Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Configuration

You must configure a Web Server and establish a virtual directory to use the selected Internet access method, such as CGI, ISAPI, or Servlet before you use Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application. A web server manages HTTP requests, enforces security, and optimizes performance. A virtual directory organizes resources, simplifies URL mapping, and enables granular access control, which enables you to use the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application.

You must do the following:

Configuring a Web Server with Microsoft IIS

This procedure describes how to update the Web Service Extensions in the IAM installation bin directory when you use IIS 8 or later, which enables you to host the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application on Microsoft ISS:


  1. Start the Microsoft ISS Service.

  2. From the command line, define a virtual directory by running the following command:

    %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe add vdir /"Default Web Site"//path:/<Virtual Directory Name> /physicalPath:"<Installation Path>\bin"

    %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe add vdir /"Default Web Site"//path:/wa /physicalPath:"E:\Program Files\BMC Software\CONTROL-D\wa\bin"

  3. Adjust the Internet Access Method component settings by running the following series of commands:

    • %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config-section:system.applicationHost/applicationPools-[name='DefaultAppPool'].enable32BitAppOnWin64:false

    • %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd clear config "Default Web Site/<Virtual DirectoryName>"/section:handlers

    • %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config "Default Web Site/<Virtual DirectoryName>"/section:handlers /[name='CGI-exe',path='*.exe',verb='*',modules='CgiModule',resourceType='File',requireAccess='Execute',allowPathInfo='true']

    • %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config "Default Web Site/<Virtual DirectoryName>" /section:handlers /accessPolicy:Read,Script,Execute

    • %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd clear config "Default Web Site/<Virtual DirectoryName>" /section:isapiCgiRestriction

    • %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config /section:isapiCgiRestriction/+"[path='<Installation Path>\bin\bmc-ctd-wa-cgi.exe',description='CONTROL-D/WebAccess Server program',allowed='True']"

    • %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config /section:isapiCgiRestriction/+"[path='<Installation Path>\bin\bmc-ctd-wa-isapi.dll',description='CONTROL-D/WebAccess Server program',allowed='True']"

    • %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config /section:isapiCgiRestriction/+"[path='<Installation Path>\bin\bmc-ctd-wa-cgis.exe',description='CONTROL-D/WebAccess Server program',allowed='True']"

    • %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config /section:isapiCgiRestriction/+"[path='<Installation Path>\bin\bmc-ctd-wa-isapis.dll',description='CONTROL-D/WebAccess Server program',allowed='True']"

    • %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config /section:isapiCgiRestriction/+"[path='<Installation Path>\bin\bmc-ctd-studio-lv-cgi.exe',description='CONTROL-D/WebAccess Server program',allowed='True']"

    • %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config /section:isapiCgiRestriction/+"[path='<Installation Path>\bin\bmc-ctd-http-file-cgi.exe',description='CONTROL-D/WebAccess Server program',allowed='True']"

  4. Define the cgi timeout by running the following command:

    %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config /section:cgi /timeout:<hh:mm:ss>

    %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config /section:cgi /timeout:00:20:00
  5. (Optional) Enable HTTP compression, as discussed in Enabling HTTP Compression with ISS

    The virtual directory is configured.

Enabling HTTP Compression with ISS

This procedure describes how to enable HTTP compression on IIS, which enables you to improve performance when you use Control-D/WebAccess Server over a widely distributed network.

You can only enable HTTP compression when you use IIS 6.0 or higher.


  1. From the Control Panel, select Administrative Tools > Internet Services Manager.

    The Internet Information Services window appears.

  2. From the Web Sites folder, select Properties and select the Service tab.

    1. Select the Compress Application Files checkbox.

    2. Select the Compress Static Files checkbox.

    3. In the Temporary Directory field, type the filename.

    4. In the Maximum temporary directory size field, type the maximum size of the directory.

  3. From the Web Service Extensions folder, in the right pane, click Add a New Web Service Extension.

    The New Web Service Extension window appears.

    1. Select the HTTP Compression checkbox.

    2. Click Add.

    3. Select %windir%\system32\inetsrv\gzip.dll and click OK.

    4. Select the Set Extension Status to Allowed checkbox and click OK.

    HTTP Compression is enabled on the Internet Services Manager.

Creating a Virtual Directory with Microsoft IIS

This procedure describes how to create a new virtual directory with Microsoft IIS. A virtual directory is a path or alias within a website that refers users to another directory where the actual data is hosted.


