Navigating the Active Environment

This chapter includes the following topics:


You are now going to look at and use some additional options, screens and capabilities of the Active Environment.

In this chapter, you will

  • look more closely at the fields in the Show Screen Filter window, define a new filter, and display a list of available filters

  • change between display types of the Active Environment screen

  • add a note to a job in the Zoom screen and display the content of the note in the Active Environment screen

  • display the scheduling library and table names of jobs in the Active Environment screen

  • display the list of dependent jobs, both predecessors and successors, in the Job Dependency Network screen

  • display the execution history of job orders in the Job Order Execution History screen, and display job Sysout information in the Sysout Viewing screen

  • force a status of OK for a job in the Active Environment screen

  • display statistics for a job in the Statistics screen

  • display the Table to which a job belongs in the Active Environment screen


In this chapter, you will be using the following, and their respective JCLs:

  • IDJOB1 from table IDGS1

  • Each job, from IDJOB2 through IDJOB5, and the table IDGS2 SMART Table Entity

  • IDJOB6 from table IDGS3

In preparation, you will

  • ensure that job IDJOB1 in table IDGS1 does not require manual confirmation

  • ensure a continuous job dependency from IDJOB1 through IDJOB6, by

    • making the following changes in the appropriate job scheduling definitions in table IDGS2

      • adding, in the job scheduling definition of IDJOB3, OUT condition IDJOB3-ENDED-OK ODAT +.

      • adding, in the job scheduling definition of IDJOB4, IN condition IDJOB3-ENDED-OK ODAT

    • making the following changes in the appropriate job scheduling definitions in table IDGS3

      • adding, in the job scheduling definition of IDJOB6, IN condition IDJOB5-ENDED-OK ODAT

      • adding, in the job scheduling definition of IDJOB6, OUT condition IDJOB6-ENDED-OK ODAT +

  • ensure the following situations in the appropriate JCL files:

    • in the JCL of job IDJOB3, the step returns a condition code of C0008

    • in the JCL of job IDJOB5, all steps return a condition code of C0000

  • ensure that batch utility CTMJSA has been run in the current working day

    If CTMJSA is not run as part of New Day processing, run it yourself or request that it be run by your administrator

A Closer Look At Filters

In anticipation of taking a closer look at filters, you can run the jobs you prepared, and then look at the results in the Active Environment screen.

  1. Order the following jobs, in the following order:

    • Job IDJOB1 in table IDGS1

    • SMART Table Entity GRPSCHD in table IDGS2

    • Job IDJOB6 in table IDGS3

  2. Enter the Active Environment screen and activate the filter IDGS. The following screen is displayed:

    Filter: IDGS      ------- Control-M  Active  Environment ------ UP    <D> - (3)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR
    O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ----------- Status ------------
      IDJOB1   ID       020201 M21     /08915   JOB Ended "OK"                    
      GRPSCHD  ID       020201                  TBL Active - In Error             
      IDJOB2   ID       020201 M21     /08916   JOB Ended "OK"                    
      IDJOB3   ID       020201 M21     /08917   JOB Ended- Not "OK" Due to CC     
      IDJOB4   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                 
      IDJOB5   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                 
      IDJOB6   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                 
    ========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>        Bottom of Jobs List       <<<<<<<<<<<<< ========

    Commands: OPt DIsplay Show HIstory RBal REFresh Auto Jobstat SHPF Note Table  
              OPt command toggles between Commands and Options display     14.13.03

    These results are not surprising. Job IDJOB3 did not end OK due to condition code C0008. And because of the defined job dependencies, the remaining jobs have a status of Wait Schedule.

    You can now take a closer look at filters in the Active Environment screen. In Introduction to Control-M, you created filter IDGS, and in subsequent chapters, you activated this filter by entering the SHOW IDGS command.

    To display the filter criteria of this same filter for editing, you should add the keyword EDIT at the end of the command. You can now edit filter IDGS.

  3. Enter the command SHOW IDGS EDIT. The Show Screen Filter window displays the filtering criteria for filter IDGS.

    Figure 46 Show Screen Filter Window

    --------------------------- Show Screen Filter -----------------------(3.SHOW)-
    Filter IDGS       Save   (Y/N) Desc: GS-EXERCISES                          
     Group   IDGRP                                                              
     ======== In Process Y ======= | Ended          Y | ======= State Y ========
     Wait Sched   Y  Wait time   Y | Ended "OK"     Y | Free      Y  Forced OK Y
     Wait Conf    Y  Wait Cond   Y | Not "OK"       Y | Held      Y  Tbl Held  Y
     Wait SUB     Y  Wait quant  Y | Rerun          Y | On Req    Y  CMEM Forc Y
     Submitted    Y  Wait contrl Y | Disappeared    Y | Deleted   N  Note      Y
     Wait Exec    Y  TblActive  Y  | Abended        Y | Late      Y  Restarted Y
     Executing    Y                | Unexpected CC  Y | Pseudo    Y             
     On Out Queue Y                | JCL Error      Y |                         
     Task Type: Job Cyc Emr Stc Cst Est Ecj Ecs Wrn Grp                         
                 Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y                          
     Res Name                                                                   
     Resource Type: In Y Out Y Conds Y Resource Y Control Y                     
     Odate:  From              To               Priority                        
     Job                       Appl                                             
     CPU Id           LPAR                                                      
     Sch Lib                                                                    
              OPt command toggles between Commands and Options display     11.07.49

    You have already seen that you choose whether to save a new filter by specifying Y, or N, in the Save field, and pressing Enter. You can use this same field to choose whether to save changes to an existing filter.

