Conversion Steps

This chapter includes the following topics:

Overview of the Conversion Process Steps

The conversion process consists of the following steps, which can be implemented separately according to the needs of the report distribution environment.

  1. Tailor and Run Member SARJASML.

  2. Create the Control-D Recipient Tree from CA-View recipient reports. The Control-D Recipient Tree is a very important element of Control-D. It is used by almost all Control-D processes. Therefore, the Recipient Tree should include all Control-D recipients before you begin testing Control-D functions.

  3. Create Control-D decollation mission definitions from CA-View information. To accomplish this, do the following:

    1. Extract Report Definitions From the CA-View Database

    2. Check or Modify Options Specified in Member SARDEFDM

    3. Tailor and Run Jobs SARJDEC1 and SARJDEC2

  4. Create the Control-D History User file from CA-View information, to enable access to reports archived by CA-View. Do the following:

    1. Tailor and Run Jobs SARJRPA1 and SARJRPA2

    2. Tailor and Run Jobs SARJARC1 and SARJARC2

    3. Tailor and Recompile User Exits CTDX004 and CTDX024

  5. Test the Conversion.

Step 1: Tailor and Run Member SARJASML

  1. Use member SARJASML to assemble and link-edit the conversion programs.

    • Tailor the JCL of this member according to your naming conventions.

    • Adjust job SARJASML for compilation and link-edit of all sources.

  2. Submit the job for building load modules and check the sysout for error messages. A condition code not higher than 4 indicates the proper completion of the job.

  3. If the sources are subsequently modified, run this job again.

Step 2: Create the Control-D Recipient Tree

  1. Use program CTDBLDTR from the IOA SAMPLE library to create the ControlD Recipient Tree.

  2. Submit the job for execution and check the sysout for error messages. Condition code 0 indicates the proper completion of the job.

Step 3: Convert Report Definitions

Step 3.A: Extract the Report Definitions From the CA-View Database (Job SARJRPA1)

  1. The following table describes the input and output for this step:

    Table 1 Input and Output for the job SARJRPA1




    CA‑View Database.


    A sequential file containing the report.

    Name the output file SAR.OUTREP. Otherwise, you must change the name in the job that extracts the data.

    The output file must have the following characteristics: physical sequential, record format FBA, logical record length 255.

    The file records layout is mapped in the supplied SARLDECM member.

  2. Submit the job for execution and check the sysout for error messages. Condition code 0 indicates the proper completion of the job.

Step 3.B: Extract the Listing of the Bundles from the CA-View Database (Job SARJRPA3)

  1. The following table describes the input and output for this step:

    Table 2 CA-View Listing of the Bundles




    CA‑View Database.


    Name the output file SAR.BANDLREP. Otherwise, you must change the name in the job that extracts the data.

    The output file must have the following characteristics: physical sequential, record format FBA, logical record length 133.

    The file records layout is mapped in the supplied SARLDECM member.

  2. Submit the job for execution and check the sysout for error messages. Condition code 0 indicates the proper completion of the job.

  3. This step is optional. If it is performed, the bundle names are used as Control-D print mission names during creating decollation mission definitions by the job SARJDEC2.

Step 3.C: Check or Modify Options Specified in Member SARDEFDM

Tailor the Control‑D options specified in member SARDEFDM in the IOA SAMPLE library. Adjust the options according to your needs. The default values of the options are listed in A Default Conversion Parameters.

Step 3.D: Tailor and Run Jobs SARJDEC1 and SARJDEC2

  1. Jobs SARJDEC1 and SARJDEC2 build the Control‑D decollation mission definitions.

  2. The following table describes the input and output for this step:

    Table 3 Jobs SARJDEC1 and SARJDEC2 Input and Output




    File SAR.OUTREP is extracted from the CA-View database by the job SARJRPA1.

    File SAR.BANDLREP is extracted from the CA-View database by the job SARJRPA3 (optional).

    Member SARDEFDM in the IOA SAMPLE library contains external parameters for the conversion. These parameters are used as defaults for the report decollation definitions. Make the necessary changes before you run job SARJDEC1.

  3. Tailor members SARJDEC1 and SARJDEC2 in the IOA SAMPLE library.

  4. Submit the jobs for execution and check the sysout for error messages. Condition code 0 indicates the proper completion of the job.

    Ensure that the SPACE parameter in job SARJDEC2 specified for the DAREPMIS file contains enough directory blocks, and that the primary allocation value is large enough.

Step 4: Archive Conversion

Step 4.A: Tailor and Run Jobs SARJRPA1 and SARJRPA2

  1. Tailor members SARJRPA1 and SARJRPA2 in the IOA SAMPLE library. These jobs create the relevant reports for the Archive conversion. The following table describes the input and output for this step:

    Table 4 Jobs SARJRPA1 and SARJRPA2 Input and Output
    Data Description


    CA‑View database.


    Two sequential files containing the reports.

    Name the first output file (created by job SARJRPA1) SAR.OUTREP. Otherwise, you must change the name in job SARJRPA1.

    The first output file must have the following characteristics: physical sequential, record format FB, logical record length 255.

    Name the second output file (created by job SARJRPA2) SAR.ARCHIVE. Otherwise, you must change the name in job SARJRPA2.

    The second output file must have the following characteristics: physical sequential, record format FBA, logical record length 121.

  2. Submit the job for execution and check the sysout for error messages. Condition code 0 indicates the proper completion of the job.

Step 4.B: Tailor and Run Jobs SARJARC1, SARJAR11, and SARJARC2

  1. SARJARC1 uses files SAR.OUTPUT and SAR.ARCHIVE prepared by the jobs SARJRPA1 and SARJRPA2 and creates the file CTD.SAR.HISREP that is the input for the job SARJARC2. If SAR.OTPUT is missing, use the job SARJAR11 instead of SARJARC1. This job creates the CTD.SAR.HISREP using only one input file SAR.ARCHIVE. In this case, the default user name is taken from the definitions member SARDEFAR instead of taking different user names for each report from SAR.OUTPUT.

  2. SARJARC2 adds records to an existing History User file. If this job is rerun, reformat the History User file to prevent the addition of duplicate records. Use job CTDUFDBF from the ControlD JCL library to reformat the History User file.

  3. Submit the jobs for execution and check the sysout for error messages. Condition code 0 indicates the proper completion of the job.

  4. Run the CTDUFSR utility to resort the data portion of the History User file. A sample job can be found in member CTDUFSR in the CTD JCL library.

Step 4.C: Tailor and Recompile User Exits CTDX004 and CTDX024

Adjust the following User Exits using the Sample Exits supplied in the IOA SAMPEXIT library:

User Exit Sample Exit

Recompile these sources using ICE.

Step 4.D: Tailor Skeleton SARSKL or SARSKLR in Control-D SKL Library

  1. Tailor skeleton SARSKL in the Control‑D SKL library.

  2. If the report data is encrypted on the tape, use skeleton SARSKLR instead of skeleton SARSKL to restore CA-VIEW archived reports. In such a case, rename SARSKLR to SARSKL.

Step 5: Test the Conversion

Test the conversion.