  1. From the Control Panel, select Administrative Tools > Internet Services Manager.

    The Internet Information Services window appears.

  2. In the Internet Information Services window, expand Server Name.

  3. Right-click Default Web Side folder, and select New, and then select Virtual Directory.

    The Virtual Directory Creation Wizard window appears.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Type an alias name for the Control-D/WebAccess Server site, such as waserver.

    This is the virtual directory name for the URL to access the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web site.

  6. Click Next.

    The Virtual Directory Creation Wizard dialog box--Web Site Content Directory option appears.

  7. Type the path of the Internet access method installation_folder\bin directory, or click Browse to locate the correct path.

  8. Click Next.

  9. The Virtual Directory Creation Wizard dialog box--Access Permissions option appears.

  10. Define the access permissions for the virtual directory.

  11. Click Next and then click Finish.

    The Internet Information Services window appears.

  12. Configure the virtual directory properties, as described in Configuring Virtual Directory Properties with Microsoft IIS Web Server

    A new virtual directory is created.

Configuring Virtual Directory Properties with Microsoft IIS Web Server

This procedure describes how to configure the new virtual directory you created in Creating a Virtual Directory with Microsoft IIS.


  1. From the Control Panel, select Administrative Tools > Internet Services Manager.

    The Internet Information Services window appears.

  2. Type the name of the new virtual directory, such as, waserver, in the Application Name field.

  3. In the Application Settings Permissions area, select Scripts and Executables.

  4. To set the MIME type, do the following:

    1. From the HTTP Headers tab, select MIME Types.

    2. From the MIME Types drop-down list, select New Type.

      The MIME Types window appears.

    3. In the Associated Extension field, type .xpi.

    4. In the Content type (MIME) field, type application/x-xpinstall.

  5. In the MIME Type window, click OK.

  6. In the MIME Types window, click OK.

  7. In the Properties window, click OK.

    The virtual directory properties are configured.

Configuring a Web Server with Apache HTTP

This procedure describes how to create and configure a virtual directory in Apache HTTP server, which enables you to host the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application on UNIX.


  1. Navigate to the following directory:

    apache_http_server_installation /conf

  2. Open the httpd.conf configuration file in a text editor.

    1. Type the following script in the [Alias] section of the file:

      alias /<alias-name< "< wa-iam-bin-dir>"
      <Directory "<WebAccess Server installation>/bin">
          AddHandler cgi-script .exe
          Options All
          AllowOverride None
          Order allow,deny
          Allow from all
    2. Replace wa-iam-bin-dir with the path of the IAM installation_folder/bin directory.

    3. End the directory name with a slash before you insert the closing quotation mark.

      The virtual directory name must match the name, as described in Loading a WAR File to IBM WebSphere Servlet.

  3. Do the following: 
    1. Set the BMC_CTD_SystemRoot environment variable to the path of the Control-D/WebAccess Server installation.

    2. Set the LIBPATH environment variable to the path of the lib directory and replace library_path with one of the following, depending on the environment:

      • AIX: LIBPATH.

      • HP: SHLIB_PATH.

      • Solaris: LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

    3. (Optional) Set environment variables for the host and port of the Control-D/WebAccess Server host, which uses the Internet access method. The default choice of host is any IPv4 or IPv6 address, and the default choice of port is 7777.

      Enclose the IPv6 address in square brackets, such as, [2001:db8::1:2] when you define the host as an IPv6 address.

  4. Type the following command at the end of the httpd.conf file to instruct the Apache Server to pass requests to WebSphere:

    AddType application/x-xpinstall.xpi

  5. Ensure that index.htm appears in the DirectoryIndex line.

    DirectoryIndex index.htm

  6. Click Save.

  7. Restart the Web server.

    The virtual directory is created.

Creating a Virtual Directory with Apache HTTP

This procedure describes how to create a virtual directory in Apache HTTP, which enables you to host the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application on UNIX.


  1. Navigate to the following directory:

    apache_http_server_installation /conf

  2. Open the httpd.conf configuration file in a text editor and type the following script in the [Alias] section:

    Alias </virtual_directory_name>
    "<WebAccess Server installation>/bin"
    <Directory "<WebAccess Server installation>/bin">
    AddHandler cgi-script .exe
    Options All
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

    The virtual directory name must match the name, as described in Loading a WAR File to IBM WebSphere Servlet.

  3. Type the following script at the end of the httpd.conf file to instruct the Apache Server to pass requests to WebSphere:

    LoadModule app_server_http_module
  4. Click Save.

