Conversion Steps

This chapter includes the following topics:


Use the CTDBLDTR utility to create or modify the Control-D Recipient Tree. This utility uses input from two sources: a report (referenced by DD statement REPORT), and a set of instructions (referenced by DD statement SYSIN) specifying how the data in the report is used to create users in the Recipient Tree.

This utility produces a list (referenced by DD statement SYSPRINT) summarizing the structure (input supplied by the user in SYSIN), and the Recipient Tree (referenced by DD statement TREE). TREE is a member of a partitioned dataset. If TREE is an empty member, the utility creates the Recipient Tree. If TREE contains an existing Recipient Tree, the utility modifies it.

The utility scans each line of the REPORT input and processes it according to the specifications included in the SYSIN data.

For sample JCL programs to execute utility CTDBLDTR, see the CTDBLDDC and CTDBLDJB members in the IOA SAMPLE library.

Step 1: Create Control-D Recipient Tree

Step 1.A: Create CA-DISPATCH Report DSCULP02

  1. Create the CA-DISPATCH report: Report Recipient File Listing. Use standard CA-DISPATCH member DSCULP02.

    The DD statement for the report output must reference a dataset definition and not a SYSOUT. Write the CULPRIT report to a SYSOUT but ensure that the Report Recipient File Listing is routed to a file and not a SYSOUT.

  2. Name the output file CTD.CADI.REPORT02. Otherwise, you must change the name in jobs CADJTRE1 and CADJTRE2. The output file must have the following characteristics: physical sequential, RECFM FBA, LRECL 133.

Step 1.B: Create CA-DISPATCH Report DSCULP04

  1. Create the CA-DISPATCH report: Report Distribution Maildrop Listing – Defaults. Use standard CA-DISPATCH member DSCULP04.

    The DD statement for the report output must reference a dataset definition and not a SYSOUT. Write the CULPRIT report to a SYSOUT but make sure that the Report Distribution Maildrop Listing – Defaults is routed to a file and not a SYSOUT.

  2. Name the output file CTD.CADI.REPORT04. Otherwise, you must change the name in jobs CADJTRE1 and CADJTRE2 jobs. The output file must have the following characteristics: physical sequential, RECFM FBA, LRECL 133.

Step 1.C: Tailor and Run Job CADJTRE1 or CADJTRE2

  1. Tailor member CADJTRE1 or member CADJTRE2 to create a Recipient Tree using Method A or Method B. For more information about these two methods, Building a Control-D Recipient Tree.

  2. Submit the job for execution and check the SYSOUT for error messages.

Step 2 Create Decollation Mission Definitions

Step 2.A Tailor and Run Job CADCDECM

  1. Tailor member CADCDECM in the IOA SAMPLE library. This member is a CULPRIT report definition.

  2. Create the JCL for running this report. The DD statement for the report output must reference a dataset definition and not a SYSOUT. Write the CULPRIT report to a SYSOUT but make sure that the output of job CADCDECM is routed to a file and not a SYSOUT.

    The following table describes the input and output for this step:

    Table 2 Job CADCDECM Input and Output




    CA-DISPATCH Database.


    A sequential file containing the report.

    Name the output file CTD.CADI.REPORT. Otherwise, you must change the name in job CADJDECM. The output file must have the following characteristics: physical sequential, RECFM FBA, LRECL 279.

  3. Submit the job for execution and check the SYSOUT error messages. The job must end with a condition code of 0.

Step 2.B: Check and/or Modify Options Specified in Member CADDEFDM

Tailor the Control-D options specified in member CADDEFDM of the IOA SAMPLE library.

Step 2.C: Tailor and Run Job CADJDEC1

Submit this step only if the CA-DISPACH Maildrop is used as the Control-D Recipient name. It replaces the Recipient name with the maildrop in the CTD.CADI.REPORT file created in the Step 2.A, and writes the results in the   CTD.CADI.REPORT.UPDATED output file.

The job must end with a condition code of 0.

