Conversion Parameters

Control-M conversion parameters are defined in ICE, in the "Stage 0- Set Conversion Defaults" panel. Modify these conversion parameters to fit your local site requirements. The parameters are described below.

Table 5 ZEKE Control-M Conversion Parameters




Alternate delimiter character used for variable values in the Zeke Commands file. Specify if a non-quote or a non-apostrophe delimiter is used.

Default: Blank space.


The earliest year to be defined in the created Control-M calendars.

Valid values: yyyy (any valid 4-digit year)

Default: 2014


The default initiator class when the ZEKE Class is not specified.

Default: A

Enter a blank space to suppress the following:

  • Creation of the %%CLASS=c SET VAR Autoedit variable in job scheduling definitions.

  • Substitution of the value of the CLASS parameter with the AutoEdit variable %%CLASS on all JCL JOB statements.

  • Extraction of the JOB CLASS from the JCL member (when present).

For more information, see 35. CLASS.


Destination for all SHOUT messages.

Valid values are:

  • OPER: Issue the SHOUT message to the console. Default

  • OPER2: Same as OPER but as highlighted and unrollable.

  • TSO-uid: Issue the SHOUT message to a specific TSO userid. uid is a specific userID (up to7 characters).

For additional options, see the SHOUT parameter description in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide.


Specifies a path name for distributed jobs documentation in the DOCLIB parameter. After the conversion process, the user must populate this directory from the mainframe DOCLIB library created by the conversion.


Which of the held sysout clauses must be requeued. Enter a blank space if all held sysouts should be required.

Default: Blank space.

When TOCLS is blank, the FRMCLS parameter is ignored.


The ZEKE field from which to populate the Control-M GROUP parameter

Valid values are:

  • ZGRPID: The ZEKE GROUP field. Default



One of the non-default values must be chosen when either the ENAME/MNAME or EVENT parameter is used in ZADD, ZDEL, ... commands and the ENAM/Event-number is associated with a non-unique job name.


Application job grouping method to create Control-M Table names.

Valid values are:

  • APPGRP: Application job grouping by ZEKE Application (APP) name concatenated with the ZEKE Group name. Default

  • JOB: Application job grouping by ZEKE Job name.

  • USERID: Application job grouping by ZEKE Userid.

  • APP: Application job grouping by ZEKE Application (APP) name.

  • EVT: Application job grouping by ZEKE Event name.

If the resulting Table name begins with a numeric character, the first character is replaced as follows:

  • 0 is replaced by @

  • 1 is replaced by A, 2 is replaced by B, . . . , 9 is replaced by I.


The conversion tool creates initiator Quantitative resources. The format of the resource name is controlled by the value of the INIT conversion parameter.

Valid values are:

  • Blank space: Initiator names are in the form INIT. Default

  • S: Initiator names are in the form INIT_$.

  • C: Initiator names are in the form INIT_class.

  • B: Initiator names are in the form INIT_class$.


  • class is the ZEKE CLASS, or the default class specified in the CLASS conversion parameter when CLASS is blank.

  • $ is the resource masking character, with a value assigned by the Control-M scheduling algorithm, and can be retrieved in the %%$SIGN AutoEdit variable.

For further information, see the discussion of the RESOURCE parameter in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide.


The job card used in building batch jobs for SCOM, ZCOM, COMM, WORK, and MSG events.


The actual job name, consisting of the event type and event number, is inserted into the job statement.

If you want to use multiple-line job statements or to append additional JCLLIB or INCLUDE statements following the job statement, the format of the value of this parameter should be:
' %%INCLIB libname %%INCMEM memname'

In this syntax,

  • memname identifies the member that contains the JCL statements

  • libname identifies the library where the memname member resides.


Application job name grouping length. When the GROUPBY conversion parameter is set to JOB, EVT, or USERID the JOBLEN parameter specifies the number of characters in the job name, event name, or User ID that are to be used when creating Control-M Table names.