    The virtual directory is created.

Configuring a Web Server with IBM HTTP

This procedure describes how to configure an IBM HTTP Server, which enables you to access the WebAccess Server on a web browser.


  1. Navigate to the following location:

    ibm_http_server_installation/conf directory

  2. Open the httpd.conf configuration file in a text editor and type the following commands in the [Alias] section:

    Exec / wa /bmc-ctd-(.*) / was-iam-bin-dir /bmc-ctd-$1

    Pass / wa /* / was-iam-bin-dir /*

    1. Replace / wa / with the name of a virtual directory.

    2. Replace / was-iam-bin-dir / with the path of the Internet access method installation_folder/bin directory.

    The Exec line must be listed before the Pass line.

  3. Type the following command at the end of the httpd.conf file to add MIME type for .xpi files:

    AddType application/x-xpinstall .xpi

  4. Save the httpd.conf file and restart the Web server.

    The virtual directory is configured on an IBM HTTP Server.

Creating a Virtual Directory with IBM HTTP

This procedure describes how to create a virtual directory in IBM HTTP server, which enables you to host the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application on UNIX.


  1. Navigate to the following directory:

    apache_http_server_installation /conf

  2. Open the httpd.conf configuration file in a text editor.

    1. Type the following script in the [Alias] section of the file:

      Alias /virtual_directory_name "<WebAccess Server installation>/bin"
      <Directory "<WebAccess Server installation>/bin">
          AddHandler cgi-script .exe
          Options All
          AllowOverride None
          Order allow,deny
          Allow from all
    2. Replace virtual_directory_name with the desired virtual directory name, and <WebAccess Server installation> with the WebAccess Server installation file path.

    3. (Optional) Set environment variables for the host and port of the Control-D/WebAccess Server host that is used by the Internet access method. The default choice of host is any IPv4 or IPv6 address, and the default choice of port is 7777.

      You must enclose the IPv6 address in square brackets, such as, [2001:db8::1:2] when you define the host as an IPv6 address.

    The virtual directory name must match the name, as described in Loading a WAR File to IBM WebSphere Servlet.

  3. In the next line, type the following script to the file.

  4. Type the following command at the end of the httpd.conf file to instruct the IBM HTTP Server to pass requests to WebSphere:

    LoadModule app_server_http_module "<WebSphere_installation_folder>/bin/mod_app_server_http.dll"

    WebSpherePluginConfig "<WebSphere_installation_folder>/config/cells/plugin-cfg.xml"

  5. Click Save.

  6. Restart the IBM HTTP Server.

    The virtual directory is created.

Configuring a Web Server with IBM WebSphere Servlet

This procedure describes how to configure IBM WebSphere Servlet for UNIX, which enables you to host the Control-D/WebAccess Server Web Application on UNIX.


  1. Navigate to the following location:

    ibm_http_server_installation / conf directory

  2. Open the httpd.conf file with a text editor.

  3. Find the line that contains the following text:


  4. Type the following before this line.

    Map / <wa> /waservlet* /servlet/waservlet*

    Pass / wa /* / <wa-iam-bin-dir> /

  5. Add the following command after the /servlete/* line:

    AddType .xpi application/x-xpinstall

  6. Click Save and restart the Web Server.
  7. Navigate to the following location:


  8. Open the index.htm file with a text editor.

  9. Replace the following text:

    bmc-ctd-wa-cgi.exe with waservlet.

  10. Click Save.

    IBM WebSphere is configured.

Creating a WAR file with IBM WebSphere Servlet

This procedure describes how to create a Web Application Resource (WAR) File for WebSphere, which enables you to save all web resources within a single folder.


