Control-D/WebAccess Server Report Cliques

Report Cliques are a group of parameters that provides information about the report accessed in the Control-D Mainframe repository and how to transform the report in the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application. The Report Clique issues instructions, which determines how a report appears after you transform a report and includes information, such as, the number of rows and columns, image to insert, digital signatures requests, and font size. A report cannot transform without a defined report clique.

There is a different Report Clique type, such as, AFP, XRX, or PDF, for each report type. However, all Report Clique types share many common parameters.

The following procedures describe how to define a Report Clique:

Report Clique Parameters

The following table describes Common Report Clique parameters:



General Parameters

Determines the Report Clique file properties.

PDF Digital Signature Parameters

Enables you to apply SSL settings to PDF reports and request signatures.

Row Col Parameters

Determines the number of columns and rows on a report, and the text direction.

Rendering Parameters

Determines the appearance and settings of the transformed report.

PDF Rendering Parameters

Determines whether the user, can edit, copy, or print PDF reports.

HTML Rendering Parameters

Determines the appearance and settings of the transformed report, such as, background colors, fonts, and images.

PCL Rendering Parameters

Determines the appearance and settings of a report transformed in PCL format.

AFP Report Clique Parameters

Determines the appearance and settings of a report transformed in AFP format.

PostScript (PS) Report Clique Parameters

Determines the appearance and settings of a report transformed in PostScript format.

Text Report Clique Parameters

Determines how text appears in a transformed report.

Xerox Report Clique Parameters

Determines the appearance and settings of a report transformed in PostScript format.

General Parameters

The following table describes the General Report Clique parameters.

Each report type, except PDF, has its own unique parameter section described later in this chapter.

Report Clique


transformer.ini Parameter


Report Format


Determines the report format file type.

Valid values:

  • AFP

  • XRX

  • PCL

  • TXT

  • PDF

  • PS

Report Clique Name


Defines the Report Clique name.

Default: Untitled.

Owner of Report Clique


Defines the Report Clique owner name.

Report Clique Change Date


Determines the Report Clique edit date.

Report Clique Change Time


Determines the Report Clique edit time.

Page Width in Inches


Determines the number of inches on the report page width.

Default: 600

In Text reports, the width does not affect the text view. This parameter does not influence Xerox reports.

Page Height in Inches


Determines the number of inches on the report page height.

Default: 600

BMC recommends that you use the default page width and height for all formats.

OS390 Resource Library

List Name


Defines the name of a set of System Resource Libraries.

Valid values:

  • Eight characters.

Default: *

You cannot leave this field empty.

Fail on missing resources


Determines whether the transformation process aborts when non-critical resources are missing.

Valid values:

  • Never: Never abort when resources are missing.

  • Always: Always abort when resources are missing.

  • Decollate: Only abort when you decollate the report, but not when you view the report.

Default: Decollate

Default Resource Directory


(Optional) Defines the resource directory filename path.

PDF Digital Signature Parameters

The following table describes the pdf digital signature parameters for a Report Clique.

You can only add PDF Digital Signature request in the transformer.ini file.




Defines the name or prefix between the brackets [ ].

You can use an asterisk when you define a prefix.

The prefix is [123*] when you require a digital signature for reports beginning with 123.

To define all reports, use [*]


Enables you to add a digital signature request to a PDF report.

Valid values:

  • Yes

  • No

Default: No


Defines the key store filename.

c:\Program Files\BMCSoftware\Control-D\wa\config\ssl\bmc-ctd-wa-server.jks


Defines the key store file password.


Determines one of the following key store file types.

Valid values:

  • JKS

  • PKCS12

Default: JKS


Defines the key alias in the key store file.


Determines the type of the hash algorithm when you create a digital signature.

Default: SHA256

The following example defines the Digital Signature request the Report Clique in the transformer.ini file.

The following example is for a report prefix:

DIGKSF=c:\Program Files\BMC

The following example is for all reports:


Row Col Parameters

The following table describes the Row Col parameters for Report Clique.

Report Clique


transformer.ini Parameter


Number of Rows


Determines the number of grid rows, which divides the report page.

