Conversion Process Flow

This section includes the following topics:

Overview of Conversion Process Flow

This section describes in detail the components of the conversion process from the perspective of jobs, programs and data sets.

A familiarity with the conversion process helps in understanding the conversion logic and the installation and operation steps discussed in Conversion Steps.

The process comprises the following primary jobs:

Table 5 Jobs in the Conversion Process




Produce OPC reports.


Extract workstation and application information, build a list of all defined calendars and periods, and create JCL for adding special resource prerequisite conditions.


Convert JCL members and create the Control-M AutoEdit variable library.


Construct Control-M calendars and table libraries.


Produces XML files for job and calendar definitions for both the mainframe and distributed platforms.

JOB0: Produce OPC Reports

Produce a print image of the following OPC reports:

  • Application Detail

  • Workstation Descriptions

  • Calendars

  • Periods (for OPC/A Release2, and OPC/ESA only)

  • Operator Instructions

  • JCL Variable Tables (OPC/ESA only)

JOB0 contains steps that package and compress the production libraries and reports, and if requested, upload the compressed package to the BMC FTP support site.

  • For each of the steps in JOB0, add any DD statements required by the report utility.

  • The Period report must be produced for every calendar that is defined to OPC. To prevent the creation of extraneous calendars by the conversion tool, before producing the Period report and the Application Detail report, delete periods that do not have run days beyond the actual conversion date.

When OPC periods are defined as cyclic, they begin on the day when the Period report is produced. Therefore, any corresponding Control-M calendars that are created based on these periods only contain working days beginning with that date. This may have implications if you use these calendars when adding or changing basic scheduling parameters in job or SMART Table definitions.

Suppose that

  • You run the Period report on July 24, 2004, which is a working day.

  • In a job scheduling definition that uses a calendar based on a cyclic period in this Period report, you change the DAYS parameter value to D1, the first working day in the month.

In July 2004, this job is scheduled on July 24, which might surprise you. For this reason, BMC recommends that you convert OPC cyclic periods to OPC-based rules before beginning conversion to Control-M.

JOB0 Output

  1. OPC Application Detail report file.

  2. OPC Workstation Description report file.

  3. File containing OPC Calendar report file.

  4. File containing OPC Period report(s) file.

  5. File containing OPC Operator Instruction report file.

  6. OPC JCL Variable Table report file.

  7. Compressed file containing all the above reports.
    Default File Name: CTM.OPC.TRS

JOB1: Extract Workstation and Application Info

JOB1 processes the Report files created by JOB0, and produces

  1. A list of all workstations defined in OPC.

  2. A list of Quantitative resources that the customer has to add to the Control-M Resources file.

  3. A list of all application names and ownerIDs.

    These names are converted to a new format. Each newly formatted application name must be unique and valid, so that it can be used as a member name in the Control-M scheduling library. The application names are modified to valid member names, with a maximum of eight characters, starting with an alphabetic or national character, and followed by alphanumeric and/or national characters. The ownerID must also be valid, with a maximum of eight characters, and no embedded blanks. For more details, see "TBLUNIQ" in Conversion Parameters.

  4. An extraction of a file from the Application Detail report for creating Control-M tables and calendars.

  5. A list of all defined calendars and periods.

    These calendar names are converted to a new format and are subject to the same restrictions as the newly-formatted application names. These restrictions are set out in Item3 above.

  6. An application name versus job name cross reference file.

  7. A JCL job for adding special (Control-M Shared and Exclusive Control) resource prerequisite conditions to the IOA Conditions file.

JOB1 Input

  • Workstation file created by JOB0.

  • Application Detail file created by JOB0.

  • Period report files created by JOB0.

JOB1 Output

  1. File containing OPC workstation names.

    The Workstation Extract file (WS.EXT) produced in this step must be edited to replace the default values associated to the Distributed workstation (NOD_wsnm) with the actual Control-M NODEIDs.

  2. File containing Control-M Quantitative resources that must be added to the Control-M Resources file.

  3. File containing OPC application names and ownerIDs with their converted names.

    Table 6 File Application Names Record Layout




    Original application name


    New application name


    Original owner name


    New owner ID used by all jobs in the table


    Application text


    Owner text


    Original Calendar name


    Group Definition

    You can modify the New Application Name, New OwnerID, and Group Definition fields in this file using ISPF EDIT. The new application names are used for the resultant Control-M schedule table names, all of which must be unique. The conversion tool ensures that the table names are valid PDS member names by:

    • Deleting embedded blanks.

