Conversion Parameters

The DEFAULTS member in the conversion source library contains various parameters for the conversion process. These parameters must be modified according to your site requirements:

Table 2 Conversion Options




Number of characters to extract from the OPC Application ID for the Control-M APPL parameter. Valid values 1-16.

Default: 16


Specifies the maximum number of applications that are defined to OPC.

Default: 15000


When the OPC VARSUB initialization parameter of the OPCOPTS statement is set to SCAN, this conversion parameter may be set to N (No) in order to instruct the conversion tool to do the following:

  • Process the OPC JCL SCAN directive.

  • Translate OPC variables to Control-M AutoEdit variables in the JCL member.
    The translation occurs beginning from the line on which the SCAN appears.

When the OPC VARSUB parameter is set to YES, this conversion parameter may be set to Y (Yes) to instruct the conversion tool to

  • Ignore OPC JCL SCAN directives.

  • Always translate OPC variables to Control-M AutoEdit variables in the JCL member.

However, even if the OPC VARSUB parameter is set to SCAN, it is recommended that AUTSCAN be set to Y (Yes), to avoid problems of unresolved JCL variables in the future.

Default: Y (Yes)


If an OPC default calendar is not defined in the OPC Calendar report (usually named DEFAULT), an alternate calendar name must be specified in this option, to serve as a default calendar in the OPC Application Detail report.

Default: DEFAULT


Specify an exclusive CONTROL resource to be added to every job or SMART Table definition. The purpose of this CONTROL resource is to prevent multiple occurrences of the same job or SMART Table (possibly from different days) from running simultaneously. Valid values are as follows:

  • Y: The Control resource is added to every job definition. The format of the CONTROL resource name is


    where ws is the job's OPC workstation assignment and opernum is its operation number.

  • G: The Control resource is added to every SMART Table Entity definition only, in which case the format of the CONTROL resource name is:

  • N: No Control resources are added.


Control-M/Restart parameter. Indicates whether Control-M/Restart is being implemented with Control-M. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes): Control-M/Restart is implemented with Control-M. The Control-M/Restart parameters discussed in Conversion Details including those parameters converted from the OPC JCL RECOVER directive, are set in the job scheduling definition.

  • N (No): Control-M/Restart is not implemented with Control-M. The Control-M/Restart parameters are not set.

Default: Y (Yes)


Controls the setting of the New Day mechanism. For both Control-M for z/OS and Control-M for Distributed Systems, User-Daily jobs are scheduled from the system daily and run at suitable times. Every table should be covered by at least one User-Daily. The choices for User Daily are:

  • SYSTEM: The system daily.

  • #APPL#: The User-Daily name is the table name derived from the OPC Application-id.

  • xxxxxxx: A fixed constant.

  • (empty): Not recommended.

Default: SYSTEM

OPC Applications whose status was ‘Pending’ will be created with a User-Daily field name of NONE in control-M.



Specifies characters to delete from the OPC application ID when creating Control-M table names.

In OPC, the application ID can be up to 16 characters in length, while in Control-M the table name must not exceed 8 characters. To reduce the OPC names to 8 characters, the characters to be omitted from the OPC application IDs are specified in this conversion parameter. If a name is still longer than 8 characters after the omission of the characters specified in this parameter, the leftmost 8 characters in the name are used. This parameter affects all characters of the application name except the first.

The default specification is A, E, I, O, and U. If no characters are to be omitted, specify nulls in this parameter.

Specifying DELCHAR does not necessarily guarantee the creation of unique Control-M table names. For more information, see TBLUNIQ in this Table.


Maximum number of members contained in OPC JCL library.

Default: 10000


For Universal Broker and SSH steps, the procedure or program name is specified in the DSPGMNM conversion option (no default). This allows the conversion tool to identify the appropriate step and convert it into a distributed job definition.

If the user's JCL libraries do not contain any Universal Broker or SSH steps, leave this parameter value blank.


Whether to create a SETVAR parameter in each job scheduling definition with the job's estimated duration time in minutes. Valid Values:

  • Y (Yes): Create the SETVAR parameter %%CONV-ELAPSED=nnnn.

  • N (No): Ignore this option.

Default: Y (Yes)


Specification as to which of the held sysout classes must be requeued. Specify Blank if all Held sysouts must be requeued.

Default: Blank space.

When TOCLASS is blank, this parameter is ignored.


