Running the bmc-ctd-distribute-repmgr Utility

The Distribution Repository Manager, bmc-ctd-distribute-repmgr, is a command line utility used to create and manage the Distribution Repository in the Control-D Delivery Server.

This procedure describes how to invoke the Distribution Repository Manager, which automatically distributes reports.


  1. Log in to a host where Control-D Delivery Server is installed.

  2. Type the following command:

    bmc-ctd-distribute-repmgr <command> -u=<username> -p=<password> [-<option> | -<option>=<value> ...-<option>=<value>]

  3. For each field, define the required parameters, as described in bmc-ctd-distribute-repmgr Parameters.

  4. (Optional) Type one of the following commands to list or delete distribution jobs in the Distribution Repository:

    • bmc-ctd-distribute-repmgr list -u=<username> -p=<password> -<parameter>=<value>

    • bmc-ctd-distribute-repmgr delete -u=<username> -p=<password> -<parameter>=<value>

bmc-ctd-distribute-repmgr Parameters

The following table describes the bmc-ctd-distribute-repmgr parameters, which enables you to manage, add jobs, organize the job list, and delete jobs on the Distribution repository.



add <parameters>

Adds a new distribution job to the Distribution Repository.

  • bmc-ctd-distribute-repmgr add -u=<username> -p=<password> -type=fs -file=c:\test -attr="dir=c:\temp"

  • bmc-ctd-distribute-repmgr add -u=<username> -p=<password> -type=email -file=c:\test -user=nemo -attr="sender=sys subject=email_subject datatype=text-plain"

  • bmc-ctd-distribute-repmgr add -u=<username> -p=<password> -type=ft -file=c:\test -user=nemo -attr="host=localhost"

  • bmc-ctd-distribute-repmgr add -u=<username> -p=<password> -type=lpr -file=c:\test -user=nemo -attr="printer=hplaserj host=mozart copies=1 collate=yes ds_banner=default.txt ds_title=title banner=yes sender=sender_name class=class_name linewidth=80 landscape=no FileType= text"

list <parameters>

Determines one of the following values to categorize distribution jobs:

Valid values:

  • Status: Determines the completion status for distribution jobs.

    • Pending: Determines which Distribution job are in the queue to process.

    • Processing: Determines whether the distribution job delivery confirmed.

    • Ended OK: Determines whether the distribution job delivered to the required location.

    • Ended Not OK: Determines whether the distribution job failed and is rescheduled.

    • Failed: Determines whether the distribution job fails after the configured number of retries.

  • Job Type.

  • Job ID.

bmc-ctd-distribute-repmgr list -u=<username> -p=<password> -status=failed

delete <parameters>

Enables you to delete distribution jobs from the Distribution Repository according to search criteria, as described in Running the bmc-ctd-distribute-repmgr Utility.

  • bmc-ctd-distribute-repmgr delete -u=<username> -p=<password> -id=5

  • bmc-ctd-distribute-repmgr delete -u=<username> -p=<password> -status=ended_ok


Determines the number of days before the utility cleans ended_ok or failed jobs from the Distribution Repository.

Default: 0 days.

bmc-ctd-distribute-repmgr clean -u=<username> -p=<password> -restperiod=5

resend <ID>

Defines the job ID, which enables you resend ended_ok, or failed distribution jobs.

bmc-ctd-distribute-repmgr resend -u=<username> -p=<password> -id=6

-attr: <destination attribute>

Determines the destination attributes for the following destination types:

Valid values:

You must use double quotes for this parameter.

-e or -erase

Enables you to remove the input files after you add the files to the Distribution queue.


Determines the full file path name.

-fromdate: <date>

Defines the start date to add jobs to the Distribution queue.

Format: mmddyyyy

-ot: original format

Determines one of the following original formats to render reports.

Valid values:

  • TXT

  • PDF

  • AFP

  • XRX


Determines the precedence level in the queue, which process distribution jobs according to the priority level.

Valid values: 0−15

Default: 7


Defines the report name.


Determines which report clique to use when you transform text reports.

-todate: <date>

Defines the end date to add jobs to the Distribution queue.

Format: mmddyyyy


Determines one of the following destination types to send a report:

Valid values:

  • Local Files.

  • Remote Files.

  • Email

  • LPR

-job <ID>

Defines the job ID.

-tt: target format

Determines one of the target format to render reports.

Valid values:

  • PDF

  • PCL

  • Texts


Defines the user ID.

Email Destination Attributes

The following table describes the destination email attributes when you distribute reports in emails.




Defines the sender name, which appears in the From field of an email.


Defines the recipient name, which appears in the To field of an email.


Defines the text, which appears on the in the Subject field of an email.


Defines the email server hostname, which delivers emails.


Determines one of the following options to send reports:

Valid values:

  • Text-plain: Sends the report as plain text within the email body text.

  • Attachment: Attached the report to an email

Default: Text-plain.


Determines one of the following input file types to transform reports:

Valid values:

  • TXT

  • Xerox

  • AFP

  • PCL

  • PDF

  • XML


Determines one of the following output file types when you transform reports.

Valid values:

  • TXT

  • PDF

  • XLSX: only from a TXT file.

  • HTML: only from an XML file.

Local Files (FS) Destination Attributes

The following table describes the destination attributes when you distribute reports to a local computer.




Defines the destination directory name.


Determines one of the following input file types to transform reports:

Valid values:

  • TXT

  • Xerox

  • AFP

  • PCL

  • PDF

  • XML


Determines one of the following output file types when you transform reports.

  • TXT

  • Xerox

  • AFP

  • PCL

  • PDF

  • XML

Remote Files (FT) Destination Attributes

The following table describes the destination attributes when you distribute reports to a remote computer.




Defines the Control-D Delivery host computer name or the Control-D/Agent host computer name to where to transfer the report.


Defines the Control-D Delivery file transfer port number or the Control-D/Agent file transfer port number where to transfer the report.



Determines whether to compress files when you distribute reports.

Valid values:

  • Yes

  • No


Determines one of the following input file types to transform reports:

Valid values:

  • TXT

  • Xerox

  • AFP

  • PCL

  • PDF

  • XML


Determines one of the following output file types when you transform reports.

  • TXT

  • PDF

Line Printer Protocol (LPR) Destination Attributes

The following table describes destination attributes to print reports on a line printer.




Defines the hostname.


Defines the printer name.


Determines whether to print a banner on a report.

Valid values:

  • Yes

  • No


Defines a filename, which contains a report banner template, such as text, variables, and layout of the banner.


Defines the title name, which appears in the report banner.


Determines one of the following report types:

Valid value:

  • Text

  • Binary


Determines the text line width on a report.


Determine the number of centimeters to indent a report on a page.


Defines the class name, which appears in the printer banner.


Determines the number of report copies when you print reports.


Determines whether the report prints in landscape or portrait orientation.

Valid values:

  • Yes: Landscape.

  • No: Portrait.


Determines whether to collate reports when you print more than one copy of a report.

Valid values:

  • Yes

  • No


Determines one of the following input file types to transform reports:

Valid values:

  • TXT

  • Xerox

  • AFP

  • PCL

  • PDF


Determines one of the following output file types when you transform reports.

  • TXT

  • PDF