter (described in this table).
Valid values are:
1 |
FORCE#WI (WM3233) |
Whether Control‑M retries a FORCEJOB or CONNECT DIRECT request that fails, and if so, the frequency of retries.
Valid values are:
1 |
The automatic held output class to which Control‑M sends the MSGCLASS output of the job. For more information about the HLDCLAS parameter, see the "Installing Control-M" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing. |
1 |
Sleeping interval of Control‑M monitor.
For full information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing. |
1 |
The maximum number of jobs that are put into Held status by the Automatic Recovery feature
If you set a value for this parameter greater than zero and a subtask of a Control-M monitor job abends and message CTM114E is issued, the job is put into Held status and the CTM183E message is issued. If the number of jobs put into Held status after subtask abends is equal to the value set for this parameter, the job is not put into Held status, and the CTM184E message is issued. This parameter can be used together with IBM’s ARM feature to automatically restart the Control-M monitor if it abends. |
1 |
Whether to make the Control‑M monitor non-swappable.
For full information on customizing this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing. |
1 |
Control‑M performance data is accumulated and written to SMF at given time intervals. This parameter sets the time interval, in minutes, at which the SMF records are written. If the interval is set to 0 or 1440 then one SMF record is written during Control‑M Newday processing. You can temporarily change this parameter using the Control‑M PERFDATA command. The PFMINT parameter is reset to the value in the CTMPARM member when the Control‑M monitor is restarted. For more information on the PERFDATA command, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.
1 |
Specifies the SMF record type used for Control‑M performance monitoring. Choose an SMF record type number which is not already in use at your installation. If the value is set to 0 no SMF records are created.
1 |
Output class to be dynamically changed on DD statements containing sysout parameters relating to jobs submitted by Control‑M. For full information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing. |
1 |
CKP Section
This section contains database-related parameters.
Table 6 Database-Related Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Act |
Maximum number of records in the Active Jobs file (AJF).
For more information, see the "Installing Control-M" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing. |
1, 2, 3 |
Type of AJF file.
Valid values:
The Active Jobs file (AJF) must be created using a DSNTYPE of BASIC, LARGE or EXTENDED through the AJFTYPE parameter. If the site’s AJFSIZE will not exceed 2,000,000 records (65,535 tracks) in the foreseeable future, then choose an AJFTYPE of BASIC (default), otherwise, an AJFTYPE of LARGE or EXTENDED must be chosen. Consult the IBM manual, DFSMS: Using Data Sets, for the meaning of these various allocation types and how to choose the appropriate value. |
Active Jobs file utilization threshold. When the threshold is reached, the Control‑M Monitor starts informing the operator about Active Jobs file utilization.
1 |
Whether to activate the History Jobs file option. For full information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing. |
1, 2, 3 |
Whether to activate the AJF Journaling option. For full information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing. |
1, 3 |
AJF Space Reuse Application parameter prefix. Specifies the prefix of the application parameter in the Job Schedule Definition, for jobs to be handled by AJF Space Reuse Facility. Valid value is a string not longer than 8 characters. The default value is blank, which means that all jobs may be processed by the AJF Space Reuse Facility (if the value of the REUSTIME parameter is not zero). For further information see the discussion of the Active Jobs File Space Reuse Facility in the INCONTROL for z/OS AdministratorGuide. |
AJF Space Reuse Retention Period. Specifies the retention period (in minutes) for a job in Active Jobs File before it is deleted by AJF Space Reuse facility. Valid values are from 0 to 9999 minutes. Default is zero, which means that AJF Space Reuse Facility is inactive. For further information see the discussion of the Active Jobs File Space Reuse Facility in the INCONTROL for z/OS AdministratorGuide. |
NEW DAY Section
This section contains parameters that take effect during New Day processing.
Table 7 New Day Processing Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Act |
The start time of the work day at your site. For full information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing. |
1 |
For Smart Tables where KEEP JOBS UNTIL REMOVED is set to Y, this parameter controls whether Control-M New Day processing or AJF Compress forces Smart Table completion when the MAXWAIT of all its jobs (and the Smart Table itself) has expired. The Force Smart Table Completion process is the same process as occurs when a Smart Table job with END-TABLE Y finishes. For additional information, see END-TABLE: Post–Processing Parameter in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide. Valid values are:
1 |
After Control-M monitor issues the message "CTM113I Control-M MONITOR monitor name NEWDAY PROCESSING STARTED", it waits for a number of Control‑M sleeping intervals (this parameter) for the New Day started task to start executing. If the New Day procedure does not start to execute, the "CTML03W NEW DAY PROCEDURE NOT DETECTED" message is issued, followed by the CTML06W REPLY 'R' FOR RESUME OR 'E' FOR END message. For example, if the Control-M sleeping interval is 3 seconds, and the default value of 30 is used, the monitor waits 90 seconds for the Newday started task to start executing.
For more information, see the INCONTROL of z/OS Administrator Guide for details. |
Whether to activate the New Day in memory facility. This shortens the New Day procedure by performing all compress processing using the monitor’s copy of the AJF. Valid values are:
1 |
Name of the Control‑M New Day procedure, a started task that Control‑M invokes once a day to perform New Day functions. If left blank, this parameter defaults to xxxTDAY, where xxx is the value of PROCPRFM. For more information, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide. |
1 |
Whether the New Day procedure should report about every job that is deleted from the Active Jobs file.
Valid values are:
Changes to this parameter take effect the next time the New Day Procedure is run. |
ORDER Section
This section contains parameters that affect the ordering process.
Table 8 Ordering process parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Act |
CALNFND (WM0738) |
Whether to stop the ordering process if a "Calendar Not Found" error occurs during the job ordering process.
