Control-D/WebAccess Server CopyLV Utility

The CopyLV utility enables you to copy logical views from one repository to another repository and apply Logical Views to view reports. The CopyLV utility enables you to batch copy logical views from the following:

  • Repository to repository.

  • Repository to text file.

  • Text file to text file.

  • Text file to repository

Retrieving Logical Views from a Repository

This procedure describes how to retrieve a logical view from one Control-D repository to use the same logical views in another Control-D repository.


  1. Log in to a host where Control-D/WebAccess Server is installed.

  2. Type the following command:

    bmc-ctd-si-copylv -b < input_file.txt

  3. From the command line, type the hostname, then press Enter.

  4. Type the username, then press Enter.

  5. Type the password, then press Enter.

  6. Type the folder path name to show a list of logical views:

    The CopyLV utility searches the root directory for reports when you do not type a folder path.

    You can apply report name, recipient, and job name criteria. The logical views belonging to the first report that matches the filter criteria appears. Logical views do not appear when reports do not match the criteria.

    You can use wildcard characters to search for specific files.

  7. Type a value for the following fields:

    • ReportName

    • Recipient

    • Jobname

    To define all values, leave the fields blank.

  8. Select the logical views to retrieve and do one of the following:

    • Type the name of a logical view listed in the LV Name column and press Enter.

      Repeat this step for each logical view that you want to retrieve.

    • Type A to select all logical views.

    The destination option appears.

  9. Copy the logical views, as described in Copying Logical Views to a Control-D Repository

Retrieving Logical Views from a Text File

This procedure describes how to batch retrieve a logical view from a text file to apply a logical view to reports in the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application.


  1. Log in to a host where Control-D/WebAccess Server is installed.

  2. Type the following command:

    bmc-ctd-si-copylv -b < input_file.txt

  3. From the command line, type the hostname, then press Enter.

  4. Type the username, then press Enter.

  5. Type the password, then press Enter.

  6. Type the destination folder path.

  7. Type the following command:

    Copying from Files

  8. Type an absolute file path name of a folder or file that contains logical views.


    The name of the logical view is the same as the filename and it must consist of eight or less characters. You cannot copy logical views with filenames that are longer than eight characters.

  9. Select the logical views to retrieve and do one of the following:

    • Type the name of a logical view listed in the LV Name column and press Enter.

      Repeat this step for each logical view that you want to retrieve.

    • Type A to select all logical views.

    The destination option appears.

  10. Copy the logical views, as described in Copying Logical Views to a Control-D Repository

Copying Logical Views to a Control-D Repository

This procedure describes how to batch copy logical views from a Control-D to another Control-D repository.


  1. Log in to a host where Control-D/WebAccess Server is installed.

  2. Type the following command:

    bmc-ctd-si-copylv -b < input_file.txt

  3. From the command line, type the hostname, then press Enter.

  4. Type the username, then press Enter.

  5. Type the password, then press Enter.

  6. Select the reports you want to copy and type the report name mask.

    The logical views are copied to the repository.

Copying Logical Views to a Text File

This procedure describes how to batch copy logical views to a text file, which enables you to apply these Logical View to view reports on the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application.


  1. Log in to a host where Control-D/WebAccess Server is installed.

  2. Type the following command:

    bmc-ctd-si-copylv -b < input_file.txt

  3. From the command line, type the hostname, then press Enter.

  4. Type the username, then press Enter.

  5. Type the password, then press Enter.

  6. Type the following command:

    Copying to Files

  7. Type an absolute file path name of a folder or file that contains logical views.

  8. Type the full file path name of the destination directory.

    The logical views are copied to the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application.

CopyLV Utility Parameters

The following table describes the CopyLV prompts to copy logical views from a file to a repository.

Command Prompt


Enter the name of chosen host

Determines one of the following commands.

Valid values:

  • Copying from Files.

  • Copying to Files.

Enter an absolute path for file (files) with LV for copying

Defines the file path name to retrieve logical views.

Enter your choice

Defines the logical view to retrieve logical views.

Enter the name of chosen host:

Defines the name of the destination host to save the copied logical views.


Defines the username.


Defines the user password.

Enter report name mask for LV saving

Defines the report name, which uses wildcard characters, to extract logical views from selected files.

Enter 'R' to REPEAT or 'E' to END

Determines whether you can repeat or end the search to find logical views.