Name of the PARMLIB member containing global JCL PSS variable reports. An AutoEdit %%INCLIB statement specifying this member is inserted into all PSS JCL members that contain PSS variables.

Default: PSSGLBL


Name in the OPC/ESA GTABLE initialization parameter of the OPCOPTS statement that specifies the Global variable table name. This name is used as the member name in a Control-M %%GLOBAL name AutoEdit statement that is inserted at the beginning of every JCL member utilizing OPC/ESA variables.

Default: GLOBAL

Set this parameter to blank, if no OPC Global variable table is in use.


Time format in OPC reports.

Valid Values:

  • HHMM

  • MMHH

Default: HHMM


Value used (when necessary) to set a CODES value in an ON PGMST statement when error tracking is activated.
Format: Four digits, using leading zeros if necessary.

Default: 0000

The OPC JTOPTS HIGHRC parameter sets the highest error code that can be generated in an OPC job or started task without the operation being treated as having ended in error. The Control-M MAXCCOK parameter must be set to the same value.

Therefore, do the following:

  • Set the value of this parameter to the value formerly set for the OPC JTOPTS HIGHRC parameter.

  • Set the Control-M MAXCCOK parameter in the CTMPARM parameter in the IOA PARM library to the same value.


History Active Jobs file feature.

Valid Values:

  • Blank space: The History Active Jobs file feature is not being used.

  • Dnnn: Retention period is specified in number of days (nnn).

  • Gmm: Retention is specified in number of generations (mm).

Default: Blank space.


Determines how to convert JCL members.

Valid values:

  • Y – convert JCL members in the same library at the same place.

  • N – copy JCL members before conversion to prefix.CNVJCLO library and the modified JCL member to prefix.CNVJCLN library.

Default: N


Specifies the maximum number of JOBS that are defined to OPC.

Default: 41000


Determines how to convert JCL members.

Valid values:

  • Y – Any JCL OPC utility steps (PGM=OPC) in the original JCL members are kept intact, followed by the equivalent Control-M CTMUTIL steps, and the converted member is saved into prefix.CNVJCL2N library.

    To use this value, ensure that JCLIPLCE is set to N.

  • N – The conversion does not keep the JCL OPC utility steps.

Default: N


OPC reports language.

Valid Values:

  • ENG: English

  • SPA: Spanish

  • GER: German

  • FRN: French

Default: ENG

Not all non-English language reports are supported for all OPC versions and releases. Contact BMC Customer Support for further information.


Maximum lines in a JCL member.

Default: 3000


Manual operation parameter.

Valid Values:

  • P: Operation on PRINT workstation must wait for manual confirmation.

  • A: All manual operations, on both PRINT and GENERAL workstations, must wait for manual confirmation.

  • G: Operation on GENERAL workstation must wait for manual confirmation.

  • N: Manual operations, whether on PRINT or GENERAL workstations, need not wait for manual confirmation, that is, the operation does not require an IN condition.

Default: A

Operations that must wait for manual confirmation require IN conditions.


The maximum number of automatic reruns to be performed for non-STC jobs when rerun is required.

Default: 002


A special character (x), to be used as the first character of a condition name defining an OPC external dependency when you want to invoke the Control-M Maybe jobs feature. This Maybe jobs feature can simulate conditional handling of predecessor prerequisites. For more information on utilizing this feature, see the appropriate section of the Selected Implementation Issues chapter of the Control-M for z/OS User Guide.

The MAYBE conversion option facilitates use of the Control-M Maybe jobs feature by creating IN and/or OUT condition names for external dependencies with a prefix of x. For the standard format of IN/OUT condition names, see 5. Operation Dependencies.

This allows the ADDMNCND KSL to specify the special character x.

If you do not want this feature, specify a null value for MAYBE.

The MAYBE conversion parameter does not affect the condition names of internal dependencies, since these are handled by the Control-M ADJUST CONDITIONS parameter, which is described in Job Predecessor and Successor Relationships.


JCL Library name.

Default: GENERAL

For more information, see the Control-M for z/OS User Guide.


Determines how conversion messages are produced.

Valid values:

  • Y – All messages produced during the conversion run are analyzed and reformatted into an Excel Spreadsheet output report (CSV format).

    The report includes the following message components:

    • MSGID

    • Product name

    • Type

    • Severity

    • Step name

    • Header message

    • Tail message

    • Jobname connector

    • Member name connector

    • Dataset proc

    • Jobname

    • Folder name

    • JCL member name

    • JCL library name

    • Description

  • N - The conversion writes the messages to a standard SYSOUT file.