Valid values are:
1, 2 |
Whether to continue ordering the next job if a Compress error occurs during the ordering process.
Valid values are:
1, 2 |
Whether to continue ordering if a Cards Error (Scheduling) occurs during the job ordering process, or if a job scheduling table (member) is not found.
Valid values are:
1, 2 |
CTGFORC (WM0983) |
The operation that should be performed when Control‑M is to execute a Control‑D Category as specified in D-CAT field.
Valid values are:
1, 2 |
Whether an empty SMART table, meaning a SMART Table Entity with no jobs, can be ordered.
Valid values are:
1, 2 |
Exclude RBCs are rule-based calendars that specify the days that jobs will NOT be ordered. To specify an Exclude RBC, an exclamation mark (!) must be added as a prefix when defining a Table level RBC, or as a prefix to the RBC name when referring to a Control-M (CTM) level RBC. Before turning the value of EXCLURBC from N to Y, the user must ensure that regular (Include) RBCs that are defined at the Table level and all RBCs defined at the CTM level do not have an “!” character prefix. For more information, see the Control-M for z/OS User Guide.
Valid values are:
2, 4 |
Whether, when forcing or ordering a job belonging to a SMART table, to insert a RBC value into the job definition on the AJF. Under normal circumstances, since the job is forced, the job definition would not contain a RBC value. Valid values are:
FORCERBC=Y forces the job to be ordered by its internal scheduling criteria, as opposed to by the criteria of the associated RBC. |
1, 2 |
Whether, when the name specified in a FORCE command is the name of both a SMART table and a job within that SMART table, the SMART table is forced.
The FORCE command can force both SMART tables and individual jobs, according to the following principles:
Valid values are:
1, 2 |
An (optional) value that causes extra space in the Active Jobs file to be preserved for each and every job during the ordering process. This space can later be used by the Active Environment Zoom screen (Screen 3.Z) to add more data to the job.
Exercise caution when setting the value for this parameter, since the size of the job may affect Control‑M performance, and most importantly, may increase I/O time every time the job is to be read or written. On the other hand, you can use this parameter to reserve enough space to enable users to add more information to the job in the Active Environment Zoom screen (Screen 3.Z), such as IN Conditions, OUT Conditions, Shouts and Notes. |
1, 2 |
Whether, when the TIME ZONE parameter is set in a job definition and the New Day procedure runs, the current working day or the next working day is assigned to the job.
Valid values are:
For more information on the Time Zone feature, see the Control‑M chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide. |
1, 2 |
When this parameter is set to Y, if one of the jobs is rejected by an exit (user or security exit), the ordering process terminates with RC=8. If the job is part of a SMART table, ordering the SMART table fails. Valid values are:
The LDCAEORD (LoaD Cached AutoEdit variables at ORDer time) allows AutoEdit variables, which have been loaded in the Control-M cache, to be resolved at order time. (The AECACHL parameter points to the cached AutoEdit variables.)
Valid values:
Caution: Setting the LDCAEORD parameter to Y might slow the job ordering process. |
1, 2 |
The MXJINBOR (MaXimum Jobs IN Bulk Order) determines how many jobs are included in bulk ordering.
Valid values are: Numeric values from 0 to 99999. The default is 300. 0 means that bulk ordering is disabled. |
1, 2 |
The completion code returned when the ordering process results in no jobs being ordered.
Valid values are:
1, 2 |
Whether to globally change the Adjust Condition field in SMART Table Entity definitions. Valid values are:
1, 2 |
Whether to reset the completion code to 0 when CNTERCRD=Y.
Valid values are:
The percentage threshold of used space in the Active Jobs file (AJF) at which Control-M does not allow additional jobs to be ordered.
Specify 0 to disable this feature. |
1 |
Selector Subtask Section
This section contains parameters that affect the Control‑M Monitor during the Select phase.
Table 9 Selector subtask parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Act |
Whether to check the DUE-IN time of a job before selecting the job for submission. If a check is to be performed, that is, if the DUEINCHK parameter is set to Y, the job is not selected if, according to its average elapsed time, it will not finish before its DUE-OUT time.
Valid values are:
1 |
Whether QUIESTIME commands are to affect both jobs and SMART tables, or only jobs.
Valid values are:
For more information on QUIESTIME, see the description of setting a planned shutdown time in the Control‑M chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide. |
Limits the number of active jobs in Control-M.
Use of this parameter is functionally equivalent to defining a quantitative resource, such as an Initiator resource, with a total quantity specified in the parameter’s value, and assigning every Control‑M job 1 unit of the resource. Using this parameter, rather than resources, lowers the Control-M monitor’s computer utilization by decreasing the number of tracked Control-M jobs waiting in the JES input queue. See the section about the Control-M monitor and JES considerations in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide for recommendations on how to use this parameter. This parameter does not consider SMART Table Entities, started tasks, NJE jobs, on-spool jobs, and dummy jobs as active jobs. |
1 |
Before selecting a job belonging to an Active SMART Table for submission, a decision must be made whether to re-check some of the SMART Table parameter. The decision is based on the TBLRECHK parameter.
Valid values are:
1 |
Determines whether Control-M uses global workload policies, local workload policies, or both. Valid values are:
Local workload policies are managed in the IOA W screen, whereas Global workload policies are managed from Control-M/EM GUI and can only be viewed in IOA W screen. |
Submitter Subtask Section
This section contains parameters that affect Control‑M Monitor during the Submit phase.
