
This chapter includes the following topics:


This publication helps you convert from CA-DISPATCH to Control-D software.

The CA-DISPATCH to Control-D conversion tool creates Control-D components based on information extracted from the CA-DISPATCH database.

This conversion tool supports Control-D version 6.3.00 and later. IOA and Control-D environments must be installed before starting the conversion process.

The conversion tool is supplied as an open source in the IOA…SAMPLE library. The tool can be adjusted for a specific conversion process.

The layout of the input files used for the conversion might be different based on the release or settings of the converted product. Requirements for conversion might be different based on a specific implementation.

All these details must be analyzed before the conversion is started, and the CADLxxxx, CADJxxxx, and CADDxxxx members must be adjusted accordingly. Note that the SORT parameters in the CADJxxxx jobs must match the record layout described in the CADLxxxx members.

The conversion tool provides the following methods for creating Control-D Recipient Names.

  • The first 8 characters of the CA-DISPATCH Recipient Name, which is 16 characters long, are used as the Control-D Recipient Name. This option can be used if the first 8 characters of CA-DISPATCH Recipient Names are unique.

  • The CA-DISPATCH maildrop, which is 8 characters long, is used as the Control-D Recipient Name. This option can be used if each CA-DISPACH recipient corresponds to one unique maildrop.

When using either method, the supplied CADJANLZ job can be used to issue a report about duplicate Control-D Recipient Names that will be created. This job can be submitted after the CULPRIT report, DSCULP02, is extracted (see Step 1.A: Create CA-DISPATCH Report DSCULP02). The report issued by CADJANLZ can help you to decide which method to use. If duplicates are created in both methods, use the method which yields the least number of duplicates.

Using information issued by CADJANLZ, you can change the Recipient Names or maildrops in the CULPRIT reports to avoid duplicate Control-D Recipient Names.

After deciding which method to use, you must tailor the conversion jobs correspondently.

Conversion Steps

The steps for converting CA-DISPATCH to Control-D are described in Conversion Steps.

Each of these steps can be implemented separately according to the needs of the report distribution environment. For example, CA-DISPATCH archive indexes can be converted without performing other parts of the conversion.

Naming Conventions

CA-DISPATCH to Control-D conversion members are located in the IOA SAMPLE library. Nearly all the members associated with this conversion tool have names beginning with the characters CAD.

  • CADCxxxx—CA-DISPATCH CULPRIT report definitions.

  • CADDEFxx—Members containing default settings and definitions.

  • CADJxxxx—Members containing conversion jobs.

  • CADLxxxx—CA-DISPATCH report layouts.

  • CADMSxxxx—Message member.

  • CADSxxxx—Source programs of the conversion jobs.

  • CADUSER—Sample of the user conversion table.

Creating the Control-D Recipient Tree

Building the Control-D Recipient Tree

The CA-DISPATCH to Control-D conversion tool provides two methods of building the Control-D Recipient Tree.

Table 1 Methods for Building the Control-D Recipient Tree



Method A

This method creates a 3-level Control-D Recipient Tree. The first level, level 10, contains one user—CTDTREE. The second level, level 20, contains all the CA-DISPATCH MAILDROPs and their Addresses. The third level, level 30, contains all the CA-DISPATCH recipients.

This method is recommended when the MAILDROP names differ from the recipient names and there are many recipients for each MAILDROP.

Method B

This method creates a 2-level Control-D Recipient Tree. The first level, level 10 contains one user—CTDTREE. The second level, level 20, contains all the CA-DISPATCH MAILDROPs. The CA-DISPATCH recipients who belong to each MAILDROP are placed in the first description line. The CA-DISPATCH recipient description and address are placed in the ADDRESS lines.

Use this method when the CA-DISPATCH MAILDROP is used for the Control-D Recipient name.

Required Reports

The Recipient Tree conversion requires two standard CA-DISPATCH reports:

  • Report Recipient File Listing (known as DSCULP02).

  • Report Distribution Maildrop Listing - Defaults (known as DSCULP04).

These reports are generated on separate sequential files.

These two files are used as input to the tree building utility, CTDBLDTR. This program can build the Control-D Recipient Tree from any DSCULP02 report. Specially tailored jobs to convert CA-DISPATCH reports using this program are contained in the IOA SAMPLE library, and described in Chapter 3, "Building a Control-D Recipient Tree." This utility can also be used also to add users to the Control-D Recipient Tree from any other DSCULP02 report. Instructions on how to use the CTDBLDTR utility are also contained in the IOA SAMPLE library, and described in Chapter 3, "Building a Control-D Recipient Tree."