Default: N


Automatic setting of the Control-M/Restart PREVENT-NCT2 parameter. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes): Sets PREVENT-NCT2 to Y (Yes) for all jobs.

  • N (No): Sets PREVENT-NCT2 to N (No) for all jobs.

  • OPC: For OPC/ESA Version 1, Release2 and later only. Sets PREVENT-NCT2 to either Y (Yes) or N (No) based on the OPC/ESA Catalog Management MVS option setting for the job. A setting of D – Deferred – is treated as Y (Yes). For earlier releases of OPC, a setting of ‘OPC’ is treated as Y (Yes).

Default: Y (Yes)

For a discussion of catalog management, see Catalog Management.

This parameter is ignored for jobs on distributed platforms and for mainframe jobs with a TASKTYPE of STC (that is, PREVENT-NCT2 is always N).


Specifies whether to retain the original OPC job order in the converted Control-M tables.

  • Y (Yes): Retains the original OPC job order (according to the OPC operation numbers) in the tables created by Control-M. To actualize this, issue the "SORT G" command in job list screen 2.

  • N (No): Does not retain the original OPC job order in the tables created by Control-M.

Default: N (No)


Name of the Control-M JCL Override Library.



Library name of the PSS Parameter library that contains members specified on the //*%IP special JCL comment statements.



Process Non-Instream Batch SYSIN Data indicator. Specifies whether the conversion program converts OPC batch commands SRSTAT and OPSTAT that are not contained instream in the SYSIN DD statement of an OPC batch step, that is, are pointed to by a sequential data set or a member of a partitioned data set.

Valid Values:

  • Y (Yes): Convert the commands.

  • N (No): Do not convert the commands.

Default: N (No)

At sites where references to batch commands are from within JCL procedures, meaning the SYSIN DD statement does not appear in the JCL member being converted, you may run the JCL conversion against the affected procedure-library.

When PNIBTSD is set to Y, an id-stamp is added to SYSIN PDS members that contain converted OPC commands (OPSTAT, SRSTAT), to prevent the member from mistakenly being reconverted when it appears multiple times in the JCL libraries.


(for OPC/ESA only)

When the VER conversion parameter (in this table) is set to E, REL specifies the release of the OPC/ESA product from which you are converting:

Valid Values:

  • 1: OPC/ESA Version 1, Release1.

  • 2: OPC/ESA Version 1, Release2 and 3.

  • 3.1: OPC/ESA Version 1, Release3.1 and later, including Version 2 and all releases of Tivoli Workload Scheduler.

Default: 2


Sysout release indicates whether the sysouts of the job must be released for printing after they are analyzed by Control-M.

Valid Values:

  • Y (Yes): Release sysouts for print.

  • N (No): Do not release sysouts.

Default: Y (Yes)


Maximum number of OPC special resources whose names exceed 20 characters.

Default: 2000


Workstation resources:

Valid Values:

  • A: Create Control-M Quantitative resources from OPC workstation server and R1 and R2 resources.

  • S: Create Control-M Quantitative resources from OPC workstation server resources only.

  • R: Create Control-M Quantitative resources from OPC workstation R1 and R2 resources only.

  • N: Do not create Control-M server and R1 and R2 Quantitative resources.

Default: A

For more information, see 7. Workstation Resources, Workstation Servers.

If your site uses the OPC WSSTAT command in JCL utility steps to set a workstation status online/offline, do not suppress the creation of workstation server resources.


Determines the format of the ON PGMSTEP statement, as described in 22. ERROR TRACKING Option.

Valid Values:


  • LAST

Default: LAST

Set this parameter to the same value as that formerly set for the OPC RETCODE parameter in the EWTROPTS run-time options of the OPC Event-Writer task.

If you set RETCODE to LAST, you must also set the LASTSTEP parameter to Y in the CTMPARM member in the IOA PARM library.


Specifies the maximum number of lines in a Control-M TABLE member.

Default: 8000


Specifies how the conversion is to shift a line in the JCL when converting OPC variables to Control-M AutoEdit variables (%%) to reduce the probability of overflow at the end of the line.

Valid Values:

  • Y (Yes): shift out excess blanks only at the end of the line

  • N (No): shift out excess blanks anywhere they appear in the line

Default: Y (Yes)


Destination for SHOUT messages.

Valid Values:

  • SYSUSER: Uses the ownerID for each table, as specified in the Application Names file created by JOB1.