Table 10 Submitter subtask parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Act |
#ONSPLOC (WM0868) |
Number of attempts to locate an on-spool job before passing the job from the Submit subtask to the Status subtask. When an on-spool job is handled by the Submit subtask of Control‑M, an attempt is made to locate it on spool in Hold status. If it is found in Hold status, Control‑M first releases it, then passes it to the Status subtask. If it is not found in Hold status, the job is passed immediately to the Status subtask without releasing it.
Increasing this number may unnecessarily increase the time it takes for Control-M to determine the final status of the job that has disappeared. However, for NJE jobs or when products such as THRUPUT/MANAGER and WLM, that intervene in the submit process, are active, sometimes the job is under control of that product when Control-M tries and fails to locate the job (In held status). In such cases, Control-M may prematurely stop attempting to locate the job. If this occurs, BMC recommends that you increase the value for this parameter above the default value. |
1 |
Name of a partitioned data set member (PDS), pointed to by the DAGLOBAL DD statement in the Control‑M monitor, which includes a list of AutoEdit Global members that are to be loaded into the AutoEdit Cache of the Control‑M monitor. Using the AutoEdit cache dramatically improves Control‑M monitor performance, by eliminating the need to read AutoEdit members for each and every job. By default, this parameter has no value, which means no AutoEdit caching is performed. A sample member can be found in the CACHLST member in the Control‑M PARM member, which also contains instructions how to specify a list of the AutoEdit members that are to be loaded into the cache. As an alternative, you can name the PDS using the following modify command: F CONTROLM,AECACHE=RELOAD(member_name) For more information about the Control‑M AutoEdit Cache and about this modify command, see the Control‑M chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide. |
1 |
CTRB4INC (WM2776) |
By default, Control‑M inserts the Control‑M/Restart (or Control‑M/Analyzer) step immediately before the first EXEC or INCLUDE JCL statement. This parameter governs where Control‑M inserts the Control‑M/Restart (or Control‑M/Analyzer) step when an INCLUDE JCL statement is found before the first EXEC JCL statement.
Valid values are:
1 |
INUSE#RT (WM2354) |
The number of job submission retries that should be attempted when the JCL member is in use.
INUSE#RT, in conjunction with the following parameter, INUSE#WI, takes effect in Control‑M when the submission of a job fails because the JCL member is in use, either because the member is being edited, or because the partition data set is compressed. Control‑M issues a message to the IOA Log that the job was not submitted, and assigns the job a status of NOTOK. |
1 |
Specifies whether Control-M automatically adds the 32-character user portion to the Job Correlator in the jobs that it submits. The Job Correlator field in JES2 jobs has 64 characters, of which the first 32 are assigned by JES2 itself. The last 32 characters is user data that can be set by the user or the application submitting the job (with the UJOBCORR keyword in the JOB JCL statement). The data can then be used by JES2 interfaces, such as SDSF and JES2 operator commands, to access all jobs with matching correlator values (for example, in SDSF all jobs with matching correlator values can be displayed together). For started tasks, Control-M adds the Job Correlator value to the UJOBCORR parameter in the start command. The Job Correlator values added by Control-M can be overridden by JES2 exits that are invoked at later stages in the job submission process. It is up to the customer to ensure that the values added by Control-M are not overridden. Valid values are:
After changing the value of this parameter, the Control-M JCL Verify and IOA Online monitors must be recycled for the change to take effect. The Control-M monitor must either be recycled or the Control-M NEWPARM monitor command must be issued. |
1 |
Controls the contents of the Job Correlator field that the Control-M adds to jobs. Format: 1-32 character string. The value can contain AutoEdit variables, which are resolved at job submission time. After variable resolution, all ‘-' characters are replaced by underscores (‘_’). All other characters that are not alphanumeric or @,#,$,_ are replaced by $. If the first character is numeric, it is replaced by $. Truncation from the end will occur if the total length after resolution exceeds 32 characters. If the final result string is null, it will be replaced by the default value: Copy
AutoEdit variables in the JCORVAL value are only resolved, for each job, during job submission time. Any changes in the variable values that might occur after the job is submitted will not be reflected in the job’s Job Correlator value. After changing the value of this parameter, the Control-M JCL Verify and IOA Online monitors must be recycled for the change to take effect. The Control-M monitor must either be recycled or the Control-M NEWPARM monitor command must be issued. |
1 |
Specifies whether Control-M predicts the JOBNAME during order time. Mandatory. Valid values are:
1 |
Specifies the maximum size (in lines) of jobs that can be submitted by Control-M. Valid values (lines): 0-9999999 Default: 0 (no limit) |
1 |
Whether Control‑M creates an additional copy of the JES SYSDATA file (JESDS) by adding appropriate OUTPUT statements to a job, or by changing its MSGCLASS to HLDCLAS. The option implemented by this parameter used to be implemented through the CTMX002O sample Submit Exit.
Valid values are:
If the first INCLUDE JCL statement precedes the first EXEC statement in the job and the CTRB4INC parameter is set to Y (see CTRB4INC section), the statements are added before the first INCLUDE JCL statement. Otherwise, the statements are added before the first EXEC statement. Extra SYSDATA files for an additional job are created in the Control‑M reserved held sysout class HLDCLAS, and the MSGCLASS of the original job remains unchanged.
Setting this parameter to Y has the following advantages:
However, if you use JES3 //*ROUTE XEQ statements to route NJE jobs, you must set this parameter to N, and use the CTMX002O sample Submit Exit if necessary. For additional tuning of the added OUTPUT statements, you can change the MSGCPRES member in the CTM PARM library. The provided MSGCPRES member contains the OUTPUT statements, as described above. Control-M performs AutoEdit resolution of the statements defined in this member. |
1 |
Jobs submission buffering factor.