Step 2.D: Tailor and Run Job CADJDECM

This job creates the Control-D REPORTS library for report decollation mission definitions.

The following table describes the input and output for this step:

Table 3 Job CADJDECM Input and Output




CTD.CADI.REPORT file, created by CADCDECM (as described in Step 2.A above). If the CA-DISPACH Maildrop is used as the Control-D Recipient name, the job must be tailored to use CTD.CADI.REPORT.UPDATED, created in Step 2.C, instead of CTD.CADI.REPORT.

Member CADDEFDM in the IOA SAMPLE library. This member contains external parameters for the conversion. These parameters are used as defaults for the report decollation definitions.


A PDS library containing Control-D generic report decollation mission definitions.

The default file name is CTD.REPORTS. The output file has the following characteristics: partitioned dataset, logical record length 80, blocksize 3,120.

  1. Tailor member CADJDECM in the IOA SAMPLE library.

    • Ensure that the SPACE parameter specified for the DAREPMIS file contains enough directory blocks and the primary allocation value is large enough.

    • The job can run for quite some time, depending on the number of reports in the CULPRIT report file.

  2. Submit the job for execution and check the SYSOUT for error messages. The job must end with a condition code of 0.

Step 2.E: Copy and Tailor Member CADUNIVR

  1. Copy member CADUNIVR from the conversion tool IOA SAMPLE library into the Control-D REPORTS library, which was created by job CADJDECM. Fill in the OWNER ID, GENERIC ON CLASS, BACKUP mission name, and the CADUNIVR character used by your site in the EXTWTR field.

  2. Save the member.

    This generic decollation mission is used to decollate all reports that were processed in CA-DISPATCH using the Universal Report Writer.

Step 3: Create Printing Parameters

Step 3.A: Tailor and Run Job CADCOUTP

  1. Tailor member CADCOUTP in the IOA SAMPLE library. This member is a CULPRIT report definition. Ensure that the output is routed to a file and not to a SYSOUT. DD statement SYS018 references the output file. The report does not contain any JCL. You must add the correct JCL.

    Do not change the CULPRIT definition itself. Otherwise, the results are unpredictable. Specify the file destination only in the JCL and not in the CULPRIT options because the ASA code is used during the conversion process.

    The following table describes the input and output for this step:

    Table 4 Job CADCOUTP Input and Output




    CA-DISPATCH database.


    A sequential file containing the report

    Name the output file CTD.CADI.OUTPUT. Otherwise, you must change the name in the CADJAPAP job. The output file must have the following characteristics: physical sequential, record format FBA, logical record length 279.

  2. Submit the job for execution and check the SYSOUT for error messages. The job must end with a condition code of 0..

Step 3.B: Tailor and Run Job CADCPERM

  1. Tailor member CADCPERM in the IOA SAMPLE library. This member is a CULPRIT report definition. The report does not contain any JCL. You must add the correct JCL.

    The following table describes the input and output for this step:

    Table 5 Job CADCPERM Input and Output




    CA-DISPATCH database.


    A sequential file containing the report

    Name the output file CTD.CADI.DSPERM. Otherwise, you must change the name in the CADJOUTP and CADJPERM jobs. The output file must have the following characteristics: physical sequential, record format FBA, logical record length 1,000.

  2. Submit the job for execution and check the SYSOUT for error messages. The job must end with a condition code of 0.

Step 3.C: Tailor and Run Job CADCDJDE

  1. Tailor member CADCDJDE in the IOA SAMPLE library. This member is a CULPRIT report definition. Do not change the CULPRIT definition. Otherwise, results are unpredictable. Ensure that the output is routed to a file and not to a SYSOUT. DD statement SYS018 references the output file.

    The report does not contain any JCL. You must add the correct JCL. Specify the file destination only in the JCL and not in the CULPRIT options because the ASA code is used during the conversion process.

    The following table describes the input and output for this step:

    Table 6 Job CADCDJDE Input and Output




    CA-DISPATCH database.


