Conversion Process Flow

This chapter includes an overview of the conversion process flow and the jobs executed in the conversion process.

This chapter includes the following topics:

Overview of Conversion Process Flow

This section describes in detail the components and flow of the conversion process from the perspective of jobs, programs, and data sets.

The process comprises the following primary jobs:

Table 8 Jobs in the Conversion Process




Produces the ZEKE input reports.


Creates the EOG EVENT name list.


Creates the Control-M Documentation library, Calendar library, Table library, and Control-O Rules library.


Creates the XML job and calendar definitions.


Converts JCL members.

JOB0: Produce the ZEKE Reports

JOB0 contains steps that produce, package, and compress the following ASG ZEKE production files and, if requested, upload the compressed package to the BMC FTP support site:

  • 2 EVENTS reports for scheduling and job dependency.

  • User documentation data.

  • Calendar report.

  • JCL variables report.

  • Commands and messages report.

  • JCL members in Zeke catalog report.

  • JCL Libraries.

  • Compressed file containing all the ASG ZEKE reports.

  • Event deactivation report.

JOB1: Create the EOG Table List File

  • JOB1 creates the EOG (End-of-Group) table list file from the ZEKE LIST EVENTS Report files. This list is used by the conversion to assign SMART table names for all the (generic) event names which are objects of the Zeke (W)EOG WHEN clause. All Zeke events whose event names match any of the event names in this list are then created within the associated SMART table as indicated in the list.

    The file has the following format:

    • Col 1: The length in binary of the EOG event name in column 2-13. A length of less than 12 indicates the name an event name prefix.

    • Col 2-13: The EOG event name. Masking (wildcard) characters ‘?’ and ‘*’ may appear in this name.

    • Col 15-22: The Control-M table name derived from the EOG event name in col 2-13. This field can be edited by the user before running JOB1. The user must ensure that this field remains unique after all changes are made.

JOB1 Input

ZEKE main EVENTS Report files (Part 1 and Part 2) (created by JOB0)

JOB1 Output

CTM.ZEK.EOGTBL - EOG table list file

JOB2: Create Libraries, Including the Control-O Rules Library

JOB2 does the following:

  • Reads the ZEKE Calendar Report file and creates the Control-M Calendar library.

  • Additional calendars can also be created from the main LIST EVENTS report. For further information, see Calendars.

  • Reads the ZEKE LISTJCL Report file and creates a Control-M JCL library.

  • Reads the ZEKE Commands and Messages Report file, creates in-stream JCL in the job scheduling definitions, and adds COMM and WORK event comments to the documentation Members.

  • Reads the ZEKE Documentation Report file and creates the Control-M Documentation library.

  • Adocumentation member is created for each job that appears in the report. All the documentation of jobs that appear multiple times is combined into one documentation member.

  • Creates the Control-M Scheduling tables from the main ZEKE LIST EVENTS Report file, using the CTMBLT utility, which is described in the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

  • Creates the Control-O Rules library for various jobs or jobstep events (DSN, BOJ, or (A)EOS keywords or Condition Code validation).

When the REFEVT conversion parameter, described in Conversion Parameters is set to CAL, STEP8 of JOB2 must be executed separately after STEP0 through STEP7 of JOB2. Scan the DABCLIN file for any calendar names of the form RFxnnnnn. These calendars must be built before executing STEP8.

JOB2 Input

  1. The following ZEKE report files are created by JOB0:

    • Documentation

    • Calendar

    • Commands and Messages

    • EVENTS Report file (Part 1 and 2)

    • JCL Report file

    • Event deactivation

  2. ZEKE SYSTEM name and MVS CPU-ID List file (supplied by the user) – See the comments in Overview of the Conversion Stage for further details.

  3. remote-system-id list file (supplied by the user) – See the comments in Overview of the Conversion Stage for further details.

  4. A DSN translation table (DADSNXLT DD) – A card image file containing a list of the production JCL library names and the corresponding copied names (including Universal Command script libraries) automatically built by the conversion.

  5. ZEKE JCL library concatenation.

  6. EOG table list file (created by JOB1).

JOB2 Output

  1. CTM.Vxxx.DOCLIB (where xxx refers to the version number): Control-M Documentation library.

  2. CTM.Vxxx.CALENDAR: Control-M Calendar library.

  3. CTM.Vxxx.DAILY: File containing all table names to be referenced by the New Day procedure.

  4. CTM.Vxxx.ONSPTAB:  Control-O Rules library containing JOBARRIVAL, DSNEVENT, and ON STEP events (On-spool table).

    Note: This library contains a single member with the name CTORULES, which contains a Control-O Rule table specifying ON JOBARRIVAL, ON DSNEVENT, ON JOBEND, and ON STEP rules.

  5. CTM.ZEK.SCHEDULE: Control-M table library.

  6. CTM.ZEK.OUTLST: Table definition file.

  7. CTM.ZEK.BLTPRM: Sorted table definition file.

  8. CTM.ZEK.CTMBCL: Control statements used by the IOABLCAL utility (PGM=CTMBCL) to build calendars.

  9. CTM.ZEK.HOLID: Table of ZEKE calendar names (standard and User accounting) and corresponding holiday calendar name created by the conversion.

  10. The file that contains conversion messages.

  11. CTM.ZEK.INFO: File of ZEKE job information used by JOB4 (JCL conversion).

  12. CTM.ZEK.ZJCLLIB: A Control-M JCL library.

JOB3: Create XML Files

Job3 creates XML job and calendar definition scripts from the Control-M Scheduling tables and Calendar libraries, using the CTMTLB utility, which is described in the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

JOB3 Input

  • Control-M table library.

  • Control-M calendar library.

JOB3 Output

  • CTM.ZEK.JOBMF.XML: For mainframe jobs specified in the DAXMLMF DD statement.

  • CTM.ZEK.JOBDS.XML: For distributed jobs specified in the DAXMLDS DD statement.

  • CTM.ZEK.CALMF.XML: For mainframe calendars specified in the DAXCALMF DD statement.

  • CTM.ZEK.CALDS.XML: For distributed calendars specified in the DAXCALDS DD statement.

JOB4: Convert JCL Members

JOB4 adds the ZEKE Variables to the IOA GLOBAL Variable database as user-defined global AutoEdit variables with their assigned values, and converts the ZEKE JCL libraries to Control-M format.

JOB4 Input

  1. ZEKE JCL Variable Report file (created by JOB0).

  2. Dynamically allocated copies of ZEKE JCL libraries.

  3. JCL library DSN list.

  4. File of ZEKE job information (created by JOB2).

JOB4 Output

  1. JCL libraries in Control-M format.

  2. Updated IOA GLOBAL Variable database.

  3. JCL conversion report.