Setting this parameter enhances the Control-M submission process by using the JES spool slice window more effectively. Jobs that have been prepared for submission are accumulated before writing them into the JES internal reader. The MULTISUB parameter specifies the number of jobs that are accumulated. For more information, see the JES2PARM Tuning Considerations section in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide, Chapter 3 Control-M, Control-M Monitor and JES Considerations. |
1 |
Whether Control‑M submits to JES multiple jobs that exist in one JCL member.
Valid values are:
In both cases, Control‑M handles only the first job. Even if it submits the subsequent jobs, it does not perform any follow-up nor post-processing on the second and subsequent jobs. |
1 |
Whether values already set in the JCL of a job can be overwritten by values inserted in the following fields of the Control‑M Job Scheduling Definition screen (Screen 2):
Valid values are:
Whether the Control-M monitor issues a DFSMSHSM RECALL request when accessing a migrated data set.
Valid values are:
RELHLDJ (WM1837) |
Whether Control‑M should automatically release an on-spool job when it detects that the on-spool job is in Held status. As explained in the preceding parameter, #ONSPLOC, when an on-spool job is found in Held status, Control‑M generally releases it before passing it to the Status subtask. However, some sites may choose to release the on-spool job manually.
Valid values are:
1 |
Whether to enable the Control-M Submission Substitution facility, which replaces jobs with dummy jobs or alternate jobs for testing purposes. When jobs are replaced, the post-processing statements DO SHOUT, DO MAIL, DO REMEDY, and DO REMFORCE are skipped. For more information about this facility, see Job Submission Substitution Facility. Valid values are:
1 |
Number of parallel JCL reader processes used by the Control-M monitor for reading the JCLs from the libraries and preparing them for submission. The JCLs are then submitted by the processes defined by the SUBWRTP# parameter. When set to 0, job submissions are serviced by the Control-M monitor using a single process that reads the JCLs, prepares them for submission, and performs the actual submission. Valid values: 0-10 SUBRDRP#=0 enforces SUBWRTP#=0, as (by default) both the read processes and the write processes are performed using a single common process. |
1 |
Number of parallel JCL writer processes used by the Control-M monitor for writing the JCLs to JES (that is, for submitting the JCLs). These JCLs were earlier prepared for submission by the processes defined by the SUBRDRP# parameter. When set to 0, job submissions are serviced by the Control-M monitor using a single process that reads the JCLs, prepares them for submission, and performs the actual submission. Valid values: 0-100 SUBWRTP#=0 enforces SUBRDRP#=0, as (by default) both the read processes and the write processes are performed using a single common process. |
1 |
Whether to enable an integration between Control-M and Compuware ThruPut Manager. This integration enhances Control-M job submission comments and adds information to be used by ThruPut Manager. Valid values are:
1 |
Spyer (Status) Subtask Section
This section contains parameters that affect the Control‑M Monitor during the Status phase.
Table 11 Spyer (status) subtask parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Act |
$GDFREQU (WM2333) |
Frequency of issuing $G D commands to a remote NJE node when the enhanced NJE support in JES2 environment is active (the ENHNJE parameter is set to Y). The frequency is expressed in terms of Control‑M intervals. Increasing the value of this parameter reduces the number of $G D commands. However, this may result in the information available to Control‑M as to the status of the job in a remote NJE node being less up-to-date. On the other hand, decreasing the value of the parameter may cause redundant overhead on Control‑M and the NJE lines, so BMC recommends that you do not set the value too low.
1 |
#JNFMS (WM1755) |
Frequency of issuing message SPY253E (JOB NOT FOUND IN QUEUE n TIMES) when an attempt to check the status of the job failed with an indication that the job was not found.
Increasing this number reduces the number of times SPY253E messages are issued. BMC recommends that you do this in cases where the setting of the #JNFRT parameter is high. |
1 |
#JNFRT (WM1754) |
Number of attempts to locate a job on spool and check its status when the job is not found.
Increasing this number is recommended for cases where for some reason the job cannot be found on spool for long period of time, for example, an NJE job. On the other hand, increasing this number also delays the time until Control‑M marks the job as Disappeared. |
1 |
#SYSMS (WM1764) |
Frequency of issuing message JES262W.
Increasing this number causes fewer such messages to be issued, which is recommended if the number of retries, set by the preceding parameter, #SYSRT, is high. |
1 |
#SYSRT (WM0652) |
Number of attempts to read the sysout of a job when the sysout cannot be initially read by Control‑M.
Increasing this number is recommended in cases where for some reason the sysout of a job cannot be read for a long period, for example when a big sysout of a job comes back from an NJE node. |
1 |
ENHNJE (WM1883) |
Whether the NJE support for JES2 is to be activated.
Valid values are:
For a value of Y, the $G D JES2 command requires read security access authority. For a description of assigning command input authority, see the IBM manual "z/OS JES2 Initialization and Tuning Guide" (specifically, Chapter 7, "Authorizing the Use of Operator Command"). |
1 |
Whether to exclude a range of steps, called the EXCLUDED STEP RANGE, in job scheduling definition statements. The EXCLUDED STEP RANGE includes all steps of a job, excluding the steps from one step to another.
Valid values are:
1 |
Whether deletion of a job inside a SMART Table Entity before it ran (that is, in Wait Schedule status) causes the SMART Table Entity itself to end NOTOK.
Valid values are:
1 |
Whether to assign a special meaning to the $LAST and $FIRST job step names when they are specified in ON PGMST or STEP RANGE statements.
Valid values are:
1 |
MAXCCOK (WM1473) |
Maximum condition code for Control‑M to mark a job as ended OK. Every job that finishes with a condition code above the value specified in the MAXCCOK parameter is considered as ended NOTOK. BMC recommends that this value be set to either 0 or 4. Setting MAXCCOK to 4 indicates that jobs ending with warning conditions (a maximum RC of 4) are considered OK.
