
This chapter includes the following topics:


This publication helps you convert from CA-View to Control‑D software.

The CA-View to Control‑D conversion tool creates Control‑D components based on information extracted from the CA-View database.

This conversion tool supports Control‑D version 6.3.00 and above. IOA and Control‑D environments must be installed before starting the conversion process.

This conversion tool is supplied as an open source that can be adjusted to the specific conversion process requirements.

The layout of the input files used for the conversion might differ based on the release or settings of the converted product. The requirements for conversion might be different based on the specific implementation.

Before starting the conversion, all the details must be analyzed and the SARLxxxx, SARJxxxx, and SARDxxxx members adjusted accordingly.

Conversion Steps

The steps for converting CA-View to Control‑D are described in 2 Conversion Steps

Each of these steps can be implemented separately according to the needs of the report distribution environment. For example, CA-View archive indexes can be converted without performing other parts of the conversion.

Naming Conventions

CA-View to Control‑D conversion members are located in the IOA SAMPLE library. Nearly all the members associated with this conversion tool have names beginning with the characters SAR.

  • SARDEFxx—Members containing default settings and definitions

  • SARJxxxx—Members containing conversion jobs

  • SARLxxxx—CA-View report layouts

  • SARSxxxx—Source programs of the conversion jobs

  • CTDBLDTR—Program for creating the ControlD Recipient Tree

Creating the Control-D Recipient Tree

Program CTDBLDTR in the IOA SAMPLE library is used for conversion of the Recipient Tree. Information about this program is in member CTDBLDDC in the IOA SAMPLE library, and in 3 Building a Control-D Recipient Tree.

Creating Decollation Mission Definitions

Conversion program SARSREP7 creates Control‑D decollation mission definitions from CA‑View information. These decollation missions enable Control‑D to decollate reports to the same recipients that received those reports using CA-View. A report similar to the CA-View Selection By Recipients Listing is used as input.

Printing characteristics are not processed by this conversion program because Control‑D automatically extracts all printing characteristics from the JES SPOOL. Therefore, the printing characteristics from the job’s JCL are utilized.

Default values for conversion process parameters are located in member SARDEFDM in the IOA SAMPLE library and are described in A Default Conversion Parameters.


Job SARJDEC1 creates a sequential file used as input for job SARJDEC2.


Job SARJDEC2 reads the file created by job SARJDEC1 and produces decollation mission definitions that are stored as members in the Control‑D REPORTS library.

The member name for each decollation mission definition is based on the CA‑View jobname. Therefore, each CA‑View job has a corresponding Control‑D decollation definition member.

Creating the Control-D History User File

This part of the conversion process creates the History User file in the Control‑D environment to facilitate access to reports archived by CA-View. Thus, reports created by CA-View can be restored in the Control‑D environment from the original tapes backed up by CA-View. If the reports on the original CA-View archive tape are compressed, use the SARPAC utility to unpack them before restoring.

The CA-View archived report can be restored directly from the CA-View archive tape according to the user’s online restore request. For this purpose, the special CTDX004 exit and SARSKL skeleton, described below, are used.

Alternate method is to restore all reports from the CA-View archive tape once by the utility CTDSARRS and then backup or migrate them using Control-D and Control-V tools. This method is recommended if the CA-View archive tapes are large and restoring the reports directly from the tapes would take an unacceptable amount of time. The utility CTDSARRS is described in the appendix B.


Jobs SARJRPA1 and SARJRPA2 produce a list of all reports defined in the CA‑View database and a list of all archived reports. These lists contain the relevant information for creating the Control‑D History User file. Write these lists to a disk file for later use by job SARJARC1.

Before submitting jobs SARJRPA1 and SARJRPA2, ensure that there is enough space for the temporary work files.


Job SARJARC1 performs the following steps to create a sequential file for job SARJARC2:

  1. Defines all the files used by the conversion program

  2. Sorts the CA-View report list and removes unneeded records

  3. Propagates user names

  4. Sorts the CA-View report by USERNAME

  5. Sorts the user table by OLDUSER

  6. Converts user names

  7. Reformats the list of archived reports

  8. Merges both reports into one report to be used by job SARJARC2


If the CA-View report list is missing, the job SARJAR11 must be used instead of job SARJARC1. Only the list of the archived reports is used as an input file for this job. In this case, the default user name is taken from the SARDEFAR definitions member. This is instead of taking different user names from the CA-View report list for each report.

This job includes one step that reformats the list of archived reports and creates a report to be used by job SARJARC2.


Job SARJARC2 creates records in the Control‑D History User file based on input from job SARJARC1. For additional information, see the discussion about setting default parameters in member SARDEFAR before starting job SARJARC2. This discussion is outlined on page 1-20, in item 6 of Special Considerations. Set the default parameters in member SARDEFAR before job SARJARC2 is started.

User Exit CTDX004

Adjust User Exit CTDX004 if archived reports are converted. Exit CTDX004 receives control during the restore request and starts a process for restoring reports from CA‑View tapes. A sample of User Exit CTDX004 is supplied in the IOA SAMPEXIT library as the CTDX004L source.

Exit CTDX004 submits a job to locate the corresponding report on the tape, writes this report directly to a CDAM file, and creates new user and sysdata records in the Active User file.

The programs invoked by this job are located in the IOA LOAD library.

SARSKL Skeleton Job

SARSKL is a skeleton for building a job to restore reports from CA‑View tapes. This skeleton is located in the Control‑D SKL library.

Special Considerations

  1. The USER NAME in the CA-View report has the same characteristics as the USER NAME in CAView files (16 characters maximum, blanks allowed). To adjust the USER NAME to the ControlD environment, the name is truncated to 8 characters and blanks are replaced by underscores ("_"). This process is applied to the Recipient Tree conversion, but the full USER NAME is set to one of the synonyms in the tree.

  2. The function of the PAGE FLAG in CAView is implemented by AND/OR logic in the WHEN statement, and by the following ControlD parameters:

    CONTID (Y/N)
    PRINT (Y/N)

    Special user name NULL must be defined in the Recipient Tree to support the REFER TO NEXT PAGE option.

  3. The ARCHIVE option in CAView is converted to the BACKUP option in ControlD. When N (No) is specified in the CAView report definition, no backup mission name is inserted in the report decollation definition. Otherwise, the default BACKUP mission name, specified as an external parameter in member SARDEFDM in the IOA SAMPLE library, is used in the DO BACKUP statement.

  4. The DO NAME statement in each ControlD report decollation definition is set to the CAView report name.

  5. There is a maximum default value for the number of statements for each member built by this conversion. This number is specified in routine SARSREP7 in the #CARDS and AREALEN constants. If necessary, this value is locally tailored.

  6. Set the default parameters in member SARDEFAR before job SARJARC2 is started.

    Do not change the statements PRODUCT=CA-VIEW and CATEGORY=SAR-CONVERTED. The CATEGORY field is inserted in the corresponding field in the USER records for additional analysis by User Exit CTDX004. Based on this parameter, Exit CTDX004 determines whether a special restore process is used.

  7. The report definition conversion program creates ON CLASS or ON DSN decollation missions, depending on the value of parameter ONDSN in member SARDEFDM in the IOA SAMPLE library. When ON DSN decollation missions are created, the ON DSN statements have the format:

    ON DSN=DDNAME=ddname,PGMSTEP=pgmstep

  8. DO MIGRATE statements are generated if the name of the migration mission is defined in member SARDEFDM in the IOA SAMPLE library.