  • OPER: Issues the SHOUT message to the console.

  • OPER2: Issues the SHOUT message to the console, as highlighted and unrollable.

  • TSO-uid : Issues the SHOUT message to a specific TSO userID named uid (a maximum of eight characters).

Default: SYSUSER

For more information, see the SHOUT parameter in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide.


SHOUT message for when a job is late. Specify the text for SHOUT WHEN LATESUB messages. The message is sent when the submission time of the job, that is, the OPC/ESA deadline time, has passed.

Specify blank to suppress the message.



SHOUT message for when a job is late. Specify the text for SHOUT WHEN LATESUB messages. The message is sent when the job has not been submitted by its DUE-IN time (based on the OPC deadline time), and the OPC Suppress-If-Late option is set.

Specify blank to suppress the message.



SHOUT message for when a job is late. Specify the text for SHOUT WHEN LATE messages. The message is sent when the OPC/ESA Deadline WTO option is set and the job has not finished executing within its deadline time.

Specify blank to suppress the message.



SHOUT message for when a job fails. Specify the text for SHOUT WHEN NOTOK messages.

Specify blank to suppress the message.



Specifies whether to implement the OPC SPECIAL RESOURCE (data dependency) availability feature.

Valid Values:

  • Y (Yes): Special resource implementation is required. Jobs that require special resources require IN conditions. For more information, see 4. Data Dependencies. Special resources in exclusive held status remain available after the job ends NOTOK, that is,the IN condition is not deleted.

  • N (No): Special resource implementation is not required. Jobs that require special resources do not require IN conditions.

  • D: Special resource implementation is required but the resources in exclusive held status are not available after the job ended NOTOK. The conversion tool places the following Control-M post-processing parameter in the job scheduling definition to delete the special (control) resource from the Control-M Resources file:

    DO COND CONTROL-resource-name STAT -
  • Q: All Special resources are treated as Control-M Quantitative resources and no IN Conditions are created. For more information see Data Dependencies.

Default: Y (Yes)


The distributed script name to be used for all SSH jobs (no default value).


The conversion tool does not necessarily guarantee that all Control-M table names that were created in the Application Name file are unique. You can manually edit the Application Name file in response to error messages from the CTMBLT utility, or you can utilize this conversion parameter to ensure that the conversion tool automatically creates eight-character Control-M table names uniquely. This is done by specifying a value of 0 through 5 in this parameter. This number represents the number of characters from the OPC application ID (after taking into account the effects of the DELCHAR conversion parameter) to use as the table name prefix with the remaining characters formed by a sequential number suffix.

A value of 0 indicates that this parameter is ignored.

Valid Values: 0–5

Default: 5

When a large cluster of OPC Application Names share the same name prefix, it might be necessary to use a smaller value of TBLUNIQ than the supplied default.


New output class to which Control-M is to requeue the JCL MSGCLASS sysouts of the job. Valid values are:

  • x: Any valid one-character MSGCLASS.

  • blank: Reroute is not required.

  • *: If the sysouts of the job are to be requeued to its original MSGCLASS after they are analyzed by Control-M.

Default: *

For distributed job definitions TOCLASS is assumed to be blank.


Replacement characters when converting OPC special resource names. The TRANSR specifies pairs of characters. The second character of each pair replaces all occurrences of the first. Up to 8 pairs are allowed.

The following characters in the special resource names are automatically replaced: comma, open parenthesis, close parenthesis, and vertical bar according to the following pattern: ({)}|!,;

The user can specify different replacement characters in the TRANSR parameter.

Embedded blanks in special resource names are automatically converted to an underscore character. Blank must not be specified in TRANSR and its replacement ‘_’ cannot be changed.

Default: ({)}|!,;


The distributed script name to be used for all Universal Broker jobs.

Default: None


For JCL members that contain Universal Command steps, the procedure or program name is specified in the UCMDNM conversion option (default value UCMDPRC). This allows the conversion tool to identify the appropriate step and convert it into a distributed job definition.

If the user's JCL libraries do not contain any Universal Command steps, leave this parameter value blank.


Version and release of the OPC product from which you are converting.

Valid values are:

  • 1: OPC/A Version 1.1

  • 2: OPC/A Version 1.2

  • E: OPC/ESA and Tivoli Workload Scheduler (all versions and releases).

Default: E


Specifies the maximum number of WORKSTATIONS that are defined to OPC.

Default: 200