1 |
MJES262W (WM0723) |
Whether Control‑M writes the warning message JES262W ("UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPTS TO READ JOB DATA BY SUBSYSTEM REQUEST") to the IOA Log, in addition to issuing it to the operator.
Valid values are:
BMC recommends that you set this parameter to the default N, since when JES is busy, the above message may be issued several times for many jobs, which in turn may fill the IOA Log with many such messages. |
1 |
Reserved parameter. Do not alter the default value (Y) set for this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Customer Support. |
1 |
Whether the IBM Spool Dataset Browse interface is used to read sysout data sets. This interface provides significant improvements in performance in a JES2 Sysplex environment with multiple systems sharing the same spool.
Valid values are:
1 |
SPYWAIT (WM1765) |
Number of 1/100 seconds to wait in the SPY subtask when an attempt to locate a job on spool failed, and a retry is required.
Increasing this parameter above the value of the regular Control‑M interval time, as set in the INTERVALM parameter, may dramatically affect the overall performance, and is not recommended in any case. When Control‑M is busy, BMC recommends that you set this parameter to no more than one second, while when Control‑M is less busy you may consider increasing it. The only disadvantage of using too low a number is that Control‑M may retry too early, wasting computer time. |
1 |
Controls the order in which the DO SYSOUT F statement copies the SYSOUT datasets of a job to a file. Valid values are:
1 |
Number of DO SYSOUT processing tasks.
Setting this parameter to a non-zero value enhances Control-M job tracking and post-processing, by separating the tracking of jobs from the execution of DO SYSOUT actions (multi-SPY mode). By default, job tracking and DO SYSOUT actions are performed synchronously, that is, a job's status only changes to ENDED after that job's DO SYSOUT actions are executed. This may result in delays in job tracking in a JESPLEX environment when waiting for the spool slice window. When SYACTPR# is non-zero, the DO SYSOUT actions are executed asynchronously by separate tasks, preventing this type of delay. SYACTPR# specifies the number of such tasks that can run concurrently. When Control-M runs in multi-SPY mode, a job's status may change to ENDED before all its DO SYSOUT actions are executed. If a job's DO SYSOUT action fails, the job's Post-Processing Failed flag will not be turned on. If Control-M terminates abnormally during this time, some DO SYSOUT actions will not be executed (even after Control-M is restarted). |
1 |
DO SYSOUT actions recovery level. This parameter is applicable only when SYACTPR# > 0. It is ignored when the default SYACTPR# = 0 is used. Valid values are:
This parameter controls the recovery level of DO SYSOUT actions when Control-M works in multi-SPY mode. In high recovery level (SYACTRLV=1), if Control-M terminates abnormally, the messages in the IOA log file indicate precisely which DO SYSOUT actions were already executed. This may impact the performance of Control-M processing. The default low recovery level (SYACTRLV=0) does not have such an impact on performance, but messages in the IOA log may be less precise (that is, some DO SYSOUT actions may be executed without issuing appropriate log messages). |
1 |
Post-processing Subtask Section
This section contains parameters that affect the Control‑M Monitor during its Post Processing phase.
Table 12 Post Processing Subtask Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Act |
File extension for SYSOUT sent by ONPGM … DO MAIL parameter. |
The maximum size in KB of the SYSOUT that is attached to email messages when ATTSYSOT=Y.
When ATTSOTSZ=0, the size of the attachment is unlimited. If the size of a job's SYSOUT exceeds the value of the ATTSOTSZ parameter, the SYSOUT will not be attached to email messages that are sent for that job. |
1 |
Whether the SYSOUT of the job should be attached to email messages sent as a result of DO MAIL, DO SHOUT, or SHOUT statements. Valid values are:
1 |
Whether the JCL member should be copied from the MEMLIB library to the OVERLIB library, when the job ends NOTOK. JCL members of cyclic or rerun jobs (using DO RERUN) may be copied only if CYC2X15 is set to Y (see the CYC2X15 parameter below).
Valid values are:
1 |
When a job ends NOTOK and is holding a control resource whose prefix matches the corresponding parameter, this resource is not released by Control-M, and the job continues to hold it until it is rerun and ends OK, is FORCEd OK, or is deleted through screen 3 or NEWDAY processing. |
CYC2X15 (WM2322) |
Whether the Control‑M monitor should call the CTMX015 job termination exit when a cyclic job ends, or either when a DO RERUN or RESTART is performed.
Valid values are:
1 |
Activates the issuing of warning messages when a job step (or range of steps) referenced by the ON PGMST statement in the job definition does not match any step in the JCL of the job.
Valid values are:
If at least one such the warning was issued for the job, the 'Post-Processing Failed' characteristic is added to job's status in Control-M.
1 |
Whether the JCL member should be deleted from the OVERLIB library if the rerun of the job ended OK. JCL members of any cycle after the first cycle in a cyclic job may be deleted only if CYC2X15 is set to Y (see the CYC2X15 parameter above). Valid values are:
1 |
Whether the JCL member should be deleted from the OVERLIB library if any run of any job ended OK. JCL members of cyclic jobs may be deleted only if CYC2X15 is set to Y (see the CYC2X15 parameter above).
Valid values are:
1 |
Whether the DO actions following codes of the form "ON PGMST ANYSTEP CODE OK" should be executed when a job is FORCEd-OK. For further details on the operation of this parameter, see the discussion of the Force OK Confirmation window in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide.
Valid values are:
1 |
Whether the Control‑M Monitor should ignore SYSOUT or DO SYSOUT post-processing functions when reading of the SYSDATA of the job failed.