    Specifying N (No) does not cancel changes made to a filter. It only means that they will not be permanently saved. They will, however, remain in memory. This applies even if you are editing a new filter, that is, specifying N and exiting the filter leaves the new filter in memory. To cancel changes to a filter, close the window by pressing PF04/PF16 to enter the RESET command. The changes are canceled regardless of the value specified in the Save field.

    The purpose in filtering the display was to ensure that the screen only displays those jobs that you used in your exercises. You took two steps to accomplish this purpose

    1. You ensured that all jobs in the exercises belonged to a Group prefixed by IDGRP.

    2. You then filtered the display based on this Group name prefix of IDGRP.

      You could have accomplished the purpose using the following filter criteria:

      • Because you prefixed each member name with IDGS, you could have filtered using that Memname prefix.

      • If you ran no other jobs, you could have filtered on Owner ID.

        Clearly, filtering on Odate would not have accomplished your purpose. However, Odate is useful for filtering when you only want to see jobs scheduled for a specific Odate.

        The middle portion of the window is divided into three columns. These columns are all status related. For example, you can include (or exclude) jobs that have a Wait Schedule, Wait Confirmation, and/or Ended "OK" status. To learn the details of the relationship between these status columns, and their header topics, In Process, Ended, State, refer to the description in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide.

        If you filter on such values as a common member name or group prefix, you are likely to display related or connected jobs. By contrast, if you filter only on a status such as Wait Schedule, you are likely to see completely unrelated jobs in the display. This, however, is still very valuable. An operator, for example, may need to check which jobs still have a Wait Schedule or a Wait Confirmation status.

        Multiple filtering criteria can be specified. All specified criteria must be satisfied. You can, for example, specify a filter on your Owner name and on a Wait Schedule status. This way, you can see only your jobs that are Waiting Scheduling.

        The filter window for filter IDGRP is currently displayed. You can, of course, close it without making changes. And, as mentioned above, you can make changes and either save them or keep them in memory.

        But you can also use this filter as the basis for another filter by making the desired changes and specifying a new name in the Filter field.

        You can define a new filter that shows only jobs with a group name prefix of IDGRP that have a Wait Schedule status. Name this filter IDWS, as described in the following steps.

  4. In the Filter field, change the name from IDGS to IDWS.

  5. Specify Y in the Save column.

  6. Change the description to read: GS-WAITSCHED.

  7. Leave the Group name value, IDGRP, unchanged.

  8. In the status sections leave the In Process value (Y) and the Wait Sched value (Y) unchanged. The Active Environment window will not show the jobs that are in Wait Schedule status if the jobs are waiting for a condition. So we must leave the Wait Cond unchanged as (Y). Similarly, if the jobs are waiting for anything else, we must leave the appropriate values (Y). Therefore the Wait time, Wait quant, and Wait contrl values must remain (Y). Also, leave all values in theState column unchanged.

  9. In the status sections, make the following changes:

    1. In the In Process column, change all values (except those of In Process, Wait Sched, Wait time, Wait Cond, Wait quant, and Wait contrl) to N.

    2. Change the Ended column header value to N.

      The window is displayed as follows. This illustration shows the changes from the previous filter indicated in bold.

      --------------------------- Show Screen Filter -----------------------(3.SHOW)-
      Filter IDWS       Save Y  (Y/N) Desc: GS-WAITSCHED                         
       Group   IDGRP                                                              
       ======== In Process Y ======= | Ended          N | ======= State Y ========
       Wait Sched   Y  Wait time   Y | Ended "OK"     Y | Free      Y  Forced OK Y
       Wait Conf    N  Wait Cond   Y | Not "OK"       Y | Held      Y  Tbl Held  Y
       Wait SUB     N  Wait quant  Y | Rerun          Y | On Req    Y  CMEM Forc Y
       Submitted    N  Wait contrl Y | Disappeared    Y | Deleted   N  Note      Y
       Wait Exec    N  Tbl Active  N | Abended        Y | Late      Y  Restarted Y
       Executing    N                | Unexpected CC  Y | Pseudo    Y             
       On Out Queue N                | JCL Error      Y |                         
       Task Type: Job Cyc Emr Stc Cst Est Ecj Ecs Wrn Grp                         
                   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y                          
       Res Name                                                                   
       Resource Type: In Y Out Y Conds Y Resource Y Control Y                     
       Odate:  From              To               Priority                        
       Job                       Appl                                             
       CPU Id           LPAR                                                      
       Sch Lib                                                                    
                OPt command toggles between Commands and Options display     11.07.49
  10. Press Enter to exit the window. The Active Environment screen is displayed with the newly defined filter.

Filter: IDWS    * ------- Control-M  Active  Environment ------ UP    <D> - (3)
COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR
O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ----------- Status ------------
  IDJOB4   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                 
  IDJOB5   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                 
  IDJOB6   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                 
========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>        Bottom of Jobs List       <<<<<<<<<<<<< ========

Displaying the List of Available Filters

Control-M is supplied with several predefined filters, including a filter called DEFAULT. In addition to any filters you define, the INCONTROL administrator can predefine filters and place them in the General profile.

Site-defined defaults determine whether the last filter used, or the DEFAULT filter, will be activated upon reentry to the Active Environment screen.