Default: 8


Before creating Control-M IN conditions, the conversion tool checks that the job name in the WHEN clause keyword (such as EOJ) is associated with an event in the ZEKE LIST EVENTS report. If the conversion tool cannot find an associated event, the user has a choice of either creating the IN condition and an associated ON JOBEND rule (with a DO COND action) in Control-O or producing an error message.

The In condition name is created in the format '+EOJeventname_jobname'.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Creates an IN condition and ON JOBEND rule in Control-O. Default

  • N (No) – Produces the CTMZEK02-03W error message, described in "CTMZEK02-03W UNSUPPORTED OPTION: txt" in Messages.

When a job name in a WHEN clause does not exist in the Zeke Event report, and JOBMANL is set to Y, then the conversion tool assumes that this job will be externally submitted (not through Zeke) and therefore creates an ON JOBEND rule in Control-O to trigger the job with this external dependency.


Maximum number of lines in a JCL member. Default: 5000


A prefix for condition names that is used to indicate Maybe job processing for ZEKE WEAK conditions. For further information, see 22. WHEN.

Default: ?


The source for the OWNER Control-M job scheduling parameter (used in conjunction with OWNLEN option below). The OWNER parameter is useful for implementing security checking by various Control-M components.

You can specify any of the following:

  • ACF2USER: The first n characters of the ACF2 JCL JOBFROM or LOGONID userid fields.

  • JCLUSER: The first n characters of the USER= field of the JCL JOB statement.

  • JCLGRP: The first n characters of the GROUP= field of the JCL JOB statement.

  • NOTIFY: The first n characters of the NOTIFY= field of the JCL JOB statement.

  • ZUSERID: The first n characters of the ZEKE USERID field. Default

  • ZJOBNAME: The first n characters of the ZEKE JOBNAME field.

  • ZAPP: The first n characters of the ZEKE APP field (n£3).

  • ZGRPID: The first n characters of the ZEKE GRPID field (n£3).

  • ZEVENTNM: The first n characters of the ZEKE EVENT NAME field.

  • =xxxxxxxx: A constant OWNER parameter of xxxxxxxx (1through 8 characters) for every Control-M job scheduling definition.

  • &SYSUID is not a supported parameter value when ACFUSER, JCLUSER, JCLGRP, or NOTIFY is specified.

  • The OWNER and OWNLEN options are ignored for distributed (non-MVS and Universal command) job definitions. In such cases, the OWNER is determined as follows:

    • For non-MVS definitions the USERID from the LIST EVENTS file is always used as the OWNER, preserving the case of the text when specified as lower-case.

    • For Universal command jobs, the full member name specified in the LOGON DD statement is used as the OWNER.

  • For SMART table entity definitions (created by the use of the WHEN EOG clause), the OWNER parameter is always formed using the ZEVENTNM and the OWNLEN option.


For all values of the OWNER conversion option (except =xxxxx), OWNLEN specifies the number of characters of the specified option to use for the OWNER Control-M parameter.

Default: 8

The OWNLEN parameter is ignored for distributed job definitions.


Process Non-Instream Batch ZEKESET Utility SYSIN Data indicator.

Whether to convert Zeke Batch ZEKESET commands, such as SET VAR and CDATE Zeke commands that are not contained in-stream in the SYSIN DD statement of a Zeke Batch ZEKESET Step (that is, are pointed to by a sequential file or a member of a PDS).

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes): Convert the commands.

  • N (No): Do not convert the commands. Default

For sites where references to Batch ZEKESET commands are made from within JCL procedures (that is, the SYSIN DD statement does not appear in the JCL member being converted) you can run the JCL conversion (JOB2) against the affected procedure library.

If PNIBTSD is set to Y, in addition to the JCL libraries specified in JOB4, copy all PDSs and sequential data sets containing Zeke Batch ZEKESET or Universal Command control statements (to preserve the original PDSs and sequential data sets). For more information, see Extract the Data from ASG ZEKE Environment, Step 2.