  1. Create a temporary directory, with a subdirectory named WEB-INF.

  2. From the WEB-INF directory, create a subdirectory named Classes.

  3. From the < IAM installation directory >/bin folder, copy the waservlet.class file.

  4. Save the waservlet.class file in the Classes subdirectory.

  5. From the WEB-INF subdirectory, create a new text file named web.xml.

  6. From the web.xml file, type one of the following scripts when you determine the BMC_CTD_WA_USING_SSL parameter:

    • True

      <web-app id="BMC_CTD_WebAccessServer">
          <display-name>BMC CONTROL-D/WebAccess Server</display-name>
          <description>BMC CONTROL-D/WebAccess Server configuration file</description>
      <context-param id="ContextParam_BMC_CTD_WA_HOST">
      <context-param id="ContextParam_BMC_CTD_WA_PORT">
      <context-param id="ContextParam_BMC_CTD_WA_SECURED_HOST">
      <context-param id="ContextParam_BMC_CTD_WA_SECURED_PORT">
      <context-param id="ContextParam_BMC_CTD_WA_USING_SSL">
      <context-param id="ContextParam_BMC_CTD_WA_SSL_PROTOCOL">
      <context-param id="ContextParam_BMC_CTD_WA_SSL_KEYFILE">
          <param-value>c:\\Program Files\\BMC Software\\Control-D\\wa\\config\\ssl\\bmc-ctd-wa-server.jks</param-value>
      <context-param id="ContextParam_BMC_CTD_WA_SSL_KEYFILE_PASSWORD">
      <servlet id="Servlet_BMC_CTD_waservlet">
          <description>BMC CONTROL-D/WebAccess Server servlet</description>
      <servlet-mapping id="ServletMapping_waservlet">
    • False

      <web-app id="BMC_CTD_WebAccessServer">
          <display-name>BMC CONTROL-D/WebAccess Server</display-name>
          <description>BMC CONTROL-D/WebAccess Server configuration file</description>
      <context-param id="ContextParam_BMC_CTD_WA_HOST">
      <context-param id="ContextParam_BMC_CTD_WA_PORT">
      <context-param id="ContextParam_BMC_CTD_WA_SECURED_HOST">
      <context-param id="ContextParam_BMC_CTD_WA_SECURED_PORT">
      <context-param id="ContextParam_BMC_CTD_WA_USING_SSL">
      <servlet id="Servlet_BMC_CTD_waservlet">
          <description>BMC CONTROL-D/WebAccess Server servlet</description>
      <servlet-mapping id="ServletMapping_waservlet">
  7. Change the following line in the web.xml file to contain the name or IP address of the WebAccess Server computer instead of localhost when you install Control-D/WebAccess Server WebAccess Server on a separate computer:



  8. Change the following line in the web.xml file when you configure Control-D/WebAccess Server is configured to listen to a port other than 7777:



  9. Save the web.xml file.

  10. Zip the temporary directory folder, including the WEB-INF subdirectory.

  11. Change the suffix of the zip filename from .zip to .war.

    The new filename is ctdwa.war when you change the suffix of the file.

    A WAR File appears.

Loading a WAR File to IBM WebSphere Servlet

This procedure describes how to load the waservlet.class file you created in Creating a WAR file with IBM WebSphere Servlet, to the WebSphere Administrative Console.


  1. Log in to the WebSphere Administrative Console.

  2. From the left pan, select Applications,

  3. Select Enterprise Applications.

    The WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console window appears.

  4. Select an application and click Install.

    The Preparing for the Application Installation screen appears.

  5. In the Path field, type the WAR file server path name you added in Creating a WAR file with IBM WebSphere Servlet.

    In the Context root field, type the virtual directory name and click Next.

    The Bindings and Mappings step appears.

  6. Click Next to bypass this option.

    Step 1 appears.

  7. Select the following checkboxes and click Next.

    • Distribute Application

    • Create MBeans for Resources

    Step 2 appears.

  8. Select the Virtual Host checkbox to map and click Next.

    Step 3 appears.

  9. Select the Application Server where to install the applications and click Next.

    Step 4 appears.

  10. Review the summary of the installation options and click Finish.

  11. Select the Save to Master Configuration checkbox and click Save.

    The WebSphere Administrative Console appears.

  12. From the WebSphere Administrative Console, select Applications.

  13. Select Enterprise Applications.

  14. Select an application and click Start.

    The application starts and is indicated by a green arrow in the Status column.

Defining an Apache HTTP Server WebSphere Plug-in.

This following procedure describes how to define the WebSphere plug-in in Apache HTTP server.


  1. Navigate to the following location:

    <WebSphere installation_folder>\cells folder

  2. Open the plugin-cfg.xml file with a text editor.

  3. From the plugin-cfg.xml file, in the UriGroup Name section type the following:

    <Url Name="/<virtual_directory>/waservlet/*"/>

  4. Click Save.

  5. Restart the Apache HTTP Server.

  6. Open the following file in a text editor:


  7. Set the default Internet Access Method to Servlet by editing the URL value so that it is equal to waservlet:

    <HTML><META HTTP-EQUIV= "Refresh" content="0;URL=waservlet? RequestType=LoginWindow"><HEAD></HEAD><BODY></BODY></HTML>

  8. Click Save.

    The WebSphere plug-is defined.