If you are unsure of a filter name, you can display the list of available filters in the Display Filters window. The display includes all globally available filters as well as filters that you have defined.

You can then select a filter from the Display Filters window for activation or editing.

  1. Enter the command SHOW ? in the COMMAND field. The Display Filters window is opened, displaying the list of available filters.

    Figure 47 Active Environment Screen Display Filters Window

    Filter: IDWS    * ------- Control-M  Active  Environment ------ UP    <D> - (3)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR
    O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ----------- Status ------------
      IDJOB4   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                  
      IDJOB5   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                  
      IDJOB6   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                  
    =====+-----------------------------------+obs List       <<<<<<<<<<<<< ========
         |          DISPLAY FILTERS          |                                     
         | CMD ==>           SCROLL==> CRSR  |                                     
         |  O NAME     DESCRIPTION           |                                     
         |    CONFIRM  WAIT CONFIRM. JOBS    |                                     
         |    DEL      ONLY DELETED JOBS     |                                     
         |    END      ALL ENEDED JOBS       |                                     
         |    ENDNOTOK ENEDED NOT-OK JOBS    |                                     
         |    ENDOK    ENEDED OK JOBS        |                                     
         |    EXEC     EXECUTING JOBS        |                                     
         |    LATE     LATE JOBS             |                                     
         |    WAIT     JOBS ON WAIT QUEUE    |                                     
         |    ECSALL   ALL JOBS IN AJF       |                                     
         |    IDGS     GS-EXERCISES          |                                     
         |    IDWS     GS-WAITSCHED          |                                     
         |  OPTIONS  S  SELECT  E  EDIT      |                                     
    Comma+-----------------------------------+Fresh Auto Jobstat SHPF Note Table   
              OPt command toggles between Commands and Options display     14.13.03

    The Display Filters window displays the following information:




    Name of the filter as it appears in the General or User profile.


    Description of the filter (if provided).

    Control-M supplied filters do not display descriptions.

    You can select a filter from the list for activation or editing by specifying the appropriate option in the O(option) field to the left of the filter name: Valid options are



    S (SELECT)

    Activate the filter. The display of jobs in the Active Environment screen is filtered according to the filter criteria.

    E (EDIT)

    Display the filter's filtering criteria in the Show Screen Filter window to enable editing of the filter.

  2. Enter S in the OPTION field by filter IDGS to activate filter IDGS. The window is closed, but the Active Environment screen display has not changed, because you are at the bottom of the display.

  3. Use the PFKeys to scroll to the top of the screen. The Active Environment screen display conforms to the criteria of filter IDGS.

    Filter: IDGS      ------- Control-M  Active  Environment ------ UP    <D> - (3)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR
    O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ----------- Status ------------
      IDJOB1   ID       020201 M21     /08915   JOB Ended "OK"                   
      GRPSCHD  ID       020201                  TBL Active - In Error            
      IDJOB2   ID       020201 M21     /08916   JOB Ended "OK"                   
      IDJOB3   ID       020201 M21     /08917   JOB Ended- Not "OK" Due to CC    
      IDJOB4   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                
      IDJOB5   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                
      IDJOB6   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                
    ========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>        Bottom of Jobs List       <<<<<<<<<<<<< ========

To deactivate all filters, that is, to display the full Active Environment screen without any filter showing, you can enter the command SHOWnonfilterEDIT, where nonfilter is NOT the name of an existing filter. Delete the name from the Filter field, and press Enter.

Changing Active Environment Display Types

Various predefined formats are available for the Active Environment screen. To change display type, enter the DISPLAY, abbreviated DI, followed by a space and any one-letter display type abbreviation, as follows:

  • D   – Default Display Type

  • N   – Network Fields Display Type

  • A   – All Fields Display Type

  1. Enter DI A in the COMMAND field. The All Fields display type of the Active Environment screen is displayed.

    Figure 48 Display Type A (All Fields)

    Filter: IDGS      ------- Control-M  Active  Environment ------ UP    <A> - (3)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR
    O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ----------- Status ------------
      IDJOB1   ID       020201 M21     /26288   JOB Ended "OK"                   
       OrderID 001M6  Grp IDGRP1                                                 
       MaxRC                          Res. Use: Y                                
       Time Fr:       Time Un:       Priority:                                   
        Due-In: 1158  Due-Out: 1159  Late:                                       
       Avg Elaps: 0001               RBA:  00013A                                
      GRPSCHD  ID       020201                TBL Active - In Error              
       OrderID 001M7  Grp IDGRP4                G                                
       MaxRC                          Res. Use: Y                                
       Time Fr:       Time Un:       Priority:                                   
        Due-In: 1156  Due-Out: 1159  Late:                                       
       Avg Elaps: 0003               RBA:  00013C                                
      IDJOB2   ID       020201 M21     /26289 JOB Ended "OK"                     
       OrderID 001M8  Grp IDGRP4                G                                
       MaxRC                          Res. Use: Y                                
       Time Fr:       Time Un:       Priority:                                   
        Due-In: 1158  Due-Out: 1159  Late:                                       
       Avg Elaps: 0001               RBA:  00013E                                
      IDJOB3   ID       020201 M21     /26290 JOB Ended- Not "OK" Due to CC      
    Commands: OPt DIsplay Show HIstory RBal REFresh Auto Jobstat SHPF Note Table 
              OPt command toggles between Commands and Options display     14.35.40

    Notice that this display type includes many fields not displayed in the Default display type. Because of the larger number of lines displayed for each job, each screen display shows far fewer jobs than the default display type.