Valid values are:
1 |
IGNIGD17 (WM3255) |
Whether the Control‑M monitor should treat the IGD17001I and IGD17101I messages as NCT2 (Not Cataloged 2) conditions. Valid values are:
1 |
MSEL250I (WM1520) |
Whether the Control‑M monitor should issue the SEL250I message (CONDITION cond_name {DELETED | ADDED}: OID=orderid, RUNNUMBER=run_num) when it adds or delete a condition on behalf of a job due to an OUT or DO COND statement.
Valid values are:
For backward compatibility, the default value of this parameter is N. However, BMC recommends that you set it to Y, which logs all condition activity in the IOA Log, thus enabling you to trace the addition and deletion of conditions if necessary. |
1 |
Whether Control‑M post-processes NJE jobs that were executed on both JES2 and JES3 systems.
Valid values are:
1 |
When a job ends NOTOK and is holding a quantitative resource whose prefix matches the corresponding parameter, this resource is not released by Control-M, and the job continues to hold it until it is rerun and ends OK, is FORCEd OK, or is deleted through screen 3 or NEWDAY processing. |
Whether a migrated scheduling library is recalled during the processing of a DO FORCEJOB request. Valid values are:
1 |
Maximum SYSOUT size (in KB) that can be viewed in Control‑M/EM. If an Control‑M/EM user attempts to view a SYSOUT that is larger than the VSYSOLIM value, the SYSOUT is truncated.
4 |
Archive SYSOUT Section
Sysout Archive Allocation parameters control the sysout archive data set allocations. The sysout archive is associated with the DO SYSOUT F command. Whenever the Control‑M monitor activates a sysout archiving request, an archive data set is allocated using the following allocation parameters:
The use of the RLSE parameter causes Control‑M to release unused space at the end of the archiving function.
For more information about these parameters, see Sysout Archive Allocation Attributes in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.
Table 13 Archive SYSOUT Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Act |
Whether to create the Archive file with FBA or FB record format.
1 |
Non-zero primary allocation size for the sysout archive data set.
1 |
Archive retention period in days. |
1 |
Secondary allocation size for the sysout archive data set. |
1 |
Allocation type for the sysout archive data set.
1 |
Unit name for the sysout archive data set.
1 |
Whether the Extended SYSOUT Collection feature is enabled, which copies additional sysout files from the spool to the CDAM file, in addition to the job's first three datasets. |
1 |
Online Section
This section contains parameters that affect various parts of the Control‑M Online facility.
Table 14 Online Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Act |
Whether to suppress messages from the CTMAPI utility when it is invoked under TSO.
Valid values are:
Where a JCL Edit request is to be performed (from Control‑M/Enterprise Manager only).
Valid values are:
2 |
Whether the SAC parameter in the job/SMART table definition, which is used for conversion only, is active.
Valid values are:
1, 2 |
For a job belonging to a SMART table, from which job to take the MAXWAIT value.
Valid values are:
1, 2 |
This section contains parameters that are used to customize the statistical database.
Table 15 STATFILE Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Act |
The maximum number of job occurrences that can be accumulated into a Statistics file job record.
Warning: Changing this parameter to a lower value after the Statistics file is already in use may cause the statistics for the most recent job occurrences to be lost. |
1, 2 |
Whether the ID of the computer on which a job was run should be considered as part the Statistics file record key or not. Valid values are:
2 |
CTMAS Section
This section contains parameters that are used to customize the Control-M Application Server (CTMAS).
Table 16 CTMAS Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Act |
Action to be taken when the Control-M Application Server (CTMAS) encounters an error during the download process. Valid values are:
Whether the Control-M User Daily database will be updated with the User Daily name specified when uploading a table from the Control-M/Enterprise Manager.
Valid values are:
Either the Control‑M/Event Manager or Control‑O must be active if the EMUSDLY parameter is set to Y.
HEALTH Section
This section contains parameters that control the Health Checker tasks in the Control‑M monitor.
Table 17 Health Checker Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Act |
The minimum time interval in seconds, interpreted as a "process delay" in the Control-M Health Checker. If this parameter is set to 0 the report is not produced.
Whether Control‑M monitor should use the Health Checker interface to communicate with IBM Health Checker.
Valid values are:
1 |
The number of days that defines a job as "dormant."
1 |
The interval of time, in hours, between checks of the "dormant" jobs in the Active Jobs file. Dormant jobs have been sitting in the Active Jobs file for more than the specified days in the HCJDAYS parameter.
1 |
The interval time, in minutes, between checks for issues in the IOALOG Index file. If this parameter is set to 0, the check is not processed.
1 |
Threshold percentage for the level of correspondence between the IOALOG Index file and the IOA Log. A warning is issued when the IOA log is indexed below this percentage.
1 |
Threshold amount of virtual storage memory (in megabytes) above the 16MB line. A warning is issued when the amount of available storage memory falls below this value.
1 |
Threshold amount of virtual storage memory (in kilobytes) below the 16MB line. A warning is issued when the amount of available storage memory falls below this value.
1 |
The interval of time, in minutes, between parameter checks. Each check verifies that the parameter values in the CTMPARM member in the IOA PARM library are the same as the CTMPARM settings currently in memory. If this parameter is set to 0, the check is not processed.
The interval of time, in minutes, between checks for job processing delays. An exception message is produced based on internal tables, maintained by the various Control‑M subtasks (such as submitter, selector, and spyer), which determines whether a job being processed by these components is experiencing excessive delays. These delays could indicate a job is not responding (hang condition). If this parameter is set to 0, the check is not processed.
1 |
The interval time, in minutes, between checks for issues in Control-M Monitor virtual storage consumption. If this parameter is set to 0, the check is not processed.