Program CADSTREE is used to prepare the DSCULP04 report for processing by program CTDBLDTR.

Two jobs are supplied in the conversion tool IOA SAMPLE library:

  • Job CADJTRE1 is the JCL for Recipient Tree creation Method A. Parameter members CADDEFT1, CADDEFT2 and CADDEFT3 are additional input for program CTDBLDTR.

  • Job CADJTRE2 is the JCL for Recipient Tree creation Method B. Parameter members CADDEF4, CADDEFT5 and CADDEFT6 are additional input for program CTDBLDTR.

Creating Decollation Mission Definitions

Conversion program CADSDECM creates Control-D generic decollation mission definitions from CA-DISPATCH information. A report similar to the CA-DISPATCH Selection By Recipients Listing is used as input. These generic decollation missions enable Control-D to decollate reports to the same recipients that received those Control-D CA-DISPATCH reports using CA-DISPATCH.

Printing characteristics are not processed by this conversion program because Control-D automatically extracts all printing characteristics from the JES SPOOL. Therefore, the printing characteristics from the job’s JCL are used.

Reports are converted as follows:

  1. Using CADCDECM.

  2. Using CADJDEC1 (Optional).

  3. Using CADJDECM.


Member CADCDECM contains a CULPRIT report definition that produces a list of all reports defined in the CA-DISPATCH database. This report contains the relevant information for creating Control-D generic decollation definitions. The report is written to a disk file for later use by job CADJDECM. This report, used by the conversion program, is not the standard DSCULP13 report - Selection By Recipients Listing, because report DSCULP13 is not provided in all CA-DISPATCH releases. Therefore, a special CULPRIT report is supplied in this member.

Using CADJDEC1 (Optional)

This job must be submitted if the CA-DISPATCH Maildrop is used for the Control-D Recipient name. The CA-DISPACH Recipient name is replaced with the Maildrop value in the file created by the job CADCDECM and the result is written to an output file. Then, in the next job CADJDECM, this file must be specified as the input instead of the file created by CADCDECM.


The first step of job CADJDECM defines all the files needed by the conversion program.

The second step sorts the output file created by job CADCDECM (or by CADJDEC1) and places it on a new file.

Decollation mission definitions can be built by report name or jobname. Sort the output file by REPORT NAME or JOBNAME according to whether you are building decollation mission definitions by report name or jobname. The sort also eliminates blank records.

The third step in job CADJDECM creates the decollation mission definitions in a designated Control-D REPORTS library. Each member is a Control-D decollation mission. The name of each member is the CA-DISPATCH report name or the CA-DISPATCH job name.

Job CADJDECM activates program CADSDECM to build the new Control-D decollation mission definitions. The source code of this program resides in the IOA SAMPLE library and can be locally tailored. This program receives the PARM parameter. The decollation mission definition members are built based on report names if this parameter is omitted. If the input file created by CADCDECM contains a jobname for each CA-DISPATCH report, you can build the decollation mission definition members based on jobname (the name of each member is the CA-DISPATCH jobname). To do this, specify PARM='JOB' parameter and change the previous step to sort the input file by jobname.

Creating Printing Parameters


Member CADCOUTP contains a CULPRIT report definition that produces a list of all the recipients and their related reports, as defined in the CA-DISPATCH database. This report contains the recipient name, the recipient’s reports, and the printing parameters used for each report. This information is extracted from CA-DISPATCH Type 3 LOAD records.

The report is written to a disk file for later use by the CADJAPAP job. This report is used by the conversion programs. It is not a standard CA-DISPATCH report because none of the standard CA-DISPATCH reports contains all the printing characteristics information assigned for each report. Therefore, a special CULPRIT report is supplied in this member.

This report does not contain any JCL. You must add the correct JCL. Make sure that the output is routed to a disk file and properly referenced by DD statement SYS018 (as specified in the CULPRIT report). Specify the file destination only in the JCL and not in the CULPRIT options because the ASA code is used during the conversion process.


Member CADCPERM contains a CULPRIT report definition that produces a list of the reports as defined in the CA-DISPATCH database. This report contains the Jobname, Report name, Recipient name, Maildrop and printing parameters used for each report.