  2. Enter DI D in the COMMAND field. The Default display type is redisplayed.

    You have not displayed the Net display type, DI N. This display type is generally useful only in the Job Dependency Network screen, which is discussed, below, under the topic "Displaying Job Dependencies."

    Next, you will see how to add a note to one of your jobs.

Adding a Note to a Job

The NOTE command that appears in the list of commands at the bottom of the Active Environment screen is NOT used to add notes. Rather, it is used to display notes that have already been added to a job order.

Notes are added to job orders in the Zoom screen. Remember that before making any changes in the Zoom screen, you must first place the job in Held status.

  1. Place job IDJOB6 in Held status and display the Zoom screen for the job by entering Option H, and pressing Enter until the job has a status of Held Wait Schedule. Then enter option Z).

  2. Enter command NOTE in the COMMAND field of the Zoom screen. A Note line is opened inside the Zoom screen between two lines of equal signs, as follows:

    When you enter text in one line, a new blank line is opened to enable you to enter more text.

    ----------------------------- CONTROL-M ZOOM SCREEN ----------------------(3.Z)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
      MEMNAME IDJOB6      MEMLIB   CTM.TEST.JCL                                   
      OWNER   ID          TASKTYPE JOB              PREVENT-NCT2   DFLT- N        
      SCHDTAB IDGS3       SCHDLIB  CTM.TEST.SCHEDULE                              
      APPL                                          GROUP IDGRP5                  
      OVERLIB                                                   STAT CAL
      SCHENV                         SYSTEM ID                  NJE NODE 
      JOBNAME             JOBID        ODATE 020201 ORDERID 001MC      MAXWAIT 05 
      RESTART DECISION-FROM          .          TO          .          CONFIRM N  
      SET VAR                                                                     
      CTB STEP AT         NAME            TYPE                                    
      DOCMEM  IDJOB6      DOCLIB                                                  
      IN           IDJOB5-ENDED-OK      0202                                      
      TIME: FROM       UNTIL        PRIORITY                           CONFIRM N  
    COMMANDS:  SAVE  DOC  NOTE                                           20.51.11
  3. In the NOTE line, enter the text: THIS NOTE COULD BE IMPORTANT. BUT IT’S NOT.

    The NOTE section is displayed as follows:

     NOTE THIS NOTE COULD BE IMPORTANT. BUT IT'S NOT.                          

    Save this new note by typing SAVE in the command line and pressing Enter.

  4. Exit the Zoom screen. The Active Environment screen is displayed.

    A Note flag, showing the word ***NOTE** in the STATUS field for IDJOB6, indicates that the job has an appended note.

    Filter: IDGS      ------- Control-M  Active  Environment ------ UP    <D> - (3)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR
    O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ----------- Status ------------
      IDJOB1   ID       020201 M21     /08915   JOB Ended "OK"                   
      GRPSCHD  ID       020201                  TBL Active - In Error            
      IDJOB2   ID       020201 M21     /08916   JOB Ended "OK"                   
      IDJOB3   ID       020201 M21     /08917   JOB Ended- Not "OK" Due to CC    
      IDJOB4   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                
      IDJOB5   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                
      IDJOB6   ID       020201                  JOB Held Wait Schedule                
                                                  *** Note ***                    
    ========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>        Bottom of Jobs List       <<<<<<<<<<<<< ========
    Commands: OPt DIsplay Show HIstory RBal REFresh Auto Jobstat SHPF Note Table  
              OPt command toggles between Commands and Options display     21.04.46

    Observe the Note command in the list of commands at the bottom of the screen.

  5. Enter NOTE in the COMMAND field. The text of the note is displayed in the Status field.

    Filter: IDGS      ------- Control-M  Active  Environment ------ UP    <D> - (3)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR
    O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ----------- Status ------------
      IDJOB1   ID       020201 M21     /08915   JOB Ended "OK"                   
      GRPSCHD  ID       020201                  TBL Active - In Error            
      IDJOB2   ID       020201 M21     /08916   JOB Ended "OK"                   
      IDJOB3   ID       020201 M21     /08917   JOB Ended- Not "OK" Due to CC    
      IDJOB4   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                
      IDJOB5   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                
      IDJOB6   ID       020201                  JOB Held Wait Schedule
                                                  *** Note *** THIS NOTE COULD BE
                                                  IMPORTANT. BUT IT'S NOT.       
    ========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>        Bottom of Jobs List       <<<<<<<<<<<<< ========
    Commands: OPt DIsplay Show HIstory RBal REFresh Auto Jobstat SHPF Note Table  
              OPt command toggles between Commands and Options display     21.04.46
  6. Enter NOTE in the COMMAND field again. The text of the note is hidden.

    This is because the NOTE command acts as a toggle between displaying and hiding the text of each note appended to a job order.

  7. Free job IDJOB6, using Option F.

Displaying Table Names for Jobs

Notice the TABLE command at the bottom of the screen. This command toggles between displaying and hiding the name of the scheduling library and table to which each job order belongs.