    • Converting illegal characters to #; only the following are legal: AZ, 09, $, #, @.

    • Converting leading numerics 1 through 9 into A through I and 0 to #.

    The following table is an example of the file structure, and shows how application and owner names are converted.

    Table 7 Conversion of OPC Files Containing Application Names and Owner IDs

    Old Application

    New Application

    Old Owner

    New Owner

    Application Text

    Owner Text





    Salary Ship

    Ship Dep.



    SYS 1


    Archive Proc

    Archive Dep.

    In addition, you may add or change a Group Definition to an application. This is useful when an application should be assigned the same calendar and run cycle information as another Application, which results in the corresponding Control-M group definitions containing the same Rule-Based Calendars.

  4. Application Extract File containing relevant information about applications and operations for creating Control-M tables and calendars.

  5. File containing OPC calendar names with their converted names (for offset-based run cycles only).

    Table 8 Calendar Names File Format

    Field Name





    Control-M new calendar name.

    You can modify this field using ISPF EDIT. The new calendar names are used for the resultant Control-M calendar names in the Calendar library, all of which must be unique and valid PDS member names.

    Any edited calendar name must specify a numeric in its last character.



    OPC calendar name.



    OPC period name.



    OPC run cycle type (NORMAL or NEGATIVE).



    OPC offsets.



    OPC free day rule. Valid values are:

    • 1: Free days included: Run on the nearest day before the free day.

    • 2: Free days included: Run on the nearest day after the free day.

    • 3: Free days included: Run on the free day.

    • 4: Free days included: Do not run at all.

    • E: Free days excluded: Only work days are taken into account.

  6. File containing the OPC application name and job name cross reference report.

  7. Sequential file (CONDITION LIST TO BE ADDED) containing pre-requisite conditions that must be added to the IOA Conditions file.

    For a complete list of conditions created by the conversion tool, use the CTMXRF Control-M utility (XRF=CND). For more information, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

  8. File containing all conversion exception messages (DAEXCEP).

  9. Sequential file containing OPC Special Resources whose names exceed20 characters and the corresponding20 character Control-M Control resource, which the conversion tool ensures is unique.

  10. A file containing a list of Variable Table names with their converted names.

    You can modify the New Variable Table Name field in this file using ISPF EDIT. The new Variable Table names (in column 26) are used for the resultant Control-M AutoEdit Variables library (LIBSYM) member names, all of which must be unique (created in JOB2). The conversion tool ensures that the table names are valid PDS member names.

For a complete list of Quantitative and Control resources created by the conversion tool, use Control-M utility CTMXRF (XRF=RES). For details of this utility, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

JOB2: Convert JCL Members

JOB2 converts JCL members to Control-M format. For details of how the OPC/ESA JCL directives (//*% OPC statements), OPC commands (SRSTAT and OPSTAT), and PSS statements are converted to Control-M format, see Conversion Details. For details of how JCL members that contain distributed job statements and Universal Command/Broker and SSH jobs are converted, see Jobs on Distributed Platforms.

JOB2 also creates the Control-M AutoEdit variable library from the OPC/ESA JCL Variable Table report.

JOB2 also converts the JCL members containing OPC Batch Steps.

JCL PDS members that contain OPC commands are converted with a time-stamp comment statement that prevents them from being improperly changed when they are referred to in multiple JCL member sources.


If the JCL libraries contain special PSS statements that must be converted to Control-M AutoEdit format, then a JCL PARM parameter must be coded on the EXEC statement, which executes the CTMOP014 program, as follows:

Table 9 JCL Parameters to Convert Special PSS Statements




The JCL libraries contain both PSS statements and OPC directives and commands.


The JCL libraries contain only PSS statements and no OPC directives or commands.

JOB2 Input

  1. A list of all OPC and PSS JCL library names

    Each name is entered on a separate line, beginning in column one. Before entering the data set names of the JCL libraries, create copies.

  2. A dynamically allocated copy of the OPC JCL and PSS JCL and PARMLIB libraries.

  3. The JCLVAR Report file created by JOB0 (OPC/ESA only).

  4. The Application Names file created by JOB1.

  5. The Resource Name file created by JOB1.

  6. OPC Batch parameter file.

    The OPC Batch parameter file provides program and procedure names used by the OPC JCL batch jobs that issue the SRSTAT and OPSTAT commands. The program and procedure names must appear in column1, one per record.

    The conversion tool is delivered with OPCBATCH and EQQEVPGM as the batch programs/procedure names. If desired, you can modify these names, add additional names, or both to conform to the naming conventions followed at your site.