In case of fallback to ZEKE, delete the original PDSs and sequential data sets and rename the copies to the original production names.


Specifies whether ZEKE REFEVENT OCCURS Clause statements must be converted to Control-M basic scheduling parameters or whether the conversion tool should simply assign a calendar name to the REFEVENT clause to be used as the DCAL Control-M parameter.

Valid values are:

  • BASIC: Convert the REFEVENT to Control-M basic scheduling parameters. Default

  • CAL: Assign a calendar name to REFEVENT. Thecalendar name is of the form RFx nnnnn wherex isN or0 depending on whether the REFEVENT parameter is preceded by the NOT operator, and nnnnn is the event number. Itis your responsibility to build a calendar for each REFEVENT specified in the ZEKE LIST EVENTS report.
    BMC Software recommends that sites that frequently use the REFEVENT Occurs clause in the following situations specify CAL in the REFEVT conversion parameter:

  • Multiple uses of the REFEVENT parameter in a single Occurs Clause.

  • Use of ‘NOT REFEVENT’.

  • The events referred to in the REFEVENT parameter contain very complex scheduling logic.

In the first two of these situations, support is provided only if CAL is specified in the REFEVT conversion parameter.

In the third situation, since the conversion tool cannot always guarantee an accurate conversion of very complex Occurs clause parameters, creating a calendar to represent these REFEVENTs ensures greater accuracy.


The ZEKE release number, in the form n.m.

Valid values are:

  • 5.5: ZEKE version 5.5 through 6.1. Default

  • 6.2: ZEKE version 6.2 or later.


Specifies whether the job sysouts must be released for printing after they are analyzed by Control-M.

Valid values are:

  • Blank space: Ignore this option

  • N: Ignore this option.

  • D: Delete sysout.

  • R: Release sysout.


Specifies how an event's OCCURS clause REQUEST option is converted.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes): Schedule the jobs on a daily basis, that is, set the Control-M DCAL parameter to ALLDAYS. In addition, set the CONFIRM parameter to Y. Default

  • N (No): Neither schedule nor set the CONFIRM parameter for these jobs.


Job late SHOUT message.

Valid options are:

  • Enter the text for the SHOUT WHEN LATESUB message is sent when the submission time of the job has elapsed.

  • Enter a blank space to suppress the message.



Job late end SHOUT message.

Valid options are:

  • Enter the text for the SHOUT WHEN LATE message, which is sent when the job has not completed execution by the late time.

  • Enter a blank space to suppress the message.



Job failed SHOUT message.

Valid options are:

  • Enter a text for the SHOUT WHEN NOTOK message that is sent when a job fails.

  • Enter a blank space to suppress the message.



Job not submitted on time message. Specify the text for the SHOUT WHEN LATESUB * message, which is sent when the expected execution time of the job will exceed its DUE OUT time (that is, the ZEKE MUSTEND time).



Job still executing after its average runtime duration (AVGDUR) has been exceeded.

Valid options are:

  • Enter the text for the SHOUT WHEN EXECTIME message, which is sent when the job is still executing after its AVGDUR has passed.

  • Enter a blank space to suppress the message.



New output class to which Control-M is to requeue the JCL MSGCLASS sysouts of the job.

Valid options are:

  • Blank space: Reroute is not required.

  • *: The MSGCLASS sysouts of the job must be requeued to the original MSGCLASS of the job after they are analyzed by Control-M. Default


Specifies the Universal Command procedure or program name for processing distributed jobs.

Default: UCMDPRC.

If you are not using the Universal Command facility, enter a blank space.


Sets the name of the Control-M library that contains Global AutoEdit variables. You may specify the CTM PARM library created during the Control-M installation process or create a new library. This library will contain the DAYMONTH member discussed in Post-step 2. Perform Final Adjustments.



The JCL ZEKESET program or procedure name.

Default: ZEKESET