  1. Enter the TABLE command. The name of the scheduling library and table are displayed for each job in the Status field.

    Filter: IDGS      ------- Control-M  Active  Environment ------ UP    <D> - (3)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR
    O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ----------- Status ------------
      IDJOB1   ID       020201 M21     /08915   JOB Ended "OK"                   
      GRPSCHD  ID       020201                  TBL Active - In Error            
      IDJOB2   ID       020201 M21     /08916   JOB Ended "OK"                   
      IDJOB3   ID       020201 M21     /08917   JOB Ended- Not "OK" Due to CC    
      IDJOB4   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                
      IDJOB5   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                
      IDJOB6   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                
    Commands: OPt DIsplay Show HIstory RBal REFresh Auto Jobstat SHPF Note Table  
              OPt command toggles between Commands and Options display     21.29.12
  2. Enter the TABLE command again. The names of the scheduling libraries and tables are hidden.

Displaying Job Dependencies

You have not displayed the Net display type using the DI N command. This display type is generally useful only in the Job Dependency Network screen, which you will soon display. Beforehand, however, it is advisable to refresh the Active Environment display using the REFRESH command, which appears in the list of commands at the bottom of the screen.

  1. Enter REFRESH in the COMMAND field. A message indicates that the display has been refreshed.

    Toggle to the list of options at the bottom of the Active Environment screen, so you can see exactly which option you will use to display the Job Dependency Network screen.

  2. Enter OPT in the COMMAND field. The list of available options is displayed.

    One of these options is N (Net). It displays the list of dependencies for a job; that is, the list of predecessor and successor job of the selected job. Specify this option for job IDJOB5.

  3. Enter N in the OPTION field next to IDJOB5. The Job Dependency Network screen is displayed (with display type N).

    Filter: IDGS      ------- CONTROL-M  NETWORK OF M21JOB5  ------ UP    <N> - (3)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR
    O Level -----  N a m e  ----- DueIN/Out Elaps Late Prio Res ------ Status -----
      -4         IDJOB1           1158 1159 0001                Ended "OK"        
      -3       IDJOB2             1158 1159 0001                Ended "OK"        
      -2     IDJOB3               1156 1159 0003                Ended- Not "OK" Due
                                                                 to CC            
      -1   IDJOB4                 1158 1159 0001                Wait Schedule     
      --> IDJOB5                  1158 1159 0001                Wait Schedule     
      +1   IDJOB6                 1156 1159 0003                Wait Schedule     
                                                                *** Note ***
    ========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>        Bottom of Jobs List       <<<<<<<<<<<<< ========
    Opt: ? Why L Log H Hold Z Zoom R Rerun A Activate O Force OK V View Sysout    
         N Net D Del F Free S Stat G Group U Undelete J JCL Edit C Confirm 10.44.26

    The Job Dependency Network screen is a special case of the Active Environment screen. It indicates predecessor and successor jobs, and the levels of those jobs, relative to the selected job.

    Note the following about the jobs listed in the screen:

    • An arrow appears beside the job for which the N option was requested. This job is the starting point for looking at predecessor and successor jobs.

    • Immediately below IDJOB5 is its the only successor job, IDJOB6, with a level number of +1. The plus sign indicates that IDJOB6 is a successor job; the integer 1 indicates that IDJOB6 is only one level removed from IDJOB5, that is, it is an immediate successor.

    • Above IDJOB5 is the list of predecessor jobs, each displaying a negative level number. The minus signs in the level numbers indicate that these are predecessor jobs of IDJOB5. The integer in the level number indicates the number of levels the job is removed from IDJOB5. For example, IDJOB4, level -1, is the immediate predecessor; IDJOB2, level -3, is three levels away from IDJOB5.

    • Jobs appear in the screen in job flow order, from earliest predecessor to latest successor.

    Job dependencies are determined according the prerequisite IN and OUT conditions of the job. DO COND conditions are ignored because they are conditional rather than constant.

    The screen also displays the following information about the jobs, much of it also found in the Zoom screen:

    Table 18 Job Dependency Fields




    Due in time. Time by which the job must be submitted.


    Due out time. Time by which the job must finish executing.


    Elapse time. Expected time (in minutes) for the job to execute.


    Indication that a job is late. Possible values:

    • X – Actual execution has not completed within the expected execution time. Also indicates that SHOUT WHEN EXECTIME was issued.

    • I – Job was not submitted in time. Also indicates that SHOUT WHEN LATESUB was issued.

    • O – Job is late. Also indicates that SHOUT WHEN LATE was issued.


    Control-M priority of the job.


    Indicator that the job accesses Quantitative resources. Valid values are:

    • blank – Quantitative resources are not accessed.

    • Y – Quantitative resources are accessed.


    Job (task) status.

    To refresh the display with the latest information, enter the REFRESH command as you did before displaying the screen. The time of the last refresh is displayed on the top line of the Job Dependency Network screen.

    You can change display types in the Job Dependency Network screen, but there is little point in doing so because it is this display type that shows the dependency levels.

  4. Press PF03/PF15 to exit from the Job Network Dependency screen back to the Active Environment screen.

Displaying Execution Information from Job Run

Job Order Execution History Screen

You can now display the execution history for job IDJOB1. As you saw in Chapter 1, "Introduction to Control-M," you can do this by specifying Option V (View Sysout) for the job.

  1. Enter option V for job IDJOB1. The Job Order Execution History screen for IDJOB1 is displayed.

    This facility requires that Control-M/Restart be operational at your site. If Control-M/Restart is not installed, skip to "Forcing an OK Status for a Job" below.

    ------------------------ JOB ORDER EXECUTION HISTORY ---------------------(3.V)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
    MEMNAME IDJOB1     OWNER ID                         ORDERID 000EW  ODATE 020201
      M21      08915 020201 19:27    0:00 00003        ENDED "OK"                 
    ======= >>>>>>>>>>> BOTTOM OF ACTIVE JOB ORDER HISTORY LIST <<<<<<<<<<< =======
    OPTION:   S SELECT                                                     00.00.34

The following information about the job is displayed at the top of the screen:  

Table 19 Job Information




Name of the member containing the JCL of the job.