    A sequential file containing the report

    Name the output file CTD.CADI.DJDE. Otherwise, you must change the name in job CADJDJDE. The output file must have the following characteristics: physical sequential, record format FBA, logical record length 1,300.

  2. Submit the job for execution and check the SYSOUT for error messages. The job must end with a condition code of 0.

Step 3.D: Tailor and Run Job CADJOUTP

This step creates the Control-D OUTPARMS library whose members contain the regular printing characteristics for each report.

The following table describes the input and output for this step:

Table 7 Job CADJOUTP Input and Output




CTD.CADI.DSPERM file created by the job in member CADCPERM.


A PDS library, containing Control-D OUTPARMS members. Default file name: CTD.OUTPARMS. The characteristics of the file are: Partitioned dataset, logical record length 80, blocksize 3,120.

  1. Tailor member CADJOUTP.

    Ensure that the SPACE parameter specified for the DAOUTPUT file contains enough directory blocks and the primary allocation value is large enough.

    The job can run for quite some time, depending on the number of reports in the CULPRIT report file.

  2. Submit the job for execution and check the SYSOUT for error messages. The job must end with a condition code of 0.

Step 3.E: Tailor and Run Job CADJPERM

This step adds records to the Control-D Permanent User File.

The following table describes the input and output for this step:

Table 8 Job CADJPERM Input and Output




  • CTD.CADI.DSPERM file created by the job in member CADCPERM.

  • CTD.CADI.DIS60 -CA-DISPATCH JCL containing OUTPUT cards.


Control-D Permanent User File.

  1. Tailor member CADJPERM.

  2. Submit the job for execution and check the SYSOUT for error messages. The job must end with a condition code of 0.

Step 3.F: Tailor and Run Job CADJAPAP

This step creates the Control-D APAPARM library whose members contain the APA control statements for each report.

The following table describes the input and output for this step:

Table 9 Job CADJAPAP Input and Output




CTD.CADI.OUTPUT file created by the job in member CADCOUTP.


A PDS library containing Control-D APAPARM members

Default file name: CTD.APAPARM. The output file must have the following characteristics: Partitioned dataset, logical record length 80, blocksize 3,120.

  1. Tailor member CADJAPAP according to your local conventions:

    Ensure that the SPACE parameter specified for the DAAPA file contains enough directory blocks and the primary allocation value is large enough.

    The job can run for quite some time, depending on the number of reports in the CULPRIT report file.

  2. Submit the job for execution and check the SYSOUT for error messages. The job must end with a condition code of 0.

Step 3.G: Tailor and Run Job CADJDJDE

This step creates the Control-D DJDEPARM library, whose members contain the DJDE control statements for each report.

The following table describes the input and output for this step:

Table 10 Job CADJDJDE Input and Output




CTD.CADI.DJDE file created by the job in member CADCDJDE.


A PDS library containing Control-D DJDEPARM members

Default file name: CTD.DJDEPARM. The output file must have the following characteristics: Partitioned dataset, logical record length 80, blocksize 3,120.

  1. Tailor the member CADJDJDE according to your local conventions.

    • Ensure that the SPACE parameter specified for the DAAPA file contains enough directory blocks and the primary allocation value is large enough.

    • The job can run for quite some time, depending on the number of reports in the CULPRIT report file.

  2. Submit the job for execution and check the SYSOUT for error messages. The job must end with a condition code of 0.

Step 3.H: Activate Optional Wishes WD1643 and WD2754

  1. Activate optional wish WD1643.

    By default, Control-D counts blank lines in decollation missions. When this wish is activated, Control-D will no longer count blank lines in decollation missions. This is similar to CA-DISPATCH, which also does not count blank lines. This wish functions only for decollation missions with the group name SKIPBLANK.

  2. Activate optional wish WD2754.

    Re-assemble user exits CTDX003 and CTDX014 using ICE.

    For more information about this wish, see member IOADFLTS in the IOA DOC library.

