bmc-ctd-wa-statistics-reporting-cli utility

The bmc-ctd-wa-statistics-reporting-cli utility enables you to retrieve statistical data and analyze usage from the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application. The utility enables you to collect data at scheduled intervals on all platforms supported by Control-D/WebAccess Server.

You can only run this utility after you use the Control-D/WebAccess Server Statistics Report Generator tool to generate a report, as described in Configuring the Host Print.

Running the bmc-ctd-wa-statistics-reporting-cli utility

This procedure describes how to run the bmc-ctd-wa-statistics-reporting-cli utility, which enables you to generate statistics reports.

Before You Begin

  • Ensure that you have the statistics report definition file in XML format exported from the WebAccess Statistics Report Generator, as described inGenerating a Statistics Report.

    The file is located in the following location:

    <Control-D/WebAccess Server installation directory>/statistics/definitions


  1. From the where host computer where Control-D/WebAccess Server Desktop is installed, type the following command:

    bmc-ctd-wa-statistics-reporting-cli.exe <statistics report definition file >

  2. For each field, define the required parameters, as described in Statistics Report Generator Parameters.

    A statistics report appears.