Reports in Transformed Formats

Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application changes the format of AFP, PCL, PDF, PS, XRX, and TXT reports. The report itself remains unchanged. You can use transformers to show reports in the following formats:

  • Transformed format: Transforms reports to alternate formats.

  • Native format: View report in its original format instead of viewing it in its default transformer format.

bmc-ctd-dal-transformer-cli Utility

Tag notes and logical views do not support for transformed reports.

Transforming Control-D/WebAccess Server Reports

This procedure describes how to view reports in different formats when you apply a transformer to the report.


  1. From the Report List window, in the Start column, select a report.

  2. From the View As drop-down list, click one of the following options:

    • XLXS

    • PDF

    • HTML

    • TXT

    • Native Format.

    The selected report format appears in the Report Viewing window.

    Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application autocratically exports reports in Excel format.