Default: 150.

Number of Columns


Determines the number of grid columns, which divides the report page.

Default: 150

Text Orientation 0


Determines whether the transformer checks for text at 0 degrees.

Valid values:

  • Yes

  • No

Default: Yes.

Text Orientation 90


Determines whether the transformer checks for text at 90 degrees.

Valid values:

  • Yes

  • No

Default: Yes.

Text Orientation 180


Determines whether the transformer checks for text at 180 degrees.

Valid values:

  • Yes

  • No

Default: Yes.

Text Orientation 270

270 rowcoltext_270_degrees

Determines whether the transformer checks for text at 270 degrees.

Valid values:

  • Yes

  • No

Default: Yes.

Fonts to Ignore


(Optional) Defines a list of fonts to ignore.

Default: None - includes all fonts.

AFP fonts names must begin with C0, such as C0H1001B even when the font name is C1H1001B.

Include External Overlays


(Optional) Determines whether the transformation must include text in an external overlay.

Default: Yes

Include Internal Overlays


(Optional) Determines whether the transformation must include text in an internal overlay.

Default: Yes

Rendering Parameters

The following table descries the Report Clique Rendering parameters.

Report Clique


transformer.ini Parameter




Determines the clockwise rotation degree of a report.

Valid values:

  • 0

  • 90

  • 180

  • 270

Default: 0



Determines whether shadowing appears on a report.

Valid values::

  • Yes: Allows shadowing to appear.

  • No: Removes shadowing.

  • Only High: Shadowing only appears in high resolution output.

Default: Only High.

Shadowing Style


Determines the type of shadowing that appears on a report.

Valid values:

  • Gray: Gray shadowing appears.

  • Pattern: A pattern of lines appears.

Default: Gray

BMC recommends that you use gray to view reports and a pattern and a pattern to print reports.

Half Tone


Determines whether you must use a Halftone algorithm to draw bitmap images.

Valid values:

  • Yes: Use the Halftone algorithm.

  • No: Use the Black on White algorithm. All text only appears in black or white.

Default: Yes.

Max Render Pages


Determines the maximum number of pages to transform.

Default: 2000.

Font Mapping Table Name


(Optional) Defines the table name to map fonts in to transform reports.

Default: fontmap

Split Words


(Optional) Determines whether you must split words when you transform a report.

Valid values:

  • Yes: Split words according to blanks. This value is useful when the original font is wider than rendering font, and the report contains tables. It results in a larger PDF.

  • No: Leave the words as a sentence when there is one blank between words.

Default: No.



(Optional) Determines whether the colors appear in a report.

Valid values:

Yes: -A PDF or HTML report contains colors.

No: The report appears only in black and white.

Default: Yes.

PDF Rendering Parameters

The following table describes the PDF rendering parameters for Report Clique.

Report Clique


transformer.ini Parameter


Add Background Image


(Optional) Defines the image filename to add onto each PDF page.

You must save the image in the default resource directory:

installation /transformer/res.

Valid file types

  • .gif

  • .tif

  • .jpg

  • .png

  • .bmp.

Default: No image.



(Optional) Enables you to giver the user permission to print a PDF report.

Valid values:

  • Yes

  • No

Default: Yes



(Optional) Enables you to giver the user permission to copy a PDF report.

Valid values:

  • Yes

  • No

Default: Yes



(Optional) Enables you to giver the user permission to modify a PDF report.

Valid values:

  • Yes

  • No

Default: Yes

Font Subsetting


(Optional) Determines whether to embed some or all font characters in a report.

Valid values:

  • Yes

  • No

Default: Yes

Master Password


(Optional) Enables you to define a master password to change security settings in a PDF report.

Valid values:

  • Yes

  • No

Default: No

PDF Resolution


(Optional) Enables you to define the resolution of the PDF image file.

Valid values: 72-300

  • Yes

  • No

Default: 300

PDF Raster


(Optional) Enables you to define which elements are rastered on a bitmap and inserted into the PDF as a background image.