User ID of the owner of the job.


Job order ID.


Original scheduling date of the job.

The following information is provided for each execution of the job:

Table 20 Job Execution Information




Job name.


JES job number.


Execution date of the job.


Start time of the job execution, in format hh:mm.


Total elapsed time of the job execution, in format mmmm.nn, where mmmm is minutes, and nn is hundredths of minutes).


Number of pages in the sysout.


Highest return code of the job execution.


Status assigned to the job by Control-M, based on execution results.

The above display type is the Default display type. Your INCONTROL administrator can create additional display types. To change display types, entering the command DI x, as you did to change display types in the Active Environment screen.

Sysout Viewing Screen

Notice the option S (Select) at the bottom of the screen. You can specify this option to display the sysout of the selected job run. Alternatively, you can can enter VIEWALL in the COMMAND field to display the sysout of all runs of the job.

  1. Enter option S for the job run of IDJOB1. The Sysout Viewing screen is displayed.

    Figure49 illustration is obviously more than one screen length. It shows the full sysout.

    Figure 49 Sysout Viewing Screen

     ------------- CONTROL-M/CONTROL-R SYSOUT VIEWING ------   PAGE      1 OF      3 
     COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
     MEMNAME IDJOB1    OWNER ID          JOBNAME M21           ODATE 020201        
    1                      J E S 2  J O B  L O G  --  S Y S T E M  O S 3 5  --  N O
     18.05.20 JOB25002 ---- FRIDAY, 02 FEB 2001 ----                               
     18.05.20 JOB25002  IRR010I  USERID STCUSER  IS ASSIGNED TO THIS JOB.          
     18.05.20 JOB25002  ICH70001I STCUSER  LAST ACCESS AT 18:03:22 ON FRIDAY, FEBRUA
     18.05.20 JOB25002  ICH70001I STCUSER  LAST ACCESS AT 18:03:22 ON FRIDAY, FEBRUA
     18.05.20 JOB25002  $HASP373 M21      STARTED - INIT 3    - CLASS A - SYS OS35 
     18.05.20 JOB25002  IEF403I M21 - STARTED - TIME=18.05.20                      
     18.05.20 JOB25002  -                                        CPU (Total)  Elapse
     18.05.20 JOB25002  -Jobname  Stepname ProcStep    RC    I/O  hh:mm:
     18.05.20 JOB25002  -M21      S1                   00      0       00.02       
     18.05.20 JOB25002  IEF404I M21 - ENDED - TIME=18.05.20                        
     18.05.20 JOB25002  -                                                          
     18.05.20 JOB25002  -M21      Job Service Totals           0       00.02       
     18.05.21 JOB25002  $HASP395 M21      ENDED                                    
    0------ JES2 JOB STATISTICS ------                                             
    -  02 FEB 2001 JOB EXECUTION DATE                                              
    -            8 CARDS READ                                                      
    -           44 SYSOUT PRINT RECORDS                                            
    -            0 SYSOUT PUNCH RECORDS                                            
    -            3 SYSOUT SPOOL KBYTES                                             
    -         0.00 MINUTES EXECUTION TIME                                          
             1 //M21  JOB APERLMAN,CLASS=A,                                        
               //    MSGCLASS=X,NOTIFY=ID,                                         
               //       MSGLEVEL=(1,1)                                             
               //*---- SUBMITTED BY CONTROL-M (FROM MEMLIB)   ODATE=010202         
               //*---- SCHEDULE CTM.TEST.SCHEDULE(IDGS1)                           
               //*---- JCL      CTM.TEST.JCL(IDJOB1)                               
               //*---- CONTROL-M JOB IDENTIFICATION:  ORDER ID=001JW  RUN NO.=00001
             2 //S1  EXEC  PGM=IEFBR14                                             
     ICH70001I STCUSER  LAST ACCESS AT 18:03:22 ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 02, 2001       
     ICH70001I STCUSER  LAST ACCESS AT 18:03:22 ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 02, 2001       
     IEF142I M21 S1 - STEP WAS EXECUTED - COND CODE 0000                           
     -                                        CPU (Total)  Elapsed      CPU (TCB)  
     -Program  Stepname ProcStep    RC    I/O
     -IEFBR14  S1                   00      0       00.02        00.18        00.02
     -DD Name  Unit     I/O Count                                                  
     IEF373I STEP/S1      /START 2001033.1805                                      
     IEF374I STEP/S1      /STOP  2001033.1805 CPU    0MIN 00.02SEC SRB    0MIN 00.00
     IEF375I  JOB/M21     /START 2001033.1805                                      
     IEF376I  JOB/M21     /STOP  2001033.1805 CPU    0MIN 00.02SEC SRB    0MIN 00.00
     ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO MORE DATA TO VIEW <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =====
     COMMANDS: LEFT, RIGHT, FIND str, FIND str PREV, N n, P n, END          18.17.39

    You can scroll down, up, right, and left through the sysout.