1 |
The interval of time, in minutes, between checks of the status of the Active Jobs file. An exception message is produced when the entries as a percentage of the maximum allowed, exceeds the threshold defined in the AJFTHRSH parameter (for more information, see CKP Section). If this parameter is set to 0, the report is not produced.
1 |
This section contains parameters that control Recovery Mode processing.
Table 18 Recovery Mode Processing Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Act |
Activates or disables the Recovery Mode processing. Valid values are:
If RECENA=Y(ES), duplicate submissions and DO FORCEJOB processing are prevented, regardless of the RECLEVEL value. The parameter can be changed dynamically by NEWPARM without stopping or starting the Control-M monitor. For more information on this parameter, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide. |
1 |
Automation level of recovery processing. The higher the level, the more precise the diagnostics are by the Recovery Mode processing, but the more likely there might be a performance impact on Control-M processing. The lower the level, the more minimal the performance impact on Control-M processing, but the more likely there might be an increase in the number of jobs put into HOLD status requiring customer analysis. The default (RECLEVEL=0) has no performance impact on Control-M processing, but requires the most customer analysis. Valid values are:
The parameter can be changed dynamically by NEWPARM without stopping or starting the Control-M monitor. The RECLEVEL parameter setting must not be changed between the time that Control-M terminates abnormally and the time that Control-M restarts (and the corresponding Recovery Mode processing begins). Changing the setting during this period might interfere with the Recovery Mode processing, resulting in the failure to prevent duplicate submissions or DO FORCEJOB processing. For more information on this parameter, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide. |
1 |
Optimization Section
This section contains parameters that are used to control workload optimization.
Table 18a Optimization Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Act |
Deadline scheduling recalculation rate for internal Load-Indexes, that is, the time interval between consecutive DUE-IN/DUE-OUT recalculations. A value of 0 (the default) means that only manual recalculations are available, using the IOA online facility (REFRESH DEADLINE) or the following operator command: Copy
Valid values: 0 – 60 minutes The parameter can be changed dynamically by NEWPARM without stopping or starting the Control-M monitor. |
1 |
Deadline Scheduling precision unit for internal Load-Indexes, that is, the time unit (minutes or seconds) used during deadline scheduling calculations. Setting the precision unit to seconds assists Control-M in avoiding calculation issues that might arise from rounding the results to minutes. Valid values: S (seconds), M (minutes) The parameter can be changed dynamically by NEWPARM without stopping or starting the Control-M monitor. |
1 |
Limits downward changes in Load-Index level to gradual changes of one level at a time (internal Load-Indexes only). This helps Control-M avoid steep drops in Load-Index levels and allows Control-M to adjust the workloads gradually. This parameter works in conjunction with OPTKPLVL. Valid values: Y, N
Note that in both cases, each level is kept for the number of intervals defined by the OPTKPLVL parameter. The parameter can be changed dynamically by NEWPARM without stopping or starting the Control-M monitor. |
1 |
Additional time, expressed as a number of calculation intervals (the OPTLINDR parameter), that an internal Load-Index must remain in its current level, before changing to a lower level. The purpose of delaying the change in load level is to avoid frequent Load-Index level changes and allow Control-M to adjust the workloads gradually. Valid values: 0 – 99 intervals
The parameter can be changed dynamically by NEWPARM without stopping or starting the Control-M monitor. |
1 |
Interval, in seconds, between Load-Index level recalculations for Internal Load-Indexes. It is recommended to rely on RMF information (RMF MINTIME) to avoid excessive recalculations while the system information (taken from RMF) is not updated. Valid values: 0 – 999 (seconds) Special values:
The parameter can be changed dynamically by NEWPARM without stopping or starting the Control-M monitor. |
1 |
Control-M Workload Optimization mode Valid values:
For this parameter, the NEWPARM monitor command cannot be used to dynamically activate changes. |
1,2 |
Whether to enable setting levels of MainView Alarm (MVA) Load-Indexes. The data for this type of Load-Indexes is obtained by CMEM or by Control-O from MainView Alarm Management. Valid values:
1 |
Maximum priority to be reset during the job submission process. If a job's priority is equal or lower than RESETPRY, the priority is ignored and the job is considered as having the lowest possible priority, allowing it to be submitted according to its calculated DUE-IN time (the time at which it must start in order to meet its own SLA and the SLAs of its dependent jobs). If a job's priority is higher than RESETPRY, the priority is taken into account and the job is processed accordingly. As priority has precedence over DUE-IN, this parameter allows resetting the job's specified priority so that DUE-IN can have a greater impact, while those jobs with the highest priorities retain their original precedence. Valid values: Any valid priority value The parameter can be changed dynamically by NEWPARM without stopping or starting the Control-M monitor. |
1 |
Controls the order in which Control-M Monitor submits jobs. You can choose whether or not to have Deadline Scheduling taken into account. Valid values:
The parameter can be changed dynamically by NEWPARM without stopping or starting the Control-M monitor. |
1 |
General (Miscellaneous) Section
This section contains general parameters.
Table 19 General (Miscellaneous) Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Act |
The name that represents Control‑M as an element of automatic restart management (ARM). When this parameter is enabled, the operating system automatically restarts Control‑M after an unexpected failure, using ARM. When specifying an element name, apply the following rules:
Valid values are:
This element name must exactly match the ELEMENT and ELEMENT_NAME ARM policy parameters, or the operating system will use the default policy. For more information, see the section on ARM support in the Control‑M chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide. |
Whether DOCU/TEXT is installed at the site. For more information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing. |
2 |
Whether a JOB/SCAN product is installed at the site. For more information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing. |
2 |
M622RC4 |
Causes the CTMRELRS utility to end with a return code of 4, instead of a return code of 12, if message CTM622E is displayed. Valid values are:
Whether MAINVIEW Batch Organizer is installed at the site.