Valid values:

  • None: Draws all elements in a PDF as PDF elements:

    Rasters unmapped text from the fontmap.tbl to a PDF file as TYPE3 fonts. Graphics elements appear as PDF graphic elements.

  • All: All elements, except mapped fonts, are rastered on a bitmap and inserted into the PDF as a background image.

  • Graphics: All graphics elements, such as. lines and filled areas, are rastered on a bitmap and added to the PDF as a background image. Other elements are drawn in the PDF as PDF elements.

  • Text: All rastered text are rastered on a bitmap and added to the PDF as a background image. Other elements appear on the PDF as PDF elements.

Default: None

PDF Encoding


(Optional) Enables you to encode text in different character sets.

Valid values:

  • None: Latin-1 encoding only.

  • Unicode: All text in the PDF is in Unicode.

Default: None

Code Page


(Optional) Enables you to code PDF pages.

HTML Rendering Parameters

The following table describes the HTML rendering parameters for Report Clique.

Report Clique


transformer.ini Parameter




Determines one of the following X-resolution values in the PNG or HTML output. This does not affect PDF output.

Valid values: 10−300

Default: 96



Determines one of the following Y-resolution values in the PNG or HTML output. This does not affect PDF output.

Valid values: 10−300

Default: 96

Background Image Url


(Optional) Defines a background image URL that appears in the HTML output.

Use EOT Fonts


Determines whether to use EOT fonts when EOT Web-enabled fonts appear in the font-mapping table.

Default: Yes

Use PFR Fonts


Determines whether to use PFR fonts when PFR Web-enabled fonts appear in the font-mapping table.

Default: Yes

X Offset


Enables you to move text and images horizontally in pixels.

Negative numbers shift the data left, and positive numbers shift the data right.

Default: 0

Y Offset


Enables you to move text and images vertically in pixels.

Negative numbers shift the data up, and positive numbers shift the data down.

Default: 0

Background Color


(Optional) Defines the HTML background color.

Foreground Color


(Optional) Defines the HTML foreground color.

Image XResolution


Determines the X resolution of the output BACKGROUND image.

The actual HTML size is determined by the X/Y resolution parameter. The quality of printed HTML graphics is better with higher resolution. Image XResolution uses the same value as Image YResolution when you do not set Image XResolution.

Valid values: 0−300

Default: 0

Image YResolution


Determines the Y resolution of the output BACKGROUND image.

The actual HTML size is determined by the X/Y resolution parameter. The quality of printed HTML graphics is better with higher resolution. Image YResolution uses the same value as Image XResolution when you do not set Image YResolution.

Valid values: 0−300

Default: 0

PCL Rendering Parameters

The following table describes the PCL rendering parameters for Report Clique.

Report Clique


transformer.ini Parameter


PCL Paper Source


(Optional) Determines the PCL paper size.

Default: A4

PCL Resolution


Determines number of bytes per inch in the PCL printout resolution.

Valid values: 300−600

Default: 300

PCL Scale


Determines the percent to decrease the size of the output page.

Valid values: 0−80

Default: 0

PCL Y Offset


(Optional) Enables you to shift the text and images on the rendered page vertically, according to the number of pixels specified.

Negative numbers shift the data up, and positive numbers shift the data down.

Valid values: −12 000−12 000

Default: 0

PCL X Offset


(Optional) Enables you to shift the text and images on the rendered page horizontally, according to the number of pixels specified.

Negative numbers shift the data left, and positive numbers shift the data right.

Valid values: −12 000−12 000

Default: 0

AFP Report Clique Parameters

The following Report Clique parameter that is unique to AFP reports.

Report Clique


transformer.ini Parameter


Afp Formdef Name


Defines the FORMDEF name.

Default: The first FORMDEF in the resource section of the report.

AFP Input Type


Determines the type of AFP input.

Valid values:

  • AfpCategory4: AFP Category 4.

  • AfpCategory5: AFP Category 5.

Anything less than AfpCategory5 appears as AfpCategory4.

Default: AfpCategory5

Afp Pagedef Name


(Optional) (AFP Category 4 only) Defines the Pagedef name in a report.