Step 4: Create Control-D History File

Step 4.A: Tailor and Run Jobs CADCARC1 and CADCARC2

  1. Tailor members CADCARC1 and CADCARC2 in the IOA SAMPLE library. These members are CULPRIT report definitions. Adjust them according to your local conventions. Create the JCL for running this report. Ensure that the output is routed to a file and not to a SYSOUT.

  2. Write the CULPRIT report to a SYSOUT. Only the DD statement specified for this report must contain a dataset definition and not a SYSOUT. The reason for this is based on ASA code considerations in the conversion program.

    The following table describes the input and output for this step:

    Table 11 Jobs CADCARC1 and CADCARC2 Input and Output




    CA-DISPATCH database.


    Two sequential files containing the reports

    Name the first output file (created by job CADCARC1) CTD.CADI.OUTREP. Otherwise, you must change the name in job CADJARC1.

    The output file must have the following characteristics: physical sequential, record format FB, logical record length 80.

    The file format is illustrated below:

             REPORT      JOB             RECIPIENT
                                      BEAUCHAT TOM
            ADAREP       GPADA004     AIS ARCUS
            ADAREP       GPADA004     TECH    SUPPORT

    Name the second output file (created by job CADCARC2) CTD.CADI.HISREP. Otherwise, you must change the name in job CADJARC1.

    The output file must have the following characteristics: physical sequential, record format FA, logical record length 133.

  3. Submit the job for execution and check the SYSOUT for error messages. The job must end with a condition code of 0.

Step 4.B: Tailor and Run Jobs CADJARC0, CADJARC1, and CADJARC2

  1. Tailor and run jobs CADJARC0, CADJARC1, and CADJARC2. Check the SYSOUTs for error messages. The jobs must end with a condition code of 0.

  2. Run the CTDUFSR utility to resort the data portion of the History User file. A sample job can be found in member CTDUFSR in the CTD JCL library.

Step 4.C: Tailor and Recompile User Exit CTDX004

Adjust user exit CTDX004. Use sample exit CTDX004L supplied in the IOA SAMPEXIT library. Recompile this source using ICE.

Step 4.D: Tailor Skeleton CADSKL in the Control-D SKL Library

Tailor skeleton CADSKL in the CTD SKL library.

Special Considerations

  1. The RECIPIENT NAME in the CA-DISPATCH report has 16 characters maximum, blanks allowed. To adjust the RECIPIENT NAME to the Control-D environment, the name is truncated to 8 characters and blanks are replaced by underscores ("_"). Another option is to use the CA-DISPATCH Maildrop for the Control-D Recipient name as it described above.

  2. The function of the PAGE FLAG in CA-DISPATCH is implemented by AND/OR logic in the WHEN statement, and by the following Control-D parameters:

    • CONTID (Y/N).


    • PRINT (Y/N).

    • Special user name NULL must be defined in the Recipient Tree to support the REFER TO NEXT PAGE option.

  3. The ARCHIVE option in CA-DISPATCH is converted to the BACKUP option in Control-D. When N is specified in the CA-DISPATCH report definition, no backup mission name is inserted in the report decollation definition. Otherwise, the default BACKUP mission name, specified as an external parameter in member CADDEFDM, is used in the DO BACKUP statement.

  4. The DO NAME statement in each Control-D report decollation definition is set to the CA-DISPATCH report name concatenated with report description.

  5. In each ON CLASS statement, parameter EXTWTR is set to the CA-DISPATCH report name. The report decollation is then made to this EXTWTR.

  6. If a string is specified for TEST purposes in the CA-DISPATCH report, the same test is performed in Control-D. In addition, the conversion enables you to open a window for a string search. For more information, see "#LINES RANGE".

  7. There is a maximum default value for the number of cards for each member built by this conversion. This number is specified in routine CADSDECM in the #CARDS and AREALEN constants. If necessary, this value can be locally tailored.

  8. Each member created in a DJDEPARM, APAPARM, or OUTPARMS library is assigned a member name according to the following criteria:

    • If the report name contains only three characters, the site is using a Universal Writer name. The member name is set to $xxx, where xxx is the report name. Because only one occurrence of the member can exist, the first occurrence found in the CULPRIT report is used. Any later occurrence of the same report name in the CULPRIT report is ignored.