    The sysout is divided into sections that you can navigate using the N (NEXT) and P (PREV) commands. The following line appears at the end of each section:


  2. Enter N in the COMMAND field. The next section of the sysout is displayed.

     ------------- CONTROL-M/CONTROL-R SYSOUT VIEWING ------   PAGE      2 OF      3
     COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
     MEMNAME IDJOB1    OWNER ID          JOBNAME M21           ODATE 020201        
             1 //M21  JOB APERLMAN,CLASS=A,                                        
               //    MSGCLASS=X,NOTIFY=ID,                                         
               //       MSGLEVEL=(1,1)                                             
               //*---- SUBMITTED BY CONTROL-M (FROM MEMLIB)   ODATE=010202         
               //*---- SCHEDULE CTM.TEST.SCHEDULE(IDGS1)                           
               //*---- JCL      CTM.TEST.JCL(IDJOB1)                               
               //*---- CONTROL-M JOB IDENTIFICATION:  ORDER ID=001JW  RUN NO.=00001
             2 //S1  EXEC  PGM=IEFBR14                                             
     ICH70001I STCUSER  LAST ACCESS AT 18:03:22 ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 02, 2001       
     ICH70001I STCUSER  LAST ACCESS AT 18:03:22 ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 02, 2001       
     IEF142I M21 S1 - STEP WAS EXECUTED - COND CODE 0000                           
     -                                        CPU (Total)  Elapsed      CPU (TCB)  
     -Program  Stepname ProcStep    RC    I/O
     -IEFBR14  S1                   00      0       00.02        00.18        00.02
     -DD Name  Unit     I/O Count                                                  
     COMMANDS: LEFT, RIGHT, FIND str, FIND str PREV, N n, P n, END          18.17.39
    Enter N in the COMMAND field again. The next section of the sysout is displayed.
     ------------- CONTROL-M/CONTROL-R SYSOUT VIEWING ------   PAGE      3 OF      3
     COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
     MEMNAME IDJOB1    OWNER ID          JOBNAME M21           ODATE 020201        
     ICH70001I STCUSER  LAST ACCESS AT 18:03:22 ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 02, 2001       
     ICH70001I STCUSER  LAST ACCESS AT 18:03:22 ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 02, 2001       
     IEF142I M21 S1 - STEP WAS EXECUTED - COND CODE 0000                           
     -                                        CPU (Total)  Elapsed      CPU (TCB)  
     -Program  Stepname ProcStep    RC    I/O
     -IEFBR14  S1                   00      0       00.02        00.18        00.02
     -DD Name  Unit     I/O Count                                                  
     IEF373I STEP/S1      /START 2001033.1805                                      
     IEF374I STEP/S1      /STOP  2001033.1805 CPU    0MIN 00.02SEC SRB    0MIN 00.00
     IEF375I  JOB/M21     /START 2001033.1805                                      
     IEF376I  JOB/M21     /STOP  2001033.1805 CPU    0MIN 00.02SEC SRB    0MIN 00.00
     ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO MORE DATA TO VIEW <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =====
     COMMANDS: LEFT, RIGHT, FIND str, FIND str PREV, N n, P n, END          18.17.39
  3. Exit the Sysout Viewing screen and then exit the Job Order Execution History screen. The Active Environment screen is displayed.

Forcing an OK Status for a Job

In some of the exercises in previous chapters, you set up errors in the JCL to achieve certain results, and then edited the JCL to correct those mistakes before rerunning or restarting the job.

There may be situations, however, in which you determine that even though a particular job step had an error, the job should still end OK, that is, where the error is not serious enough to require an Ended Not OK status for the job.

In such a situation, you can use the O (Force OK) option in the Active Environment screen to change a job status to Ended OK. as explained below.

  1. Enter Option O for IDJOB3.

    Filter: M21GS     ------- Control-M  Active  Environment ------ UP    <D> - (3)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR
    O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ----------- Status ------------
      IDJOB1   ID       020201 M21     /26288   JOB Ended "OK"                   
      GRPSCHD  ID       020201                  TBL Active - In Error            
      IDJOB2   ID       020201 M21     /26467   JOB Ended "OK"                   
    O IDJOB3   ID       020201 M21     /26468   JOB Ended- Not "OK" Due to CC    
      IDJOB4   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                
      IDJOB5   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                
      IDJOB6   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                
                                                  *** Note ***                    
    ========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>        Bottom of Jobs List       <<<<<<<<<<<<< ========
  2. Free IDJOB3. The status of IDJOB3 changes to Ended "OK" Forced OK.

    This, in turn, results in the IDJOB3-ENDED-OK condition to be added to the IOA Conditions file, which in turn allows the remaining jobs (IDJOB4, IDJOB5, and IDJOB6), and the SMART Table Entity to successively end OK.

    In the following screen illustration, the status of IDJOB3 has already changed, and IDJOB4 has been changed to Wait Submission.