Default: The first Pagedef in the resource section of the report.

Record Delimiter


Determines the input report record type.

Valid values:

  • RDW: Variable length data, each record starting with XXYY, where XX designates the record length and YY is binary zeros.

  • Fixed: (AFP Category 4 only) All records have the same length.

Length of input records


(AFP Category 4 only) Determines the record length of input fixed-type AFP records.

Valid values: 133−32760

Print control character


(AFP Category 4 only) Determines one of the following Print control character types in a report.

Valid values:

  • ASA


Default: ASA

Code of input AFP


(AFP Category 4 only) Determines of the following AFP input codes.

Valid values:



Default: EBCDIC

TRC character used


(AFP Category 4 only) Determines whether a report can contain TRC characters.

Used for AFP Category 4 input only.

Valid values:

  • Yes

  • No

Default: No

PostScript (PS) Report Clique Parameters

The following table describes Report Clique parameters that are unique to PostScript reports.

Report Clique


transformer.ini Parameter


Raster Embedded Fonts


(Optional) Enables you to raster embedded PostScript fonts when you use the PostScript Interpreter.

Valid values:

  • No: The font appears as text when it maps to an existing True Type font.

  • Yes: The font rasters even when mapping exists in the fontmap table and appears as an image.

Default: No.

Raster All Text


(Optional) Enables you to force of all the text to raster when you use the Post Script Interpreter.

Valid values:

  • No: The font appears as text when it maps to an existing True Type font.

  • Yes: The font rasters even when mapping exists in the fontmap table and appears as an image.

Default: No.

PostScript Transformation



Determines the bitmap resolution when you transform PostScript reports.

High resolution produces better quality images. Low resolution results in a faster processing.

Values: 50−300

Default: 240

Text Report Clique Parameters

The following table describes the general Report Clique parameters:

Report Clique


transformer.ini Parameter


Report Encoding


Defines the report encoding.

The report transforms from the defined coding to Latin-1 in LEGACY mode or to UTF-8 in UNICODE mode, and then kept in the translated encoding.

Default: Latin1 in LEGACY; or UTF-8 in UNICODE

Report Language


Defines the report language and correct font.

You must only use define this field when Control-D/WebAccess Server is in UNICODE mode.

Default: English

Report Normalized



(Optional) Defines the internal report encoding in Control-D Mainframe.

The report transforms from the encoding defined in the Report Encoding parameter to Normalized encoding.

You must only define this field when Control-D/WebAccess Server is in Legacy mode

Default: Latin-1 in Legacy mode or UTF-8 in UNICODE mode.

Print Control Char


Determines which Print Control characters to use when you view reports.

Valid values:

  • ASA

  • Machine

  • None

Default: None

TRC character used


Determines whether the report contains TRC characters.

Valid values:

  • Yes

  • No

Default: No

The following tables describes the Decollation Rendering parameters, which are unique to text Report Cliques.

Report Clique


transformer.ini Parameter


The following three parameters are mutually exclusive. You must only one define one of the parameters, which ensures that the results are predictable.

Page Delimiter String


Defines the string to indicate the end of the page.

Page Delimiter Hex


Determines the Hex value to indicate the end of the page.

Page Delimiter Dec


Determines the decimal value indicate the end of the page.

The following three parameters are mutually exclusive. You must only one define one of the parameters, which ensures that the results are predictable.

Line Delimiter String


Defines the string to indicate the end of a line.

Line Delimiter Hex


Determines the Hex value to indicate the end of a line.

Default: X'0D0A'

Line Delimiter Dec


Determines the decimal value to indicate the end of a line.

Line Delimiter Length


Determines the number of characters for each line.

Valid values: 0−32768.

The following parameters are NOT mutually exclusive.

Page Delimiter At End


Determines whether the page delimiter appears the end of the page.

Valid values:

  • Yes: Page delimiter appears at the end of the page.

  • No: Page delimiter appears at the beginning of page.

Line Delimiter Delete


Determines whether to delete the line delimiter from the Normalized data.

Page Delimiter Delete


Determines whether to delete the page delimiter from the Normalized data.

