Conversion Parameters

The Control-M conversion parameters are defined in the DEFAULTS member in the conversion source library. These conversion parameters must be modified to fit your local site requirements. The parameters are described below.

Table 22 Control-M Conversion Parameters





Support distributed job definitions in the CA-JOBTRAC conversion tool.

Valid Values:

  • MF: All CA-JOBTRAC job definitions are for the MVS, z/OS platform.

  • NONMF: Some CA-JOBTRAC job definitions are for distributed platforms. Those jobs are identified as having an Event type of C. The job's path name/directory name, node, and environmental parameters are specified on the JOBTRAC REFERBACK parameters IP, NODE and ED. See Conceptual Overview for further details about these parameters.

Default: MF

When DEFTYPE is set to NONMF, the TOCLS parameter will automatically be set to blank. For the implications of this, see Unique Control-M Parameters.


Destination for all SHOUT messages

Valid Values:

  • OPER: Issue the SHOUT message to the console.

  • OPER2: Same as OPER but as highlighted and unrollable.

  • TSO-uid: Issue the SHOUT message to a specific TSO userid, where uid is a specific user ID (up to 7 characters).

Default: OPER

For additional options, see the SHOUT parameter description in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide.


Maximum number of members in a CA-JOBTRAC SCL or JCL library.

Default: 5000


Data set name of the Control-M Documentation library. Either the CA-JOBTRAC documentation library or a copy of it may be specified.



Which of the held sysout clauses must be requeued. Enter a ' ' (blank space) if all held sysouts are required.

Default: ' ' (Blank space).

When TOCLS is a ' ' (blank space), this parameter is ignored.


Name of the Control-M library into which the following are placed

  • CA-JOBTRAC ADI records as PDS members. For more information, see 22. ADI DATE VARIABLES.

  • The DYNAMIC member of the conversion source library.

  • The JMFSYM01 member referred to by the DAJMF DDstatement in JOB2.

Default: CTM.Vxxx.INCLIB (where xxx refers to the version number)


Name of the CA-JOBTRAC library from which alternate JCL members are copied, using AutoEdit %%INCLIB statements. These members are specified using the CA-JOBTRAC REFERBACK A parameter.



INIT is the name of a Quantitative resource with a quantity of 1 that is placed into each Control-M job scheduling definition.

When this parameter is set to ' ' (blank space), no Quantitative resource is placed into the job scheduling definition.

Default: INIT


Maximum number of lines in a CA-JOBTRAC SCL or JCL or JMF member.

Default: 5000


Maximum number of reruns to be performed for non-cyclic jobs when rerun is required.

Default: 001



Name of the Control-M JCL override library (the OVERLIB parameter) to be specified for each job scheduling definition, except for DUMMY jobs.


For distributed jobs, the Control-M OVERLIB parameter is set to %%BLANK.


The source for the Control-M OWNER job scheduling parameter. The OWNER parameter is useful for implementing security checking by various Control-M components. The following may be specified:

  • JOBNAME: First n characters (see the OWNLEN parameter, which follows in this table) of the CA-JOBTRAC EVENTNAME parameter.

  • BUSGRP: First n characters of the CA-JOBTRAC @BUSGRP/@SCHDID control statement. The OWNLEN conversion parameter (which follows) provides the value ofn.

  • MEMBER: First n characters of the CA-JOBTRAC SCL member name. The OWNLEN conversion parameter (which follows) provides the value ofn.

  • =xxxxxxxx: A constant OWNER parameter of xxxxxxxx (from1 through8 characters) for every Control-M job scheduling definition.

Default: BUSGRP


When the OWNER conversion parameter is specified as JOBNAME, MEMBER, and BUSGRP, this value specifies the number of characters of the specified parameter to use for the Control-M OWNER parameter.

Default: 8


Specifies whether the job sysouts are released for printing after they are analyzed by Control-M

Valid Values:

  • Y (Yes): Release sysouts for print.

  • N (No): Do not release sysouts.

Default: Y


Control-M table library name. The table library name must be the same as the name specified in DD statement DASCHD for JOB1.

Default: CTM.Vxxx.SCHEDULE (where xxx refers to the version number).


Job failed SHOUT message.

Valid Values:

  • Specify a text for the SHOUT WHEN NOTOK message that is sent when a job fails.

  • Enter a ' ' (blank space) to suppress the message.



New output class to which Control-M is to requeue the JCL MSGCLASS sysouts of the job

Valid Values:

  • Any Valid Output Class.

  • ' ' (Blank space): Reroute is not required

  • * (Asterisk): The MSGCLASS sysouts of the job are to be requeued to the original MSGCLASS of the job after they are analyzed by Control-M.

Default* (Asterisk)


Date format of the UDEF Process Period parameters. Valid values are:

  • U: mmdd (USA).

  • W: ddmm (International).

  • C: All UDEF process periods are converted to calendar names (and not to DATES parameters). You are responsible for creation of the necessary calendars in the IOA CALENDAR library.

Default: U