Control-D/WebAccess Server Desktop Settings Migration
The Control-D/WebAccess Server enables you to export Control-D/WebAccess Server Desktop data settings, which you might need when you switch to a new computer, new operating system, new associated database, or when you upgrade to a new version of Control-D/WebAccess Server.
The following procedures describe how to migrate Control-D/WebAccess Server Desktop settings:
Exporting Control-D/WebAccess Server Desktop Settings
This procedure describes how to export Control-D/WebAccess Server Desktop settings and data from the source environment.
From the command line, as an administrator, type one of the following commands:
Windows: <source_path>\migration\export.bat
Ensure that the paths in this step and in the next step do not contain the special characters " (double quotes), & (ampersand), < (less than), or > (greater than).
Type the file path name to save the exported data.
Continue with the on-screen instructions until the export is complete.
The export utility creates two new folders, config and data, in the file path that you created in Step 2. These folders contain the export files.
The migration export log is saved to the following location:
<Control-D installation folder>\log\migration_export.log
Importing Control-D/WebAccess Server Desktop Settings
This procedure describes how to import Control-D/WebAccess Server Desktop settings, which enables you to reuse the same configuration settings.
The Import application requires access to the export directory used during the Export procedure. You might have to copy the export directory to the Import computer when the export and import procedures do not occur on the same computer.
You must save the exported data on the target computer.
Before You Begin
Back up the following Control-D/WebAccess Server configuration file:
<Control-D installation folder>/config/bmc_config.ini
Use FTP in TEXT mode to copy the migration files from one computer to the other when you migrate between different types of operating systems, such as UNIX and Windows.
From the command line, as an administrator, type one of the following commands:
Windows: <source_path>\migration\import.bat
Ensure that the path does not contain the special characters " (double quotes), & (ampersand), < (less than), or > (greater than).
Continue with the on-screen instructions until the import is complete.
Data processing involves distinct actions:
Direct Overwriting of Data: The process directly overwrites certain data.
Preservation of Data: Some data, such as log settings, remains preserved and unaltered.
User-Prompted Data Entry: In specific cases, you might receive prompts to input values for data, such as file paths, which does not automatically import the data.
You can choose whether to accept the original settings or enter a new value when you import settings that might not be the same as the exported environment.
The migration import log file is saved to the following location:
<Control-D installation folder>/log/migration_import.log
Copying Files that are Not Copied by the Export Application
This procedure describes how to copy files that are not exported, as described in Exporting Control-D/WebAccess Server Desktop Settings.
Copy the following folders from your source Control-D/WebAccess Server installation to the target Control-D/WebAccess Server installation:
<Control-D installation folder>/transformer/res/
<Control-D installation folder>/transformer/config/