The report is written to a disk file for later use by jobs CADJOUTP and CADJPERM. It is not a standard CA-DISPATCH report. Special CULPRIT report parameters are supplied in this member. This member does not contain any JCL. You must add the correct JCL.


Member CADCDJDE contains a CULPRIT report definition that produces a list of all the recipients and their related reports, as defined in the CA-DISPATCH database. This report contains the recipient name, the recipient’s reports, and all the DJDE parameters used for each report. This information is extracted from CA-DISPATCH LOAD records of Type 7, 8, 9, and A.

This report is written to a disk file for later use by job CADJDJDE. This report is used by the conversion program. It is not a standard CA-DISPATCH report because none of the standard CA-DISPATCH reports contains all the DJDE information assigned for each report. Therefore, a special CULPRIT report is supplied in this member.

This report does not contain any JCL. You must add the correct JCL. Make sure that the output is routed to a disk file, properly referenced by DD statement SYS018 (as specified in the CULPRIT report). Specify the file destination only in the JCL and not in the CULPRIT options because the ASA code is used during the conversion process.


Job CADJOUTP activates program CADSOUTP to build the new Control-D OUTPARMS members. The source code of this program resides in the IOA SAMPLE library and can be locally tailored.

The job consists of the following steps:

  1. Defines all the files needed by the conversion program.

  2. Sorts the file created by the job CADCPERM according to RECIPIENT NAME (in ascending order) and REPORT NAME (in ascending order). This sort also eliminates blank records. This step is supplied for the method of using the CA-DISPATH Maildrop for the Control-D Recipient name. If the CA-DISPATCH Recipient name is used for the Control-D Recipient name, this step must be adjusted as it is described in the JCL comments.

  3. Creates the OUTPARMS parameter members in the Control-D OUTPARMS library. This step is supplied for the method of using the CA-DISPATH Maildrop for the Control-D Recipient name. If the CA-DISPATCH Recipient name is used for the Control-D Recipient name, the PARM='RECIP' parameter must be added to the EXEC statement.

The CA-DISPATCH report contains CLASS DEFAULT and SPECIFIC CLASS fields. To support these fields, the last step uses an input parameter, CLASS DEFAULT, assigned using DD statement INPUT. If this input parameter contains a value and the SPECIFIC CLASS field in the CA-DISPATCH report does not, the value specified for input parameter CLASS DEFAULT is assigned to parameter CLASS. If input parameter CLASS DEFAULT is not assigned a value, then parameter CLASS is not added to the OUTPARMS member.

The OUTPARMS library supports JOBNAME in addition to USERNAME and REPORT NAME.


Job CADJAPAP activates program CADSAPAP to build the new Control-D APAPARM members. The source code of this program resides in the IOA SAMPLE library and can be locally tailored.

Job CADJAPAP consists of two steps:

  1. Defines all the files needed by the conversion program.

  2. Creates the APA parameter members in the Control-D APAPARM library.


Job CADJDJDE activates the CADSDJDE program to build the new Control-D DJDEPARM members. The source code of this program resides in the IOA SAMPLE library, and can be locally tailored.

Job CADJDJDE consists of four steps:

  1. Defines all the files needed by the conversion program.

  2. Runs program CTDSCULU, which updates the output created by job CADCDJDE and places the recipient and report names in each of the records. This enables the reports to be sorted by recipient name and report name.

  3. Sorts the output from the previous step by USER NAME (in ascending order) and REPORT NAME (in ascending order), while keeping the original order of the records for each USER/REPORT NAME combination. The sort also eliminates the blank records.

  4. Creates the DJDE parameter members in the Control-D DJDEPARM library.


Job CADJPERM creates Control-D Permanent User File from the CA-DISPATCH report created by the job CADCPERM. In additional, the CA-DISPATCH JCL containing OUTPUT cards can be used as input file to take FORMDEF, PAGEDEF output parameters.

The created by this job Permanent User File can be used in Control-D decollation missions to build print mission names and printing characteristics of decollated Control-D reports. For this purpose the submitted CTDX022I user exit sample should be used in Control-D.