    Filter: IDGS      ------- Control-M  Active  Environment ------ UP    <D> - (3)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR
    O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ----------- Status ------------
      IDJOB1   ID       210101 M21     /26288   JOB Ended "OK"                   
      GRPSCHD  ID       210101                  TBL Active                       
      IDJOB2   ID       210101 M21     /26467   JOB Ended "OK"                   
      IDJOB3   ID       210101 M21     /26468   JOB Ended "OK" Forced OK         
      IDJOB4   ID       210101                  JOB Wait Submission              
      IDJOB5   ID       210101                  JOB Wait Schedule                
      IDJOB6   ID       210101                  JOB Wait Schedule                
                                                  *** Note ***                    
    ========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>        Bottom of Jobs List       <<<<<<<<<<<<< ========

    At the end of the process, the screen is displayed as follows:

    Filter: IDGS      ------- Control-M  Active  Environment ------ UP    <D> - (3)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR
    O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ----------- Status ------------
      IDJOB1   ID       020201 M21     /26288   JOB Ended "OK"                   
      GRPSCHD  ID       020201                  TBL Ended "OK"                   
      IDJOB2   ID       020201 M21     /26694   JOB Ended "OK"                   
      IDJOB3   ID       020201 M21     /26695   JOB Ended "OK" Forced OK         
      IDJOB4   ID       020201 M21     /26696   JOB Ended "OK"                   
      IDJOB5   ID       020201 M21     /26697   JOB Ended "OK"                   
      IDJOB6   ID       020201 M21     /26693   JOB Ended "OK"                   
                                                  *** Note ***                    
    ========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>        Bottom of Jobs List       <<<<<<<<<<<<< ========

Displaying Statistics for a Job

If your site uses utility CTMJSA to collect job statistics, you can display job runtime statistics for a job by entering the S (Statistics) line option.

  1. Enter option S for IDJOB1. The Statistics screen is displayed.

    ----------------------------- IDJOB1   STATISTICS ------------------------(3.S)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
    AVERAGE: SYSID: 4  SMFID: OS35          0.00    0:00.02    0:00.00            
    25002 02/02/01 18:05  02/02/01 18:05    0.00    0:00.02    0:00.00            
    24861 02/02/01 15:19  02/02/01 15:19    0.01    0:00.02    0:00.00            
     ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     END OF STATISTICS LIST  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======
    PRESS END PFK TO RETURN TO ACTIVE SCREEN                               22.39.56

    For each computer with statistics on the job, an Average Statistics line is displayed followed by individual job or SMART Table Entity statistics for each execution:

    • The Average Statistics Line contains the SYSID and SMF ID of the computer for which statistics are calculated, as well as the average ELAPSED, CPU and SRB time for the job on that computer.

    • The Individual Execution and/or SMART Table Entity Statistics Line contains the JOBID, Start time, End time, Elapsed time, CPU time, and SRB time for the execution or SMART Table Entity.

  2. Exit the Statistics screen to the Active Environment screen.

Displaying Jobs Belonging to a Specific SMART Table

You have already seen that you can filter the Active Environment display on Table name.

But through specification of the T (Table) line option, you can restrict the display to those jobs belonging to the same table, independent of filters. This option applies only to a SMART Table Entity and jobs in a SMART Table.

  1. Enter SHOW nonsense EDIT. The filter window is displayed with the default edits set, and the nonsense name in the Filter field.

  2. Blank out the Filter name and press Enter. The Active Environment screen is displayed with the default filter edits, that is, the equivalent of no filter.

  3. Scroll to the top of the screen. The full Active Environment is displayed.

  4. Find the listing of one of the jobs in the SMART Table (IDJOB2 through IDJOB5), and enter Option T for the job. The Table screen is displayed.

    Figure 50 Table Screen

    Filter:           ------- CONTROL-M    TABLE - TBLSCHD  ------ UP    <D> - (3)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR
    O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ----------- Status ------------
      TBLSCHD  ID       020201                  TBL Ended "OK"                   
      IDJOB2   ID       020201 M21     /26694   JOB Ended "OK"                   
      IDJOB3   ID       020201 M21     /26695   JOB Ended "OK" Forced OK         
      IDJOB4   ID       020201 M21     /26696   JOB Ended "OK"                   
      IDJOB5   ID       020201 M21     /26697   JOB Ended "OK"                   
    ========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>        Bottom of Jobs List       <<<<<<<<<<<<< ========
    Opt: ? Why L Log H Hold Z Zoom R Rerun A Activate O Force OK V View Sysout    
         N Net D Del F Free S Stat G Group U Undelete J JCL Edit C Confirm 00.15.01

    The Table screen is a variation of the Active Environment screen.  It contains the SMART Table Entity, and all jobs belonging to the SMART Table of the selected job. The name of the SMART Table appears in the top line of the screen. The display can be further filtered if desired.

  5. Exit the screen. The Active Environment screen is displayed.

  6. Exit the Online facility.

    This completes the steps in this chapter of the Control-M for z/OS Getting Started Guide.


In this chapter you

  • looked more closely at the fields in the Show Screen Filter window, defined a new filter, and displayed a list of available filters

  • changed between display types of the Active Environment screen

  • added a note to a job in the Zoom screen and displayed the contents of the note in the Active Environment screen

  • displayed the scheduling library and table names of jobs in the Active Environment screen

  • displayed the list of dependent jobs (predecessor and successor jobs) in the Job Dependency Network screen

  • displayed the execution history of job orders in the Job Order Execution History screen, and display job sysout in the Sysout Viewing screen

  • forced a status of OK for a job in the Active Environment screen

  • displayed Statistics for a job in the Statistics screen

  • displayed the SMART Table to which a job belongs in the Active Environment screen

Recommended Reading

Before continuing with the next chapter, you should read the following in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide:

  • In Chapter 2

    • information related to filters and filtering the display in the Active Environment screen

    • information about display types of the Active Environment screen

    • information about adding a note in the Zoom screen and displaying the note in the Active Environment screen

    • commands and options of the Active Environment screen

    • the Job Dependency Network screen

    • the Job Order Execution History screen, and the Sysout Viewing screen

    • status information in the Active Environment screen

    • the Statistics screen

    • any other information about the Active Environment screen that you have not yet read