Valid values are:
1 |
Additional Control-M Customizations
These parameters are found in Step 1.12 of Control-M customization:
Table 20 Special CCM Parameters for Control-M Customization
Parameter |
Description |
Controls error handling during the Control-M Application Server download process. Valid values are:
These parameters are found in Step 2.2 of Control-M customization:
Table 21 Repository Characteristic parameters for Control-M Customization
Parameter |
Description |
Space (cylinders) for the GRF file.
For more information, see the Control-M chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide. |
Maximum number of Load-Indexes to be supported by the WLI data set in the CTMWLI utility. An increase in the number of Load-Indexes requires a new WLI data set to be initiated.
Primary space (cylinders) for the Statistics file.
For more information, see the Control-M chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide. |
Secondary space (cylinders) for the Statistics file.
The following member can be updated in Step 3.3 of Control-M customization:
Table 22 Control-M Customization: SYNCLIBS Member
Member |
Description |
The purpose of the SYNCLIBS member in the CTM PARM library is to define a list of scheduling table libraries that are automatically synchronized between Control-M and Control-M/Enterprise Manager. Whenever a table in one of these libraries is updated on the mainframe, Control-M/EM will automatically request downloading that table to the Control-M/EM database, so that it is synchronized with Control-M. To support such synchronization of table libraries, two-way synchronization must be enabled. After installation, the default value of this member is the Control-M default scheduling library allocated as part of the installation. In each row in the SYNCLIBS member, specify the name of a library in columns 1-72. Do not include any additional text (such as comments). If you remove a library from the list in the SYNCLIBS member, the library’s tables are not automatically deleted in Control-M/EM. If you do not want the library’s tables to appear in Control-M/EM, you can delete them manually through the Planning Domain in Control-M/EM. This will delete the tables also from the table library (due to two-way synchronization). If you need the tables to remain in the library, you can back them up before deleting them in Control-M/EM, and restore them in the library after deleting. |
Table 22b Control-M Customization: RULELIBS Member
Member |
Description |
The purpose of the RULELIBS member in the CTM PARM library is to define a list of default libraries containing the Control-M Event Manager rule definitions. The user can maintain these libraries from the Control-M Event Manager option located under Tools -> Production Control in the Control-M GUI. After installation, the default value of this member is the Control-M CMEM rule library allocated as part of the installation. Only the library name is to be specified in columns 1 - 44 of the RULELIBS member. If the user enters anything else, such as a comment, an error will be issued indicating that the rule library cannot be found. The user can enter comments in columns 45 - 72. |
For information about other Control-M parameters that may be specified during a customized installation, see the "Installing Control-M" chapter in INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.
Control-M File Customization
Expanding the Active Jobs File
The procedure for expanding the Active Jobs file (AJF) described below is an integral part of ICE, ensuring that the procedure can be performed efficiently and expediently.
The expansion process performs the following operations:
changes the necessary parameters through the data entry steps
saves the parameters in the product libraries
submits the EXPNDAJF expansion job
EXPNDAJF performs the following:
renames the existing files by adding the .OLD qualifier
allocates files with new space parameters
copies information from the .OLD files to the new files
compresses the AJF file by physically deleting all job definitions with ENDED-OK or DELETED status from the AJF
To expand the Active Jobs file (AJF), perform the following steps in ICE
Select Customization.
Select the environment that you need to customize.
Enter CTM in the Product field.
Select Product Customization.
Select major step 11, "Expanding CONTROL-M AJF."
Perform minor step 1, "Stop all monitors and IOA activities." This includes CONTROL-M Monitor, IOAGATE (together with the CONTROL-M Application Server), Online Monitors, and TSO users that use IOA ONLINE.
Perform minor step 2, "Verify AJF availability." If step 2 is marked NOT COMPLETE (*), it indicates that the AJF, or some other files listed in the process output of step 2, are currently being used and therefore the AJF cannot be expanded. From the process output, determine from the JOBNAME who is using the files so that they can be notified to deactivate the files. To verify that the files are not being used, refresh the list by pressing ENTER. When the list is empty, the AJF expansion process can proceed. After step 2 is marked COMPLETE, continue to minor step 3.
Select minor step 3, "Specify AJF parameter." Enter the appropriate values for the AJFSIZE and AJFTYPE parameters. For more information about these parameters, see CKP section.
Perform minor step 4, "Save Parameters into Product Libraries." After step 4 is marked COMPLETE, continue to minor step 5.
Select minor step 5, "Expand AJF", either by marking the step with a "J" (to run the job automatically), or with an "S" (to run the job manually). Verify that the EXPNDAJF job is marked COMPLETE (if it was run automatically using the J option) or that it ended with a completion code of 0 or 4 (if it was run manually using the S option).
WARNING: If the EXPANDAJF job ends with a JCL error, the job must be re-submitted. However, to avoid loss of data, correct the cause of the error before re-submitting the job.
If History Jobs file processing is enabled, use the FORMHST job in the Control-M INSTALL library to increase the size of the History Jobs file according to the new value of the AJFSIZE variable. For the procedure details, see the Expanding Control-M Files section in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.
After successfully expanding the AJF, perform minor step 6, "Activate all monitors." In this step, you activate all relevant product components — CONTROL-M Monitor, IOAGATE (together with the CONTROL-M Application Server), Online Monitors, and TSO users that use IOA ONLINE.
In addition, restart the Control-O servers. Use the following command to stop the Control-O servers, and afterwards they are started automatically when a new DO TSO request is processed: