The CTMZSET Utility

This chapter details the utility program CTMZSET, which might be required for a successful conversion to Control-M, depending on the ZEKE features utilized by the user. This utility can be used both during and after the conversion process.

Note, however, that this utility does not support the full range of functionality of the IOA and Control-M utilities discussed below. Therefore, in the future, when adding new steps in your JCL utilizing these services, we recommend that you use those utilities directly, as documented in the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.


The CTMZSET utility is used to invoke the IOATEST, IOAAPI IOA, and IOACND services and the Control-M CTMRELRS service.

This utility replaces the ZEKE ZEKESET program in the converted ZEKE JCL libraries and performs similar functions.

  • CTMZSET invokes IOATEST to replace ZEKE SET and SCOM system commands as specified in Component Conversion Summary, Table 7.

  • CTMZSET invokes IOAAPI to add conditions to the IOA Conditions file, using commands of the format:

    ADD COND condition-name odat

    to replace ZEKE SET VAR statements.

  • CTMZSET invokes IOACND to adjust the existing quantity of a Quantitative resource to a specified value using commands of the format:

    CHANGE RESOURCE resource-name nn

    to replace ZEKE ZCOM ZRESOURCE ALTER statements.

  • CTMZSET invokes CTMRELRS to release (deallocates) Quantitative resources that are allocated to, but no longer needed by, a job that is still executing using commands of the format:

    RELEASE RESOURCE resource-name 9999

    to replace ZEKE ZCOM ZRESOURCE RELEASE statements.

  • CTMZSET invokes CTMAPI to order jobs or perform actions on the Control-M Active Jobs file (AJF), using commands of the format:

    ORDER DD=SCHD MEM=table-name JOB=jobname


    AJF function MEM=jobname

    to replace ZEKE SET ZCOM statements.

    See 30. SCOM for the supported SET ZCOM statements and what they are converted to.

It is the user’s responsibility to set up a JCL procedure with the procedure name CTMZSET, which invokes the CTMZSET program. This procedure will be substituted in the JCL run stream whenever the ZEKESET program is encountered.

The invocation of the CTMZSET procedure in the JCL member is modified depending on whether ZEKESET IF statements containing HIGHCOND, LASTCOND or ABTYPE are specified. See Component Conversion Summary, Table 7 for details.

//STEPLIB    DD DISP=SHR,DSN=ioa.loadlib
//DAPARM     DD DISP=SHR,DSN=ioa.parm
//           DD DISP=SHR,DSN=ioa.ioaenv
//SCHD       DD DISP=SHR,DSN=ctm-scheduling-library
  • The DD statement SCHD must point to the Control-M scheduling library created in JOB2 of the conversion (for details, seeJOB2: Create Libraries, Including the Control-O Rules Library).

  • All the other DD statements necessary for STEP1 can be copied from the IOA IOAAPI procedure in the IOA PROCLIB library.

  • The DACNDIN DD statement must be specified as DUMMY.