    • If the report name starts with @ or #, the site is using a Unique report name. The member name is set to @xxxxxxx or #xxxxxxx, where xxxxxxx is the report name. Because only one occurrence of the member can exist, the first occurrence found in the CULPRIT report is used. Any later occurrence of the same report name in the CULPRIT report is ignored.

    • For all other report names, the member name is set to the USERNAME, subject to the above restrictions (meaning, the name is truncated to 8 characters, embedded blanks are replaced by underscores, and trailing blanks are eliminated).

  9. DJDE parameters ITEXT, OTEXT and RTEXT can contain a maximum of 82 characters in field SC. Because the DJDEPARM, APAPARM and OUTPARMS libraries have a LRECL of 80, the text in field SC is truncated to the maximum size line each member can contain.

  10. If the same report is assigned to a user more than once, only the first occurrence of the report record is used. Duplications are ignored. However, if different occurrences of the same report name assigned to a specific user contain the CHARS option, it is added to the OUTPARMS member only if the first record also contained the CHARS option.

  11. The contents of each member is constructed as follows:

    • For a Universal Writer report or Unique report, the corresponding member contains:

      • For DJDE parameters:

                    DJDE JDE=ABCDEF,JDL=GHIJKL,;
                    DJDE DEPT='EXAMPLE OF DEPT FIELD',END;
      • For OUTPARMS parameters:

    • Any other member contains:

      • For DJDE parameters:

                   DJDE JDE=ABCDEF,JDL=GHIJKL,;
                   DJDE JDE=XXXXXX,JDL=YYYYYY,;
                   DJDE FONTS=((FONTS1,12LPI),(FONTS2,11DOTS)),END;
      • For OUTPARMS parameters:

  12. Carefully check the CADLDJDE DSECT, describing the DJDE CA-DISPATCH record (Types 7, 8, 9, and A) before submitting job CADJDJDE, because the local tests performed for these record types do not contain complete information. Therefore, the field offsets can be incorrect. If the CADLDJDE DSECT is changed, programs CADSDJDE and CADSCULU must be re-assembled and link-edited into the conversion tool LOAD library.

    When changing the offsets within each DSECT, take special care with the SORT FIELDS of each conversion job, because the SORT key is based on a combination of USERNAME and REPORT NAME. An invalid sort can produce incorrect results and error messages while building the OUTPARMS, APAPARM and DJDEPARM libraries.

  13. This conversion was designed with the assumption that the JOBNAME field is seldom used in the CA-DISPATCH database. Therefore, all members in the various libraries are named according to USERNAME. If the JOBNAME field is used at your site for every report entry, then:

    • The conversion routines can locally be tailored to support JOBNAME as the member name.

    • Change the SORT FIELDS in conversion jobs CADJOUTP and CADJDJDE to support JOBNAME as the primary sort key and REPORT NAME as the secondary sort key.

    • CTDAPA and CTDDJDE can remain as supplied in the installation tape. However, CTDAPA will not then support report name masking.

    • CTDOUT must be referenced by User Exit CTDX003 using parameter OUTPARM set to JOB.

  14. Set the default parameters in member CADDEFAR before job CADJARC2 is started.

    Do not change the expressions PRODUCT=CA-DISPATCH and CATEGORY=CA-CONVERTED. User Exit CTDX004 inserts the CATEGORY field in the corresponding field in the USER records for additional analysis by User Exit CTDX004. Based on this parameter, Exit CTDX004 determines whether to use a special restore process.

  15. Handling the Universal Report Character.

    When using the CA-DISPATCH Universal Report option, all the report decollation missions created for this type of report can be omitted from the new Control-D REPORTS library. It is easy to identify these "Universal" report decollation missions because they all have a 3-character report name.

    These reports are decollated using one generic decollation mission. This special generic decollation mission is supplied in member CADUNIVR in the IOA SAMPLE library. Copy member CADUNIVR manually to the new Control-D REPORTS library.