Page Delimiter Pos


(Optional) Determines which column contains a delimiter line.

Default: 0 − Delimiter appears at beginning of line.

Max Chars in Line


Determines the maximum number of characters that appear in a line.

Valid values: 0−32768

Default: 1000.

Max Lines in Page


Determines the maximum number of lines that appear on a page.

Valid values: 0−32768

Default: 1000.

Line Delimiter Type


Determines the type of line delimiter that appears in reports.

Valid values:

  • Delimited: Each line ends with a line delimiter according to the line delimiter parameters.

  • rdw: Variable-length data. Each record starts with xxyy:

    • xx: Record length.

    • yy: Binary zeros.

  • Fixed: All lines have the same length.

  • None: One line appears on a page.

Default: Delimited

Add Line Feed


(Optional) Enables you to add a line feed at end of each line.

Valid values:

  • Yes

  • No

Default: No.

The following tables describes Rendering parameters, which are unique to text Report Cliques.

Report Clique


transformer.ini Parameter


Font File Name


Defines the font filename that appears text reports.

The encoding font is Latin 1, the default filename is cour.ttf, which is the True Type filename of Courier New.

Font Name


Defines the font name that appears in text reports.

Font Size


(Optional) Determines the font size.

Valid values: 1−99

Default: 10

Xerox Report Clique Parameters

The following table describes Report Clique parameters that are unique to Xerox reports in the Xerox Parameters section. You must supply values for the following parameters:

  • Jsl name: JSL filename

  • Jde name: JDE section name in the JSL file

Report Clique


transformer.ini Parameter


Record Delimiter


Determines one of the following Input report record types.

Valid values:

  • rdw: Variable-length data. Each record starts with xxyy:

    • xx: Record length.

    • yy: Binary zeros.

  • fixed: Uses the record length, which appears in the start JSL statement:

    RECORD LENGTH = number

Default: rdw



Defines the JSL filename.

JDE Name


Defines the JDE section name in the JSL resource.

SysCatalog Name


(Optional) Defines the member name that contain references to other JSL resources, which references the report.

Default: syscatlg.

You must add a line to the syscatlg resource located in the default resource directory when the JSL refers to a JDE/PDE that does not appear in the JSL, <installation_folder>\transformer\res folder.


In this example, the JDE/PDE name is PP0010, located in the PDE001 JSL file.



(Optional) Determines whether to send debug messages to a file.

Valid values:

  • Yes

  • No

Default: No

Debug File Name


(Optional) Defines the filename that receives debug messages.

Error File Name


(Optional) Defines the filename that receives error messages.

Form X Offset


(Optional) Enables you to shift the page form horizontally in pixels.

Negative numbers shift the data left, and positive numbers shift the data right.

Default: 0

Form Y Offset


(Optional) Enables you to shift the page form vertically in pixels.

Negative numbers shift the data up, and positive numbers shift the data down.

Default: 0

Page Data X Offset


(Optional) Enables you to only move the data in the page horizontally and the overlays do not move.

Negative numbers shift the data left, and positive numbers shift the data right.

Default: 0

Page Data Y Offset


(Optional) Enables you to only move the data in the page horizontally in pixels.

Negative numbers shift the data up, and positive numbers shift the data down.

Default: 0

Line Advance Method


(Optional) Determines one of the following methods to calculate the line height.

Valid values:

  • Max: Height of the largest font in the line.

  • Last: Height of the last font in the line.

Default: Max.

Report Identifier


(Optional) Defines the report ID that needs special handling.

Scan Origin point


(Optional) Determines the origin point on the physical page and uses it as a reference point for metacode on a XEROX printer.

On 9790 printers, this origin point is scan=22 and dot=100.

Adjust the origin point parameters when the form does not align with the line-data.

Default: Scan Origin point=22.

Dot Origin point


(Optional) Determines the origin point on the physical page and uses it as a reference point for metacode on a XEROX printer.

On 9790 printers, this origin point is scan=22 and dot=100.

Adjust the origin point parameters when the form does not align with the line-data.

Default: Dot Origin point = 100.