  7. OPC Case Code parameter file.

    Case Codes can be specified in the ICE procedure during Stage 2 by editing Job2.

    The OPC Case Code parameter file supplies the conversion tool with OPC JCL Case Codes used by the OPC RECOVER directive. The RECOVER directive uses these case codes to augment system and user abend codes specified as OPC job and step codes.

    Case codes are defined in OPC EQQCASEC macros that are link-edited to create the EQQCASEM non-executable load module. For more information, see the OPC/ESA Customization and Tuning Guide.

    A maximum of20 Cases can be specified for the Case Code parameter file, and each Case can have a maximum of 10Codes. The Case Code parameter file must be an 80byte, card image data set in the following format:

    case1   code11  code12 ... code1n
    case2   code21  code22 ... code2n
    . . .
    • Cases and codes can be from one through five characters in length with at least one blank or a comma separating the codes for each case.

    • Cases must begin in column1 and the codes may not extend beyond column72.

    • Codes for a single case may not continue on a second line.

    • Codes must be entered in Control-M format. For example, user abend codes must be entered as Unnnn, where nnnn is a 4-figure number.

  8. The CTM.OPC.XRF file created by JOB1

  9. The Variable Table names (VARTAB.NAMES) list file created by JOB1.

JOB2 Output

  1. JCL libraries in Control-M format.

  2. A report containing all the JCL conversion exception messages.

  3. The Control-M AutoEdit variable library (OPC/ESA only).

  4. File containing OPC JCL RECOVER directive extract information used to build Control-M ONPGMST job rerun and restart statements (in JOB3).

JOB3: Construct Control-M Calendars, Table and CMEM Libraries

JOB3 processes the files created by JOB0 and JOB1, to create the Control-M Calendar library, the Control-M tables, and the Control-M Documentation library. Documentation members are created in the Documentation library only when the given member exceeds 57 lines of description, otherwise it is added as a multi-line description in the corresponding job scheduling definition.

JOB3 also creates XML scripts for both the mainframe and distributed jobs that must be uploaded to the Control-M/EM database and Control-M/Desktop.

JOB3 Input

  1. The Calendar Report file created by JOB0.

  2. The Period Report files created by JOB0.

  3. The Operator Instruction file created by JOB0.

  4. The Application Extract file created by JOB1.

  5. The Application Names file created by JOB1.

  6. The Calendar Names file created by JOB1.

  7. The Application name and job name cross reference report file created by JOB1.

  8. When the OPC environment includes distributed jobs, any OPC JCL libraries that contain members specifying distributed job scripts must be concatenated (under DD name DAJCL)

  9. The OPC EQQJCLIB library containing JCC (JCL Completion Checker) message table members (under DD name DAJCC).

  10. The RECOVER directive extract file created by JOB2.

JOB3 Output

  1. A library containing Control-M scheduling tables.

  2. A file containing the JCL for the New Day procedure, which must be customized for the daily runs.

  3. A file containing all conversion exception messages (DAEXCEP).

  4. The Control-M calendar library is created from the OPC Calendar and Period reports.

  5. A job stream containing input statements for the CTMTBUPD utility. This job stream updates basic scheduling parameters in the job scheduling definitions of the Control-M scheduling library. For details on the CTMTBUPD utility, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

    Each step in the JCL job stream must end with a condition code of0. Any steps in the job stream that do not end successfully must be rerun. If the job fails on an Sx37 abend (in the CTMTBUPD step), the scheduling library must be compressed and the job restarted from the abending step.

  6. Input control statements for the CTMBLT utility.

  7. A file containing XML scripts for the Control-M/EM deftable utility is created. Refer to the descriptions of the CTMTLB utility in the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide and the Control-M Utilities Guide for more information on using the deftable utility.

  8. A sequential file containing CMEM ON JOBARRIVAL rules for jobs that specify option Automatic Job Submission = N.

    Following the conversion, this file must be moved to a member within a Control-M CMEM rules table library.

JOB4: Produce XML Files

Produces XML files for job and calendar definitions for both the mainframe and distributed platforms. The XML files are available for uploading to the Control-M/EM database.

JOB4 Input

  1. The Control-M Schedule library created by JOB3.

  2. The Control-M Calendar library created by JOB3.

JOB4 Output

  1. An XML file containing job definitions for the mainframe.

  2. An XML file containing calendar definitions for the mainframe.

  3. An XML file containing job definitions for distributed platforms.

  4. An XML file containing calendar definitions for distributed platforms.