The job consists of three steps:

  1. Defines all the files needed by the conversion program.

  2. Sorts the output created by the job CADCPERM according to RECIPIENT NAME (in ascending order) and REPORT NAME (in ascending order). This sort also eliminates blank records. This step is supplied for the method of using the CA-DISPATH Maildrop for the Control-D Recipient name. If the CA-DISPATCH Recipient name is used for the Control-D Recipient name, this step must be adjusted as it is described in the JCL comments.

  3. Adds records to the Control-D Permanent User File. This step is supplied for the method of using the CA-DISPATH Maildrop for the Control-D Recipient name. If the CA-DISPATCH Recipient name is used for the Control-D Recipient name, the PARM='RECIP' parameter must be added to the EXEC statement.


The CTDDJDE and CTDAPA routines that reside in the IOA SAMPEXIT library, support JOBNAME by default. Because the conversion programs build members in the APAPARM and DJDEPARM libraries by USERNAME, the CTDDJDE and CTDAPA routines support USERNAME. To make these routines work by USERNAME, activate optional wish WD2754 in the IOA PARM library.

Using CTDX003

After Using CTDDJDE and CTDAPA, activate the changes by re-assembling and link-editing User Exit CTDX003 into the IOA LOAD library using ICE.

If CTDOUT is changed by this conversion, the user exit must be tailored and marked with OUTPARM set to USER (instead of being set to JOB or blanks). Otherwise, the needed members will not be found in the OUTPARMS library when printing a report.

Program CADSMEM is used in the other conversion programs to perform all the PDS operations while creating the members in each new library.

Creating the Control-D History User File

This part of the conversion process creates the History User file in the Control-D environment to facilitate access to reports archived by CA-DISPATCH. This enables reports created by CA-DISPATCH to be restored in the Control-D environment from the original tapes backed up by CA-DISPATCH.

Using CADCARC1 and CADCARC2 Members

Members CADCARC1 and CADCARC2 contain a CULPRIT report definition that produces a list of all reports defined in the CA-DISPATCH database and a list of all archived reports. These lists contain the relevant information for creating the Control-D History User file. These lists should be written to a disk file for later use by job CADJARC0.

Using Job CADJARC0

Job CADJARC0 is a 3-step job that creates a sequential file for job CADJARC1.

  1. Defines all the files used in this job.

  2. Sorts the CULPRIT report list of the definitions according to Recipient name and removes unneeded records.

  3. Replaces the Recipient name by Maildrop if the CA-DISPATCH Maildrop is used for the Control-D recipient name. If the first 8 characters of CA-DISPACH Recipient name are used for the Control-D Recipient name, the RECIP parameter must be specified and this step does nothing.

Using Job CADJARC1

Job CADJARC1 is a 9-step job that creates a sequential file for job CADJARC2. Job CADJARC2 builds the Control-D History User file.

  1. Defines all the files used in this job.

  2. Sorts the CULPRIT report list of the definitions and remove unneeded records.

  3. Sorts the table of user names. A sample user name table is supplied in member CADUSER.

  4. Converts user names in the list of report definitions according to the user table in member CADUSER.

  5. Removes duplicate records from the list of report definitions.

  6. Reformats the CULPRIT report list of archived reports using the CADCARC1 report format.

  7. Merges both reports into one report and sorts it by REPORT NAME(default) or JOBNAME. To sort by JOBNAME this step must be adjusted as it is described in JCL comments.

  8. Propagates user names for all records in the resulting report.

  9. Prepares resulting report according to job name for later use by job CADJARC2.

Using Job CADJARC2

Job CADJARC2 creates records in the Control-D History User file.

  • Defines all the files needed by the conversion program using CADJARC2.

  • Creates records in the Control-D History User file using CADJARC2 based on input from job CADJARC1.

This job adds records to an existing History User file. If this job is rerun, you must reformat the History User file to prevent the addition of duplicate records. Use job CTDUFDBF from the CTD JCL library to reformat the History User file.

User Exit CTDX004

Recompile the supplied source CTDX004L as User Exit CTDX004 using ICE.

Exit CTDX004 receives control during the restore request and starts a process for restoring reports from CA-DISPATCH tapes.

Exit CTDX004 submits a job to locate the corresponding report on the tape, writes this report directly to a CDAM file, and creates new user and sysdata records in the Active User file.

Using CADSKL Skeleton Job

CADSKL is a skeleton for building a job to restore reports from CA-DISPATCH tapes. This skeleton is located in the Control-D SKL library.